Carbon Happy Edit

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INSIDE: Smoothie recipes... The happy house of mira mikadi...

Good vs. bad habits... Organise your life... TRAIN YOUR BRAIN ..AND MORE!

(Hons A ) B a i d e m Y T U a e b d n a n o i h s Fa

Theideaofhappinessdoesn’tcomefromourbackgrounds,ourlifecircumstancesor ourfinancialsituation.Obviouslythesethingscanhaveanimpact,howeverstudies haveshownthatourhappinesslevelsdirectlyrelatetoourpsychology. Happinessscientists,philosphers,physicists,andIndianSwamisallagreethatyour stateofmindliterallycreatestheworldyouexperience.Forexample,the19th centuryphilospherLudwigWittgensteinwrote“Theworldofthosewhoarehappyis differentfromtheworldofthosewhoarenot.” Mentalhealthhasbeenanongoingissue,especiallyinthe21stcentury.Statistics haveshownthatinthepastweek,1in6peoplehaveexperiencedacommon mentalhealthproblem.HereatCarbon,ouraimforthismagazinewastoradiate happinessandpositivitybygivingreadershelpfultipsandideasonhowtoboost yourseratoninlevels. Readourarticle‘Boostyourmood’onpage26-29,andtrynottosmile.Youcould alsoread‘TrainYourBrain’onpage48-49. WehopeyouenjoythiseditionofCarbonMagazine,andwealsohopeyougain smethingfromit.Whetherthatbesomenewfunplacestovisit,oryogatohelp unwind,wewishyouallthebest!

From Emma x




Editor - EmmaFoakes Deputy editors -Ella Gutfreund&Maddi Reynolds Sub editor - Amy Dulwich Picture editor -Kat Stothert Art director - Sofia Wells Social Media editor NicoleHardy

Sub Editor

social media Picture Editor

art director

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Your Own Greatness Affirmed Yogaisknowntoboostyourmoodandkeepyouinshape. ThisisahelpfulguideforyoutostartYogaandseethebene fitsfromdoingso! 8





bringing Mindfulness to the mat Yogacanbeasafespaceformany.For some,itisamorningroutine,itcanbeapart timehobbyoritcanbeasocialelement. “Yogaisthefirstandmostsuccessfulproduct ofglobalisation,”saysStefanieSyman. In2018,yogawasreportedtobethefourth fastestgrowingindustryintheUSandthe amountofmoneyAmericanyogainstructors arespendinghasrisen87%inthelastfive years.Nowmorethan300millionpeople nowpractiseyoga,andJapaninparticular hasseenagrowthof413%inthelast fiveyears.Forapracticethatoriginated inIndiaover5,000yearsagowhichwas firstmentionedinoneoftheworld’soldest religioustexts,theRigVedaanditclearly standsthetestoftime! However,havingahobbysuchasyoga canhavelimitingfactors...Classescanbe expensiveorintimidatingforsomepeople thatdontparticularlyenjoyworkingoutwith others.

Anothergreatthingaboutyogaisthatit canbepracticedbyanyoneatanyage, whichisalsoimportantformentalhealth. Forkidsstressedoutbyloadsofhomework, standardizedtestsandkeepingupwith socialmedia,yogaisagoodtimeoutfrom allofthat.Forpeopleinseniorage,exercise iscrucialfornotonlykeepingtheirbodies fitbuttheirmindssharpaswell.Yogais goodformaintainingbalance,whichcan helppreventdangerousfallsanditiseasily adaptableforagingbodies,withclasses suchasgentleyogaorevenchairyoga. Physically,exerciseiscrucialtoourhealth. Forthoseworkingfromhome,anewdesk setupandworkingenvironmentcantakeits tollonthebody.Whateveryourworkspace maybe,wetendtositforhoursonend togetourworkdone.Andofcourse,the physicalimpactandtheimplicationsof Covid-19 www onmentalhealthhasbeenthefront andcentreofhealth-relateddiscussions. Theuncertaintyoftheworld’scurrentstate andthedisruptiontooureverydaylivesis leadingmanytofeelanxious,confusedand causingmanytobecomerestless. Withafocusonphysicalandmentalhealth firmlyatitscore,theinterestinYogaduring self-isolationhadincreased,thepractice provingtobetheultimateself-careroutine foryourbody.



Becauseyogaisacombinationofexercise, meditation,relaxation,andevensocialization, it’sawonderfulwaytorelieveanxiety aswell asdepression. Byregulatingyourstressresponsesystem, clearingyourmindofthoughtssoyoucan focusonthepresent,andcalmingdownyour nervoussystem,yogaplaysakeyrolein bringingbalanceandpeacebackintoyour hecticlife. Plus,yogahastheabilitytoreduceyourheart rate,respirationrate,andbloodpressure, therebyrelaxingyouandeasingyouranxiety andnervousnesswithouthavingtousepre scriptiondrugs .

Reduce the effects of PTSD and similar conditions Yogamayalsohelpyoudealwithamyriad typesofstress,includingPost-TraumaticStress Disorder(PTSD).

AstudybyresearchersattheCentrefor AddictionandMentalHealthinToronto, CanadaandBrighamandWomen’sHospital atHarvardMedicalSchoolfoundthat participantsinakundaliniyogaprogram showedgreaterchangesinmeasuresofsleep, positiveaffect,perceivedstress,anxiety,stress, andresiliencethanthosewhodidn’tdoyoga.

The benefits

But,Yogacanalsobehelpfulwithmental healthissuessuchasdepressionandanxiety. Ifyourbrainisconsumedwithnegative thoughts,yogaisawaytocalmthechaos byfocusingonposesandcenteringyourself withdeep,regulated,cleansingbreaths. Withaclearmind,it’seasiertoadopta positiveoutlook.

Relief from depression and anxiety

Keep your brain young

Yetanotherpsychologicalbenefitofyogais itsabilitytomaintainthehealthandvitalityof yourbrain,evenintooldage. Studieshavefoundthatthosewhopractice yogaandmeditationhavemoreresilient brains,aswellasimprovedbrainfunction, particularlyinolderparticipants.Soifyou wanttokeepyourbrainyoung,welloxygen ated,andcalm,yogaiscertainlyatoolyou shouldusetostayvitalinbodyandmind.

Boost concentration, focus, and memory

Yogacouldhelpyouregaintheabilityto getthingsdoneefficientlywithoutgetting distracted. Researchhasshownthatyogacanboost concentrationandmemorybecauseyouhave tofocusduringyourpractice.Inadditionto turninginwardandreallylisteningtoyour bodysoyoudon’tpushyourselftoofarand injureyourself,yogarequiresthatyoufinda focalpointduringbalancingpostures.


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Bridgeposestretchesthemusclesalongtheneck,chest,spine,and hipswhilestrengtheningtheback,glutes,andhamstrings.Itisalsosaid toincreasecirculation,balancehormones,andrelievesymptomsof stressanddepression.

Shoulder stand

Shoulderstandbenefitstheheart,stimulatesthethyroid,improves digestion,opensuptheshouldersandneck,andstrengthensyourlegs, glutes,andabs.Thisposturealsodecreasesswellinginthelegsand increasesbloodflowtotheupperbodyandbrain,soit’saperfect movetohelpyouwakeupandstartyourday.

Sphinx pose

Sphinxposeisyetanotheryogaposturethathelpstoimproveposture bycounteractingtheeffectofgravityonourspines.Sphinxpose encouragesflexionthroughtheupperthoracicspine,helpingtostretch andlengthenthemusclesalongthethroat,chest,abs,hipflexors, andlegs.Itstrengthensthemusclesoftheupperbackandbackofthe neck,whichhelpsustostandupstraightwithconfidenceanddignity.

Tree Pose

Twreeposeencouragesbalanceinthebodyandinthemind.Bal ancingposturesstimulateeachsideofthebraintohelpuscultivate balancebetweentherightandlefthemispheres.Morephysically,tree posehelpsimproveposturebystrengtheningthemusclesofthelegs,



Seated neck tilt

Thispostureelongatesthemusclesalongthesideoftheneckand openstheshouldersandeventhechest.

Reclined goddess

Thisposeisrestorativeandisespeciallybeneficialforwomen’s hormonesasitstimulatesbloodflowtotheuterusandreproductive organs.Itstimulatesdigestionandbenefitstheorgansintheabdo men,whilealsoopeningthechest,shoulders,andgroin.


Photographed, witten and designed by Maddi Reynolds

Rabbit pose

Thisposturelengthensthespinewhilestretchingthemusclesinthe back,arms,andshoulders.Itisalsosaidtobestimulatingforthe immuneandendocrinesystems,helpingtowardoffsicknessand balancehormones.

Thread the needle

Threadtheneedleposeisanothergreatpostureforopeningupthe shouldersandneck.Sittingalldaylongcancauseustodevelop tightmusclesintheupperback.Thisposturehelpstoelongatethose musclesalongthethoracicspineandencouragescirculationaround theshoulderblades.

Childs pose

isknowntobesuperbeneficialforourmentalandemotionalhealth, helpingtosendcalmthroughthenervoussystem.Thisposestretches thebackbodyandhips,helpingtorelievebackpain.

Mountain post

Itmightlookjustlikestanding,butbringingmindfulnesstothecon nectionbetweenthesolesofyourfeetandthegroundbeneathyou isapracticethatcanhelptosignificantlyrelievefeelingsofstress, anxiety,andfear.Mountainpose,whenpracticedactively,strength ensthelegs,spine,andcore.Itcanhelpalsohelprelievebackpain. HAPPY EDIT


ha ppy places a n d w h ere to fin d th em! I T’S FINALLY SP RIN G, OR AS I LIKE TO CALL I T, T HE HAP PY SEASON. P UT T IN G AWAY T HE P UFFER JAC KETS AND EN JOYIN G F UN IN T HE SUN. CARBON HAS C OM P ILED A LIS T O F EXCI T IN G P LACES AND ACT IVI T IES TO BOOS T YOUR SER OTONIN AND KEEP YOU SMILIN G ALL SP RIN G LON G. PL ACE : THE ZOO PRICE : ££ LOCATION : Carbon recommends London Zoo, However there are equally great zoos all over England. DESCRIPTION: There’s not much more to say than animals! We all love them and they instantly put a smile on our face. The highlight of the zoo would surely be the hilarious penguins or seeing mother monkeys care for their babies. Scientists have also observed that interacting with animals increases levels of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin has several important effects on the body. It slows a person’s heart rate and breathing, reduces blood pressure, and inhibits the production of stress hormones. Scienec says go to the zoo!

PL ACE : AMUSEMENT PARK PRICE : ££ LOCATION : All over England DESCRIPTION : Whether you’re a thrill-seeker or just want casual fun, the theme park is a great place to go. There’s an attraction for all ages. Whether you want a ride that goes 60mph or to ride on the carousel or get bumped around in the dodgems, you will surely have a smile on your face all throughout. With a bunch of student discounts for many theme parks, a nice day out won’t break the bank either. Always book in advance if you can to save money!



PL ACE : THE BEACH PRICE : £ LOCATION : All over England! DESCRIPTION: What better place to soak up the vitamin D, pretend you’re on vacation. The beach! It’s always a great outing to bask in the sun, dip your legs in the sea, scoff down an ice cream or eat fish and chips by the shore. With costs of travel and food, a trip to the beach can be cheap and cheerful! Make sure you pack the Sunscreen!

PL ACE : THE FARM PRICE : £ LOCATION : Carbon recommends Muchute City Farm! DESCRIPTION: Once again, animals! They’re great and a trip to the farm will cost you much less. If you’re living in London or can make an easy commute, Mudchute Farm is the place to be. Next to Canary Wharf, Mudchute Farm homes Alpacas, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Horses and many, many more. Entry to the farm is free and there are sometimes events and even a dog fair held at the farm that call for a great day out. Watch out for nifty sheep!


