Paulerspury People January 2014

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Paulerspury People January 2014

The Newsletter of The RREC Paulerspury Section


Paulerspury People - January 2014

Paulerspury People

January 2014

The Newsletter of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club - Paulerspury Section

Contents Not a Lot of People Know That


The Chairman’s Bit


Autumn Road Run


Visit to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars


Flitwick Manor Lunch


Open Morning at Hillier Hill


AGM and Christmas Lunch


Future Events


Committee Contacts


Front Cover Photograph: Steve and Janet Dolans Bentley Continental SI Flying Spur

Paulerspury People - January 2014


Not a Lot of People Know That In the film ‘The Yellow Rolls-Royce’, the original car used was a yellow Barkerbodied Phantom II but sharp eyed Rolls-Royce watchers will observe that the car changes at least twice in the course of filming. (Clue - position of spare wheel).

The Peninsula Hotel in Hong Kong once had a fleet of ten Rolls-Royce’s for use by its guests.

When American troops entered Mussolini’s headquarters in Rome at the end of the fighting in Italy, among the things they ‘liberated’ were two Rolls-Royce motor cars - the property of the fascist dictator.

Alfred Vanderbilt II was reported as selling his Rolls-Royce for an excellent reason: “Every time I get out of it, everything else seems like an anti-climax.”


Paulerspury People - January 2014

The Chairman’s Bit If I have not seen you already, Happy New Year to you, I am sure none of us can believe yet another year has passed. The Section enjoyed a very busy year in 2013 with a varied calendar of events bringing out a good number of members on each occasion as well of course, as a superb variety of motor cars. The year culminated in the AGM at Mitchell Hall, Cranfield, where we were joined by joined by Management Committee member, Rolf Kuhnke. Unfortunately Rolf could Barry Gallafent not stay for lunch as he had to head for Harwich to catch the ferry home as he made his way back to Germany. Whilst in the UK, Rolf collected his Bentley SI Drophead Coupé from Hillier Hill in Olney, where it had been for some service work. Its gleaming presence in the Mitchell Hall car park was one of only a handful of club cars that had ventured out given the weather that day. At the AGM, the existing Section Committee stood for re-election with the exception of Val Yates, who after more than twenty years continuous service had chosen to retire. Val was thanked for her considerable service and presented with a bouquet on behalf of the Section. The committee were re-elected en-bloc as is permitted under section rules. One further member, Janet Dolan was elected also, her nomination having been properly submitted to the Section Secretary. Your committee have been working hard as always to ensure our 2014 calendar is as full as ever with some interesting outings as well as the traditional lunches. Some more difficult to confirm events are still to come, so the calendar as published in this edition of the PP is far from complete. Do keep looking out as the year progresses, both in the PP and on the section website so you don’t miss anything. One such unusual event is our steam hauled train trip to Buxton Spa in Derbyshire on Saturday 15th March. We have secured our own Premier Dining carriage on the train and anticipate a very good day out. Communication with our members has been foremost in the committee’s thoughts and to that end we have re-confirmed every Section members details over the past year to ensure you receive your PP regularly and to have gained as many email addresses as we can. Email addresses enable us easily to confirm the event bookings you make and to notify you of any important issues or short notice events between PP publication dates. It may be that a friend or colleague informs you they no longer receive the PP by post. This will be because they have not returned their form to our membership coordinator, Mark Warnock. To rectify this, they should simply email him or give him a ring, request a form and return it as soon as possible. On-going, a confirmation of Section membership will be included each year with a copy of the PP as it is a requirement of Sections, as it is of the Club, that members register once annually. Paulerspury People - January 2014


