CARE Annual Review 2017-18

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Making a Christian difference

‘You make springs pour water into the ravines, so streams gush down from the mountains.’ Psalms 104:10 (NLT)


The Victoria Falls in Zambia were discovered in 1855 by missionary, physician and explorer Dr David Livingstone. He named the Falls after Queen Victoria and described this wonderful scene of five hundred million cubic meters of water plummeting 354 feet onto the rocks below every minute as, ‘so lovely, it must have been gazed upon by angels in their flight.’

Making a Christian Difference | CARE

Greetings from CARE! Privilege to serve This year marked 35 years since CARE was launched in 1983, building on the excellent work of the Nationwide Festival of Light that began in 1971. Reaching 70 this year, I’ve felt it right to draw back from CARE’s day-today management, so I’ve dropped ‘Executive’ from my job title! However, I continue to work closely with our dedicated Chief Executive Nola Leach and the Trustees in shaping the strategic development of CARE, particularly among younger generations. You’ll still receive letters from me and I’ll continue to build relationships with those of you who’ve particularly blessed CARE through prayer, financial support and other valuable help. CARE has always sought to stay faithful in tackling issues like abortion, euthanasia, family life, online safety and welfare of the most vulnerable. In addition we’re grappling with how best we as Christians can respond to the challenges of robotics technology and issues around freedom of speech. Our highly professional and dedicated Public Affairs team, led by Nola, work hard to see laws put in place that reflect biblical principles to make a Christian difference. It’s not always easy, but God has always graciously provided and equipped CARE to serve the Church in this way. Thank you so much for every expression of your support – we deeply appreciate it.

Lyndon Bowring Chairman PS. I feel sure the reports in this Review will encourage you! It’s been a truly exceptional year for CARE, for which we thank God.

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CARE | Making a Christian Difference

England and Wales Human Exploitation Human Trafficking CARE was privileged to support Lord McColl of Dulwich with his Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill to enhance assistance for victims of human trafficking. We set up the Free for Good campaign to draw together NGO partners willing to promote the Bill ( We submitted written evidence to the Public Accounts Committee inquiry into Reducing Modern Slavery and joined the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s Child Trafficking Advisory Group. Prostitution CARE submitted written evidence to an inquiry into ‘pop-up brothels’ led by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade which, until September 2017, we served as secretariat. We also had the opportunity to submit evidence to the Women and Equalities Select Committee inquiry into sexual harassment of women and girls in public places. CARE also facilitated events with MPs and Peers in Westminster and an expert campaigner on prostitution law in New Zealand and Australia to discuss how such laws work in those countries.

Freedom of Religion and Belief In the Public Square Having appointed Ewelina Ochab as our specialist on religious freedom, it was very encouraging to be quoted on several occasions in the Joint Committee on Human Rights’ report on free speech at Universities. Fiona Bruce MP read out parts of our submission to the Minister during a formal sitting of the Committee, asking him to reflect on what we had said. In April, CARE assisted Sir Jeffrey Donaldson in securing signatures to table an important new motion for a resolution on the protection of religious freedom in the workplace. This will go to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and we hope will influence the contents of a report about protecting religious freedom in European workplaces. 4

Annual Review 2017-2018

Lord McColl with CARE’s Louise Gleich

Gambling CARE worked with MPs and Peers to champion reducing the Fixed Odds Betting Terminals maximum stake from £100 to £2 and responded to the Government’s consultation. We are delighted that this will now happen. We also supported Lord Browne of Belmont in securing a significant House of Lords debate to highlight challenges faced by problem gamblers online, championing multi-operator self-exclusion. CARE commissioned polling revealing that 63 per cent of respondents believed problem gambling to be a significant issue in Britain. Almost 10 per cent knew someone with a problem. 66 per cent of male participants were unhappy that gambling industry contributions to help care for problem gamblers are minimal and voluntary only.

