Paulerspury People January 2015

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Paulerspury People January 2015

The Newsletter of The RREC Paulerspury Section Paulerspury People January 2015.pmd


19/01/2015, 16:25

Paulerspury People - January 2015


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Paulerspury People

January 2015

The Newsletter of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club - Paulerspury Section

Contents Not a Lot of People Know That


The Chairman’s Bit


Autumn Amble


Visit to Chris Lee’s


A Letter to the Editor


AGM and Christmas Lunch


The Story of Silver Shadow SRH 2052


Find Out a Little More


Classics on Harpenden Common - Event Information


Behind the Scenes at the Track of Legend - Event Information


Paddington Bear - From Goodwood to London


Future Events Diary


Committee Contacts


Front Cover Photograph: (courtesy of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited - Press Club) Paddington Bear leaves Goodwood for London to join forty-nine lookalikes supporting the NSPCC (See more on page 24)

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Not a Lot of People Know That Before the rectangular Rolls-Royce badge was designed, the grille carried an oval logo within which were the words ‘The Rolls-Royce Radiator’.

Early Rolls-Royce cars had wooden wheels which creaked when the wood dried out. Chauffeurs were advised to douse them with water to stop the noise.

In 1942, nearly every taxi in Blackpool was a Rolls-Royce.

The first ever sliding sun roof was made by Henri Labourdette for a Silver Ghost.

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The Chairman’s Bit Happy New Year to all Paulerspury people, the sacks of wrapping paper have gone, the Christmas tree recycled, and the last of the New Year’s fireworks have faded in our memories. Dieting plans may last the month of January and the health clubs are rubbing their hands with new memberships which may last until spring.

Derek Freeman - Chairman

The 34th AGM was extremely well attended by some 52 members with 64 present thereafter for an enjoyable

Christmas lunch at Corner Five. We were also joined by Martin Carnell and his wife; Martin is an RREC Board member responsible for the Bulletin and Advertiser. You have a new chairman, I must say a daunting prospect following in the footsteps of Barry and those before him. I will do my best to keep you informed and preside over a great committee. I am delighted that Barry will stay as a committee member and continue to manage and edit Paulerspury People and importantly our website and social media links. We are duly proud of our website which has to one of the best in the Club and I urge you all to view it on a regular basis. Mark Warnock sadly decided not to stand this coming year as a committee member and will be missed. Mark has done a great job managing the section’s membership database and ensuring new members are recorded, contacted and made to feel welcome. I am pleased however that he has agreed to continue to look after the membership information for us. Kathy, will continue to look after the money as our Treasurer, it is her seventh year in this important role so a big thank you. Jan is organising the events calendar. We have an exciting programme already in place for the year with more to come. Your committee would however be delighted to hear from any member who has an idea for an event or would like to run an event. You do not have to be a committee member, just have the enthusiasm! The Club has a number of important events this year: 60 years of the Cloud and S types will be celebrated over the weekend of the 25th April, the RREC International Weekend at Folkestone on the weekend of the 23rd May and a new venue for the Annual Rally at Burghley House on Friday 19th to Sunday the 21st of June. Details of these events can be found in the Bulletin and on the Clubs web site. Paulerspury People - January 2015

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Paulerspury Section will be celebrating its 35 th Anniversary on Sunday the 19th July with a garden party at the Hunt House, don’t miss it and indeed the other events listed in the calendar. I am delighted that Karen Hillier has agreed to be co-opted on to the committee, I believe it is important to have fresh ideas and I am sure Karen will bring those to the committee. Steve Dolan will continue as the Section Secretary acting as the important conduit between the Section, the Hunt House and other sections around the country. A proposed new set of rules, prepared by the RREC Board, for the governance of sections and committees has been exercising ours and other section’s brains over the last month, an issue which I think will roll on for some time. I am now the custodian of the section’s gavel and will be giving it some exercise at our first meeting of the year in January. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible over the coming year. Please contact me or other members of the committee if you have any comments, questions, ideas, regarding events, Paulerspury Section or the Club. Let’s have a great year and enjoy our cars.

Derek Freeman Autumn Amble This year’s late road run was renamed Autumn Amble and as Kay and I were away on holiday the week prior to the event, all preparations needed to be concluded in advance. As a result I completely forgot to ask someone to do the write up! As a result, I can advise that the weather was fantastic, everyone had a glorious time and the food was out of this world! Well at least most of this was true I hope. The weather was truly awesome for the time of the year with clear skies and lovely bright sunshine. We all assembled at The Sheene Mill, with the organisers being beaten by Peter & Audrey. Our excuse was that they only live 3.5 miles away! Paulerspury People - January 2015


Organisers - Mark and Kay Warnock

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After a quick coffee everyone set off on the run. A couple of members were club carless, so jumped in other cars to help with the navigating. It was nice to see Dave & Sue Knighton again and with their lovely 20/25 on the road.

