Paulerspury People January 2012

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Paulerspury People January 2012

The Newsletter of The RREC Paulerspury Section


Paulerspury People - January 2012

Paulerspury People

January 2012

The newsletter of the Rolls Royce Enthusiasts’ Club - Paulerspury Section

Contents Not a Lot of People Know That


The Chairman’s Bit


Summer Cheese and Wine


Ascott House Picnic


John Taylor Bell Foundry


Visit to Bentley Driver’s Club


Poole Weekend


Poole Weekend - There’s More


Autumn Amble


NEC Classic Car Show


November Lunch


AGM and Christmas Lunch


The Saving of ANK 515K


Secretary’s Report


Editors Comments


Forthcoming Events


Section Contacts


The quality and quantity of the content of Paulerspury People is provided by our members for the enjoyment of others. If you have something to tell us about, do let us know, by email preferably and we will do our best to include it. Supporting photographs are especially welcome. We are keen to revive ‘Me and my car’, so do let us know about yours. Front Cover Photograph: Robert and Jill Kennedy’s 1923 20hp (80K7) Tourer, by Stevenson of Glasgow at the Ascott House Picnic in August 2011

Paulerspury People - January 2012


Not a Lot of People Know That In 1946, four masked men in a Rolls-Royce thundered across the drawbridge of Hever Castle in Kent, home of the Astors, at four in the morning. Ten minutes later they thundered back again, having stolen Ann Boleyn’s prayer book, Henry the VIII’s dagger and twelve other items.

Lord Baden-Powell’s Rolls-Royce was a gift from Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies, each of whom contributed one penny to the magnificent gift.

Peter Sellers had number plates PS 199 and PS 1872 on his Rolls-Royces. He made great efforts to acquire PS 1 from a dour Scottish woman, offering first £1,000 and then £2,500. To his extreme annoyance, she refused to sell.

On his return from Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral, The Duke of Gloucester ordered his chauffeur to let him take the wheel. The Duchess counselled against this. The Duke insisted, not much later the Rolls-Royce was in a field and the Duchess in Hospital with a broken arm.


Paulerspury People - January 2012

The Chairmans Bit It’s that time of year again when we take stock of the 12 months just gone and look ahead to what 2012 might bring.

Chairman - Chris Ball

The committee has worked hard on your behalf and as there were no new nominations for the committee at the AGM, all existing members were elected en bloc. Unfortunately, Trevor Baldwin, the management committee representative was not able to join us due to a bad cold and loss of voice. We were fortunate, however, to have Clive Green who stepped into the breach and gave a very

interesting talk about the Club’s archives and their restoration. I was also particularly pleased to present the Shank’s Rose Bowl to Peter and Joyce Parsons who had attended every event in the 2011 calendar. After the AGM we went to lunch and it was the usual uproarious occasion enjoyed by all. At the first committee meeting held after the AGM the officers were elected and I was delighted to be appointed Chairman for a fourth term. I am also particularly pleased to welcome Steve Dolan and Mark Warnock as well as Derek Freeman to the committee. I am sure all three will make a big contribution to our work. I am sad though to lose Ray Hillier whom, due to working commitments, has decided to step down. He will, however, be organising some technical visits, so all is not lost. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the committee members, especially Kathy Martin our Treasurer and Robert Kennedy our Secretary, for their sterling work and support over the last year. I also thank Adrian Denham for looking after the website and Barry Gallafent for producing the PP and flyers throughout last year. It has been another busy and interesting year for the section. The Pendon Railway museum was a resounding success as was the visit to the new HQ of the Bentley Drivers’ Club. The St George’s Day drive and lunch was well attended and the five days in Northumberland were truly magnificent. We had all manner of weather thrown at us, but it was nonetheless enjoyable. At the Annual Rally the section wiped the board with no less than four of our cars winning accolades. We visited the lovely Fen town of Ely and its Cathedral and drank wine and ate cheese by the canal at Blisworth – most enjoyable occasions – both organised by non-committee members Peter and Audrey Nightingale and David and Barbara Clarke respectively. The Annual Picnic took place at Ascott House, followed by a great weekend at Poole when we visited and stayed at the RNLI College and toured the Dorset coast. Paulerspury People - January 2012




Paulerspury People - January 2012

The ever-popular pub lunches were also well attended with over 65 members at the last one of the year held at the Bedfordshire Golf Club. My heartfelt thanks go to all those who organised events and if any member of the section would like to arrange something, whether it be a lunch, day out or a weekend, please contact me or a member of the committee with your ideas. We would be happy to support and assist you in your endeavours. Earlier I mentioned the visit to Poole and the RNLI. As you know, my charity is the Harwich Lifeboat and in 2011 we raised £3,206. Even more good news is that the total amount raised since my election in 2008 is £6,478. This is a truly goodly sum for a worthwhile charity, but is in every way due to your generosity and I thank you all very much indeed. There is a full calendar of events for 2012 and I make no apology for preaching the same mantra as every year: book early to avoid disappointment as some of the events have limited capacity. First and foremost, we start with a New Members Lunch on Sunday, 4 March and if you are a new member reading this and you’ve not received an invitation, please contact either Mia Murray (Tel: 01908 504606) or David Davis (01462 674347) for details. The day starts with a visit to the Hunt House and then lunch at a local pub. Details of the day are included with this edition of the PP and early booking is recommended. The St George’s Day Run and Lunch takes place on Sunday 22 April and there is a three-day trip to Aldeburgh organised in May. David and Raelene Morgan are organising a visit to a splendid Motor Museum in Potters Bar followed by lunch on Sunday, 13 May and Steven and Mia Murray have very generously agreed to host the tailgate pre-lunch drinks reception from their Silver Wraith at the Annual at Rockingham Castle in June. Derek and Sylvia Freeman are organising another a visit to Porlock in September and if you want to come, you need to get your booking slip and deposit in pronto! The aforementioned is a taster of what we are doing in 2012 - there are lots of other events planned, so please come along. It will be great to see you at some or all of events with your cars. Happy New Year to you and yours and safe driving!

