CARE annual review 2014 15

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‘Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it.’ Jeremiah 6:16

Annual Review 2014-2015

Making a Christian difference...

Making a Christian Difference | CARE

An exceptional year for CARE! The greatest highlight was Lord Morrow’s ground-breaking Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Bill becoming law in Northern Ireland. Our Public Policy team was closely involved in this and has supported politicians across the UK and in the European Parliament with briefings and research on other issues too. We thank God for another successful Leadership Programme year, and the high calibre of graduates it attracts – many of whom go on to positions of considerable influence. CARE has established several new projects and initiatives this year. We have redesigned our main website and launched two new ones: thousands accessed our ‘engaGE15’ website in the build up to the General Election and our new ‘Current’ site with its associated social media is challenging and engaging with 18-30 yearolds on CARE’s issues. ‘Open’ is our new ministry encouraging a pastoral response to those in churches who are affected by abortion.

‘CARE is a charity that makes a real difference to society. It works with policy makers to promote positive policies about issues of concern. CARE also engages with Christians – informing and mobilising them to speak out, to be practically involved and to pray about these matters. We are so grateful for the generosity and support of individuals, the Church and grant-making Trusts which enable so many people across society to benefit.’ John O’Brien Chair of Trustees

It has been a privilege to meet many church leaders and individual Christians at CARE events, encouraging them to be salt and light. We deeply appreciate every expression of support from the tens of thousands of people who partner with us.

Nola Leach Chief Executive

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Informing Public Policy

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England and Wales Value of Life

Assisted Suicide nW orking with Peers to successfully oppose Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill n S upporting Welsh Assembly Members in rejecting a motion supporting the principles of this Bill

Abortion n Assisting Fiona Bruce MP in her efforts to clarify that sex-selective abortion is illegal Three-parent Children n Organising events to discuss issues of ethics, safety and legality; assisting MPs and Peers opposing this

Human Exploitation

Human Trafficking nB riefing Parliamentarians during passage of Modern Slavery Bill, and submitting evidence to Public Bill Committee nW orking with MPs and Peers to bring amendments to the Bill to better support victims and define offences

Prostitution n Supporting Parliamentarians to bring Modern Slavery Bill amendments to criminalise purchase of sexual services n Serving as secretariat to the AllParty Group on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade

Marriage and Family

Family and Tax nC ampaigning successfully for provision of transferable allowances for married couples in the 2014 Finance Bill

Online Safety n Working with Baroness Howe on her Online Safety Bill and a Consumer Rights Bill amendment, calling for filters and controls to be put upon internet devices by default

Religious Liberty nU rging Government to consider impact of requirements to promote ‘British values’, especially for Christian schools nP romoting ‘reasonable accommodation’ for religious belief, relating to provision of goods and services and beliefs on marriage

Gambling n Assisting Baroness Howe with her Consumer Rights Bill amendment seeking to block payments from gamblers to unlicensed, online gambling providers



Annual Review 2014-2015

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CARE for Scotland team

Assisted Suicide n Leading Care not Killing Scotland in a campaign to defeat the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill n Submitting evidence against the Bill to the Health and Sports Committee n Organising and speaking at a parliamentary event imploring MSPs to reject the Bill Human Trafficking n Presenting vital evidence to the Justice Committee, as part of Abolition Scotland. n Organising a parliamentary screening of Nefarious to raise awareness amongst MSPs nA rranging an event for MSPs with Lord Morrow advocating criminalisation of payment for sex

Parental and Child Rights nP articipating in a Judicial Review of the named person provision in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act

‘CARE for Scotland provides theologically astute resources and training, equipping us in practical ways to be a Christian voice in an increasingly secular and pluralistic society.’ Rev Stephen Crothers Adelaide Place Baptist Church, Glasgow

‘ In a time of massive social and potential political change, CARE is helping the Church, politicians and educators to be aware of the issues this brings and helping us consider how to work together to transform our communities.’ Rev David McCarthy St Silas Episcopal Church, Glasgow

Religious Observance nW riting to the Scottish Parliament’s Petitions Committee, opposing potential opt-in for religious observance in schools Organ Donation nR esponding to Anne McTaggart MSP’s consultation about changing the organ donation system from opt-in to opt-out

Scottish Independence Referendum Care for Scotland clearly presented both sides of the argument to help equip supporters in the build up to the Referendum on Scottish Independence. Annual Review 2014-2015 5

Informing Public Policy

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Northern Ireland Ground-breaking legislation passed! We are delighted that the Northern Ireland Assembly passed Lord Morrow’s Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill in its entirety. It is now illegal in Northern Ireland to pay for sex, there are to be stiffer penalties for traffickers and far more comprehensive care for victims – particularly children.

