CRY Update Magazine Issue 64

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Cardiac Risk in the Young News and Events | Raising Awareness | Our Fundraisers

Update 64 | May to August 2014

In this

Newsletter BCS Conference and ESC Congress 2014

| 14

North Postcard Launch

| 16

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014

| 17

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 2014

| 20

Pixie School Tour for CRY

| 23

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CRY Update 64 May to August 2014 Editor Alison Cox MBE

Founder and Chief Executive

Deputy Editor James Slade

Newsletter Coordinator

As Deputy Editor of the Update it is my responsibility to put together this newsletter, and it is my ambition that you should find all the CRY news, events and fundraising in the following pages to be of interest. I always endeavour to ensure the information printed in this newsletter is accurate, but please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you notice something amiss. CRY receives an incredible amount of support and I know occasionally an error will slip through, however any fundraising corrections will be clearly demarcated at the beginning of the subsequent issue’s fundraising section. I would much appreciate hearing from you at or on 01737 363222 if you have any feedback or comments regarding previous issues. Thank you for your help.

Contributors Dr Steve Cox

Fundraising Manager

Head office: Unit 1140B The Axis Centre, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7RD Submission guidelines: We include activities in the “Our Fundraisers” section that raise £100 or more. If you could supply a write-up or photos for any fundraising activities that you have taken part in, please email the deputy editor at Entries appear in the “Our Fundraisers” section according to when CRY sends official receipt of monies raised. Articles can only appear in the “Raising Awareness in the Media” section if we receive permission from the publishers to reproduce the article. Images of CRY Patrons and Members of Parliament throughout have been highlighted in red. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the Editor. The Editor and Committee welcome letters but reserve the right to edit when necessary and to withhold publication. Any opinion or statement by the author of any article or letter published does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor or Officers of the Committee. Articles pertaining to health related topics are for information only. Readers should obtain advice from their own practitioner before attempting to diagnose or administer any medication. Mention of any products or procedure should not be considered an endorsement for said product or procedure.


Meet our County Representative News from the Chief Executive Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive CRY Screening Report Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) Research News North Postcard Launch CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 2014 Pixie School Tour for CRY Our Fundraisers Raising Awareness in the Media Fundraising Events 2015

3 4 10 11 13 14 16 17 20 23 26 82 94

Deputy Chief Executive

Professor Mary Consultant Cardiac Sheppard Pathologist Rebecca Zouvani

Inside Update 64

On the cover – for more details regarding the events shown, please turn to the corresponding page references below. Images are listed clockwise from top left: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

myheart member Jennifer Hill embarks on a round the world yacht race, page 76 Premier League referees join teams for a golf day in memory of Richard Waight, page 70 Claire Prosser holds a book sale at the BBC in Shepherd’s Bush in memory of her son, Tom Clabburn, page 33 Why Not Run held at Farringtons School in memory of Ben Daniels, page 35 CRY Patron John Barrowman MBE starts Owen’s Ride in memory of Owen Morris, page 57 CRY Patron Matt Wells joins 37 CRY cyclists for the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100, page 20 1,154 CRY supporters take part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk, page 17 CRY Patron Pixie Lott raises awareness at schools in Kent and the Midlands, page 23 “Frocks and Fundraising” ladies’ night held in memory of Sam Wright, page 73 North “12 a Week” postcard launch, page 16 CRY screening at West Ham FC features on Sky Sports News, page 8 James King walks the Rob Roy Way in memory of his son, also named James King, page 48 Professor Mary Sheppard and CRY Patron Baroness Finlay at the CRY CCP launch at St George’s, University of London, page 14

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Meet Our County Representative were completed on John’s heart tissue. I also went on to receive telephone counselling through CRY. This was a huge benefit to me. The opportunity to talk through my experience with someone that had been through something similar – to realise that you are not alone – was invaluable.

Rishka Magowan County Representative for West Sussex My husband, John Magowan, died due to sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) in May 2009. He died on his 30th birthday, I was 27 at the time. John was fit and healthy and had never experienced any cardiac symptoms. After John died it took approximately 10 days for us to get a cause of death and to begin to understand what had happened. We all experienced shock and confusion as well the sadness of loss.

John’s story is included in the Partner’s Grief booklet produced by CRY earlier this year. This says a bit more about how we met, our time together and the devastating loss when John died. I found this story incredibly difficult to write because I wanted to be completely honest about the pain and sense of helplessness around sudden death – but not to create a sense of hopelessness. I am aware that it will be read by people going through those first awful days after losing someone so suddenly (when everything feels hopeless) and I wanted to make sure my story acknowledged this pain while also focussing on hope, the lives continuing of those left behind and the fact that this is okay!

These are the reasons that I am a Representative for CRY. Raising awareness is such an important part of the charity’s work and I am proud to be a part of that. When someone dies from SADS we do not have the chance to provide care, to try to make things easier, to look after the ones we loved. They are just suddenly gone and that can feel like a very helpless position to be in. I believe that is why it is even more important that we work to raise awareness and funds for CRY – because we could not do anything for our loved one, but we can work towards reducing the frequency with which this everyday tragedy happens to other families.

During those days my step-mum contacted CRY and I will always remember the phone call I had with Alison Cox (CRY Founder). It was so incredibly helpful to me to speak to someone who understood the complete shock and disbelief that I was feeling. It was helpful to be able to speak to someone who was able to provide an empathic and compassionate response, but also someone who was able to give me information and practical advice - someone who could discuss the process of obtaining a cause of death, the role of the coroner and how to ensure that specialist tests


News from the Chief Executive

Alison Cox (MBE) CRY Founder & Chief Executive The CRY Update newsletter received a major overhaul with the 61st issue sent out in April 2014. New designers were contracted to make the Update clearer and more accessible and I’m sure you will agree they have achieved striking results. They have also, and most importantly, ensured the newsletter is no more expensive per page to produce than before. We were delighted to welcome James Slade to CRY’s Communications Team in January 2014 to take day-to-day responsibility for the Update, among other duties. James graduated from the University of Roehampton in 2011 with first-class honours in English, and has had personal experience of the impact of a young sudden cardiac death. You can find a short message from him on the inside cover of this issue. The Update has been delivering CRY news and information to our supporters since its first issue in 1996. The new CRY Update is another visible indication of CRY’s progress, following closely behind our move to larger offices. Our longawaited new website is a third major step forward this year. On the cusp of 2015, CRY’s 20th year, I hope you feel as proud as I do of what your support has accomplished.

May “12 a Week” North Postcard Launch May 1 The final postcard of the “12 a Week” raising awareness campaign was unveiled in Leeds at the beginning of May, featuring the faces of 12 young people aged between 14 and 35 from Northern England who died of undiagnosed heart conditions. This marks the end of a series which began in July 2004 with the Midlands “8 a Week” postcard launched in the House of Commons. The statistic had to be revised as young sudden deaths in the UK have been increasingly identified to be the result of undiagnosed heart conditions.


Over the last decade, 12 different postcards for the “8 a Week” campaign was immediately followed by 12 new postcards for the “12 a Week” campaign, which were launched in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and 9 regions across England to promote support amongst MPs for the CRY All Party Parliamentary Group – which currently has an encouraging 110 MPs as members.

I would like to thank every family of those young people who featured on the North “12 a Week” postcard for helping us to spread our message so effectively, especially those who were able to attend the launch on the day. It was encouraging to receive the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the event, and that so many at the launch particularly relished the chance to meet and talk with other families attending.

Ian Broughton attends Scottish Parliament May 8 Ian Broughton, CRY Representative for Scotland, reported: “I attended the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh recently where I was given an opportunity

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

News from the Chief Executive to speak to the Strategic Planning and Clinical Priorities Team for the Scottish Government regarding young sudden cardiac death (YSCD).

Society of Cardiology (ESC) website on the morning of May 8, and subsequently, the leading story on the website of St George’s, University of London.

During the meeting I told of the work that CRY does and gave them literature relating to CRY, plus copies of the CRY Medical DVD. I felt this was a very productive meeting in many ways. It should also be said that many of the items we spoke about are already established and being improved on.”

For more details, you can read a report on the conference from myheart Network Cardiologist Dr Michael Papadakis at

EuroPRevent Conference 2014 a huge success for CRY May 8 – 10 For 2014, the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR) held their annual EuroPRevent Conference in Amsterdam. CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma and the CRY Research Fellows attended and presented their renowned research on sports cardiology and inherited cardiovascular conditions to great effect. Professor Sharma took on his new duties as Chair of Sports Cardiology – which recognises his reputation as the leading sports cardiologist in Europe – and his CRY Research Fellows excelled throughout the 3 day event. Dr Aneil Malhotra won a prize for “Best Original Work in Sports Cardiology” and Dr Sabiha Gati won a prize for “Best Poster in Sports Cardiology”.

Midlands myheart Meeting May 11 The Midlands myheart Meeting was held at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham, with 7 young people aged between 14 and 35 registered to attend. This was the first myheart meeting for 2 new members. Counsellor Jayne Slack took the group to address any social problems created by their condition and cardiologist Dr Michael Griffith, with his cardiac nurse Lorraine Cadd, offered the opportunity for those attending to informally discuss any of their medical queries.

Ewell Rotary Club donate Lifecard monitor May 12 CRY Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox was invited by Ewell Rotary Club to speak about CRY, research and screening, and was presented by President Elect Mike Shone with a Lifecard holter monitor for the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology. Ewell Rotary Club previously donated cardiac equipment to CRY in February 2013 when they presented an ECG machine to Steve in partnership with Epsom Rotary Club.

Dr Steve Cox gives talk at Aston University May 16 Dr Sabiha Gati with her prize-winning poster presentation

Significantly, Dr Rajay Narain gave a detailed presentation using statistics from CRY’s screening of over 12,000 young people in 2012 as convincing evidence of the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of a national screening programme. An article reporting on Dr Narain’s presentation was the leading story on the European

Dr Steve Cox gave a talk at Aston University, Birmingham, for the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) Exercise Professionals Group Study Day. Steve used his talk to discuss the significance of being diagnosed with a cardiac condition for young athletes.


News from the Chief Executive Pixie clothes sale hosted by Seema Sharma May 18 and June 29 Seema Sharma, whose husband is CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma, hosted another sale of terrific clothes donated by our Patron Pixie Lott in December.

renowned CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology.

The new CRY CCP laboratory at St George’s

I was most grateful to Professor Juan Carlos Kaski, Chair of Cardiovascular Science at St George’s, and Penny Schofield, HM Coroner for West Sussex, for finding the time to come and speak. I was also delighted that we were joined by Patron Baroness Ilora Finlay, who spoke passionately of the importance of the centre.

The charity sales were held at Seema’s dental surgeries in Grays, Essex, and Lee, London – and raised £2,596 across the 2 events.

CRY Consultant Pathologist Professor Mary Sheppard, HM Coroner for West Sussex Penny Schofield, CRY Patron Baroness Ilora Finlay and myself

For more details, please see the article or visit www.c-r-y. Professor Sharma taking a break from world-leading research to help sort some of Pixie’s clothes!

The original sale, which Pixie organised, raised £1,652.50 for CRY, and the same amount for children’s charity Rays of Sunshine.

Relaunch of the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) at St George’s May 22 The CRY CCP has now moved to St George’s Medical School, University of London, and after a challenging few months transferring files and setting up equipment (whilst continuing to operate our fast-track cardiac pathology service) a launch for the new pathology centre was organised with the university for May 2014. The move to St George’s is a crucial development as it facilitates collaboration with our internationally-


Melanie Webster and Dr Steve Cox interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk May 23 CRY Representative Melanie Webster appeared on the early morning programme of BBC Radio Sussex to be interviewed by Etholle George regarding the sudden death of her daughter, Lily (pictured). Lily was 15 when she tragically died of a cardiac arrest during a PE lesson at Stowmarket High School in January 2012. Melanie had been raising funds for the Lily Webster Memorial Fund and appeared on the programme to promote scheduled screenings in Stowmarket on July 1 and 2. Two further screenings are due to be held in June 2015. Dr Steve Cox explained the ECG screening

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

News from the Chief Executive procedure, the expanding CRY National Screening Programme and the importance of diagnosing heart conditions with no apparent symptoms.

June British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) Conference June 2 – 4 CRY Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox and Screening Programme Manager Azra Loncarevic-Srmic travelled up to the Manchester Central conference centre for the BCS Conference 2014 to represent CRY and support Professor Sanjay Sharma and CRY’s Research Fellows. Research Fellow Dr Aneil Malhotra and former Fellow Dr Sabiha Gati gave poster presentations at the conference, while former Fellows Dr Abbas Zaidi, Dr Nabeel Sheikh and Dr Saqib Ghani were also present to discuss their research.

CRY Patron Pixie Lott tours 5 schools across Kent and the Midlands June 24 – 25 and July 16 It was brilliant being at another of Pixie’s CRY performances during her visit to High Weald Academy, where she opened a sports hall in memory of Nicola Payne and raised awareness of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). CRY Representative James Brown spoke at the event. This was the first of several “special events”, as Pixie visited another school in Kent, then 2 in the Midlands the following day, then a Folkestone CRY Patron Pixie Lott, CRY Representative James school in July. Brown and myself at High Weald Academy I am most grateful to our CRY speakers Peter Teale, James Brown, Stevie Rennie and Paul Daniels who gave up their time to tell of their own tragedy and help Pixie spread CRY’s message at the schools she visited. For more details and photos from the events, please see the article or visit for an interview with Pixie and a speech from CRY Representative Peter Teale at Birmingham Ormiston Academy.

CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma and CRY Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox at the CRY stand

Peter Teale interviewed on Midlands radio stations June 4 Peter Teale, West Midlands CRY Representative, reported: “Just to let you know I was interviewed this morning for Heart FM, Smooth FM and Capital Radio regarding screenings this weekend. It will hit hourly news bulletins – not sure as of when today – but this will cover a massive catchment of young and middle aged people across the Midlands.”

July CRY Patron John Barrowman MBE gives starters orders for “Owen’s Ride” July 5 In September 2013, 13 year old Owen Morris (pictured) suddenly died following rugby training from a previously undiagnosed heart condition. His family and friends set up a group called “Remembering Owen” – and just 10 months later, over 160 riders cycled from Cardiff City Stadium


News from the Chief Executive along the Taff Trail to Brecon, camped overnight, and then cycled back to Cardiff High School (where Owen was a pupil) the following day.

CRY Patron John Barrowman MBE with Owen’s parents Melanie and Roger Morris

CRY Patron John Barrowman, who had just been awarded an MBE, has strong connections to the local area. He joined the riders at 7.30am to officially open the event.

Sky Sports report on West Ham FC cardiac screening July 14 A CRY sports screening at West Ham FC attracted the attention of Sky Sports News, who ran a short report on television later that evening. Our Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma was interviewed for the report while the players were filmed being tested.

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk July 6 Our Patron Kathryn Harris led 1,154 walkers across Central London for the 8th annual CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. A huge thank you to everyone who took part this year. After a worrying start the weather brightened as hundreds of CRY supporters took to the bridges for our largest participation event. I was so pleased to have the opportunity to talk to many of the walkers on the day and welcome hundreds of newcomers to this very important event. For more details and photos, please see the article or visit

St John Ambulance launch of first aid programme July 7 I was invited to represent CRY at the launch of a St John Ambulance initiative at the House of Commons. St John Ambulance’s “Student First Aid” programme has been designed as a set of training courses to specifically teach saving skills to young people in both primary and secondary education.


West Ham TV also covered the screening event, and new signing Diego Poyet spoke about the health check up: “Monday was a new experience for me, it’s the first time I’ve done it, but apparently everything has gone fine so I’m pleased with that. The awareness when it comes to heart screening is growing all the time, especially when you think of cases like Fabrice Muamba’s. It’s important for players to know that they’re well whilst they’re playing, but also for when they stop.” You can find the article on West Ham’s website at

Danny from McFly and Georgia Horsley support CRY on “All Star Mr & Mrs” July 16 We were surprised and delighted when engaged couple Danny Jones and Georgia Horsley, Miss England 2007, nominated CRY to receive the prize money of £5,000 following their success on ITV’s “All Star Mr & Mrs”. Georgia said on the programme: “The charity is CRY, which is Cardiac Risk in the Young. We lost our friend 4 years ago in April this year to an undetected heart problem, and this

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

News from the Chief Executive charity supports families, does research, and lots of other things.” 25 year old Natalie Herbert died in her sleep in April 2010 from an undiagnosed heart condition and family and friends raised over £6,200 by climbing Snowdon in September 2011. The total included £600 from McFly fans alerted to the fundraising by Danny through Twitter. We hugely appreciate both Georgia and Danny’s support in Natalie’s memory.

August RideLondon-Surrey 100 August 10 Stormy weather threatened the 2nd RideLondon-Surrey 100, but the fledgling cycling event went ahead with a shortened route to avoid risking the more dangerous stretches of the course. We were so proud of the 38 CRY cyclists who braved the rain and battled through to raise funds for CRY, but so very sorry to learn that 2 of our cyclists were injured whilst taking part and we offer our best wishes for their speedy recovery. Our Patron Matt Wells, who also participated last year, was 1 of 30 who joined us at the Green Park Hilton rendezvous point after the race – a brilliant chance to meet everyone. A big thank you to our intrepid cyclists!

National coverage as teenager working with CRY Research Fellows makes important finding August 20 Henry Roth and CRY Research Fellow Dr Nabeel Sheikh were interviewed on ITV London News and a BBC News article was published online at health-28858511 While working under the CRY Research Fellows at St George’s Hospital, London, 18 year old Henry made a discovery that could help the diagnosis of hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy (HCM) in athletes – the same condition that caused former footballer Fabrice Muamba to suffer a sudden cardiac arrest in 2012.

Guardian article with Andrew Quew about the sudden death of his wife August 23 A high profile article was published in The Guardian about the death of 30 year old Gemma Quew (pictured with her daughter Caitlin) resulting in our website experiencing a massive surge of visitors in the days following the article’s publication, increasing from an average of 600 to 2,000. Gemma died suddenly in May 2011 from an undiagnosed heart condition, and her husband Andrew found her collapsed at home upon returning from work. Andrew is 1 of the 10 authors in the CRY Grief booklet “A Partner’s Grief”, and in the article discusses raising Caitlin without Gemma.

