WIE 2013 ENG

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Work-Integrated Education 2012/13 1


Message from the Dean of Students


Message from the Director of Careers and Placement Services


About Office of Careers and Placement Services (CAPS)


About Work-Integrated Education (WIE)


WIE in Hong Kong


WIE in China


WIE in Overseas


Feedback from WIE partners

36 Acknowledgement



In the summer of 2013, a total 340 students have gone aboard to take up their first Work-Integrated Education (WIE). To some of the students, this is their first opportunity to work overseas.

The establishment of Office of Careers and Placement Services (CAPS) in December 2012 is to equip our students to be employers’ preferred graduates and provide on-the-job learning opportunities.

We here at PolyU are committed to uphold the spirit of our motto – “To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind”. We are proud to be the first University in Hong Kong to recognize the importance of the application of classroom knowledge through compulsory industrial internship before graduation. Since 2005, PolyU has made work-integrated learning a mandatory component of the curriculum, nurturing professional competence in all-rounded students.

Work-Integrated Education (WIE) especially those in offshore locations are regarded as the most valuable opportunities for students to adapt to the foreign working culture, challenge their ability to travel and work in foreign locations, and expose to practical work requirements. CAPS has established a good network in offshore locations, including Mainland China, Australia, Canada, USA, UK, Poland, Russia, Tukey and more, where a lot of employers, NGO’s, and/or government bodies provide such internship opportunities. Feedback received from employers reinforces that students with internship experience are considered favorably when it comes to selection and recruitment upon graduation.

Through WIE internship programmes, students are given a chance to have a head-start on their career, to realize their dreams early and to equip themselves further with additional soft skills before they enter the employment market. We envisage the WIE programme to act as a beacon to stimulate and sharpen the awareness of students at an early stage, to build on the acquired academic knowledge, to refine young talents and to mould future leaders for the industries. Each year we are delighted to be supported by a diversified range of WIE opportunities made available to our students, thanks to the support from local, mainland and overseas industries alike. We are also grateful to have a team of very dedicated colleagues, academic and administrative staff of WIE and CAPS working behind the scene. We want to take this opportunity to say thank you to our industrial partners, as well to everyone involved for making the WIE programmes so enjoyable. I trust as you read through this WIE book, you would enjoy the experience and agree with me that the WIE programmes play an essential role in the student life to enhance and enrich the all-roundedness in PolyU students.

The purpose of WIE Exhibition is to recap the offshore and local internships that have been undertaken by our students last summer and who have benefited tremendously from the experience. In this booklet, you will have a birds’ eye-view on the locations, nature of internships and experience sharing. Some of the employers also provided invaluable feedback to our students whom will no doubt benefit for their lifelong learning. Taking this opportunity, I like to thank the staff at CAPS who have relentlessly put together such informative and inspiring exhibition, which is the first kind hosted on PolyU campus. I hope you will enjoy the booklet and visit our exhibition. If you require further information, you may contact career.caps@polyu.edu.hk .

Melina Lai (Ms) Professor Keith C.C. Chan

Director of Careers and Placement Services The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dean of Students The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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Practical training and connecting classroom theory with workplace applications are indispensable for meeting the needs of society. Top priority is placed on nurturing allround students with professional competence, and thus all students in undergraduate degree programmes are required to complete a mandatory Work-Integrated Education (WIE) component as a part of the curriculum requirement since 2005. WIE is a work-based learning experience through internship that takes place in a reallife work environment which is relevant to the student’s chosen profession. We assist students in fulfilling WIE requirements through offering summer internship opportunities in Hong Kong, the Chinese Mainland and overseas from which they learn by taking on various roles in organizations, as well as by observation and reflection.

Mainland and Overseas Internship CAPS aims to provide a linkage between employers and students to optimize students’ career plan. We offer comprehensive career guidance and development service to PolyU students including the following: • Career development and training programmes to help students identify career interests, to prepare for workplace requirements and to hone their job-search skills • Personal and small group career coaching and guidance to optimize students’ career plan • Local, Mainland and Overseas internship opportunities for the fulfillment of Work- Integrated Education (WIE) requirements • Meeting and networking with prospective employers to learn about graduate job opportunities at recruitment talks, career fairs and career seminars • Various internship opportunities, graduate permanent placements and career information through PolyU Job Board and Joint Institutions Job Information System (JIJIS)

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Offshore placements are great opportunities for students to develop a global perspective while gaining work experience. Over the past few years, many diverse WIE opportunities have been provided to students so that they can accumulate experience in Hong Kong and internationally.

Distribution of internships offered by CAPS in 2012/13

Local Internship Offshore Internship

Successful placements



No. of student applications



To encourage students to take on a meaningful offshore WIE placement which may not be remunerated, students can apply for Offshore WIE Sponsorship (OWS) to cover part of the costs incurred such as passage, accommodation, and travel insurance.

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WIE in Hong Kong Local Internship offers annually a wide array of job opportunities for students’ personal and professional development needs as well as for meeting their WIE requirements of virtually all PolyU disciplines of study: • • •

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Post-Secondary Student Summer Internship Programme of the HKSARG Local Internship by Private Companies “Excellence in Technology Innovation and Commercialization Scholarship Award Scheme” (ETHICS)

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LIU Dong BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering “Excellence in Technology Innovation and Commercialization Scholarship Award Scheme” (ETHICS)

YUEN Justin Hayden

Summer Intern with the system design team for the LTE project in the Communication Technology Group, The Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI)

BA (Hons) Major in English Studies for the Professions 2013 Administrative Service Summer Internship Programme Summer Intern at Sham Shui Po District Office, Home Affairs Department, HKSARG

There is no doubt that working in ASTRI this summer was an interesting and valuable experience in my professional and personal developments. My working experience at the LTE base station team primarily focused on data and signal transmission. Among various achievements, my contribution to the design of new algorithms for the project helped contribute to the next stage of project development.

