Paulerspury People July 2013

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Paulerspury People July 2013

The Newsletter of The RREC Paulerspury Section


Paulerspury People - July 2013

Paulerspury People

July 2013

The Newsletter of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club - Paulerspury Section

Contents Not a Lot of People Know That


The Chairman’s Bit


Cotswold Visit


Annual Rally


Notice of AGM


Broadwell House Driving Day and Picnic


Hook Norton Brewery Visit


Secretary’s Notes


Future Events


Committee Contacts


Front Cover Photograph: Hook Norton Brewery and Horse Drawn Dray

Paulerspury People - July 2013


Not a Lot of People Know That Sir Edward Nichol of Littleton Park, Middlesex, bought King Edwards VII entire dressing room at Westminister Abbey. He used it as a garage for his two 1926 Rolls-Royce motor cars.

Lloyd George, who inherited Lord Kitchener’s Rolls-Royce, had a drinks cabinet installed, and later (and possibly as a direct result), a stool for his gouty leg.

Probabaly the loudest Rolls-Royce was the Phantom II belonging to Sir Malcolm Campbell. It carried not only a klaxon horn and a Bosch horn but also a particularly loud siren.

Gerald, Lord Berners, a composer, had a piano built in to the back of his RollsRoyce.


Paulerspury People - July 2013

The Chairman’s Bit It is almost inconceivable that we are now at the end of July. Whilst we have enjoyed some lovely weather over the past few weeks, it certainly has been a long time coming.

Barry Gallafent

I will not dwell on the main club issues of the past, save to say, they are behind us and we can move on to enjoy membership once more, the very reason for our joining this club.

Our section has been busy as usual with some regular events being well attended; write ups on which you will find in the coming pages. Our casual ‘Down Your Way’ pub meetings brought out some new members, some older members for the first time, and some familiar faces of course. They have been a great way for us to find out on a one to one basis, what our members are looking for. If you have not been to see us at one of these, keep your eye out for them in the future. The section took an initiative in enclosing a form with each PP last time, in order to ascertain members continued interest in the Paulerspury Section and to gather some information that would help us plan future events. Many of you took the few moments required to complete the form and return it in the reply paid envelope but unfortunately some did not. It is important that if you do wish to remain a member of our section and continue receiving your regular newsletter, that you return the form this time. The address to which the prepaid envelope is addressed is my business and not a third party, so please do not feel your details will fall in to the wrong hands. There are some interesting events coming up, some of which are only able to accommodate very limited numbers and therefore early booking is required. In the event of over subscription, we will draw names by way of a lottery. Whilst we cannot guarantee this, we will do our very best to re-run some events exclusively for those who were not fortunate enough to be included first time. A rumour abounds that the RREC will not be represented at this year’s Classic Car Show at the NEC. I can confirm that this is just a rumour. The previous NEC organising committee have stood down and the MC has appointed Ailsa Plain from the Hunt House, as Chairman of the new NEC organising committee. Ailsa has a committee of just five members and I am privileged to have been invited to join it. Build up to break down of the club stand takes six days, including show open days. If you are willing and able to help on any of those days, please let me know by email or phone and I will include you on our list of volunteers. I have a few on my list already and at our next meeting, we will determine staffing requirements. Paulerspury People - July 2013


Staffing will be selected from volunteers on a first come basis, so please do not be offended if we are at capacity and your assistance is not after all required. The show dates are, 13th and 14th November (set up), 15th, 16th and 17th November (show open), 18th November (break down). Your committee is seeking some additional members to bolster its current core, so if you are an active member with some good ideas and element of organisational ability, why not come and join us? Nomination forms can be found in this edition of the PP. The AGM will take place in December as always and official notice thereof is included within these pages. That’s all from me this time, so may I wish you all happy and safe motoring and I look forward to seeing you all somewhere soon.

Barry Barry Gallafent - Chairman Cotswold Visit Monday, 29 April - Day out at Blenheim Palace Having visited Blenheim Palace in the early-70’s I was keen to see how the place had changed and I was not disappointed. Saffy, our new Bentley, purred her way up the grand drive and Rodney expertly parked us up. It was a windy morning with a chilly breeze blowing and we quickly walked to the courtyard shop where there was an array of beautiful gifts and a welcoming coffee shop. The courtyard used to be the old laundry yard where, presumably, servants hung out to dry the ducal underwear.