Chris Ball Paulerspury People - January 2012


Summer Cheese and Wine at Canal House On Sunday, 7 August the section paid a visit to the delightful house and gardens of David and Barbara Clarke for cheese and wine. A good selection of club cars parked up in a specially designated car park in a marina near Canal House situated near the famous Blisworth Tunnel on the Grand Union Canal. Some braved the blustery conditions and took to the garden to watch the canal boats slipping silently by, while others stayed in the house. Very generously, David and Barbara provided beautiful wines and delicious cheeses and when it was time to go we each received a cupcake with the initials RREC on the top.

Beautiful Canal House

Gently chatting over a glass of wine

A raffle was held for a bottle of champagne and a voucher for dinner kindly donated by a local restaurant. Graham and Joan Tomalin were the lucky winners of the champagne and Steve and Jan Dolan the voucher for dinner. David and Barbara asked that the proceeds from the event be donated to the Cynthia Spencer Hospice in Northampton and a cheque for ÂŁ740 was duly sent.

Ah ha, Canal House, now I get it - says Steve Dolan!

It was a great day and on behalf of everyone, thanks go to David and Barbara for inviting us to their home.

Linda Ball 8

Keith & Pippa, rarely seen with empty glasses

Paulerspury People - January 2012

Ascott House Picnic - August 2011 Gentles all, be so kind to lend an impatient ear, while I lay before you a modest description of a recent excursion to the house of Rothschild, deep in the vale of Aylesbury. Let your imagination fly to see two lines of English oaks placed along a country lane, bordering a pasture set aside for some local sport. Then, if you will, to imagine the noble dukes of Kennedy, Fleming, Cowley and Murray with many knights of the realm drawn up beneath these brave oaks, their carriages gleaming in the sunlight, a rare sight indeed. Then as the hour would strike midday, led by the princely Duke of Kennedy, dukes and knights decamped together with their followers to gather at the finest of pavilions, put aside for this sporting pastime. Here it will be accepted, that many a noble heart was stirred with the memory of The Kennedy’s 20hp next to the Murray’s Silver Wraith valiant conquests from such a and the Tomalin’s 20/25 pavilion, how many yearned deeply to turn back the years to conquer yet again. Did their ladies then, also wish for those years, as if by magic to vanish and thus participate again in a romantic conquest, but in a field of their own choosing? Amongst these sweet memories, dukes and knights alike with their ladies, were so refreshed with champagne and sweetmeats, I wager an unsteady path was trod, as they returned to their carriages. For my own part, together with my lady, I was gratified to share a table with my lord the duke of Kennedy, where we were able to taste the finest of wines. There I felt able to pay attention to the passing of numerous fair ladies, where I would doff my cap in friendly greeting, to which they would respond suitably with a curtsy or two. The gardens were simply beautiful

This advantageous position, in that dappled sunlight of that glorious afternoon, enabled me to observe the cricket pavilion to my left, the white gates leading to Ascot house to the centre, then to the right the vale of Aylesbury, with the Downs Paulerspury People - January 2012


of Dunstable through the haze on the horizon. When I felt able to explore, reluctantly casting off the effects of generous hospitality, I eventually meandered through those white gates. Ascot house, much to my surprise, is basically a two storey structure, the design as such suggesting a building with additions, all clothed in black and Time for lunch white. There being many roof lines and pinnacles with decorative chimneys to admire. The interior can be described as sumptuous, warm. Ascot House is a home where I felt privileged to be allowed to wander. How many entering the library were drawn to that fabulous portrait of a lady, looking down with an imperious gaze on all those passing beneath? The gardens were spectacular, a perfect setting for the house. Many features of this garden were exemplified by the perfect setting of the house, placed on the high ground, overlooking the gardens and the vale of Aylesbury. This superbly organized outing ended in the cricket pavilion, where numerous cakes and cups of tea were dispensed to eager members, anxious to shake off the effects of wine (a’hem tasting !) It was here I was approached by one extremely fair lady who offered to pour me a cup of tea. Now, did she consider me past pouring a cup of tea, or had she have something other in mind? I have tended to think the latter‌.

Graham Tomalin

A stunning line-up of motor-cars


Paulerspury People - January 2012

Visit to The John Taylor Bell Foundry - 5th October 2011 Twenty five members of the section met at the premises of John Taylor Bellfounders in Loughborough on the 5th of October for a guided tour around one of only two bell foundries left in England, the other being the Whitechapel Foundry in the east end of London. After a simple but enjoyable lunch at the Three Nuns PH we made our way to the Foundry Museum where we were met by Mary Barras who runs the museum and her colleague Chris Berry who provided the guided tour. The company was founded not in Loughborough but in Oxford way back in 1784, however when the parish church of All Saints in Loughborough was considering have a new ring of bells, it stipulated that they must be cast within the parish boundary and it was at this point that the company moved into the area. The current site of the foundry was purpose built in the 1850’s. Leicester Bell Founders

After her introduction Chris took us to the foundry itself and explained the methods used for casting bells, head stocks and welding rods, these being used for the repairing of bells that have cracked, we were fortunate to see some small items having the molten metal being poured into the moulds. From there we moved across the road into the machine shop and then into the area where the bells are tuned, Chris’s husband explained in detail the method adopted way back in 19th Century known by some as the Taylors True Harmonic Tuning. This is quite a skill but ensures that all the bells in “the ring” are in tune with each other. Having finished in that

What has David seen that the others are missing?

Paulerspury People - January 2012


You needed to be there, it is quite amazing and extremely interesting

part of the foundry we moved back to the main body of the museum where some more of the history of the company was explained. Some of the biggest bells in the world have been cast by Taylors, notably Great Paul in St Pauls Cathedral, cast in 1881 and weighing 17 metric tonnes, another being Liverpool Cathedral’s Bourdon bell weighing 14tons 13cwt the second largest bell in England.