LOCATION : Carbon recommends Kew Gardens, Richmond Park or Holland Park DESCRIPTION : A trip to the park on a sunny day is always unrivalled. Having a picnic or just a scenic walk around can help you destress and take in nature. Parks like Richmond and Holland Park feature animals like Deers and peacocks to awe at on a walk. Whilst Kew Gardens features many conservatories with many exotic plants and, if you’re up for it, even a treetop walk that’s 18 metres above the ground. Remeber a water bottle! HAPPY EDIT

Written and designed by Rokeya Rodney




RECIPES Banana-Blueberry-Soy Smoothie -

Creamy Kale Smoothie -

Succulentblueberriesareburstingwithflavourinthishealthy smoothie,whichisalsoloadedwithpotassium-richbananaand vanillaforsweetness.

ThissmoothieisfromtheBalancedGutsectionofPrevention’s Smoothies&Juices.Packedwithproteinandprobiotics,Greek yogurtisanaturalgut-healthbooster. Inablender,combine1cupcoarselychoppedkale,11/2cup frozenpineapplechunks,1/2cupplainGreekyogurt,1/2cup unsweetenedalmondmilk,and1tsphoney.Blenduntilthemix tureissmoothandfrothy.


Nutrition(perserving):296calories,8.5gfat(3gsatfat),14g protein,45gcarbs(5gfiber),36gsugars(6gaddedsugar)

Silky Skin Smoothie ThisdrinkfromPrevention’sSmoothiesandJuicesisgreatfor yourcomplexion!Apricotsandcarrotsarerichintheantioxi dantbeta-carotene,whichthebodyconvertsintovitaminA.The vitamincanpotentiallyoffsetskinaging,aswellasdamagefrom UVraysandpollution.

Thissweetblendwillhaveyoufeelinglikeit’ssummertimein thedeadofwinterwithblueberriesandpeaches.Plus,you’ll getyourdailydoseofgreenswithnutrient-richkale.Adashof cinnamonistheperfecttouch.

Nutrition(perserving):170calories,4gfat,8.5gprotein,26g carb(4gfiber),17gsugars

Citrus-Pineapple Smoothie Bowl Thissmoothiebowlisafunwaytoswitchupyourroutine.It featuresvitaminC–richcitrusfruit,heart-healthycashews,and gut-healthyGreekyogurt. Put1/2cupfat-freeGreekyogurt,1/2cupfrozenpineapple chunks,1tspvanillaextract,1/2navalorange,segmented,and 1/2rubygrapefruit,segmented,inablender.Blenduntilthe mixtureissmooth,anddividebetween2bowls.Topwithmore orangeandgrapefruit,pluschiaseeds,unsweetenedcoconut flakes,andchoppedcashews. Nutrition(perserving):240calories,8gfat(4gsatfat),12g protein,31gcarbs(5gfiber),19gsugars(0gaddedsugar)




Nutrition(perserving):125calories,5gfat,3gprotein,25g carbs(2gfiber),11gsugars

Peach Blueberry Smoothie -

Inablender,combine1cupchilledalmondorvanillasoymilk,4 slicesfreshorfrozenpeaches(about1/2cup),1/4cupblueber ries,handfulofkale,and1/4tsp.groundcinnamon.Blenduntil smooth.

Simplycombine11/4cupslightsoymilkwith1/2cupfrozen blueberries,1/2frozenbanana,andoneteaspoonofpureva nillaextract.Blendforabout20to30seconds,oruntilsmooth. Youcanaddupto1/4cupmoremilkifyouprefertohavethe mixturethinner.


Inablender,combine1/2cupicecubes,1/2cupwholemilk Greekyogurt,1/4cupgratedcarrot,1tsphoney,1/2tspcinna mon,2choppeddriedapricots,and1freshapricot(pittedand coarselychopped).Blenduntilsmooth. Nutrition(perserving):130calories,3.5gfat(2gsatfat),8g protein,21gcarbs(3gfiber),17gsugars(6gaddedsugar)

Green Ginger Smoothie BabyspinachandGrannySmithapplescombinetocreatethe deliciousgreencolorofthissmoothie.Hempseedsaddadoseof plantproteinandhealthyfats. Combine2cupspackedbabyspinach,1choppedGrannySmith apple,3/4cupcoconutwater,1/4cuplemonjuice,2Tbsp. hempseeds,3tsp.mincedginger,1tsp.rawhoney,1½cupice cubes.Blenduntilsmooth,serves2. Nutrition(perserving):153calories,4gfat(1gsatfat),27g carbs(4gfiber),17gsugars


Cranberry Banana Smoothie

Powerhouse Pumpkin Smoothie

Theautumnberryisthestarofthissatisfying,fiber-richtreat. Bananaaddsbodyandsweetness,almondmilkkeepsthecalorie countlow,andmaplesyrupoffersaseasonalsweetness.

Inadditiontopurepumpkin,thissmoothiepacksGreekyogurt foracreamy,protein-richbase.Maplesyrupandpumpkinpie spiceaddseasonalsweetness.

Inablender,add1cupfrozencranberries,1cupunsweetened almondmilk,1banana,1Tbsp.maplesyrup,½cupicecubes. Pureeuntilfrothyandsmooth.

Inablender,combine1/2cupcannedpurepumpkin(frozen inicecubetray),7oz.2%Greekyogurt,1/2cupwater,1/4 avocado,2Tbsp.groundflaxseed,1Tbsp.maplesyrup,1/2tsp. pumpkinpiespice.Blenduntilcreamy.

Nutrition(perserving):125calories,1.5gfat(0gsatfat),1g protein,27gcarbs(4gfiber),15.5gsugar(6gaddedsugar)

Nutrition(perserving):361calories,14gfat,26gprotein,38g carbs(11gfiber),

Banana Ginger Smoothie

Strawberry-Kiwi Smoothie

Soothedigestion,heartburn,nausea,andothertummytroubles withthefreshgingerinthisnaturalremedysmoothierecipe.It alsofeatures1banana,3/4cup(6ounces)vanillayogurt,anda tablespoonofhoneyforahintofsweetness.Justthrowtheingre dientsintoablender,andvoila—adeliciouslycreamybeverage you’llslurpupASAP.Serves2.


Thisfruity,low-caloriesmoothierecipebecomesevenhealthier whenyouuseorganickiwis,whichcontainhigherlevelsofhearthealthypolyphenolsandvitaminC. Inablender,combine11/4cupcoldapplejuice,1ripeba nana,1kiwi,5frozenstrawberriesand11/2teaspoonhoney. Pureeuntilsmooth.

Nutrition(perserving):157calories,1gfat,5gprotein,34g carbs(1.5gfiber),28gsugars


Nutrition(perserving):87calories,0gfat,0.5gprotein,22g carbs(1.5gfiber),16.5gsugars

Green Tea, Blueberry, and Banana Smoothie Topreparethissmoothiefeaturingantioxidant-richgreentea, simplyheat3Tbsp.ofwaterinabowlinthemicrowaveuntilit’s steaminghot.Then,add1greenteabagandallowittobrew for3minutes.Removetheteabagandstirin2tsp.honeyuntilit dissolves.Combine11/2cupsfrozenblueberries,1/2medium banana,and3/4cupcalcium-fortifiedlightvanillasoymilkintoa blender.Addtheteaandprocessallingredientsuntilsmooth. Nutrition(perserving):269calories,2.5gfat,3.5gprotein,63 gcarbs(8gfiber),38.5gsugars

Banana Almond Protein Smoothie Creamyalmondbutteroffershealthyfats,whilecoconutwater helpsrestoreelectrolytesafteratoughworkout.Greekyogurt andascoopofwheykeeptheproteincontenthigh. Inablender,add1/2cupcoconutwater,1/2cupplainGreek yogurt,3Tbsp.almondbutter,1scoopwheyproteinpowder, 1Tbsp.hempseeds,1frozenbanana,1cupice.Processuntil smooth,serves2. Nutrition(perserving):329calories,17gfat,21gprotein,26g carbs(5gfiber),15gsugars

Mocha Protein Shake Thisbuzzybreakfasttasteslikeamilkshake.Thesecretingredi ent?Walnuts,whicharehighinproteinandomega-3fattyacids— healthyfatsknowntohelpfightinflammationandprotectyour heart.Adoseofblackcoffeemakesthistheperfectmorning shake. Inablender,add11/2cupblackcoffee(madeinadvance andcooled),1largefrozenbanana(cutintochunks),1cupice cubes,1/4cupwalnuts,1heapingTbsp.unsweetenedcocoa powder,6Tbsp.chocolateproteinpowder.Blenduntilsmooth, serves2.

Berry Good Workout Smoothie -

Gettheenergyyouneedtopowerthroughyourworkoutinmin uteswiththiseasy-to-makesmoothierecipe.Foranextradoseof calcium,tryaddingateaspoonofOrganicKalePowder.


Whatyou’llneed:11/2cupschoppedstrawberries,1cupblue berries,1/2cupraspberries,2Tbsp.honey,1tsp.freshlemon juice,and1/2cupicecubes.Blenduntilsmooth.


Nutrition(perserving):162calories,1gfat,2gprotein,41.5g carbs(6gfiber),32gsugars

NUTRITION(perserving):264calories,11gfat,24gprotein, 22gcarbs(4gfiber)






PRIORITY” Written and designed by Nicole Hardy



SWEAT STYLE With summer on the way, time is tight to get ourselves feeling our best. Motivation can usually be a struggle for most of us. Although when you have a matching, colourful, fun gym set to put on for the gym, walk or any form of exercise, it’s a whole new story you feel so much more confident. Here at Carbon, we are so here for colourful gym sets and believe it is time for hot girl summer to commence.










Photographed, styled, and written by Ella Gutfreund, modelled by Ella and Lilly

Keeping Y urself



Keeping a wellness journal can boost morale and help you stay happy! As students, we know that sometimes life can get a bit too much and it is hard to stay on top of your mental health and your own well-being so this is a guide to help you stay on top of this and keep you smiling!

List out your daily intentions Listingoutyourdailyintentionscankeepyouorganisedforthe day... Ifyouhaveabusydaythenkeepingtrackofalistwillhelpyou keepuptodate.Ifyouwakeupinthemorningworkingwithina timeframethenitismucheasiertobeproductivewithyourday! Youwillbemuchhappierwithyourselfifyouhavebeenorgan isedandmoreproductive.


Anintentioncanbe: Atooltoguideyouthroughthedayasyou’refacedwithdeci sionstomake Areminderofwhatyouwanttofocuson(becauseweallknow howharditcanbetofocus) Theactofidentifyingthetypeofenergyyouwanttobringinto theday Aremindertostaymindfulthroughouttheday


Keeping a food tracker Eatinghealthyisknowntohelpyoukeephappy.Abetter diet allowsyoutocreateahealthyrelationshipwithfood, excersiseandultimatelyhowyoufeelinyourself. Howmuch?listtheamountofthefoodanddrinkyoucon sumeeachtime.Thismightbemeasuredinvolume(such as1/2cup),weight(suchas2ounces),orthenumberof items(suchas12chips). Whatkind?Writedownthetypeoffoodanddrink.Beas specificasyoucan. Whowith?Ifyoueatbyyourself,write“alone.”Ifyou’re withfriendsorfamilymembers,listthem.



Mood?Youalsoshouldincludehowyoufeelwhenyoueat anddrink.Areyouhappy,sad,orbored?Yourmoodcan impactwhatandwhenyoueatordrink.


A daily reflection

Ithelpsyoulearnfromyourmistakes.Ifwedon’treflectonourmistakes,weare likelytorepeatthem.However,ifwereflectonthosemistakes,figureoutwhatwent wrong,seehowwecanpreventtheminthefuture,wecanuseourmistakestoget better.Mistakes,then,areavaluablelearningtool,insteadofsomethingtofeel embarrassedorupsetabout.Reflectionisanimportantwaytodothat. Also,Itgivesyougreatideas.Ifyoureflectonsomethingthat’sasuccessthenIthink abouthowIgotthatsuccessandsharethattoo. ThishelpsyouhelpothersandItmakesyouhappier.Ifyoureflectonthethingsyou didright,onyoursuccesses,thatallowsyoutocelebrateeverylittlesuccess.Itallows youtorealizehowmuchyou’vedoneright,thegoodthingsyou’vedoneinyour life.Withoutreflection,it’stooeasytoforgetthesethings,andfocusinsteadonour failures. Writingthesedowngivesyouperspective.Oftenwearecaughtupinthetroubles orbusy-nessofourdailylives.Amistakeorahigh-pressureprojectorsomething likethatcanseemlikeitmeansalltheworld.Itcanoverwhelmussometimes.Butif wetakeaminutetostepback,andreflectontheseproblems,andhowinthegrand schemeofthingstheydon’tmeanallthatmuch,itcancalmusdownandlowerour stresslevels.Wegainperspective,andthat’sagoodthing.