First time out for Dave Knightons 20/25

So lucky with the sun shining on us David and Catherine share a seat

Kay and I returned to the conservatory to chat with Ian Course about his recent exploits on the continent with his Bentley Turbo – Mr B. After about half an hour I received a text from Ruth Gallafent. The National Trust had closed one of the roads on the carefully planned route! Best laid plans etc etc. I think everyone did an about turn and found their way back on to the original route through the leafy villages of South Cambridgeshire. After about an hour the cars began to return and with a bit of manoeuvring, we managed to get most out the front of the Hotel, for the benefit of staff and passersby. Lunch was served in the main restaurant and it was well received and of great quality. Another successful event for the Section.

Mark Warnock

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7 ‘appy Dave!

Lunch commences

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19/01/2015, 16:42

Visit to Chris Lee’s in Beaconsfield - Sunday 9th November 2014 Lurking between the The Old White Swan and Sunflower Framing on London End, Beaconsfield, is the entrance to Chris Lee’s ‘famous’ Rolls-Royce garage, where the section were invited to come along and see what services and facilities they had to offer owners of fine automobiles. Rolls-Royce trained Chris Lee, left the company in 1975 and established an independent workshop, maintaining and repairing Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motor Cars. Clients were so impressed with his work whilst at Rolls-Royce, some of the vehicles he worked on followed him to his new venture, the vehicles of Princess Margaret for example, to drop just one name. Chris Lee’s grew and grew and are able to offer a complete one-stop facility for both mechanical work and body repairs. The quality of workmanship for which they are now internationally renowned has brought vehicles to Beaconsfield from all over the world. One recent complete restoration was of ALW11, a 1952 Silver Wraith Drophead Coupé by Hooper, for the Emir of Kano in Nigeria. The car was presented with the instruction ‘do anything that is required regardless of cost’. They did and ALW11 was completely rebuilt and returned to the Emir. Chris and co-director Martin were delighted to be invited to Nigeria to meet the Emir who wished to thank them personally for the work that had been carried out.

The Section pay attention as Chris Lee gives us the low down

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8 Ah, yes. Shocking Pink I believe

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David and Peter warm on Keith’s radiator

Robert and June Brown’s Silver Shadow


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Chris Lee’s Phantom VI

V8’s to go - Take your pick

Dave Knighton recycles his coffee cup

Chris has become attached to a few vehicles over the years, one being a Phantom VI, which he was involved in the construction of when new. Another is a bright pink Silver Spirit but we did not enquire of the particular affinity to that one. Also in their line-up, is a ‘single-seater’ Rolls-Royce! Of course we know that cannot be, it is a spoof vehicle, a little Daihatsu truck, sporting a Silver Shadow radiator grille. It is just a bit of fun Chris says. It looks like there is a lot of fun to be had at this little place as every single member of the Chris Lee’s team we met consider it a joy and a privilege to be working there, getting paid for what they love doing. Our visit gave us all another insight in to what is available to us at an independent specialist, reminding us that these are the guys who are responsible for the survival of the vehicles we cherish. Find them and support them. Not fifty yards from Chris Lee’s garage can be found a Loch Fyne restaurant and forty four of us hot footed it there for lunch. Although we had all pre-ordered, service was a bit random with not all people seated at the same table being served at the same time and not all the same food choices were served at once. Some members became a little agitated as it had been a long morning but fortunately, were delighted with their food when it did arrive. I should point out that we were not the only diners and that in all there were over one hundred people in the restaurant, so perhaps it wasn’t so bad after all. Thanks to Barry and Ruth Gallafent for organising this enlightening visit for us.

Mark Warnock Paulerspury People - January 2015


A Corniche embarks upon restoration

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Letter to The Editor Following our visit to Chris Lee’s, I have received the following communication from Robert Brown. Letter to the Editor 4th December 2014 Dear Barry CHRIS LEE’S LIMITED June and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip to visit Chris Lee’s workshops, especially the welcoming atmosphere. Everyone was very happy to talk to us and we were quite flattered by the amount of time Chris and Ron spent in the yard being complimentary about our Shadow. Having said how good the outside is Chris volunteered that the leather was not quite the same standard (very true) and could he suggest ‘connollising’ – they have a man who does a good job at a reasonable price. “How much?...........mmh……… OK we’ll have some of that please. However we live 40 miles away – can you help with a courtesy car? ” “Yes – certainly – would you like the Lady Penelope pink R-R or the forest green Silver Shadow?” Where else are you offered a Rolls-Royce as a courtesy car?!? Later on we made arrangements, delivered our Shadow on Monday, and collected it today, Thursday. We are delighted! – the leather looks like new – uniform colour and texture throughout – superb! Thank you for an outing which has introduced us to a firm we expect to know increasingly well as reliable friends. Yours sincerely, Robert Brown Letters to the editor or contributions of any kind are always welcome. You can email them to or post them to me, see my address on the contacts page of this edition.