Club Cars at Blenheim Palace

Paulerspury People - July 2013

After some coffee and a bit of retail therapy, we all made our way to the grand entrance of the Palace where we were met with much banging and crashing because they were building a film set. We learned it was to be a period costume comedy drama about two lady gardeners - directed by Alan Rickman – him of the RSC and Prof Severus Snape of Harry Potter fame. The poor guide had to compete with all the banging and, for a bit of peace and quiet, we swiftly moved on into a corridor lined either side with the most beautiful Sevres and Meissen porcelain. These collections had been acquired by one of the earlier Dukes of Marlborough in an ‘entrepreneurial’ fashion. It seems that a local vicar (they were not always the poor church mice they are now you know) owned the Meissen and he asked the Duke to build him a residence so that he could house the collection. This the Duke did, but the vicar promptly died within 18 months. The lucky Duke got back the house and the collection. A Hungarian nobleman who loved hunting with dogs owned the Sevres. The Duke acquired this collection by giving him a hunting pack of dogs as a gift. And, you’ve guessed it, the dogs became horsemeat and both collections are still at the Palace and owned by the family. Nice one! We made our way through the State Rooms, filled with examples of superb craftsmanship and treasures collected over the last 300 years. We saw stunning tapestries depicting the Battle of Blenheim in August 1704. It was because of this famous victory that Blenheim Place was built as a gift from the nation to the 1st Duke of Marlborough. He had successfully led the forces of a European Alliance against the French in the War of Spanish Succession. It was for this that Queen Anne and a grateful nation built him his great house. However, it wasn’t all a bed of roses let me tell you. The actual building of the Palace was not trouble-free. The first problem was that Sarah, the Duchess of Marlborough, did not want such a grand residence. She hoped for a smaller country house designed for comfort first and status second. She had many arguments with the architect Vanbrugh until he flounced off in a huff. Sarah being a strong willed woman unfortunately fell out of favour with the Queen. Court intrigue made the most of this and for a short while the Marlboroughs left the country. The second problem was that Royal funds for the Palace dried up. The building of Blenheim came to a halt in the summer of 1712. Eventually the Palace was completed at the Duke’s own expense, but he only got to enjoy it for a year before he died. But Sarah, true to his wishes, finished the Palace and went on to live there for some considerable time. Sir Winston Churchill, cousin to the 9th Duke was born at Blenheim Palace in 1874. He also married there. An interesting exhibition, set around the room where he was born, reveals a personal side of our ‘Greatest Briton’. Paulerspury People - July 2013


CHRIS LEE’S LTD (Est 1966 - Hythe Road Trained)

Independent ROLLS-ROYCE & BENTLEY Specialists

You will find a warm and friendly welcome waiting for you with knowledgeable and experienced staff at Chris Lee’s with attention to detail and time for YOU! t Partial & full restoration t Mechanical & Electrical repairs and overhauls t Superior paint finishing t Fixed price servicing t Sales and purchase of Rolls-Royce and Bentley, please contact us for current stock t Classic accident repairs t Worldwide commissions

jjBfCgjoj5lmkhgg5R5 jjBfCgmki5nnnilj 38 London End, Old Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 2JH 8

Paulerspury People - July 2013

The Long Library, measuring 55 metres long, was very impressive. It is considered to be Nicholas Hawksmoor’s finest room. A statue of Queen Anne stands at one end. I must say it portrayed her as a very fine looking handsome woman. However, the real truth was that she was a brandy addled fat, toothless old hag, with dropsy! (I could very well land up in the Tower for this.) Also in the grand Library is the Willis organ. Installed by the 8th Duke in 1891, it is the largest privately owned organ in Europe. The 9th Duke made the greatest impact on Blenheim. He created the formal gardens to the east and west of the Palace, restored the Great Court and replanted the Entrance Avenue and the Grand Avenue. In total he had half a million trees planted in the Park. Inside the house he was also responsible for the complete redecoration of the State Rooms. He also added extensively to the collection at Blenheim particularly the furniture. In the twentieth century during both World Wars the Dukes allowed Blenheim to be used in various ways for the war effort. Out into the sunshine after our tour we made our way to lunch in the Churchill Room. Afterwards some of us walked around the immaculately kept gardens. The splendour of Capability Brown’s landscaped parkland and lake provide an awe-inspiring setting to the Palace and it’s one of my favourite views. Afterwards we made our way back to the Old Swan where we drank tea and sat in front of a crackling fire (yes in April!) talking and relaxing before another superb dinner in the restaurant.