What am i grateful for? Creatingapagefullofgratitude canreallyhelpyoutaketimeout ofyourdayandthinkofallthe thingsyouaregratefulfor.Itcan behardsometimestorecognize thesewhenyouhavealotonyour mindsowhenyouarefeelinglow, youcanlookbackonthispage!

Bywritingdownwhatyouare thankfulfor,itcanmakeyoumore optimisticbecauseyouarechoos ingtoseemoreofthepositivity inyourlife,givinglesspowerto negativeemotions.Whilethese positiveaspectsofyourlifemay befloatingaroundinyoursubcon scious,writingthemdownmakes themmoreconcreteandreal.

Yourmoodmaybesomethingthatyou’ve triedtoachieve(suchaspeacefulnessfrom doingyoga)orsomethingoverwhichyou feelyouhavenocontrol(suchasannoy anceaboutaparkingticket).Anditmay lastonlyashortwhile,orhangaround.


Understandingyourmoodsmayhelpyou workoutwhatcausesthemandhowyou tendtobehavewhenyouareindifferent moods. Youprobablyknowthatyoufeelgood whenyouareinapositivemood(suchas whenyoufeelcontent,lovingorexcited). Andyouprobablyknowyoufeelmuch worsewhenyouareinanegativemood (suchaswhenyoufeelanxious,disgusted orannoyed). Yourmoodsareusefultoyou.Andthey areabigpartofhowyouchoosetobe haveandthink.Anegativemoodcanbea usefulindicatorofaproblemthatneedsto betackled.Thiscanhelpyoureflectatthe endoftheweektoseewhatkindofmoods youhavebeenexperiencing.

‘A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset.’ HAPPY EDIT

Written and designed by Maddi Reynolds

Track your moods

Keepingatrackofthewaveofemotions yougothroughinadayisimportantasit couldhelpyourealisewhyandwhenyour moodsarefallingshort...


Giving strength a new identity

An interview with Alex, the creator of the up-and-coming gymwear brand SigmaStrength 24


SigmaStrength is a fitness/gymwear brand that focuses on women’s clothing. For our wellness issue, we conducted an interview with SigmaStrength, a brand focused on women’s gymwear and empowerment. We l e a r n t a l o t f r o m o u r i n t e r v i e w w i t h t h e c r e a t o r o f t h e b r a n d , A l e x J o n e s . A l e x c r e a t e d h i s b r a n d w h e n h e w a s 17 i n l o c k d o w n w i t h h i s f u r l o u g h m o n e y, a n d n o w h a s a c o m b i n e d a u d i e n c e o f a l m o s t 6 0 , 0 0 0 f o l l o w e r s o n T i k To k a n d I n s t a g r a m .

What does Sigmastrengt h mean to you?

away purely because we came across a f ew issues wit h stoc k a n d c a s h f l o w, a n d w e h a d a l o t o f w o m e n ’ s s t o c k l e f t . We



w adse c i d e d t o m a r k e t a l l o f o u r p r o d u c t s a n d p r o m o t e l o a d s o f t h e

aboutbeingstrongint hegym,

women’s products on t he pages and we noticed we got a lot

w e a r i n g c l o t h e s t h a t c a n m o r e i n t e r a c t i o n , a n d a l o t m o croem m e n t s . T h e w o m e n m a r k e t show of who you are as a

were loving SigmaS trengt h and we just decided to stop buying

person, being confident in

t h e m e n s w e a r, c a r r y o n w i t h h o w w e w e r e g o i n g , a n d i t t u r n e d

t h e g y m w e a r, a n d b a s i c a l l y

out to be a blessing in disguise wit h t he fact t hat we created

just to show of f who you

o n e o f t h e m o s t a m a z i n g w o m e n c o m m u n i t i e s o n T i k To k . We d o

a r e i n t h e g y m . H o w e v e r,

livestreams more or less ever y night wit h our community and

dur ing t he loc kdown per iod

we still have f antastic men suppor ting and buying accessor ies

I t h i n k t h a t i t c a m e a l o ta n d a f e w o f t h e u n i s e x j u m p e r s . more apparent about mental health and the reasons as to why people go to t he gym and I t hink my perception of SigmaS trengt h c hanged

Have you had any c hallenges wit h star ting a business?

com pletely dur ing loc kdown. One of the biggest issues has definitely been not being able to provide ever yone wit h t he gymwear sized t hey want, from t he

Why did you create your brand? Did you

plus sizes to the smaller sizes. It can be difficult tr ying to get all

have inspiration from ot her sources? I

star ted

loc kdown







t he dif f erent sizes in as a small business wit h zero investment, and making sure we’re still growing as a business. But, I can t h en o w s a y w e h a v e s o m e b r a n d n e w s a m p l e s i n w i t h t h e p l u s

understood t hat not many people had muc h money available to t hem, and

sizes and smaller sizes, so we will be expanding our ranges to include ever yone, whic h is super exciting. Anot her issue as

a business has def initely got to be r unning ever yt hing as a t h e r e w a s a l o t o f u n c e r t a i n t y a b o u t h o w b u s i n e s s o w n e r. R u n n i n g e v e r y t h i n g c a n b e d i f f i c u l t b e c a u s e i m people were going to get t heir future okay at ever yt hing, but im not excellent at ever yt hing. There money wit h t he pandemic going on. Also,

prices for gymwear from ot her businesses weren’t dropping, yet t he demand for

has been many times I have had to draf t a f ew fr iends in who are really good at cer tain areas, such as Photoshop and the

Adobe suites, and get t hem to do t he wor k t hat I can’t do for t he f itness was increasing. There was a lot standard t hat it needs to be produced for our gymwear brand. of people wanting to get into f itness butThe f inal c hallenge I’ve had would def initely be dropping a lot of t he gymwear people wanted to

b u y, t h e y c o u l d n ’ t a f f o r d . A n d f o r t h a t reason, I t hought t here must be a way I can provide people wit h more af f ordable gymwear wit hout paying 50 or 60 pounds f o r a p a i r o f l e g g i n g s , a n d I f o u n d a w a y.


o f u n i v e r s i t y. T h a t p e r i o d , n o t knowing whet her I was going to drop out or not (I have dropped out), was t he toughest time because the business completely h a l t e d w h e n I w a s a t u n i v e r s i t y. N o w im back, the business is doing better

Sigma strengt h focuses on women’s g y m w e a r, i s t h e r e a r e a s o n f o r t h i s ? Also, do you plan on branc hing out into menswear? We u s e d t o s e l l m e n s w e a r b u t w e m ov e d

t h a n e v e r, w h i c h i s f a n t a s t i c . B u t , it could wrong and the business could one day stop, touc h wood it doesn’t, however it ’s just t he uncer tainty but that ’s what its’ l i k e b e i n g a n e n t r e p r e n e u r.





Furthermore... What is your f avour ite par t of being involved in t he gym community? The reason why I love being involved in t he gym community is purely because I like going to t he gym myself so I’m always t hinking and seeing future oppor tunities in t he gym mar ket because I’m in t he gyms myself. I’m seeing what leggings are

doing well, what colours are

going well, all of t hose dif f erent t hings. My tiktok page is full of gym, so it just makes my j o b s o m u c h e a s i e r a n d m o r e e n j oy a b l e b e c a u s e I l o v e g o i n g t o t h e g y m . T h e o t h e r g o o d t hing about being involved in t he gym community has to be t he f act t hat you ’re seeing people better t hemselves, whic h is one of t he nicest t hings about our communities. I’m seeing people wear SigmaS trengt h, going to t he gym, making t hemselves a better version o f w h o t h e y a r e , a n d i t ’ s j u s t s o f a n t a s t i c t o s e e e v e y o n e s o h a p py.

What advice would you give to a woman t hat has just star ted t he gym? W h a t I w o u l d s a y f o r a n y o n e s t a r t i n g t h e g y m w o u l d b e g o w i t h a f r i e n d i n i t i a l l y, d o a b i t o f r e s e a r c h b e f o r e h a n d b y l o o k i n g a t b e g i n n e r ’ s t i p s f o r g o i n g t o t h e g y m , m a y b e o n Yo u t u b e o r

T i k t o k . H o n e s t l y j u s t e n j oy i t , y o u w i l l l e a r n a n d y o u w i l l m a k e m i w s t a k e s i n i t a l l y, b u t y o u w i l l l e a r n

What ’s your f avour ite product you sell? Why is it your f avour ite? Pe r s o n a l l y m y f a v o u r i t e p r o d u c t i s t h e h o o d i e s b e c a u s e I c a n a c t u a l l y w e a r t h e m m n y s e l f . H o w e v e r,

Writ ten and Designed by Emma Foakes, Words by Alex Jones- creator of SigmaStrength

f r o m t h e m a n d l e a r n f r o m o t h e r p e o p l e i n t h e g y m . T h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t t h i n g i s t o j u s t e n j oy i t .

t he top selling items and t he most f avour ite wit hin t he SigmaS trengt h community is t he blue dynamic seamless leggings. Maybe t his is because we’re moving into t he spr ing per iod, it ’s really ram ping

up in ter ms of sales, but its a ver y popuar product. It ’s ver y vibrant, and it ’s def initely one to g o f o r i f y o u a r e l o o k i n g f o r a f a n t a s t i c p i e c e o f g y m w e a r.

Left: Ombre Seamless Leggings Grey (£25.99), Ombre Seamless SportsBraGrey(£20.99) Middle:DynamicSeamlessSports Short Blue (£18.99), Dynamic SeamlessSportsBraBlue(£18.99) Right: Camo Sports Shorts Khaki Green (£23.99), Camo Sports Bra KhakiGreen(£20.99) Bottom left: Dynamic Seamless Leggings Purple (£24.99), Dynamic SeamlessSportsBraPurple(£18.99)




Carbonhascreated anessentiallist tohelpyoustay happyand on-track!


1. A Journal

Jour nalling has taken over social media

mental health of the people that do it c o n s i s t e n t l y. Yo u r j o u r n a l c a n b e u s e d for a wide range of activities that help t o i m p r o v e y o u r m o o d . Yo u c o u l d u s e a

jour nal for bullet jour nalling (a creative i n t h e p a s t y e a r a s a t o p - t i e r s e l f - c a r-e e x way of planning out your week , trac king ercise. It ’s increasingly becoming a par t y o u r g o o d h a b i t s a n d l e t t i n g y o u r c r eof people’s daily routines and has shown a t i v i t y r u n w i l d ) , a s t r e a m - o f - c o n-s c i o u to be extremely helpful in im proving t he ness (t his is kind of like a diar y - where you star t wr iting at t he end or beginning o f t h e d a y a n d l e t o u t a l l o f y o u r f e el ings and thoughts onto the paper for as long as suits you), ar t jour nalling (using stic kers, pens and creative washi tape to make fun and ar ty pages), scrapbook -

ing, af firmations practice or a gratitude jour nal (wr ite what you are greatful f or each day). These practices are super useful and fun too - so you ’ll never f eel l i k e i t ’ s a c h o r e . Ke e p i n g a p r a c t i c e o f w o r k i n g i n y o u r j o u r n a l e v e r y d a y, l i k e once you wake up or bef ore you go to bed f or exam ple, can drastically im prove your mood, keep you calm t hroughout t h e d a y, a n d s t a y p o s i t i v e n o m a t t e r w h a t i s g o i n g o n . Pa p i e r i s a g r e a t s h o p 28


for journals!