Barry Gallafent Paulerspury People - January 2015


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19/01/2015, 16:25

AGM and Christmas Lunch Sitting at my desk preparing this edition of the Paulerspury People and delighted to be so far forward at this point, up to page 11 already, AGM and Christmas Lunch. I have placed the photos which I had already sourced and resized, job done. And now for the text. Ah, I have no text. In all the excitement of Christmas, the AGM and organising the Christmas lunch, I had forgotten to ask anyone to provide a write up. I have subsequently called some attendees asking if they might provide a recall of the event. Some said it was four weeks ago and a little too far for them to provide an accurate account and another told me he couldn’t remember what happened yesterday! This account therefore, is written by me, the editor, chairman at the time and event organiser. If it is lacking in anything or embellishes anything unnecessarily, do let me know and I will publish your comments in the next edition. The committee had decided to bring about a change for 2014 and the brave decision was taken to hold it at Corner 5 Restaurant in Box End, Near Kempston. It is a venue we had tried only once before and on that occasion, some members were less than satisfied. On reflection, there had been a muddle in the pre-ordering process, rendering some members not getting what they ordered and others kindly swapping, parting with their first choice to please a fellow member, very commendable but not ideal. This confusion naturally caused delays in service. Unfortunately, some had said they would never eat there again. They didn’t. For this event, liaison with the Corner 5 team was excellent. Pre-orders were confirmed and double checked and contact was maintained with the venue until 23:30 hrs the night before in order to maintain the seating plan, having received some last minute additions and apologies. On arrival members were greeted by the smiling faces of the by now ‘sunglass wearing’ Ruth Gallafent and Pippa Oliver. So bright was the sun, that they could hardly see members as they reached the top of the stairs for registration. Raffle tickets were available at the registration desk and I am delighted to say the generosity of all who purchased them allowed us to donate £230 to McMillan Cancer Care. Paulerspury People - January 2015

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Ruth and Pippa at the desk

Peter Nightingale chats with Janet Bell

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Endless coffee and tea was provided on a self-serve basis on the mezzanine floor as members chatted and caught up with each other’s news. Promptly at 11:00hrs, the chairman announced the AGM was about to commence and invited all to move through to the conference room which had been laid out for us in a theatre style. The room has a superb view of the venue’s water sports lake and hardy skiers could be seen performing an array of ‘accidental’ stunts throughout our AGM. There were no takers from the section wishing to try it for themselves. The AGM followed the usual agenda and has been very well minuted (minutes will be available from the Secretary by email and will be available to download from our website), so I will be brief in my writing on it. Fifty two Section members attended the AGM, a very good turnout indeed. The chairman opened the meeting welcoming all and announced an apology from Mike Martin, who was recovering from a knee replacement just a few days before. Our treasurer Kathy Martin, had previously circulated a full financial statement of the Section accounts. There were no questions of the treasurer. Acceptance of the treasurer’s report was proposed by Steven Murray and seconded by Chris Goddard. Events Coordinator Janet Dolan, had circulated a future events summary and drew members’ attention to it as she spoke. A full list of events can be found at the back of this edition and on the Section website. The chairman announced that Mark Warnock and Ruth Gallafent would be standing down from the committee and thanked them both for their valuable contributions. The remaining members were standing for re-election and under the rules, the chairman requested that they be elected en bloc. This was proposed by Adrian Denham and seconded by Val Yates. The chairman introduced Club Board Member Martin Carnell. Martin is the director responsible for publications and had come along to enlighten us on the current Club Board situation, the financial situation and the way forward. Martin announced that

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12 Chairman Barry raises a titter

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Board member Martin Carnell

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there would be two vacancies on the board. Ruth Gallafent raised a valid question from the floor, asking were the board seeking any particular skill sets from director applicants, since the membership at large must include somebody proficient in almost any corporate role. Martin replied that this was not the case and enthusiasm was the main criteria.

Keith and Pippa receive the Tom Shanks Rose Bowl

Under any other business, Keith Davies highlighted that our charitable activities and donations had been noticeably less than in previous years and suggested that we might address that moving forward. This point was taken on board (see raffle donation above) and our new chairman wishes to make McMillan his preferred charity. Keith and Pippa received the Tom Shanks Rose Bowl for most events attended. The meeting closed at 12:15. Some members departed soon after, as others arrived to join us for lunch.

The light and airy bar was soon bustling with banter as members relaxed and chatted to each other in comfort. Lunch was called at 1:00 p.m. and everybody made their way through to the restaurant, glancing at the table plan on the way through.