CARE’s team worked incredibly hard from the outset to make this a reality, working with MLAs from all political parties to encourage Members to support the Bill’s provisions. We have already seen how the Bill has influenced legislation elsewhere in the UK and also further afield.

From left: Mark Baillie – Northern Ireland Policy Officer, Louise Gleich – Human Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation Officer, Dan Boucher – Director of Parliamentary Affairs and Lord Morrow, pictured after the Human Trafficking Bill passed Committee Stage at Stormont.


Annual Review 2014-2015

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Other key activities of CARE in Northern Ireland this year: Value of Life

Abortion nA ctive membership of the All Party Pro-Life Group nG iving evidence to the Justice Committee and engaging with MLAs regarding the Minister for Justice’s proposals to amend abortion legislation

Human Exploitation

Human Trafficking nC ontinuing to be part of the Department of Justice’s Human Trafficking Engagement Group

Marriage and Family

Marriage nO pposing attempts to redefine marriage in Northern Ireland nP romoting the importance of recognising marriage in the tax system


Gambling nA nalysing the impact of gambling in Northern Ireland n E ngaging with MLAs on the issue of problem gambling, prior to legislation coming before the Assembly

‘I am extremely grateful to CARE for their excellent briefings and advice throughout the many years of this Bill’s development. Their expertise has assisted me greatly as I have sought to understand the issue of human trafficking here in Northern Ireland.’ Lord Morrow December 2014

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Media Involvement Interacting with the media is a vital part of CARE’s work, helping us to bring issues of national importance to the attention of the general public. There are plenty of opportunities in Christian and mainstream publications, broadcasting and through social media. TV and radio Over the last year we have achieved widespread coverage on a range of issues, including a number of high profile television appearances. Representatives from CARE have appeared on Good Morning Britain, ITV National News, the Victoria Derbyshire show on BBC 2 and on the BBC News at 1pm, 6pm and 10pm. This is in addition to regular opportunities with local BBC Radio stations.

James Mildred on BBC lunchtime news

News and articles Significant efforts have been made to work with Christian media outlets resulting in CARE proactively engaging with Premier Christian Radio and United Christian Broadcasters, alongside print publications like the Evangelical Times and Church Times. This year Nola Leach began a monthly column with Christian Today, whilst Lyndon Bowring continues to write regularly for both Direction and Sorted magazines. CARE now provides three columnists for new Christian publication – Solas, which aims to encourage and equip Christians across Europe.


Annual Review 2014-2015

Dan Boucher on Good Morning Britain

General Election Campaign Equipping Christians for the General Election In January 2015 we launched our engaGE15 website – to inspire and equip Christians to be actively involved in May’s General Election. We asked them to contact their candidates on a range of causes, attend or organise hustings events, take time to read about and understand the main issues and to pray. Members of the CARE team then set off on a marathon UK Election Forum tour informing and encouraging hundreds of people at 19 events.

‘I have spent an hour looking through the website, and it has been really helpful. I have emailed my MP using the helpful ‘questions to ask your MP’ points you have provided. Thanks for making it easy to get involved!’ CARE supporter


In the weeks before the election over 350 church-based hustings were registered on the website. We received much positive feedback – especially about the special briefings, manifesto analysis, blogs, articles, prayer resources, and details of how each MP had voted on certain key issues in the past.

@engaGE_15 Thanku very much for doing the work of going through the party manifestos to pull out relevant points – really helpful

At this important time in our national life we continue to ask God to grant wisdom to our newly elected Westminster Government and the 650 MPs, many of whom are new to Parliament.