2. A Yoga Mat A yoga mat is a great investment be cause of how versatile it is. Not only is it a great idea to take up yoga in t he summer mont hs f or your body AND your mind, but a mat may also motivate you

o n t o y o u r y o g a m a t a n d w h a c k o n Yo g a W i t h A d r i e n e o r S a r a h B e t h Yo g a o n Yo u t u b e . F o l l o w t h e i r r o u t i n e s a n d y o u are bound to feel calm, relaxed and h e a l t h y. I t ’ s s o m u c h e a s i e r t o m o t i v a t e yourself to look af ter your body and mind when t he essential equipment you need is already out and ready in front

to wor kout at home. Even just a q uic k

o f y o u . I t ’ s a l s o g r e a t t o h a v e f o r m e d-

keep you active. If you f ind yourself

or Primark for cheap but comfy mats

5 m i n u t e c i r c u i t w h i l e w a t c h i n g N e t f l i x i t a t i o n a n d b r e a t h w o r k . Yo g a m a t s a r e super c heap as well - c hec k out Argos could be great to lif t your mood and sat still f or too long on your bed, roll

and lots of ot her wor kout gear too.

3. Your Breath M o s t o f u s d o n ’ t b r e a t h e c o r r e c t l y. T h i s m i g h t s o u n d a l i t t l e o d d , b u t h ow m a ny t i m e s a d a y d o yo u s t o p t o j u s t l i s t e n t o yo u r b r e a t h a n d f e e l i t i n yo u r l u n g s ? It ’s a great habit to get into. Studies h a ve f o u n d t h a t m o u t h b r e a t h i n g i s n ’ t g r e a t f o r yo u , s o s i t u p r i g h t n ow, p l a c e yo u r h a n d s o n yo u r b e l l y a n d b r e a t h e i n , a n d o u t s l ow l y. F e e l yo u r b e l l y m ov i n g i n s t e a d o f yo u r c h e s t . T h i s i s n o t o n l y i n s t a n t l y c a l m i n g , b u t i s a l s o h e-l p ful to aid in meditation too.

4. Headphones We a l l h a v e a p a i r o f h e a d p h o n e s . B u t ot her t han listening to music, how else can we use t hem to help our mental health? On the same line of listening to uplif ting or relaxing music, Spotify have a n e w s e c t i o n o f “ We l l n e s s ” s o n g s a n d podcasts to listen to. Frequency music has also become huge - just searc h for 639Hz, 423Hz etc on spotify and you ’ll find thousands of songs and playlists




w i t h s o n g s l i t e r a l l y b i o l o g i c a l l y-d e

Audiobooks and podcasts are also

available all over Audible and Spotify

signed to calm and relax you. This is

great to listen to if you need a bigger

too. The books below are some great

great when travelling. For exam ple, you

distraction. There are podcasts such as

suggestions as uplif ting listens and

might be in a car and feeling anxious

T h e T h e r a py E d i t , M i n d f u l i n M i n u t e s

reads. Meditation apps such as Simple

- whack on a frequency playlist and

a n d T h e We l l n e s s C a f e t h a t a r e s u p e r

Habit and My Mind are great to use on

watc h t he ef f ects it will have on you!

helpful and infor mative. Audiobooks are

the go too!

5. Take A Self Care Day

take your time to do a long skincare routine where you put on a f ace mask , l o t i o n y o u r b o d y, s h a v e a n d p u t c o l d pac ks under your eyes. Whatever relax es you and make you f eel good about y o u r s e l f - m a k e a l i s t r i g h t n o w. T h e n

If you can, it ’s great to take a mental

tr y and have a day a week dedicated

healt h or self care day once a week.

to these activites and the principle of

Yo u c o u l d p l a n o u t t h e d a y i f y o u

relaxing your body and mind. If you are

like - per haps you create a nutr itious

too busy for one day a week , t hen in -

breakfast in the morning and meditate.

stead incorporate at least one of these

Then af ter lunc h you do 30 minutes of

a c t i v i t i e s i n t o e a c h d a y. M a y b e o n e

yoga, read your f avour ite book and

day a week you have a longer shower

listen to relaxing music. Then maybe in

routine where you lotion more and use

t he evening you have a long soak in t he

a f ace mask . And anot her night you just bat h while listening to a helpful podcast read your book f or a bit bef ore bed. and doing some breat h wor k . Then you Just tr y and f it t hem into your sc hedule.

6. Go Outside This is a ver y typical answer but one t hat is extremely ef f ective, and now t hat we are going into t he war mer mont hs of t h e y e a r, t h i s i s s u p e r e a s y t o d o . J u s t 10 m i n u t e s a d a y o n a w a l k o u t s i d e h a s been scientif ically proven to im prove y o u r m o o d i n s t a n t l y. I t c l e a r s y o u r head, is good f or your body and hear t, and is uplif ting to do. Especially now t h e s u n s e t s l a t e r, w h y n o t g o o n a p o s t wor k or post-uni walk under t he sunset. Even just going on a mindful walk when going to the gym or to the local shop is good f or you.



7. Get Creative! I f y o u ’ r e r e a d i n g t h i s t h e n i t ’ s g u a r a-n

you don’t even have to be ver y good at i t , o r g r e a t a t d r a w i n g ! Yo u w i l l b e t h e only person t hat ever has to see it, so

just do what you t hink wor ks well and if teed t hat you are a talented creative. you don’t like it - just tur n t he page and Of ten when we are built like t his, a do another spread. Sometimes people great way to unwind and uplif t our mood can be to t hrow ourselves into our wor k . So if t hat wor ks f or you, and you ’re not bur nt out, t hen do it! Create moodboards, even if t hey’re j u s t o n P i n t e r e s t a n d l e t y o u r c r e ativ ity and inspiration r un wild. However t here are also ot her ways to embrace your creativity and put it to good use.

make it more into an actual journal or d i a r y, w h i l e o t h e r s j u s t b u y c a r d a n d stic kers and make eac h page look pret


t y. A n o t h e r c r e a t i v e a c i t i v i t y i s c o-l o u r ing - a practice now being taken over my people of all ages across t he wor ld. Find a colouring book themed to what you like, grab some c heap colour ing

pencils off of Amazon and get star ted. B u l l e t j o u r n a l l i n g , o r a r t j o u r n a l l i n g fSo kr e t c h i n g a n d d r a w i n g i s a n o t h e r g r e a t exam ple, are great ways to let it out.

It ’s actually a huge and increasing topic o n s o c i a l m e d i a s o l o o k o n Yo u t u b e , I n s t a g r a m , T i k To k a n d P i n t e r e s t f o r inspiration and ideas f or your jour nal. What ’s so great about this activity is

idea - if you like f ashion design and sketc hing but aren’t t he biggest ar tistic t a l e n t , t h e r e a r e p l e n t y o f b o o k s o n Am azon to help you get star ted designing and lear n how to draw t he f igures and clot hes. They’re af fordable too!

8. Talk It Out We a l l k n o w h o w i m p o r t a n t i t i s t o t a l k to others about our feelings, but that can be really hard for a lot of us. So how can we get star ted? As we said e a r l i e r, g r a b y o u r s e l f a j o u r n a l a n d l e t a l l y o u r f e e l i n g s o u t o n t o t h e p a p e r. S l o w l y, y o u ’ l l b e c o m e m o r e c o m f o r t a ble wit h expressing your emotions to

Written and designed by Amy Dulwich

yourself, and can t hen build yourself up to let it out to ot hers. Of ten, you ’ll f ind t hat you ’re over t hinking, and your problems aren’t as huge as you t hink t h e y a r e . T h a t ’ s o k a y t h o u g h ! We a l l o v e r t h i n k f r o m t i m e t o t i m e , a n d p r-a c tices suc h as t he ones previously listed in t his ar ticle like af f irmations practice and breat h wor k can really help to combat this. Sometimes things can get a bit too muc h in our heads, so we need to sit bac k , breat he in and out slowly a n d w h e n w e a r e r e a d y, t a l k i t o u t t o s o m e o n e . O r, t a l k t o y o u r j o u r n a l a n d let it all out there instead. HAPPY EDIT


The Happ Make HAPPY CLOTHES, COLOUR the world, TRAVEL in colours

L e b a n e s e b o r n a n d Pa r i s - r a i s e d F a s h i o n D e s i g n e r M i r a

H e r I n s t a g r a m r e a d s “ M a k e H a p py c l o t h e s , c o l o u r

Mikati knows how to put a smile on your f ace wit h her

t he wor ld, travel in colour”

colourful, fun and playful designs.

“Dreams can be unrealistic, but there’s no harm in trying things you’ve never tried before.”

Mikati says she tr ies to be sustainable where possible H e r b r a n d l a u n c h e d i n L o n d o n i n 2 015 a n d

and upcycles where she can, wor king raincoat

f eatures psyc hadelic, 90’s inspired pr ints,

f abr ic into a skir t, and transfor ming scrap wool into

sequins, rainbows, car toons and vibrant

sweaters wit h trailing t hreads f or exam ple.

graphics. The brand represents optimism.

9 0 % o f h e r w o o l i s e a r t h f r i e n d l y, a n d t h e s t u d i o

M i k a t i d r e a m s b i g , a n d d r e a m s i n c o l o u r.

is embracing denim, whet her recycled or washed

Whet her you can see yourself wear ing her

wit hout dyes. All coats are done in mindfully sourced

designs or not, you cannot deny t hat t he

f abr ics, like deadstoc k or recycled wool.

h a p py v i b e s r a d i a t i n g f r o m h e r c o l l e c t i o n s are inspiring and refreshing. She says

Amongst t he more conventional of Mikati’s ranges,

t hat despite t he onslaught of dismal news,

you can also discover an interesting ar ray of

she is tr ying to stay positive and produce

accessor ies, including hand c har m doll keyr ings,

uplif ting collections.

sunglasses and er knitted skateboards?

Amidst t he global pandemic, Mikati managed to open her first flagship store in London’s Chelsea. It is a rainbow ador ned store t hat she’s called “ H a p py H o u s e . ” I t i s n o t o n l y a b e a u t i f u l r e t a i l s p a c e b u t e v e n t u a l l y, i t i s i n t e n d e d t o a l s o b e u s e d to host sound bat hs, meditation and yoga wor kshops a s w e l l a s d i s c u s s i o n s a b o u t p o s i t i v i t y. 32


py House





be kind to your mind

Happiness is an attitude Holiday all year round dance all night dream all day

Mikati has focussed her latest collection on remaining as gender neutral as possible wor king vibrant c hec ks and str ipes to be wor n by men and women alike. Muc h of Mikati’s design por tf olio is inspired by her love of travel. In her latest collection f or F a l l 2 0 2 2 , w e c a n e n j oy h o p e f u l s l o g a n s s u c h as “Sky’s t he Limit” f eatured on an exquisite rainbow coloured hot air balloon. “Shine” and “Land of Happiness” are seen on the back of denim and sequinned jac kets - a war m reminder to remain positive.

Mikati’s new book “ C o l o u r f u l Wo r l d ” documents her travels to 50 of the most colourful places in the wor ld including Japan, Greece, Indonesia a n d C h i n a t o n a m e b u t a f e w. S t u n n i n g photographs are paired with inspirational quotes. Mikati’s ent husiasm for travel is i n t ox i c a t i n g a n d t h e b o o k i s r e f l e c t i v e o f Mikati s own ultra-upbeat outlook on lif e. C o l o u r f u l Wo r l d i s o u t 2 n d A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 .




Written and designed by Kat Stothert



What does yo hold for Aries(March21-April19): ThefirsthalfofApriloffersyouasoftbedofflowersto dropyourtiredbodyon.Pleasetakeyoursweettimeand stoprushingforachange.Ifyou’rezoningoutandnodding offforanunexpectednap,letyourselfrest.Thesecondhalf ofthemonthaheadsignalsapotentnewbeginninginthe financialareaofyourlife.Yourwaysofbeingindependent andautonomouscallforachangeindirectionandstrategy.

Taurus(April20-May20): Aprilshowersyouwiththekindoflovethatfeelslikecom inghome.IntimacyisnotalwaysaboutcloseIRLcontact. Sometimesittakestheformoffeelingwhollyanddeeply understood.Hopefully,thiskindofmutualreciprocitycomes toyouindroves.SinceNovember2021,you’veprobably beenfeelingarelentlessitchunderyourskin.Thereisa newyouwaitingtobeborn.

