CARE Prayer Diary England April to July 2016

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APRIL to JULY 2016

CARE Prayer Diary Making a Christian difference through prayer

The cover photograph is of London, the capital of the United Kingdom, which has been a major settlement for two thousand years. London has a diverse range of peoples and cultures, with more than 300 languages spoken by its 8.5 million inhabitants. It is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism, and transport. London generates approximately one quarter of the UK’s Gross National Product (GDP) – the calculation of the nation’s total economic activity. In London, 720,000 people – the majority black – go to church on Sunday and these represent a quarter of all English churchgoers, with 8.8 per cent of Londoners going to church, compared with 5.6 per cent of people in the rest of England. ‘The whole city celebrates when the godly succeed … Upright citizens are good for a city and make it prosper.’ PROVERBS 11: 10-11 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring.

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Celia Bowring

APRIL 24 - 30

ELECTIONS ‘Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God … Do what is right, and they will honour you. The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good.’ ROMANS 13: 1-4 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)





Sovereign Lord, we thank You that the men and women who will be elected into positions of national and local authority leadership are Your servants, placed there by You. Please grant us politicians who will work to promote what is best for our nation and our local communities. Amen. Pray for candidates, as they near the end of the election campaigns for the Assemblies of Northern Ireland and Wales and the Scottish Parliament. Pray that voters will clearly discern the intentions and values of potential MLAs, AMs and MSPs and for men and women of good character and outstanding ability to be elected.



Remember the 5 May elections for Police and Crime Commissioners in 41 areas across England and Wales to hold police forces accountable. Pray that those elected will provide committed and effective leadership, especially in enforcing the law regarding human trafficking and prostitution. (


Father God, please bless and guide those standing for election to our local authorities and for the role of Police and Crime Commissioner in our area. Inspire and enable those who are Christians to be bold and eloquent in their response to issues and questions that have important moral and ethical implications. Amen.


Pray about the mayoral elections in London, Bristol, Liverpool and Salford. Ask God to bring the best candidates to serve each of these cities with a spirit of justice, wisdom and integrity and to provide a skilful and committed team to support each of them in these important roles.





THANKSGIVING: for everyone who works so hard on the practicalities of upholding democracy at election time: staff manning polling stations and counting votes, campaigners and other party workers, and police officers. Pray for strength and encouragement for them all at this busy time.


Pray for those on both sides of the debate about whether Britain should leave or stay in the European Union. Ask God to restrain any who are tempted to resort to dishonest and defamatory arguments and to expose the true situation so that voters can make an informed decision.



There are roughly 20,000 local councillors serving local authorities in England: on district councils, unitary authorities and metropolitan boroughs. Over 95 per cent of them are members of political parties. They are unsalaried and spend up to 20 hours a week fulfilling their role.


MAY 1 - 7

GUARDING OUR FREEDOMS ‘For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: Love your neighbour as yourself. ’ GALATIANS 5: 13-14 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



Praise You, Lord, for the freedom and total forgiveness we have received through Christ’s atoning death and resurrection. Please help us to walk in Your righteous ways and to defend the rights of those who are most vulnerable with an attitude of humility and grace. Amen.


Pray about measures in the Government’s Extremism Bill – to prevent the radicalisation of young people. Ask God to help us protect the freedom of Christian churches and organisations to continue to run classes, clubs, camps and other events for children and teenagers, with no external interference.


Remember those involved with news gathering, journalistic investigations and comment across the different media. Pray for their freedom of communication and expression to be maintained, alongside a wise system to protect issues of national security and the privacy of individuals who have not been found guilty of any wrongdoing.


Thank God for the democratic freedoms we enjoy and ask Him to help us not to take them for granted and to be involved in ways that are appropriate to us as individuals. Pray that many good men and women will enter politics to serve others and to stand up for what is important for society.






ELECTION DAY Almighty God, we humbly commit the outcomes of today’s elections throughout the United Kingdom to You: for the Northern Ireland and Welsh Assemblies, the Scottish Parliament, Police and Crime Commissioners, Mayors and local councillors. May Your will be done. Amen.


THANKSGIVING: for the dedicated and meticulous work of our police and intelligence services in tracking down threats to security from terrorists and those involved in the trafficking of drugs, arms and people. Pray for many successes in their vital work.