Miccoli tour to raise awareness of CRY begins August 30 – 31 Sibling pop trio Miccoli began their raising awareness tour at the Whiteley Shopping Centre in Hampshire on August 30. The band was staged just outside the centre and had the elements to battle with, yet still managed to draw in the shoppers. Bereaved CRY supporters Linda and Bryan Stiller, whose son David suddenly died in March 2011, visited and said: “We found them to be three wonderful people who are a true inspiration to us all and we felt very privileged to have met them and enjoyed their lovely music. Everyone should go and see them if they get the chance, they are truly gifted and talented. They made our day!” For more details, including further reports on their performances, please visit


Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive Exercising after a diagnosis; what we can learn from sports cardiology One of the great challenges we face in the screening debate is to understand the impact on those young people who are identified with inherited cardiac conditions and are advised to stop playing competitive sport. Dr Steve Cox We know that CRY Deputy Chief Executive individualised exercise prescription will lead to improvements in exercise capacity and psychological state and we also know that regular physical exercise will lower the risk of future obesity. However, it is concerning that only a fifth of patients with congenital heart defects receive formal physical activity advice and this can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle due to overprotection and uncertainty around which physical activity and what intensity. There is also the converse of this where young patients in particular may reject exercise limitations and engage in unsafe sporting practices. “Could the consequence of a young person not exercising after a diagnosis outweigh the risks associated with the condition?” This is something the opponents of screenings sometimes suggest. Earlier this year I was asked to give a talk on “managing uncertainties around exercise” at the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) Exercise Professionals Spring Group Study Day “Pushing the Boundaries in Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation”. The main point I stressed was the importance of individualised care and the advice young people receive after a diagnosis, especially when it comes to exercise. Last year Dr Michael Papadakis (CRY myheart Network Cardiologist) co-authored a paper in the European Heart Journal titled “Physical activity in adolescents and adults with congenital heart defects; individualised exercise prescription”. This paper provides a framework for reassurance to patients and physicians. It highlights the importance of exercise prescription to maximise the benefit for health whilst


minimising the cardiovascular risk. The paper is a consensus document, informed by experts working in the field, and will inevitably lead to further research to benefit patients. Young people must understand their limitations after a diagnosis of a potentially life threatening cardiac condition. These limitations may require general avoidance of competitive sport or sometimes more specific advice like not swimming, or ensuring that particular drugs are not taken. Whatever the limitations are, the consequence of not following the advice can be very serious. One of the most important aspects of CRY’s myheart group is the creation of a forum where they can discuss their limitations with an expert like Dr Papadakis. Sports cardiology gives us an important insight into the impact of exercise on the heart. When I was told to stop playing competitive sport at the age of 18 I thought my world had fallen apart. Whilst I accepted I needed to avoid competitive sport I continued to ride my bike on a regular basis and I took up trekking. Neither activity was done competitively and so – significantly – was not fuelled by adrenalin. Looking back I can see this was important to keep my body in a reasonable state of health, maintaining a moderate level of physical activity, without pushing myself. I still recollect trying to play a game of “non-competitive” tennis with a heart rate monitor on, aiming to keep my pulse below 150. I found this was impossible, especially when the adrenalin kicked in, so for me tennis became a no-go sport as I was simply unable to restrain my competitive streak. The message I was stressing when I talked at the BACPR conference was the importance of balance when it comes to exercise. A regular routine of an easy jog should help to reduce the risk of suffering a premature coronary problem. On the other hand, running a marathon is

My talk at the BACPR Exercise Professionals Group Study Day on 16th May 2014

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Newsletter from the Deputy Chief Executive CRY Screening Report not “normal” exercise and high intensity exercise for someone with a condition could be very dangerous. I was also trying to stress how important it was to take the individual circumstances into play. Previous guidelines made arbitrary distinctions between playing singles and doubles at tennis, the former should be avoided whilst the later was okay. I was lucky to have been seen by Professor Bill McKenna and to have had so much of his time as he explained why I needed to take my limitations seriously. I soon realised that this was the exception and not the norm and that most people have very limited access to their consultant, let alone being able to talk to such an outstanding expert. Almost 20 years ago I was fortunate enough to conduct research with Professor McKenna’s team at St George’s evaluating the important role of specialist units in how people with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy adjust to a diagnosis. It was clear that trusting your consultant, and them giving you enough time in the clinic to answer critical questions, contributed crucially to how patients viewed their condition. I personally found that adjusting to a life of uncertainty was more acceptable if it was the uncertainty of an expert.

If uncertainty is due to a lack of knowledge and expertise, the decision is likely to be questioned. This is why ensuring families are referred to specialist units is still such a high priority, especially after a young sudden cardiac death. We know how important exercise is to people’s psychological and physiological health. It makes a considerable contribution to helping us live a healthy life and the younger the person is when these practices are implemented the more successful they are likely to be. It is therefore vital to understand the individual needs of young people who have been diagnosed, so that the best advice can be offered about the amount, type and intensity of exercise that can be enjoyed. Best wishes,

CRY Screening Report Between May and August 2014 CRY screened nearly 5,000 people, mostly through family memorial screenings. At our regular CRY clinics 492 young people were screened. Clinics were held at the University of Ulster, Jordanstown campus, and Foyle College, Derry (funded by the Northern Ireland Fund). At the ICAP clinics 141 young people were screened. These screenings are held at the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology, at St George’s Hospital, London.

Sports screenings included: GB Swimming Team, Lawn Tennis Association, Tottenham Hotspur FC, Millwall FC, Leeds RFC, Bolton Wanderers FC, Manchester City FC, Leicester Tigers RFC, West Ham FC, Saracens RFC, Exeter Chiefs RFC, London Irish RFC, Gloucester RFC, London Welsh RFC, London Wasps RFC, Harlequins RFC, Ipswich Town FC, Sale RFC, Northampton Saints RFC, Newcastle Falcons RFC, Bath RFC and Worcester Warriors RFC. A total of 657 athletes were screened. 3,519 people were screened at 24 family memorial screenings. These were held in memory of Matthew Dewhirst (Shropshire), Rebecca Phillips (Suffolk), Josh Fell (Hornsea), James Patterson (Essex), Jordan Grant (Preston),

Andrew Gard (Colchester), Ian Bowen (Cheshire), Laura Hillier (Northampton), Jack Thomas (Blackwood), Zoe Teale (Birmingham), Gary Pope (Tooting), Simon Cullum (Great Yarmouth), Ben Daniels (Chislehurst), Christopher Parr (Leek), Richard Merriman (Hemel Hempstead), Lily Webster (Suffolk), Jack Boulton (Bristol), Lee Stables (Cumbria), Neil Ward (Derbyshire), Shamil Hamid (Bristol, Bath), Tom Reid (Leeds), Aaron Dixon (Cheshire), Gary Stewart (Aberdeenshire) and Andrew Macleod (Lewis). 165 young people were screened at 2 school screenings held at Queen Elizabeth Hospital School, Bristol, and Warwickshire University, Coventry.


CRY Screening Report CRY Screening Event in Chislehurst from June 20th – 22nd, funded by the Ben Daniels Memorial Fund Paul Daniels (far right), Ben’s dad, arranged the Friday to Sunday screenings at Old Elthamians Sports Club, Kent, where a CRY record of 300 young people were screened at a single event.

Echocardiogram funded in memory of David Staff, Neil Wickers and by Four Pillars Hotels The David Staff and Neil Wickers Memorial Fund jointly funded the purchase of a Vivid i echocardiogram in June together with Four Pillars Hotels. Echocardiograms are ultrasound machines used to provide a detailed picture of the heart and are often the next stage in screening for cardiac abnormalities once an ECG has detected an anomaly. Katherine Swingler, Human Resources Director at Four Pillars Hotels, said: “This is a high-performance, battery-operated, ultra-portable diagnostic ultrasound system that provides exceptional image quality. The demand for screening with CRY has increased by 50% in the last year; such equipment is essential for CRY to continue with their screening programme to save as many lives as possible.”

What happens at a screening? The basic test is an electrocardiogram (ECG) which is a simple non-invasive and painless test that examines the electrical activity within your heart. The ECG involves lying down quietly and only takes 5 to 10 minutes. Small stickers are placed at strategic points on the chest, arms and legs. Flexible leads (called electrodes) that extend from the ECG machine are then attached to these stickers. The electrical rhythm of the heart


is recorded and printed out. This part of the process only takes 2 to 3 minutes to perform. The ECG printout is then reviewed by a doctor in conjunction with a personal and family history questionnaire. If a more detailed image is needed (about 5% to 10% of individuals), an echocardiogram (ECHO) can be taken – this is similar to the ultrasound scan

that is used for a pregnant woman to check the health of her baby. Soundwaves echo against various parts of the heart and they are recorded on a screen. This provides a detailed picture of the heart’s structure and how well it is functioning. This takes about 30 minutes to perform. The screening programme is under the aegis of Professor Sanjay Sharma.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Report from the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) Professor Mary Sheppard, Consultant Cardiac Pathologist

We were very glad to be able to celebrate the establishment of the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology at our new home at St George’s Medical School, University of London, on May 22nd this year. We had 82 cases from May to August 2014 with an average turnaround time of 14 days. The number of cases has increased from the first quarter of 2014 and there is also a dramatic improvement in turnaround time due to fact our staff are now fully trained and operational. Establishing a fully working laboratory with a rapid turnaround time has been achieved in a relatively short time given the complexity and the bureaucracy of the human tissue act, coroner rules and getting appropriate equipment and staff. Visitors Dr Jan Robertus, a pathologist from

Struan Bourke, Senior Laboratory Technician Fiona Maleady Crowe, Laboratory Technician Zoha Hamza, Database Manager

Rotterdam, joined the team in March for 6 months to train exclusively in cardiac pathology. He has helped us enormously in establishing the database and our functioning laboratory and returned to Rotterdam at the end of August. Students Daniel Eniade, Olivia Gibson and Giovanna Marrai joined the team for work experience in August and worked on the backlog of cases for database entry. Teaching/Academic Professor Sheppard held her annual Adult Cardiovascular Pathology course at Imperial College London on May 15th – 16th with 60 pathologists from across the world in attendance. Professor Sheppard’s teaching course emphasises the pathological

investigation of sudden death and the taking of genetic material at autopsy in order to establish any genetic causes of sudden cardiac death, enabling the screening of any living family members at risk. We have seen a positive yearly increase in the amount of referred genetic material provided with cases. Lectures and Meetings • Guest speaker on sudden death in children to a paediatric cardiology group, Birmingham, May 15th • Spanish Society of Cardiology lecture on pathology of sudden cardiac death, Seville, Spain, June 13th – 14th • Chaired European Society of Pathology (ESP) oral and poster sessions, August 31st Inquests Professor Sheppard attended 4 inquests from May to August on sudden death cases from within the UK, at locations including Westminster and Southwark. Publications Papers: • de Noronha SV, Behr ER, Papadakis M, et al. “The importance of specialist cardiac histopathological examination in the investigation of young sudden cardiac deaths.” Europace. 2014.

* a structurally normal heart, the most common finding, indicates a channelopathy (disease of the heart’s electrical impulses, impossible to detect post-mortem) was the cause of death

• Beattie R, Booth K, Herron B, Sheppard MN, Parissis H. “Constrictive pericarditis and rheumatoid nodules with severe aortic incompetence.” Case Reports in Medicine. 2014.


Research News Launch of the CRY CCP at St George’s Medical School

Thursday 22nd May 2014 was the official opening of the relocated CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) at St George’s, University of London, alongside CRY’s worldrenowned Centre for Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology. Professor Mary Sheppard spoke

of the centre’s progress since the unit was first opened 6 years ago at the world-famous Royal Brompton Hospital: “Over the years, the response we’ve had from coroners has been very encouraging and I believe we have played an important role in influencing coroners to understand how they can help families affected by a young sudden cardiac death and the crucial need to refer such cases to specialist pathology as a matter of urgency.” It is now estimated that at least 80% of all coroners in the UK refer to this fast-track service. CRY Patron Baroness Ilora Finlay of Llandaff, who spoke at the event, said: “CRY has had a huge impact in raising awareness of young sudden cardiac death with coroners and

CRY’s Research Fellows are an integral part of the work at CRY. CRY funds doctors for 1 – 2 years who choose to specialise in the fields of inherited cardiac diseases, sudden cardiac death, screening and sports cardiology. Their research advances our understanding of conditions that can lead to sudden cardiac death.

working to provide essential support services for those that have suffered a tragedy. Through the funding of this free, expert fast-track cardiac pathology, CRY has also helped to dramatically reduce the wait for a pathologist’s post-mortem report for the bereaved family, who are suffering so grievously. I am impressed at the expertise this unit brings in the complex and tragic area of sudden cardiac death. It truly will save lives by detecting silent risk.”

Manager Azra Loncarevic-Srmic were both present to set up and man the expansive CRY stand, and received a great deal of attention from the many roaming cardiologists and health professionals at the event.

British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) Conference 2014

The BCS Conference, the largest cardiology conference in the UK, opened at Manchester Central on Monday 2nd June and ran for 3 days, closing on Wednesday 4th. CRY’s strong presence at the 2013 conference was re-established this year with CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma and 5 current and former CRY Research Fellows attending to present their research.

Following his hugely well-attended “Hot Topics” presentation on interpreting the athlete’s ECG at last year’s conference, Professor Sharma gave another extremely popular sports cardiology talk on differentiating between healthy changes in the heart due to exercise and pathological condition hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) – a common cause of young sudden cardiac death.

CRY Deputy CEO Dr Steve Cox and Screening Programme


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Research News A Wednesday morning session chaired by Professor Greg Whyte OBE and Dr Amanda Varnava featured the CRY Research Group prominently. Former CRY Fellows Dr Nabeel Sheikh and Dr Abbas Zaidi joined Professor Sanjay Sharma and Dr John Buckley in successively presenting their research over the hour and a half session. Dr Sheikh discussed the 2013 Seattle criteria for correctly diagnosing cardiac conditions using the ECG, Dr Zaidi discussed the significance of enlarged left and right ventricles in athletes and Professor Sharma’s presentation directly addressed athletic sudden cardiac deaths.

Professor Sanjay Sharma and Dr Steve Cox at the CRY stand

Research Fellow Dr Aneil Malhotra and former Fellows Dr Sabiha Gati and Dr Saqib Ghani were also at the conference to discuss developments in their research, with Dr Malhotra and Dr Gati both exhibiting posters at the event.

progress in investigating the causes and improving the methods of prevention of young sudden cardiac death. These included a presentation during a session titled “Cardiovascular prevention: interventions and outcomes” on highlights in the sports cardiology field from EuroPRevent 2014, the May conference in Amsterdam, throughout which the Research Fellows flourished and two of whom – Dr Aneil Malhotra and Dr Sabiha Gati – even won prizes for their contributions. Professor Sharma also gave a presentation specifically critiquing the ESCs current recommendations for interpretation of the athlete’s ECG, discussing conditions that may predispose to sudden cardiac death. Dr Nabeel Sheikh gave a talk in the aptly-named “How to practice sports cardiology” session – providing instruction based on his extensive research into various potentially sinister markers on a young athlete’s ECG. Dr Michael Papadakis, myheart Consultant Cardiologist, gave a detailed overview of how lessons have been learned following sporting tragedies such as the fatal cardiac arrest of Cameroon footballer Marc-Vivien Foé in 2003, CRY’s system of pathology and family support services following a sudden death or diagnosis – including familial screening for inherited cardiac conditions, and how general practice can be further improved to prevent loss of life.

European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2014 This year’s ESC Congress, held in Barcelona from August 30th to September 3rd, focussed on “Innovation and the Heart”. The ESC Congress is the principal cardiology conference in Europe. Professor Sanjay Sharma was heavily involved in sessions dealing with sports cardiology and inherited cardiovascular conditions as a result of his and the CRY Research Fellows’

Dr Sheikh’s presentation at the ESC Congress 2014

Next year’s ESC Congress will be held in London from August 29th to September 2nd – a huge opportunity for the London-based CRY doctors at St George’s Hospital to further raise the profile of research into young sudden death amongst Europe’s cardiology community.


North Postcard Launch

Barbara Hoggarth, whose son Ian features on the North postcard, speaks at the launch

The “12 a Week” postcard campaign to raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death was launched on 14th October 2008 at the House of Commons, and was the flagship announcement at the CRY Parliamentary Reception that year. On 1st May 2014, the series of 12 successive regional postcards was brought to a conclusion with the launch of the North postcard at an event held at the Leeds Marriott Hotel. A poster-sized version of the postcard was unveiled featuring the photos of 12 young people from across the region who lost their lives to sudden


cardiac death, and many of their families joined together for the launch in Leeds. So far, more than 170,000 “12 a Week” postcards have been distributed by CRY families across the UK in a bid to raise awareness and lobby support amongst MPs. CRY Founder and Chief Executive Alison Cox MBE said, “As the charity enters its 20th year, we have decided that this postcard launch in Leeds will be our last and we want to take the opportunity of publically thanking every family, from every corner of the UK, who has agreed to become involved in this campaign.”

Hundreds of postcards will be distributed by CRY families and supporters to people across the North (from Driffield to Doncaster, Leeds to Hornsea) urging them to send it back to their local MP. It is hoped the influx of postcards will encourage MPs to add their support to the campaign and join the CRY All Party Parliamentary Group (CRY APPG). Alison added, “We are confident that this final postcard will help us to target those MPs who are not yet aware of our commitment to prevent further needless deaths and encourage them to become involved with us as we embark on our next phase of awareness and campaigning.”

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 On Sunday 6th July 2014, 1,154 CRY supporters travelled to Central London from across the UK to take part in the annual CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk. Despite the drizzly start to the day and major events such as the men’s Wimbledon finals and a big concert in Hyde Park, our supporters again turned up in astonishing numbers for this trademark CRY event. This year was the 8th year the event had taken place. The hundreds of walkers, with the names of loved ones on the backs of their CRY T-shirts and white balloons held high – from families with youngsters in prams, to senior couples, to larger groups spanning whole generations – was, as ever, a greatly affecting sight. The walk will again have raised huge awareness across the capital of the tragic reality of young sudden cardiac death, and the camaraderie of the participants continues to be a touching dedication to all those for whom this event takes place. For many it was a valuable opportunity to meet up with friends and other CRY families, as well as CRY staff and volunteers who have helped over the years. As well as many of CRY’s long-standing participants in this flagship event (some of whom have taken part every year since 2007 – and travel

considerable distances to do so) there were a great deal of new faces and supporters who had made the journey to London for the first time. The vast majority of walkers take part in remembrance of a friend or family member, but there are a growing number of families walking in support of a young person who has been identified with a heart condition – often through CRY’s cardiac screening service. There were several members of the myheart Network who took part in the walk, including Mallory Brand, Lucy Challis, Sian Donnelly, Rachael Marchant, Julie Robinson, Paula Simmonds and Bronwen Stringer. Each year there are also groups and individuals taking part who have not been personally affected by young sudden cardiac death or the diagnosis of a condition, but simply to support CRY and their work.

Walkers began to gather at the Victoria Embankment Gardens from 9:30am onwards, but before the walk began there were introductions and speeches from CRY Founder and Chief Executive Alison Cox MBE and CRY Patron Kathryn Harries, who also led a minute’s silence. Kathryn first launched the event back in 2007 after becoming a keen supporter of CRY. The speeches and minute’s silence were followed by a warm up with fitness instructor and myheart member Paula Simmonds and her team from PB Fitness Training who kindly gave us their time and energy. At 11am the groups set off through the park gates, small groups at a time heading towards Golden Jubilee Bridge – the first of 7 Thames bridges – before making their way to Hays Galleria, where CRY’s welcoming party awaited. At the finish walkers were presented with a certificate of thanks and entertained by the Rock Choir – who performed a refreshing selection of pop and rock classics. For more details and photos from the event, visit cry-heart-of-london-bridges-walkjuly-2014


CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014

As always, we rely on the goodwill and generosity of our dedicated volunteers, without whom we could not possibly run an event of this size. A huge thank you to: Martin Appleby, Denise Austin, Lisa Austin, Claire Baker, Nigel Bennett, Angie Bowling, Paul Clabburn, Brian Connell, Krisztina Cserhalmi, Chrysoula Dalageorgou, Philip Eastty, Timothy Edwards, Sabrina English, Karla Griffiths, Barbara Holland, Jim Holland, Jo Hunt, Carl Johnson, Eunice Johnson, Julie Lockton, Koula Louki, Rishka Magowan, Irena McCabe, Patsy Mourtzinos, Wendy Moss, Carol Nicholls, Tony Nicholls, Ashley Palmer, Jo Pickard, Janette Pollard, Coral Quelch, Nikki Quelch, Sam Quelch, Pete Robinson, Sue Robinson, Christine Rumley, Jagroop Sandhu, Mair Shepherd, Paula Simmonds, José Ramón Caamaño Sobrino, Paul Stevens, Alyson Stokes, Linda Taylor, Rob Trounce, Becci Upson, Dave Walton, Sue Walton, Gerry Wright and Kylie Wroe.


Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 2014

Thank you and congratulations to the brave 38 CRY cyclists who took part in the Prudential RideLondonSurrey 100 on Sunday 10th August 2014. The 100 mile route was shortened to 86 miles due to severe weather conditions, cutting out Box Hill and Leith Hill. The day started off with drizzle followed by strong gusts of wind and heavy rain, making it difficult for cyclists to see where they were going. They also experienced hailstones, thunder and lightning. There were some short sunny spells towards the end of the day but not early enough to help the cyclists. As always, we can never rely on the British weather.