The view from above

Wine was on the tables already and soon began to flow. The banging of Christmas crackers and exchange of riddles and age old cracker jokes could be heard in abundance. Many donned their hats as the festivities commenced. We were served expediently and professionally by a small but efficient team under the watchful eye of conference and banqueting organiser Adrian. Food choices had been provided to the kitchen by table and member’s name which, in conjunction with the reminders on the tables, enabled fairly swift service. As with any restaurant serving a large number with a small team, some tables get served first and others afterwards but this did not seem to be a problem. The Corner 5 head chef is very creative and many people were surprised that they did not instantly recognise on their plates, what they had ordered. Once this had been Paulerspury People - January 2015

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19/01/2015, 16:25

02'(51 25 CLASSIC? %RWK W\SHV RI 5ROOV 5R\FH %HQWOH\ DUH HTXDOO\ ZHOFRPH DW Buckinghamshire’s independent specialist, Chris Lee’s Ltd Chris Hancock has forgotten more than most engineers will ever know about Bentleys and Rolls-Royces

Says the man himself, who served his apprenticeship with Rolls-Royce: “There’s no ageism here. With some 40 years’ experience of these SUHVWLJLRXV PDUTXHV ZH DUH MXVW as happy working on the current offerings as the period ones. In fact, due to pressure of work, we’ve recently taken on an additional pair of VNLOOHG KDQGV 7KH KDQGV LQ TXHVWLRQ belong to Chris Hancock, who was previously the Workshop Manager

Service with a smile Where we like to believe we are XQLTXH LV LQ WKH WUHDWPHQW RI RXU FXVWRPHUV (DFK RQH KDV GLIIHUHQW UHTXLUHPHQWV DQG RXU DLP LV WR JR the extra mile for all of them. Those who’ve entrusted us with their pride and joy over the years range from members of the British and other royal families to household name celebrities.� Free collection and delivery $GGV IHOORZ 'LUHFWRU 0DUWLQ +DZHV “We recognise our customers are busy people and therefore offer free collection and delivery to all those in the local area. In addition to standard Chris Lee busy rebuilding a Rolls-Royce V8


s r b a g m i o t

A & R Z a r d

' i L

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at Bentley Pangbourne following 30 years at Lex.�

19/01/2015, 17:03

Moderns and classics are equally welcome at Chris Lee’s Ltd

services, general maintenance and repairs, we also operate one of the best bodyshops this side of London, and undertake accident repairs and general paintwork for a number of major franchised dealers, as well as insurance companies and private owners. We handle restoration work too.â€? Ancient arts &RQÂż UPV ERG\VKRS 'LUHFWRU 'DYLG Redrup: “In Martin and Leigh Birch, ZH KDYH WZR RI WKH Âż QHVW IDEULFDWRUV around, so anything from localised repairs to body-off rebuilds are all in a day’s work to us.â€? 'HVSLWH WKH WRXJK HFRQRPLF FOLPDWH it’s gratifying to report that Chris Lee’s has never been busier; in fact

VXIÂż FLHQWO\ VR WR UHTXLUH D PRYH WR larger premises in the near future. Commented Martin: “The hunt is on. Our regular customers can rest easy though, for wherever we eventually

Chris Hancock and Martin Hawes attending to a Bentley Continetal GT

get to rehang our spanners, it won’t be far from our current home. Moreover, our famed attention to detail and value for money will be as least as good as ever.�


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overcome, the food was found to be of superb quality and having gotten over the shock, most appreciated the stunning presentation. It has become apparent since but not at the time I add, that some felt it was not traditional. The fayre certainly was. After the meal, coffee was served and the chairman invited Martin Carnell to join him in standing. The raffle was drawn quite quickly. A variety of prizes were collected from the table and Clive and Enid Green won first prize, £30 worth of garden gift vouchers. The chairman then invited Fifty Year member Frank Gear, to join him and Martin for the presentation of his badge. Unbeknown to all, the chairman had learned that we were not in possession of Frank’s badge and in a determined effort not to be embarrassed by this, he had had a superb ‘cardboard cut-out’ Fifty Year badge fashioned by a young lady on the reception desk. You could say it was one we made earlier! Fortunately Frank has a good sense of humour and saw the funny side of things. He was delighted to receive his badge and gave a short résumé of his time in the Club. Frank still has one car that he had when he first joined. He was delighted with the Paulerspury Section hospitality and humour and assures us we will see him again.

Frank Gear receives his Fifty Year badge

It wasn’t us! Mmm, likely story

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16 The Chairman thanks the Corner 5 staff

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The chairman asked to see the chef, the kitchen staff and the servers, all of whom had done a splendid job. Adrian told us the head chef was very shy and it was likely that he had disappeared already. Fortunately we found him and were able to thank the entire team in the usual way with a hearty round of applause. There was no rush to leave and members relaxed once again in the superb surroundings, gradually drifting off over the course of an hour or so.