Pray for those working with the National Cyber Security Programme to protect us from the ever growing threat of cybercrime – offences involving computers and the internet that aim to defraud or invade confidential networks that will harm the Government, businesses and individuals.

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‘Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like but if anyone says anything back that is an outrage.’ (Sir Winston Churchill) 4

MAY 8 - 14

LIVING WITH A DISABILITY ‘God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.’ 2 CORINTHIANS 9: 8 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)



MAY 2-8 DEAF AWARENESS WEEK Loving Lord, please encourage and inspire deaf Christians to grow in their faith and find avenues of service through their employment, churches and communities. We pray for those who are involved with deaf led churches – organising services in British Sign Language and acting as interpreters at events and meetings. Amen.


Pray for Churches for All, a partnership of several organisations aiming to encourage and equip churches, to ensure that people with disabilities are warmly welcomed, facilitated and given opportunities to be involved in worship and other activities. (


Pray for more money to be allocated to support the approximately 1.5 million people in the UK who have a learning disability. Especially remember the leading Christian organisation Prospects, which has been successfully working with adults with learning disabilities for forty years. (


Father God, we lift to You the 10 million adults in Britain who have a recognised disability, as well as the 700,000 children living with one or more disabilities. Please strengthen and encourage them and their carers, and grant that many will believe and receive the gospel message gladly. Amen.





Please remember those coming to terms with disability following an accident or the diagnosis of a medical condition. Pray for them to cope with the sense of bereavement they feel, along with the physical and social implications of their new way of life.


THANKSGIVING: for the kindness, patience and skill of the 6.5 million people in Britain who voluntarily care at home for those who are disabled, ill, frail or elderly. Pray that Carers Week 6-12 June will remind us all of the amazing service they are providing.


Remember Wheels for the World, which provides reconditioned wheelchairs to people in developing countries. Pray for the prisoners at Parkhurst Prison who restore old NHS wheelchairs and the volunteers who distribute and adapt them for each individual, as well as praying and giving Bibles to them. (


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Wheelchairs make a huge difference to people who have disabilities, often allowing them to become productive members of their communities. About 65 million people worldwide with disabilities require a wheelchair, but only a small minority of them have access to one that is appropriate for them.


MAY 15 - 21

SCHOOL COMMUNITIES ‘Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never ends.’ 1 CORINTHIANS 13: 4-8 (NEW REVISED STANDARD VERSION)



PENTECOST SUNDAY Lord, we long for Your Holy Spirit to pour out fresh power and inspiration upon Christians in every walk of life. May we receive from You increasing strength and faith to pray expectantly and go forward in obedience and love to share the gospel in word and deed. Amen.


Give thanks for the many local Pray for Schools Fortnight events being hosted throughout the UK, encouraging Christians to join the vision for every school to be a ‘prayed for’ school. Remember specific school communities in your area and ask God to bless them. (


Remember the 50,000 children in the UK who are home educated – a figure increasing by 80 per cent every year. Pray that these families will thrive, especially as they connect with others to help build local networks of families and others involved, so that skills can be pooled for the benefit of all.


Father, please help everyone who is preparing for exams at this time to be focused and disciplined as they revise what they have learned, so that they are ready to answer questions in an informed and timely way on the day. Amen.






Remember children with learning difficulties who are in residential schools. Pray that, despite the challenges facing them, these communities will be characterised by positive caring attitudes helping everyone to do their best and to enjoy harmonious relationships.


THANKSGIVING: for the many excellent opportunities for Christians to contribute to the life of local schools: as staff members, Governors or School Board Members, leading assemblies and lessons, helping with counselling and mentoring, providing practical support, praying and facilitating Christian groups and events.


Pray about the problems that will arise because of a surge in pupil numbers and a growing crisis in teacher recruitment – especially in core subjects. Ask God to grant wisdom to those responsible and for programmes like School Direct and Teach First to attract many talented people to the profession.



‘It takes a whole village to raise a child.’ (African proverb) 6

MAY 22 - 28 CARING FOR OTHERS ‘He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.’ ISAIAH 40: 11 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



Lord, our Good Shepherd, please fill us with Your compassion, wisdom and strength to reach out to those who need our support and care. Thank you that across the world Your Church is feeding, sheltering, healing, educating, and giving dignity and hope to so many children and adults. Amen.