CARE’s Chris Buttenshaw with Lord Browne

Life Issues In October 2017, we marked the 50th Anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act 1967. Our polling showed that 72 per cent of its respondents support a legal framework to govern abortion. Working closely with Members of the House of Keys on the Isle of Man, numerous amendments to their Abortion Reform Bill were tabled to ensure that abortion based on gender or where it was sought due to coercion would not become legal. CARE also engaged with the Welsh Government’s consultation on funding abortions for women travelling from Northern Ireland. In addition, CARE worked with colleagues in the Care Not Killing Alliance to continue to counter the threat of assisted suicide in England and Wales, both in Parliament and through the Courts. Annual Review 2017-2018 5


CARE | Making a Christian Difference

Scotland Protecting the exploited Named Person CARE is concerned about the welfare of vulnerable children but also committed to protecting rights of parents and guardians to bring up their families in accordance to their beliefs. This is why we have been monitoring Scottish Parliament efforts to pass legislation on their ‘Named Person’ scheme. CARE submitted written evidence to the Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee on the Children and Young People (Information Sharing) (Scotland) Bill. We also participated in the Scottish Government’s Getting it Right for Every Child Third Sector Group.

The Criminalisation of Paying for Sex CARE has long advocated for Scotland to introduce laws to address the inequality, harm and exploitation at the heart of prostitution and hold buyers responsible for their actions. We have continued to work with MSPs across the political parties to build support to criminalise the purchase of sex. In March 2017, we worked with MSPs and party activists to persuade the SNP to adopt this ‘Nordic approach’ as party policy. Later in the year, we worked with Rhoda Grant MSP (Labour) to table a motion recognising the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This was debated by the Scottish Parliament in December in which CARE’s work was commended. We have continued to do preparatory work for a possible Members Bill to ban the purchase of sex in Scotland.

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Northern Ireland Speaking for the vulnerable Abortion CARE is a founding partner in the influential Both Lives Matter Campaign that has sought to argue for the value and worth of mothers and unborn children in public debate. The campaign highlighted that 100,000 people in Northern Ireland today would never have been born had the Abortion Act 1967 been enacted in the Province. The campaign has gone from strength to strength, even winning a Public Affairs Award in December 2017 for the quality of its work. Independent Guardians CARE in Northern Ireland continues to be a member of the Department of Justice Engagement Group on Human Trafficking. This has given us the opportunity to play a central and constructive role in following up the implementation of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Act 2015, especially ensuring delivery of the provision of Independent Guardians for unaccompanied children.

We continue to pray for wisdom for those seeking to find a fair and peaceful resolution to the current political disagreements that have resulted in the suspension of Stormont’s power-sharing devolved Assembly.

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CARE | Making a Christian Difference

England and Wales summary Assisted Suicide n Working with Care Not Killing Alliance to counter threat of assisted suicide n Supporting amendments to oppose changes to the law on assisted suicide on Guernsey Human Trafficking n Supporting Lord McColl’s Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill and launching Free for Good campaign to promote it n Submitting written evidence to Public Accounts Committee inquiry into reducing Modern Slavery n Joining the Independent AntiSlavery Commissioner’s Child Trafficking Advisory Group Prostitution n Submitting written evidence to the APPG on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade inquiry, and the Women and Equalities Select Committee n Serving as secretariat to Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade APPG up to September n Arranging events in Westminster for key MPs and experts in the field Abortion n Working closely with Members of the House of Keys to table important amendments to the Abortion Reform Bill


Annual Review 2017-2018

n Marking Abortion Act 50th Anniversary and commissioning polling revealing 72 per cent want a legal framework to govern abortion Gambling n Supporting Lord Browne’s debate to highlight challenges faced by problem gamblers n Working with MPs and Peers to reduce FOBTs maximum stake from £100 to £2, taking effect late 2018 n Commissioning polling: 63 per cent of respondents identify problem gambling as significant in Britain Family and Tax n Publishing The Taxation of Families – International Comparisons 2016 n Supporting Peers contributing to Lord Farmer’s Family Relationships (Impact Assessment and Targets) Bill, which aims to strengthen the Government’s Family Test Online Safety & Pornography n Supporting Baroness Howe’s Digital Economy Act amendment to address age verification shields and harmful online content available to children, supporting development of Online Pornography (Commercial Basis) Regulations

n Engaging with the Government’s Internet Safety Strategy Religious Liberty n Monitoring and engaging with Government counter-extremism proposals on countering Islamist terrorism and violent extremism, but protecting human rights n Helping supporters engage with Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) on issues related to freedom of religion or belief n Submitting to JCHR consultation on UK enforcement of human rights - on freedom of religion or belief including manifesting faith in the workplace, freedom of speech in universities and more Sex and Relationships Education n Engaging with Government SRE teaching consultation, upholding parents’ rights and calling for ageappropriate teaching Robotics and A.I. n Organising Parliamentary event, Will robots take my job? – hosted by Jon Cruddas MP and addressed by Prof. Nigel Cameron Freedom of Conscience n Supporting Baroness O’Loan’s Conscientious Objection (Medical Activities) Bill to pass Second Reading and begin Committee Stage