The 30 CRY cyclists who returned to the meeting point at the Hilton Green Park Hotel had a warm welcome from CRY staff and volunteers, including CRY Founder and CEO Alison Cox MBE. For the second year in a row, CRY Patron Matt Wells was the first to arrive. The cyclists were able to enjoy some snacks, drinks and a well-deserved massage and shower. The hot shower was especially welcome after such extreme weather conditions.

We are very grateful to all of them for taking on this gruelling challenge and for choosing to do so for CRY. Despite the horrendous rain, aches, pains and extreme fatigue, there was a huge sense of achievement after the event. Sadly, 2 of our cyclists were injured and unable to make it back to the hotel, and we wish them all the best with their recovery. We would like to say a big thank you to our CRY volunteers: Lisa and Denise Austin, Nigel Bennett, Jose Sobrino, Linda Taylor, and massage therapists; Natalia Kwiecinska, Olga Mendes, Michelle Mendoza and Sabena Williams for making the day a great success. Thank you to the Hilton Green Park Hotel for hosting our post ride facilities and for donating an extra room for the bicycles and massages. We would also like to thank The Penny Black in Leatherhead for allowing us to have a stand and cheerers at their venue and The Tree on Box Hill for also offering a stand at their venue, even though we were unable to get to Box Hill on the day.


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 2014


Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 2014 CRY cyclists were: William Arkell

(cycling in memory of Matt Hadfield)

Morgan Bailey

(cycling in memory of Jennifer Bucknell)

Laura Balcombe Parminder Bansal (cycling in memory of Joshinder Singh Manku)

Will Berney

(cycling in memory of Malcolm Reed)

James Clampin Andrew and Jo Crinson

(cycling in memory of Jenni and David Paul)

Patrick Dean

(cycling in memory of Matt Hadfield)

Steve Flight

(cycling in memory of Benjamin Percival)

Simon Gillett

(cycling in memory of Tom Clabburn)

Sarah Gilmore (cycling in memory of Joseph Horkan)

Susan Gornall

(cycling in memory of Lewis Barry)

Gavin Lewis

Adam Sibley

(cycling in memory of Marcus Armstrong)

Andrew Smith

Stuart Liddle

(cycling in memory of Joseph Horkan)

Ben Lloyd

Ben Stewart

Alan Mayger

Jack Sugrue

(cycling in memory of David Green)

Nick Hallwood

(cycling in memory of Claire Mayger)

Kealan Harman

Sean Noble

(cycling in memory of Aaron Lundy)

(cycling in memory of David Green)

Sean Horkan

Kevin Penn

(cycling in memory of Tom Clabburn)

Oliver Tebbutt

(cycling in memory of Matt Hadfield)

Anthony Toye

(cycling in memory of Owen Morris)

(cycling in memory of Joseph Horkan)

(cycling in memory of Joseph Horkan)

Andrew Hunt

James Perrins

(cycling in memory of Thomas Fleetwood)

Mark Way

(cycling in memory of Matt Hadfield)

Charles Jacobs

Joseph Prince

Matt Wells

Timothy Jaggard

Stephen Royle

Tom Williams

(cycling in memory of Matt Hadfield)

(cycling in memory of Matt Hadfield)

Kathryn Wass (cycling in support of Henry Hopkinson)

The next Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 will take place on Sunday 2nd August 2015. If you would like to cycle for CRY next year please email or visit Omission: Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 Apologies to Sacha Reeves, who ran the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 in memory of Jeremy Cole and crossed the line in a lightning 2 hours 50 minutes and 30 seconds. This was omitted from the article in Update 63.


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Pixie School Tour for CRY In the summer of 2014, singersongwriter and CRY Patron Pixie Lott performed her pop smash hits for students at 5 schools across the UK in order to spread the word about heart checks for young people. Pixie became a CRY Patron almost 4 years ago and has been a proactive supporter of the charity ever since. In March, Pixie delivered 2 electrifying performances at schools in Bromley and Eltham to raise awareness – and she was eager to increase her impact with a summer tour across schools in Kent and the Midlands. Pixie said, “I feel it’s so important to raise awareness and will continue to use my role as Patron to help spread the word about the charity’s vital work.” Pixie was accompanied by a representative of CRY to speak at each of the 5 school visits on the summer tour; James Brown, Paul Daniels (twice), Peter Teale and Stevie Rennie. Every CRY speaker has been personally affected by sudden cardiac death and told their story, urging the vital importance of cardiac screening.

Kent – June 24th On the morning of Tuesday 24th June, Pixie joined the boys and girls of The High Weald Academy as they went purple to officially unveil their new £1.2 million sports hall. Alison Cox MBE, CRY Founder and CEO, and James Brown, CRY Representative for Kent, attended and spoke at the High Weald performance. James’s wife Katrina tragically collapsed aged 30 in 2006 whilst taking part in a 10K run. Nicola Payne, a teenage pupil at High Weald, suffered heart failure whilst playing sports in April. In tribute, the new sports hall was dedicated to Nicola, and pupils at the academy were all wearing Nicky’s favourite colour, purple, to mark the occasion.


Pixie School Tour for CRY CRY supporter Paul Daniels was present at a second Pixie performance later that day at Aylesford School Sports College. Paul’s son Ben died aged 15 from a previously undiagnosed heart condition in 2011 and he has been raising funds to screen local youngsters ever since. Paul reported: “The school gave a fabulous reception to Pixie Lott and rolled out the red carpet. The students were keen to hear about her career and her involvement with CRY. Pixie certainly raised awareness that young people can be screened for their cardiac health and Pixie’s visit put that opportunity on the map. The school have now committed to offer screening to the students of the school. It was a top performance by Pixie and she certainly won over many new fans.”

our first phone chat, what Professor Mary Sheppard did for me, and of the outstanding CRY doctor Professor Sharma. I had teachers in tears, I did this twice, and at the end Pixie’s mom called me backstage and gave me a hug – she said, ‘Do you know how powerful that was?’ and, ‘When Alison said you were passionate I know what she means!’

Midlands – June 25th CRY Representative for the West Midlands, Peter Teale, attended the Birmingham Ormiston Academy (BOA) performance on June 25th and spoke about his involvement with CRY. Peter’s daughter Zoe died from sudden adult death syndrome (SADS) in 2009, aged 23. Peter described the occasion: “When they asked me to talk about my experience and about CRY I thought it would be to a class and that would be it. Instead, I had to stand on stage and talk to 2 whole age groups. Was I nervous? Yes, very.

Pixie was great too, so was the principal and her deputy – who have since emailed me. So yes, without a doubt, this was a total success – and with such a young high profile entertainer it hit home hard.”

I introduced myself and then gave a hard fact the CRY way; did they know 12 young adults a week die in the UK? Do you get their attention? – by God, you do. I had complete silence, then I went on and told my story, and how a certain Alison Cox helped me all the way from


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Pixie School Tour for CRY In the afternoon, CRY supporter Stevie Rennie spoke at Pixie’s second performance of the day at St Augustine’s Catholic High School, Redditch: “In early June CRY asked me if I would speak at St Augustine’s School during a visit by CRY Patron Pixie Lott. Rather a daunting task for a 60-something unaccustomed to public speaking! However, the staff and pupils were absolutely wonderful, they made me very welcome and looked after me but more importantly they listened to me; this I believe shows what an amazing school St Augustine’s is. I started my talk with a few facts about my son Scott; that he was a rowing athlete, super fit, incredibly healthy, a hopeful for the 2012 Olympics, and then briefly about how he died at 25 years of age in 2009. I continued by thanking CRY for their help in general and for the fasttrack pathology and research into the causes of these heart diseases. I emphasized the need for all young people to look into screening facilities and I encouraged everyone to look at CRY’s website, to read the literature handed out and to discuss what they read with other people – in so doing they would be spreading awareness.

Pixie was amazing, she sang and included a Q&A. The questions varied from ‘What did you have for breakfast?’ to ‘How did you get involved with CRY?’. Pixie, her mother, make-up artist and tour manager were lovely people, I would like to thank them for their support. Between them

they created a very relaxed atmosphere making it a most enjoyable and unique experience for everyone. I think nearly all the pupils at St Augustine’s managed to get a ‘selfie’ with Pixie – 600+ pupils! Well done Pixie!” The visit to St Augustine’s received national as well as regional coverage, with reports from both ITV Central News and BBC Midlands Today.

Kent – July 16th CRY supporter Paul Daniels attended the final Pixie performance of the tour at Harvey Grammar School, describing again the anguish of losing his son Ben and the importance of being screened for cardiovascular conditions: “I’ve heard Pixie sing 3 times now in a school assembly and from a performance perspective this was her best yet. She was on top form. She was also incredibly engaging and attentive to the students, she caused quite a stir. The school has had 3 assemblies in prep for the visit and each time have been building knowledge of CRY and what it does.”

The Birmingham Ormiston Academy’s student radio station, B2 Radio, interviewed Pixie about CRY and her support after her performance on June 24th. You can view the interview, which also features clips of Pixie’s performance and CRY Representative Peter Teale’s powerful speech, at cry-visits-boa-pixie-lott


Our Fundraisers In Memory of


Keith Taggart completed the Edinburgh Marathon and raised £1,285: “I managed to finish Sunday’s marathon, but it was a painful experience! It was my fifth marathon and I was really hoping to get under the 3h 30m mark for the first time. Up till half way things were going really well – I completed the first half in 1h 42m – on course to hit my target. However it was around then that my left quad, which had been niggling for a couple of weeks, gave way. I ended up having to walk/hobble the last 12 miles in a lot of pain – the second half of the race took me 3 hours. It really kept me going through all the pain to know that I was doing this in aid of such a fantastic cause – I’ve still got some funds to come in so will have raised over £1,000 for CRY. Many, many thanks to all those who have supported me. The runner alongside me in the picture is Tony Audenshaw – Bob Hope from Emmerdale!”

In Memory of

Diane and Michael

Angela Dixon raised a total of £350 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

• Jack Adamson took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,805.

In Memory of

Ian Allen

Carmel Allen and Jo Wallace donated £2,017.10 raised in respect of the Hattie Jacques night.

In Memory of

Steven Allseybrook

Sue Allseybrook sent in a donation of £320 raised from collection boxes; a donation of £576.95 raised from a 24 hour pool match; £96 from online donations and a further donation of £578.10, making a total raised of £1,571.05.

In Memory of

Luke Ashton

Kerry, Nicholas and Jessica Lawrence took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 where they presented a cheque for £500. “In memory of my son Luke, who died on Christmas Day 2006. I recently married Nick – we raised £500 for CRY from donations at our wedding and wanted to present this at the event.” Kerry Lawrence.

In Memory of


Anne-Marie Turton took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £506.

In Memory of

Euan Adamson

• Dot Adamson took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £5,829.80.


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Stuart Attridge

Alexis Persaud raised a total of £1,345 through taking part in Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013.

In Memory of

Richard Belton

Holly Fairclough took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £841.61.

In Memory of In Memory of

Lewis Barry

James Benjamin

Mrs Benjamin sent in a donation of £200.

• Karen Flintoft raised a total of £515 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

In Memory of

Jemma Benjamin

• Jack Witcher completed the Leeds Half Marathon and raised £220.

Cassandra Hughes completed the Skydive Australia challenge and raised £300.

In Memory of

Matthew Beadle

• Liam Saberi raised a total of £306 through taking part in the Bupa London 10,000. • Tony and Lynne Beadle sent in a donation of £439.90 in respect of the West End Fest.

In Memory of

Ben Birch

• Tom Allen took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,596.20. • James Elderton raised £1,135 in respect of the Wokingham Half Marathon.

In Memory of

Steve Bedford

Jo Bedford took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,700.20.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Darren Blanchard

Mrs D Morrow sent in a donation of £100 in respect of a piece of artwork she received from Darren’s mum.

Graeme “Tinka” Bell

• Kelly Jayne Gleadow raised a total of £405 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • Gemma Cannell forwarded a donation of £600 from the 150 Club at West Denton Fire Station Social Club.

In Memory of

Graeme Blenkinsop

• Richard Heywood, President of the National Association of Toastmasters, donated £350 in respect of a collection at the Christmas luncheon; and a further £150 from himself and his wife (Graeme’s aunt), making a total raised of £500.


Our Fundraisers • Jan and Paul Blenkinsop sent in a donation of £670: “We are pleased to inform you that an 8th annual football match was held on Sunday 25th May in our son’s memory, again organised by Graeme’s friends. It was a lovely sunny day and the lads had a great deal of fun playing the game and enjoyed catching up with each other afterwards.” • Matthew Bowler took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £541.

In Memory of

• Ian and Joan Tweedie sent in £570 donated in lieu of gifts for their golden wedding anniversary. • The Farmborough Talent and Trading ladies donated £765 raised at a coffee morning and sale. “Farmborough is a small village near Bath where I grew up and has a great local community, so the ladies wanted to support CRY as they knew me as a child.” June Boulton. • June Boulton sent in a total donations of £2,028.72 in respect of “Jack’s Day”, held at Saltford Football Club on Monday 5th May 2014.

Sarah Booth

In Memory of

Ian Bowen

Tasha Henderson completed the Belfast Marathon and raised £120.

In Memory of

Daniel Boreham

Chelmer Valley High School held the annual Teachers vs 6th Formers football match and raised £643.36.

Gary Watson sent in total donations of £519.68: the postmen and women from the Whitchurch delivery office, Shropshire, raised £368 from a football predictor; The Bulls Head, Whitchurch, raised £141.68 from the collection boxes on the bar and Aaron Millington donated £10 from his car cleaning.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Emma Broad

Jack Boulton

• Pat Marshall, Lady Captain of Saltford Golf Club, sent in a total of £2,868.60 in respect of a coffee morning. “The lady captain, Pat Marshall, chose CRY as her charity in memory of Jack Boulton. Pat had coached Jack at tennis as a boy and was delighted by the support of the local community in raising such a good total. The cheque was presented to me on the day.” June Boulton.


• Joel Aitken completed the Paris Marathon and raised £855. • Julie Wright sent in a donation of £12,601.75 raised through climbing Mount Toubkal in Morocco with 9 family and friends.

In Memory of

Carolyn Broussely

• Daniel Tye raised a total of £1,101 through taking part in the Brighton Marathon. • Marc Broussely sent in a donation of £2,234.43 in memory of his wife; and a further 1,000 raised by the “Tribute Evening to Carolyn Broussely” event held on April 12th, making a total raised of £3,234.43.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

David Brown

Bay House School and 6th Form held a charity football and netball tournament and raised £106.22.

In Memory of

Katrina Brown

CRY Patron Bill Neely took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,272.22.

In Memory of

Stephanie Browne

• Maggie Herod sent in a donation of £210 raised through walking the Greensands Ridge long distance path in Bedfordshire with Maisy, her rescue Staffie. The path is 40 miles long and because Maisy has arthritis they did the walk over a week, covering 6 miles a day on average. Read Maggie and Maisy’s blog of the walk at

• Astrid Browne sent in a donation of £390 raised at a “welcome back” tea party for Maggie and Maisie after their Greensands Ridge walk.

In Memory of

Leanne Brownhill

Elizabeth Stride raised a total amount of £417 through taking part in the Bupa London 10,000.

In Memory of

Nina Buck

Eleri Buck sent in a donation of £1,121 in respect of the Pembrokeshire Talent Charity Showcase, dedicated to both Eleri’s mum, Nina, and her fellow organiser Laura’s dad, Nigel Venables, who suffers from MS: “Me and my best friend of 8 years, Laura Venables, decided to put on Pembrokeshire Talent Charity Showcase due to two particular experiences in our lives. My devastating experience was losing my mum when I was just 13 years old to sudden adult death syndrome.


Our Fundraisers Being so sudden, it made it extremely difficult to come to terms with. Now, being older, from the start of this year I decided I wanted to give something back to my lovely caring mum by raising money for CRY so I could help reduce the frequency of this happening to other families. I decided to join forces with Laura and raise money for my charity, CRY, for my mum, and her charity, HOPE MS Therapy Centre, for her dad.

In Memory of

Alex Buckler

The show was put on at our local theatre, Milford Haven Torch Theatre, which had 300 seats to fill. The night was full of Pembrokeshire-based acts, dance companies, singers and bands. We knew all 10 acts in some way before the event which made the night even more special. My three younger sisters were also performing throughout the show: Daisy (11 years old), Lucy (16 years old) and Fleur (18 years old). At the show there was also a raffle, which had 30 different prizes, days out and vouchers to be won.

Jan Juneman sent in total donations of £475: a recent coffee morning held in Bruton Community Hall raised £225 and a further £250 was donated by Caroline Macpherson.

In Memory of

Dr Jennifer Bucknell

Veronica Bucknell sent in total donations of £235: a craft stall at Ilminster Victorian Evening raised £135 and Cleeve School, Cheltenham, donated £100.

In Memory of

Robert Burns

Doreen Burns sent in £1,500 raised by herself, Jimmy and Paul in respect of the 5-a-side football tournament and a tombola stall. We managed to fill the whole theatre and raise over £2,820 (including collection boxes and online donations) which was then split between the two charities! It was an amazing experience and we were able to work with such an amazing technical team from the Torch Theatre. We received such amazing feedback after the night and everyone wants it to be a yearly event!”


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers seconds. Paul raised £190 through his JustGiving site.” Hollie Button.

In Memory of

Michael Cadman

Karen Wilds (Edwards) took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,524.

In Memory of

In Memory of

James Bushell

Caroline Bushell sent in donations of £1,898.44.

In Memory of

Nathan Butler

• The Wednesday Club at Halmer End Methodist Chapel sent in a fundraising donation of £100. • Peter Bagnall completed a coast to coast walk from May 18th – 30th and raised £275.

In Memory of

Graham Button

“On 2nd March, Paul Bishop took part in the Adidas Silverstone Half Marathon at the home of British motorsport in aid of CRY – fundraising for Graham Button’s memorial fund. This was Paul’s first half marathon and he did great completing the challenge in 2 hours, 17 minutes and 26

Arabella Campbell

• Marie Connolly raised a total of £100 through taking part in the Bupa London 10,000. • Amy Dury and Chris Sampson raised a total of £1,917.20 together through taking part in the Brighton Marathon 2014.

In Memory of

James Campbell

Alison Lloyd completed the Great North Swim and raised £226.

In Memory of

Adele Cashman

Lucy Woodthorpe and Emma Dyson raised a total of £1,732 together through taking part in the Brighton Marathon.

In Memory of

Charlotte Chan

Earlsdon Ballet School, Coventry, held a production and raised £150.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

• Bablake Senior School sent in a donation of £878.14 raised from various fundraising activities throughout the year.

Tom Pickford donated £325 in respect of the Reading Half Marathon.

Pippa Chowne

• Lisa Chowne, Andrew Chowne, Nia Crockford, Simon Crockford and Julie Crockford took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £115.

In Memory of

Darren Chrimes

In addition to £350 donated in lieu of floral tributes; Darren’s family and friends raised £60 through a football match in his memory, making a total raised of £410.

In Memory of

Katrina Christopher and Cheryl Christopher-Webber

• Maggie Longstaff raised a total of £435 through taking part in the Bupa London 10,000. • “Team Trina and Cheryl”; Viv Christopher, James Webber, Alan Webber, Marian Webber, Dawn Welch, Tony Ashcroft, Angela Clarke, Andy Clarke, Julia Dickinson, Phil O’Rourke, Nicola Richardson, Stuart Richardson, Irene Forgie, Jim Forgie, Paul O’Rourke, Laura Gibbs, Harry Gibbs, Bobby Forgie, Tony Forgie, Ellen Hinton, Michael Hinton, Lindsey Miller, Chris Merchant, David Merchant, Daphne Merchant, Katharine Merchant, Natalie Sharp, Lorraine Heath, James Goodyer, Niamh Goodyer, Maggie Longstaff, Gary Longstaff, Jackie Stoves, Paul Nowak, Sally Nowak, Wilawan Gina Horsham, Kate Priest, Andrew Wright and Trina Taylor, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £3,635.50.