Give thanks for safe houses and rehabilitation centres throughout the world where victims of trafficking and heartless exploitation, including children, are helped to recover after being rescued from prostitution, forced labour or domestic servitude.


Pray for Alistair Burt MP, Minister for Community and Social Care, as he seeks to apply his Christian faith to his wide ranging responsibilities for: older people, dementia, adult social care, carers, end-of-life care, mental health services and prison services.


Father, please equip and encourage men and women who have been called into caring professions or have volunteered to help people with serious social needs, those suffering the effects of physical or mental illness, and others who have addictions and emotional problems. Amen.

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Give thanks for the thousands of foster families providing support, stability and care to over 64,000 children across the UK. Pray that foster parents will know God’s wisdom and reassurance to be able to demonstrate firm and loving leadership, especially when there are serious difficulties. (


THANKSGIVING: for the many Christians who are opening their homes to children in need, including unaccompanied refugees affected by the Syrian crisis. Pray for organisations such as Cornerstone Northeast and Home for Good – that are helping to place and settle many vulnerable children. (


Pray that Carers Week 6-12 June will highlight the challenges facing the 6.5 million unpaid carers in the UK and recognise the extraordinary contribution they make. Ask God to strengthen and encourage those who fulfil this vital role. (



There were approximately 93,000 ‘looked-after’ children in the UK in 2014, half of whom had been taken into care because of abuse or neglect. Most looked after children live with foster carers and about 6,300 were adopted last year. About 3,000 children in care are unaccompanied asylum seekers.


MAY 29 -JUNE 4

THE POWER OF GOD’S WORD ‘For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.’ HEBREWS 4: 12 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)


Lord Jesus, Living Word of God, You spoke all things into being and nothing was made or can live without You. May Your work speak powerfully into our hearts, to change us more into Your likeness day by day. Amen.


Remember those who dedicate their lives to the ministry of Bible translation in remote areas of the world. Pray for outstanding success in their language work, in understanding the culture and in connecting with these communities. Pray that many people will gladly receive the message of the gospel.


Pray for those who are studying theology in order to live out Christ’s light and salt through their careers in business, politics, overseas development, medicine, scientific research, education, law, social policy, church ministry, evangelism and Bible teaching.


Lord of all truth, thank You for the gift of the Bible which, over the centuries, has had a life-changing impact on a myriad of cultures and civilisations. We long for more people of the United Kingdom to reaffirm the authority of Scripture and to recognise the blessing it can be in our lives. Amen.

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Pray for pastors, counsellors and those with listening, prayer and support ministries to consult and increasingly depend upon God’s living Word – recognising how effectively it brings freedom, healing, comfort and peace.


THANKSGIVING: that two thousand primary schools are now visited each week by Open the Book volunteer teams of Bible storytellers, and for hundreds of other ministries that communicate God’s Word in creative ways with children and young people at school and in other settings. (


Ask the Holy Spirit to inspire and anoint the preaching and teaching of God’s Word at your church and in the wider Christian community. Pray that, as people open their minds to the Bible, the eyes of their hearts will be enlightened and their lives transformed by Christ’s truth and love.

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‘In the Old Testament, we have Jesus predicted. In the Gospels we have Jesus revealed. In Acts we have Jesus preached. In the Epistles we have Jesus explained. In the Revelation we have Jesus expected.’ (Alistair Begg)

JUNE 5 - 11

DESERTS ‘The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom … The burning sand will become a pool, the thirsty ground bubbling springs. In the haunts where jackals once lay, grass and reeds and papyrus will grow. And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness.’ ISAIAH 35: 1, 7-8 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)



WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY Creator God, thank You for our awe-inspiring world of such infinite variety and beauty. We pray that governments and influential organisations will renew their determination to work together, to preserve and protect the life of our planet. Amen.


Pray for the continuing success of building ‘great green walls’ of trees right across Africa in the southern Sahara Desert and huge strips of forest against the advance of the Gobi Desert in China. Intercede for these ambitious projects to counter the devastating effects of drought and dust storms in these and other areas.


Remember those who work with scientific and conservation organisations – studying and seeking to protect plants, animals, insects and birds found in desert areas that are under threat. Pray that they will succeed in saving many species and find ways to defend the ecosystems that support wildlife and sustain a healthy environment.