The tour finished about 3pm and it seems that all who attended found the visit fascinating and were delighted that the skills which largely originated in England are still with us and in great demand mainly because of the art of “change ringing” in England, which whilst not entirely unique to the UK is probably the only country which rings bells regularly in this fashion, the art of “change ringing “ goes back over 400 years here and varies in its style depending on where you are, methods are in some cases are very complex and some can take many hours to ring, quite amazing when you consider that the components are simple, a bell on a wheel sitting in a frame with a rope. The more bells you have the more complicated it becomes, if you have not tried then make your way to your local church tower and ask if you can learn they will be pleased to see you as so many towers are short of ringers, you never know you may find another absorbing hobby.

After a most enjoyable day, Alan Goddard hails a taxi


David Davis Paulerspury People - January 2012

Poole Weekend - 16th - 19th September 2011 The Journey What a wonderful September morning, cool, bright that lovely autumnal smell in the air. The weather forecast was however saying something very different, rain, rain and more rain! We set off from Bromham in Bedfordshire bright and early to get to Poole in time for beer and sandwiches before a visit round the RNLI College. The route is well known to us, across Milton Keynes, skirt round Buckingham to Bicester then onto the A34. The vale of Oxford was just turning to autumn colours looking stunning as the Cloud ate up the miles. By the time we got to the M3 we were beginning to see some superb old cars wending their way to the Goodwood Revival weekend, E Types, a couple of Blower Bentleys a beautiful Mark V1 Jaguar; great to see on the road. The M3 joins up to the M27 and soon you pick up glimpses of the coast, nearly there. The last part of the journey was uneventful other than a metal garage door flew off the back of a truck and landed in the middle of the road. Fortunately we were not directly behind the vehicle and a road-sweeping machine managed to slow the traffic down so that no one ran into it. It does not bear thinking about the consequences if it had hit a car. Poole was now in our sights and finally after a couple of circuits of a large roundabout we found the entrance to the college, and it did not rain, that was later. The RNLI College 10,831 people were rescued by the RNLI around our shores in the last twelve months, many of whose lives would have been saved as a result the bravery and dedication of the volunteer crews. The RNLI is indeed an amazing institution; it survives solely on donations and legacies with no Government funding whatsoever. Founded in 1824, it now has 204 stations around Great Britain, Ireland, the Channel islands and the Isle of Man, 330 boats many of them multi-million pound vessels bristling with state of the art technology and a further 100 plus relief vessels, 4,500 volunteer crewmen and a core of permanent staff. It costs the RNLI ÂŁ123.5 million pound a year to stay afloat. So, the Paulerspury section, led by Chairman, or is it Captain Ball and his crew led us on a nautical weekend staying at the RNLI College and what a magnificent Paulerspury People - January 2012


RNLI College - Poole, Dorset

building it is. A state of the art training and conference centre opened by Her Majesty the Queen in 2004; designed by a Cornish architect, it reflects a nautical theme shaped like the prow of a boat with porthole windows overlooking Holes bay, part of the stunning Poole harbour in Dorset. It commands incredible views of the bay and has for its neighbour the luxury yacht builder, Sunseeker. Why does an institution that survives on charitable donations need such a prestigious building? Have the RNLI been squandering their hard fought for funds? Not a bit of it. Lifeboat crews need to be trained, surprisingly only 10% of new recruits have maritime knowledge and whilst there is still a strong reliance of on the job experience they do need some core basic training and refresher courses to hone their skills as technology constantly changes. Larger stations have a permanent crewmember (some have 2) the rest are volunteers who must live within a 3 mile radius of the station. 10% of the crews are woman. At least one crewmember would be a trained paramedic or sometimes a doctor. It can take up to 6 years to fully train a crewmember of a larger vessel. Prior to the college being built the RNLI had a much smaller facility, in Poole, to train crews but as the service grew and the training needs more complex the RNLI was spending some ÂŁ2.3 million pounds a year in housing and buying in training facilities so the decision was taken to create a purpose built facility. The College not only saved the institution external expenditure but it makes a profit some ÂŁ1.3million since 2007. 14

Paulerspury People - January 2012

The college has 60 bedrooms, all overlooking the bay and all fitted out to a very high hotel standard, they are used for the training sessions but also members of the public can stay there. There is an excellent restaurant, large bar, private dining facilities all of which are used both by the residents of the college and are available to the public generating additional revenue for the Institution. The intrepid sailors of the Paulerspury section managed to enjoy all of these facilities eating their way through some fantastic food plus the odd pint of Lifeboat Ale, a beer specially brewed for the college. There are 12 well equipped training / function rooms for residential courses; the college also devises online learning programs. A selection of training vessels are available moored on pontoons designed specifically to test the skills of the crewmembers. Kathy and Linda welcome the arrivals

The most impressive facility is the lifeboat cabin simulator. It has all the controls of a lifeboat with a visual representation of differing sea conditions which are projected onto a 180 degree screen. The sea conditions, location, weather can all be changed and the whole training session videoed to maximise the learning experience. You could soon get sea sick attempting to steer the vessel (simulator) in a force 9 gale whilst looking for a boat in distress. It is amazingly realistic and of course costs a fraction of taking a large vessel to sea, which would be more than ÂŁ500 per hour. Our Captain Ball did not fair too well in his session mistaking the lights of Dover for a burning ship, the writer however did little better coming close to running down a coastal destroyer which seemed to appear from nowhere in the gloom and raging sea. What this facility did demonstrate however was just how difficult and dangerous it is putting to sea in very inhospitable conditions. In a separate room there are 4 navigation simulators and the graphics for these simulators were created by the in house IT team. Then there is the survival pool; a 25 x 12.5 x 4.0 meter pool with a 4 meter high jump platform. The pool has a wave machine, wind, lightning, simulated daylight Paulerspury People - January 2012