Making a Christian Difference | CARE

Scotland summary Value of Life

Assisted Suicide nM onitoring Scottish Parliament’s CrossParty Group on End of Life Choices and participating in media discussions nC hairing and coordinating Care Not Killing Alliance activities to counter the threat posed by assisted suicide

Abortion n Drafting Parliamentary Questions for MSPs about the decision to allow abortion medication Misoprostol to be taken at home n Assisting MSPs to oppose Scottish Government’s decision to allow NHS funded abortions for women from Northern Ireland

Human Exploitation

Human Trafficking n Participating in the Scottish Government’s Stakeholder Forum on tackling human trafficking which helps to develop policy and assists with implementing the Government’s strategy n Continuing to participate in Scottish Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on

Human Trafficking and with Action of Churches Together in Scotland’s Working Group on Human Trafficking n Supporting MSPs to ask Parliamentary Questions and write to Scottish Ministers regarding the extension of the period of support for victims of human trafficking

Marriage and Family

Parental and Child Rights n • Submitting written evidence to the Education and Skills Committee on the Children and Young People (Information Sharing) (Scotland) Bill n • Participating in the Getting it Right for Every Child Third Sector Group

Education n • Meeting Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education to discuss sexual health education n • Responding to the Scottish Government’s Empowering Schools consultation


Religious Liberty nC ontinuing to participate in Cross-Party Group on Freedom of Religion and Belief nR esponding to Independent Review consultation on Hate Crime Legislation Organ Donation nP roviding briefings for MSPs on presumed consent and organ donation

‘In the midst of varied political agendas, CARE gives the church a clear and consistent voice behind the decision-making doors of parliament. From human trafficking to prostitution, CARE acts as a mouthpiece for Jesus as policy is being formed.’ Rev Calum Paton, Paisley Elim Christian Fellowship

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CARE | Making a Christian Difference

Northern Ireland summary Value of Life

Abortion n F ounding partner of successful Both Lives Matter Campaign promoting the value and worth of mothers and unborn children in public debate, which won a significant award nP laying a central role engaging with parliamentarians at Westminster and Stormont opposing liberalisation of abortion law in Northern Ireland

Human Exploitation

Human Trafficking n S erving as a member of the Department of Justice’s Engagement group on Human Trafficking nM onitoring and contributing to the effective implementation of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Act

Marriage and Family


Marriage n E ngaging with members across the political parties in Northern Ireland to promote the value and worth of marriage for individuals, families and communities nO pposing attempts to redefine marriage.

Sunday Trading nR esponding to two Belfast City Council consultations to oppose possible liberalisation of Sunday Trading rules in the city Gambling n E ngaging with MLAs and Westminster Parliamentarians on problem gambling in the Province and contributing to several media discussions of the subject

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‘I am very grateful to CARE for the support they provide me in Parliament with regard to ethical issues and religious liberty. The quality of work CARE produces and the professionalism of their staff is outstanding.’ Rt Hon Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

Making a Christian Difference | CARE

What does it look like when the Church comes together to explore both the opportunities and challenges of living in a world ever more dependent on and influenced by technology and A.I.? In October 2017 CARE invited church leaders, theologians, ethical experts and business leaders to a consultation to explore this subject, marking the launch of Nigel Cameron’s book The Robots are Coming: Us, Them and God. Hosted at the RSA in London, it was a day of inspiring talks, thought-provoking Q&A and opportunities to form new connections and discuss ideas. Following on from this, CARE hosted a conference for Christians with an interest in Robotics and A.I. Over 250 delegates came to the British Library Knowledge Centre with author and speaker Prof. John Lennox providing the theological foundations alongside contributions from politicians, industry leaders and academics who challenged our thinking across a range of disciplines. There were also seminars looking at the impact of robotics and A.I. on the economy, healthcare, relationships and employment. Dr Patrick Dixon, one of Europe’s leading futurologists, concluded with an uplifting session on the exciting opportunities that lie ahead. For more information and recordings from the events, please visit Annual Review 2017-2018 11