Father, sometimes in our lives we find ourselves in a ‘desert place’ feeling thirsty and alone – separated from You and in need of Your forgiving, healing love. Please help anyone today who is in this position to draw near with humble faith and be led along Your way through this testing time. Amen.


Pray about the creeping spread of desert, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and its effects on local populations – famine, poverty, land degradation and social unrest – that force many to abandon their farms and move to the cities. Ask God to provide solutions for these people, especially through the wealth and expertise of rich nations.






THANKSGIVING: for the dramatic transformation of the desert province of Tigray in Ethiopia, ravaged by famine 30 years ago, but now so well managed and irrigated that 600,000 acres have been reclaimed and are green with crops. Pray for the mainly Christian population there to continue this work of reclamation.


Intercede that the World Day to Combat Desertification - 17 June, will motivate governments to act to reduce harmful human activities like overgrazing, poor farming and irrigation methods and deforestation, that turn productive land into desert-like environments at a rate of 2.3 million square miles each year.



Deserts are present on every continent, covering about one-fifth of the Earth. They are arid areas with less than 10 inches of annual rainfall and are home to around 1 billion people. Only a tenth of deserts are covered with sand dunes; some are mountainous, or dry expanses of rock, sand and salt flats. The largest – the Antarctica Desert – has plenty of water, but this is locked into polar glaciers and ice sheets.


JUNE 12 - 18

LEADERSHIP ‘I, wisdom, dwell with prudence; I have insight; I have strength. By me kings reign, and rulers decree what is just; by me princes rule, and nobles, all who govern justly.’ PROVERBS 8: 12, 15, 16 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)




Intercede for organisations like NATO, the UN, the African Union, the proposed South Asian Union and other groupings of national leaders to work together for peace and justice. Pray that they deal fairly but firmly with regimes that oppress others because of religion, ethnicity and political beliefs, or out of greed and envy.


Remember men and women in positions of authority and influence who may be induced to engage in lying, fraud and corruption. Pray for those in leadership to be able to resist temptation, to expose wrongdoing and act in ways that are wise and honest.


Almighty God, as we approach the EU referendum we pray about the final campaigning, the result and aftermath of this historic event. Please grant wisdom to those in leadership in the UK and other countries, as they face future implications, whatever the outcome. Amen.


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Ask God to grant great wisdom and skill to those in strategic positions of leadership within the National Health Service, as they wrestle with strains on Accident and Emergency Departments, the needs of an aging population, rising costs, problems caused by unhealthy lifestyles and other issues.


THANKSGIVING: for those in Christian leadership who demonstrate a godly character and inspire others to deepen their relationship with Christ. Pray for men and women known to you as they serve through preaching, teaching, evangelism, worship, pastoral care, children’s and youth work and creative ministries.


Pray that young people with leadership qualities will be given opportunities to flourish, whatever their background, including those with limitations caused by a disability. Ask God to provide mentors who will encourage them to pursue the calling to serve others through their gifts.




Heavenly Father, as we celebrate Her Majesty the Queen’s ninetieth birthday, we are so grateful for her outstanding Christian service and leadership, that has been a positive influence all over the world. Please continue to bring about Your loving purposes in her life, to Your glory and honour. Amen.

‘I have been – and remain – very grateful to you for your prayers and to God for his steadfast love. I have indeed seen his faithfulness.’ (Her Majesty the Queen in The Servant Queen and the King She Serves – a book available from

JUNE 19 - 25

JUSTICE AND HOPE ‘A bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; He will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands wait for his law.’ ISAIAH 42: 3-5 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)



FATHERS’ DAY Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your love for us and pray that Your Spirit will inspire and strengthen men to provide, train up and care for their families and others for whom they have a fatherly responsibility. Amen.


Continue to pray that the policies and action carried out by Chancellor George Osborne and his team – to lift our nation out of debt – will be fair and effective. Ask God to help them achieve this in ways that do not disadvantage or dishearten those in greatest need.


Pray for judges and magistrates, as they preside over the cases brought before them – that they will be given wisdom to discern between the innocent and guilty and temper justice with mercy as they sentence offenders.


Lord, please powerfully use tomorrow’s P Word Conference to resource those who give pastoral care to people affected by internet pornography. May Your grace be made known to those who desperately need to find freedom from their addiction and hope for the future. Amen. (

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REFERENDUM DAY Intercede for God’s great mercy and grace to direct voters’ decisions in today’s referendum about Britain’s membership of the EU, and for His loving purposes for all the nations of Europe ultimately to be fulfilled. Pray for truth and justice to prevail at this time.