A new venue for the Section, Greens Restaurant at Collingtree Park Golf Club, is where we shall be holding our first lunch of 2014 (probably a week or so ago before you read this). Not only is it a new venue but I am delighted to say the event has been organised by one of the Section’s newer members. Any member is welcome to suggest an event or to offer to organise an existing event at any time, just contact the events coordinator (see contacts) with your ideas. If you are a little apprehensive, a committee member will always be happy to support you. Why not give it some thought? In February, we will be having our now new members lunch at The Hunt House. There will be a general welcome to all new members since the last time, followed by an introduction to the facilities available at The Hunt House and a guided tour of the building. Lunch will be served in the conservatory. The archive section is likely to be of particular interest, for it is here that you are likely to find the original build file for your car. From original specification to delivery and subsequent warranty work, the Club’s archives house files on thousands of vehicles. If you have your chassis number with you, you may just be able to see your own vehicle file. Copies of these files are available to order from The Hunt House at around £40 by contacting the Club records archivist, Martika Kennedy on 01327 810786. Orders for build files can be placed on the day of the new members lunch and will be despatched soon after. May I wish you all a very happy and healthy motoring season ahead and I look forward to seeing you at an event soon.

Barry Gallafent

Autumn Road Run - Sunday 20th Cctober On Sunday October 20th we drove to the Fancott Arms near Toddington to meet fellow members for a leisurely drive followed by lunch. As we entered the pub, we were met by the buzz of chatter with lots of smiles and friendly greetings; a very good turn out too. As relatively new members to the club, we can honestly say, it is a wonderfully friendly group. After more chat and a welcome cup of coffee we set off to explore the Bedfordshire countryside. Unbelievably, the wet start to the day gave way to sunshine and most of the journey was dry and bright. As the weather prevented us from bringing the 20/25, we hitched a ride with another new member, Mark Versallion in his Silver Spirit and were very fortunate because he knew the area well and pointed out some interesting landmarks including Alistair Cook’s family farm! The route was lovely; particularly the drive through Woburn. The deer looked suitably impressed by the convoy of vehicles and the colour of the trees was magnificent. 6

Paulerspury People - January 2014

In the car park of The Fancott Arms

Not toPaulerspury be messedPeople with - January 2014


Young deer in the beautiful grounds of Woburn Park

Mrs Moss - A non-running racehorse. She is buried beneath her statue

We returned to the pub for a very welcome and enjoyable lunch, happy that we were inside as the heavens opened! Barry and Ruth organised an excellent event and everyone was very appreciative. Some of us newer members decided that it was good to share cars occasionally as it gave us such a brilliant opportunity to get to know each other better! Maybe the weather had done us a favour!

Caroline Sykes 8

Paulerspury People - January 2014

Visit to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars - Thursday 24th October Writing on a damp Halloween and following a much hyped storm in the south east on St Jude’s day, makes me appreciate what a lucky band we were last week when we drove in warm Autumn sunshine to Goodwood to the Rolls-Royce production plant (factory just doesn’t seem the right description). Like many club members I suspect, Allan and I had applied to visit on a couple of occasions and not been lucky enough to win a place. But I’d encourage you to persevere. It was well worth the wait. There were 32 of us in 17 club cars on the day. The drive through the South Downs was very pleasant and the mild weather encouraged a good representation of Rolls and Bentleys. A last minute plea from RR to bring the oldest vehicles resulted in a varied display and meant for example that Lulu Belle came rather than the Chris and Linda’s newer Bentley. Finding the factory was a little challenging for those of us yet to submit to the commands of sat nav. Unlike the old Rolls aero engine factory of my Coventry childhood, the plant blends seamlessly into the Sussex countryside. And not just at ground level. The 3.5 hectare roof is covered in local grasses and sedum plants which make it almost invisible from the air. So those billionaire owners who want to take a glimpse when sending their personal jets to take delivery of their new Phantom – yes that does happen – may not be able to see where their new toy was built.