Barry Gallafent

‘William’ Seeks a New Home

For Sale 1938 Rolls-Royce 25/30 H.P. (GGR 58) Sports Saloon by Thrupp and Maberly

‘William’ has been with us and the Paulerspury Section for 14 years. Sadly, we must part company with him because we are going to downsize. We will still be Paulerspury people, (with ‘Henry’ our Shadow), and it would be nice if one of you could give ‘William’ a new home so that he too could stay in the Section.

‘William’ is no trouble and is in very good health. He has travelled a bit in his time - Lincolnshire, the Isle of Man, London, California, and back to the UK in 1990, by which time he needed some TLC. Remarkably he still had parts which usually get lost such as the cigar lighter, vanity mirrors, small tools, etc.. However the heat in California had turned the leather to cardboard. He had recorded some 76892 miles. Fortunately ‘William’ was acquired by a very caring member of our club who had the whole interior restored, with new leather and carpet, and had specialists attend to working parts such as steering, suspension, lubrication system, etc.. By the time we bought him at the club auction in 2000 ‘William’ was very presentable and in good working order. The odometer read 87498 miles. We have continued to take every opportunity to restore and renovate, our objective being to make ‘as good as new’ whenever possible. For example we rebuilt the brake servo in October 2000, the engine in 2004 (at 93000 miles), the radiator in 2009, etc.. ‘William’ will come with comprehensive documentation dating back to 1992. We have travelled 17500 miles together in the last 14 years, and we shall miss him! We are guided by ‘experts’ that William’s market value is £54,000. We, mere mortals, are of course open to sensible offers.

Contact: Robert Brown on 01908 393151 or Email: Paulerspury People - January 2015

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19/01/2015, 16:26

Silver Shadow SRH 2052 - AKX 45E The car started life on 15th December 1965 when Kaye-Gibson Ltd ordered it from Jack Barclay Ltd in Berkeley Square. It was to be painted Black Pearl (aka Jack Sparrow) with a list of special equipment. On the 8th August it was then allocated to a Mr H J Leak who changed the colour and specification, only to decide on 6 th October he wanted a later car, so the car was reallocated on the 7th October to Earl Spencer (Lady Diana’s grandfather) with a change of colour to Velvet Green and a new specification. The car was finished and delivered to Althorpe on 7th February 1967. It passed to the 8th Earl Spencer in 1975 on the death of his father and was used by the family until sold in late 1976. I purchased SRH 2052 in September 1979. It was the first Rolls-Royce I had ever been in and the first I had ever driven. It was also the first one I could afford! I was the third owner, the first I was told was the Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, which did not mean much to me then. When I went to see it the then owner struggled to get it to start and the subsequent AA report advised me not to buy it. So I did. I was blissfully unaware of the previous history when I purchased the car. This became known to me later. The car was in reasonably good condition with the exception of the paint which had been polished within an inch of its life, resulting in a lack of coach lines, and had areas of dull paint and a mismatched paint repair to the nearside rear quarter. So in 1982 I had it painted to generally improve its external condition. At the time I did not know what the coach lines should be so I had a single gold line painted which looked quite good against the dark green. The car looked good. The interior was in really excellent condition with nicely worn and undamaged leather, unmarked carpets and headlining. The wood had a nice patina and had no damage. So I was happy, that was till one of the pistons picked up on a liner and the head had to come off. In fact two pistons had picked up so that meant quite a bit of work, so added to that the bearings were checked and the little end bearings changed. The main bearings where measured and found to be in excellent condition. So with me sorting out the head, and Ray Hillier sorting out the block and bearings we got it completed. Or so we thought as within a couple of weeks a piston picked up on a liner. It was a fairly painless job this time though as all the bolts were free running, it was just a pain! Apart from general maintenance all went fairly well. The bugbear was that the house we lived in had a three car car-port incorporated in the house design so the car was always outside, though under cover. This m a d e maintenance a bit more difficult and Paulerspury People - January 2015