Cheryl Christopher-Webber

In Memory of

Tom Clabburn

• Inderpreet Sahota raised a total of £290 through taking part in the Bupa London 10,000. • Ella Brown donated £1,000 raised through competing in the Bath Half Marathon. • “An evening of song in aid of the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund raised £500 at the LVS School in Ascot, Berkshire, on May 20th. The staff and parents’ choir put on a packed evening of entertainment and Headmistress Christine Cunniffe said: ‘I was incredibly impressed by the standard of the performances from the choir and soloists. Many of the performers were pushed out of their comfort zones and I can only praise them for the achievements. They came together so passionately and enthusiastically to raise money for Tom’s charity. Well done to everyone involved.’ Apart from singing, Mrs Cunniffe also performed a rendition of the first movement of Mozart’s piano concerto in D minor with piano teacher James Bryant. CRY and Tom’s Fund were brought to the school’s attention by family friends Juliet and Clive Matthews, whose son attends LVS.” Paul Clabburn.

Paul Clabburn and Claire Prosser with Mrs Cunniffe, right, and choir. Image credit: Brighton Togs/Skye Brackpool

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers • Chris Cockburn climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and raised £820. • Paul Clabburn and Claire Prosser sent in total donations of £1,858. “More than £830 was raised at the December book and cake sale held at the BBC in Shepherd’s Bush. All the money raised will go towards funding heart screenings in West London.

As everyone knows, it takes a lot of people to fundraise and thanks for help on the day goes to Ruth Akins, Vicky Pearson, Jacky Hems, Simon Wright, Sue Ellis, Angelique Halliburton, Lorna Donlan, Phill Thomas, Bridget Osborne, Sam Upton, Elspeth Morrison and Jane Kinghorn. Books were supplied by former BBC colleagues Annie Flury on Radio Five Live, Gillian Dear on Radio Four and the One Show. A number of friends donated homemade cakes which really attracted the customers; Ruth Akins, Gina Bentley, Elin Hale, Faith Howells, Shona MacMillan, Alison Montgomery, Elspeth Morrison, Linda Panzer, Elizabeth Porter, Anne-Marie Reilly, Isabel Turner and Debbie Young.” Claire Prosser.

“With the help of a gazebo to ward off the rain and lots of volunteers, we managed to raise £870 at the May sale outside Munson’s cafe in South Ealing. A generous donation from Munson’s helped boost the total. So hugest thanks once again to Mario and the baristas, all the customers and helpers who made it such a successful day.” Claire Prosser.

• “Team Tom VII”; Paul Clabburn, Claire Prosser, Ellen Clabburn, Gordon Prosser, Neil Prosser, Samantha Prosser, Stephanie Smith, Scarlett Young, Andy Howells, Sue Howells, James Ballantyne, Anne Marie Ballantyne, Joseph Ballantyn, Alan Rodney, Helen Lewis, Chris Pearson, Tim Carpenter, Baerbel Carpenter, Aaron Pearce, Jacky Hems, Polly Manser, Gina Bentley, David Bentley, Edward Bentley, Emma Ambrose, Javeen Bentley, Jamie Sanders, Linda Panzer, Gohfred Panzer, Isabel Turner, Ruth Arulanandam, John Stanton, Lisa Neaverson, Timor Onder, Megan Jones, Emma Ambrose-Crow, Nikita Samorukov and Alastair Clunas, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £170.

In Memory of

Jeremy Cole

Sacha Reeves took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,052.50.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Stephen Connor

Simon Croft completed the Manchester Marathon on April 6th and the Liverpool Marathon on May 25th and raised an additional £403, making a total raised of £1,353.

In Memory of

Matthew Cooper

Alistair Macfarlane took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,273.40.

In Memory of

Bruce Cousins

• Jackie Cousins sent in total donations of £380.50 raised at the annual spring plant sale and a collectables stall at the local church fête. • Shelley Bilston completed the Sheffield Half Marathon and raised £658.50. “Pleased to say that despite a total disaster by the organisers the ‘cancelled’ marathon went ahead and our niece Shelley Bilston completed the course and raised a substantial amount for CRY. In the second photo is our granddaughter Daisy (CRY’s youngest representative!) congratulating Shelley on her success.” Jackie Cousins.


In Memory of

Richard Credland

• Vicky Credland completed the “9am – 4pm School Day Swim/Cycle” event and raised £1,024.80: “Following a 5am breakfast of blueberry porridge and banana on toast, I was ready for the 8am start to my day’s challenge. I started with an hour’s cycling, to be followed by an hour’s swimming and then back to the bike – right through to 4pm. My local gym had lent me a spin bike for the event and this was set up on the poolside of Papplewick School, where I am a Year 4 teacher. The first cycle session flew by; I had plenty of visitors popping in and out of the pool, both staff and pupils, and by 9am I was jumping off the bike and making my way to a makeshift changing area on the poolside, ready for my hour’s swimming. I had 3 members of staff join me and before I knew it, it was time to revert to the bike once again.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers Throughout the next few hours, I had numerous friends, parents and pupils come to visit and help pass the time. The bike slots gave me a welcome opportunity to refuel and take on fluids.

The day went surprisingly well and my last cycle slot was almost pleasant. I think my legs were on auto pilot by this point! However, I was very glad to reach my last swim slot (3pm-4pm) and the last ten minutes in the water did seem to drag on forever! I was delighted to complete my challenge in memory of my brother Richard, an RAF officer, who passed away in his sleep at just 29 years old.”

In Memory of

Ben Daniels

• Farringtons School held their annual Why Not Run charity fun run on May 11th and sent in total donations of £1,463:

“Now in its third year, Why Not Run is a charity fun run for all the family which raises money for local children’s and young people’s charities. Set up by the Head of Junior PE Lavinia Long, the day offers a range of running events and distances for all ages and abilities.”

• Jo-Anne Credland took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £930.

In Memory of

Simon Cullum

Mary Lovewell Blake sent in a donation of £100.

In Memory of

Stuart Cutler

David and Natalie Cutler sent in total donations of £1,073 in respect of recent fundraising activities.

“In addition to raising funds for this fantastic charity, we are also hoping to raise awareness of the importance of having young people screened. We are therefore delighted to announce that all funds raised from this year’s Why Not Run event will go towards screening at least 100 young people at a session on 20th June 2014. Our Why Not Run participants, aged between 14 and 35, will also receive priority booking invitations to this screening.” Jackie Baker, organiser.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Matthew Dewhirst

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in total donations of £6,148: the Oswestry Lions raised £3,500 to pay for a day’s screening to be held at Ellesmere College, Shropshire; £2,518 was raised at the CRY for Matthew Golf Tournament and £130 was raised by the sale of The Hard Yards CDs. • Jenny Knott sent in a donation of £250 in respect of the Why Not Run event. • Ravens Wood School, Bromley, donated £2,739.86 raised through a CRY screening day and fundraising activities.

In Memory of

Neil Darby

• Nicole Collingwood raised a total of £139 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • Heather Darby sent in a donation of £1,500.

In Memory of

Chris Dart

Beth Watson raised a total of £495 through taking part in the Brighton Marathon.

In Memory of

Ellen Davis

Amanda Lysons took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,376.

In Memory of

Claire Dee Shapland

Nick and Eve Dee-Shapland took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £1,000.


Clive Humphries, Oswestry Lions, presents a cheque for £3,500 to Sue Dewhirst and students of Ellesmere College

• Sue and Chris Dewhirst sent in further total donations of £2,428: MBNA sent in a donation of £1,500; the Forward Ladies Networking raffle raised £84; the Weaver Rotarian Club, Nantwich, raised £235 and bag packing at Sainsbury, Oswestry, raised £609. • Mark Spurdens sent in a donation of £100. • Sue Dewhirst, Chris Dewhirst, Catherine GrayUpton, Alan Upton, Emily Gray-Upton, Chloe Gray-Upton and Kelvin Holt took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £630.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Stephen Donovan

Rachel Braithwaite took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,565.

In Memory of

Bobby Dorka

George and Matthew Carter raised a total of £2,126 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Luke Dickinson

Adam Drawbridge

Pat Dickinson sent in a donation of £100.

Sarah and Les Drawbridge took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £770.

In Memory of

Aaron James Dixon

• Gary Dixon sent in a donation of £120. • Michael Dawson completed the Lancashire cycling event and raised £215. • John Hassell took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £6,207.74. • Ryan Moroney took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,135.

In Memory of

Adam Donnelly

“Team Donnelly”; Julie Donnelly, Jed Donnelly, Sian Donnelly, Lisa Donnelly, Cheryl Morgan, Rochelle Gibbs, Sandra Clark, Dave Clark, Gabbie Clark, Taylor Percival, Rachel Stuart, Anna Ruth, Natalie Purdue-Vollrath, Angela Adamson, Eric Adamson, Sue Arthur, Simon Webb, Rachel Hewitt, Jeff Hewitt, Kelle McDougal and Stuart McDougal took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £594.50.

In Memory of

Florence Drinkwater

CRY received donations of £105 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Florence Drinkwater.

In Memory of

Joe Edwards

• Jackie Edwards sent in a donation of £2,065 in respect of various fundraising. • Jackie Edwards held “A Night to Remember” to commemorate Joe’s birthday and sent in a total of £4,055. CRY volunteers Kevin and Linda Marsden attended the event on behalf of CRY.

In Memory of

Sebastian English

Marcus Hunter took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £6,381.20.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Amy Evans

“Team Amy”; Michael Evans, Katherine Leach, Steve Leach, Imogen Rafferty, Alison Lister, Kasi McReddie, Amelia Waldock, Kim McGinty and Graeme, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £135.

In Memory of

Clare Everett-Allen

• Cynthia and Clive Everett-Allen donated £1,405 in respect of the Snowdon climb on 26th April: “It was on a dry Saturday 26th April that we started out to climb Snowdon in memory of Clare. Mum and Dad, sister Kate, partner Kevin, grandson Ben and not forgetting Bella the Labrador who did not know she was on the walk of a lifetime! Clare had always said we must do it and indeed on one occasion we tried but weather forced us down. So it was a perfect reason to fulfil it thanks to Kate who pushed us to get dates in diary and organised a lovely cottage for weekend. We did it! It was quite demanding in parts but the views were amazing. The weather was kind apart from some hail halfway up. We followed the railway track and seeing people waving from the comfort of their seats was not easy! Reaching the top was very emotional, especially when we blew up CRY balloons and released them in her memory. Tying them up with frozen fingers was not easy – thanks Kev, who obliged. Amazing seeing them drift around the summit and then down the valley. We then took some food and walked back down along with bikers and stag parties dressed in superheroes gear. An amazing day never to be forgotten by this family.”

• Cynthia and Clive Everett-Allen held a social memorial event, including a raffle, with friends and family and raised £1,725: “Two years ago I was taken away for a spa weekend with my daughter, Kate, and Clare’s friends – Hannah, Tracy and Mandy. We had a wonderful time with lots of time to eat, drink, laugh and chat about some of our treasured memories of Clare and the times we shared. We agreed we’d like to hold an event to remember Clare with all her friends and ours who knew her well. We held a party back where Clare and Kate grew up in Southwick, West Sussex, on 14th June 2014. It was a special evening and we were lucky enough to be given free use of a hotel by a friend. Over 90 guests arrived from far and wide; from Bristol, the West Midlands and Yorkshire. Kate gave a memorable welcoming speech and the eating, drinking and dancing ensued with lots of stories about Clare from family and friends, lots of which we hadn’t heard but as Mum and Dad you wouldn’t! Thanks to kind and generous donations we held a raffle for CRY with grandson Ben and Kate’s friend Cookie ‘MC-ing’ the event. We raised a fabulous amount of £1,725 for CRY – an amazing achievement – so thanks to all her friends for a really memorable night, the turnout and efforts friends went to in order to join us was a true reflection of how loved and treasured Clare was and is.” • Cynthia Everett-Allen and Colin Pratt took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £507.

In Memory of

Sean Farrell

Kevin Houston raised a total of £250 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

In Memory of

Harry Faulkner

• Catherine Haigh and David Walton completed the Seville Marathon and raised a total of £2,542.29.


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers • Hudson Contract Services Ltd donated £250. • Donna and Rich Fell sent in total donations of £4,835: the Hornsea Lions raised £500 at their 47th annual charity dinner; £500 was donated by a local café, who won a prize at the rotary club dinner, and a total of £3,835 was raised in respect of an ex-Tigers charity football match and family fun day. “A year ago we lost a close friend of ours to sudden adult death syndrome (SADS). On February 23rd we ran the Seville Marathon – our first marathon – to raise money for CRY. Harry was always immensely sporty, so a marathon seemed like a fitting event in his memory. We trained for nearly 4 months, however nothing could prepare us for the Sevillian weather of 20 degrees! Although it was hotter than we were used to, the crowds and cheering from family and friends at the event spurred us on. The final few miles were especially tough, but running the finishing lap in Seville’s Olympic Stadium was well worth it.” Catherine Haigh.

• Rich, Donna and Jasmine Fell took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £263.95.

In Memory of

Therese Field

Amy Bevan nominated CRY to receive a £250 award from Three’s charity fund. Amy’s fundraising efforts included organising a “Stars in Their Eyes” show.

In Memory of

Nathan Foley

• Paul Carter took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,117.

• The Interact Club, Great Marlow School, Buckinghamshire, presented a cheque for £1,000 to CRY Representative Ulrike Rowbottom at a club presidency hand-over event. For the full article and more pictures from the event visit www.gms.bucks.

In Memory of

Harry Faulkner and Thomas Russell

D Groves sent in a donation of £415.

In Memory of

Josh Fell

• Donna and Rich Fell sent in a donation of £950 from the Yorkshire Building Society and £100 raised from a tombola stall at a vintage tea party, making a total raised of £1,050.

“Interact is a group of 6th Form students who meet every Wednesday with their mentors from the Marlow Thames Rotary Club. The Interact team conducts itself professionally: the students select a president and vicepresident; decide which charities to raise money for; plan and organise the fundraising events and handle the financial aspects. All their hard work has resulted in raising the superb total of £2,000. Events included a fantastic quiz evening, refreshments at the sports day and cake sales throughout the year, including 900 39

Our Fundraisers doughnuts! At the hand-over event, representatives from the nominated charities were invited to the school to collect cheques for £1,000 each.

In Memory of

A huge thank you goes to the fantastic charity team: Sam Goodwin, Jody Grayston, Charlotte Money, Catherine Oliver, Madiyah Zeb, Haseena Khaliq, Kevin Bedford, Anila Iqbal, Hannah Styles and Finn Charlton. This group was led by president Aishling Hageman-Rowe and vice president Khatija Agha. The whole team dedicated their time and effort to ensure that the total raised was enormous. The Rotary Club mentors Jo Braybrooke and Peter Reynolds are thanked for giving their time and energy every week and for ensuring that the money raised by Interact was equalled with a generous donation from the Rotary Club. Mrs Wint has been a consistent support for the team who all appreciate her efforts.

Julian Peukert raised £638 after being unable to compete in a marathon and fundraising in respect of an alternate event:

Joanne Fotheringham

“Unfortunately I had to pull out of the Edinburgh Marathon due to an injury. However, all was not lost as I contacted all my sponsors and, with their permission, I did an abseil of the Forth Bridge instead on 18th May 2014, a week before I was due to complete the marathon. It was pretty scary doing the abseil as it was 165 feet from top to bottom.”

In 2014-15 Aisha Rana-Deshmukh will be president and Natasha Garry with be vice president. The new team welcome any Year 12 or 13 students to join them in meeting and, hopefully, exceeding the amounts raised this year.” • Owen Hollyman took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,587.99.

In Memory of

Andy Forbes

In Memory of

Rhian Nadine Fry

Colleen Fry sent in a donation of £100.

Mark Anderson held a charity football match and raised £1,550.

In Memory of

Dave Forway

“Team Dave Forway”; Denise Forway, Sally Forway, Tracy Forway, Stephen Busby and Zena King, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £255.


In Memory of

Matthew Gadsby

The Queen’s Head, Newton Regis, donated £235 raised from collection boxes.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Salena German

Jake Gallagher

Jackie German sold candy floss at Felsted School fête raising £370; and £80 was raised at her brother’s shop, making a total raised of £450.

• Mitsubishi Electric sent in a donation of £500. • “Jake’s Team”; Sarah Pyatt, Linda Holland, Sarah Day and Stephen Edwards, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £170.

In Memory of

Lauren Gallagher

Blanche Gallagher sent in a donation of £130, which represents the proceeds from the charity box in Centra Grocery Store, Ballymagorry.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Peter Smith took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,800.

Sheila Goldring sent in a donation of £500 in memory of her grandson.

Andrew Gard

Benjamin Goldring

In Memory of In Memory of

Stephen Gately

“Steo’s Superfanz”; Sarah Phillips, Jacqui King, Lenie Keizer, Catherine Mostyn Scott, Debbie Woolley, Bitter Olaf and Sheryl Chappell, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £178.

In Memory of

Alexander Christian Goodman

Rosemary Goodman sent in £500 donated in lieu of gifts for Alex’s father Peter Goodman’s 70th birthday: “The photo shows Pete opening a ‘jokey’ present with some of our grandchildren, myself and daughter-in-law (Eilidh) looking on.

Jaimie Gault

James and Margaret Gault sent in total donations of £1,100: the Crooks family donated £739 in lieu of gifts for an 80th birthday; WRNS Assocation, Belfast, donated £50 and a total of £311 was raised through the farming community’s fundraising efforts.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

We managed to select 24th May – the worst weather imaginable. Our close family and friends all did us proud. They crowded into the house and garage without a moan. Two of our neighbours helped with cooking and music from an accordion and another guest played his guitar. We also had a school friend’s son to show some close up magic. A great day was had by all inspite of the weather.”

David Green

Gabby Broadhurst raised a total of £535 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

In Memory of

Stephen Gregory

In Memory of

Lianne Gould

“Team Lianne”; Sophie Thomas, Keirean Walker, Carole Walker, Taylor, Kai and Demi, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £350.

Myra Gregory took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £337.

In Memory of

Oliver Griffin

• Fergal Doyle took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £4,509.40.

In Memory of

Jordan Grant

• Cardinal Newman Lancashire College donated £160 raised by 4 students.

• “Team Olly”; Owen Griffin, Barbara Griffin, Jemma Wylde, Helen Arpino, Bernard Torry and Michelle Torry, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £100.

• West View Climbing and Leisure Centre, Preston, donated £336 raised through a family fitness event.

In Memory of

• Lisa Grant sent in a donation of £2,150 from the Catenian Association.

In Memory of

Adam Green

• Tom Green sent in a donation of £2,065.

Nick Guya

Colin Dibbert and Matthew Green raised a total of £700 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

In Memory of

Trinh-Ny Ha and Clive Squires

Sarah Ball raised a total of £245 through taking part in Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013.

• Bill Green sent in £1,113 raised in respect of the Cardiff Half Marathon. • Tom and Judy Green sent in total donations of £850: Dr Coleman shaved his beard off and raised £65; Rachel Durber ran the Shrewsbury 7 and raised £215; Adam’s mum Judy’s handmade cards raised £130 and donations made at a screening weekend, a cake sale and a raffle raised £440.


In Memory of

Leanne Haddrell

• Mary Haddrell donated £896.96 raised at a charity spinathon and cake sale.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers • Stacy Westhead took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,294.85.

In Memory of

Matt Hadfield

“Team Matt”; Diana Garretts, Marc Hadfield, Angie Hadfield, Louisa Hadfield, Andy Hunt, Eraldo D’Atri, James Hogan, Amanda Hogan, Haidee McAughtrie, Michael McAughtrie and Oliver Hunt, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £1,615.