CARE | Making a Christian Difference

In the Press Interacting with mainstream and Christian publications, broadcasting and through social media is vital, enabling us to influence decision makers and raise public awareness. CARE has achieved good coverage across national media, speaking out on issues relating to human dignity and protecting vulnerable members of our society. Comments from CARE’s Public Affairs Team have appeared in the Daily Mail, Mirror, The Times, Belfast Telegraph and Huffington Post as well as other national and regional papers and websites. CARE staff have also featured on primetime radio shows and news programmes. CARE has a thriving relationship with the Christian media: Premier Radio, UCB, Christian Today, The Catholic Universe and other Christian platforms. Nola Leach frequently writes opinion pieces for news outlets and Lyndon Bowring is a regular columnist for Direction and Sorted magazines. Digital Communications CARE has a strong social media presence with 3,500 likes on Facebook and reaching over 670,000 users in the last year. CARE has 6,400 Twitter followers and has reached 890,000 users. CARE’s Instagram account has grown rapidly to over 3,500 followers in less than a year. In addition, thousands of supporters have signed up to receive our regular emails. /careorguk @careorguk

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Making a Christian Difference | CARE

Equipping the Church Local churches are our key partners. We believe it is vital to invest time and resources to help their leaders and individual Christians to: n understand important human dignity concerns n engage with their elected representatives n support some of the most vulnerable people in society n pray for a range of issues affecting our world Last year our Church Development team connected with hundreds of UK churches across the denominational spectrum, networking with individuals and participating in over 150 special events and church services, to share CARE’s vision and offer support. We have received many requests for a biblical overview of political engagement and to address CARE’s public policy subjects, including human trafficking, religious liberty and abortion. Our follow-up work includes meeting individually with church leaders to encourage a closer relationship with CARE, which often results in the congregation becoming a financially supporting church. Church leaders wishing to contact Gareth, Stuart, Tim or Mike are warmly invited to email them: (England and Wales) (Scotland) (Northern Ireland) (Midlands)

Church Development Team from left to right: Tim Martin, Michelle Jones, Gareth Davies, Stuart Weir, Mike Chesterton

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CARE | Making a Christian Difference

Unlike their parents’ generation, many UK Christians now enter their retirement years with plenty of energy, health and resources for a new season of life and service. Among them are a significant proportion of CARE’s long-standing supporters.

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Our mission: To help retired Christians to live life to the full, to explore areas of service and to understand what discipleship means in this phase of their lives. Our vision: To see a self-resourcing community of active retired Christians who are discovering fulfilling opportunities in their after-work life. AfterWorkNet is an online community that exists to resource, challenge and enrich those wishing to make the most of their after-work years. The initiative also focuses on assisting churches to use and release their after-work members in the context of their church and community. Since the launch in November 2017, AfterWorkNet has established a comprehensive website, active Facebook page and weekly blog posts. Visit to sign up to our mailing list, read our regular blog posts and connect to the Facebook page.

Making a Christian Difference | CARE


Resourcing church leaders to help those affected by pornography From our earliest beginnings, CARE has addressed the problems pornography causes for individuals and society. After the success of the inaugural P Word Conference in Summer 2016, CARE and Naked Truth developed three further conferences for Glasgow, Belfast and Cardiff. On each occasion the team was supplemented by local people to challenge the Church to take seriously the issues around pornography usage and how best to help those in their congregations. Across the three conferences, in an atmosphere of Christian prayer and worship, over 350 delegates were equipped with practical resources to help them take effective and compassionate action. Amazingly, one couple even became Christians at the Cardiff event. CARE and Naked Truth are discussing further joint initiatives in this area. For further information and updates, please visit

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Investing in Leadership

CARE Leadership Programme graduates 2017-2018

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Making a Christian Difference | CARE