18 Thrice painted since new and very shiny indeed

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more frequent and did not do the paintwork any good so I decided in 1989 to have the car repainted with potential rust areas attended to by a Rolls-Royce approved company. That was a bit of a mistake as the work was a real trial with numerous problems, very bad workmanship, and numerous revisits to the workshop. However after some time the car was finished and looked really good. No more paint jobs I thought. Then somebody decided to vandalise the bonnet with the paint hardly dry. I continued to enjoy the car and being a member of the RREC, which I had joined as soon as I had purchased the car. It was around 1992ish that I had the idea to ring Jack Barclay to see if there were any service records available for it. It was then I discovered that it had been owned by the Spencer family which gives the car a really nice provenance. I also around then got the chassis and build records from the club, which confirmed the provenance but also gave me the details of the coach lines which were special to the car. These were two lines, one white and one red, the red from the coachman’s tunic from the horse drawn coaches owned by the Spencers. When the car was manufactured Earl Spencer sent a sample of the coach man’s tunic to RollsRoyce for them to match the red colour. I tried to obtain this colour but drew a blank at Althorpe. I was referred to Rolls-Royce who no longer had the sample. So I waited and wrote to Diana’s brother when he took the title of Earl Spencer. He could not have been more helpful. He allowed me to visit the as yet unopened coach collection at Althorpe to see if any match could be found. On all the coaches there were the two coach lines, white over red, exactly as the details sent to Rolls Royce. They allowed me to match the paint as near as possible and I then had the lines painted on the car. It was now complete externally. Or so I thought! I then had a look at the interior, and after some deliberation decided to get the woodwork re-polished and lacquered. This made a significant improvement. It looked great, with so much more detail in the wood being revealed. The original lacquer had darkened with age hiding so much. In 2000 we moved to Olney where our house had a large double garage so I could start to work on the engine bay. This was not an option in the other house. The engine bay was an embarrassment. Rusty, dirty and generally scruffy. I set to work cleaning, spraying, getting stuff replated, wire brushing etc, plus of course drinking the odd cup of tea. I also noticed little marks and pimples on the paintwork. In fact just about every door and panel had something to worry about. So I took the decision to get it repainted yet again. I obtained a quote which seemed okay, with me preparing the car. I removed all the chrome, seats, windows, interior trim (with the exception of the headlining), windows, woodwork, carpets, and the front and rear screens. I then took all the paint off with Nitromors. Not a job I would recommend. The car was Paulerspury People - January 2015


Beautiful detail in the refinished woodwork

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then transported to the spray shop where all the rusty areas were re-metalled and the car repainted. This took about two months in all. I then got it back and started to put it all back together, with a little help from Hillier Hill. Not too much though! It was an absolute joy to rebuild the car. A job I could not wait to see finished, but did not want to end. Sounds a bit daft but that was how it was. Then it was finished. I now knew all the rust was gone and the car was in excellent condition. The under body was refinished in Tetrosil by Hillier Hill and I was ready for anything. Annual Rally. Touring Class. So I went for it. I spent about four weeks polishing, tweaking, rubbing etc till it was as good as I thought I could get it. It worked - touring Class 2011 was mine. Apparently I would have come second if I had been in concours. In 2012 I spent another four weeks on the car and entered concours. Bizarrely it got two less marks than the previous year even though the car was in better condition. I had a rest in 2013 and went for touring in 2014 and won. Again I would have come second if I had entered concours. So no prizes for guessing what I’ll be doing this year! At least I know where I lost points though which is a bit of a bonus, so I’ve got a schedule of things in the four judging areas to do which will hopefully get me over 90 points. Along the way I’ve had incredible fun and enjoyment owning the car. The friends Kathy and I have made in the club have been a wonderful bonus. I doubt if Sir Henry realises that the best thing about his cars was the ambience and the camaraderie of fellow owners. You don’t see that on a drawing board and can’t engineer it. SRH 2052 sporting her Winners Rosette in June 2014

Mike Martin

Philip Sage Encourages You To ‘Find Out A Little More’ As good as Paulerspury People is - and it truly is a shining example of its kind - no printed document can be conducive to real-time exchange of information. If you have the need of an urgent answer to a motoring problem, wouldn’t it be great to have somewhere to go? A source where you’d find fellow Club members from around the section and around the world with vast experience of our motor cars - and life in general! Friendly folk who are able and willing to assist. Wouldn’t it be even better if was free, gratis and for nothing? No subscription. 0% APR. No deposit and nothing to pay for.... ever. That would be even better than SCS, DFS and all the supermarkets rolled into one. Paulerspury People - January 2015


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The Club Message Board - - is just such a place, but it is also much more than that. Think of it as a Costa Coffee, with a secure car park where fellow Club members hang out whatever the season and whatever the weather. Somewhere you can visit whenever you have a moment to spare, to catch up on RollsRoyce and Bentley news; Technical matters; Past and future events; Historical information; General chit-chat; and ‘Competitions, Quizzes and Conundrums’. Recent and ongoing discussions include:

• Tyre availability and price

• Petrol vaporization

• Stainless steel exhausts

• Woodwork restoration

• My car elects to remain stationary • Sunroofs • Bakelite repairs

• Surreal experiences

• Ethanol in fuel

• Word association (our most popular topic!)

