Extenuating Circumstances Advice

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Extenuating Circumstances Advice What are Extenuating Circumstances? The University defines extenuating circumstances as circumstances which: • Have prevented you from performing at your usual level in an assessment or examination; • Are severe and exceptional; • Are unforeseen or unavoidable; • Occur close in time to the affected assessment or examination. Circumstances likely to be accepted: • Bereavement – for example the death of a close relative or friend, partner or significant other; • Serious short-term illness or accident; • Evidence of a long-term health condition worsening or a change in symptoms; • Significant adverse personal/family circumstances; • Being a victim of a serious crime; • Disability or impairment where it hasn’t been possible to put the required adjustments in place. Circumstances unlikely to be accepted: • Medical circumstances for which adjustments have already been made (such as an extended deadline); • Long-term health condition or disability for which reasonable adjustments have already been made; • Minor illness or ailment; • Poor time management, personal computer or printer problems; • Holidays; • Financial difficulties, unless there are additional

Student Advice, 3rd Floor Students’ Union Park Place and Heath Park campus

Student Advice Cyngor i Fyfyrwyr

factors which make them exceptional or particularly severe; • Claims that you were unaware of the dates or times of submission or examination. The process:

1. Contact Student Advice; 2. Know the deadline for your assessment; 3. Know the deadline for extenuating circumstances; 4. Understand whether your situation falls within the criteria outlined above.; 5. Complete the form: »» Outline what the issue is and when it started; »» Outline how this affects you (emotionally, physically and otherwise); »» Outline how this affects your academic performance; »» Explain what you would like as a remedy i.e. exam board remedy (if applying for an examination) or extension request (if applying for an assessment deadline).

6. You are welcome to contact Student Advice for guidance with your form before submitting; 7. Find the extenuating circumstances email address for your school here: cardiffstudents. com/pageassets/advice/academic/extenuatingcircumstances/Extenuating-CircumstancesContacts.pdf 8. Submit your extenuating circumstances to your school via the extenuating circumstances email.


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