Last summer, I had the opportunity to work in the Administrative Service Summer Internship Programme and was posted to the Sham Shui Po District Office of the Home Affairs Department. My job duties, among others, included community liaison, collecting views on policies from district council members and the public, as well as engagement in district management operations.

My performance was praised by the Group’s Principal Engineer who stated that I had been “a diligent and active learner and a helpful teammate”. After the project completion, I found that I enhanced my perseverance, thoughtfulness and willingness to explore, all of which are important and necessary for the field of research. I also learnt the importance of becoming a good team member.

One of the most unforgettable experiences was joining an operation targeting street sleepers and homeless people. Witnessing the situation made me realise that the problem was much more complicated than I thought and there were other problems associated with this issue, such as drug abuse and safety issues, around the neighbourhoods. This visit has taught me to look at matters from different perspectives and also that I ought to think further before making any judgement. Sham Shui Po is a diverse and special neighbourhood in Hong Kong. This internship also allowed me to gain exposure to various district issues relating to ethnic minorities and urban renewal. All these factors have increased my knowledge of the district and of Hong Kong and have changed my way of thinking. Such hands-on experience in government work has brought me new perspective and enhanced my interest in working in the civil service sector.


CHAN Ching Yeung, Alfred

BSc (Hons) Applied Biology with Biotechnology

BBA (Hons) Major in Accountancy

“Excellence in Technology Innovation and Commercialization Scholarship Award Scheme” (ETHICS)

Legal and Compliance Division Intern, CCB International (Holdings) Limited This was a valuable internship experience as I was given the opportunity to assist in various tasks and in the administrative support for the legal and compliance team as well as the company secretary. For instance, I offered my assistance in the management of the legal and regulatory records and information required by colleagues to ensure compliance with related law. This internship not only provided me with meaningful exposure to the operations of legal and compliance in a renowned financial institution, but it was also an opportunity to train up my detail oriented mind-set and organizational skills that will pave the way for my career preparation for auditing positions.

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Intern at The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC)

These eight weeks of internship in the fields of biotechnology and microbiology at the HKPC was certainly an eye-opener. I conducted in depth research into the latest technology in science, scientific laws and market values which gave me an insight into the professional field, the direction it is taking and the possible future prospects. Besides the technical aspects, my duties included drafting protocols for the lab and assisting in conducting seminars and much more. This was truly a fruitful internship where I also learnt of the business aspects of biotechnology that connect science and technology to our daily lives and I received a lot of encouragement from my supervisor who rated my performance as “highly competent in biotechnology, capable of completing tasks quickly with high quality as well as an intelligent and quick learner and team player”. A first internship always leaves a lasting impression on one’s life and I have been very fortunate to have a rewarding internship where I experienced new dimensions in my field and also a great opportunity to meet with remarkable professionals who are doing amazing jobs every day. I believe it is essential to grasp every opportunity that comes along the way because every opportunity is the start of a new experience. Work-Integrated Education 2012/13 9

WIE in China Mainland China internship can help students to explore Chinese business and culture as well as shed some light on their future career development. CAPS offered various types of opportunities for students in Mainland China. In 2013, students were placed in different placement locations in China: • • • • • • • • •

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Beijing Shanghai Nanjing Hangzhou Xi’an Chengdu Fuzhou Chongqing And more…

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Shanghai YU Hoi Yat BSc (Hons) Surveying

China Shanghai Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd, Shanghai On the first day of the internship, we were invited to participate in an online interview between a project manager from the US and a Chinese urban planner for which we were the interpreters. Later we helped translate three books of regulation and codes for a project in Kuwait, which took us five weeks to complete. I was very fortune that I was given the chance to look at some of the formats of their design submission to the government. Also, I took time to reflect on the difference between two fast growing cities, Shanghai and Hong Kong. I had many questions as to why Shanghai could maintain such a good balance of development, while Hong Kong could not? I am quite interested in China’s situation and I might choose China as the subject of my final year project. To me, the whole internship experience was a kind of mock working experience and I think it really showed me what my life would be like after I graduate. I had thought that studying was hard work, but now, after spending time with designers and architects who worked all day and often leave the company only after 10 p.m., I realized that I did not have a clear concept of what hard work really was. If a careless mistake was made, the consequence would not be failing a subject, but a loss of employment. It is time for me to grow up and prepare myself for the battlefield of work.

Shanghai POON Sze Wai BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles

Shanghai Metersbonwe Fashion and Accessories Co., Ltd, Shanghai I was assigned to the department of supply chain apparel technology which is important for garment manufacturing as its major function is to turn designers’ conceptual and artistic fashion sketches into wearable products. As I was not familiar with apparel pattern drawing, especially using the CAD computer drawing tool, I was asked to learn the drawing skills through practice at work. My greatest accomplishment in the internship is that I learnt computer apparel pattern drawing skills. Initially, I had little knowledge and only some very basic theories of apparel pattern drawing which were taught in class, not to mention computer pattern drawing by CAD. However, it did not make sense for a pattern drawer to produce drawings by hand for mass production. To fulfill the duties of a pattern designer, I tried my best to learn computer drawing skills. At the beginning, I tried to learn through a reference book in simplified Chinese. I discovered there was a difference between theory and the operational practice and my first attempt was a disaster. Luckily, I had a very helpful tutor who supervised my progress and taught me a lot. Finally I successfully drew the patterns for trousers and shirts which were used to make garments with the sewing machines. Work-Integrated Education 2012/13 12

Shanghai Water Resources Protection Bureau of Taihu Basin, Shanghai During the six-week internship, I was involved in a number of projects, some of which were related to island road construction, and submarine optical cable pavement, while others were about the improvement of fishing harbor channels. I also took part in project related tasks, such as helping to produce the CAD drawings of roads or industrial reconstruction layouts, and researching on enterprises in Shanghai’s industrial district by making phone calls and surfing the internet. Apart from those tasks, I also participated in two on-the-spot investigations. One was collecting data on the countryside surrounding Shanghai and the other was checking the water quality of Taihu, which was the project that left the deepest impression on me during my internship. Our team chose many of the measurement locations that span both Jiangsu and Zhejiang province to make sure that we could have a proper understanding of the situation in different places. Then the supervisor lectured us on the blue-green algae situation in the last few years, especially the serious pollution in 2007. He also demonstrated to us how to analyze the nitrogen and phosphorus content in the water.