THANKSGIVING: for Christian organisations that support prisoners and ex-offenders to find renewed purpose for their lives. Please pray for: Blast, Christian Vision for Men, CFEO Scotland, Clean Sheet, Daylight Christian Prison Trust, Junction 42, Langley House Trust, Prison Fellowship and other ministries known to you.


Remember those who have been wrongly imprisoned or kidnapped and are being ill-treated, especially anyone who is serving a long sentence or is on ‘death row’. Pray for justice and mercy and for God to reveal to them the message of eternal freedom and hope there is in Christ.



‘Those who keep speaking about the sun while walking under a cloudy sky are messengers of hope, the true saints of our day.’ (Henri JM Nouwen 1932-1996 – Christian writer and theologian who also worked with mentally and physically handicapped people)


JUNE 26 – JULY 2

REFUGEES ‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’ LEVITICUS 19: 33-34 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)

JUNE 20 - 26 is REFUGEE WEEK – ‘Welcome’ SUN

God of compassion and mercy, thank You that Refugee Week will have raised awareness of the plight of today’s 60 million displaced people. May the ‘Welcome’ theme become a reality for many of them, especially through Christians reaching out with generosity and love. Amen.


Intercede for European minsters and others who are grappling with problems associated with the arrival of over a million migrants in 2015 into Europe. Pray that countries will increasingly work together to ease the crisis.


Remember the thousands of migrants escaping persecution and conflict who are camping in the ‘Jungle’ around Calais and along the coast of northern France. Pray that the authorities will have great compassion on these people who have suffered so much, especially following the demolition of many makeshift homes in February.


Lord, please help security, police and immigration officers to remain vigilant, in order to uncover planned attacks and prevent terrorists from entering the country. We ask that accurate, timely intelligence and efficient checking systems will result in many arrests and successful prosecutions. Amen.


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THANKSGIVING: for the rich contributions that refugees from so many countries and traditions have brought to Britain over the centuries. Pray for those who are keen to integrate themselves as good citizens, whilst maintaining their own precious cultural identities.


Pray that many church communities will sign up to the Government’s new refugee sponsorship scheme to offer individuals and families financial and practical help to settle into British society. (




Pray about the unscrupulous illegal trade of people smuggling, particularly across the Mediterranean from Syria and North Africa in overcrowded unseaworthy boats. Intercede for solutions to be found to halt this human tragedy that has cost thousands of lives.

‘Forced displacement is now profoundly affecting our times. It touches the lives of millions of our fellow human beings – both those forced to flee and those who provide them with shelter and protection. Never has there been a greater need for tolerance, compassion and solidarity with people who have lost everything.’ (António Guterres – UN High Commissioner for Refugees)

JULY 3 - 9

GOVERNMENT, POLITICS AND CHRISTIANITY ‘Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Saviour God wants us to live.’ 1 TIMOTHY 2: 2-4 (THE MESSAGE)



Almighty God, we bring before You the elected representatives of each of the UK Assemblies and Parliaments, and also members of the House of Lords. Please enable them to work together honourably for the highest interests of each of our nations and be guided by the truth of Your Word. Amen.


Pray for Christian members of political parties and lobbying groups to have courage to stand by their biblical values when this is essential, and wisdom to recognise those occasions when it is better in the longer term to compromise on issues they do not fully support.


Ask God to help any newly elected or appointed Members and Ministers of the Scottish Parliament and the devolved Assemblies of Northern Ireland and Wales to understand how they can best serve their constituents, parties and countries. Pray especially for Christians to be empowered for this important task.


Lord, following the EU referendum, please grant wisdom about the best way forward and help those who need to restore relationships that have been damaged by passionate disagreements and disappointments at the result. Enable Christian MPs at Westminster to help in this process. Amen.






Please remember the ten Christian graduates who have spent this year on CARE’s Leadership CARE Leadership Programme 2015-16 Programme as they move on, many into jobs within government and politics. Give thanks that so many of the 250 alumni are now working out their faith in strategic positions and influential roles both in the UK and beyond.