Super informative night from the @engaGE_15 team – thanks @garethjdavies66 and Essie – much better equipped for #Election2015

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Europe CARE for Europe works to influence the political bodies in Brussels and Strasbourg and monitor European law. This year we produced a website for the European Parliament election and developed new alliances and relationships with elected politicians, promoting Christian values in the Parliament. Other activities included:

Value of Life

Human Exploitation

Marriage and Family


10 Annual Review 2014-2015

Bioethics nC ollaborating with ‘Every Life Counts Ireland’ and the Parliamentary Working Group on Bioethics n S upporting 'One of Us', affirming the humanity of every embryo and its implications for embryonic stem cell research and abortions aid-funding Human Trafficking and Prostitution n E stablishing Mendes Bota’s report on prostitution and human trafficking – to reduce trafficking and prostitution by prosecuting those who pay for sex

Euthanasia n Taking a lead in the European Euthanasia Prevention Coalition n Addressing conferences on human life and dignity

‘I always take CARE for Europe’s voting advice with me into the plenary chamber.’ Anon MEP

Family n S upporting new initiatives affirming the role of mother and father and opposing surrogacy nC ollaborating with parliamentary working groups on family issues

Marriage n Working with the Global Forum on Marriage n Addressing conferences on the European demographic crisis and family policy

Education n S peaking at conferences on Christian education

Religious Liberty n Supporting the Religious Intolerance in Europe Report seeking respect for the consciences of European citizens n Working with the Religious Liberty Forum and the Parliamentary Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief

CARE is delighted to announce the launch of Current at Current aims to inspire, challenge and mobilise Christians in their 20s and 30s (Generation Y) to impact society regarding the fundamental dignity of human life. The gap between the generations is widening. However, there remains a real need and desire for this generation to engage with issues of faith in the public arena. The Current web platform features stories of people who have been personally impacted by a particular cause, using all kinds of media to present different perspectives. It is a dynamic and relevant online space where we invite readers to access up-todate information and share valuable opinions on a plethora of issues covering life, death, justice, leadership and more. It helps Gen Y Christians to tackle complex moral and political ideas and encourages them to be a part of a community of fellow believers standing up for the Christian perspective.

Connect with Current



Instagram: @we.are.current

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Developing Young Leaders

12 Annual Review 2014-2015


CARE Leadership Programme graduates 2014-2015

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The Leadership Programme educates and encourages Christian graduates at the beginning of their working lives, combining practical experience and study to equip them for public leadership. Over 11 months, students combine a four-day-a-week placement with an NGO, MP, MSP or Member of the EU Parliament, with a weekly study programme and three weekends of theology, philosophy, Christian cultural engagement, politics and the principles of Christian leadership. Ten students graduated from the Leadership Programme in July 2014 and ten more joined in September 2014. Over 250 alumni now work within politics, the third sector, business, media, education and the Church; some have become MPs, CEOs and senior civil servants and diplomats.

Relaxing during a study weekend

‘The Leadership Programme is a great opportunity to see what integrity and Christian values can look like in the heart of the political arena.’

‘This has been the richest teaching and training investment I’ve received in thinking about the relationship between Christ and Culture, and growing in servant leadership.’

‘Making the step from university to work could have been lonely and daunting, but the time CARE has taken to support me has been invaluable and is unique to this programme.’

Comments from recent graduates Annual Review 2014-2015 13

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– a new CARE initiative CARE Consultant Jenny Baines heads up Open, which equips church leaders and others to demonstrate compassionate understanding and practical support to those in their churches who have had an unintended pregnancy or an abortion. Why such a ministry now? One in three women in the UK will have a termination by the age of 45. Statistically this means abortion affects many members of local churches. While some women and their partners can come to terms with their experience of abortion, others will feel deeply affected. Many of them might hesitate to share this with people at church, fearing an unsympathetic or judgmental response. So they are left to deal with the hurt and pain on their own. What does Open provide? n t raining for church leaders to address this sensitive subject n l ectures for those studying in theological colleges n seminars at Christian events n post-abortion recovery weekend retreats throughout the UK n s peakers able to open up the conversation in church congregations Find out more about this new initiative at

‘One of the greatest pastoral challenges in the Church today is how we support women who have to deal with the pain of an abortion. This ministry brings tenderness, truth and hope to those who are dealing with this experience.’ Rev Malcolm Duncan Gold Hill Baptist Church

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‘ It is vital that we pray for every school in the country.’ Scripture Union

Pray for Schools Pray for Schools (PFS) – CARE’s partnership with Youth for Christ, Association of Christian Teachers, Prayer Spaces in Schools and Churches Together – has a vision for every school to be a ‘prayed for’ school. This year 175 new prayer groups registered in England – which now has almost 1600 prayed-for schools. Eighty people pray for 133 schools in Wales, and PFS now operates in Northern Ireland. PFS is increasingly known throughout the Christian education world.