Rolls-Royce HQ 2014 PaulerspuryMotor PeopleCars - January


The Goodwood plant serves as the headquarters, design, manufacturing and assembly centre for Rolls Royce Motor Cars. Officially opened for business on 1 January 2003, the plant has been expanded twice since, and now covers 22,500 square metres employing 1500 workers. Designed by Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, architect of the Eden project in Cornwall, the £60m building is a beacon of innovative design creating an environment which is good for employees, local community and of course the assembly of cars. Visitors are catered for too with an elevated walkway route over the workshop areas meaning that we could see all the work going on without getting in anyone’s way. For some of us that was perhaps a little disappointing as you couldn’t get close to the cars as you can at Crewe. But as Jane, our enthusiastic guide, reminded us, these cars are all built to order. They are already someone’s cherished motor and they intend to keep them pristine. After a short introduction and brief resume of the Rolls story we donned beige work coats and set off for our guided tour. It’s a long walk - over two hours -and some took advantage of the seats in the leather trim department for a breather. Not only does the factory not look like a factory, it doesn’t smell like one either. No scent of swarf; no dark corners or harsh fluorescent lighting. Natural light floods through the miles of plate glass windows giving workers a surreal view of the ducks floating serenely by on the garden’s water feature. And the language is different too. No “Paint Shop” here. Rolls has a “Surface Finish Centre” where 30 kg of paint are applied to each car. This sterile environment forbids the use of deodorants, perfumes or jewellery on its male and female workforce to ensure no damage to the cars’ bodywork. The bodies of course are not manufactured in the UK but in the BMW plants in Germany. But the British craftsmanship is shown to its full in the personalisation of trim; the paint, wood and leather. Despite the vast array of standard colours to choose from, for some customers this is still not enough. One required a unique shade of “Desert Gold” which contained 19g of gold per litre. The paint for that one car alone has a bullion value of £22,300. We saw examples of the Phantom and Ghost being efficiently put together at stations using meticulously numbered elements from the “parts supermarket”. And of course we saw the new Wraith, launched in September 2013 which is already sold out and has a waiting list of six months. The numerous choices of leather and wood finishes created debate. Though none could doubt the skill and ingenuity in their production, some combinations of colour and finish were not enjoyed by all. But then we are talking about a global market for these cars. China, currently the biggest customer, sees piano black with red leather as a popular choice as it’s seen as bringing good fortune. If you want to see just how personal a scheme can Club cars 10 in the car park

Paulerspury People - January 2014

be, you can try for yourself by downloading the official Phantom and Ghost apps on your iPad. Produced by Rolls Royce these free apps can give hours of pleasure as you play with paint, leather, wood and wheel trim. And for those of you who wish you had been able to join us, all is not lost. We were followed on our tour by a film crew from Channel 4 who were creating a programme on famous, high quality brands. And they don’t come much more famous than Rolls Royce. Look out for more news in Paulerspury People of when the show will be going on air. Thanks to Derek and Sylvia Freeman’s tireless arrangements, many of us chose to stay overnight at the excellent Crouchers Hotel in nearby Birdham village. There we were joined for dinner by Andrew Ball, Head of Communications of Rolls Royce and his colleague (Henrietta) from New York. One thing we learned was that the Rolls 4 wheel drive car featured on the recent edition of Autocar is not to be taken too literally. And who arranged the Spitfire flyover at the end of the tour? I forgot to ask. But a dramatic end to a splendid visit.


Members gather prior to their2014 visit Paulerspury People - January


RESTORERS OF ROYAL ROLLS-ROYCES Chris Lee’s personal association with the Rolls-Royces of royalty dates back to his days as a Hythe Road apprentice, during which he ZDV VHFRQGHG WR ZRUN RQ WKH +RXVH RI :LQGVRUÂśV Ă€ HHW )ROORZLQJ WKH establishment of his eponymous business specialising in the service, repair and restoration of the products of Crewe and Derby, he had the pleasure of tending to the cars of the Duke of Gloucester and Princess Margaret, and her personal letter of thanks is among his more treasured 5ROOV 5R\FH UHODWHG NHHSVDNHV Now, forty seven years after its foundation, Chris Lee’s Ltd can boast an endless list of famous connections, and the line-up of celebrities that have been served by the garage reads like the Who’s Who of the entertainment industry. The 5R\DO FRPPLVVLRQV FRQWLQXH WR Ă€ RZ too, and in recent times work has been carried out both for the King of Malaysia and the Emir of Kano. The trigger to the latter association was a Silver Cloud III that had been treated to a lengthy bodyoff restoration in the UK but subsequently developed problems. Responsibility for rectifying the gremlins was placed with Welshman Ken Jasper who, after much research beat a path to Chris Lee’s Ltd’s SUHPLVHV LQ OHDI\ %HDFRQVÂż HOG Bucks. An agreement was made and it was while in Nigeria investigating WKH 6LOYHU &ORXG WKDW WKH WHDP Âż UVW VHW eyes on ‘ALW 11’. 12