and night time conditions, high pressure hoses to simulate sea spray and is kept at a temperature between 15 and 22 degrees C. The pool has a hoist above it to train for helicopter landings and rescues and trains the crews in the techniques required to right an inshore lifeboat. The pool is certainly not designed for a leisurely afternoon swim! Adjacent to the College is a large workshop which houses every engine used in the current lifeboat fleet. Vessels are maintained there from around the UK as well as it acting as a training facility for the engineers. Across the road from the college is the Sea Survival Centre which is the RNLI headquarters and the main operation centre controlling all the life boat stations around the British Isles. The RNLI are not only involved with sea rescues but they train lifeguards not just in the UK but around the world. There is an exchange program with the US Coast Guards and with the Australian Surf and Rescue organisation. Funds are all important to the RNLI and life boats which may be 20 years old but still serviceable are recycled and sold to third world countries. What an amazing place, what an amazing institution, what an amazing organisation. Thanks are due to our guide, Paul Sillence, who put up with our questions and banter. Saturday 17th September - A Day Out “...... familiar with these parts ?” “Oh yes! Well a while back ...... I suppose 40 odd years ......Studland beach, the dunes, the lane behind where you could park, camping in a field with my sons, walking along the ridge to Corfe Castle, ...... Lulworth Cove, Durdle Door, the chain ferry to Poole, ...... good memories!” “ Don’t remember the steam train ‘tho’. Waiting for the train

The steam train from near Corfe Castle to Swanage was how our day began this time. We like steam trains – they are ‘living’ machines – powerful, benevolent, and they breathe, cough, whistle, and almost speak. They are the railway engines of our childhood, before the advent of characterless diesel locomotives. 16

Paulerspury People - January 2012

Swanage was nice – a quiet seaside town. We took pleasure in watching a little girl jumping in breaking waves.

Being a full day out, Amarylis brought some more shoes with her

Another train took us, (and a high spirited crowd of Paulerspury ‘teenagers’ in the next compartment), back to Corfe Castle, a lovely unspoilt stone built village. The ‘teenagers’ bustled off ahead of us and disappeared (perhaps into a pub) and June and I did not see them again. We had lunch in the National Trust café, and went into the castle grounds. Quite surprised ourselves by climbing up to the ruins – a superb fortress built by Henry I, son of William the Conqueror, and blown apart by order of Cromwell’s parliament after the Civil War ended! In the sunshine we watched a Civil War Enactment in the grounds with lots of soldiers and civilians in period dress – musket fire, pikemen drilling, and many tents displaying crafts and customs of life in the 1640s ...... very entertaining!!

In Corfe, The Orient Express is a Chinese Takeaway - Sorry!

The train from Corfe to the car park puffed out of the station whilst we watched from the town square! Never mind we’ll catch the next one. Whilst we were sitting on a railway bench on the platform, under cover, the heavens opened. Luckily the shower ended as we got off the train. Too late, (and too tired!), to venture further we drove along the Studland peninsula to the chain ferry, - beautiful views, - and thence back to our ‘hotel’, a snooze, and another excellent dinner in good company. That is after watching a magnificent sunset in a dramatic panorama of multi-coloured clouds! What would tomorrow bring? Paulerspury People - January 2012


Cars parked up at Swanage

Sunday 18th September- Boat Trip to Brownsea Island Billions of Bilious Blue Blistering Barnacles and ‘eave ho me hearties! This was the day we set sail on a boat trip to Brownsea led by none other than Captain Haddock, that man of the sea and sometime President of the Society of Sober Sailors.

Beautiful Poole Harbour


Paulerspury People - January 2012

Having met at the Harbour all filed onto a brightly coloured yellow boat, some of them tunefully humming ‘We all Live in a Yellow Submarine’. It was pouring with rain and blowing a gale, but the sea-faring types had got their sea legs and went up on top to see the scenery as the boat chugged by. We past that wondrous place called Sand Banks where football managers, their players, magnates and rich businessmen alike live. On arrival at Brownsea a little group of intrepids disembarked and led by Captain Haddock, made its way along the footpaths, past a lovely old Church, to the National Trust Visitor’s Centre were they sheltered from the pouring rain. All agreed that the island was a magical place, housing that ‘we are never knowingly undersold’ residential centre. In 2008 it was home to BBC’s Autumnwatch and described by the presenter Bill Oddie as the best place for seeing wildlife in Dorset. It’s a thriving home to a population of the scarce and threatened red squirrel and also offers winter shelter to a quarter of the UK’s winter population of avocets. “Thundering Typhoons” declared Captain Haddock as his beard started to get wet, “let’s go back to Poole”. Some of the group said that they had started to grow webbed feet and so the decision was made to return, leaving the Brown’s and Machin’s to their fate alone on the island. With the Captain’s words, “them’s that dies will be the lucky ones”, ringing in their ears, the group caught the next boat back to Poole for some much needed sustenance and a warming of their cockles! After lunch Captain Haddock’s mate suggested the Cockle Trail (how apt), a charming walk around the old town of Poole tracing the town’s rich historical heritage. After which, the group returned to the RNLI College to put up their webbed feet before dinner that evening. ConclusionOver the three nights at the College we all enjoyed comfortable accommodation, good food and great service from the staff. We had many laughs and auctioned a knitted RNLI crewman called Bosun and made £300 pounds for the Sidcup Branch of the RNLI – a long way from the sea – but no matter, a goodly sum brought about by the kind generosity of those who attended the weekend. We savoured (well most did) Peter Parson’s marmalade and look forward to more of it at future weekends away. Finally, the organisers would like to thank Derek and Sylvia Freeman, Robert and June Brown and that old rouge of the sea, Captain Haddock, for their contributions to this write-up.

