Final review cusco studio

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College of Architecture, Politecnico di Torino Master Degree in Architecture Construction City AY 2013 – 2014, Spring term

Design Unit 01PQKPQ Cusco Sun city: An experimental territory on the site of the Alejandro Velasco Astete Airport Final Review

Wednesday 11 June 2014, 08:30 - 10:00 Installation of the exhibition of projects at Lingotto. The materials have to be finished. It will not be possible to present other materials after this date!

COMPULSORY MATERIALS DRAWINGS IN FORMAT A1 (see the layout) URBAN MODEL 1:2000 to be inserted in the big urban model URBAN MODEL 1:500 ARCHITECTURAL MODEL 1:200 OR 1:100

COLLECTIVE URBAN PROJECT 1. Key Plan. Map of Cusco (1:50.000 or 1:100.000) with well shown the survey area and the site of the project (it is recommended to bring only a few indications on the map, eg: the tramway, the river, the area of the airport, the city centers, the main roads) 2. Synthetic schemes of the area within the context. The scale depends on the extent of the investigation: 1:2000, 1:5000 or 1:10000. 3. Only if needed, photographies of the context. 4. A general plan to clarify the relationship between the different parts of the project. This drawing should be a planivolumetric (with shadows) in the densified context: in 1:2000 scale for area A, and in scale 1:1000 or 1:500 for areas B and C. 5. Some layered diagrams will serve to illustrate (eg.): - Main roads, neighborhood connections, and connections with the tramway - Morphology of the built spaces of the project - Natural spaces and urban open spaces - Topography and water system - Community facilities and public services (welfare structure) - Other not residential functions (shopping centers, offices)

-‌ 6. Ground floor plan of the project in scale 1:500. Focusing on the different materials of the floor surfaces and their composition (the ground floor plan is needed when the aerial plan hides some surfaces of the ground floor). Schematic Plans (for example in scale 1:1000) of other levels of the project can be inserted when significant. 7. Sections in scale 1:500 8. Functional program of the project with specified accesses, connections, stairwells and distribution. We recommend to do synthetic schemes on the side of the main drawings, plans or axonometries. 9. Computation of the floor areas (mq) for each building (do not include it among the drawings). 10. Sketches and reduction in format A3 (as at the point 5 and 6 of the individual project below)

All the drawings can be made on two / three vertical panels A1 format. Here is a hypothesis: - Key Plan, urban schemes, selection of photographs and short texts (essential) can compose the first panel. - Reference projects, Aerial plan with functional program and some sections, the second. - The design of the ground floor with significant sections and any other material will take up a possible third panel (if necessary).

ATTENTION! It will not possible to see your Model 1:2000 inserted in the big Urban Model, so that you need to do it at Monday 9 or Tuesday 10 June: photograph your model in the context of the big Urban model, and print these photographs for the final exhibition and presentation. We will discuss your 1:2000 urban model together with these photographs!

INDIVIDUAL ARCHITECTURAL PROJECT 1. Text in 2 parts: - A- from the point of view of the architect = text max. 2 sheets of 2000 signs - B- from the point of view of the citizen / user of the building = text max. 2 sheets of 2000 signs 2. Model in scale 1:200 or 1:100 of the building / group of buildings, or eventually partial (cut) model of the building. 3. Plans, sections and elevations in scale 1:200, with illustrative schemes on accesses, internal distributions, etc‌ 1 o 2 sheets A1, using the graphic codes. Indicate on the plans the function of the rooms (if possible with furniture), the altimetric quotes, the north. On the ground floor plans, indicate always the external spaces. On the sections indicate the altimetric quotes, on the elevations indicate the materials. If the building is very big, it is possible to have the plans at the scale 1:500 and the sections at the scale 1:200!

4. Partial sections and elevations in scale 1:50 or 1:20, with the indication of materials, especially if you use solutions with partial self-construction, and 3-D visualisations. For these 3-D views please don’t present photorealistic “render”: it’s better to use black and white perspectives, eventually with the addition of human figures, trees, etc. with the use of “photoshop” or by hand. We appreciate especially the presentation of cut-perspectives (with the visualisation of internal spaces) and of axonometric views. 1 o 2 sheets A1. 5. Sketchbook with sketches, thoughts, references, with the documentation of the design process, the variations, the references to the contemporary architecture, the urban analyse, etc… 6. Reduction in format A3 of the design drawings, together with photographic views of the models. The same materials have to be registered in a CD-ROM or DVD.

Wednesday 11 June 2014, 10:00 - 20:00 Thursday 12 June 2014, 09:00 – 13:00 Final critics of the projects N.B. The participation of all the students to the collective critics is obligatory. The discussion of the single projects will explore some general questions of urban design and architectural composition, and this discussion will be useful for all the projects! Many critical observations could be repeated from one project to the next: because the limited time for the discussion, we will not repeat some critics precedently expressed, in a way to permit a better concentration on the specific aspects of every project.

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