Linda Ball Tuesday 30 April - Hidcote Manor and Gardens Tuesday being our free day eight of us decided to visit Hidcote Manor House and Gardens. The Manor House was a farmhouse building built in 1664. It was owned in the 19th century, by the Freeman family (believe it or not!) who bequeathed the entire estate of over 280 acres consisting of house, lawns and kitchen garden, to John Tucker who had been farming at Hidcote since 1873. He put it up for auction in 1907. It was bought by Gertrude Winthrop a New York socialite, who appointed her son Lawrence Johnston as her attorney. She went back to New York and Lawrence moved in to Hidcote. The Manor House was extended shortly afterwards. The main feature are the beautiful gardens laid out as a series of rooms each having its own theme. Major Lawrence Johnston was the creator of these gardens. He was an American born in France in 1871 who came to England in 1893 to Paulerspury People - July 2013


study at Trinity College, Cambridge. He became a naturalised British Citizen in 1900, he then served as a Private with the Northumberland Hussars in the Boer War in South Africa. By 1904 he had been elected a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society. It took seven years for him to create the central features of the garden and he received an award of merit from the RHS for the Hidcote strain of Primula Pulverulenta. After serving as a Major in World War I Lawrence completed the garden and in the 1920’s went on sponsoring plant hunting expeditions looking for the most attractive species for Hidcote. In 1948 Lawrence gave Hidcote to the National Trust as the first garden to be saved under a gardens fund launched jointly by the Trust and the RHS. He died in 1958 aged 86. After our fascinating visit we all ended up with a late lunch at The Horseshoe Inn at Shipton-on-Stour. We had a good meal then Kathy and I took a walk along the very quaint High Street. The eight of us made our way back to the Minster Mill. I managed to sprain my ankle so the afternoon tea was very welcome. We had a short rest before another delicious evening meal followed by snooker for some and a nightcap before retiring to bed.

Sylvia Freeman Wednesday 1 May - Cheltenham Races Barbara and I were asked, sorry instructed, by Carole to do a write up for our visit to Cheltenham Races, so here it goes with little or no help from me, so all credit to Barbara.


Club Cars aalongside Peter de Savary’s Phantom

Paulerspury People - July 2013

What a great way to start the month of May. After a leisurely lunch and a beer outside in the gardens at the Old Swan & Minster Mill, we all assembled by the river Windrush to leave for the races. After what they call in the racing world, a false start!!! We finally boarded our bus for Cheltenham Racecourse. On arrival, we were escorted to the Restaurant. The view from there was amazing with a complete view of the course and the surrounding countryside, which looked all the better for being bathed in beautiful sunshine with a cloudless sky. A superb view of the entire course

Tucking in to a very good meal, we picked out what we all hoped would be the winning horse, (ha ha!) ready for the lady who came to take our bets from the table and hopefully bring back our winnings. The first race saw Spencer Allen have a very good win with Himalayan Express, but alas David C’s horse romped in last ‘Ah!’ (it certainly was not the fastest horse in the land). Over the next few races there were several lucky winners, Derek, Chris, John, Carole and Raelene being some of them. I suppose the icing on the cake came to Raelene and I when on race six, as we jointly backed (for a laugh), a 100 to 1 outsider, Charles Bruce, who romped home to a photo finish winning by a nose. We really did get very excited. After a great day with lots of excitement all round we headed back to Minster Lovell. A very big thank you is due to Carole and Rodney for organising a great trip.