Immortalised in miniature by the French model makers FYP, body No.9867 to Hooper design N.833 was originally commissioned in 1952 by the eccentric Turkish-born playboy Nubar Gulbenkian. An extremely elegant and capacious four-door cabriolet, it featured numerous unique touches including: a folding roof structure that was way ahead of its time in retracting completely from view; a rear mounted speedometer so its master could encourage his

‘ALW 11’ undergoing restoration

Paulerspury People - January 2014

The Emir of Kano’s car awaiting return to Nigeria following its complete restoration

chauffeur to ever higher speeds; and fully-faired in front lights. Famous for transporting her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh during their 1956 visit to Nigeria it was, by 2009, in desperate need of restoration – a no-expense-spared task that ultimately occupied 100 per cent of Chris Lee’s director Martin Hawes from June 2010 to July 2011. Long since back in Kano, the Emir’s pride and joy is once again enjoying state duty. One thing’s for sure, life is never dull at Chris Lee’s Ltd and the company’s latest major project is a contract to assist a global Philippines-based restoration company in the renovation of classic Rolls-Royces and Bentleys, as a result of which no less than 18 straight six and V8 engines are currently in various stages of rebuild. Says Chris, who had a hand in building the Phantom VI he now owns Paulerspury People - January 2014

while serving his apprenticeship: “A Rolls-Royce has featured in pretty much every day of my working life to date, and I really can’t imagine things any other way!�

Chris Lee’s Phantom VI

Chris Lee’s Ltd is based at /RQGRQ (QG 2OG %HDFRQV¿ HOG Buckinghamshire, HP9 2JH ZZZ FKULVOHHV FR XN LQIR#FKULVOHHV FR XN +44 (0)1494 675211


Bedfordshire Sunday Lunch - Flitwick Manor - Sunday 3rd November The native Saxon village of Fleotwic, literally ‘dwelling on the river’, centred around the high ground was the venue of this years’ Beds Pub Lunch – Flitwick Manor. Nestling in the tranquillity of rolling gardens and wooded parkland, the Menzies Flitwick Manor is a true country house hotel. Located near the historic village of Woburn, this 17th century house continues its ancestral traditions of hospitality. The hotel’s award winning a la carte restaurant offers a tempting menu and we enjoyed the best of British fayre in lovely surroundings. It is true that the transfer from private hands to the Mercure brand has somewhat softened the impact, but the quality of the food was very good. There was a slight issue with a lack of gravy, but this was only a small distraction. It was lovely to see some new members at the event and equally all the members who actively support everything we do and arrange throughout the year. As usual we were fully booked with over 50 members in attendance and a waiting list of more than 10 – a sobering lesson to book early to avoid disappointment! Thanks especially go to Val and Danny for the arrangements – another great lunch.