In Memory of

Shamil Hamid

• Shafiq and Farah Hamid sent in a donation of £1,040 raised through fundraising at the British Embassy in Kuwait. • The English School, Kuwait, sent in a donation of £2,096. • Farah Hamid sent in a donation of £1,113 raised at a cake sale. • Olivia Cole sent in a donation of £175 from her fundraising event. • “Team Shamil”; Farah Hamid, Omer Hamid, Simran Poole, Polly Richards, Lubna Baakza, Olivia Cole, Vicky Lees and Jennifer Dunne, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £385.

In Memory of

Thomas Hardman

• Mark Kenny raised a total of £375 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • Will Purser, Middleton Cricket Club, sent in £7,477 raised at a fun run on March 29th: “March 29th 2014 saw 180 runners split across 33 teams take part in the first ever TH96 Run! The event was a 9 mile charity run split across 3 different stages to suit all fitness levels. The run started at Rochdale Cricket Club, where a group warm up was done, and runners then set off at staggered start times and passed through Norden Cricket Club, Heywood Cricket Club and then onto the finish point at Middleton Cricket Club, where Tom was a player. All runners ran in T-shirts with their team names on as well as the CRY logo and Tom’s own logo. There was evening entertainment in the form of a live band and disco at Middleton Cricket Club. There was also an auction, raffle and plenty of refreshments to refuel all runners, supporters and spectators alike. There was a presentation of awards to the winners of each category: • Fastest all male team – The Moonrakers (Veuve Cliquot Champagne) • Fastest all female team – Ham Legs (Veuve Cliquot Champagne) • Fastest mixed team – FPHS (meal voucher for Bella Sera, Heywood) • Team which raised the most money – Tommy Katchup (6 Exec Tickets for any Rochdale AFC game in 2014/15 season)

In Memory of

Kyle Hancock

Daniel Allen raised a total of £690 through taking part in the Brighton Marathon.

Organisers Will Purser and Grant Jones would like to thank everyone who helped make the day such a huge success; runners, volunteers, sponsors, spectators, 43

Our Fundraisers everyone who donated to the auction/raffle – and hope that you will help spread the word next year!”

In Memory of

In Memory of

Nikky Hart took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £4,984.60.

David Hargrave

Hannah Hargrave donated £1,803 raised through competing in the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

In Memory of

Matthew Harris

“Team Matthew James Harris”; Carolyn Harris, Stanley Harris, Alexander Stewart, Kathryn Stewart, Stephen Coffey and Emma Coffey, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £1,055.

Jason Hart

In Memory of

Sarah Hayes

“Team Shayes”; Helen Hayes, Stephen Hayes, Rachael Hayes, Loretto Puckey, Daniel Menlock, Shaun Trill, Paul Proudfoot and Ros Fraser, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £500.

In Memory of

Jonathan Hayman

• Sealion Shipping Ltd held a raffle and raised £100.

In Memory of

David Harrop and Marjorie Harrop

Mr M Harrop sent total donations of £575 in lieu of floral tributes for David’s mother, Marjorie. “Marjorie Harrop sadly passed away on April 2nd. Friends and family came together to celebrate her life and to share their memories as well as sadness at her passing. Marjorie had been a CRY supporter ever since the tragic day her son, David, died from arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy in 2007 aged just 30. The generous funds raised by those who will miss Marjorie have been donated so that CRY can continue to screen young at risk children and adults in the hope that no other mother will feel the pain that Marjorie, and her family did.” Jen Harrop.

• Marion Hayman sent in a donation of £886.50 raised at a fashion show: “On 15th May 2014 we held a fashion show at Branscombe Village Hall in Devon. The garments consisted of good quality, secondhand clothing. We also had stalls for accessories. Tickets cost £10, which included the fashion show, a drink on arrival and canapés throughout the evening. We also held a raffle.

We held the event to raise awareness of CRY and also the conditions of Raynaud’s and erythromelalgia. By the generosity of people offering raffle prizes, we were able to raise £332.50 on the raffle and silent auction alone. That evening we raised £1,773.10 for our chosen charities and were able to send a cheque to CRY to the value of £886.50 for the Jon Hayman Memorial Fund.”


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Matthew Hesmondhalgh

Oliver Hewitt

• Roebuck, Bilsborrow, donated £721.08 raised in a series of adverts quizzes.

Grace Collins took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,676.38.

• Paula Hesmondhalgh sent in a donation of £491 from a crafts sale: “Throughout January and February a small group of friends got together one night a week to make ‘Crafts for CRY’. We chose them of hearts and flowers and sold the items we made, along with other generously donated crafts and goodies, at a very busy coffee morning held in the United Reformed Church, Garstang. Mid-morning the proceedings were halted and we were invited by the church ladies to talk a little about CRY, Matt’s life, and our reasons for fundraising.”

In Memory of

Laura Hillier

• Tony Hillier sent in a donation £129.50. • Councillor Claire Wright, The Worshipful Mayor, Tewkesbury, sent in a donation of £1,673.79 from general fundraising. • Tony and Joan Hillier sent in total donations of £130: Mrs Randell and her friends donated £100 from the annual whist drive and Mrs Hemshell donated £30.

In Memory of

Ian Hoggarth

Barbara Hoggarth, Geoff Hoggarth, Gen Hoggarth, Jenny Prokop, Olwen Davies, Nicola Cook, Nicola Bennett, Jenny Bennett and Carol Fowle took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £590.

In Memory of

Nicholas Holland

Gemma Holland sent in £450 raised by Spinney Motorhomes through a fundraising campaign in memory of her husband:

• Paula Hesmondhalgh sent in a donation of £460.15 raised from the stall held in Garstang and a textile collection; £104.59 raised in respect of the collection boxes on the bar at Guy’s and Owd Nell’s Tavern, Bilsborrow; and a donation of £370 raised from the disco held in honour of Matthew’s 25th birthday, including a donation of £20 from Mr Lant, making a total raised of £934.74.

“As of 1st March 2014 our business launched a campaign called Grace Bear Adventures which allows customers and friends to purchase a Grace Bear and take her on adventures with them in their motorhomes/ caravans. This is an ongoing campaign and all the money raised will be sent to CRY. We have had a lot of interest and support; Macclesfield Town Football Club has supported us in our fundraising and our story has appeared in the local newspaper.”


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Mark Hudson

“The Boon Walkers”; Clare Hudson, Karin Rouse, Colin Rouse, Esther Bray, Phil Bray, Tina Cooper, John Cooper, Michael Pratt, Darren Cadle, Alan Coates, Richard Bale, Nicholas Beck, Astrid Wilson, George Wilson and Harry Wilson, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £605.

In Memory of

Christopher Hynd

In Memory of

Jonathan Hooper

Diane Hooper, Peter Hooper, Simon Hooper, Jennifer Anthony, Doreen Jolly and David Jolly took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £165.

In Memory of

Stewart Howard

Jane Howard sent in a total of £2,564 from a Tesco car boot sale and donations from Carlsburger.

• Amanda Fair, Stenhousemuir Primary School, sent in a donation of £1,260: “The staff from Stenhousemuir Primary School in Larbert successfully completed the Glasgow Women’s 10K on Sunday 11th May in memory of Christopher, who sadly passed away in December 2011, aged only 19 years.” • Isabel Hynd sent in total donations of £1,100: Rosemary Gardiner and Carmel Gray walked the West Highland Way and raised £537; Douglas Gardiner and Willie Fotheringham cycled the West Highland Way and raised £653: “Willie Fotheringham (left) and Douglas Gardner (right) cycled 96 miles on the West Highland Way in Scotland in memory of their nephew Christopher Hynd. They had skinned knees and sore bottoms but enjoyed it. They have also walked it so they are going to do it again but are undecided whether to go by foot or by bike. It took them 3 days to complete.”

In Memory of

Fay Howell

Claire Teeling completed the Bath Half Marathon and Great South Run and raised a total of £380.


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Sue Ibbotson sent in a donation of £1,795.

• Keith Weston sent in total donations of £390 in respect of talks and donations from friends.

John Ibbotson

Ethan Jones

In Memory of

• Philly Campbell took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,450.

Wendy Irvine sent in £145 raised in lieu of gifts for Mr and Mrs Armstrong’s wedding anniversary.

In Memory of

Camilla Irvine

Ethan Jones and Joanne Westmacott

In Memory of

Philip Jefferies

Cathy Jefferies sent in a donation of £480.

Lucy Westmacott, Ed Westmacott, Jack, Jack, Bella, Jamie, Rosie and Harry took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £325.

In Memory of In Memory of

Reece Jeffrey

Lee Jordan

Caroline Jordan sent in a donation of £7,887 raised during her year as Lady Captain of Broughton Golf Club.

Landau Forte College sent in a donation of £516.16.

In Memory of

Alex Kaiser

In Memory of

Stevie Jivani

Sarah Henry raised a total of £1,631.10 through taking part in Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013.

Sarah Hoare completed the Kaiser Cardiomyopathy Challenge and sent in £21,733.18.

In Memory of

Joseph Jon Kellogg

In Memory of

• HSBC, Oxfordshire, donated £150 raised at a coffee morning.

CRY received donations of £403.93 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Malvyn Jones.

• Neil Kellogg sent in a donation of £732.80 raised from a coffee morning and £853.26 raised at a darts event, both held at Spondon Cricket Club.

Malvyn Jones


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Michael Kentzer and Joanne Plumtree

CRY Representative Jackie Cousins sent in £1,270 raised by Emma Godfrey of the Sheffield 4th Girls’ Brigade. “We were invited to attend a May Queen crowning ceremony of the Sheffield 4th Girls’ Brigade in Norton Lees, Sheffield. During the wonderful entertainment provided by the girls (some aged as young as 4) in form of nursery rhymes and pantomime and the actual crowning of the new May Queen we were presented with a cheque by the retiring May Queen – Miss Emma Godfrey – in the amount of £1,270 which she had collected in her year as Queen. Emma’s auntie Joanne Plumtree died suddenly in 2010 aged only 42 as did her school friend Michael Kentzer in 2011 who was only 14. Emma’s mum, Heather, who we also met on the night, explained that our charity was very much in Emma’s mind during her year as Queen due to these two people who were close to her. It was a pleasure to see such enthusiasm in young people and we enjoyed the evening immensely as well as being astounded Retiring Queen Emma Godfrey by the amount raised by with her mum, Heather Emma.” Jackie Cousins.

James King

James King Snr donated £1,365 raised by completing the Rob Roy Way, a 93 mile walk across the southern highlands of Scotland: “Day 1 – Drymen to Callander, 20 miles; started drizzly but as the day went on there was more sunshine. Day 2 – Callander to Lochearnhead, 14 miles; good sunshine, feet a bit sore but views great! Day 3 – Lochearnhead to Ardtalnaig, 17 miles; this was the worst day, rained from 9am until we finished at 7pm – very wet!

Day 4 – Ardtalnaig to Amulree, 17 miles; great long day, warm sunshine and lots of climbing – very hard but saw two golden eagles and loads of deer and red kites. The scenery was fantastic. Day 5 – Amulree to Aberfeldy, 15 miles; another warm day, stunning views. Day 6 – Aberfeldy to Pitlochry, 10 miles; last day, good weather and not too long. Glad to get a rest, but what a great walk! Special mention to my daughter Marriann who came in at last minute – she was great.”

In Memory of

Jennifer Kerwood

• Martin Kerwood sent in a donation of £215 representing the bucket collection at the Rock Choir performance held at St Mary’s College, Mile End, on July 5th. • Ross Kerwood took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £4,475.08.


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Adam Lambert

Mark Roberts completed the Watford 10K and raised £620.

In Memory of

Paul Steven Leach

Paul Opie raised a total of £276 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

In Memory of

Bradley Kinsey

“Team Bradley”; Owen Kinsey, Leanne Brittain, Ade Brittain, Sue Kinsey, Greg Kinsey, Emma Kinsey, Terrie Kinsey, Robert Merrett, Chloe Merrett, Lucy Beeson and Tim Beeson, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £1,370.

In Memory of

Judith Krish

Mrs FS Good raised £120 in memory of her niece.

In Memory of

Rishi Kukar

Pavin Kukar sent in a donation of £775 raised by the 6th Form students of Upton Court Grammar School.

In Memory of

Simon Kwiecinski

Hurlingham School, Putney, held a quiz night and raised £500.

In Memory of

Alison Linforth

The staff at NatWest IB Services and Operations, Birmingham, held dress down days in January and raised £176.74.

In Memory of

Faye Linton

Castletown Methodist Church sent in a donation of £200.

In Memory of

John-Paul Lipscomb- Stevens

Victoria Lipscombe-Stevens donated £700 raised at the annual hockey tournament. “This was the fourth annual event to pay memory to a great personal friend of many, a team mate and an Aylesbury Hockey Club member JP Stevens who died whilst playing for the men’s 1st team in November 2010. JP died from arrhythmogenic right


Our Fundraisers ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) (a form of ‘sudden death syndrome’) and for the last four years Aylesbury Hockey Club have paid tribute to JP by organising and hosting a tournament in his memory. Each tournament has raised money for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY).

In Memory of

Wendy Lovelace Davis

CRY received donations of £815 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Wendy Lovelace Davis.

This year about 100 people attended, including players, friends and families of the club, as well as the friends and family of JP.

In Memory of

Martyn Luckett

With lovely sunny weather the BBQ and bar was a great success, with a constant queue for burgers, hot dogs and cold soft and alcoholic drinks. The tournament was played between mixed teams of Aylesbury club members, and perhaps fittingly, was won by those playing in Aylesbury’s red and black colours. The tournament finished with an inter-club Veterans vs Juniors ‘grudge match’ - the Juniors letting their fitness and youth in the soaring heat show, winning 3-2 in baking sunshine.

Charlotte Henderson, Anna Buck and Tamsin Winter raised a total of £800 in respect of the Bupa London 10,000.

In Memory of

Aaron Lundy

Garry McGrotty took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £530.

This year the club raised £575 from the bar, BBQ and entrance fees, whilst Phoebe and Chloe, JP and Vicki’s children did a sterling job collecting £125 in collection pots. This meant that a fantastic total of £700 was raised for CRY, and over the 4 years, £2,700. Aylesbury Hockey Club would like to thank all of the volunteers who showed up on the day and made it such a fantastic success; RAF Halton for offering the hire of the pitch at a discounted rate to maximise proceeds raised; JP’s parents, wife Vicki, and girls Phoebe and Chloe for all their support; and of course all of those who came along, made the day so special and dug deep to raise a fantastic amount of money for an inspirational cause. Aylesbury Hockey Club President Maurice Crump led the tributes to JP: ‘JP was a true gentleman on the pitch as well as off. I cannot recall JP ever having a go at another player, rather he encouraged and played hockey in the spirit it should be played. The wonderful weather and mixture of men, ladies and juniors playing together was really appropriate for the JP Tournament Day.’ Maurice then called for a minute’s silence, not in sadness, but in celebration of all that had JP had stood for.” Angela Dickson.


In Memory of

Andrew Macleod

• Murdo Macleod sent in total donations of £1,250: £300 was raised by Katie Macleod in respect of her 21st birthday celebrations; £650 from the account of the Hebridean Cycle Challenge was paid from a charity fund operated by the personnel employed on the British Gas “Armada” platform in the North Sea; £200 was donated by Stornoway Primary School and £100 represents individual donations. • Murdo Macleod forwarded a donation of £500 from Alasdair Macleod, AB Electronics.

In Memory of

Luke Macleod

Deb Smith raised a total of £1,632 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Jack Maddams

• Pippa Parker donated £470 raised through competing in the Surrey Half Marathon: “I completed the race in 1 hour and 43 minutes, it was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed the event. Below are two photos of me coming to the end of my run.”

• Janet Maddams, Anne Jones, Robert Willis and Mark Carter took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £450.

In Memory of

Lyra Maharaj

• Rachel King took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £4,878. • Linda Treacy sent in of £820 representing donations in lieu of floral tributes and at a memorial day held at her school. • Alex Gentry-Maharaj and Jenny Lyons took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £100. • Mrs LJ Sellens sent in a donation of £860: “A big thank you to Faversham Mission Brass who held another concert in March 2014 in aid of CRY. A raffle and cake sale on the night and cakes made and sold by Jenny Hill, Jack’s nan, also contributed to the final total. The good folk of Faversham are great supporters.”

In Memory of

Fabian Maingot

Elise Maingot sent in £1,390 in respect of the “Auction of Promises” held on March 29th:


Our Fundraisers “The Maingot family was 6: dad – Steve; mum – Jacqueline; sons – Stefan and Fabian (deceased) and daughters – Candice and Elise. The family connection with CRY was as a result of Fabian’s sudden death during a school football match at Twickenham 15 years ago. This year, with his school, The Vaughan Foundation and Vaughan Parents Association held an “Auction of Promises”. This event was supported by our family and friends and a share of the proceeds is being donated to CRY. In addition, the staff and boys of the school have given us money to add to our donation from the shared proceeds of the auction event.

Watts, Sue Pitt, Candice Fletcher, Jon Pattinson and Karen Archer took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £105.

In Memory of

Jean Mary Marsden

CRY received donations of £350 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Jean Mary Marsden.

In Memory of

Ollie Marsden

Kevin Marsden donated £523 raised from a memorial match.

In Memory of

Lewis Marsh

• Mary Campbell, Anna Moore, Fi Lawrence and Sarah Bennett completed the Surrey Half Marathon and raised a total of £2,253.

Fabian was much loved by all; family, friends and his school as a whole. Fabian represented his school in sports and music, was a double instrumentalist and a founding member of the school jazz band. The Maingot family is a strong supporter of CRY and believes in the ethos of the charity; we will continue to support the charity in any way we can.”

In Memory of

Ryan Mance

Christine Smith, Ross Smith, Allison Britton, Amy Jewitt, Donna Gregory, Rebecca Phillips, Chloe Phillips, Kim


“We are a group of school mums with very busy lives struggling to fit in any sort of exercise around our jobs, young children and shift-working husbands. We all have varying levels of race experience which mostly centred around 5 and 10Ks. What better way than to challenge ourselves by entering the inaugural Surrey Half Marathon? We entered halfway through 2013, bought some new trainers, printed off our training plans and filed them away ready to dust them off in December. December greeted us with the endless rounds of Christmas parties (drinking compulsory!) and the worst weather – gales, rain, floods, hail stones and roads blocked by fallen trees. The weather really didn’t improve right up until race day. We trained separately but constantly compared notes and supported each other through illness, injuries and physio appointments. With such a big challenge putting us all right out of our comfort zone, it was time to choose our charity. It didn’t

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers take us long to decide on CRY as one of our very good friends, Chevaun, lost her brother Lewis Marsh just before his 14th birthday due to undetected cardiac abnormalities. So race day arrived and after very little sleep due to nerves we woke up to glorious sunshine! Poor Mary was determined to battle on through even though she had what we later discovered to be a chest infection and could hardly breathe! (Not recommended!) The atmosphere and organisation was first class. Running in the warm sunshine was somewhat alien to us after getting cold, wet and muddy during our training. We kept on going through lots of different emotions, especially when we saw Chevaun and her family there to support us. There was no better sight than that of the finish line after 13.1 miles! What a fantastic achievement, we are all so proud of ourselves and so pleased we managed to raise so much money for CRY. Will we do it again next year? Watch this space!” Sarah Bennett.

In Memory of

Dean Mason

• Gwenfair Mason sent in a donation of £270.32 raised at an equestrian event by the Red Kite Trec Group. • Celtic Classic Car Rallies sent in a donation of £1,860.25 raised from a tour of Ireland. • Monmouth School, Pembrokeshire, sent in a donation of £152.

