1 minute read
Breast cancer effects thousands of people in the UK and about 1% of breast cancer cases in the UK are in males. Cancer is an illness that can affect anyone regardless of age and gender, so it’s always important to check yourself.
For men the beginning symptoms/signs of breast cancer is a painless lump under the nipple or areola. For women the first noticeable symptom is a lump around the breast or in either of your armpits, most lumps aren’t cancerous, it may just be lumpy boobs (yes, that’s a thing) but it’s always good to check. For women there are also symptoms such as discharge from the nipples streaked with blood or sunken nipples. Thankfully thanks to modern medicine there are different types of treatments to help either get rid of the cancer or slow it down.
For example, some of the most common treatments are mastectomys. This is when the whole breast is removed or breastconserving surgery where the cancer and some normal breast tissue is removed. There are also other treatments such as radiotherapy that you can have, there will be lots of support from your GP if you were to go through this.