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Change Your Lifestyle



In CYL², lifestyle coaches teach women — and men — across the In CYL², lifestyle coaches teach women — and men — across the country how to eat differently and move more. CYL² leads the way country how to eat differently and move more. CYL² leads the way in in helping people not only shed pounds, but also avoid diabetes, helping people not only shed pounds, but also avoid diabetes, heart heart disease and many other chronic conditions. CYL² is part of the disease and many other chronic conditions. CYL² is part of the National National Diabetes Prevention Program, led by the Centers for Disease Diabetes Prevention Program, led by the Centers for Disease Control Control and Prevention. In 2020 the program was featured on Good and Prevention. In 2020 the program was featured on Good Morning Morning America, went virtual with the new BWHI App and had America, went virtual with the new BWHI App and had several events several events which expanded the programs reach. which expanded the programs reach.

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