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XU Zihao BEng (Hons) Industrial and Systems Engineering


Hangzhou FUNG Wing Yeung BBA (Hons) Marketing

Vacuum Best Design, Zhejiang Chance Investment Co., Ltd, Hangzhou My major duty was to do research and provide my opinions on how to use social networking sites to attract potential customers. My responsibilities were to understand the functions and workings of Weibo and identify the weaknesses of the company’s Weibo presence. Taking reference from other companies I had to prepare a proposal on improving the company’s Weibo image. My colleagues preferred teamwork to individual work, they usually have a lot of discussion before making a final decision. They liked to give opinions and suggestions to others to make the work perfect.

ONG Fen Fen BBA (Hons) Marketing


VNU Exhibitions Asia, Shanghai This internship was an eye opener for me, looking back I experienced more personal growth than at any time in my life. This internship opened me to the world of event management and I also learnt a lot about the types of environment I would work best in, how to work efficiently and what motivates me.

I would love to return to this company again as an intern. Since I am a student of business administration, I seldom come into contact with other fields. Working in this company allowed me to gain a lot of knowledge of interior design. After the internship has ended, I have learnt the differences and characteristics of different interior design styles such as Mediterranean, English and French. Also, I was exposed to a lot of interior decoration materials which has enriched my knowledge.

I spent six weeks working to support Pet Fair Asia, which took place in August. My main responsibility was contacting customers and inviting them to join the Pet Fair Asia conference. This not only tested my communication skills but also my work efficiency. As I had to call around 130 customers and assist in administrative work every day, I needed to schedule my work efficiently and effectively. In general, Chinese society seems to me to be a collective society with its members yearning for group affiliation, whether to their family, school, work group, or country. In order to maintain a sense of harmony, people will act with decorum at all times and will not do anything to cause anyone public embarrassment. The quality that I respect most is that the people I met were willing to subjugate their own feelings for the greater good of the group. In some situations this means giving face to others and refraining from speaking up as doing so would make them lose face.

Xi’an ZHAO Aonan BBA (Hons) Management

Shanghai ZHU Yongshi BA (Hons) Chinese and Bilingual Studies

The Bund, Wenhui Xinmin United Press Group, Shanghai As a student of the Faculty of Humanities, I always dream of working as a reporter. Therefore, this summer internship was a perfect opportunity for me to learn more about this industry and help me decide whether this kind of job is suitable for me. I represented my supervisor at several press conferences and went to Jiaxing for a two-day business trip. What is also worth mentioning is that I had more than five articles published in a magazine. Every week, when I saw the edited articles with my name in, I felt truly excited and proud, and that was my happiest moment in each week. However, all those achievements were followed by the inevitable challenges and setbacks. I found that I am always getting stuck for fresh ideas or in finding the proper words when translating or writing. At those moments, I learnt to find a way out for myself by searching for more related material to achieve a breakthrough. Communicating with different people is one of the most important skills that a reporter should master. During my internship, I had the chances to meet with people, including reporters from other media and public relations firms. Finally I regard myself as a real media professional when attending social occasions and this attitude, along with the work experience I have gained could give me a valuable boost for my future career. Work-Integrated Education 2012/13 14

Xi’an Qujiang Publishing & Media Investment Group Co, Ltd, Xi’an During my first summer break at university, I chose to travel to Xi’an by myself to work after comparing the city with Beijing and Shanghai. The reason was that I had lived in eastern China and I wanted to experience the differences in culture between eastern and western China. This company’s core businesses include investment, publishing, distribution, printing, advertising media, animation, etc. I learnt a lot about how a real business operates and realized the difference between working and studying. My colleagues taught me how to behave properly at work and during business negotiations. Also I found my weakness was in financial accounting. Therefore, I decided I would improve my accounting knowledge by studying. The greatest accomplishment in my internship was that I completed a comprehensive analysis of the cooperation methods of a Xi’an community website - The Glory of Xi’an. I highlighted the weaknesses of the website and suggested several cooperation methods. Another achievement I am proud of is that I took part in the negotiations for the acquisition of Leya Anime Company. I learnt a lot about company acquisition during the negotiations. Xi’an is a traditional city, rich in culture, with a history of more than two thousand years. On weekends, I visited the Terra Cotta Warriors Museum and Tang Paradise. I was awed by their grandeur.

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Nanjing China Unicom, Nanjing At the beginning, my goal of working in this famous company was not so clear. I was assigned to the operation and maintenance department. The main role of this department is to maintain good services to its customers using many technical approaches. It is a department of great importance as China Unicom provides many different kinds of services to its customers; they need to ensure a high quality of work at all times, so the workload of this department is heavy and I felt the pressure during the time I was there.

Nanjing XU Weichen BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering

My main duties were to check the function of SIM cards from different countries and monitor the operation of their fixed line network in different parts of Nanjing. From the work experience I gained, I learnt about the actual operation principle of the SIM card in mobile phones and how to ensure uninterrupted fixed network services for different customers.

NARI Solar Technology Co. Ltd. , Nanjing I was assigned to the Research and Development Department, which mainly focuses on product design and product related fields. In the company, my supervisor organized group meetings about once every two days. In the meetings, he would assign work to everyone. During this period, I underwent employee training in the morning every day for two weeks. I received training not only in professional knowledge but also some workplace skills. In my daily work, I was assigned different work in different periods. Our group developed the enterprise standards for 220V photovoltaic gridconnected devices and 380V photovoltaic grid-connected devices. Our group also applied for a patent for photovoltaic grid-connected devices. Also, we wrote the instruction manual for 10KV photovoltaic grid-connected devices. After gaining a further understanding of the technology, I was able to work independently: I wrote the instruction manual for 380V photovoltaic grid-connected devices.