CARE’s Leadership Programme offers an exceptional opportunity for young Christian graduates with a vision to live out their faith in the workplace and aspire to positions of leadership in public life. It provides a unique insight into influencing our society for Christ at a political level, combining outstanding professional experience, biblicallybased study and a supportive Christian community. The Programme includes a ten-month educational internship with a Member of Parliament, NGO or Member of the Scottish Parliament. This ensures that participants find themselves placed in positions of real responsibility at the beginning of their career. Alongside the internship, graduates take part in a weekly study programme, helping them think through what it means to be a Christian in the political sphere. The Programme started in 1993 and now has over 290 alumni, amongst whom are Parliamentarians, senior Civil Servants, and charity executives. CARE keeps in close contact with many of these people, drawing from their own experience and insight as we plan for the future. There were ten members of the Leadership Programme in the last academic year. A further 11 have been recruited for the 2018-19 year and will be placed across the main political parties in Westminster. Our nation, like the Church, is in desperate need of leaders of vision, Christ-like character and integrity and we believe that CARE’s Leadership Programme is helping to meet this need. We are accepting applications for the 2019-20 Programme until 12 November 2018. For more information and to apply visit

‘The Leadership Programme has been the richest teaching and training investment I’ve received in thinking about the relationship between Christ and culture, and growing in servant leadership.’

‘Making the step from university to work could have been lonely and daunting, but the time CARE has taken to support me has been invaluable and is unique to this Programme.’

‘The Programme has stretched the way I think and left me with many more questions than I started with, but I feel so much better equipped to start answering them, and to keep exploring where God would have me go next.’ Feedback from Alumni Annual Review 2017-2018 17

CARE | Making a Christian Difference

Providing a compassionate response ‘I just wanted to say that was the best Christian meeting about abortion I’ve ever been to…Thank you so much for organising it and for inviting me. As well as being involved in planting a Vineyard church in Kettering I am also a parttime GP so my hopes were met from a medical professional perspective as well’ Church Leader, Following a Leaders’ Training Day

OPEN has continued to work in partnership with local churches, by speaking in services and offering church leader training days to help address the sensitive issues of unintended pregnancy and abortion. It has been wonderful to see leaders from across denominations attend and express a desire to take this ministry forward, and to see women responding to the invitation to share in OPEN post abortion healing retreats. The topic of miscarriage features increasingly in the national media, and so we were delighted to offer a seminar on this subject at a major Christian event, which was well attended, and led to several women coming to a ‘Loved’ Miscarriage Healing Day in October. One lady wrote afterwards: ‘I am so thankful for the retreat, for every single one of the ladies there and for the opportunity to heal. It truly helped me see the light from a very dark place.’ Find out more about this initiative at

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Making a Christian Difference | CARE

‘Every school a prayed-for school.’ CARE’s Prayer Coordinator, Celia Bowring heads this partnership of CARE with six other agencies. Pray for Schools aims for prayer groups to be attached to every school in the country. There’s a long way to go but so far about 2,000 schools are prayed for by 750 individuals, churches and groups. Local churches can especially pray for schools ‘on their patch’ as many pupils and staff will be in the congregation. Pray for Schools provides inspiration, resources and practical ideas; linking with many other initiatives to increase prayer for schools in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. We work with Scripture Union Scotland, as they run PFS north of the border. It promotes targeted prayer events at the start of the academic year, for the Europe-wide Pray Day in November and during ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ – Ascension Day to Pentecost. The movement is becoming increasingly known throughout the Christian education world and on social media. @prayforschools /prayforschools

Are your local schools covered by Christian prayer? Find out at Simply type in your postcode to see a list of the schools near you and find out whether we have registered prayer groups or individual intercessors for them. You can share your interest by registering, joining an existing prayer group or by starting your own. We will support you with practical help and the resources you need to get started in this special prayer ministry. Let’s work together to see every school a prayed-for school! Annual Review 2017-2018 19

CARE | Making a Christian Difference

Members of our team present at the CARE Away Day, June 2018.