‘ PFS is a frontline strategy – we’re 100% behind them.’ 24-7 Prayer

‘ We are thrilled to be part of Pray for Schools and cannot encourage you strongly enough to get involved.’ Gavin Calver Youth for Christ

Find out more at: Annual Review 2014-2015 15

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‘ I couldn’t put it down, read every word. Fresh, lively, thoughtprovoking, succinct. ’ CARE Supporter

Equipping our Supporters CARE produces a range of publications and other resources including: Inspiring, uplifting stories Catalyst informs supporters of important Public Affairs developments on CARE’s causes and highlights the work of other UK charities. Regular news updates CARE’s weekly emails summarise key events in the UK Parliaments & Assemblies and the EU institutions and identify ways to respond through prayer and action. Topical prayer points The quarterly Prayer Diary provides information, scriptures and prayer points about a wide range of issues affecting our society.

‘ Thank you for sending the excellent Prayer Diaries – so well set out and investigated. They give a real understanding of the issues to be prayed for in the light of God’s word.’ CARE Supporter

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CARE Events Our supporters are the life blood of CARE. We value every opportunity to meet with them face to face – to share encouragements and some of the challenges Christians are facing. This year the CARE Events Team has visited seventeen towns and cities – from Edinburgh to Bournemouth and Belfast to Norwich. They met over 2,000 people, including 500 local church leaders, and were always warmly welcomed and thanked by guests at these events.

Online Communications This year brought some exciting innovations for our online communications. In January we launched our new look CARE website – which has proven to be an effective tool for people wishing to engage with CARE’s causes, ministry, and resources. The new website is informative, easy to use and ‘responsive’,

which makes for much easier viewing on Smartphones and tablets. You can also connect with our ministry on social media, via Facebook and Twitter: /careorguk @careorguk

‘Your new website looks excellent! Thank you!’ ‘The website looks great! The multi-media content is particularly helpful.’ ‘The site looks friendly and inspiring! Will browse through again!’ ‘This site is so easy to navigate and be able to see what you’re searching for.’ Feedback on our website from supporters

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Thank you I hope this snapshot of CARE’s work in 2014-15 will encourage you to support us in the coming months. As we reflect on the past and pray for God’s ongoing guidance and wisdom we see certain recurring themes and priorities coming to the fore: the inestimable value of human lives created in God’s image, the importance of secure and loving family life, our responsibility to protect the most vulnerable and the call to stand up for truth and justice in public life. This is part of CARE’s DNA! Since the 1970s we have endeavoured to make a real Christian difference: defending the unborn, challenging the redefinition of marriage, protecting those being trafficked, promoting positive relationship and sex education in schools, and opposing further liberalisation of abortion and legalisation of any form of euthanasia. We are committed to resourcing our long-standing supporters and also to recruiting a younger generation. This year has seen exciting developments, as we prayerfully consider what kind of legacy we can prepare to enable Christians in their 20s, 30s and 40s to continue CARE’s ministry. We believe this will be needed in these coming days more than ever. Thank you for every expression of your support – through prayer, practical involvement and financial giving.

Lyndon Bowring Executive Chairman

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‘I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ.’ Philemon 1:6

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Financial Activity

Year Ending 31 March 2015

total income

total expenditure



n Voluntary Income n Other Income

99% 1%

Charitable Activities n Educating Public Opinion n Influencing Public Policy n Developing Young Leaders n Monitoring European Law n Providing Sex Education Other Costs n Costs of Generating Voluntary Income n Governance Costs

42% 24% 9% 10% 4% 10% 1%

Contact us If you have any questions, please contact our Supporter Services Team, who will be happy to help you. care 53 Romney Street, London SW1P 3RF e: t: 020 7233 0455 /careorguk @careorguk CARE has offices in London, Glasgow, Belfast and Brussels and is represented in the Parliaments and Assemblies of the UK and EU institutions. CARE is a Registered Charity No: 1066963, Scottish Charity No: SC038911, Company limited by guarantee No: 3481417 Design and print: Generic images unless marked:,

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