• DVLA related matters

• The future of Shadows

….and so much more. With over 36,000 posts so far, you may even find a readymade answer to your question. In fact, you’ll probably find answers to questions you hadn’t even thought to ask. Please do pop by and have a peek. If you haven’t yet registered for access, you can contact Ailsa Plain at the Hunt House (, quoting your full name and membership number for log-in details. Don’t feel obliged to contribute, but if you have the urge, don’t worry about the technicalities. You will be warmly welcomed and helped along the way. Even if computers aren’t your first love, we have some excellent tutorials on the Message Board (says he who wrote them!) to help and guide you. Existing contributors will be delighted to assist if you have any difficulties and please feel free to contact me by email or telephone if you need any help whatsoever. Don’t miss out any longer - we’re waiting for you!

Philip Sage Email: Mobile: 07980 777111 Paulerspury People - January 2015

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Paulerspury People - January 2015


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CLASSICS on HARPENDEN COMMON Wednesday 22nd July 2015 From 2pm till dusk w Once a year, Harpenden Common comes alive for half a day with more than 1200 classic cars, other 4-wheelers, motorcycles and scooters. There you’ll find a Chevy Bel Air rubbing shoulders with a 1927 Trojan, and a rare 1978 Matra Bagheera with a ’59 Berliot. Plus 10,000 admiring spectators.Little wonder Classics on the Common, already Britain’s biggest mid-week classic car show, ranks among the top events of the classics calendar. Paulerspury Section Member, Andrew Sykes has suggested that RREC members maybe interested in this very popular event. Unlike our other events each participant needs to pre-book directly with the organisers and vehicles must be at least 20 years old. We plan to meet up nearby before driving to the common and arrive ‘en convoi’ to park together so when you have booked and been allocated a place, please email events co-ordinator janet.dolan@rrecpaulerspury to receive details of where and when to meet. To take part please see the booking process below as per their website. Please Note: This is a strictly ticket only event so book early if you want to come BUT please do not turn up if you do not have a ticket. The organisers will not allow you in. TICKET APPLICATIONS • For the safety of exhibitors and spectators we limit the number of 4-wheel vehicles to 1050. For the past two years we’ve reached that limit seven weeks before the show. So get your ticket application in early. • Since 2014, also for safety reasons, motorcycle and scooter owners must book in advance and their machine must be at least 20 years old. Any motorcycle or scooter arriving without a ticket will not be admitted. • As the costs of organising the event are substantial and could expose us to making a loss should bad weather lead to its cancellation, the entry ticket fee for all vehicles is non-refundable. •

To apply for your entry ticket click on Ticket Application Form

SUBSTITUTE VEHICLES • Your ticket will display your vehicle’s registration number. If you need to come in a substitute vehicle (4-wheel or 2-wheel) it must be 20 years old or older and you must provide full details, including registration number, in advance, by emailing or by writing to Classics on the Common, 67 High Street, Harpenden AL5 2SL or, from 20 July, by ringing 07745 517056. Do NOT alter the registration number on your ticket. If a substitute vehicle doesn’t meet the minimum age requirement a spectator car park must be used.

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Behind the Scenes at the Track of Legend Enjoy a tour of the historic Silverstone Race Circuit During a two hour guided trip, you will see unique behind the scenes views of the circuit that was first used in 1948, with plenty of photo opportunities for your personal archives. Stand on the top step of the podium and dream of following in the footsteps of the Formula 1™ stars and get a closer look at legendary sites around the track Provisional arrangements are in hand for a tour on Saturday 10th October 2015. Places are limited to just 20 participants at £32.00 per person and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Unfortunately as we need to pay in advance for this event applications need to close by the 28th February. We can only confirm the booking with a full complement of participants. Interested? Then please complete






Paddington Bear - From Goodwood to London The Rolls-Royce Paddington, named the ‘Spirit of Paddington’, was envisioned by the marque’s Design Director, Giles Taylor and crafted by the Bespoke craftspeople at the Home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood, England. The design took inspiration from the marque’s founding forefather Hon. CS Rolls, a noted adventurer and pioneer aviator, and Paddington fittingly sports a fetching brown leather duffel jacket, aviators’ cravat and MK8 racing goggles that allude to Rolls’ legend as the original gentleman racer. Statues of Paddington designed by some of the most revered names in art, design and culture were made available for auction at the star-studded event. In total £462,500 was raised on the night with the promise of more through an online sale, curated by Christie’s. “I am honoured that our Paddington has inspired such generosity from Tracey Emin, one of the nation’s most eminent artists,” said Giles Taylor, Director of Design, RollsRoyce Motor Cars. “We have all thoroughly enjoyed bringing such a well-loved character to life and are absolutely delighted that our Charles Rolls-inspired bear has played its part in raising vital funds for the NSPCC.” The 50 Paddingtons formed the Paddington Trail which ran in London throughout November and early December to help celebrate the release of the Paddington movie whilst raising funds for the NSPCC. The film from STUDIOCANAL and Heyday Films is written and directed by Paul King (Bunny and the Bull, The Mighty Boosh), produced by David Heyman (Gravity, Harry Potter) and boasts an all-star cast including Paulerspury People - January 2015


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I think I had better keep my marmalade sandwiches in my case

Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Peter Capaldi, Jim Broadbent and Nicole Kidman with Ben Whishaw as the voice of Paddington. Paddington Bear found a new home courtesy of Tracey Emin, who snapped it up at a Christie’s auction in aid of the NSPCC. Following the auction, Tracy generously donated the ‘Spirit of Paddington’ back to the NSPCC for future display.