Barbara Clarke (David did the typing) Paulerspury People - July 2013


Annual Rally and Concours 14th to 16th June Rockingham Castle was once again the venue for the Annual Rally and Concours, where from Friday to Sunday the site filled with an increasing number of RollsRoyce and Bentley motor cars of all ages and models. It truly is the International showcase for both marques, with vehicles being driven in from Europe and even flown in from much further afield. Friday was a fairly quiet day with members having travelled the furthest generally in attendance, meeting up with friends and familiarising themselves with the site layout. The club shop was open but many of the traders were still setting out their stalls. There was a huge variety of vehicles for sale by dealers, most of who feature in the club advertiser. The auction marquee was filled with fewer RollsRoyce’s and Bentley’s than in previous years, and for the first time I have seen it, outside the marquee were many non R-R & B vehicles for auction. I did not attend the site on Saturday, so cannot report on the day’s happenings. Sunday however, saw a constant stream of members’ cars through the gates from opening, each being superbly marshalled in to position by volunteers from the club’s membership. (If you would like to volunteer as a marshal next year, do get in touch with the rally committee). On pole position in Class 13 could be found the gleaming red Silver Cloud III of Derek and Sylvia Freeman, the hosts of this year’s Paulerspury section tailgate party. Ruth and I were soon on hand with an additional table in order to accommodate the snacks, nibbles and liquid refreshments Derek and Sylvia had provided. Erection of the section flag was confirmation that the Paulerspury section had arrived. A steady flow of section members visited the tailgate party throughout the morning for a drink and a chat, returning to their own vehicles to enjoy the picnics they had provided for themselves and their guests for lunch. Several of us maintained camp Paulerspury as we sat and enjoyed our own picnics. Judging had taken place during the morning as is usual but the glory of previous annuals was not reflected upon our section this year. One member though, Fred Luscombe, did scoop the Masters Class 023 with his 1928 Rolls-Royce Phantom I Tourer (31WR) bodied by Marsh Developments. Congratulations Fred! There were many prizes not awarded this year and this has brought about discussion as to whether the judging is too harsh or the quality of vehicles presented was generally not high enough. It is something the rally committee will have to look at if they wish to encourage members to continue entering cars in years to come. 12

Paulerspury People - July 2013

Derek Freeman greets Miss Bigley and Kenneth

One has failed to proceed and is elegantly waiting for one’s big brother

Peter explains why he did not wear his section hat

Paulerspury People - July 2013

Fred Luscombe’s ‘Masters Winning’ Phantom

A few of the Paulerspury contingent

Amarylis says these are ideal for spurring on both dogs and husbands, when one is in a bit of a rush

Jolly smiles from David and Margaret


Around about 16:30 hrs, members began to depart after a ‘lucky’ day with the weather. The rain held off fairly well but there was always a wind. I guess that is inevitable given the height and openness of the rally site. There has recently been some doubt as to the whereabouts of the annual rally in 2014. To clarify, it has been confirmed by Trevor Baldwin, that it will definitely be at Rockingham next year. Whilst alternative venues have been investigated at the request of members, the astronomical cost of hiring some of them is just prohibitive. The rally committee continues to look. Thanks to Derek and Sylvia for hosting our tailgate party on the day.

Barry Gallafent Formal Notice The Annual General Meeting of the RREC Paulerspury Section will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday 8th December 2013 Agenda 1.



Apologies for Abscence


Minutes of the AGM December 2012


Chairman’s Report


Treasurer’s Report


Approval of the Accounts


Matters or motions for discussion or determination (as previously notified to the Secretary)


Election of the Committee Current Members standing for re-election:Barry Gallafent, Stephen Dolan, Kathryn Martin, Mark Warnock, Ruth Gallafent, Derek Freeman

Information Pertaining to the AGM and Election of Committee Members Any Motion - for discussion or determination at the AGM, must be duly proposed and 14

