Viney Hearing Care
How do you clean your ears? In my years of being a Hearing Audiologist I have been told many stories about what people clean their ears with from the everyday cotton swabs to pens, paperclips, hair grips, glasses arms, car keys. I’m sure nearly everyone reading this is guilty of sticking something in their ears they are not supposed to so I’m going to explain why the old wives tale ‘nothing smaller than your elbow’ is so true. Our ears are designed by nature to be both self-cleaning and self-protecting and that’s why by using the wrong cleaning methods, you risk causing injury to the ears, damaging your hearing or even causing infections. Earwax (also called cerumen) is necessary for the ear's self-cleaning mechanism to work properly. Earwax is manufactured by glands in the skin of the outer ear canal, the hole through which sound travels to the eardrum. Earwax serves several important functions. It coats the skin of the ear canal, repelling water and helping to protect it against injury and infection. It also helps to keep the skin inside the ears from
FREE hearing tests & advice with the latest diagnostic equipment FREE demontrations of the newest hearing aid technology
getting dry and itchy. In addition, earwax traps dust and germs, keeping them from reaching the eardrum. Usually, you don't need to do anything to help this natural cleaning process unless you suffer from an impaction that may have to be removed. Trying to forcibly remove the ear's protective wax layer or stop an itch can damage the delicate skin of the ear canal or puncture (put a hole in) the eardrum. This can increase your risk of infection and lead to a permanent hearing loss needing either surgery or a hearing aid to correct the
impairment. So it is best to leave the inside of your ear alone and not disturb its natural environment. This means no cotton swabs, no fingers and certainly no sharp objects, keep your hair grips for holding your hair back and keep your car keys for unlocking your car! The ear canal is narrow and curved, consequently some people are susceptible to getting blockages of wax, skin, foreign objects, debris from infection. If a blockage is present you may notice your hearing seems, dull, there may be a ringing sound in your ears, your ears may feel full become itchy or ache. If this is the case you will need to have it professionally removed. Although there are several methods to clean your ears such as syringing, sprays and drops, Microsuction is renowned as the most efficient and the safest. It is highly recommended by GP’s, audiologists and ENT consultants. Microsuction of an ear canal is performed under direct vision using a microscope. The ear canal is cleared using gentle suction, proving to be the most effective way to clean the ears reducing all risks of infection.
Viney Hearing Care
...introducing Micro-Suction
FREE The safest way to clean your ears Micro-Suction and
Viney Hearing Care is now the first hearing centre in Swansea to offer Micro-Suction, the SAFEST Thursday 25th May way to remove wax. No more ear FREE lifetime Normal cost £55 syringing necessary, there is no aftercare service Call today as there are longer any need to pump water into limited spaces Micro-Suction wax the ear to remove wax. It is performed removal. The safest under direct vision using a microscope way to remove wax using gentle suction and instruments to clean the ears. The ear canal is narrow and curved and can become blocked with: wax, skin, debris from infection and Service, repair and foreign objects. This can cause your hearing to become dull and the quickest relief is calibration of ANY microsuction. If you are having problems and dull hearing, itchy ears, blocked feeling, it hearing aid could be wax blocking your ear canals. Come and have a FREE ear health check to determine if wax is the problem. Video Otoscopy We will use a fibre optic camera to view and assess the condition of the fibre optic camera ear canal and ear drum. If we find that the ears are blocked with wax, to show the microsuction is the safest way to remove it. condition of the ear Speech Analysis - testing how well your hearing aids allow you to hear speech
Ear Health Check Day
02920 250121 Viney Hearing Centre, 66 Merthyr Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 1DJ