In Memory of

Dean Mason and Brian Morgan

Gwenfair Mason sent in donations of £412.50 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Brian Morgan, Dean’s grandfather.

In Memory of

Shaun Mason

CRY received donations of £543.80 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Shaun Mason.

In Memory of

Dan Matthews

Hartpury College sent in a donation of £388.47 raised by the football students. • Simon Locke and the Sandhurst Singers held a concert and raised £330. • Gill Weston sent in a donation of £6,000.

In Memory of

John Marshall

• Maureen Marshall sent in total donations of £500 raised from the collection boxes at Edge Hill University.

In Memory of

Ryan Matthews

Brennan White took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,074.

In Memory of

John McCall

Matthew Nicholson took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,050.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Amanda McCarthy

“The McCarthy Clan”; Peter McCarthy, Kerry McCarthy, Jim McCarthy, Karen McCarthy, Evelyn Kalmar, David Bentley and Stephen Choice, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £290.

on behalf of the Nottingham City Lions. • Lincoln Minster Round Table sent in a donation of £1,500. • The Ravenshead Inner Wheel Club sent in a donation of £1,000. • Jennifer Livesey raised a total of £145 through taking part in Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013.

In Memory of

Oisin McGuinness

Karen Fleming completed the Belfast Marathon and raised £175.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Ian Merchant

Dennis Merchant sent in a donation of £120 raised from collection boxes and also including a personal donation.

Stephanie McLean

• Michael Carling took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,371.31. • Hannah Tobin took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £4,752.20. • Freya Wood took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,371.32. • Jo McLean, Lesley McLean, Katie McLean, Ashleigh Brennan, Alex Matthews, Paul Greener, James McCarthy, Kayleigh Dunn, Jon Davies, Olga Nuryaeva, Gemma Pearson, Mitesh Patel, Tom Garnell, Peter Mehtar, Dale Tabbitt, Diane Hardesty, Marc Goldstein, Johanna Gallant, Rosemary Challen, Harley Sawyer, Lesley Nicholas, Mary Kingsley and Aoife Garrigan took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £730.

In Memory of

Simon McNamara

• Mike McNamara sent in £150 raised at a recent Nottinghamians RFC charity match. • Club President Martin Wynne-Jones sent in £500


In Memory of

Josh Merrick

• Julian Ross sent in a donation of £655 raised at a recent screening. • Marks & Spencer Foods, Manchester, donated £169.31. • Burnage Rugby Club donated £200.04 raised at a recent screening. • Carmel Merrick forwarded a donation of £450 from Shaun Webb. • Carol Parry completed the Bupa Manchester 10K and raised £110. • Sam Tracy completed the Bupa Manchester 10K and raised £187.50. • Miller Newsagents raised £124.72 from the collection box in the store. • Gav Smith took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £180.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Richard Merriman

• Nicola Merriman donated £700 raised at a cake and craft sale: “These are pictures from our cake and craft sale this Easter. We raised £700 in total and we all had a great day raising money for CRY in memory of our son Richard. His favourite was lemon drizzle cake so we always make sure there is plenty!” • Hemel Hempstead Ladies Darts League raised £400. • Nicola Merriman, Paul Merriman, Dean Merriman, Janet Merriman, Russell Merriman and Sue Luck took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £205.

In Memory of

Adam Middleton

Clare Everest, Warwickshire College, sent in an additional donation of £185 in respect of funding for the February school screening, making a total raised of £1,055.


Our Fundraisers “The Henley in Arden Centre has adopted CRY as their charity following the sudden death of our student Adam Middleton. Students took great pride in making gifts to sell and providing massages and nail treatments for visitors at the event. We had lots of stall holders selling a large variety of goods and seasonal gifts who each donated a prize for our big raffle at the end.” Amanda Austen-Jones, Henley in Arden Centre, Warwickshire College.

In Memory of

Cristian Mollerstrom

“Team Cristian”; Lianne Frost, Michelle Frost, Shirley Frost, Darren Frost, Kerry Stephens and Liz Cauchi, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £1,751.98.

In Memory of

Nelson Monhon

Rob Drag took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,664.20.

In Memory of

Florence Moore

• Alison Moore took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,860. • Stewart Moore took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,679.

In Memory of

Jonathan Morgan

• Sue Ainsworth sent in a donation of £1,000. • The Masonic North York Lodge sent in a donation of £500.

In Memory of

Levon Morland

• Aran Morland raised a total of £230.60 when taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • Jeff Morland sent in a donation of £2,121.57 raised at Kelfest 2014: “People come from far and wide to have a great gettogether, a party and be entertained by a variety of acts


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers and bands. This year was a resounding success with music provided by boy/girl duo Shaken Lime; solo singer-songwriter Calina; local electric band Flight Level 60; Sugarwood – Steve Percival’s old band who hadn’t played together for 14 years but reunited for Kelfest and played a storm; and Barkin’ Billy and the Scrapyard Dogs who play at Kelfest every year. Resident DJ Steve Clayon provided the background and dancing music.”

Judith and David Hassey did all the organising for the ride which not only made CRY a huge amount of money, but they also allowed all those people who felt so helpless after Owzy died so suddenly to be able to focus on something positive. An amazing demonstration of community spirit and togetherness, for such a bright, happy, sunny boy. Owzy would have been so proud.” Mel Morris.

In Memory of

Nicola Moroney

Suzanne Sanguinetti completed the Greater Manchester Marathon and raised a total of £1,048.

In Memory of

Owen Morris

• Roger Morris sent in a donation of £3,358.82 in respect of Owen’s Ride. “Owen’s ride was an incredible weekend, bringing so many people together to either ride or support a cycle from Cardiff to Brecon; camping overnight then cycling Brecon to Cardiff the next day. Most people did both ways. 164 cyclists included friends, family, school mates and teachers from Owzy’s school.

“So many hearts have been touched by the loss of Owen and this cause. Men, women and children, including many of Owen’s friends, have got on their bikes and trained for Owen’s Ride. Up until now the vast majority of the cyclists have been no further than the end of their garden paths but they, and the whole community, have pulled together with determination to make this event a huge success for Owen.” Judith Hassey.

CRY Patron John Barrowman MBE gave starters orders for the ride


Our Fundraisers • Judith Miller sent in a donation of £390.70 in respect of Owen’s Ride. • Alison Gorman sent in a donation of £395 in respect of Owen’s Ride.

• Dawn Moss sent in further donations totalling £674: Martin Garside donated £120; Mrs Lythgoe donated £80; K Hinchcliffe donated £37, football cards raised £42 and a Stoke City shirt raffle raised £395.

• Wales & West Utilities sent in a matched funding donation of £300 in respect of Joanne Sproul’s Owen’s Ride donation.

In Memory of

Paul Mulford

• Maureen Roos and Andrey Guille donated £120.

• Lisa Thomas sent in a donation of £100 in respect of Owen’s Ride. • Eloise Littlejohns sent in a donation of £125 in respect of Owen’s Ride.

• Colin and Sandra Mulford took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £141.

• Pentyrch RFC (Mini and Junior section) sent in a donation of £600 to be added to the funds raised by Owen’s Ride.

In Memory of

Andrew Murch

• Four Elms Medical Centres, Cardiff, sent in a donation of £230 raised by the reception staff, who dressed as Easter bunnies and held a cake sale and raffle.

Alison Edwards raised a total of £1,015 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

• Helen Owen sent in a donation of £500 raised from church coffee mornings.

In Memory of

Luke Morton

Suzanne Morton held a cream tea birthday garden party and concert and raised £1,251.85 in honour of Luke’s 22nd birthday.

In Memory of

Ralph Murwill

Peter Shannon took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,605.

In Memory of

James Nicholas

In Memory of

David Moss

• Dawn Moss sent in total donations of £1,477.84: a psychic evening raised £551.55; Biddulph Slimming World raised £140.19; Mr G Beardmore donated £200; Alex Snowden donated £15; collection boxes at Biddulph Slimming World raised £52.82; a Knypersley Slimming World Slimathon raised £96.80; a WAGS collection box raised £21.48 and a grant from the Biddulph Town Councillors was for £400.


• Kevin Nicholas raised a total of £3,664.50 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • The Santander Foundation held a fundraising evening and raised £2,408.

In Memory of

Richard James Northedge

Pat and Derek Northedge sent in a donation of £100 to commemorate Richard’s birthday. Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Andrew Parr

Kerry-Anne Offord

Gary Horn took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,315.28.

In Memory of

Robert O’Kane

Cambuslang Rugby Club donated £2,303.01 raised by holding a charity evening.

In Memory of

Alex Osborne

Biddulph High School sent in a donation of £487.05.

• Ruth Lowe sent in a donation of £1,741 raised at the charity ceilidh to mark the 10th anniversary of Andrew’s death and a futher £775, making a total raised of £2,516. • Ann Coles donated £373 raised through a fashion show. • Marks & Spencer, Preston, donated £657.34. • John Wiley & Sons Ltd sent in a donation of £129.78. • Ruth Lowe sent in a donation of £625 raised from a quiz night at the Ingol Golf Club: “90 people came to ‘exercise their little grey cells’. There were plenty of challenging quiz questions, a hot pot supper, guess the name of the teddy and a raffle. A good time was had by all.”

In Memory of

Thomas Padmore

In Memory of

Christopher Parr

“Tommy’s Team”; Paul Padmore, Karen Padmore, Louise Padmore and Oliver Bailey, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £856.

In Memory of

Lewis James Page

CRY received donations of £149.48 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Lewis James Page.

• James Brunt took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,371.85. • Diane Parr sent in a donation of £140. Jan and Guy and the Congleton Football Club helped to raise the money.

In Memory of

Kevin Paterson

In Memory of

• Anna Semens raised a total of £200 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013 and Great Birmingham Run 2013.

Kelly Barlow raised a total of £394 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

• Damian Beard completed the London to Paris Bike Ride and raised £100.

Stuart Parkinson


Our Fundraisers • Katherine Howe completed the Kilimanjaro Climb and raised £105.

In Memory of

• Richard Bevan completed the Bupa Great Birmingham run and raised £1,163.13.

Chloe Lewis and Sam Pickett raised a total amount of £380 through taking part in the Bupa London 10,000.

• Nicola Green completed the Great North Run and raised £243.

In Memory of

• John Querstret took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,034.86. • Kathryn and Pete Cowen took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £260.

Ben Peacock

Adam Pearmine

Jonathan and Sian Butcher raised a total of £1,195 through taking part in Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013.

In Memory of

In Memory of

Lichfield Tae Kwon Do Club sent in a donation of £700.

Lesley Clubb sent in a donation of £516 raised by her daughter Hannah who participated in the Born Survivor Run.

Michael Patterson

Tim Perry

In Memory of

Jenni and David Paul

Gordon Paul forwarded total donations of £625 in respect of a charity day; and a further donation of £200, making a total raised of £825.

In Memory of

Nicola Payne

The High Weald Academy, Kent, donated £500 following CRY Patron Pixie Lott’s performance in the new sports hall on June 24th.

In Memory of

Christopher Phillips

Emily Hooper took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,242.

In Memory of

Duncan Phillips

• Beth Phillips sent in a donation of £230 in respect of “A Day for Dunc”. • Jane Bartlett took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £205.

In Memory of

Sara Pilkington

Briony Bell-Burrow sent in a donation of £200 in respect of the Perch Challenge. Pixie with Nicola’s sisters Charlotte and Emily at High Weald


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Gary Pope

Mark Price

• Carrie Jenner took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,600.50. • Hannah Secrett took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,601. • Fox Williams LLP sent in a totalling £888.98 in respect of recent fundraising activities.

Lynne Roberts took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £928.71.

In Memory of

Nick Read

Robin Hambly took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,706.

In Memory of

Mark Pover

In Memory of

Claire Reed

David Pover sent in a donation of £100.

• Slimming World, Botley and Hedge End, held a sponsored slim and extra exercise session and raised £210.

In Memory of

Craig Daniel Powell

“Team Pringle”; Mark Powell, Luke Powell, Helen Fleming, Casey Evans, Rodney Upham, Lynda Evans, Karen Fleming, Rebekah Banard, Anne Rowe, Marlene Upham, Howard Williams, Michelle Davies, Michelle Sexton and James Rowe, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £245.50.

• Andy Reed completed the Eastleigh Run and raised £818.73. • Michael Hunter completed a skydive and raised £425.74.

In Memory of

Alex Reid

SE Graham sent in a donation of £200.

In Memory of

Shannon Powell

Northwood College, Middlesex, donated £1,486.

In Memory of

David Reid

In Memory of

• Suzanne Middlemiss forwarded a donation of £200 from a family friend.

Rhian Kingston completed a skydive and raised £816.

• Suzanne Middlemiss raised a total of £365.10 by organising a book and cake sale and donations from friends and family:

Matthew Price


Our Fundraisers “I organised a book and cake sale on April 9th. I took a day’s leave from my place of work, Derby Benefit Centre – I work for Jobcentre Plus – and spent the whole day selling books and cakes! I have been planning the event since the beginning of this year; collecting unwanted books from friends, family and colleagues. (I now live in Derby with my partner but I am originally from Newcastle upon Tyne and even collected books in the North East!) As well as books, colleagues donated handmade greetings cards and knitting magazines. As the big day arrived friends and family also baked cakes and made jam for me to sell.

In Memory of

Tom Reid

David Brucie Morris donated £554.39 raised at a charity dodgeball tournament. “The annual University College London Union (UCLU) Interclub Dodgeball Tournament was a great success despite some adverse weather. The ever-popular dodgeball tournament was held in the main UCL quad on Wednesday 26th March 2014. A great effort from all involved culminated in a showpiece final (moved under the cover of the iconic UCL portico after rain and hail). With 38 teams quickly whittled down to 2, the final saw UCLU Skateboarding Club and UCLU Folk Society fight it out for bragging rights and a generous bar tab.

I organised my event in memory of Mr David Ian Reid who died on Saturday 15th December 2012 aged 31. David was my partner’s brother. David collapsed playing rugby at Derby Rugby Club, Haslams Lane, Derby. This was obviously a huge shock to us all and we are all still adjusting to life without David. The inquest decided David’s death was due to sudden adult death syndrome. Due to this, my partner Thomas Reid, his younger brother Jonathan Sturgess and parents were all advised to undergo heart screening and various tests. One week before the first anniversary of David’s death my partner was told he may have a heart condition – long QT syndrome – and was prescribed daily medication. Tests to date are still ongoing as we have not yet been advised conclusively and await genetic testing results. It has been amazing to raise money in David’s memory and we now plan to hold an event every year for CRY in memory of David. I would like to say that I have viewed your website many times and it really does give so much information – and reading others’ stories helps.”


Folk Society quickly went 2-0 up in a best of 5 match. Skateboarding hit back to make it 2-2. Confusion in the final game meant that with a few seconds to go, a timeout was called. When play resumed, it was 1 vs 1, with Folk Society President Jimmy Grayburn against Skateboarding Club Treasurer Tom Harrington. Some extreme dodging, dipping, ducking, diving and umm… dodging in sudden death gave Folk Society the victory.” Nick Allen. Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers raise money for various charities. This year’s goal was to row over 1,000,000 meters on three rowing machines. The challenge involved some 80 children with the 5th and 6th form rowers keeping the machines going throughout the night. The King’s School Worcester Boat Club appreciates and values the work that CRY do. All members of the boat club enjoy doing the challenge every year in the memory of Scott Rennie, a former member of the boat club who had an undiagnosed heart condition.” Megan Glenn, Boathouse Manager.

In Memory of

Debbie Rendle

Sylvia Pezzack sent in total donations of £964: the Inner Wheel Club, Isles of Scilly, donated £500 from fundraising throughout the year; the Camborne Old Boys Brigade donated £50; £374 was raised at a recent fundraising event and £35 was donated by two friends.

In Memory of

Scott Rennie

• Matt Dodson completed the Polar Night Half Marathon and raised £1,215. • The King’s School, Worcester, held a 24 hour indoor rowing charity challenge and other activities throughout the year, and sent in £707.23. “In recent years the King’s School Worcester Boat Club has taken part in a 24 hour indoor rowing challenge to

In Memory of

Philip Reynolds

Colin Tuley took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £906.16.

In Memory of

Michael Riley

Ian Dainlith sent in a donation of £400 in respect of a golf day.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Colin Rimmer and Ollie Marsden

Rebecca Rimmer took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,797.40.

In Memory of

Stuart Ritchie

CRY received donations of £132.25 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Stuart Ritchie.

In Memory of

Alex Roberts

• Danny Roberts took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,003. • Richard Harper took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,824.36. • Scott Taylor took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £550.

In Memory of

Evan Robertson

“Team Robbo”; Chloe Robertson, Tracey Robertson, Lana Robertson, Mark Heighway, Jordan Lateward, Deborah Brown, Mark Brown, Zac Clarke, Dan Goulding, Rachel Hynes, Mike Hynes, Kieron Hynes, Francesca Eastman, Carmen Knight, Aidan Bambridge and David McGeachan, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £2,630.

Adam Rowbottom

“Team Adam”; Ulrike Rowbottom, Anthony Rowbottom, Lizzie Charlton, David Charlton, Josie Charlton, Jose Parau and Chris Thirkell, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £750.

In Memory of

Nathan Rudy

Pauline Rudy, Nicholas Rudy, Louise Hacking, John Hacking and Lee Carter-Weber took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £723.

In Memory of

Mark Ryder

• Mark Cunningham completed a 10K run and Dec completed a 2K fun run, raising £841.75. “Both Declan and I completed the races in good times: Dec did his 2K in 9 minutes and 37 seconds and I completed the 10K in a personal best for me of 52 minutes and 56 seconds. It was a cold day to start with, but we soon warmed up with the running. The sun came out and there was a great atmosphere as there were many runners and a lot of other fundraising going on.” Mark Cunningham.

In Memory of

Luke Rogers

Sion Jenkins took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,430.


• Sarah Eggington took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £300.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Craig Salmon

• Jacqueline Lanchester nominated CRY to receive £200 from British Gypsum. • Leah Howard took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,087. • Melanie Salmon sent in a donation of £309 in respect of a 5 mile sponsored walk with her children through the Wootton Estate: “We completed the Wootton Estate Rotary Walk for CRY, myself, my mother-in-law Joyce, sisters-in-law Vicky and Sarah and our children; Natalie – 9 years old, Chloe – 7 years old, Carla 4 – years old and Charlie and Abigail – both 2 years old. We completed 5 miles in 3 ½ hours, with 3 buggies, over very rough woodland pathways and lots of hills – so not bad going! Natalie walked the whole way, hoping to make her Uncle Craig, who we did the walk in honour of, very proud. We had the 5th anniversary of Craig’s passing at the weekend, so it has been an emotional time, but it’s great to continue to raise money for a wonderful charity.”

Neil “Kyamatik” Schuyleman

• Helen Davies sent in a donation of £100 to commemorate what would have been Neil’s 40th birthday. • “Team Neil Schuyleman”; Helen Davies, Peter Davies, Anna Georgakakos, Minas Georgakakos, Ann Edwards and Margaret Kiley, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £595.

In Memory of

Wendy Jane Scourfield

• CRY received donations of £3,500 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Wendy Jane Scourfield. • William and Ursula Lloyd sent in a donation of £1,500 in memory of their daughter, Wendy, who died on 13th May 2014. • Nicola Bellarby held a tea party and raised £100.

In Memory of

Richard Shaw

Molly Shaw and Wendy Akers took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £1,400.

In Memory of

Jack Sheriff

• James Stephenson took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,073.

In Memory of

Kevin Sayer

Jeff Nugent forwarded a donation of £253.40 raised through a ladies’ night.

• Jo Parke donated £395 from local village event “Safari Supper”. • Elizabeth Sheriff sent in a donation of £100 in respect of the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014. • Kay Driscoll and the Maldon Saturday Slimming World Group completed a sponsored slim and raised £370.


Our Fundraisers CRY supporter Peter Patterson attended the group on March 1st and gave a short talk about the work of CRY.