Paulerspury People - July 2013

seconded by Section Members, to the Section Secretary at least 42 days before the AGM. Nomination Forms - enclosed with this issue of the Paulerspury People, must be completed and returned to the Section Secretary before Noon on Monday 21st October 2013. The Section Committee - will comprise not less than four and not more than ten elected Section Members. Definition of a Paulerspury Section Member - a Section Member is a member of the RREC whose membership dues have been paid for the current year (or be a life member) or a New Member who has registered with the Paulerspury Section within the last twelve months. Note 1 - In accordance with Clause 5.3 of the Rules for Sections dated 3rd November 2009, in the event of there being more nominations than vacancies, members attending the AGM will be balloted at the time. Note 2 - Ballot Papers will only be issued to Section Members producing a valid Membership Card on the day. Note 3 - In accordance with Clause 4.4 of the Rules for Sections dated 3rd November 2009, if a Section Member is unable to attend the AGM in person, that Section Member may appoint, in writing deposited with the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting, the Chairman of the meeting as his or her proxy. Such a proxy shall direct the Chairman how the proxy vote is to be cast in respect of each item on the agenda. A proxy vote shall only be deemed validly cast if the original signed proxy is available for inspection for the duration of the meeting by any Section Member present. An instrument appointing a proxy shall be a form which is ususal or which the committee shall approve. Nominations for the Paulerspury Section Committe 2014 - are invited from Members who wish to serve on the committee with effect from the AGM on 8th December 2013. Nominees Should Note That 1.

Exisiting Committee Members, if willing to stand, will be deemed to be nominated.


A Nomination Form is enclosed with this edition of the PP


Nominees, Proposer’s and Seconders must be fully paid up Members (or Life members) of the Club and registered as Members of the Paulerspury Section.


Forms must be completed in full, signed and returned to the Secretary in a sealed envelope, clearly marked ‘Nomination Form’.


It is the responsibility of the Nominee to ensure safe arrival of the form with the Secretary before Noon on Monday 21st October 2013.

Paulerspury People - July 2013


Broadwell House - Driving Day and Picnic Sunday 24th June It was always going to be a challenging day. Firstly, there was the challenge of the great British weather. Would we get a summer’s day or not? Not. Being true Brits, it did not deter us from pitching up at Adrian and Linda Denham’s lovely house set amongst the beautiful Warwickshire countryside. We don’t mind a little breeze and overcast day! What’s the saying? It could be worse. Secondly, Mia and I were challenged to explain what was going to happen to Sean, our visitor from Seattle. No, it is not the best of days to be out. Yes, we will still be taking our Silver Wraith. Yes, we will still “enjoy” a picnic. Yes, we will be taking the car out onto an open field and letting her “lift up her skirts.” No, we do not think we are mad (well, maybe a little!) And yes, I expect you to try driving the car too. Fortunately, we also had my parents, Frank and Carole, coming with us so they did their best to re-assure Sean that the British are, in fact, totally bonkers. It was great to see present near on 60 cars, 36 of which were club cars. Of the others there were the Armstrong Siddeleys back; last year’s victor – Mike Stanley and his 1970 Vauxhall Viva this year joined by David Shaler and another Viva from 1965 (word must be getting around in the Viva world); a collection of fine Triumphs; and several other motors of interest like the 1974 Saab, the cutest Morris 1000 Traveller and a fabulous Field Marshall tractor from 1948. For those who have not been, Adrian and Linda are ably assisted by many friends to provide the field below the house to park in; welcoming refreshments; and mow the neighbouring field and lay out a driving course for the after lunch entertainment. I would like to take this moment to give a heart-felt thank you to Adrian and Linda both personally from Mia and me but also on behalf of the Paulerspury Section. Adrian and Linda would immediately say they have a fleet of helpers and they do for which we are very appreciative. But this started years ago at Adrian’s inception and, over the years, it has raised a substantial amount for the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance whom Adrian supports. Such generous people. We are privileged to know them. Back to the day. After lots of talking, looking at motors, learning how to start a tractor using a shotgun cartridge (really, go Google it!) and a picnic lunch at which Sean, our vegetarian US visitor, found out that scotch eggs are not appropriate for his preferred diet (he liked them but then was suspicious enough to check the packaging) we all considered the course for the driving competition. The third challenge was not the driving but, in fact, Adrian’s balls! This year, Adrian wanted the passengers to drop a ball into a bucket at the “garage” sections of the course. Adrian had great joy in telling me how he had spent time testing his balls 16

Paulerspury People - July 2013

Paulerspury Picnicker’s

The non R-R & B teams discuss tactics

Alan Goddard, ready to race

Mia Murray reaches for the bucket

Barry Gallafent, reversing in to the ‘garage’

BG escapes while he can!