NG Ka Ki BEng (Hons) Electronic and Information Engineering

To me, it has been a valuable experience to work in such a famous company and an exciting experience living in Nanjing for one and a half months. It has left me with a lasting impression.

Nanjing Everbright Securities, Nanjing In the Financial Advisory Department, I learnt that to make good investment decisions, we should not only rely on statistical analysis alone, but also read company news, consult policies, track the performance of the industry, etc. A comprehensive analysis is the very beginning of a good investment decision. So, when I came back to Hong Kong, I started to develop a habit of reading financial news. Through administering documents, I learnt that I should treat all tasks, even small ones, seriously and carefully. My supervisor told me every small job is the basis for a bigger task. This advice really reminds me what a positive working attitude is.

CHAN Ho Ting BSc (Hons) Investment Science

After this internship, I learnt that my academic background helped me little in this job, because the business world is ever-changing. For example, in the Financial Advisory Department, when I was doing data analysis, many situations could not be explained simply by mathematical and financial theories. They may be caused by company policy, world financial markets or just investor irrationality. Another interesting aspect of working in China is that every morning we were required to do stretching exercises and attend the morning assembly. I found that working in the business field is challenging and therefore interesting. Most of the people I met are highly intelligent and have a clear mindset. I would like to be one of them after my graduation.

Nanjing Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Nanjing As a business logistics student, working as an intern in an art museum does not seem very logical, and some people around me did question me about this. But I do feel this was a great chance for me to learn more about other industries. Most students are confined to their own field and lack the chance to reach out to other sectors. As Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum is a provincial art museum, it is a precious opportunity and probably the only chance for me to work in such a place; I hoped I could learn things that I cannot learn in Hong Kong.

YU Hoi Ka BBA (Hons) International Shipping and Transport Logistics

In the public education department, I was responsible for assisting my colleagues in daily operations and preparation for activities and functions such as a summer activity for children to have block printing lessons, kindergarten museum visits, famous artist conferences exhibition tours, etc. Also as an intern in the art museum, my extra mission was to be a tour guide for other Hong Kong and Nanjing university students in this program on days the museum was open. Even though some of the activities were held on Sunday, and I had to go in to work which meant sacrificing my holidays in Nanjing; I still feel it was worthwhile. I enjoyed every moment of my 42-day internship, the time spent with my friends, colleagues and the city, which made me want to stay longer in Nanjing. I never have expected that before my internship there.

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Beijing HOU Hang Kwan BBA (Hons) Accounting and Finance

Qiandao Capital Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd, Beijing


After this internship, I believe I have experienced personal growth and become a more competent person. One of my strengths, as my supervisor noted, was that I am a good speaker and suitable for working in the public relations field. He observed that even when serving foreign guests, I was able to engage them in conversation. Also, I found that I am a very detail-oriented person and I tend to double check my work to ensure there are no errors.

LEE Pui Fong BA (Hons) Chinese and Bilingual Studies

Blue Ocean Network, Beijing

Also, the internship allowed me to discover some of my weaknesses, one of them being my lack of confidence. I always have doubts about my ability to complete tasks well. Another weakness is that my horizons are not broad enough. Every time I am given a task or a research topic, I do not think through the issues deeply enough. That is the reason why I often ignore some important aspects which I should have paid more attention to.

What is currently happening in the media industry? What exactly would I encounter if I were a member of this industry? Would I be able to handle the challenges? These are some of the questions that I have to answer in order to find out whether this industry is really suitable for me.

I have a clearer picture of my future career after the internship. I understand better the work of different positions in the financial industry after I have met people from different departments. After learning about their job nature, I know I am interested in observing and predicting economic conditions and analyzing data. So, before graduation, I plan to put more efforts into upgrading my skills in order that I can be capable of handling a job in the financial industry. I am very glad that I now know what I want for my future career, even as a year one student, through this internship program. The earlier I choose my career path, the better I can prepare for it.

I worked in the program production and marketing departments, both of these have a staff of over 20. My duties included assisting colleagues to do research for upcoming projects, converting files or documents into soft copies, translations and assisting in recording interviews. Although my role may not have been directly related to program production, my work was essential in the making of a program so I never thought my responsibilities were trivial. When I was doing research on different topics, I was fascinated by how big the world actually is and how many things we do not know. It seems that there are always new things for us to discover. In the past, I have always considered myself a patient person, but after the internship experience, I realize I have to redefine my understanding of ‘patience’. While others were concentrating on their work, I found I had to develop my skills to be able to maintain the high level of focus needed. This new skill will certainly benefit me in future work and study.

TSE Yuk Hei BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles


Eve Fashion Limited, Beijing The main goal of my internship was to better understand China’s fashion industry. To develop my future career, working in China may be an option. Another goal was to learn more about the Chinese culture. My achievements included being one of the fitting models in the photo shoot for the “Tai Chi” project. I have never done Tai Chi in my life, it was a new experience for me. Also, I completed two presentations during the last six weeks and I am proud of them. I had to work till midnight because my boss asked me to finish before the deadline. The heavy workload was a big challenge for me, and I felt a sense of accomplishment when the project was completed. Also, I really admire the designers in my team who worked on the brand ’EVE de CINA’. They did not have much support from the company since it is a new brand. For example, they had to pay for the textiles and transportation fee out of their own pockets, to them, these expenses were large (even though they could claim the money back from the company later). I really admire those designers who never give up and put all their efforts into building the brand. Work-Integrated Education 2012/13 18

Beijing WONG Man Chan BBA (Hons) Accounting and Finance

Baker Tilly China, Beijing As a second-tier accounting firm, Baker Tilly promotes transparency, inclusiveness and simplicity in its corporate culture. As old-fashioned as this might seem, I could really sense these values the first day I walked into their office. The staff kept asking us what we needed, despite our differences in language and culture, and they managed to bear with us at times when our limited Putonghua ability did not deliver our messages as clearly as we had hoped. I was assigned to the Quality Control Department where we helped inspect and maintain reports, and upload the approved ones onto the company database. One can imagine that this is a tedious job.