Chris & Linda Ball and Mick & Kathy Martin Paulerspury People - January 2012


Poole Weekend - There’s More Since your editor had to miss this superb event, I thought it might be appropriate to have the contingent infiltrated by our mystery correspondent who was located at Hambelton Hall with a brand new Silver Ghost, and so then, just happened to be in Poole during the RREC visit. Ed. Having visited Sydney Harbour earlier this year, it was quite delightful to be able to compare and contrast the two largest natural harbours in the world. The Paulespury Section arrived with every kind of ailment imaginable. The cars, as always were magnificent, as was the organisation of the weekend, by the Balls and the Martins, who worked tremendously hard before, during and after the event. The first major hicup was the loss of a QC cufflink, sadly never to be located, but maybe claimed by Quinten Clutterbuck, after all we were in Enid Blyton territory, both Corfe Castle and Studland Bay being inspiration for the Famous Five and Toytown respectively. Next came compressor failure of the Warnock’s beautiful garnet Shadow II now happily rectified. An excellent dinner revived spirits and we all made it through the night awakening to what must be one of the greatest harbour views in the world, and marmalade kindly made by Peter Parsons, as no one can get the lid off the section marmalade which accompanies all travels. Aches, pains and worse began to receed, and there was a spring in the steps along Swanage pier and around Corfe castle. Only one person got lost on the Swanage Link Ferry, and the sight of the section cars rolling on and off was too much for one Lexus owner who flagging a member’s car down to enquire why there were so many Roll-Royces and Bentley’s and then proceeded to not only explain why he didn’t have one, but hold up the traffic in the process. Saturday night’s dinner was absolutely brilliant. Paper planes were assembled to be hurled at the other tables - a revival of a Paulerspury tradition. A young waitress confided that it was the most enjoyable dinner the staff of the RNLI college had experienced for some time, and I have not had so much fun since my first dinner at the Mansion House. The next day it rained, but this did not deter anyone from joining the specially chartered yellow “Maid of Poole Harbour.” A most interesting commentary was provided by the captain, and of particular note was the oil well on Furzy Island 20

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which I had last visited as a child when it was a private house. Of the five islands only Brownsea is readily accessible, and a brave party disembarked lead by the section chairman. Apart from the sighting of 15 red squirrels by June and Robert Brown, what happened on the island stays on the island. It was time to say goodbye to all but 19 who stayed for Sunday. The remaining cars continued to be admired and the public were encouraged to have a look, and ask questions. “Did you come on a catamaran!” was one of the better ones. Dinner was a quieter affair and absent friends were toasted. Next morning the harbour was being dredged (for the missing cufflink) and another jar of marmalade was demolished. The last sighting was of Rolls-Royce Spirit III travelling in Chairman Maximus’ slip stream startling an elegant pre war Bentley, out for a Monday morning amble. It is understood that our mystery correspondent will soon be in the Bahamas and travelling up the Perfumed River in Vietnam, no doubt gathering some more stories for us, but will join us again in 2012. Ed.

O.k., you’ve had a kiss, now give Kenneth his cufflink back!

All quiet on Audreys’ watch

A select line-up outside the RNLI College

Paulerspury People - January 2012


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As well as body repairs, we are able to carry out a full range of restoration and conversion work including mechanical, electrical and interior. Whether you have a tear in your seat or need a complete re-trim, we can take care of it for you. Routine servicing and maintenance also carried out. For greater details on what we can do for you and to see our photo gallery, please visit our website or call David Broughton directly. Auto Effects Limited Unit 21 Barton Industrial Esate Faldo Road Barton-le-Clay MK45 4RP Tel: 01582 883322 Fax: 01582 883372

A crease running the full length of the bonnet has been removed completely without trace allowing first class refinishing. 22

Monday to Friday 08:30 - 17:30 Saturday 09:00 - 13:00 Closed Bank Holidays

Paulerspury People - January 2012

Autumn Amble - Sunday 16 October 2011 The Autumn Amble always heralds the end of the driving season for the section, so it was good that 16 or so cars and their owners turned up for this annual event. Members met at the Cross Keys pub in Pulloxhill for coffee and then wound their way through the still leafy lanes of mid-Bedfordshire where they finished the day with an enjoyable lunch at Mitchell Hall, Cranfield University. My thanks go to Val Yates for organising the event. Note: No photographs available- sorry! Ed.

NEC Classic Car Show The NEC Classic Car Show mid November was well worth a visit. It was a full day out and a long day on your feet, but if you have ever found yourself saying “my dad had one of those”, there is a pretty good chance you could have seen one there. Hundreds and hundreds of cars from all era’s and all corners of the globe were shown in all their glory, reminding us all how many of these wonderful vehicles are still in existence. Peter and Joyce Parsons have recently had restored a Rover P6 (see article later in this edition) which was proudly displayed on the Rover P6 club stand. Peter and his socks however, were not. The RREC of course have their own stand there displaying several club vehicles and inviting new recruits for club membership. The ‘cut away’ Shadow II and the ‘fairly well stripped’ 20/25 from The Hunt House Workshop were on the stand, allowing interested parties to see what is underneath the splendour that is a Rolls-Royce.

The RREC stand at the NEC Classic Car Show

Paulerspury People - January 2012

Various other artefacts were on display too including a superb 23

collection of radiator mascots. One cannot help wondering what was in the minds of some of their designers.

And that goes there, it’s quite easy, explains Steve Lovatt

Mascot cabinet

That’s Julian Spencer over there if I am not mistaken

1932 20/25 (GBA 60) Drop Head Coupé by Salmons


Paulerspury People - January 2012

Surely the most magnificent exhibit on the RREC stand was the 1932 20/25 (GBA 60), Drop Head Coupe by Salmons of Newport Pagnell, belonging to Graeme Kidd of Hitchin. This vehicle has been in the same family since new, now eighty years. The Paulerspury Section committee had offered assistance to the club stand organisers at the AGM, to help man the stand for this (last) years event which was warmly welcomed at the time. Unfortunately that offer was not taken up and no reason given that we can report.

The driver of this may have been the only Phantom here!