Kay Warnock

It was 14 cosy at Flitwick Manor

Paulerspury People - January 2014

Open Morning at Hiller Hill - Saturday 30th November I couldn’t make up my mind whether to accompany my other half to an open morning at Hillier Hill but decided to go as it has been quite a while since I have been there in spite of living very close by. After all, if I got bored there would inevitably be a few other ‘bored wags’ to talk to. I definitely won’t sound like a feminist when I say that a morning looking round cars isn’t what most women like to do. Surely we girls are equally as interested as the boys. Would it be politically incorrect to think otherwise? Judging by the number of females present (three not counting Mandy who works there) I think I can safely say that visiting Olney’s industrial estate wasn’t a priority for most of the women. However the surprise for me was what an interesting morning it turned out to be. Over coffee and lots of noshing of croissants, pains de chocolat etc, Ray Hiller gave a short talk describing what Hillier Hill are doing these days and introducing his business partner Tony Hill and all the other members of staff who make up the team. The business has expanded over the years from one unit to two with the third (conveniently next door) being taken on almost a year ago. We were given a tour of each unit. The first is the original premises of Hillier Hill and is where the routine work and servicing take place and there were several examples of Rolls-Royce and Bentley for us to see. Ray’s own car was on a ramp so we could see a just completed example of an under body protection process using Tectyl. I have to say that is the very first time I have ever walked under a car on a ramp. Until now undersides of cars have been a complete mystery to me.

Customers cars in for various2014 servicing requirements Paulerspury People - January


Michael Digby, the auto electrician has developed a contraption that looks like half a car seat that he uses to test faulty seat mechanisms. Instead of doing this in situ, he takes the electronic unit out of the car and connects it up to the kit thus making it far easier to work out where the fault lies. To make this, Michael had to wire up his ‘box of tricks’ to exactly the specification used in Rolls-Royce cars. For his innovation he was awarded second prize in an annual competition run by the Rolls-Royce and Bentley Specialists Association and awarded by the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers. Chris Leath another mechanic at Hillier Hill also won first prize in the inaugural apprentice award scheme in 2010. In the next unit there is a new MOT bay. It is proving very useful to have this facility on site as it saves a lot of time. They carry out MOTs on any vehicle and you get tea and biscuits and a comfortable seat while you wait. There were more customers’ cars to be seen including our own 1967 Silver Shadow which is currently in the workshop for a bit of over winter maintenance. John Macrae’s new Bentley a beautiful sporty open top tourer is in to have a few things done to it before next year’s motoring season. He and his son came along to check its progress. There were several other cars one of which was awaiting a rubber seal for the rear screen. For some reason the original had been discarded by a previous garage not realising that it’s virtually impossible to get replacements. Another vehicle had been bought from new, driven about 2500 miles and then put in storage for a considerable amount of time. Hillier Hill is carrying out maintenance work to bring it back to a state where it can be used on the road again. Unit number three is the place where long term restorations are carried out. We saw a beautiful example of the work that Hillier Hill do in an award winning Silver Shadow. The car looked immaculate in every way and had returned to the workshops to have specially made cloth seats fitted. At the back end of the workshop is another car which is having a full back-to-chassis restoration. In fact the chassis was there for us to see in all its splendidly restored state. Where was the rest of the car? Well, the body is away for restoration and spraying. Many parts are laid out in what seems to be a very methodical way, awaiting return to the vehicle at a later stage, with nuts, bolts and screws carefully arranged. The engine has been completely rebuilt by Tony and that sits on a cradle elsewhere in the workshop. All the other bits, presumably things like seats, tyres and whatever else are carefully stored away on the mezzanine out of sight. After our tour we were left to wander round as we liked (being careful of course to only look and not touch the customers’ cars) and ask questions before a quick wash up session and more coffee before departure. During our tour we spotted the beautiful Bentley SI Continental pictured below which is cared for by Hillier Hill. It belongs to MC member Rolf Kuhnke who very kindly 16

Paulerspury People - January 2014

permitted us to use this photograph of it. There were many other vehicles to photograph of course but Hillier Hill respect the privacy of their clients at all times and do not allow photography without their previous consent Girls, you should have come along. It was a very interesting morning, NOT TOO TECHNICAL and very impressive. You might have enjoyed it. Thanks to the crew at Hillier Hill for giving up their morning for us. Note: Hillier Hill made no charge for this visit or the refreshments they provided but invited the Section to collect ÂŁ5 person from all attendees for charity. Our chairman took charge of this and collected ÂŁ180 which we have donated to Breast Cancer Care.