However, our supervisor was very considerate and she managed to find us more interesting jobs – to help advising us on real and difficult accounting cases. In addition to recalling all the accounting knowledge that we have learnt, we had to cross reference this with the accounting practice in China to handle each case. This clarified the duties of an auditor for me. While some would say that this is equally dull and routine a job, I found that striving for perfection is quite compatible with my personality. The accuracy, objectivity, and professionalism required in auditing somehow ignited my passion for a career in this field.

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TONG Yiu Sing BBA (Hons) Marketing

The most unforgettable project during my internship was a project about promoting a Nokia mobile phone. It required the use of Weibo for the promotion. It was really challenging for me because I do not have much knowledge of Weibo nor was I experienced in preparing a Chinese PowerPoint presentation. Fortunately, my supervisor was very nice and helpful. He explained Weibo and its functions to me, and he also gave me a background of the China market as well as many recommendations for improving my work. Finally, I completed the project and my supervisor was satisfied with it.

Beijing CHAN Ming Kei BSc (HONS) Enterprise Engineering With Management

Yonyou Software Co., Ltd., Beijing Yonyou is a leading enterprise management software company which went public on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2001. I was appointed to one of its subsidiaries, Seentao, which focuses on the education sector and writes tailor-made software for higher education institutions. Among its clients are such well-known institutions as Peking University and Tsinghua University. I was placed in the Strategic Marketing Department. Being an intern, I had to deal with different tasks. I was responsible for managing the Wechat public platform account which was used to promote the brand and deliver the latest information on their educational products. Also, magazines are published twice a month and I needed to prepare the material and sources. Also, we had to keep the staff informed internally by sending messages. Obviously, there is a big difference in the culture and lifestyles between Hong Kong and Beijing. It is not uncommon to observe uncivil behavior, especially when travelling on public transportation. One example is that the trains are often extremely crowded and you have to ‘fight’ your way out when you have reached your destination. In spite of this, Beijing is still a lovely city.

Sina.com Technology (China) Co. Ltd. , Beijing

In terms of personal growth, I learnt to be an independent person through the internship experience. I had to take care of myself during the forty days I was in Beijing. Tasks which seemed trivial and simple required a lot efforts. For example, I had to wash my clothes by hand as there was no washing machine in the hotel, nor any laundry shop nearby. Therefore, I had to buy a bucket to store my clothes and a line for hanging up the clothes after washing. This was a challenging task for me every night because it was really quite exhausting.

WONG Ka Lo BSc (Hons) Logistics Engineering and Management


The Leader Logistics Co. Ltd., Beijing During my internship with The Leader Logistics Co., my team members and I conducted research to find possible solutions to improving the performance of one of the company warehouses. We looked into methods that would increase the efficiency of the work flow, which included warehouse design and management. We found the existing situation of placing goods on the shelves was not effective. The location of each type of goods was not optimal. After working hard on the project and gaining an understanding of the concepts from our supervisors, we came up with an improvement plan. By conducting tests and making calculations, we devised some solutions and presented our findings to the senior management. When I was drawing the new floor plan, I suddenly realized that what I have learnt in class was useful and the knowledge helped me in this project. Our supervisors really appreciated our efforts, they each provided positive feedback to us. It was a great encouragement to us.

Fuzhou Yango Group Co., Ltd, Fuzhou In the 20 working days I spent in the Engineering Management Department of Yango Group, I needed to follow my mentor, Mr Lin, who is a senior civil engineer. I was glad because he focused on how well I have learnt rather than my contribution to the company. I discovered my strengths and abilities during the internship. Mr Lin said I was trustworthy and responsible, both commendable personal qualities, he also said I was a capable worker, willing to learn and take up new roles. After hearing the above comments, the first thing I did was to review the tasks that I had finished and the attitude I had during working. Understanding one’s strengths can be a bonus for future development. In addition, I am pleased that my mentor has written a reference letter for me, which will benefit my future career.

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Work-Integrated Education 2012/13 20

NG Chi Man BEng (Hons) Industrial and Systems Engineering

Mr Lin also commented that I should thoroughly analyze what he has taught me and learn how to practically apply the knowledge. I agree with his comments on my weaknesses as I usually quickly scanned the information that he gave me. At first, I was confused because the information he gave me was not directly related to engineering; but later I found that, those materials were useful for the last two weeks. From his comments, I have learnt a lesson: we cannot skip steps, otherwise, the task cannot be completed successfully.

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cured ts se n gh e d stu throu nities h olyU 4 6 P ip opportu t e d Y o u t h i , s n d n l r r U e int Wo Kong New ip H o n g a t i o n ’s “ r Internsh e ci A s s o uth” Summ o Y . New 2013 amme Progr



HUI Wai Kwan BA (Hons) Chinese and Bilingual Studies

CHENG Boyee BBA (Hons) Management

China Radio International, Beijing

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd, Chengdu

During the five weeks of my internship, I mainly participated in the production of the radio show “China Now”. I successfully assisted foreign reporters to file two news reports for segments of Hangouts and Cultural Voyage, translated and edited six news reports, participated in a radio station tour with middle school students and designed posters for the department. Among the completed tasks, I am most proud of the news reports I compiled for Hangouts. I assisted a foreign reporter to file a story about a famous Beijing Opera Museum - the Huguang Guild Hall and followed that report from concept generation to conclusion. I was so happy because I received compliments and recognition from my colleagues.

