Student rep goal sheet

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Contact Details

CardiffStudentVoice @CU_StudentVoice


s l a Go

p e R c i m e d a Student Ac

d e n i a l p x E s l a Rep Go


University work f if rd Ca d an n io Un s’ Cardiff Student Voice is heard and nt de u St e th at th re in partnership to ensu y level. taken seriously at ever g University, by attendin e th h it w ng ki or w le in this by s’ Union about nt de u St e th You will play a vital ro h it w ng nels and communicati Pa f af St nt de u St r u yo academic issues. ensure you are to t ee sh s al Go ep R is have created th The Student Voice team dent Academic Rep. u St a as ve ha u yo es liti aware of the responsibi es included: There are five categori le • Preparing for the ro • Duties of the role • Engagement • Communication • Reflecting/feedback t two goals from each as le at ce en id ev d an achieve You will be expected to ic Rep certificate. em ad Ac nt de u St r u yo hieve category in order to ac ps re nt de u st to nt se All evidence needs to be

Preparing for your Role

Duties of the Role


Attend Training

Attend a minimum of 2 SSPs

Attend Rep Conference

Every school should have rep training that is specific to their course, led by the Students’ Union. This is a great opportunity for you to learn about your role, ask questions and meet other course reps.

One of the most important parts of your role is to attend Student Staff Panel meetings. This is your opportunity to feedback to senior members of staff in your school on issues that have been brought to you by students.

During Speak Week the Students’ Union holds a Rep Conferece. This is your oportunity to learn about applying your role as are rep for future Empolyment opportunities. It is also a chance to feedback about your role so far and meet other reps.

Rep handbook

College Forums**

Help out in Speak Week

The Rep handbook is filled with important information that can help you with your role. The document features key dates, recommends meetings you should attend and sets out the opportunities available to you in your role.

This is for Chairs only or their nominees. All Chairs from the three Colleges should attend their respective College Forums. This is an opportunity to find out about College-wide concerns and issues. You may also bring issues that are unable to be resolved at a school leave here.

There are multiple ways you can help out in Speak Week. You can get involved in a stall or event set up by the Students’ Union or you can run a school specific event/project with other Reps in your school.

Online training*

Attend AGM

For all those Reps that are returning to their rep role we will be creating online training. It is beneficial for you to attend in-person training to keep up to date with changes within your school. But if you have chosen not to attend training it is essential you brush up on your Rep skills by undergoing Online training.

The Annual General Meeting is a great opportunity for you to find out what students are talking about and to get involved in the discussion. The meeting is attended by over 600 students from societies and sports teams, to student led services and student academic reps. Students vote on policies that will affect the wider student body.

Skills Development

Attend Student Senate

Skills Development Services (SDS) are offering training programmes for all reps to enhance their CV and aid Personal Development, this includes leadership classes, time management and presentation skills.

Student Senate meets five times a year to pass policy that affects the student community at Cardiff University. This serves as a great opportunity to pass academic based policy and help Union decision making.

Read Rep documents (charter, NSS, Welcome to Cardiff) There is a variety of information for Reps to find out more about what students in their school think about their course. Take a look at the Student Charter, NSS 2014/15, Welcome to Cardiff, Study at Cardiff to get a better insight into what Cardiff students are thinking.

Meet your Student Rep Coordinator (SRC) Your Student Rep Coordinator is your point of contact within your school. It will really help in your role if you can meet them to find out more about the school and what has been brought to SSPs before.

Apply for Education Executive The Vice President of Education is looking for some keen students to be on her Education Exec. There are only a limited number of places available. Members will sit on some meetings with senior members of University staff to represent the student population and make important decisions on shaping university policy. The Education Exec will also help with education campaigns and attend College Forums whilst also helping to promote student surveys.

Periodic Review

Communication Communicate your presence to your course Some schools do this really well. Make sure students on your course know you are their Rep and they can come speak to you if they have any ideas or issues with their course. Some schools do picture/notice boards. Others introduce themselves in lecutres by doing a shout out. Some students get known through Social Media like Facebook or by hosting focus groups.

At the end of the Academic year you will receive an email from the Students’ Union asking you to fill out the Student Rep Survey. This gives you an opportunity to tell us how your year has gone and what improvements can be made.

Reflective report

Lots of students use Facebook to communicate. Create a Facebook group for your cohort and/or year group. Give studnets the opportunity to discuss their ideas and opinions about improvements to the school. You can then use these in your SSPs. You can also use the group to close the feedback loop and inform your cohort of updates.

Tell us what you have worked on this year and how things have gone. This can be as long as you like but must be at least 400 words long. Tell us whats gone well, what could be improved and how you have found the year. Include any projects you have worked on as a Rep and any wins you have had in your role or as a school.

Lecture shoutout

Nominate others for an ESLA

Lecture shoutouts is a great way to communicate with a large group of students. Get your face out there so students know who to talk to about ideas opinions and issues they may have on their course.

The Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLAs) are an annual event that recognises the hard work of students and staff. Categories range from Most Effective Teacher to Most Uplifting Member of Staff to Student Rep of the Year. We want to increase the profile of the ELSAs and with your help we can! Make sure you nominate a deserving person for an ESLA this year!

Evidence closing the feedback loop

Get nominated for an ESLA

We always want to hear about your wins - no matter how big or small. Make sure you tell your fellow students. If a point you have raised at your SSP has been acted upon tell your cohort - this is called closing the feedback loop. Your wins can be evidenced in SSP minutes or through communication like emails with school staff.

Have a meeting with Student Voice

Annual Review and Enhancement (ARE)

Based in the Students’ Union, the Student Voice team are always interested in finding out how your year is going. You can come chat to them at any point in the year, discuss ideas or get advice and support about your role. As well as finding out about all the opportunities that are open to reps.

Annual Review and Enhancement is a yearly process that every school takes part in. Schools review everything from engagement with students, to NSS scores, recruitment and the creation of new programmes.

Communicate with Course based society

Work with other reps in your school to solve a problem in your course. The Student Voice team at the Students’ Union can help you with this. This could be you find out how students would like feedback on their course to improve or having more books and materials for your course.

Student Rep survey

Set up a Facebook group

Periodic Review is a academic standards process that takes place in every school on a five year rotation. Your input is vital in engaging with the wider student body for feedback towards the periodic review process .

Run a School Project


Most schools have a coursed based society, this links academic discussion with a more social experience. It is a great opportunity to talk to more students in your school about their experiences.

Electronic communication with student voice (respond to email) You can ask your SRC to help you send out a mass email to the students in your school. In the past Reps have sent out surveys, questionnaires and newsletters.

Getting a nomination for an ESLA demonstrates that you have worked really hard in your role. There are two awards you can be nominated for - the first is as Student Academic Rep of the year, the second is the Honour Roll which recognises students who have contributed to the local community or volunteer projects on top of their degree.

Chair and Secretary Agenda It is the Chair and Secretary’s duty to get the agenda typed up and sent out to all those who will be attending the SSP. Attendees should be given the oportunity to add agenda items in. therefore the Agenda should be put together around a week before the meeting so any updates can be added.

Chair and Sec Minutes on time It is the Chair and Secretaries duty to get the minutes typed up and sent out to all those who attended the SSP and the Students’ Union. This must be done within 2 weeks of the meeting.



Fill in a report telling us why you or another Rep deserves to be Rep of the month. Tell us about why that individual deserves recognition for the work they do.

*Only returning Reps and placement students can use this facility / **Only Chairs (or their nominee) of Student Staff Panels (SSPs) can attend


Rep of the month (300 word report)


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