(Text and photographs are reproduced courtesy of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited - Press Club) Paulerspury People - January 2015


Artist Tracy Emin gives Paddington a hug

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Future Events Diary Sunday 22nd February 2015 Lunch at Shendish Manor Hotel and Country Club Venue: Shendish Manor, London Rd, Apsley, Herts, HP3 0AA Organisers: David and Sue Cooper Booking Form Enclosed Sunday 22nd March 2015 Lunch with Optional Helicopter Ride Venue: The Old Swan, Main Road, Astwood, Bucks, MK16 9JS Organisers: Barry and Ruth Gallafent ***SOLD OUT*** Tuesday 7th - Wednesday 8th April Visit to DAF Trucks and The Commercial Motor Museum Venue: DAF Trucks, Leyland, Lancs Organisers: Barry Gallafent ***SOLD OUT*** Friday 24th - Sunday 26th April 2015 Clouds and S Types 60th Anniversary Weekend Organisers: Main Club Event Sunday 26th April 2015 St Georges Day Run and Lunch Venue: Knife & Cleaver, Houghton Conquest, Beds, MK45 3LA Organisers: Steven and Mia Murray Booking Form Enclosed

Friday 19th - Sunday 21st June 2015 RREC Annual Rally and Concours Venue: Burghley House, Lincolnshire Organisers: Main Club Event Sunday 28th June 2015 Broadwell House Driving Day & Picnic Venue: Broadwell House, Broadwell, Nr Rugby, CV23 8HF Organisers: Adrian and Linda Denham Booking Form Enclosed Sunday 12th July 2015 Kimbolton Country Fayre Venue: Kimbolton School, Beds Organiser: Val Yates Sunday 19th July 2015 Paulerspury Section 35th Annversary Garden Party Venue: The Hunt House, High Street, Paulerspury Northants, NN12 7NA Organiser: Janet Dolan Wednesday 22nd July 2015 Classics on Harpenden Common Venue: Harpenden Common, Herts **Attendees must book directly in advance (see Page 23 of this edition) and liaise with Janet once they have their tickets. Note: Vehicles must be at least 20 years old!** Coordinator: Janet Dolan

Sunday 17th - Tuesday 19th May 2015 Three Day Break in the Beautiful Vale of Dedham ***SOLD OUT***

Wednesday 5th August 2015 Classics on Croxley Green Venue: Croxley Green, Rickmansworth, WD3 3NH Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan

Saturday 23rd - Monday 25th May 2015 RREC International Weekend Venue: Folkestone Racecourse Organiser: Ted Meachem (Central Southern Section)

Sunday 9th August 2015 South Beds Classic Car Show Venue: Pulloxhill Beds Organiser: Karen Hillier Paulerspury People - January 2015


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Future Events (continued)

Events Coordinator

Saturday 15th August 2015 FĂŞte ChampĂŞtre with City Barge Venue: Sandhurst Militart College Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan liaising with Oxford and Tahmes Valley Founders Sections

Janet Dolan (Steve) Address: See Steve Dolan above Tel: 01327 351460 Mob: 07841 989608

Midweek 28th/29th September Thames Barge Trip Venue: Maldon, Essex. Organisers: Derek and Sylvia Freeman


Saturday 10th October Silverstone Circuit - Behind the Scenes Venue: Silverstone Circuit, Northants. Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan Expression of Interest Form Enclosed

Paulerspury Section Committee

Barry Gallafent (Ruth) 222b Wolverton Road Blakelands Milton Keynes, MK14 5AB Tel: 01908 216804 Mobile: 07785 398271 Karen Hillier (Ray) Mob: 07881 802904

Chairman Derek Freeman (Sylvia) The Plantation, Village Road Bromham, MK43 8LL Tel: 01234 823255 (Home)

Secretary Steve Dolan (Janet) The Old Stables Heathencote, Northants, NN12 7LE Tel: 01327 351460 Mob: 07739 848368

Attention Smart Phone Users Scan any of these QR codes to find out more about what the section is up to.

Treasurer Kathryn Martin (Mike) Tel: 01234 714092

Section Website

Paulerspury People - January 2015

Paulerspury People January 2015.pmd



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Paulerspury People January 2015.pmd


19/01/2015, 16:26

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