and buckets to find the most bouncy combination of ball and bucket. His job was well done as those darned balls just wouldn’t stay in the buckets unless the passenger got out of the car and, very carefully, placed the it in the bucket – all taking time. I didn’t delay and was the second car out beating the one before me so, for a few moments, I led the way with our 1953 Silver Wraith. Pretty quickly, though, the faster cars rolled up and people had sussed the challenge of Adrian’s balls (which we hadn’t!) The hilarity of it all is just ridiculous. All types of cars from the vintage Paulerspury People - July 2013


to the modern roll out and take on the course. I think the slowest time had to be the Field-Marshall tractor that was not going to be hurried. Many wheels were spun and doughnuts performed on the field to drivers’ and Adrian awards Steve Dolan his first place trophy s p e c t a t o r s ’ amusement alike. It was time to get Sean to do his challenge. I think he thought I was joking. I wasn’t. We jumped into the Lily Beament and Sean took her for a little spin around the lower part of the picnic field. He quite got the hang of her and even brought her back to the line-up and reversed her back into her spot. I think he was quietly chuffed with himself. At least he could go back to the USA with a tale to tell and another life first. So, all that was left was the challenge of Adrian making the presentations. Why a challenge? Well, after a clear afternoon, the heavens decided to open and the most torrential downpour began just as he was making the presentations. Undeterred, we saw a creditable third go to our chairman, Barry Gallafent in his 1974 Silver Shadow, second to David Howard in his 1989 Turbo R and the first place went to our section secretary, Steve Dolan in his 1960 S2 Flying Spur. In the Viva vs. Bentley competition a PMC finally won – notify Crewe! Actually, to avoid the embarrassment of last year for the RREC participants, Adrian had created a second class specifically for the non-RR&B motors. The winner of that was one P. Cheshire in his 1972 Triumph Spitfire IV with last year’s winner, Mike Stanley, in his 1970 Viva coming in second and Will Marchi in third in his 1956 Triumph TR3. The final challenge of the day was to re-pack everything back into the car for the return . . . it all came out of her so had to go back in! We all had such a great day and cannot thank all the helpers enough as they made the day through their tireless work and enthusiasm and another astonishing figure of £1823 was raised for the Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance. Adrian says plan to be there - July 6th 2014 . . . you heard it here first!

Steven D Murray 18

Paulerspury People - July 2013

Hook Norton Brewery Visit - Wednesday 23rd July The Mk VI had undergone serious open gearbox and clutch surgery in the weeks preceding this visit, so a local trip seemed like a good chance to find out whether my engineering skills were still intact. The day dawned bright and sunny and the car was duly cleaned and polished in anticipation. A steady run in the sunshine across the North Oxfordshire countryside reassured me that all was OK and we arrived at the charming village of Hook Norton in good time to find many section members already there and enjoying the summer heat. A few partners were notable by their absence – with claims of “Oh, they don’t do breweries”, whereas the usual suspects were anticipating a brewery tour like straining dogs on their leashes – me amongst them, of course. We were eventually herded into the visitor centre and after the obligatory Health & Safety instructions, divided into three groups for the guided tour. Hook Norton is very proud of its history and the fact that the brewery and machinery have changed very little in the 120 years since the existing buildings were erected. Much of the machinery is still powered on occasion by the original 25 horsepower steam engine installed on the ground floor and driven through a series of belts and shafts, although sadly, the brewery was running on electrical power during our visit. This beautiful Shire Horse weighs in at just over one tonne

Malcolm explains the different malts to us

Paulerspury People - July 2013

Steve experiences a little ‘hoppiness’


As would be expected, the brewery is on a multitude of levels and serviced by innumerable flights of narrow, steep stairs. The fact that we negotiated these obstacles without incident must surely say something about the atmosphere of a brewery, (or perhaps it was because we hadn’t tasted the product at that stage ?). The original grist mill on the top floor is still in use after more than 114 years with very little modification, and the brewery still draws its water - more accurately referred to as brewer’s liquor - from its own wells fed by underground aquifers. We were shown the original cooling pans on the top floor, the brewing vessels and fermentation vats lower down and the casking plant back at ground level. With great pride, our guide showed us the brewery’s one and only concession to the digital age – a very small digital thermometer. Towards the end of the tour we were given the opportunity to taste the numerous varieties of malted barley and smell the crushed hops before reluctantly returning to the visitor’s centre where we were forced to taste the end products. The brewery still occasionally uses horse drawn drays to carry out local deliveries and we were fortunate to see a pair of shire horses taking out a delivery. The drayman popped into the visitor centre for two pints : one for him and the other for his horses ! Thereafter, we made a short run to a local Hook Norton pub, The Gate Hangs High, were we had an excellent meal and a chance to test out yet more of the breweries product. Our thanks go to Derek Freeman for expertly organising an excellent day out in glorious weather. To his great relief, Derek has now had the opportunity to prove that he can organise a p**s up in a brewery !