My five-week internship was spent in three departments and can be divided into three parts, which are back office work, visiting branches and helping to develop a market research report. Among the three departments, the most interesting was the marketing and branding department. In that unit, I learnt how Chow Tai Fook maintains its branding by using both software and hardware. For example, my colleagues brought me to a branch and taught me how to evaluate the appearance of the jewelry display and monitor the service quality of the staff in order to maintain the professional image of Chow Tai Fook. They also gave me some documents to read such as information about its advertising strategies and marketing events. After reading the documents, my knowledge of marketing in China has improved and I have learnt how a company builds good relationships with its customers.

Having the chance to observe radio hosts and broadcasters at work, I realized language ability and communication skills are important in the media industry. Since I am currently a student of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, my academic background proved very helpful to my work as an intern. I had the chance to watch the professionals in broadcasting media working and I realized they have a very challenging job which gives them a sense of accomplishment. I am thinking about studying communication or broadcasting for my master’s degree in the future and working in the broadcasting media is definitely one of my top career choices.

New World Strategic (Beijing) Investment Consultancy Ltd Co., Beijing


My internship goals were practicing what I have learnt in the classroom and experiencing the working environment of the Mainland. Since I had taken a course in marketing research in year 2, I had basic knowledge of researching and analyzing data. In my internship, I applied the skills learnt in the course and explored different methods of researching data. This internship has been a test to see whether I am suitable for working in the mainland or not.

KOK Hoi In BSc (Hons) Hotel Management

Xinyi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, Chengdu When I was an intern with the property development company, the manager would ask me to follow him to learn about his daily work. Also, I followed different supervisors, including the person in charge of security and the person in charge of the environment, to patrol the residential area. I even visited a branch of the China Construction Bank with the treasurer to deposit funds. When I was posted to the clubhouse, I had a chance to meet different customers and became familiar with the payment system. I followed a security guard to check the underground water and electricity system. I also had a chance to follow a supervisor to purchase equipment. Apart from that, I accompanied the human resources manager to a job fair. These were all valuable experiences for me and I am grateful for them.

My duties in this company were researching targeted companies and conducting analysis of their financial status and background. This was to help the company assess the investment risk. In addition, I had three to four meetings with my supervisor each week. During the meetings, my supervisor would discuss the financial news with me. In addition, he explained the functions of different financial indexes and the principles of the stock market to me. This has enriched my financial knowledge and made me understand the development of the Chinese stock markets. Also, he gave me his opinions on my work so that I can improve in my job.


I had a chance to represent the trainees who had worked in New World Limited to do a presentation in a closing ceremony. This was an excellent opportunity to practice my presentation skills.

BEng (Hons) Product Engineering with Marketing


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I found that I do not like office work during my time with the company. While many of my colleagues thought patrolling a project was exhausting, I enjoyed it a lot. I discovered that I am the type of person who likes a job that requires walking around rather than sitting in the office all day long.

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WIE in Overseas The overseas internship provides students work experience abroad as well as a chance to enhance their independence, flexibility, communication and foreign language skills. In 2013, students were placed in diversify placement locations around the world: Continent Country Asia Japan Australasia Australia North America Canada United States Europe Germany Poland Russia Spain Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom

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USA ZHANG Yating, Renee BBA (Hons) Global Supply Chain Management

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, San Francisco, USA This overseas internship experience was unique for me as it was the first time that I had been alone in a completely new environment. There is no doubt that through this experience I have become more independent and mature. Before I set off to the United States, I was determined to be a diligent and humble intern, to show a positive work attitude, and to be an observer to discover and to learn. My internship period was divided into two parts, in the first half of my internship, I worked in the Public Relations team and in the second half I worked on tasks related to trade between Hong Kong and the USA. One of the most

QIU Miqi, Elaine

Australia TSUI Ming Yin, Ricky BEng (Hons) Engineering Physics

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney, Australia It has been my dream to work in the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Sydney. I was placed in the public relations department and had the opportunity to work with a group of outstanding executives. The key focus of the internship was to promote Hong Kong to the overseas audience; my responsibilities included preparation of marketing materials, developing social media marketing strategies, drafting speeches and promotional articles as well as assisting in various official events, which were all interesting and challenging. One of my greatest accomplishments was to work with 2 other interns on a key project – the Sand Painting Performance for the 2014 Chinese New Year Promotion. We came up with several ideas and eventually, I presented our proposal in front of the Director and the whole HKETO office. The team avidly discussed our work and offered a lot of feedback for further refinement. I was inspired by a comment from one of the Administrative Officers, “Don’t be afraid of opinion. A successful presentation should be able to generate discussion. The work is good!” It was a valuable opportunity to have worked in the HKETO, especially overseas. The work experience has sharpened the skills I require to be a government officer, and most importantly, I was greatly motivated to be an Administrative Officer having witnessed such professionalism and intellectual abilities. Work-Integrated Education 2012/13 26

BSc (Hons) Applied Biology with Biotechnology


Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Toronto, Canada Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Toronto is a non-profit organization with an objective to build a Chinese cultural centre for residents of the Greater Toronto area. I was an Assistant and reported directly to the Special Event Coordinator. My major duties were event preparation and coordination. Usually the staff and volunteers would work as a team for up-coming event preparation and every one would be allocated to different parts of the work. Routine preparation before events belonging to my area of responsibility included confirming catering, booking venues, guest list confirmation, etc. The experience of event planning, preparation and finally implementation filled me with content and pride. People chatting, laughing and saying thank-you to you definitely fosters the confidence and passion to overcome any tiredness and embrace a new challenge. This marketing internship put me in a position where I was required to deal with external issues such as contacting and confirming with food caterers, facility providers or co-hosts. It was certainly different from the lifestyle I am used to be as a science student. The internship definitely influenced those aspects in a beneficial way, broadening the spectrum from which I will make my choices in future planning.

challenging tasks was to arrange a trip to promote Hong Kong in California. California is the best performing state in terms of the US economy and its economy is both vibrant and diverse. To design a trip, I needed to match the industries between Hong Kong and California and meanwhile I needed to understand the political system and business environment in California as well. This task required me to have the ability to analyze and locate useful information, which was thoughtprovoking and interesting. After the internship, I have a better understanding of my own strengths and weaknesses from the feedback given by my supervisors and from my own experience. It was a beneficial journey for me and the experience has built a solid foundation for my future job seeking.