Kathy Martin

Bentley Continental belonging to Rolf Kuhnke Paulerspury People -SIJanuary 2014


AGM and Christmas Lunch - Sunday 8th December The Section AGM took place as has become tradition, at the Mitchell Hall, Cranfield on Sunday 8th December and was very well attended. The occasion was once again organised by Val Yates, thanks to her for doing such a splendid job. Prior to the AGM, members met in the bar area for tea and coffee as Val Mitchel wandered amongst them, selling raffle tickets with a lovely smile! The AGM started promptly at 11:00 and all members present were recorded as being so, by the Secretary and his good wife. The Chairman welcomed everybody and invited any matters arising from the previous AGM minutes, there were none and the minutes were approved. He then gave a brief synopsis of the year, including events past and present. He outlined our membership initiative, administered by membership coordinator Mark Warnock, explaining that we were now confident our active mailing data contained ‘genuine’ Section members only and we were not wasting time or money on people who had no interest in the Section. The Chairman announced that the committee had offered itself entirely for re-election, with the exception of Val Yates, who was retiring after more than twenty years continuous service. Those members present agreed to the election of the committee en-bloc. The Chairman announced an additional, returning committee member, Janet Dolan, whose form had been duly proposed and seconded in accordance with the rules, prior to the meeting. Janet was duly elected. Treasurer Kathy Martin had circulated the Section financial report prior to commencement of the meeting and briefly reported on the healthy state of the Section finances and informed members that all monies due to the Section from the court regarding the case against treasurers past, had now been received and the matter was closed. Kathy invited questions of her report but there were none.

Secretary - Steve Dolans’ brief report


Paulerspury People - January 2014 Chairman Barry Gallafent presents Val Yates with her flowers

The Secretary’s report was indeed brief and the Chairman joked that we would now have a spare twenty minutes in which to amuse ourselves before the next item. The Tom Shanks Rose Bowl was awarded to Steve and Janet Dolan and the Chairman presented Val Yates with a beautiful floral display on behalf of the Section. Club Management Committee member Rolf Kuhnke was in attendance and addressed the AGM with a prepared update of the main club situation and the developments at the Hunt House and on the Management Committee during the year. Members listened intently to Rolf and when he invited questions, there were none. The MC had agreed a uniform address to Section AGM’s and the aforementioned ‘prepared update’ meant all Sections would receive the same information at their AGM, regardless of who presented it. This was designed by the MC to ensure both the content and accuracy of what was conveyed was the same for all members. Rolf had to depart prior to lunch in order to catch the last ferry of the day from Harwich, the last before Wednesday actually, on his journey by road back to Germany. Pre-Lunch drinks were enjoyed in the bar area where members were able to catch up with each other and have a chat. Lunch was called promptly at 1:00p.m. and everyone made their way through to the dining room. Following Lunch, the Chairman announced the draw for the raffle; prizes were kept to a minimum, so this was not too boring. Prize winners seemed to be fairly well distributed amongst the tables. During coffee, we were treated to a visit from Santa Claus himself and a small gift was presented to each lady. Bert Gladwin told Santa that he remembered him when he was just a small boy. Santa made an ‘unheard’ comment to Bert and Bert called Santa a cheeky bugger but before he could give him a clip around the ear, Santa was gone! The Mitchell Hall dining room

Paulerspury People - January 2014 Alan Goddard thanks the committee for their work

19 The Chairman bids Rolf Kuhnke farewell

Future Events The Section are delighted to offer a wide range of events spread across our area and we look forward to seeing you at some of them throughout the year. Do check event dates and locations carefully as there may be more than one event organised on the same day. This is aimed at providing for a variety of interests and creating availability in different areas. Section members are always welcome to suggest events that may be of interest or to offer to organise an existing event. Contact details for our events coordinator, Janet Dolan, can be found on the contacts page of this magazine. Booking for any event is done, as always, by completing the enclosed form(s) and returning them to the organiser with the relevant entry fee enclosed. Event organisers will endeavour to confirm your booking by email, so do please, be sure to include yours on the form, CLEARLY written. Some forms wil be available closer to the event.

