A Collection of Random
By: Yusuf Nyang’oro
My Sister
I love my sister, All the time She may not help me all the time, But I still love her, We may fight, But I still love her, We may disagree, But I still love her, We may not exactly get one another, But I still love her. The greatest gift and a curse, Is to have my sister as a sibling.
Average Halloween
Halloween is a time to dress up and have fun, You get your pillow bags, And walk out the door, You go to every door in your neighborhood, Expecting candy from each one And after the night is over, And you've had your fill in candy, You have to remember to stash it somewhere, Before your parents do.
Life Message
You could start off your life Bullying and doing wrong, You could have a lot, And waste it on stuff you don’t need, But one day your past could come back and haunt you, So you should always choose to do the right thing, Or when you grow up , And you need all of your wasted stuff, It will be gone and you will be left with nothing to help, So always remember, "You are what you are today because of the choices you made yesterday"