In Memory of

Sarah Simpson

Hilary Simpson and Lynne Patrick took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £200.

In Memory of

Adele Marie Shipley

Linda Allcock donated £1,100 to CRY in lieu of floral tributes for her late daughter, Adele.

In Memory of

Aashi Sinha

Andrew Coombe sent in a donation of £1,396.72 raised at a cake sale.

In Memory of

Gregg Shoults

• The church in Hope Street, Sheerness (LEP United Reformed/Methodist), hosted a concert by the Faversham Mission Brass and raised £100.

In Memory of

• Kathy Gambell sent in total donations of £420.74, the majority raised at her Presidents’ Day event, with other donations from the Hope Street church and Kent County Bowling Club.

• Lucy Hopkisson completed the Cranbrook Sprint Triathlon and raised £100.

In Memory of

Ben Simpson and Matt Beadle

Lauren Hill raised £600 through competing in the Richmond Half Marathon.

David Smiley

• Seba Smiley took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,642.

In Memory of

Aubrey Smith

Iain Scott completed the Great Winter Run and raised £300.

In Memory of

Leigh Smith

Jodie Smith took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £213.

In Memory of

Robert Smith

Julia Smith, Susan Camp and Gordon Huggett took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £590.


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

John Smithard

Will Smithard took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,449.60.

• Jane Howard sent in a donation of £1,877 in respect of the London to Paris Bike Ride, making a total raised of £35,657.

In Memory of

Gary Stewart

In Memory of

Rupert Spurling

• Darryl James Hayter raised a total of £641.17 through taking part in Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013. • Sir David Chapman sent in a donation of £500.

In Memory of

Phil Standing

Andy Hartless sent in a donation of £200.

Scott Cruickshank sent in a donation of £1,440.

In Memory of

Natalie Stewart

“Nat’s Nutters”; Chloe Stewart, Helen Woods, Jenny Woods and John Sneed, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £280.

In Memory of In Memory of

Hannah Stanton

Déjà vu Hair/Ashavan Beauty Salon sent total donations of £8,068.52: “On April 18th, Good Friday, we held a street party outside our salon. We had lots of food and drink, a raffle and auction, games, music and some members of the local football team had their heads shaved or chests waxed. We also provided mini manicures and purple dye streaks in hair and eyebrows – purple being Hannah’s favourite colour!”

In Memory of

Ben Steele

• MINT Partners held a BGC Charity Day and raised £5,974.57. • CVC Credit Partners Investment Management Ltd held a charity cycle ride and raised £235.

Ian Strange

• Patricia Strange sent in a donation of £100 to commemorate Ian’s birthday. • Patricia Strange and Karen Wells took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £155.

In Memory of

Patrick Swinson

• Campbell Baxter completed a 10,000ft solo bungee jump and raised £1,205.50. • Paola Harvey sent in a donation of £200: “Patrick Swinson very sadly died of a heart attack in July last year at the age of 17. Patrick was a much loved and valued member of our school and local community. This donation has been raised by friends who greatly


Our Fundraisers appreciate the work you do in supporting all the families so tragically affected, and also the research you carry out.”

In Memory of

Paul Sykes

“Team Sykes 2014”; Carly SykesBlowers, Patricia Berry, Edward Blowers, David Dillon, Susan Dillon and Deborah Hyder, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £245.

In Memory of

Dan Taylor

Alastair Taylor completed the Chester Half Marathon and raised £465: “I completed the Chester Half Marathon both to honour my brother who died last May, aged 25, and as something I could do to remember him that was completely personal. I chose to do a half marathon because I know Dan would have loved the idea of me going through the pain as he was a personal trainer. I also chose to do it in Chester as that is where Dan was born. The date of 18th May happened to be soon after the one year anniversary of his passing just as coincidence. It was an emotional experience and was exactly what I had wanted. It was hard, testing, but also individual. A connection between my brother and me. No one else could share this experience because no one else shared Dan as a brother. Yes, family and friends were very supportive as were people who shouted support as I ran by on the day but in the end it was about Dan and I and no one else.


I ran on behalf of CRY because Dan died of a heart attack that was completely out of the blue, one moment he was here the next he was gone. I have found reading through testimonies and accounts on both the CRY website and in the information I have been sent comforting and helpful. The knowledge that this will make a difference to someone is uplifting. I would recommend that anyone who has suffered the same agony as me consider doing something like this – not necessarily a run, but something you know they would have appreciated and that you can do as a personal oneto-one memory. As for me, I think I will continue to run as I know Dan would have remarked of my time of 2 hours and 19 minutes that it was okay but that I can do better than that. If you do consider doing something like this for your lost loved one then I would warn that the finish is a highly emotional moment and to be as best prepared as you can for it.”

In Memory of

Ian Taylor

James Taylor took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,156.57.

In Memory of

Peter Taylor

Anita Huddleston sent in a donation of £500 raised at a fashion show.

In Memory of

Richard John Taylor

Richard Taylor took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,154.

In Memory of

Zoe Teale

Teresa Nickin donated £618.56 raised at a quiz night.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Dale Tennent-Butler

Angela Tennent-Butler sent in a donation of £2,000 raised at a football tournament.

Gareth Llywelyn Thomas

• Andrew Regan sent in a donation of £100. • Anne Thomas, Trefor Thomas, Sian Regan, Andy Regan, Wayne Griffiths, Jayne Griffiths, Antony Jones, Rhys Griffiths, Jenny Skinner, Christopher Pascoe, Rebecca Williams, Catrin Edwards, Aled Hopkin, Eleri Hopkin, Roger Nutt, Angela Nutt and Stephen Nutt took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £645.

In Memory of

Oliver Thompson

Mrs C Thompson sent in a donation of £500 in respect of Oliver’s brother and cousins running the Brussels 20K on May 18th.

In Memory of

Matthew Thoppil

In Memory of

Dean Thomas

Kelly Reynolds-Lewis completed a sponsored walk with friends and family and raised £330.

Behind The Scenes Aesthetic Skincare and Beauty Clinic donated £1,000 raised in respect of a charity dinner dance held at Horton Grange.

In Memory of

Scott Thurlow

“Team Thurlow”; Michael Thurlow, Marcell Thurlow, Christopher Thurlow, Wendy Thurlow, Marc Thurlow, Cathryn Simpson, Csongi Wasas, Clare Wasas and Vanessa Gardezi, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £275.

In Memory of

Scott Torrens

• James Griffiths took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,677.60.


Our Fundraisers • Neal Wilkinson took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,000.

In Memory of

Ty Townsley

Kelly Sysum took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,866.

In Memory of

Chloe Waddell and Tommy Waddell

CRY received donations of £283 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Tommy Waddell.

In Memory of

Richard Waight

In Memory of

Jayden Tullett

• Martin Chambers donated £245 raised through a skydive. • Dawn Tullett donated £722.68 raised by her son Harrison with the help of some school friends; and £100 raised through a local amateur dramatic society called Peterbrook Players, making a total raised of £822.68.

The Richard Waight Schools Golf Foundation donated £3,700 raised through a raffle and auction. “This year’s Richard Waight Memorial Golf Day was held at Doncaster Golf Club on Friday 16th May 2014 and raised £7,400 for 2 young persons’ heart charities, Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) and SADS UK. In 4 years, our golf days have now raised in excess of £25,000 for these charities, with a small amount used for our SchoolsGolf initiative to fund golf tuition in local schools. Thanks to all who played, who sponsored and who supported us on yet another fantastic day for all involved.

In Memory of

Lee Turner

Les Bewick took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,895.

In Memory of

Maisie Turpin

CRY received donations of £451 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Maisie Turpin.

In Memory of

Chloe Waddell

Fiona Waddell sent in a donation of £1,500 in respect of a sponsored swim; and a further donation of £120, making a total raised of £1,620.


The weather was the hottest day of the year so far and proceedings commenced as usual at 1pm, with teams teeing off on the 1st and 10th holes. This continued until all 21 teams had started by 2.45pm. We were again supported by 4 Premier League referees; Mike Dean, Martin Atkinson, Neil Swarbrick and Jon Moss, each in a different team. The competition was won by the team from ProAktive, with Mike Dean, each taking home a new Ping putter. Neil Pratt and his team from Henshaw Pratt were runners up, with the Brewster Pratap team finishing third.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Matthew Steven Wallbank

For the first time, thanks to sponsorship from Evans Halshaw Nissan, players had the chance to win a brand new Nissan Micra car for a hole in one at the 11th. No one did, but Dave Brammer came nearest at 5ft and won a bottle of whisky! This initiative raised £375 of our total proceeds.

Lesley Wallbank sent in total donations of £171: £161 was raised by a friend and ex-colleague, Ian Tomlinson, who completed the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 in April, and £10 was donated by Catherine Becan to commemorate the 6th anniversary of Matthew’s death.

In Memory of

Lloyd Walsh

Wayne Corcoran raised a total of £518.10 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

In Memory of

Neil Ward

As usual, we offered players hot or cold drinks and a cake half way through their round, with Marianne, Jackie, Sue and Lynn raising £86 from donations. These included a golf holiday donated by Algarve Sports, a BAFTA souvenir, sports tickets and signed football/rugby shirts, raising over £2,700 of our total. By popular demand, next year’s event is already booked, for Friday 15th May 2015, again at Doncaster Golf Club. Get your entries in early, it should be a sell out!” Ken Waight.

In Memory of

Neil Walden

“Team Neil”; Anna Jackson, Zoe Connor, Andrea Chappell, James Jackson, Zoe Connor, Tony King, Dorothy Burrows, Linda Jackson, Amanda Stephens, Amee Prendergast Moon, Eve Dustin, Amy Solder and Tim Miller, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £780.

Elaine Ward sent in a donation of £155 raised by the Dronfield Scouts at a St George’s Day church service.

In Memory of

Melissa Rose Watts

CRY received donations of £398.96 in lieu of floral tributes for the late Melissa Rose Watts.

In Memory of

Lily Webster

“Lily’s Lovelies”; Melanie Webster, Gordon Salt, Margaret Salt, Jenni Salt, Barry Baxter, Judy Booth, Carol Holmes, Robbie Salt, Lauren Harper, Rebecca Salt and Katie Salt took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £160.


Our Fundraisers In Memory of

In Memory of

Kevin Wilson

Sally Wells

“Team Sally Wells”; Simon Wells, Margaret Wells, Tim Wells, Charlotte Wells, Kayleigh Watts, Carol Duncombe, Gemma Bentley-Major, Diane Lambert, John Lambert, Victoria Hayden, Lucy Piosek, Alison Bentley, Gary Bentley, Chris Norris, Mo Norris, Julie Robinson, Emma Woodford, Ian Childs, Laeticia Walker, Katie Townsend and Katrina Bridgman, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £1,407.

In Memory of

Emlyn Wibberley

• Ben Brook completed a London to Brighton cycle ride and raised £216. • Eimear Burke took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,273.74.

Max Thompson took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,648.82.

In Memory of

Claire Wind

Eryl and Jim Chant took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £121.

In Memory of

Charlotte Winters

Belinda Stokes, Steve Stokes and Sarah Wakelam took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £345.

In Memory of In Memory of

Joe Williams

• Annette Roberts completed a coast to coast walk and raised £500. • Paul Miles took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,549.08. • Nicola Quelch took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,800. • Tom Williams took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,873.20.

In Memory of

Craig Wilson

• Tony Wheatman raised a total of £645 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • Matthew Pullan took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £150.


Jake Wood

Jason Mitchell raised a total of £1,320 through taking part in the Brighton Marathon 2014.

In Memory of

James Wood

Gill Wood sent in a donation of £400 raised at the annual Broxbourne Tennis Club Family Day: “It is a day when parents and their children are encouraged to play together in a fun way without any pressure. Since we lost James, the membership of the club has changed drastically as new families join and the older children move on. When James was playing for the club, he played alongside Dominic, who himself was a very young man. Dominic has now become the head coach at the Broxbourne Tennis Club and is very keen to continue with James’s cup, and his young son of just 3 years old played this year.”

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

Our Fundraisers In Memory of

Julian Wort

Shirley Wort sent in total donations of £301.81: Kingfisher Takeaway raised £31.20; Chung Ying Takewaway raised £20.61 and Frome Town Football Club raised £250.

In Memory of

Louise Worth

• Sue Jarvis sent in a donation of £650 raised in respect of an evening of music and entertainment. The event was organised by Alexandra Melvin-Birchall, owner of the Enjoy! Wellness Centre at at Clayton Green Leisure Centre.

In Memory of

Sam Wright

• Dani West sent in a donation of £3,084 raised at the “Frocks and Fundraising” ladies’ night, held on April 4th. “At 7pm on Friday 4th April our event had officially opened and tables were laden with welcome drinks and goody bags ready to give out to our guests. As all of our 120 ladies arrived we encouraged them to visit our selection of stalls which included tarot card readings, Ann Summers, Caramelo Beauty offering nail treatments in return for a donation, and Temple Spa who provided complimentary relaxing hand massages. The ladies all enjoyed food from our buffet and a gossip with friends before the raffle winners were announced and the entertainment began.

• 41 members of a local gym took part in the No Ego Mud Challenge and raised £810: “The No Ego Mud Challenge was a 10K obstacle/ assault course. There was lots of mud, ditches, trenches, barbed wire, 10ft walls to climb over, water slides, tunnels and lots more. The gymnasium team aged from 19 to 60 completed it brilliantly! Madly, everyone loved every minute and can’t wait for the next one! We also did 2 weeks free at the gymnasium where all the classes could be attended for a donation. There were challenges, raffles and lots of prizes. We did all this in the remembrance of Louise Worth as it will be the 10th anniversary of her passing on 1st June 2014.” Grace Monks.

We first welcomed comedy Charleston duo Florrie and Fanny who performed a wonderful dance routine, followed by the tall, dark and handsome Lee Jackson as Elvis Presley, who blew the girls away with his impressive moves, and of course his spectacular voice… Elvis kindly posed for photographs after his performance and our fabulous disco kept the party atmosphere alive until the early hours. Feedback consisted mainly of requests for a second ladies’ night and a huge appreciation for the total amount of money raised, which was £3,084.” Dani West.


Our Fundraisers General Fundraising General Fundraising • Abcam Plc Charities Committee sent in a donation of £300. • Aliman Ltd sent in a donation of £100. • Asda, Bexleyheath, sent in a donation of £200 in respect of the Community Life green token scheme. • Asda, Leeds, donated £200 as winners of “Chosen By You”. • Great Aunt Patricia Wightman donated £12,000. • Dani West donated £3,000 from fundraising activities throughout Christmas. • Dani West donated £295.26 raised at a bring and buy sale at Cherry Tree Hill Primary School.

In Memory of

Michael David Yendall

Tracey Yendall donated £1,400 raised by her husband, family and friends taking part in a 3 Peaks charity walk.

• Averdeen Central Fire Station held a charity car wash and raised £531.10. • Simon Bailey took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,346.92. • Kim Baker sent in total donations of £584.50 for the Russell Baker Screening Fund: a workplace collection raised £34; a collection at Toys R Us raised £62; an Easter Bunny lunch raised £202; a Toys R Us Good Friday event raised £36.50; a pampering evening raised £215 and a craft sale raised £35. • Graham and Jo Barlow took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £151. • Campbell Baxter completed an accelerated freefall skydive and raised £511. • The Berkeley Partnership sent in a donation of £105.

In Memory of

Daniel Young

• Atherton Community School sent in a donation of £550 from various fundraising activities. • Wigan Council sent in a donation from the Brighter Borough Grant of £2,700.

In Memory of

Halil Zekayi

Ediz Zekayi took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,133.


• Owain Bevan took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,486.20. • Scott Gabeille, The Billericay Round Table, sent in a donation for the Tim Butt myheart Fund of £2,500 raised in respect of the CRYathlon. • Bella Binns took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £165. • Chris Blackburn rasied a total of £400 through taking part in Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013. • BlackRock International Ltd sent in a matched funding donation of £500 in respect of Yvonne Scott completing the 10K Glasgow Run. Issue 64 | May to August 2014

General Fundraising • Frances Borer sent in donations totalling £146.33 (including matched funding from Legal & General) in respect of the book exchange library. • Sally Borrows forwarded a donation of £500 from The Borrows Charitable Trust. • Bradfield College, sent in a donation of £890.54 from fundraising activities throughout the year. • “Team Quiche”; myheart member Mallory Brand, Luca Napolitano, Catherine Hay, Susan Shoobert and Jonathan Shoobert, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £580. • Lynn Brannan sent in total donations of £388.79 in respect of supermarket bag packing and collections. • Jane Brennand-Roper took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,156. • Mr GV Brooks, Masonic Aquarius Lodge, sent in a donation of £500. • Carnforth High School, Lancashire, donated £534 from a recent 6th Form sponsored walk. • Paul Chawner sent in a donation of £250 raised from the auction of a signed Brian O’Driscoll rugby ball.

Marathon 2014 and raised £350. • Rebecca Coxhead took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £127.50. • Andrea Curran completed the Manchester Marathon and raised £108. • Dalriada School, Ballymoney, sent in a donation of £300. “We have fundraised through a variety of ways during the year, including school discos, ‘wear a Christmas item day’, a staff/pupil coffee morning, our annual talent show, non-uniform days and teacher/ pupil quizzes, to name a few!” Louise Crawford, Teacher in Charge. • Yvonne Wemyss sent in a donation of £135 raised by Damson Jam, a rock and blues band, at a fundraiser at the Tyneside Tavern. • Teresa Debono sent in a donation of £350 in respect of a card payment taken at the charity event on Sunday 18th May. • Gary Donnelly took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £3,661. • Michael Downes completed the Bath Half Marathon and sent in online donations of £425.

• Michelle Clarke completed the Coventry Half Marathon and sent in a total of £1,235.

• Dudley Sports Juniors and Girls Club sent in a donation of £1,000.

• Kerryn Clements took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,263.38.

• The Edinburgh University Hare and Hounds Race raised £151, which they presented to CRY Representative Shelagh Green.

• Chrissie Cocker donated £611 in respect of a barn dance. • Adam Cook raised a total of £370 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

• Electric Word Plc sent in a donation of £100. CRY was nominated by Jason Mitchell to receive this donation. • Vera Emeny-Smith sent in a donation of £100.

• John Cooper donated £105 in respect of his skydive.

• Anita Farnworth, Tuxford Academy, sent in a donation of £225.

• Coopers School, Kent, sent in a donation of £489.49.

• Katie Francis sent in a donation of £200.53 in respect of the “Big Breakfast”.

• Tom Coyle took part in the Virgin Money London


General Fundraising • Tim Hall took part in a football tournament against the Leicester Legends and raised £215. • CRY Patron Simon Halliday sent in a donation of £250 in respect of a royalty payment for sales of his autobiography “City Centre”.

• Kelly and Jo Gardner raised a total of £150 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • Alexander Gerver sent in a donation of £100. • Global MP&L Communications donated £285 raised through competing in the 24 hour spinathon. • Mick Glynn raised a total of £412 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • Jo Green and Kate Brouwer sent in a donation of £575 raised at the live music night aboard The Albatross. • Karen Gwynne raised a total of £455 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.