Germany CHAN Ka Ming, Brian BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering

Technical University of Berlin, Germany The project title of my internship was “Energy requirement of chillers in domestic buildings”. The aim of the project was to calculate the heating and cooling energy requirement for a domestic building. The energy requirement of a building encompasses the energy flows for heating, cooling, humidifying and dehumidifying that needed to be directed into or out of a room to maintain the required room air state. The energy flows were determined every hour and added up to determine the annual energy requirement.

UK REN Qi, Winter BSc (Hons) Chemical Technology

University of Glasgow, UK I joined the IAESTE programme and worked as a summer project student for a research group at the University of Glasgow in the UK. The project that I worked on was to synthesize two new scaffolding chemical compounds which could undergo modification and transformation to various drug analogues. Working in a research lab needs much more than learning what is written on a textbook. It requires proficient technical skills, experience in handling experiment instruments and most important of all, extensive reading and understanding of the related chemistry. The old saying states that “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, and this certainly applies to making a breakthrough in science. It requires the concerted effort and persistent work of the whole group. During the weekends of my internship, I have joined some trips organized by IAESTE local committees. Though trainees came from countries all around the world, we became very close friends after exploring UK together and attending events, such as the International Cultural Gala and barbeque picnic. Since I was one of the very few people from Asia, I was responsible for sharing our culture and history with these curious foreign friends. Making and communicating with new friends also enriched my knowledge about other countries. I was especially amazed by the cultural diversity and intriguing history of Europe. If possible, I would love to revisit Europe and learn more about it.

n ciatio l Asso e n t s a n io t ud r na of St e 3, Inte In 201 E x c h a n g e x p e r i e n c E e ip h h t l s a r n fo ter nic Te c h ered 14 in dents. for tu s off ) U E ly T o (IAES nities to P rtu oppo

My greatest accomplishment so far has certainly been this internship project. I needed to learn how to use the SOLAR-COMPUTER simulation program to simulate the energy requirement for the chillers. The simulation parameters were set in accordance with the floor plan, structure of the roof, windows, walls and ceilings of the entire building. Even though the project was quite challenging for me at the beginning, with the guidance and help from my supervisor, the assigned tasks were completed successfully. Thank you IASETE for offering me this great opportunity to work in Germany, this was a great experience!

Spain MA Wing Yiu BEng (Hons) Industrial and System Engineering

SISLtech, Spain SISLtech is a tech-based company with main business in the design, development and implementation of Decision Support Systems for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. I was assigned to work on two projects: benchmarking of advanced control systems in aquaculture, and analysis of advanced control systems used in waste water treatment plants. I needed to compare and analyze the available control systems on the market and to identify the competitors and make suggestions to potential partners for the company. Throughout the projects, my knowledge of aquaculture and waste water treatment plants was deepened, and my soft skills were also strengthened, such as my self-study and communication skills. In Spain, the working atmosphere is casual and relaxing, and it is customary for them to encourage and appreciate others’ works and effort. Without my colleagues’ supportive guidance, suggestions and encouragement, it would be impossible for me to finish the project satisfactorily. Spain is a relaxing yet passionate country, my colleagues would ask me to go out for a cup of tea in the afternoon and they were really excited when we talked about football. I am lucky that I became friends with my two flat-mates. We went to Camp Nou, FC Barcelona stadium, and visited other places together, which made my journey a memorable one.

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YUEN Hoi Yan, Linda BBA (Hons) Marketing

LAW Wing Ting, Aki

SPLAT Comestics, Russia

BEng (Hons) Product Engineering with Marketing

I have long been captivated by the beauty, mystery and depth of Russian culture. As a business student, I recognize the fact that more and more companies have international business and the nations are having more trade with each other than ever before. Having the experience abroad is becoming important. I was very fortunate to have the overseas internship opportunity to work at SPLAT Comestics, in Moscow, Russia.

Bahçeşehir University, Turkey It was a unique opportunity to have a summer internship in the Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, this was indeed a memorable experience. I have acquired a lot, not just from my job, but also from the fascinating Muslim culture.

SPLAT Comestics is a Russian developer and manufacturer of innovative, high-quality and professional oral care products. During the four weeks at SPLAT I took part in conducting research about China’s toothpaste market.

The Bahçeşehir University (BAU) is a private educational institution located on the European side of Istanbul, Turkey. My internship position in the university was a Teaching Assistant at the International Affairs Office. The main duty was to conduct research on institutions around the world that Bahçeşehir University can collaborate with, such as the study exchange programme and international internship. I was also responsible for translating the factsheets of BAU into both languages of Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese in order to promote BAU to the potential Chinese students.

Certainly taking an internship in Russia took me out of my comfort zone because I had to accustom myself to an unfamiliar, new living and working environment. Before the journey, I had never been to a country where Chinese or English are not widely spoken. Indisputably, being abroad is a truly remarkable way to learn to embrace uncertainty, from applying for the visa, to booking flight tickets, and to finding accommodation.

Before joining this overseas internship, I was expecting to have a new perspective in life through out-of-classroom exposure, different cultural experience, new environment, people and idea. Working in the International Affairs Office provided me chances to deal with people from different cultural background. My supervisor had also inspired me that building up a good working environment was the key to produce good quality of work.

My supervisor, Ms Elena Genchkalan, once shared her working philosophy with me. “Try not only completing important and urgent tasks every day, but spending more time on dealing with important but non-urgent matters” she said. Her advice has reminded me that instead of identifying short-term goals, I had better set myself long-term goals.

This internship gave me a wonderful chance to practice what I have learnt at the university. Also, I was immersed in a totally unfamiliar culture during the placement period. The exotic Turkish custom has broadened my horizon and made me more appreciative to the cultural diversity in the world. This was indeed a rewarding journey that will always remain in my mind. As the Chinese proverbs, “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books”.