If you are of a mind to visit next year, remember club members can get a reduction on their ticket prices when booking online, see the RREC website nearer the time.

Barry Gallafent

1922 Silver Ghost (312 KG) Tourer by Wilkinson owned by Andrew Prestwich of Nottingham

November Lunch - Sunday 20 November 2011 These lunches are still proving most popular and members braved the November fog to drive their Club cars to a lunch at the Bedfordshire Golf Club situated at Stagsden near Bedford. 65 people sat down for a very nice lunch and it was good to see members, their families and friends turning out on such a miserable day. A carvery style lunch was offered and plentiful it was. With a seemingly endless amount of wine included in the price, this was truly excellent value for money. It is a shme the Golf Club setting could not be appreciated to its full extent because of the mist. The Bedforshire Golf Club main entrance

Paulerspury People - January 2012

This was not a wonderful day on which to bring 25

Food a plenty at The Bedfordshire Golf Club

your club car out but that did not deter us. Here can be seen two new additions to the club fleet, a 1965 Bentley S3 belonging to Keith and Pippa Davies and our (the Balls) 1956 Bentley S1.

Keith Davies’ 1965 S3

Careful parking by the editor allowed Chris to demonstrate to David Morgan (the S1’s previous owner) and Keith Davies, exactly how far the doors open!

Linda Ball and It isn’t pink, it’s red explains Chairman Chris Ball


Barry Gallafent Paulerspury People - January 2012

AGM and Christmas Lunch Held at the, by now familiar venue, Mitchell Hall in Cranfield. A goodly number of members turned out for the AGM which was smoothly chaired by Chris Ball. The committee of 2011 were re-elected en-bloc as everyone was willing to stand for re-election and there were no contested positions. Officers from the committe presented their reports which were all accepted and for once our chairman found himself with time to spare rather than running out of it! So, he told us a joke or two. Crackers! Clive Green, a member of the RREC Management Committee was our guest and spent some time telling us about the negotiations between the RREC and The SHRMF. Complicated it certainly has been but we are assured a near harmonius conclusion has been reached. Only time will tell. Peter and Joyce Parsons were awarded the Rose Bowl this year and this was presented to them twice. Firstly to Peter alone and then again to Peter and Joyce upon her return from the ladies room! Prior to lunch we were visited in the bar by a very stressed looking gentleman demanding to see the organiser. Had one of us parked in his space? Had we blocked him in? No. The reason for his stress was that he had just damaged one of our cars. This gentleman was perhaps of a similar height to me and perhaps a little lighter! Well whose car did he choose to scratch? Probably the biggest person in the room, Keith Davies! Minor abrasions were discovered on the front bumper of the Bentley Continental and whilst this was not ideal, Mr Davies dealt with it extremely calmly and no blood was spilled. Val called us all through to the dining room where our Christmas Fayre was soon served. Given the number of people and the variety we had been offered, the service was most excellent. We can all eat a little more of this or a little less of that, or prefer our vegetables a little harder or a little softer, but in all, lunch on this scale and especially for the price, could not be faulted. Rip roaring activities followed, for which had we been children at school, doubtless detention would have been on the cards. As far as I could tell, everyone had a jolly good time and our thanks go once again to Val Yates for doing such a splendid job in organising it all for us.

Barry Gallafent Paulerspury People - January 2012


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Val, Carole an d Pippa enjoy ing a pre-lun ch natter

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Christmas 2011 Paulerspury People - January 2012

The Saving of ANK 515K It all started in June of 2006. I had driven to a charity day at Drayton Manor Park in my 1950 MK VI Bentley and on the windscreen was a Rover P5 Club badge. Oh yes I am a glutton for Bentleys and Rovers. I was asked if I had an interest in P6 Rovers, well, I did and still have. My P6 2000 TC, TGU 350M in 1977, saved my life. I was involved in a head on accident, 250 yards from my then home in Hughenden Valley, and was told by the accident investigators, if I had been driving a different type of car, that almost certainly both drivers would have died. So I was the lucky one and survived, but not so the P6. Returning to the original plot, the Rover ANK 515K was in a garage in Luton, the owner had recently died, and his widow Mrs Thelma Brigland and her son wanted the car removed from where it had stood since 1974, as at the time of the miners’ strike with a damaged roof and smashed rear screen. Bricks were being thrown off the bridges at mining management cars passing under them on the M1 returning to Yorkshire. I went to view the car, she had only 48,000 miles on the clock, was very dusty with five flat tyres! Thelma said “You can have it for restoration or spares. If you don’t want it, it will go to the crusher!”. What an easy decision for me to make, I bought it for £1, yes, £1. It seemed like a good deal at the time. The following day I returned to Luton with a compressor on a long hose. Hey presto, all five tyres inflated and held pressure for some years.

Time, determination and skill are all prequisites to getting an oldie back on the road

Paulerspury People - January 2012


And, as the song goes... ‘All for under a pound you know!’

Andrew, a talented fastidious mechanic acquaintance, had agreed to trailer the Rover to his workshop and to strip/weld and re-assemble the car. This was in fact, regrettably, not to be. The car was finally totally dismantled in 2007/2008 and all welding completed prior to being stripped of paint, de-rusted, phosphoretically coated and primed. The shell was transported to the specialist, up the motorway. After several weeks the primed body shell was collected by Andrew, now mid 2009, and eventually transported to Graham Caddick of Limm Historics, in Twyford near Buckingham, for painting, waxoyling seams etc., etc.. By this time Andrew decided that the reconstruction was not his prime consideration, although it was back at his premises – Oh hell! What now? Who did I know who had the capabilities of a total rebuild? After some serious thoughts, including shall I abandon the project, I spoke to Graham Caddick. He had just moved in to his new premises in Twyford. The paintwork had been completed by him and he agreed to take on the project. This was now September/October 2010 and the deadline was 1st April 2011, my 70th birthday – 5 months away. The bodyshell was transported back to Graham, he already had all the demountable parts i.e. boot, bonnet, doors, wings, sills and roof panel, albeit without the ‘to be replaced’ Webasto and so reassembly work started. I had all the suspension, rear axle and wheels restored and powder coated or painted, and the bumpers and over-riders re-chromed. During 2009, Deborah Squires had told me of a 3500S in Aylesbury, which I subsequently bought as a donor car. The Sun-Dym glass was removed to be fitted to the restored car, along with the dashboard and some instruments. I had also bought power steering. I actually have 12 other replacement doors, glass etc., 2 engines, a 3500S manual gearbox and an SD1 gearbox, all for sale. 30