• James Harte completed the Moonjumper skydive and raised £117. • Martin Hayes took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,791.40. • Hereford Charity Pool League sent in a donation of £200 from various fundraising activities throughout the year. • Gill, Edward and Catherine Hilditch sent in a donation of £120 to celebrate the marriage of Ruth Hobbs and CRY Patron Andy Scott. • myheart member Jennifer Hill completed the

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

General Fundraising Clipper Round the World yacht race and raised £4,648.57. “My name is Jennifer Hill, I’m 32 and I have long QT syndrome (LQTS). I was diagnosed in 2011 during an unrelated visit to my GP. I know it is rare to discover an isolated case of LQTS but despite feeling incredibly lucky, the diagnosis was a shock and a scare and I struggled to accept it. I was an active 29 year old and all of a sudden, everything I loved either had to stop or carried new parameters. At the start of last year, I applied to take part in the Clipper Round the World yacht race. I needed to prove to myself that having LQTS and living with an ICD didn’t have to hold me back – whilst the Clipper race was something I knew about, I had never seriously considered doing it! Then came the launch of my ‘Clipper for CRY’ campaign: in light of my personal motivations for taking part, I decided that throughout my Clipper journey I would raise awareness of and raise money for CRY. In the lead up to the race I organised a series of themed events with all proceeds going to CRY. Local businesses and friends were incredibly generous with their time, products and services and all the events were a huge success. ‘Last Team Standing’ fitness challenge: together with my personal trainer we ran a sports event for members of SW Fitness. In teams, participants ran 5K and then completed an obstacle course, helping each other along the way so that the team finished as a collective.

Pure Beauty pampering event: together with my local beauty salon we hosted a private Clipper for CRY event whereby guests received a glass of bubbly, a series of mini beauty treatments and a goody bag. The salon also donated a raffle prize and my friend baked delicious cupcakes to sell. Hill house pamper event: my mum, my sisters and I hosted an open house pamper event. With support from friends and local businesses we transformed my parents’ home into a luxurious ladies boudoir. Guests could sign up for massages, beauty treatments and hair services, or indulge in bubbles and delicious baked goodies, along with a spot of clothing and jewellery retail therapy.

Car boot sales: my Clipper race luggage allowance was a mere 20kg, which sounds a lot but doesn’t go far when carrying heavy boots and wet weather gear. I had to be ruthless with my packing and the training taught me well; I soon realised how simply I could live when I really needed to. As a result I decided to de-clutter my flat and sell all my old/unwanted items. Together with a friend we went to 2 car boot sales. Bon Voyage party: to mark my departure and as a way to involve all my friends in my challenge, I hosted a farewell party. The party was themed ‘at the heart of the ocean’ and involved a number of nautical fundraising activities: a nautical dress code, ‘guess the weight of the yacht cake’, a silly sailing Polaroid photo experience, Clipper cocktails and a fabulous raffle. In addition I wore CRY T-shirts whilst on the yacht, placed posters and collection tins in location businesses and set up a Virgin Money Giving page which I circulated amongst friends and fellow Clipper crew.”


General Fundraising • Larbert East Church of Scotland held a retiring offering and raised £183.80. • The Leach Fourteenth Trust sent in a donation of £500. • Leeds Metropolitan Carnegie Athletic Union sent in a donation of £272.02 in respect of a raffle prize fund for the annual sports award. • Francine Leonida and Stephen Smith took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £850. • Alex Holt took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,306. • Shane Hopper sent in a donation from Aon which represents 25% of the money he raised by completing the PruHealth Triathlon in Hyde Park on June 1st.

• CRY Patron Pixie Lott organised and held a Christmas charity clothes sale on December 8th raising £1,652.50; and Pixie also donated an additional £100 in respect of a pub gig, making a total raised of £1,752.50.

• Gilbert Allen & Co sent in a donation of £1,000 from the H A Holliday Charitable Trust. • Nikki Howes took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,645.28. • Hull University Union sent in a donation of £232.54. • Liam McGhee, IRIS Young Enteprise Company, sent in a donation of £643: “I am writing on behalf of IRIS, a small fledgling business, run by a group of students from Hockerill Anglo-European College. We raised money primarily through the selling of beanie hats but we have also products such as masks, balloons and sweets.” • “Team James”; Melissa, Karen and Reanna James, took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 in support of Andrew James and raised £1,050. • JLT Benefit Solutions Ltd sent in a donation of £110.05 from fundraising activites throughout the year. • Clare Kilcullen took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,790. • Kimberley Knibbs completed a 10K run and raised £290.


Issue 64 | May to August 2014

General Fundraising • Ivan Thomas sent in a donation of £750 from Loughborough University.

• Martin McColl Ltd, Brentwood, Essex, donated £2,000 raised through the MRG charity dinner.

• Sarah Lovell raised a total of £490 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

• Jennifer McKenna raised a total of £581.36 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013.

• John Lundy forwarded a donation of £470.33 in respect of screenings in Coleraine.

• Andrew McMahon sent in total donations of £310.50 in respect of the Manchester 10K.

• Maidstone Grammar School for Girls sent in a donation of £182.10.

• James and Ethel Merry took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £105.

• Dr Aneil Malhotra, CRY Research Fellow, took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,064.

• Midlands Area Child Support Agency sent in a donation of £100.

• Marks & Spencer, Essex, held various fundraising throughout the Chelmsford store and raised £1,832.54.

• Hannah Mills took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £4,672.50. • Monmouth School sent in a donation of £230.75.

• Ralph Marnham completed the Madrid Half Marathon and raised £1,845.

• Morden College, Blackheath, sent in a donation of £747.70.

• Anthea Martin raised £100 in respect of the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014.

• John Murrell sent in a donation of £100.

• Emma Mayho sent in £170 raised through competing in the second round of the Shrosphire Mud Run Series: “On April 26th I completed Round 2 of the Shropshire Mud Run Series at Bomere Lake, near Condover, Shrewsbury. It was a 10K mud-run challenge, involving running on a very muddy motoX track, around a lake, wading waist-deep through a swamp, through lovely smelly marshland and ending with a plunge in the lake at the end! We also raised money by doing an Easter egg raffle in the lead up to the mud run. Thank you to the CardioRespiratory Dept at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, and to all my friends and colleagues who helped raise money for this excellent charity.”

• Sarah Neely took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,697.42. • Barbara O’Boyle took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £4,047. • Chris Pascall sent in a donation of £250 for the Tim Butt myheart Fund. • Alex Peacock, Managing Director of Zoom Media, raised a total of £369.42 through taking part in Run to the Beat Powered by Nike+ 2013. • “Team Peagam”; Mark Rayner, Jane Rayner, Leslie Rayner, Caroline Peagam, Ricky Peagam, Joe Peagam, James Peagam, Denise Dimmick, Chris Dimmick, Aaron Dimmick and Megan Dimmick took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised a total of £747. • Isabel Peters took part in the London to Brighton Run and the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £465. • Isabelle Peters sent in a donation of £1,512.01 raised from her classical music concert in Redland,


General Fundraising Bristol, on April 11th. CRY Representatives Geoff and Linda Goodwin attended the event on behalf of CRY.

• Adam Robson raised a total of £232 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • The Royal Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, sent in a matched funding donation of £151.04. • Jackie Saunders and Anna Bignell took part in the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk 2014 and raised £150. • Sebastian Saboune took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,736.20. • Georgie-Lou Sales took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,724. • Sidnie Sales took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,533. • Santander, Milton Keynes, sent in a matched funding donation of £700 in respect of David Halladay’s quiz night. • The Sevenoaks & District Football League sent in a donation of £100 from the proceeds of this year’s Sevenoaks Charity Cup Competition. • Teresa Debono, Smile Impressions, Grays, sent in a donation of £350 in respect of the sale of clothes donated by CRY Patron Pixie Lott on May 18th.

• Mark Reid and the Mudscrubbers completed the Born Survivor 10K Obstacle Race and sent in total donations of £537.

• St John’s Church, Sheepscombe, sent in a donation of £265. • St Mary’s Catholic School, Bishops Stortford, sent in a donation of £500 raised through various fundraising activities. • The pupils of St Nicholas CE VA Primary School held a book stall and raised £100. • Josh Steer took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £2,187.48.

• The pupils of Repton School, Derbyshire, sent in a donation of £400 in respect of a “Sale of Work Day”, including the sale of merchandise and the hosting of gala dinners for their parents and peers. • Sarah Rippon raised a total of £433.96 through taking part in the Brighton Marathon 2014.


• Hayley Stockford took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,864.50. • Sheila Storey sent in a donation of £100. • Mark Sullivan took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £836.

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

General Fundraising • Flora Summerfield took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,010. • Denis Tailor sent in a donation of £1,817.79 raised from Welsh 3’s challenge. • Joseph Tanner completed the Spartan Race and raised £560. • Thomson Reuters sent in a matched giving donation of £606.50 in respect of sponsorship for John Geddie, who ran the Edinburgh Half Marathon. • Total E&P UK held a variety of fundraising events and raised £300. Andrew Wardell nominated CRY to receive this donation. • Trinity Hall Cambridge donated £204.41 raised through admission charges, plant sales, tea and cake sales and general donations at the garden. • Janice Tuite sent in a donation of £600 raised from the collection boxes. • Ulverston Rotary Club sent in a donation of £100. • Unum sent in total donations of £2,008.70: the Southern Sales Goof Day raised £245; a Regatta Raffle raised £12; the Dorking 5K raised £35; the Basingstoke Regatta raffle raised £37; the Basingstoke quiz raised £116, the Basingstoke Work Cup event raised £215; the Basingstoke donuts raised £55; the Manchester Sales Office raised £100; matched funding donations amounted to £523 and Unum sent a further donation of £670.70. • Vantec Europe Ltd donated £550.60 raised at a quiz night. “Vantec hosted its first charity fundraising night for CRY on 22nd April at Nissan Sport and Social Club. The evening included a quiz, raffle, bingo and races. This first event was held as a pilot activity for the company, and was received well by those who attended. Prizes continued to flow throughout the night, with the biggest winner being the charity, for which more than £550 was raised! (Thanks to POT 20 for raising more than £65 on raffle ticket sales and collection tins alone – the most out of all the sites!)

Vantec would like to say a massive thank you to all of those who kindly donated prizes for the evening: MTrec for the MetroCentre vouchers; Benfield Gateshead for the car makeover; Baked Cupcakery in Sunderland for the beautiful cupcake bouquet; GEM Premium People for the Seaham Hall voucher; and many more! One attendee commented: ‘We all enjoyed ourselves last night and would definitely come to any other nights that are arranged.’ Casey Barlow, HR Officer and Head of the CSR steering committee, said: ‘Firstly, we would like to thank all those who attended and bought raffle tickets for the charity quiz night on the 22nd April 2014. A special thanks to one of the teams who graciously handed their 1st place quiz prize back to be auctioned off to raise further funds for the charity.’” • Mark Vardy took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,267.53. • M Vernon sent in a donation of £970.50. • The Vernon N Ely Charitable Settlement sent in a donation of £4,000. • Nikki Vince sent in total donations of £450.50 in respect of the Manchester Marathon. • Anthony Webb sent in a donation of £100. • Wellington College, Belfast, sent in a donation of £220. • Sarah Whale took part in the Virgin Money London Marathon 2014 and raised £1,426.20. • Sophie Wharton raised a total of £235 through taking part in the Bupa Great North Run 2013. • The Year 6 pupils at Whitfield Aspen School, Kent, held a cake sale and raised £141.41.


Fundraising Events 2015 Please contact Ben, Cara or Nicola on 01737 363222 or e-mail if you are interested in any of the following events. For more information and a full list of events, visit All participants in mass-participation events who contact the CRY fundraising team (whether they have their “own place” or a CRY charity place) will receive a “welcome pack” containing sponsor forms, information, helpful tips and either a T-shirt or vest (depending on the type of event).

2015 The Big Heart Bike Ride in India

Bupa London 10,000

Sure Run to the Beat

The 2015 event entails five days of consecutive cycling for a distance of 470km across rural Rajasthan. This amazing challenge starts with a visit to the stunning Taj Mahal and finishes in the famous Pink City of Jaipur. There will be a huge amount of fun and friendship along the way as cyclists of all abilities come together to take up this special challenge.

The Bupa London 10,000 starts and finishes in St James’s Park and uses Green Park as its assembly area. CRY has charity places for the Bupa London 10,000 and also welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to run for CRY.

The Sure Run to the Beat 10K is London’s unique music running event set at Wembley Park. CRY will have a number of charity places and also welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to run for CRY.

CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk

September 13

February 6 – 15

Brighton Marathon April 12

Please get in touch if you are interested in a CRY charity place for 2015, or you have your “own place” and would like to run for CRY. All runners will receive a technical t-shirt or vest or t-shirt, fundraising pack and support throughout the event.

Virgin Money London Marathon April 26

CRY welcomes anyone who has been successful in the public ballot who would like to run for CRY. Please get in touch if you are interested in a CRY place for 2016 and we will advise you when the public ballot opens and when we are taking applications via CRunCH. Demand for Golden Bond places always exceeds the number of places we have available so please apply early.

London 2 Brighton Challenge May 23 – 24

Now one of the UK’s greatest endurance events – most of this year’s 3,000 challengers will walk the 100km, many will jog, and some will run it as an ultramarathon. However you take it on, it’s a test of determination and stamina. It’s real, no gimmicks, is achievable, and could be the most rewarding experience you’ve had for ages! Contact CRY for more info or to register for a place.


May 25

June 28 (TBC)

Join us on the 9th CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk to raise awareness and funds. The walk’s 8km (5 mile) route will start at Victoria Embankment Gardens and finish at Hays Galleria, near London Bridge. Please get in touch to register your interest and we will advise you when online registration opens.

Prudential RideLondonSurrey 100 August 2

The Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 starts in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and then follows a 100 mile route on closed roads through the capital and into Surrey’s stunning countryside. CRY has a number of charity places for this event and welcomes any “own place” cyclists.

Spartan Race Series

August – October (Dates TBC) The Spartan Race series integrates obstacles with the natural terrain to create the best racing experience possible. There are three levels of adult races, as well as a range of races for children. CRY has places for these events so if you would like to register or find out more information please contact us.

September (Date TBC)

Bupa Great North Run This event is firmly established as the world’s greatest half marathon! CRY has a number of charity places and also welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to run for CRY.

Windsor Running Festival September 26 – 27

The setting for the Windsor Running Festival is one of the most beautiful in the UK, the start and finish being the Long Walk with Windsor Castle as the backdrop. CRY has charity places for the Running 4 Women Windsor 10K and the Windsor Half Marathon, and also welcomes any “own place” runners who would like to run for CRY.

CRY Durham Riverside Walk October 3 / 4 (TBC)

The 6th CRY Durham Riverside Walk will start and finish at Durham Amateur Rowing Club. The 7km walk is in the beautiful Wear Valley, following the river, with views of the city and cathedral. Please get in touch to register your interest and we will advise you when online registration opens.

Parachute Jumps Assorted dates

For further details, please visit

Issue 64 | May to August 2014

CRY Update 64 May to August 2014 Our Fundraisers The involvement of our fundraisers has been crucial to helping CRY raise awareness about young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). By fundraising for CRY our supporters have, in addition to highlighting our cause, helped to finance and develop our Bereavement Support Programme, the CRY Centre for Cardiac Pathology (CRY CCP) and the CRY Centre for Inherited Cardiac Conditions and Sports Cardiology at St George’s Hospital, and the CRY myheart Network to support young people

living with potentially fatal cardiac conditions. CRY has also required funding to support medical research into YSCD, to subsidise and expand our national screening programme, our education programme and our campaign for ECG testing of the nation’s youth. Whether you are carrying out your own activity or taking part in an organised event such as the Virgin London Marathon or the Bupa Great North Run, remember that CRY will always support your effort with posters, literature, sponsor forms and other resources. If you would like to join our fundraisers, CRY also offers a range of free fundraising challenge events, including parachute jumps, white

Our Patrons

The urgency of CRY’s mission and the quality of our work has compelled many high profile personalities to give their time to become Patrons of our charity.

Current Patrons of CRY: Rob Andrew MBE, John

Barrowman MBE, Jeremy Bates, Ben Brown, Mark Carruthers, Clive Clarke, James Cracknell OBE, Brian Dooher, Nick Easter, Jonny Evans, Baroness Finlay of Llandaff, Simon Halliday, Kathryn Harries, Michael Hoey, John Inverdale, Tom James MBE, Pat Jennings OBE KSG, Rob Key, Gary Longwell, Pixie Lott, Emily Maitlis, Graeme McDowell MBE, Professor William McKenna, Lee Mears, Bill Neely, Lawrence Okoye, Phil Packer MBE, Sir Steven Redgrave CBE, Joe Root, Andy Scott, Roger Taylor MBE, Professor Gaetano Thiene, Gregor Townsend MBE, Andrew Triggs-Hodge MBE, Andrew Trimble, David Walliams, Alison Waters, Matt Wells, Ray Wilkins MBE, Sir Clive Woodward OBE.

water rafting and a selection of trekking and cycling events. For more information visit or contact the CRY office to request a fundraising ideas pack. There are many different ways you can donate to CRY. Online and cheque donations are the most popular methods, and we can also accept credit card donations over the phone. For further information telephone 01737 363222 or go to: All your help is greatly appreciated.

We can send regular information to CRY supporters via 3 distribution/mailing lists: 1. CRY Update magazine – postal mailing of CRY’s regular (3 issues a year) news and events magazine. Includes reports from the CRY CEO and Deputy CEO; many pages of supporters’ fundraising; articles about screening, research, pathology, raising awareness initiatives, mass participation fundraising events, etc; and much more 2. CRY enewsletter – sent monthly via email; includes a link to an electronic version of the CRY Update magazine, as-and-when each new issue of the Update is published 3. CRY myheart newsletter – postal mailing of CRY’s regular newsletter (3 - 4 issues a year) with news, events and stories relating to CRY’s myheart Network, which supports young people diagnosed with life-threatening heart conditions If you would like to subscribe to, or unsubscribe from, any of these 3 distribution/mailing lists, please let us know by: • Going to the CRY website and completing the online subscribe / unsubscribe form at • Calling the CRY office on 01737 363222 • Emailing the CRY office at

Sir Ian Botham OBE Honorary President of CRY “It is not just athletes who are at risk of these heart disorders – it can happen to anyone. The problem has been swept under the carpet for too long and there have been too many excuses. I am a parent and a grandparent and I want to know that my kids and grandkids will be screened as a matter of course. It’s the only way we can prevent these sudden deaths occurring.” To read more from CRY’s Patrons, please go to


Cardiac Risk in the Young Our Mission When Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) was founded in 1995 it was the first organisation to draw attention to the range of conditions that can cause young sudden cardiac death (YSCD). These include arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) and other abnormalities leading to sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed heart conditions. CRY aims to reduce the frequency of YSCD by working with

cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. CRY believes cardiac screening should be accessible to all young people aged between 14 and 35. CRY also works to guide and support families and close friends affected by YSCD. The Charity aims to put them in touch with people who have the appropriate knowledge and experience to answer their questions. We provide information to explain what the coroner does, practical guidelines to help with NHS referrals and advice on the procedures that usually follow a YSCD.

In addition, CRY publishes a range of medical information written by leading cardiologists that is easy to understand and made available to the public free of charge. Detailed information about cardiac abnormalities and the range of literature available from CRY can be found on our website at

CRY is extremely grateful for grants or donations from Trusts and Foundations. We would like to thank the following Trusts and Foundations for the very generous support they have given us: ABBA Trust • Albert Hunt Trust • Artie White Foundation • Aspen Insurance UK Charity Committee • Biggart Trust • The Black Family Charitable Trust • The Celtic Charity Fund • Charlotte Marshall Charitable Trust • Sir Cliff Richard Charitable Trust • The Christopher H R Reeves Charitable Trust • The Davy Foundation • Edward Joseph Colclough Trust • Fitton Trust • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity• Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust • Gwyneth Forrester Trust • Hasluck Charitable Trust • Holbeck Charitable Trust • Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust • James Tudor Foundation • Miss W E Lawrence 1973 Settlement• Mrs H C Beer Charitable Trust • Munro Charitable Trust • Muriel Edith Rickman Trust • Pennycress Trust • Pharsalia Charitable Trust • The Sobell Foundation • Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation • Sir James Roll Charitable Trust • Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust • Tudor Foundation Inc • The Whitehead Monckton Charitable Foundation

Tel: 01737 363222 Fax: 01737 363444 Email:

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