Cardiff Times - January 2023

Page 6

Miscellany by Wyn Evans I thought it would be appropriate to see out the old year and ring in the new with an update on some of The Girl’s activities since starting her new school last October. My sixteen year old daughter left Cardiff High School after Year 11 to join Whitchurch High School’s sixth form. She was the first (and only) pupil at CHS with Down Syndrome whereas she has a larger peer group at WHS. Early signs have been encouraging; our daughter has settled well and has made some firm friendships. For their part, staff at WHS have told us how pleased they’ve been with her contribution to the work of the class. Of course, her out-of-school activities have continued apace too. In the national Trampolining League Finals, held at Stratford Olympic Park, east London, The Girl won silver medal in her class of six, against teams from across the country. The Boss and The Girl were at the venue at 1030 on the Saturday morning, having travelled up from Cardiff on Friday night. They were still going full pelt late afternoon/early evening. There were parades, march-pasts and ceremonies. It was a long and successful day! Then, representing WHS in the national schools’ trampolining finals, she won the gold medal. I include a picture of The Girl with her friends A and L celebrating their medals. Such a happy picture! The Girl wasn’t the only one gallivanting across the country. The Boss and I went to a three hour concert given by Sir Andras Schiff. He considered the influence of “the greatest composer”, JS Bach on the next greatest, WA Mozart, playing us plenty of the works of both. We stayed the night at the Paddington Hilton and we had uneventful journeys both to and from the capital. Fair dos to Great Western Railways. Rather than come to London with her parents The Girl slept-over at a friend’s house. We know that she had a fab time but it was very nice to receive the following message from her friend’s mum: “Your Girl has been such a wonderful, easy guest. She is so polite and cheerful she must definitely come again”.

told us that you’ve settled in really well to your new class; making lots of friends and working hard. Well done! TG: Thanks Dad, yes I like it there. Me: are there any class-mates that you are developing good friendships with? TG, excited: Yes! There’s I###, and D#### and M##### and J*** and... Me: Yes, J***! Your mum tells me that J***’s mother has phoned saying you and J*** want to go to a cafe together... TG, interrupting: ... Yes! Me: so tell us, what is he like, this J***? TG, who takes about 30 seconds of anguished thought: I don’t know what he likes to do but I can ask him tomorrow and tell you tomorrow after school [grins]!

The following conversation brought home to me that my daughter is very much her own person and that she has learned how to wind her dad up. I’m going to call this “Looking for love.”

Me: Sorry my love, I didn’t mean what does he like doing. I meant what is he like as a person; what does he look like; does he have a kind heart and a nice smile; is he tall or short; does he make you laugh?

Scene: The Girl, her Mum and me, having supper in the dining space.

TG: Oh! well [her girl friend] D#### and I often talk to J***. Actually, D#### and me dance for J***...

Me to TG: In your Annual Review today your teachers

Me, spluttering: (thinking ‘who is this Svengali?!)


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