Future Events Diary Sunday 23rd February New Members Lunch The Hunt House, Paulerspury, Northants., NN12 7NA Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan Saturday 15th March Steam Hauled to Buxton Spa Organisers: Barry and Ruth Gallafent **FULLY BOOKED** Sunday 23rd March - Sunday Lunch Redcoats Farmhouse Hotel, Redcoats Green, Herts., SG4 7JR Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan April (Date and details TBC - See Website or call organisers) Visit to DAF Trucks Plant and The Commercial Motor Musuem Leyland, Lancashire This will be a two night stay, (one prior to the visit). Organisers: Barry & Ruth Gallafent 20

Sunday 27th April St Georges Day Run and Lunch Corner Five, Box End Park, Box End Rd, Bedford MK43 8RQ Organisers: Derek & Sylvia Freeman Mark & Kay Warnock 9th - 12th May 2014 Shropshire Hills and Ludlow Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan ** FULLY BOOKED** 20th - 22nd June - Annual Rally Section Get Together Rockingham Castle, Northants. Organiser: The Hunt House Sunday 6th July Broadwell House Driving Day & Picnic Broad well House, Broadwell, CV23 8HF Organisers: Adrian and Linda Denham Sunday 13th July Kimbolton Country Fayre Kimbolton Castle, Kimbolton, Huntingdon, Cambs., PE28 0EA Organiser: Val Yates Paulerspury People - January 2014

Sunday 13th July Harpenden Highland Gathering Rothamsted Park Leyton Road, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 2LR Organiser: David Morgan

Sunday 24th August Little Gransden Air Show & Classic Car Show Fuller’s Hill Farm Little Gransden, Cambs., SG19 3BP Organisers: Barry and Ruth Gallafent

Wednesday 6th August Classics-On-The-Green Croxley Green, Herts Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan

Sunday 7th September Treasure Hunt and Lunch Venue: TBC Organisers: Kathy and Mike Martin

Sunday 17th August Annual Summer Picnic Rothamsted Park Royal Masonic School for Girls Rickmansworth Park, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 4HF Organiser: Steve and Janet Dolan

Future Events (continues overleaf)

Mark Warnock’s Rolls-RoyceSilver Spirit II & Richard Marriott’s Bentley SIII

Steven and Mia Murray’s Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith People - January 2014 Arnage & Paulerspury David and Margaret Wells Bentley

Douglas Newton’s Bentley MKVI & Peter Parson’s Bentley MKVI

Barry and Ruth Gallafent on the Club stand at the NEC


Future Events (continued) You may have notieced we have two outdoor events on the same day this year, Sunday 13th July, the Kimbolton Country Fayre and the Harpenden Highland Gathering. As both events are different in content and location, the committee decided to list both, offering members a choice. For more information on each event, visit their individual websites, their addresses are shown with the pictures below. The Harpenden Highland Gathering -

The Kimbolton Country Fayre -

Paulerspury Section Committee

Attention Smart Phone Users

Chairman and Editor

Scan any of these QR codes to find out more about what the section is up to.

Barry Gallafent (Ruth) 222b Wolverton Road Blakelands Milton Keynes, MK14 5AB Tel: 01908 216804 Mobile: 07785 398271

Secretary Steve Dolan (Janet) 13 Charter Court, Rothwell, Northants., NN14 6GS Tel: 01536 989608

Treasurer Kathryn Martin (Mike) Tel: 01234 714092

Events Coordinator Janet Dolan (Steve) Tel: 07900 523152 (Mobile)

Membership Coordinator Mark Warnock (Kay) Tel: 07792 906771 (Mobile)

Committee Members Ruth Gallafent (Barry) Tel: 07900 523 152 Derek Freeman (Sylvia) Tel: 01234 823255 (Home)

Section Website

Hillier Hill L







Outstanding levels of service and restoration on all post-war models of Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars

1998 Bentley Brooklands R Mulliner No. 32 of 100. 18,000 miles from new. Finest on the market today ÂŁ42,500.00

Unit 18, Stilebrook Road, Yardley Rd Industrial Est, Olney, Bucks, MK46 5EA Tel: 01234 713871 Out of hours: 07500 700584

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