Paulerspury People - January 2012

So back to the re-assembly. The car now stood on four wheels, with new callipers and brake pipes. We used the original wiring loom. The replacement glass was fitted to the doors which were nowwaxoyled, and re-rubbered. All the chrome door fittings were re-plated and the original door cards retained. By Christmas 2010, the car was starting to look like a P6. The engine had seized and so was rebuilt with new pistons and valves etc.. All that which needed to be replaced, was replaced. The carburettors were renewed and polished. By mid February the engine was refitted along with the reconditioned gearbox. It started and ran perfectly, sounding good, even if a little tinny through the stainless steel exhaust system. The car wasthen transported to Luton to Malcolm of Malcom Barton and Sons, for a new roof lining, new carpets and a new Webasto roof. All the original fittings were used which had been refurbished, polished and plated. At about this time I realised I had no road tax, MOT and more importantly, no log book. Mrs Brigland did not know where the old paperwork might be. The next step was to contact the DVLA. The car was MOT’d and passed without question. I had the last tax disc dated 1974 and had to get a copy officially stamped by the DVLA in Oxford who then sent it to Swansea. Eventually a new V5 arrived confirming all original details including the registration number ANK 515K. Shortly afterwards, Mrs Brigland phoned to say she had been sorting through her husbands old papers and, surprise, surprise, the old log book came to view! So it is now 30th - 31st March 2011, the car in all her glory is back on the road for my 70th, and we were in Sicily! She has now done just over 1,000 miles, has been exhibited at Silverstone Classics, came 2nd at the P6 Annual, won best P6 at the P4 Show at Quainton, been exhibited at the Kop Hill Climb, Princes Risborough and on the P6 stand at the NEC Classic Car Show. Was it all worth £1? Yes, without doubt. I actually found 13p under the old carpet, so it only cost me 83p Ha! Ha! I do not know how much the restoration came to; I have never added it up.

Peter Parsons Paulerspury People - January 2012


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Paulerspury People - January 2012

Secretary’s Report 2012, The New Year, one full of events and not just Paulerspury ones. The sporting ones will be dominated by the Olympics and surely we will be watching and hoping for British successes. There will be a great sense of pride in how we can “put on a show” and demonstrate to the World how to host the Games. The financial situation we are in as a country could improve or the opposite could come about. What do we do with our money? Are the banks a safe place to invest? They certainly give very little interest. Is it a good time to invest in some thing more tangible and enjoyable? Classic Rolls-Royces and Bentleys seem to be holding their value quite well. Bonhams will be holding their auctions, the Advertiser is full of temptation and the dealers will always be with us. Could we use this situation as an opportunity to upgrade or enlarge the collection to which we are addicted? Well, I dream on. The Ethanol problem, I have mentioned before, continues to cause concern. The proper analysis of the various products now on the market to alleviate this menace is still awaited. In the mean time I am reluctant to drain tanks, Autovacs and float chambers just in case, preferring to take a badly calculated risk. Am I alone with this decision? On a happier note, Spring and Summer will come. Those beautiful cars will shine and purr through our marvellous countryside. There will be many and various events to enjoy. Oh to be in England and an optimist to boot!

Robert Kennedy Editors Comments Thank you all for your continued support in providing information and photographs for us to share with other members. This edition of the PP features a write up on the restoration of one of our members’ ‘other’ cars, a Rover P6, a truly interesting story of one mans quest to return a vehicle to its fomer glory, spurred on by the fact that a similar model had once saved his life! If you have something you would like to share with fellow members, do let me know and I will be sure to include it in a future edition.

Barry Gallafent Paulerspury People - January 2012


Forthcoming Events Visit to Prodrive Engineering Factory - Saturday 25th February 2012 We have arranged for a visit to the Prodrive Engineering Facility in Banbury on the above date. The visit will commence at 11am and will take approximately three hours. The visit will commence with refreshments in the Heritage Centre moving through the engine/transmission centre, Aston Martin and Mini customer workshop, fabrication, CNC electrical, Aston Martin Racing Team and ending with the Mini WRC team. The cost per person will be £29.00. Karen and I will endeavour to recommend a local hostelry for those of you that would like to have a snack or lunch following the visit. The visit is normally limited to 30 places but I have pushed them up to 35 as I hope there will be a reasonably strong interest in the visit. Please see booking form enclosed with this edition of the PP and respond a.s.a.p. if you would like to join us. Note: Lunch is NOT INCLUDED in the cost of the visit and will need to be paid for at the time.

Ray and Karen Hillier New members Lunch - Sunday 4th March 2012 This is our first New Members lunch for two years and it will provide an excellent opportunity for us to meet our new section members and they us, as well as for them to view the Hunt House and have a tour of the facilities that exist there. The Club Shop will also be open. The Hunt House visit will be followed by a two course carvery lunch and coffee at The Barley Mow in Paulerspury. The cost of lunch is just £12.95.