Leo(July23-August22): Oh,tobealive,whatatime!Aprilfeelswroughtwith remindersofyoursoftnessbutalsoofyourresilience.They gotogetherlikeyourinhalesandexhales.Lifeisbuta poem,strikingwhereithurts.Butalsowhereyoucanbe free-freedomthatfeelslikepeacewithbeinghuman.Not fightingagainstthefullnessofitall,grapplingforfalse cures.Don’thidewhoyou’remeanttobe.Letyourself beseensoyoucanbereadyforwhenyourwishescome true. -

Gemini(May21-June21): Pleasehaveyourpalmsandheartopenandreadyto receivethehonourandrecognitionyoudeserve.Ifit’sun comfortabletoimaginedoing,thenit’sevenmorecritical thatyouletitwashoveryou.Bebraveandlustafteryour ownexcellence.Stopdownplayingyourself.Thiskindof visibilitywillalsoinspireyoutoretreat.Butdosowithin tentionbecausethereareheapsofinternalstormstotend to.Dothissoyoucanshowupfirmerinyourownpower.

Cancer(June22-July22): Findingmeaningislabourintensive.Doingtheworkof seekingtruthsusuallyreinitiatesyoutowardsapathof clarity,especiallyaroundyourpurpose.Nowmorethan ever,you’reinclinedtoexplorethegrassthat’sgreener ontheotherside.Findoutifthatunfamiliarlandscapecan taketheshapeofyourfuture.Thisisalsocrucialsoyou canintegrateyourpast.Haveconversationswithpeople youdisagreewith.Theymightshowyouhowyou’vebeen narrowingyourframeofreferenceallthistime.

Virgo(August23-September22): Isn’titintense?Receivingagenerousoutpouringofaffec tionfromothers?Itcanthrowyouoffbalance,especially ifyou’vebeenparticularlystingywithyourself.Sometimes empathyissomucheasiertoextendoutwards.Butthis time,trytogiveyourselfmoreroomtoflailabout,tobe cringeyandcareless.Loosenyourtightgripandletmis takeshappen.Thiskindofflowcanopenupnewpossibili tiesforyouwhenyoudebunkyourownmyths.

Libra(September23-October22): Whensomeoneasksyoutogivemoreofyourtime,sup portandlabour,sayyesonlywhenyoufeelexcitement andjoy.Don’tsettleforaneutralaffirmationforsituations whereyouareaffordedchoice.Lookforwardtothings. There’salreadyenoughdread,enoughlossestogrieve. Giveyourheartroomforsomethrillanddelight,evenif it’saboutyourworkandresponsibilities.Yourattentionis yourmostimportantresource.

Scorpio(October23-November21): Aprilproposesaclimacticpeakforallthecreative,juicy andpleasurablepossibilitiesyoucanofferyourself.Truly, usethismonthtoyouradvantageandindulgeinecstatic anddeliciousexperiences.YouknowthatFisher-Price slogan,“Play.Laugh.Grow”?Embodythattagline.Your insistenceonwhat’sauthenticandrealforyouwillcause ripplesinyourrelationships.Keepgoing.





our star sign r April?


Capricorn(December22-January19): Delightinthesweetnessofbeingalive.Makeitsothat everydayhumslikegoodmusicthatcradlesyouwhenyou needanoutletforyourinarticulableemotions.Thesmaller dayscompriseyourbiggerlife.Thisisimportanttoremem ber.Don’tletyourbiggergoalsunderminethequalityof yourdays.Moredesireandhungerforjoywillhaveyou takingrisksyouneverthoughtyouwould.Leanintoit.


Aquarius(January20-Febuary18): Mayabundanceandcontentmentflowthroughyou.May youbereadytoreceivetheoverflowofopulence.Be primedtotakeresponsibilityforyourdesires.Donotbe timidinpursuingstabilityandprosperity.Havethecourage toaskforwhatyouwant.Towantistobedaring,especial lyinthefaceofdevastation.Dotheinnerworktohelpyou createthelifeyouarewillingtoworkhardfor.


Pisces(Febuary19-March20): Sometimesit’sachore,andsometimesit’satreattohave abody.Here’shopingthatyou’reexperiencingmore sweetnessandenchantmentwithyourembodiedlife.May youhealthewoundsandpainofcarryingyourscars.May youfeelmoreatpeacewithyourself.Writealettertothe oldyou,whenyouwerehurting,andalsowhenyouwere content.Howoldwereyou?Lovingyourselfishardwork butyou’llbegladtocommittodoingsoanyway.

Written by Violet-Skye Wray and designed by Amy Dulwich

Sagittarius(November22-December21): Thefeelingofcominghomecangetcomplicatedasyou getolder.Perhapsmorespecifically,beyondageisthe senseofdisconnectionthatdevelopsovertimeanddis tance.Thequestionofbelonginglingersasyouexperience morelossinlife,asyouchangeandevolve.There’salot ofworktodo,lotstotakeresponsibilityfor.Thisisamonth foryoutoreinterrogatewhatitmeanstofeelathome somewhere,withsomeone,withyourself,withtheancestral linesyoucomefrom.



wake up to

Upto 40% of our daily actions are powered by habits. Meaning your subconscious mind can eit her wor k f or you or against you. Whole books have been f illed wit h t he daily routines of successful entrepreneurs, innovators, and creatives. While Ar istotle is f amou m i s c r e d i t e d f o r s a y i n g : “ We a r e w h a t w e r e p e a t e d l y d o . E x c e l l e n c e , t hen, is not an act, but a habit.”

How to set yourself up for success with a better morning routine: 1.Give yourself more time by waking up earlier 2.Make your bed 3.Set your most impor tant task for t he day

The only way you can do your best work is by putting in t he time. Writers have to write. Coders need to code. Designers need to design. Unfor tunately, t hat ’ s getting harder to do. Social media, enter tainment, and t he news (not to mention “ productive” distractions like spending all day on c hat or email! ) suc k away at our attention

4.Connect wit h your bigger goals by journaling 5.Mediate to prepare for whatever t he day brings

18. You probably spend a terrifying amount of your day staring at a screen. So muc h so t hat t here’ s actually a condition called computer vision syndrome t hat occurs in 50-90% of knowledge workers. When your eyes become fatigued it can

On t he ot her hand, success comes from hard work , commitment, and a dedication to put in t he work even when you don’ t want to.

Habits free up energy for more important tasks.

Give your eyes a break.

Disconnecting from work. 13. Reflect on your accomplishments and

The reason 40% of our actions are driven

write down 3 good t hings t hat happened

by habit is t hat our minds love to conser ve

14. Make space for mental solitude

energy. The more you can automate t he

15. Spend time on a hobby

t hings you do eac h day, t he more mental

16. Prepare for tomorrow wit h a

space and energy you have to commit to

‘ shutdown ritual’

more impor tant tasks.

17. Turn of f your devices at least 30 minutes before bed

have a far-reac hing impact, from physical fatigue, decreased productivity, and increased errors, to minor irritations like eye twitc hing.

19. Drink more water during t he day Water is a miracle productivity tool. Yet most of us skip t he water cooler and head for t he cof fee mac hine when we’ re feeling a lac k of energy.

Regular exercise. 20. Exercise can slow down neurogenesis, meaning you’ ll keep more brain cells as you age. Over a shor ter time frame, it can also give you more energy t hroughout

The essential workday habits that keep you focused and productive.

A routine, on t he ot her hand, is a string

6. Skip email f irst t hing in t he morning 7. Eat t he frog (tac kle somet hing dif f icult when your energy is highest) 8. Sc hedule (and take) more breaks 9. “ Batc h” similar work toget her 10. Set hard limits on cer tain activities 11. Sc hedule your email and IM time (or create “ of f ice hours” ) 12. Use GTD to build a habit of staying

af ternoon routine to help you get over t he

organized 38


of habits you create for specif ic par ts of t he day. Maybe it ’ s a morning routine you do when you f irst wake up. Or an post-lunc h dip. Whatever it is, we all have t hese routines. But we don’ t all realize how power ful t hey are.

t he day, keep you happy and motivated to work more, and even help you stay mentally focused for longer.

Written and designed by Jenna Hunt

a new routine



When we are stressed, wor r ied o r f e e l i n g l o w, o u r a d r e n a l g l a n d produces a hormone called Cor tisol, which triggers a need or desire to reach for the salty and sugar y snac ks like cr isps and chocolate. H o w e v e r, t h i s i s n o t h i n g t o d o w i t h h u n g e r, i t i s o u r b o d y ’ s w a y o f preparing us for what ’s to come; like going into battle! Of course, stress-eating can easily lead to ov e r e a t i n g . . . a n d w e k n o w w h e r e that can lead.

2. FERMENTED FOODS F e r m e n t e d f o o d s l i k e y o g u r t , k e f i r, k i m c h i ( Ko r e a n c a b b a g e ) , k o m b u c h a (mushroom tea), and sauerkraut are ric h in probiotics that suppor t a healt hy gut. The fermentation process allows live bacter ia to t hr ive

I f y o u ’ r e a n e m o t i o n a l e a t e r, i t i s a n d t h e y c o n v e r t s u g a r s i n t o a l c o h o l wor t h t aking some time to tr y to and acids, helping to raise serotonin levels. f igure out ot her ways in whic h to deal wit h your woes and per haps steer clear of buying those temptation foods to replace with some more positive nutr ition. Ta k e a l o o k t h r o u g h C A R B O N ’ S guide to eating what makes you h a p py t o m a k e a p o s i t i v e s t e p i n increasing that Seratonin!

Serotonin,dopamine, oxytocin,andendorphins arefamouslyhappy hormonesthatpromote positivefeelingslike pleasure,happiness,and evenlove.

4. OATS Oats are a whole grain - an excellent breakf ast f ood t hat will keep you in good spirits all morning. Fibre helps slow your digestion of carbs, allowing f or a gradual release of sugar into t he bloodstream to keep your energy levels stable. They’re




also high in iron, whic h may im prove mood symptoms.


c hocolate is good f or you! Dar k chocolate is rich in compounds that




c hemicals in your brain. Its sugar may im prove mood since it ’s a quic k source of fuel f or your brain - however milk c hocolate contains


more sugar and f at so you should stick to 1–2 small squares (of 70%

Oily/Fatty fish such as salmon, mac kerel and tuna are t he best source of Omega 3. Our bodies d o n ’ t p r o d u c e t h i s n a t u r a l l y, b u t it




growt h


development, par ticular ly for t he

or more cocoa solids) at a time since it ’s high calorie. It ’s better than nothing I suppose?


brain and eyes. Omega-3 f atty acids m a y c o m b a t d e p r e s s i o n . I t i s p r ov e n

Berries are rich in disease-fighting

to im prove brain function and many

a n t i ox i d a n t s , w h i c h p l a y a k e y r o l e

studies show t hat people who eat f ish

in combatting stress — an imbalance

regular ly have a lower r isk of hear t

of har mful com pounds in your body -

attac ks, strokes, and deat h from

t husreducingyourr iskofdepression.

hear t disease. 40


ughnuts... w t o e at h a p py

7. NUTS & SEEDS Nuts and seeds are high in plantbased proteins, and healt hy fats. A d d i t i o n a l l y, tr yptophan,



t hey an







Cof f ee is t he wor ld’s most popular

boosting serotonin. Almonds,



9. COFFEE d r i n k . I n 2 0 2 0 / 21, a r o u n d 167 m i l l i o n


60 kilogram bags of cof fee were

walnuts, as well as pumpkin, sesame,

consumed wor ldwide. According to

B a n a n a sa r et h eu l t i m a t en u t r i t i o n a l a n d s u n f l o w e r s e e d s , a r e e x c e l l e n t sources power house pac ked wit h carbs

E-Impor ts, women mostly like dr inking cof fee because it helps them relax. On

for energy and potassium to keep

the other hand, men say that coffee

y o u r h e a r t h e a l t h y. B a n a n a s a r e

i m p r o v e s t h e i r e f f i c i e n c y.

a g r e a t s o u r c e o f n a t u r a l s u g a r, vitamin B6, and prebiotic fibre,

The caf f eine in cof f ee prevents a

whic h wor k toget her to keep your

naturally occurring compound called

blood sugar levels and mood

adenosine increasing aler tness and

stable. Vitamin B6 helps stimulate


t h e h a p py h o r m o n e s .

