May CARDIFF TIMES CONTENTS 5 RAF Benevolent Fund PUBLISHER Rob Budgen Ambassador Cardiff Times
6 Movers and shakers EDITOR byLouise Wyn Evans Denning 07903 947594
10 And Another Thing byFEATURES Vince NolanEDITOR Mark Denning
247194 1507758 In the Word Of bySALES Carl Marsh & MARKETING Beth Bard in Bed Part Two by Sara John 30CONTRIBUTORS Fashion Done Your Own Wyn Evans, Vince Nolan, Way Sara John, Carl Marsh, Fogg, Kellie Williams, byMichael Molly Dutton Ralph Oates, Natalie McCulloch, Abell 33Jen Love is All About You
35 Cardiff Open Air Theatre Festival 37 SATCol’s Revolutionary Fibersort Technology EDITORIAL
029 2046 3028
38ADVERTISING Tara J Hamer07903 – 947594 Manager Ring Fil at T&S EMAIL & WEB Promotions by Ralph Oates 42 The Hottest New Radio Brand in our Green Green Grass of Home by Natalie McCulloch 46 Sam Sugarman brings magic to Cardiff and the Vale by Natalie McCulloch 4
Welcome Hi All, and welcome to our May edi�on. Hi All, and welcome to our November issue.
Sadly, we saw passing of acompleting na�onal our last issue but It only seems like the yesterday we were a month has really does fly by. Covid treasure inmoved April.onTVsince. andTime Radio Presenter Paul seems to be doing it's rounds in schools in Cardiff, especially at O’Grady supported animal human our daughter’s primary school, butrights, luckily, we know of no-one who is seriously ill children’s with the virus. Thankes. goodness so many on people rights, and chari� His dedica� have received vaccinations. to helping others will be missed by the October is always a quiet month for us in terms of birthdays, chari� es and thegoing many heThis supported. celebrations or just out people in general. could be because we are starting to think about the chaos and non-stop activity that
is the month December and mentally preparing for a Earth hourofalso took place during April. ourselves If certain celebration, or it could just be we haven’t been invited to go anywhere! we all do a �ny bit to help reduce carbon footprint, our planet be a healthier, This month though, we'll bewill celebrating our daughter's birthday. Not sure what she wants to do or where she wants to go because greener living space for future genera� ons. she keeps changing her mind on ideas to celebrate her big day sounds a bit like her mum! (that was Mark saying that by the Away!). major event taking place this May is
the Wheelchair European Rugby at the And another celebration this month is the book launch of our CARDIFF TIMES Principality wheel-to-wheel talented writer Stadium. Sara John, Witness who not content with providing us with an incredibly varied number of articles, come has nowtogether turned her hand ac� on as Europe’s top athletes to writing her own book. to become European champions on one of PUBLISHER Cardiff Times Last world’s but not least our famous third celebration to……. the magazine the most spor�goes ng stages. and our talented writers. We have only gone and won a best EDITOR Louise Denning magazine award. It's great to be recognised after these years. 07903all 947594 And fi nally, celebra� ons for the corona� on of and A huge well done to each and every one of our dedicated FEATURES EDITOR inspirational writers, and a pat on the back for us, sometimes all Denning King Charles III, will be centred on theMark bank 07758 247194 the hard work is worth it after all! SALES & MARKETING holiday weekend of May 6th-8th. Neighbours Beth Please continue to stay safe everyone, and until next month, and communi�es are invited to food happy reading. CONTRIBUTORS and fun during this historical occasion. Let’s Wyn Evans, Vince Nolan, Sara John, Carl Marsh, hope the sun is shining. Michael Fogg, Kellie Williams,
Louise & Mark
Ralph Oates, Natalie McCulloch, Jen Abell
Happy reading from all at Cardiff Times. EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING 029 2046 3028 EMAIL WEB
It only seem a month ha seems to b our daughte is seriously have receiv
October is a celebration we are star is the mont certain cele go anywher
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Last but no and our tale magazine a A huge wel inspirationa the hard wo
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Hi All, and w
Please con happy read
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