Keith Davies The Hunt House Require - A Key Cutter If you live not too far from The Hunt House, could you help by learning how to operate their key cutting machine? A small remuneration is paid for each key cut to cover your expenses. If you are interested, contact Paulerspury Section Secretary, Steve Dolan on 01923 778207 or email: David Hennessey learns about ‘grist to the mill’


Paulerspury People - July 2013

Future Events Sunday 8th September Treasure Hunt and Lunch* The Old Swan, Astwood, Bucks.. Organisers: Gallafent’s & Martin’s *NOTE: Treasure Hunt element is optional. See booking form. Sunday 20th October Autumn Road Run The Fancott Arms, Chalton, Beds.. Organisers: Barry & Ruth Gallafent Thursday 24th - Friday 25th October Visit to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Factory visit, dinner and evening accommodation. Organiser: Derek Freeman Sunday 3rd November Bedfordshire Sunday Lunch Flitwick Manor Hotel, Flitwick, Beds. Organiser:Val Yates

Sunday 8th December AGM & Christmas Lunch Mitchell Hall, Cranfield Organiser: Val Yates 19th January 2014 Northants - Sunday Lunch - T.B.C. 23rd February 2014 Bucks. - Sunday Lunch - T.B.C. 23rd March 2014 Herts Sunday Lunch Redcoat Manor, Hitchin, Herts. Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan 9th - 12th May 2014 Shropshire Hills and Ludlow Details and booking form enclosed. Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan


Supplied and maintained by Hadley Green Garage in 1995, having only one previous owner. Subsequent maintenance has been carried out by marque specialist, Nigel Sandell. Winner of ‘First in Elegance’ at the R-REC Annual Rally in 2011. Finished in red pearl with magnolia leather piped in red, with red carpets and over rugs, this really is a very attractive car and I shall be very sorry to see it go, but with retirement looming and another project on the go, the collection has to be reduced. Over the last five years without regard to limitation of cost, anything that needed to be done has been done. The list of work both mechanical and cosmetic is considerable and all the invoices are available for inspection Feel free to contact me for further details or more photographs. Better still come and have a look, I know you will not be disappointed. The price is not the lowest around but this car genuinely is as good as they come. £18,000.00 (private plate not included) Contact: David Davis on 01462 674347 or 07582 278365 or email:

Paulerspury People - July 2013


Paulerspury Section Committee Attention Smart Phone Users Chairman and Editor

Barry Gallafent (Ruth) 222b Wolverton Road Blakelands Milton Keynes, MK14 5AB Tel: 01908 216804 Mobile: 07785 398271


Scan any of these QR codes to find out more about what the section is up to.

Steve Dolan (Janet) 191 Baldwins Lane, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth Hertfordshire, WD3 3LL Tel: 01923 778207 (Home & Fax)


Kathryn Martin (Mike) Tel: 01234 714092

Events Coordinator

Ruth Gallafent (Barry) Tel: 07900 523152 (Mobile)

Membership Coordinator

Mark Warnock (Kay) Tel: 07792 906771 (Mobile)

Committee Members

Val Yates (Danny) Tel: 01480 810395 Derek Freeman (Sylvia) Tel: 01234 823255 (Home) 22

OBITUARY Cedric Hubert Vass Hubert Passed away on 8th July 2013, aged 92 years. Hubert was a long serving member of the club and of the Paulerspury section. His friends numbered many, therefore this short notice precedes a more comprehensive and deserving obituary which will comprise the thoughts from many of those friends and will be published in the October edition of the Paulerspury People.

Paulerspury People - July 2013

Paulerspury People - July 2013


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