M o r e o v e r, i t i n c r e a s e s t h e r e l e a s e o f mood-boostingneurotransmitters,suc h as dopamine and norepinephrine. A study in 72 people found that both caffeinated and decaffeinated cof f ee signif icantly im proved mood


compared wit h a placebo beverage, suggesting that coffee contains other

In addition to being high in fibre and plant-based protein, beans and lentils

compounds that influence mood. It ’s o f f i c i a l ! C o f f e e m a k e s y o u h a p py !

Since up to 90% of your body’s serotonin is produced in your gut, a healt hy gut may correspond to a good mood.

T h e y ’ r ea ne x c e l l e n ts o u r c eo fBv i t a m i n s , whic h help im prove mood by increasing levels




serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, a n d g a m m a a m i n o b u t y r i c a c i d ( GA B A ) , allofwhichareimpor tantforregulating mood.

So, it ’s wor t h taking a look at y o u r d i e t t o t a p i n t o t h o s e h a p py hormones, which should help to im prove your general mood and help to prevent depression.

“ O n e ca n n o t t h i n k w e l l , l o v e w e l l a n d sleep well if one has not dined well”

Written and designed by Kat Stothert

are full of feel-good nutrients.

V i r g i n i a Wo o l f HAPPY EDIT


Interview What made you start the business

Initially I star ted off with just a

social media makes us want to compare

in which you sell journals and

notebook and I would just wr ite

ourselves and makes us f eel like we

planners for mental health and

f r e e l y. T h e n I r e a l i s e d , t h r o u g h m y

c a n a l w a y s h a v e i t b e t t e r. B u t d a i l y


wr iting, t here was a patter n, like

gratitude has really helped ground

practicing daily gratitude and writing

me, I t hink celebrating ac hievements

It was t he star t of loc kdown, and my

my ac hievements. My bac kground is

and t he self-awareness t hat comes wit h

mental healt h was pretty bad, like

i n p s y c h o l o g y. I ’ m v e r y a w a r e o f w h a t

journalling has also been beneficial

ever yone’s. I star ted jour nalling hoping

the researc h says about journalling and

for my mental healt h. This has also

it would help, and I found t hat I was

c o g n i t i v e b e h a v i o u r a l t h e r a py e l e m e n t s

h e l p e d m e i n t h e r a py s e s s i o n s , w h e r e ,

being more productive, sleeping better

and t his knowledge created my jour nal.

now I have more self-awareness, I have more clar ity on my t hought processes,

and f eeling better in myself. I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur and I was

How much do you feel starting

it helped develop a plan to adjust my

waiting for my idea t hat I could share

journalling improved your mental


wit h ot her people and t his was it.

health? How did you come up with the

So did you start journalling using

I found that daily gratitude really

pre-existing brand’s products?

helped me be more present in, and h a p py w i t h t h e l i f e I ’ v e g o t . O b v i o u s l y

brand name ‘lovendu’? It ’s a bit of a random stor y - a few years ago I star ted a blog, and I just


t hought of a random word to call it, whic h was lovendu. When I star ted t his business I kind of wanted a weird word so I just copied myself. Many of your products sell out quickly, are there any other ways consumers can access your products? I’ve star ted doing digital PDFs of some of t he products, I’ve done a lif e planner t hat was released recently and I’ve also released the anxiety planner in a digital for m. This means t hey will never sell out so people will always have access to these. You have taken great effort to create many digital platforms, such as your TikTok, why is this important to you? When you star t a business t he f irst t hing you want to do is have awareness around the brand and the business as t h e s t a r t i n g p o i n t . I t h i n k T i k To k w a s amazing for getting my business in front of eyes t hat nor mally wouldn’t have



“I started journaling to improve my own mental wellbeing” seen it. For exam ple, if I shared it on

It ’s definitely the anxiety journal. I

my personal Instagram account, t he

believe it ’s just because a lot of people

only people t hat would have seen it is m y f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y. H o w e v e r, w i t h

r e a l l y s t r u g g l e w i t h a n x i e t y a n d I t h i n k You sell many journals, such i t ’ s o n e o f a k i n d o n t h e m a r k e t . Yo u as the anxiety journal and the

T i k To k i t g e t s s h a r e d a l l a r o u n d t h e

can get wellness jour nals, you can get

wor ld to complete strangers t hat have

mental health journals. In terms of a

n o i d e a w h o I a m . T i k To k h a s b e e n br illiant in ter ms of mar keting, gain awareness for t he brand and connecting wit h ot her small business owners.

quality of life for people.

overthinking journal, how did you

distinguishe differences in these s p e c i f i c a n x i e t y j o u r n a l , t h e r e a r e s o m e ,to create separate planners? but t here’s not any t hat are designed in a trendy f ashion, t hey are all eit her All t he jour nals have similar childish or clinical. Having something components, the dif ference comes that actually looks really nice, is

How do you feel that connecting

in the daily prompts. In terms of the

designed well and is functional in terms

with other business owners has

anxiety journal it is more focused

o f h e l p i n g a n x i e t y, i s u n i q u e .

on what tr iggered me, what was my

helped you? Obviously, the main goal of the I t hink it ’s nice to be validated in some

business is to improve mental

o f t h e s t r u g g l e s o f a n e n t r e p r e n e u r,

health, apart from this is there

especially as a small business and

any other goals you are aiming to

r unning t hat business completely on my


own. If sales have been low f or a mont h

anxious t hought process and how can I challenge this? Whereas the over t hinking jour nal is more a space to vent about what ’s on my mind, get i t o u t , p u t i t o n p a p e r, t o s e e w h a t i s in my control and what ’s not. So it is all based on similar concepts, it ’s just

or you have t hese f eelings of im postor

I would like to become a brand t hat is

reframing it to make it more specif ic to

syndrome and doubt it ’s nice knowing

self-care and mental health focused. I

the problem of the journal.

t here is ot her people going t hrough t hat would like to do more stuf f for mental and that I am on the right track.

h e a l t h c h a r i t i e s . A n o t h e r p o s s i b i l i t y i s How did you decide the design of e x p a n d i n g i n t o o t h e r p r o d u c t c a t e g o r i e s the journals?

What product is your bestseller

s u c h a s b e a u t y. T h e c u r r e n t m a i n f o c u s

and why do you believe this is?

is just letting people help t hemselves by

The front covers are t he hardest

becoming happier and im prove t he

decision of the whole design process. I look on pinterest for



i n s p i r a t i o n , I l o o k o n g o o g l e , I s e e w h a tHow do you feel you have gained is already out t here. I love designing

self-awareness for the brand so

t h e f r o n t c o v e r s o f t h e j o u r n a l s b u t a l s o far? it is a c hallenge because it could make or break a sale. For exam ple, cur rently

I t hink I have ac hieved some amazing

I am tr ying to decide on a new front

t h i n g s s o f a r. I a m c o m i n g u p t o t h e

c ov e r f o r t h e s e l f - l o v e j o u r n a l a n d I j u s t s e c o n d y e a r o f m y b u s i n e s s . I t ’ s j u s t don’t know what to c hange it to. It ’s fun

a i m i n g f o r t h o s e b i g g e r m i l e s t o n e s n o w,

but stressful.

like having a six-f igure mont h and I am just tr ying not to compare myself to

How does it feel when you receive

ot her business’ who have hit quite big

positive reviews from consumers?

milestones as I am on my own individual jour ney and I am excited to see what it

It ’s amazing! It ’s probably the best


f eeling when someone has recieved t h e i r o r d e r a n d t h e y l ov e i t , o r t h e y have been using it for a while and t hey love it. When t hey tell me t hey have shared it wit h people, it makes me feel like I am on t he right trac k , I am doing t he r ight t hing. Regardless of how many sales I get, the fact that I am getting suc h positive f eedbac k means t hat I am definitely doing something right. It encourages me to keep going wit h it, so it is amazing to hear what people think of the journals. What advice would you give to others dreaming of starting their own business? I s t a r t e d L o v e n d u w i t h j u s t £ 10 . I h a v e realised t hat t he tr ue wor k comes from wit hin. Alt hough my mental healt h creates ever yday c hallenges for me and I am unable to do some things ot hers may take for granted, I found the determination and strength to create and r un my own business. Somet hing t hat wouldn’t have happened wit hout jour naling. I want to give t he same gif t, to get what my consumers want from lif e and not let anyt hing hold t hem bac k. Where would you like the brand to go in the future? I t hink my f ocus f or t he next f ew years is to grow as a brand. I would love to grow to t he point where I can have e m p l oy e e s , I ’ d l o v e a n o f f i c e s p a c e t o o . I’d like t o do more in t er ms of actual wellness, maybe hold wellness events. From the point of the brand, the goal is getting bigger and having the option to expand in ot her product categor ies, but gaining some self-awareness f irst.



“Lovendu has been the ultimate love letter to myself” myself”



Written and designed by Sofia Wells

What to know about the TIK TOK trending workout 12-3-30 on the treadmill ... Ifyouhavebeeninagymrecentlyandspottedapersonwalking steadilyonthetreadmillataveryhighincline,theycouldbe followingaviralworkouttrend. The“12-3-30”workout,thebrainchildofsocialmediainfluencer LaurenGiraldo,involveswalkingonatreadmillfor30minutesat a3mphpaceandona12%incline,butasweareenglishyou shouldbedoing12-4.8-30. “Iwasatalowpointandthegymwasalwaysanintimidating environmentforme.Iwantedtofindwhatworkedformeandgot meexcitedaboutremainingconsistent,”shesaid.“Throughthis,I wasabletoplaywiththesettingsonthetreadmillandfoundthat the12-3-30combinationwaschallenging,butfun.”saidLauren. Giraldosharedtheroutineagainin2022,thistimeonInstagram andTikTokinavideowhereshecrediteditwithhelpingherlose 30pounds.Thatvideoreceivedmorethan2millionlikesonTik Tokaloneandmadeher12-3-30workoutaviralhit.Thehashtag #12330nowhasmorethan81millionviewsonTikTokandthe workoutistaggedinthousandsofpostsonInstagram. What are the pros to this workout ? TheCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention(CDC)recom mendsthatadultsgetatleast150minutesofmoderate-intensity aerobicactivityperweek,whichthe“12-3-30”workoutcanhelp fulfill. Inadditiontobeingeasytofollow,walkingonatreadmillfor30 minutesatsuchahighinclineisasolidandefficientworkout,ac cordingtoDr.MarieSchaefer,aboard-certifiedsportsmedicine physicianatOhio’sClevelandClinic. “Itgivesyouallthebasicbenefitsofcardiovascularexercise.It increasesyourheartrate.Itbuildsmusclemass,”Schaefertold “GoodMorningAmerica.”And “ byputtingyouonthat12% incline,it’sactuallygoingtonearlydoubleyourcalorieburnand itcanincreaseyourheartrateabitmore.” Walkingonaninclinecanalsohelpstrengthenaperson’sglutes andhamstrings,whichisparticularlybeneficialforwomen. “ Weight-bearingexerciseswhereyou’repoundingyourlegson thegroundaregoodfeedbacktoyourbonestohelpkeepthem strong,”shesaid.“Walkingonatreadmillisawaytodothat,as iswalkingonthegroundandasisrunning.” What are the cons to this workout ?