Sharing Our Vision Connecting online... We are always reviewing the impact of CARE’s online services and, along with other communication tools, our weekly Impact Direct email has been redesigned. You can sign up to these emails, as well as our regular mailings via our website. Do also connect with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. @careorguk /careorguk /careorguk 20 Annual Review 2017-2018

Our Communications Team has a passion to assist our supporters to partner with CARE’s work in many ways. We are deeply grateful for those who pray, give financially and engage in the advocacy work of making the Christian voice heard. We produce printed and online resources to inform, inspire and equip our supporters to make a Christian difference. We are so grateful for the encouraging feedback we receive. Keeping supporters informed... CARE’s regular emails and informative letters summarise key events in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies and identify the best ways to respond to various situations that arise, through prayer and action. Inspiring reflection and prayer... The quarterly CARE Prayer Diary, written by Celia Bowring, provides information, scripture and prayer points about a wide range of issues affecting our society. It is available as a free booklet, online, by email, on Twitter and via the PrayerMate App.

Making a Christian Difference | CARE

CARE and the Wider Church Grassroots Leaders CARE continues each quarter to gather senior representatives from 15 of the more recent denominations and Church movements that are invariably overlooked by those in government. We help them with information and advice to mobilise their congregations to engage in local and national politics on issues that concern them. 17:21 Initiative CARE worked with Evangelical Alliance to achieve something remarkable: throughout 2017 Christian festivals linked together in a declaration of our unity in the gospel. Each event passed on prayers and a symbolic baton to the next. We will develop this initiative further over coming years. European Leadership Forum Nola Leach has been a leading organiser of this unique gathering of Christians in leadership across Europe to network and encourage evangelism, political engagement and social action. In this year’s gathering, accompanied by our Deputy Director of Public Affairs Chris Buttenshaw, she led the Politics and Society Network, was a keynote speaker and acted as a mentor. Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast CARE has long been a sponsor of this significant annual event. This year’s speaker Timothy Keller addressed over 170 Parliamentarians including the Prime Minister, ambassadors from many countries and hundreds of church leaders on the role of the Church in 21st century society.

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Thanksgiving It’s so heartening to reflect on all that CARE has achieved this past year through God’s grace, hard work, and our supporters’ faithful partnership. As Chief Executive, I am greatly encouraged by the amazing successes that have come our way - reported on in this Review. We’ve seen significant breakthroughs: in our long-term efforts to help problem gamblers; real progress with caring for vulnerable trafficking victims; victory in Guernsey when an attempt to legalise assisted suicide was rejected in favour of improving palliative care; and encouragements around issues of freedom. CARE has initiated strategic campaigns and networked with an incredibly wide range of people and organisations. Perhaps our most significant project for the future has been to address the implications of robotics and A.I. technology and consider how the Church could respond to the opportunities this will bring. We believe more than ever that Christians need to be informed and equipped to engage in issues of human life, care for the vulnerable, freedom and online safety, that so profoundly affect our 21st century society. CARE seeks to be part of this important task. Thank you for standing with us. Your prayers, giving and practical action mean so much.

Nola Leach Chief Executive

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‘CARE works with policy makers to promote positive policies about issues of concern. We also engage with Christians: informing and mobilising them to speak out, to be practically involved and to pray about these deeply significant matters. We are so grateful for the generosity of individuals, the Church and grant-making Trusts that enable so many people across society to benefit from CARE’s work.’ John O’Brien Chair of CARE Trustees

Making a Christian Difference | CARE

Financial Activity We are grateful to God for His provision over this period. As these charts illustrate, the generosity of CARE supporters has enabled us to face the many challenges that lie ahead.

total income

total expenditure


n Voluntary Income n Other Income


99% 1%

Charitable Activities n Educating Public Opinion n Influencing Public Policy n Developing Young Leaders

45% 34% 10%

Other Costs n Raising Funds


Support our ministry At the heart of CARE is our warm and friendly Supporter Relations team who are always available to answer any queries and provide information on our services. You can get in touch using the contact details below.

CARE’s Supporter Relations team from left to right: Naomi Marsden, Stuart Mann and Joel Mann

To make a financial gift to CARE, please visit or you can call the office. Alternatively, cheques can be made payable to CARE. We only ask you to support our ministry after you have considered the needs of your family and local church. CARE 53 Romney Street, London SW1P 3RF 020 7223 0455 Annual Review 2017-2018 23




CARE has offices in London, Glasgow and Belfast and is represented in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies. CARE is a Registered Charity No: 1066963, Scottish Charity No: SC038911, Company limited by guarantee No: 3481417. Chief Executive Nola Leach, Chairman Rev Lyndon Bowring. Design and print: This product is recyclable.




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