Japan LAM Wai Yu BSc (Hons) Chemical Technology

Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd., Japan I had the valuable chance to become an intern for two months in Sanyo Chemical Industries, Ltd, which is located in Japan, through IAESTE. I was assigned to the Electronics Department, which is in the Research and Development Division. During the first half of the internship, I joined the team which is responsible for research work on the electrolytes while in the second half, I participated in another team to study the UV-curing resins. To accomplish the tasks, I needed to apply the laboratory techniques and theories that I have learnt from lectures to perform the research work, which made me realize that most of the knowledge I am gaining through my studies is really useful and applicable to real work situations. For research and development, both experiments and theories are crucial for technology advancement. In my opinion, experiments are performed to provide evidence while theories can relate the evidence and generate new knowledge for further improvement. This experience has helped to realize the importance of knowing and understanding the theories of the subjects that I am studying.

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Feedback from WIE partners Students’ WIE achievement cannot be made possible without the extensive support from our industry partners and supporting organizations in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas. The workplace learning opportunities provided by our industry partners and supporting organizations is essential to nurture graduates who are critical thinkers, effective communicators, innovative problem solvers, lifelong learners and ethical leaders.

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OUR WIE PARTNERS: WHAT DID THEY SAY? Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Sydney, Australia “Tsui Ming Yin, Ricky (BEng (Hons) Engineering Physics) is a lively, bright person who has come up with some great ideas for our office use. We will all miss his energy and sense of fun.”

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Shanghai, PRC “Leung Kai Yiu, Jessica (BA (Hons) Chinese and Bilingual Studies) is a very hard-working and diligent young person. She is able to pick up things pretty quickly and deliver upon her supervisors’ expectations.”

SPLAT Comestics Ltd, Russia “Yuen Hoi Yan, Linda (BBA (Hons) Marketing) is a very deep analyzing, profound, with high level of self-discipline and inner culture, respectful and curious for international environment. Has all skills for success at work, and besides she’s very charming personality.”

Bahçeşehir University, Turkey “Law Wing Ting, Aki (BEng (Hons) Product Engineering and Marketing) was an excellent intern. Truly exceptional! The only problem I had with her was that she kept finishing her work so quickly and efficiently. I had to keep finding new things for her to do. I wish I had this problem with my other interns.”

Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Toronto, Canada “Qiu Miqi, Elaine (BSc (Hons) Applied Biology with Biotechnology) is a very intelligent person. She picks up new things very easily and can work on her own without supervision. She will excel in what she has set her mind in doing and she will be an asset to the company who hires her in the future.”

Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation, Canada “Li Man Lok, William (BBA (Hons) Accountancy) performed his assigned duties with great enthusiasm and diligence during his summer internship. He is very active, thoughtful and good team player. He participated in our event planning that required independent thinking and he was able to achieve the desired results. William is clearly a person who has positive and excellent organization skills. We appreciate for his dedication.”

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趙宗晟, 電子計算(榮譽)理學士學位組合課程

「實習學生踏實肯幹,吃苦耐勞,有創造性、建設性地獨立開展工 作思維;具有一定的開拓和創新精神,接受新事物較快,能夠服從 指揮, 認真敬業,工作責任心強。」

「同學在項目策劃領域不斷探索,有自己的思路和設想,有較強的 求知欲,能運用自己的知識解決實際工作中的困難。」


中國近代史遺址博物館 陳敏妮, 中文及雙語(榮譽)文學士

洪靈童, 李智, 胡進, 國際航運及物流管理(榮譽)工商管理學士學位

「同學能嚴格遵守單位的規章制度,謙虛謹慎,學習態度端正,善 於聽取建議,適應能力較強,進步明顯,得到單位員工的一致好 評。」

劉德鋒, 陳晃偉, 全球供應鏈管理(榮譽)工商管理學士學位 黃嘉露, 關至鏗, 物流工程及管理(榮譽)理學士

「非常感謝貴校推薦7名出色的物流相關專業同學來到本公司實 習。實習期間同學多次深入庫區實地考察、親自勘測獲取大量相關 研究資料,結合企業實際現況,出色地完成了《某促銷品項目倉庫 佈局優化研究》及《某服裝專案庫房優化計畫》。 課題研習報告思維細密,根據前、中、後期的報告資料論證與圖示 證明所研究課題之可行性。研習報告逐項分析利弊,具有切實解決 物流業實際需求的實踐意義和應用價值。7位同學彬彬有禮,勤奮 好學,具鑽研的精神和對知識的渴望,團結合作的默契和獨立研究 的能力都給我們留下了深刻的印象。尤其在彙報中,同學對研究課 題的分別陳述,足以見證貴校學生的嚴謹性及極高配合度與默契, 深感與眾不同。」

中國聯通南京分公司 吳家麒, 電子及資訊工程學(榮譽)工學士學位

「該生有較強的責任心,對待工作一絲不苟,對發生的問題能夠與 指導老師溝通,準確地找到解決問題的辦法。」

西安曲江出版傳媒投資集團有限公司 趙傲男, 管理學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位

「同學能團結同事,不怕苦,不怕累,將在學校所學運用到實際工作 中,並主動要求到各部門瞭解學習,工作認真負責,虛心好學。 」

浙江中置投資有限公司 馮穎揚, 市場學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位

「同學能積極融入團體工作,對工作有很強的責任心,有較強的溝 通能力及求知欲;望今後能再接再厲更積極參加社會實踐。」

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On behalf of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the following organizations for unfailing support to WIE programmes:

Sponsor • The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce

Supporting Organizations • Bahçeşehir University • Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto • Excellence in Technology Innovation and Commercialization Scholarship Award Scheme • Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office • Hong Kong Human Resources Exchange Centre • Hong Kong Student Development Committee • Hong Kong United Youth Association • HKUYA Student Exchange Network • International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience • Kowloon Federation of Association • Moscow International Higher Business School • Southeast University • Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation

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