THANKSGIVING: for Christians in Parliament, Christians in Politics, Christians on the Left, the Conservative Christian Fellowship, Liberal Christian Forum, Parliamentary Prayers Scotland and other groups that pray for the UK Parliaments and Assemblies.


Continue to pray about the debate taking place on so-called British values – that those wishing to dispense with our Judeo-Christian heritage and replace biblical principles with more vague ideas around equality and tolerance would be successfully opposed.

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The Bible is literally at the centre of the Houses of Parliament. Inscribed in Latin into the stone floor of the Central Lobby are words from Psalm 127: ‘Unless the Lord builds the house, its labourers labour in vain.’ Before every sitting in both the Commons and the Lords Christian prayers are read.


JULY 10 - 16

MEDICINE, SCIENCE AND ETHICS ‘Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests but also the interests of others.’ PHILIPPIANS 2: 3-4 (NEW KING JAMES VERSION)




Ask God to grant discernment and integrity to Jo Johnson – Minister of State for Universities and Science – and others in the Government concerned with science, medicine and ethics. Pray too for their counterparts in the Assemblies of Northern Ireland and Wales and the Scottish Parliament.


Remember the Zika virus linked to babies being born with underdeveloped brains, spreading across South and Central America, the Caribbean and further afield. Pray for the World Health Organisation and others who are urgently searching for new medication and vaccines and providing the poorest communities with clean water and mosquito nets.


Lord our Healer and Comforter, grant compassion, wisdom and skill to doctors, nurses and others working with seriously ill and injured patients. Help them always to value and affirm life, even though providing effective pain relief may shorten it. Amen.






Pray about ethical issues arising from research and development work in the area of human health and the environment. Pray that risky and unnecessary projects born out of ‘selfish ambition and conceit’ will be banned.


Ask God to reveal any practical or ethical problems that may arise out of the rapidly expanding developments in artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, in areas of health, medicine, the environment and other applications.


THANKSGIVING: that over the centuries many Christian thinkers, researchers and inventors have been outstanding leaders in science and medicine. Pray for those today who seek to strengthen a good relationship between science and faith, including Christians in Science and Christian Medical Fellowship. (,

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Lord, our Creator, You give us amazing abilities to make discoveries and develop technology that genuinely benefit our world and enhance our lives. Please help those working in mathematics, physical and life sciences, medicine, engineering and other fields to recognise Your power and seek Your wisdom. Amen.

‘God is not an alternative to science as an explanation, he is not to be understood merely as a God of the gaps, he is the ground of all explanation: it is his existence which gives rise to the very possibility of explanation, scientific or otherwise.’ (John Lennox – Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University)

JULY 17 - 23

CULTURE AND THE ARTS ‘The Lord has called by name Bezalel … and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work in every skilled craft. And he has inspired him to teach.’ EXODUS 35: 30-35 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)



God of glory and wonder, You have placed a spirit of creativity within every human being; please help us to discover our own gifts and skills. Especially inspire those with outstanding abilities that contribute richly to our culture – through language, music, dance, drama, art, design and technology. Amen.


Pray for the many initiatives that encourage children and young people to express themselves creatively through music, acting, writing, dance, art and crafts, film and digital productions.


Remember those employed and volunteering in libraries, museums, galleries, archives and other places dedicated to preserving and displaying art, historical artefacts, documents and other important records. Pray that they will be strongly motivated and feel appreciated for their often unseen but important work.


Thank You, Lord, for music – such an important feature of every culture and community – bringing people together to express their joys and sorrows and share their stories. May those who have musical gifts and skills bring increasing honour and glory to You through their dedicated practice, performance and praise. Amen.

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Pray that Christian songwriters, performers and others involved in the mainstream music and entertainment industry will be strengthened by God to apply the reality of their personal faith to their work, maintain their integrity, achieve excellence and share God’s grace and truth with others.


THANKSGIVING: for the rich cultural heritage we have in the Church – expressed in literature, architecture, painting, sculpture and contemporary media. Pray that all this will continue to make a positive contribution to our national life.


Remember everyone who will be involved in the Edinburgh Festival beginning on 5 August. Pray that God will speak especially through Christian artists and performers taking part, so that they can bring a message of light and hope that will influence popular culture and transform individual lives.




The UK’s Creative Industries are now worth £77 billion a year to the UK economy and employ almost two million people. 15








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