Forinstance,beforetryingthe“12-3-30”workout,makesure thatyoucangoona30-minutewalkonaflat,outdoorssurface. Then,makesureyoucancompletea30-minutewalkonatread mill. Then,startaddingintheinclineandmodifyasneeded,including loweringtheinclineandusingthehandrailsforsafety,according toSchaefer. “Themostbiomechanicallyappropriatewaywouldbetodothis withoutholdingontotherailsandhavingareallygoodarm swing,”shesaid.“Buthonestly,itcanbetoohardforsomepeo pletojuststartoutfromlikewalkingonaflatgroundtogoing ata12%grade,whichisprettyhigh.”Startingwithholdingthe handrailsisOKandthenasyoufeelmorecomfortableandas youfeelmorebalancedandstrongerinyourposteriorchain muscles,lettinggoofthosehandrailsasmuchasyoucanwill giveyouabetterworkoutwithgoodform. Therewillbeatimewhereyourmuscleskindofequilibrateand getusedtothisexerciseandyoudoneedtochangetheintensity, Ideallyyouwouldaddinstrengthtrainingwithacardiotypeof workoutsothatyou’reworkingothermusclegroups. HAPPY EDIT



12 3 30

Thekeyprincipleofthe12-3-30fitnessroutine—whichoriginally appearedonTikTok—isswappingtreadmillrunningforincline walkingforweightloss.Allyouneedtogetstartedisaccesstoa treadmillandagoodpairoftrainers. This how to do the workout 1.Warm-upwithabriskwalkforfiveminutes 2.Turnthegradientonthetreadmillto12% 3.Turnthespeedto3mph(4.8km) 4.Walkfor30minutes 5.Cooldownwithfiveminuteswalkingonthetreadmillat0% gradient

UnlikeHIITtreadmillworkouts,therearenointervalsorchanges ofpace.Allyouneedisatreadmillandhalfanhourtowork out.Threemilesperhourisanaveragewalkingpaceonaflat surface,soisanachievablegoal.Although,ofcourse,itall dependsonwhatleveloffitnessyoustartwith.Laurenherself graduallyworkeduptoafull30minutes,butinthebeginning, shetookfrequentbreaks. Duringthe12-3-30workout,youbringthetreadmilluptoa12% incline,whichisgreatforyourlegsbecausewalkingatthiseleva tionwillstrengthenandshapethemusclesinthelegs,including thehamstrings,quadriceps,andglutemuscles. Youwillalsorecruitthehip,knee,andankleextensors,building strengthinthemusclesthathelpprovidefunctionandstabilityto yourlowerbody,protectingyourjoints. Followingthe12-3-30workoutcanhelpyoubalanceyour weight,becauseyouarewalkingata12%incline,youwillburn morecaloriesthanifyouwerewalkingforthesamedurationof timewithnoelevation. Youwillbeinabettermoodaftercompletinga12-3-30workout becausecardioexercisessuchasthisonereleasesendorphins, otherwiseknownasthe“happyhormone”Physicalactivitymay boostyourmood,reducingfeelingsofdepression,anxiety,and fatigueforsomepeople.


The Results Afterdoingthisworkouteverydayforoneweekthesearethe reuslts... DAY3-NowafterdoingfortwodaysIwassomotivatedto doitagainanditfeltsonormaltobegoingtothegymand doingit,thistimemyfriendcamewithmetotryit.Todayitook abreakfor5minuteshalfwaythroughtogorefillmywater bottleasthisworkoutreallymakesyousweat.Attheendofthe workoutIwasntastiredasIwasthepast2daysandmylegs werentastired.Ialsonoticedthatmystomacheattheendof thedaywaslessbloatedfromwhatIhaveeatenintheday. DAY4-Iwasntasachytodaywhenigotupandinoticed mylegswerebeingtotonemore,Ialreadyhavesomewhat tonnedlegsbutIcanseeadiffrence.TodayImanagedagain tonottakeabreakandattheendIwasalotlesstiredand Ifeltamazingafteritonceagain,Ihavereallynoticeda diffrenceinmyheadandmybody,Ifeltalotmorehealthyand lessstressedandlovedthefactIwasseeingadiffrenceinmy bodyalready.

DAY1-Iwasveryexcitedtotrythisandseehowlongicould last.Idid15minutesthentooka5mintutebreatherthendidthe final15minutes.Iwassweatingandmylegsweredeadbuteven thoughIwassotiredifeltreallygoodafteritandiunderstood theterm“ Whenyouexercise,yourbodyreleaseschemicals calledendorphinswhichgiveyoupositivefeeling” DAY2-MylegswereachingsomuchafteryesterdaybutIwas excitedtodomysecondday,Imangedtodaytodothefall30 minuteswithouta5minutebreak.AttheendagainIwassweat ingandachingagainbutIfeltevenbetterafteritagainitsetme upfortherestofthedayandgavemeaenergyboostandmade mefeelverypositive.

Written and designed by Nicole Hardy

DAY5-DAYOFF DAY6-AfterhavingadayoffIwasreallyexcitedtogoagain andactullymisseddoingityesterday.Ididitagainwithouta breakandattheendwasevenlesstired,Ideffienltynoticea diffrentinmylegsandmystomachandevenmygluteshave beenstartingtoacheaswell. DAY7-Finaleday,Iwasntfeelingverywellthisdaybut deciedtostillgoandpullthroughandiumverygladIdidas afterIfelt100%betterandreadyfortheday.Ihavelovedthis workoutforthepastweekandwilldeffientlybecarryingthis onithmyotherworkouts.Ilovethewayitmakesmefeeland itreallyhaseffectednotjustmybodybutmymentalwellbeing aswell,



Good Versus

We all have those days where we don’t feel great, and staying in bed all day watching movies sounds like the best idea in the world. This is completely fine to do every once in a while, but its best to be productive and get those jobs done that really need doing. You may be feeling this was more often than usual because of the habits in your day-to-day life. So, Carbon is here to help you adjust your bad habits into healthier habits to help your overall wellbeing and your mood.

Instead of... Drinking coffee as soon as you wake up, try a glass of water (maybe even with a slice of lemon!) Do you f ind yourself feeling groggy as soon as you’ ve woken up- even wit h a full 8 hours rest? This may be because your body needs hydrating instead of a caf feine hit. Now, t his doesn’ t mean skip your cof fee altoget her, (some of us can’ t function wit hout it! ) it means to hydrate your body f irst before t he sugar and caf feine. Scientif ic facts state t hat a glass of water as soon as you wake up can boost your metabolism and your mood for t he rest of t he day.

Instead of... Eating junk and fast foods, try cooking for yourself. We all love to binge eat junk food and fast food, but sometimes enough is enough. Constantly eating foods wit h no nutritional value can be seriously damaging to your physical and mental healt h. Cooking for yourself and eating a balanced diet is impor tant to keep you energised and healt hy. Obviously, t he occasional c heat meal/day is completely acceptable, but looking af ter yourself and your body should be your top priority. 48


Instead of... Drinking sugary fizzy drinks, try a glass of water or a refreshing smoothie or juice. Alt hough f izzy drinks are super delicious, t hey may actually be ruining your healt h. Not only are t hey bad for your oral healt h, (t he sugars in t he drink react wit h t he acid found in your mout h, whic h can potentially lead to toot h decay and cavities) but t hey have also been linked to obesity and Type 2 diabetes. However opting for a juice or smoot hie can give you t hat same fruity taste, minus t he empty calories and dodgy side ef fects. To look more into smoot hies, c hec k out our ar ticle on pages 7-10!

Instead of... Being negative, try looking at the postives. It ’ s easy to be negative when not hing is going your way, but t his could actually be having a bad ef fect on your life. The added stress you’ re giving yourself by being negative can ef fect your hormone balance. This can drain your brain’ s c hemicals t hat are required for happiness. Fur t hermore, t his can damage your immune system. When ever yt hing is going wrong, aim to look at t he silver linings. For example, if you’ re dreading going to work , maybe t hink about t he fun t hings you’ re going to do af ter or t he nice food you’ ll get to

Bad Habits Instead of... Scrolling endlessly on your phone before you sleep, try something more relaxing. Somet hing like reading a book or taking a warm bat h can relax you into getting a muc h better sleep. It ’ s impor tant to get 8 hours sleep eac h night, and scrolling on your phone is ensuring you won’ t get t hat. It ’ s been proven t hat t he blue light your phone gives of f stops t he production of melatonin. The melatonin hormone controls your sleep-wake sc hedule, whic h makes you get a bads nights sleep.


Written and designed by Emma Foakes

eat on your lunc h break. Life is all about balance.




Carbon delve into just how GOOD the gym is for your mind and the science behind happy HORMONES

ENDORPHINS and exercise S tudies into endor phins and exercise have f ound t hat concentrations of B-endorphin and B-lipotrophin increase i n r e s p o n s e t o p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y. E l e v a t e d B - e n d o r p h i n levels wit hin response to exercise have been linked mood c hanges, “exercise-induced euphor ia” as well as altered pain perception. Low endor phins can lead to a number of t hings. These could include increased feelings of anxiety and depression, more frequent mood swings, increased ac hes and pains, problems s l e e p i n g , a d d i c t i o n i s s u e s a n d e v e n i m p u l s i v i t y.


Exercise can t herefore benef its one massively when it comes to increasing endor phin levels. Some of t he benef its of increased endor phin levels include an enhanced immune system, decreased pain, a more regulated appetite, reduction

E n d o r p h i n s a r e c o n s i d e r e d t o b e ‘ n a t u r a l p a i n k i l l e r s ’. T h e y ’ r e

in anxiety and depression as well as boosting ones self

s t r u c t u r a l l y v e r y s i m i l a r t o t h e d r u g M o r p h i n e , a p a i n r e l i eefs t e e m . from t he opiate f amily of dr ugs. Endor phins are released by t he hypot halamus and t he pituatr y gland in your brain when

‘As little as 45 minutes of exercise 3 times per week could help minimise anxiety or mild depression’

pain or stress is detected. They activate t he opioid receptors in your brain whic h in tur n, helps to minimize pain and discomf or t. Seratoninisac hemicalwhic hourner vecellsproduce.Alt hough f o u n d m o s t l y i n t h e d i g e s t i v e s y s t e m o f t h e b o d y, i t ’ s a l s o i n

blood platelets and t hroughout our central ner vous systems. It

is believed t hat physical activity tr iggers a release of seratonin, helping to im prove anxiety and overall mood. Dopamine is a mood-boosting neurotransmitter released when you reac h a goal of yours, f or exam ple, hitting a new personal best at t he gym. Having higher levels of endor phins can in tur n lead to higher dopamine production. This means that, although t hese two are not mutually exclusive, t hey wor k toget her to pr mote t he action towards a reward and t heref ore, t he f eel good moment whic h f ollows.





Writ ten & Designed by Hollie Wakefield



activities s thatactivities that tivitiesmakes that you Happy that makes you u Happy es you Happy Happy

Making the effort to reguarly have fun can have a positive impact on your life by improving your health and well-being. Doing activities is one of the best ways of staying happy as it reminds you of the important things of life as well as making memories that lasts a lifetime. We all find different activities amusing and enjoyable. Even if someone else finds what you like to do boring, all that matters is that you’re having a good time!



s that u Happy

W h e n y o u c h o o s e t o d o w h a t m a k e s y o u h a p py, y o u i n s t a n t l y b u i l d y o u r c o n f i d e n c e . Yo u w i l l h a v e n o r o o m to sink into your insecur ities because happiness tr um ps t hem. Activities are one of t he best ways of staying h a p py. Doing activities, gives you t he c hance to get away from ever yday lif e and spend some time wit h people you know as well as making new fr iends whilst you ’re t here. There are so many activiies t hat you can do to stay h a p py f o r s t a r t e r s , Pa i n t b a l l i n g . Yo u g e t t o r u n t h r o u g h t he woods, hide behind inf latable bunkers and shoot your opponents whilst tr ying not to get shot yourself. Pa i n t b a l l c o m e s i n m a n y v a r i e t i e s . I f y o u w a n t t o p l a y i n t he woods, you can, if you want to play in a warehouse, you can. While t here are per iods of sitting, hiding and waiting, t here are lots of times to r un, spr int, jump and move. It provides an excellent c hance to get exercise and get your hear t rate up. So t he next time you need an activity to do, why not tr y paintballing.

Go-kar ting is anot her fun activity to do t hat br ings tremendous fun and when you ’re having fun, not only do you f eel good about yourself but about lif e a s w e l l . W h e n y o u ’ r e e n j oy i n g y o u r s e l f , y o u s t o p wor r ying about t hings and just relax. There’s not hing more exciting t han getting to dr ive around in your kar t around t he racetrac k , proving your skills against your closest friends and family at speeds of 40 to 45 miles p e r h o u r.





Anot her activity to do t hat will cer tainly make you h a p py i s b o w l i n g . I t ’ s t h e p e r f e c t p l a c e t o m a k e h a p py memories with family and friends. There’s something ver y satisfying about seeing pins get knoc ked down and doing so helps release your mind of f any nor mal daily w o r r i e s . W i t h b o w l i n g b e i n g a n i n d o o r a c t i v i t y, y o u never have to really wor r y about t he weat her being hot or cold, as it ’s always t he per fect temperature indoors. Bowling is one of t he easiest games to lear n. Even if y o u ’ v e n e v e r p l a y e d b e f o r e , y o u ’ l l p i c k i t u p q u i c k l y.

