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In the current cost of living crisis, every penny counts and pockets have been pinched like never before. This has meant that shopping for even our everyday essentials is difficult and treating ourselves can feel like a rare occasion. So, it may come as a shock to you to know that you could be paying MORE than men are for everyday essential toiletries!
What is the PINK TAX?
Although not actually a tax, the phrase ‘Pink Tax’ may sound innocent but is rather a disturbing reality for women. The Pink Tax labels the unfair reality when products are labelled and targeted for women are priced higher than the equivalent to men’s.
For example, a product that does the exact same thing and is an essential for both, may cost more for a woman because of its feminine, pink appearance or branding. Likewise, a lot of brands will charge more for a product marketed towards women and will be clever to make it feel an essential for women.
Although usually occuring in women’s essential toiletries or medication, other items in a completely different aisle or shop are also not protected from the inequality. The Pink Tax may have been affecting you a lot earlier in life than you realise! School shopping for a girl over a boy can pinch your purse even more with a price shift for girl’s shirts, skirts etc. In addition, even as a baby the parent will be paying far more for girly, pink branded toys!
This shocking reality questions us to understand why? Why should we have to pay more for the exact product and for the essentials we need to stock up on. Is this really our future? This sexist and unfair financial gain for companies should be stopped. Creating awareness is important and hopefully brands will feel encouraged to prevent misognistic pricing practises as these. Likewise, making it fair for both genders to enjoy a product suited for them with no price difference between. After all, many essential items designed for women are more suitable or designed for us such as razors.
The Pink Tax is Real and it’s coming to pinch your purse Girls!
The razors designed for men are typically, sharper blades compared to the equivalent for women. So, we would prefer to use the women’s but that shouldn’t mean we should pay more. The image below represents this inequality with the pricing information taken from Boots UK.


When researching price comparisons, it was shocking to learn that although offering affordable prices, they were still charging more for the pretty, pink packaged product. A highstreet brand offering their consumers affordable own brand ranges were still joining in on this disparity. According to ‘The Motley Fool’ women spend over £370 a year on essential items. Morever, it was also discovered that women on average will spend £45 more a year than men on healthcare products necessary to wellbeing. This shocking revelation suggests that overtime women can struggle financially a lot more than men just because of pricing.
How to avoid paying the PINK TAX!
Where possible, avoiding the Pink Tax is important and will help you save the pennies on your shopping. Re-evaluate the essentials you currently buy and ask yourself has the packaging enouraged me to purchase? If so, take a look at
The men’s branded equivalent and see if it will work the trick! These conscientious decisions will help you save money overall and work towards abolishing the tax. Another great way to save money is by visiting your local GP or sexual health clinic for free healthcare products such as condoms or sanitary products right for you. Likewise, ask your GP which brand of vitamins or medicine they recomend as their suggestions won’t be gender biased. Another useful tip is to shop around different shops or even value shops where products follow the same pricing strategy. Avoiding the Pink tax is possible and refusing to pay it is the best way to prevent your financial struggles and endure this injustice.