David Davis and Mia Murray Hertfordshire Sunday Lunch - 25th March 2012 at St. Michael’s Manor, St Albans For the March Sunday lunch we have chosen the St Michael’s Manor hotel. The hotel is situated in the picturesque Fishpool Street, St Albans. It has a high standard of food and service which should give us an enjoyable lunch in a very pleasant setting. The dining room looks out onto a splendid garden and lake with good carparking in the grounds. 34

Paulerspury People - January 2012

Lunch will be of two courses, main and dessert, with coffee or tea to follow, at a cost of £25.50 per head. Drinks will be to your own account and gratuities at your discretion. After lunch there is Verulamium and its Museum to see and the Abbey is a short drive away up the street. If you would like to join us, please complete and return the form enclosed with this edition of the PP.

Robert and Jill Kennedy

St. George’s Day Run - Sunday 22nd April To and from The Green Man at Lavendon This year we have changed the start and finish venues on the St Georges Day Run, moving slightly Southwards in our area. After coffee we will set off on a leisurely drive through beautiful countryside, enjoying not only the views, but of course driving your club cars. At the end of the drive we will arrive back atTthe Green Man for a sumptious Sunday lunch and catch up with friends old and new. The cost for adults is £27.00 per adult and £13.00 for under 12’s.

Margaret and Alan Fuller

Studio 434 Car Museum Visit - Sunday 13th May 2012 On Sunday 13th May 2012, David and Raelene Morgan have put together a visit to a car museum in Potters Bar named Studio 434. It has a collection of over 100 fine veteran, vintage and classic motorcars together with motorcycles which bridge a hundred years of collecting by a local family. The collection is a vast one and is cherished and maintained by them. If you want to check it out go to to whet your appetite for the visit. Afterwards a three-course carvery lunch (£25.50 per head including coffee or tea) has been arranged at the Brookmans Park Golf Club situated a short drive away from Studio 434. Paulerspury People - January 2012


Please see booking form enclosed with this edition of the PP and respond a.s.a.p. if you would like to join us.

David Morgan Somerset House Party - 21st September 2012 for 3 to 7 Nights By popular request we are arranging a return to Porlock. For those that did not come last time it is a weekend or longer if you wish, with a difference. The house sits in a stunning position overlooking Porlock Bay which nestles at the foot of Exmoor. We have the complete run of the house and the grounds. It is not a hotel but has been and so the bedrooms are all en suite. Bed linen and towels are included. We will arrange for breakfast and dinner each evening and ALL drinks will be included, including wine and at least one Champagne reception. You will however have to make your own beds, make your own tea and coffee; there are no staff so you will all be given designated tasks! Not too onerous however. The approximate cost for three nights dinner, bed and breakfast will be £750 per couple all inclusive, the cost for additional nights will depend on the number of people wishing to stay for longer. An initial deposit of £100.00 will be required and please state how many nights you would like to stay. The house has 13 double bedrooms and a couple of single rooms so numbers will be limited. Please see booking slip enclosed with this edition of the PP and return a.s.a.p.

Derek Freeman Please Note: With regard to booking for any Paulerspury Section event The only way to book yourselves on to an event or to register your interest in one, is to return the enclosed booking form to the organiser as printed thereon. Telephone calls, emails and personal converstaions can often be forgotten, so if you don’t want to miss out, send the form back now! You are, as always, bound by the standard terms and conditions of the club when attending events and the details thereof can be found on the booking forms. 36

Paulerspury People - January 2012

Forthcoming Events Summary Saturday 25th February Visit to Prodrive Engineering Organisers: Ray & Karen Hillier Sunday 4th March 2012 New Members Lunch The Hunt House, followed by a lunch at the Barley Mow, Paulerspury Organisers: David Davis & Mia Murray Sunday 25th March Hertfordshire Pub Lunch St. Michael’s Manor, St Albans Organiser: Robert Kennedy

Friday 15th - Sunday 17th June 2012 Annual Rally & Concours Main Club event Organiser: Hunt House Sunday 19th August 2012 Annual Picnic Venue: TBA Organisers: Robert Kennedy Friday 21st September 2012 for 3 - 7 Nights Somerset House Party Porlock Vale House, Somerset Organiser: Derek Freeman

Sunday 22nd April St George’s Day Run The Green Man, Lavendon Organisers: Margaret & Alan Fuller Sunday 13th May 2012 Studio 434 Museum Visit, followed by a lunch at Brookmans Park Golf Club Organiser: David Morgan Sunday 20th - Wednesday 23rd May 2012 Aldeburgh Weekend Organisers: Chris & Linda Ball

PLEASE NOTE: The Club’s standard terms and conditions of entry apply to all events and these can be found on the back of all event booking forms. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with them as your signature where requested on the front of the form, confirms your acceptance of the terms and conditions.

If you like what you have seen in this edition of the PP and would like to come along to one of the above events, just contact the organiser to find out more. We really do have a great time and it would be lovely to see more Paulerspury Section members at our events. After all, as the saying goes, everything we do, we do it for you!

The Paulerspury Section Committee Paulerspury People - January 2012


Section Contacts Chairman

Chris Ball (Linda) 01525 860880


Kathyrn Martin 01234 714092


Robert Kennedy (Jill) The Knoll 14 Harpenden Road, St Albans, Herts., AL3 5AD 01727 858833 (Home & Fax)

Steve Dolan (Janet) 191 Baldwins Lane, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth Hertfordshire, WD3 3LL 01923 778207 (Home & Fax) Barry Gallafent (Ruth) 222b Wolverton Road Blakelands Milton Keynes MK14 5AB Office: 0844 504 9500 Home: 01908 216804 Mobile: 07785 398271

Website Coordinator

Adrian Denham 01926 812347

Events Coordinator

Mia Murray (Steven) Tattenhoe Hall Farm Tattenhoe, Milton Keynes, MK4 3AA 01908 504606 (Home & Fax) 07956 074859 (Mobile)

Committee Members

David Davis (Diana) 01462 674347 Val Yates (Danny) 01234 708513 Mark Warnock (Kay) 07792 906771 (Mobile) Derek Freeman (Sylvia) 01234 823255 (Home) 07836 715351 (Mobile) 38

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Paulerspury People - January 2012



Paulerspury People - January 2012

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