Rollerskating is suc h a great activity to do and can be done near ly anywhere. Skating helps you stay active whilst lear ning new skills and having fun. Rollerskating is a great way to im prove your hear t healt h, strengt hen muscles, and burn calories. All these activities are all af f ordable wit hout t here being any need f or you to break t he bank . It ’s ver y im por tant t hat you do t hings e v e r y d a y t h a t w i l l m a k e y o u h a p py e v e n i f i t ’ s j u s t t h e l i t t l e t h i n g s t h a t m a k e s y o u h a p py. E v e n t h o u g h t h e s e a c t i v i t i e s c a n ’ t b e d o n e e v e r y d a y, f i n d i n g t i m e t o d o at least two of t hese activities a week is good enough as life is too shor t, so always remember to c hoose happiness above all else!

Written and designed by Hema Dixons Owusu Adjei



How to Accept Yourself, Your Life, And Your Reality Accept


Practiceradical Accept t hat honesty. struggle will When you can admit your own pretense you can begin to power fully create

Acceptance is the ability to

a new future. Denying your cur rent

unconditionally value all par ts of who

reality–especially if it ’s a bad one–will

you are. That means you ac knowledge

n o t m a k e i t m a k e i t g o a w a y. D e a l i n g

all of yourself–t he good and t he t hings

wit h t he bad stuf f is a way to get to

t hat need im provement. For most of us,

t he good stuf f–but it takes practice,

s e l f - a c c e p t a n c e c a n b e h a r d . We t e n d

practice, practice.

to be cr itical of ourselves, but t here are a number of ways to lear n to accept yourself and your lif e. It all begins wit h your state of mind.

Acknowledge yourreality.

Admityour mistakes. Remember t hat you can’t f ix anyt hing u n t i l y o u a d m i t t h e r e ’ s a p r o b l e m . Tr y

poseful. Ac knowledging your reality will help you c hoose your dreams wisely and

“I am no longer available for things that don’t serve me.”

“Confidencemakesus beautiful,anditcomes fromacceptingyourself, itmakeseverything better” DianeVonFurstenberg



par t of our reality. Don’t shy away from c hallenges but wade into t he str uggle and get comfor t able with operating and living there.

to view your mistakes not as f ailures but Sometimes facing reality isn’t the easiest as lear ning oppor tunities, and have t he t hing to do, but accepting your cur rent strengt h wit hin to realize you control situation can make you happier in t he your reality and you ’re t he only one present and lead to a better future. who can change it. Decide what ’s im Understanding, accepting, and wor king por tant to you and set your mind to it. pur with reality is both practical and -

t hen help you ac hieve t hem.

always be

S tr uggles are a way of life, and we have to lear n to confront t hem. And you never know: somet hing t he most challenging things can hold the greatest oppor tunity for success.

Don’tletfear getinyour way. Don’t let fears–especially fears of what o t h e r s t h i n k o f y o u – s t a n d i n y o u r w a y. Yo u m u s t b e w i l l i n g t o d o t h i n g s i n t h e unique ways you t hink are best, and to ref lect on any f eedbac k you receive.

Written by Jenna Hunt, designed by Kat Stothert and Amy Dulwich

Ownyour outcomes


Wo r k t o w a r d o w n i n g e v e r y p a r t o f y o u r

Counton your competencies.

Identifyyour part.

To f u l l y a c c e p t y o u r r e a l i t y, i t ’ s i mpor realities–not just the things that need tant to ac knowledge any role you may It ’s easy to look in the mirror and point wor k but also your strengt hs and suc have played, good or bad, in getting out all your insecur ities. But to f ace your cesses. Owning all your outcomes can where you are. Ask yourself questions r e a l i t y, i t ’ s b e s t t o s t a r t c o u n t i n g a l l help teac h you to do better next time, to related to your cur rent situation to help positives. Make a list of your strengt hs, see failure as a learning moment. w o r k t o w a r d s o l u t i o n s . To f u l l y a c c e p t t he t hings you are good at, t he values y o u r r e a l i t y, i t i s i m p o r t a n t t o identi t hat you hold, and t he accom plishments fy what you may have done to f oster you ’ve ac hieved. Counting on your success or f ailure. Once you know what com petencies helps you realize your you ’re dealing wit h, you can wor k to strengt hs, whic h in tur n will help you ward t he best next steps. im prove your attitude toward yourself. HAPPY EDIT


ORGANISE S taying motivated and organised whilst also juggling ever yt hing else in your lif e can be a c hore - but t here are ways to make it fun and easy f or you to per f or m at your best. T h e f i r s t t h i n g y o u ’ l l n e e d i s a p l a n n e r. F i n d o u t w h a t w o r k s f o r y o u - d o y o u p r e f e r p l a n n i n g b y d a y, m o n t h o r w e e k ? E i t h e r w a y, g r a b o n e t h a t y o u l i k e t h e l o o k o f a s y o u ’ l l w a n t to be excited to pic k it up ever y week or so and get plan


ning. Then, you ’re going to wr ite down a list of all areas of your l i f e y o u n e e d t o o r g a n i s e , f o r e x a m p l e l a u n d r y, c l e a n i n g , s t u d y i n g , w o r k , e x e r c i s e , m e a l s e t c . T h e n , g r a b s o m e c o l o u-r ful pencils and colour code t hese topics. Then you ’re going t o g o t h r o u g h e a c h d a y, w e e k o r m o n t h i n y o u r p l a n n e r a n d add in what needs to be down f or eac h section. For exam ple, add in t he days where you plan to do your laundr y f or eac h week or however of ten you do it. Then,

Written and designed by Amy Dulwich

move onto t he next topic, so add in t he days of t he week you


have free to study and what topics you ’ll study t here.


YOUR It ’s really t hat sim ple to get star ted. Once you have t he organisation side done and ever yt hing you know you need to get done wr itten down, t hen it ’s time to motivate yourself to actually do t he wor k needed... A f f i r m a t i o n s , q u o t e s a n d m o o d b o a r d s a r e t h e k e y t o m o t i v ational success. Use Freeprints or post it notes and stic k them a l l ov e r y o u r r o o m s o y o u ’ r e c o n s t a n t l y r e m i n d e d o f t h e m . I f i t ’ s f i t n e s s g o a l s y o u ’ r e a f t e r t h e n s t i c k p h o t o s o f h a p py women in wor kout gear around you. If it ’s uni wor k you ’re str uggling wit h t hen stic k photos of people living your dream career around t he place so you can imagine yourself in t heir place. And how are you going to get to t hat place? By put


ting in t he wor k! If t his isn’t enough you can set reminders on your phone to tell you to move and get t hat task done and dusted. Or even set time loc ks on your phone so t hat you get loc ked out of your phone or cer tain apps af ter a lengt h of time. That way you can get bac k to wor king and won’t be so distracted by your phone. This, coupled wit h t he motivational auotes and pictures around your room should help you in no time!




CAFFEINE G QUEEN We can all agree that uni struggle is a DIFFERENT type of struggle, from pulling all nighters to aching hangovers. Uni life is a tall and long rollercoaster. But there’s always one thing that will always be there for us when we need it most and it’s coffee. It’s there to get you started in the morning for your lectures/ classes and keep you awake whilst rushing to send in your assignment that’s literally due in 2 hours (been there, done that). It’s literally a lifesaver for uni students so how about you learn how to make some different coffee recipes at home? These will definitely help spice up the regular quick coffees that you make and help you make good, tasty and fun ones. Also this is a great way to save your pockets and stay at home instead of making regular coffee runs (it adds up!). Here are 6 easy and simple coffee recipes to become your own barista at home!


–––– How to steam milk:

We all love a good cappuccino with a sprinkle of cocoa powder.

Grab another mug and fill with the desired amount of milk.

What’ll you need for this coffee drink is ground espresso, milk

Heat for 20-30 seconds in the microwave.

and some cocoa powder. What you’re going to do is fill your coffee cup up to a 1/3 with espresso, 1/3 with steamed milk

How to froth milk:

and another 1/3 with frothed milk. Then you dust the surface

Heat up milk

with as little to as much cocoa powder as you want. And there

Add the hot milk to a bowl and use a whisk to vigorously whisk it until foamy bubbles

you have it…a hot and rich cappuccino coming right up!

form. Pour milk back into the cup and tap it on a counter to break down large bubbles.

-- -- -- --


Fancying a creamy latte? Here’s how to make one! What’ll you

strong for you? Do you prefer hot chocolate instead? Well

need for this coffee drink is ground espresso and milk. Fill

a cup of mocha is all your problems solved. With equal

your cup with 2/3 of espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and pour in

amounts of coffee AND hot chocolate, this coffee drink is

milk foam till it reaches the very top. And there you are…a

perfect for the peeps who want a little caffeine in their hot

creamy latte!

chocolate mug. For this coffee drink, you’ll need ground espresso, hot chocolate, milk and whipped cream. Fill your mug with 2/5 espresso, then 2/5 hot chocolate, then 1/5 steamed milk and then lather on as much whipped cream as you like. You can sprinkle some cocoa powder on top if you want. And done! A cup of delicious, chocolatey mocha is served!




Have you never really been a fan of coffee? It’s way too


Flat White

A flat white coffee….perfect for the coffee drinkers that want a weaker taste of espresso without any accents of things that are too sweet like chocolate or caramel. Flat white gives the perfect blend of bittersweet and here’s how to make it! Making your own flat white coffee is super

Dalgona Coffee

simple with it only requiring ground espresso and milk. You

The word ‘dalgona’ might sound familiar to some of you….

want to fill a cup with a 1/3 of espresso and then pour in

still haven’t gotten it yet? Does the show Squid Game ring

2/3 of steamed milk. And there we have it…..a flat white!

a bell? The dalgona candy is kinda like the older sister to this coffee in a way. But don’t worry, no one’s gonna end you if you mess up this coffee recipe! Unlike other coffee drinks, this coffee drink is very new and was introduced only 2 years ago. It originates from South Korea where it was first heard of in a K-drama coffee shop scene. Anyway on to the good stuff.. Let’s make some Dalgona coffee! For this recipe you’ll need instant coffee, sugar and milk. Grab a bowl and whisk 3 tbsp coffee, 2 tbsp sugar and 3


A cup of macchiato….great for those who find espresso too harsh in flavour, but a cappuccino too weak. It’s topped with a small amount of foamed or steamed milk to allow the taste of the espresso to still shine through. For a

tbsp boiling water for around 5 mins until the mixture is thick and fluffy. For hot coffee - pour mixture over steamed milk. For cold coffee - pour mixture over cold milk. And that’s a dalgona coffee all done!

macchiato, you’ll need ground espresso and milk. Fill your cup with around ¾ of espresso and then add a dash of steamed or frothed milk on top. And voila! That’s a cup of macchiato good to go!

Caffe Affogato Ooooh a caffe affogato….works beautifully as dessert and a caffeine boost for night studying/ working. Perfect for the ones with a sweet tooth and/or don’t enjoy drinking coffee all that much. It’s delicious and also easy to make so here’s how! Take 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream and put it into your mug, then carefully pour 2/3 of espresso over the ice cream scoop. You can also eat with scattered biscuit crumbs if

Iced Coffee

you’d like! There’s your caffe affogato ready! Eat while most of the ice cream is still frozen!

Did you really think we would forget about you iced coffee lovers? Or maybe fanatics is a better word for you guys. home recipe. What’ll you need for this is ground espresso, milk, ice and maple syrup (optional). Make a ¾ cup of black coffee then allow the coffee to go completely cold. Pour into a blender with the milk along with maple syrup, if using, then blend until smooth and foamy. Pour into a chilled tall glass or cup and throw in a handful of ice. And here is an iced coffee, enjoy!


Written and designed by Sonia Osuji

Last but not certainly not least, we have an iced coffee at


Nothing quite screams summer like bright colours. Candy patterns have been hitting the high street like none before. Bold colours, textures, and embroidery. Candy can make its way into fashion and makeup looks. With a rise of bold eye looks and lips on the runway this year its clear to see that candy has influenced globally.









Modelled by Oscar Izard, Brad Collingborn, and Millie Berresford, styled and photographed by Ella Gutfreund

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