Cardiff Times - January 2023

Page 44

Benthyg Cymru bringing communities together by creating a culture of environmental sustainability by Natalie McCulloch

We’ve all heard the saying ‘sharing is caring’ and during the Pandemic we saw a resurge in the neighbourly spirit of yonder years through ‘random acts of kindness’ such as people offering to help with chores that others were unable to do, neighbours buying groceries for those unable to get to shops and people donating time and skills to help others in need. Social media was showered with people asking for, or offering, assistance and the nation seemed to unite, in many ways, on common ground. According to government statistics, during the pandemic a record “33% of people surveyed had volunteered informally at least once a month, which is the highest percentage on record. People have helped one another across communities from getting a neighbour’s shopping and prescriptions, to looking after a friend’s children.” Leading on from this sense of community spirit and kindness come community interest companies such as Benthyg Cymru which have been established to help build communities and help individuals when they need it most to support and develop a Wales wide network of Libraries of Things. Benthyg Cymru is best described as Wales’ “Library of Things” and has one simple goal; to make borrowing easy. Benthyg (pronounced ben-thig) is a Welsh word meaning borrow or lend, so the name, and the aim, of the not-for-profit makes complete sense in this day and age. 44 CARDIFF TIMES

Current financial strains on the nation may mean that the cost of living may prevent some ‘non-essential’ purchases – but, thanks to places like Bethyg Cymru it doesn’t always have to mean missing out! These ‘libraries’ have been set up to provide benefit to communities around Wales by creating a culture of resilience and environmental sustainability that brings communities together to share items, knowledge and skills. Items available to borrow include gardening supplies, DIY tools, fitness kits, camping equipment and much more, all available to borrow for less than you'd expect to pay second hand, and with the opportunity to pay in time instead of cash. Popular items are carpet cleaners, gazebos, pressure washers & then seasonal items such as camping equipment. Each library will have their own inventory of items depending on what the local community needs/wants to borrow. Members may be charged for borrowing an item with all money generated from borrows going back into the project to fund repairs & upkeep of the inventory items. However, method of payment is negotiable. Payment methods include – Money, Time Credits or Skills. There is no charge for individual membership, but you may make a donation. Organisations, both commercial and not-for-profit groups, will be charged a small membership fee. They aim to ensure that everyone will be able to

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