January-April 2021 Prayer Diary

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CARE Prayer Diary

In this issue: Consequences of Covid-19 Prisoners Caring for Children Exploitation of People Trade Justice Sustaining the Natural World World Leaders Faith and Families The Written Word The Value of Human Life Speaking Truth to Power Unemployment and Redundancy Living with a Disability

Our cover photo is of the Old City of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, with almond blossom in the foreground. Jesus often frequented the Garden of Gethsemane, which is situated in this area and came here to pray with His disciples the night He was betrayed. The meaning of Gethsemane is ‘olive press’ and at Easter we remember how Jesus was crushed on the cross. The olive branch is a symbol of peace. The United Nations flag contains an olive branch for this very purpose; to end all hostilities between warring nations. It is also a sign of God’s blessing. King David wrote ‘But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.’ Psalm 52:8 Almond trees feature in several of the Old Testament Prophets. Jeremiah 1:11,12 ‘The word of the Lord came to me: ‘What do you see, Jeremiah?’ ‘I see the branch of an almond tree,’ I replied. The Lord said to me, ‘You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.’ The Hebrew word for almond also means ‘to watch and wait’ and although the first of all the fruit trees to bloom the almond is the last to bring forth its fruit.

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring. To read online please visit: care.org.uk/about/our-publications careprayerdiary


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Celia Bowring

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JANUARY 24 – 30


SUN 24

God, we trust in You, our very present Help in trouble. Grant continued strength and endurance as we continue journeying through Covid-19. May we grow in love and grace and draw close to You despite disappointment, uncertainty, grief and concern for ourselves and others. Amen.

MON 25

Lord our Healer, we pray for people who are currently ill with Covid-19, those who have recovered but have lingering symptoms, and anyone who has developed medical complications. Grant wisdom and success to those who administer and distribute vaccines and effective treatments. Amen.


Heavenly Father, we intercede for children who’ve been seriously impacted by the pandemic – affecting their development, education, exams and future prospects, activities, mental health and relationships. Please help them to come through this as unscathed as possible. Amen.

WED 27

HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY – ‘Be the light in the darkness’. Merciful Saviour, we remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution and in genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. May such atrocities never be forgotten. Amen.

‘For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken … Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.’ PSALM 62:5-8 (ESV) THURS 28

Sovereign God, please have mercy on those in Government and other positions with responsibility for taking decisions that will affect millions of people. May they humble themselves and seek Your wisdom to know how and when to act to protect the nation. Amen.

FRI 29

We give thanks for the courage, skill and tireless service of NHS staff caring for patients and those giving behind-the-scenes support in the fight against Covid-19. Please restore the mental and physical health of those who have been badly affected by the strain of doing this and bring help to them. Amen.

SAT 30

Lord, the whole world is reeling from Covid-19’s enormous death-toll and many have lost jobs, businesses, homes and their way of life as a result of illness and economic crisis. Please raise up Your Church to pray, share the gospel and demonstrate compassion to those in need. Amen.

‘What God is doing in the coronavirus is showing us—graphically, painfully—that nothing in this world gives the security and satisfaction that we find in the infinite greatness and worth of Jesus. This global pandemic takes away our freedom of movement, our business activity, and our faceto-face relations. It takes away our security and our comfort. And, in the end, it may take away our lives. The reason God exposes us to such losses is to rouse us to rely on Christ.’ (John Piper)


JAN 31 – FEB 6


SUN 31

God of grace, we are all bound by sin, with no righteousness of our own. Thank You for sending Your Son to give His life to atone for the debt we owe and set us free. Help us in turn to forgive one another, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Lord, we thank You that You are present with all prisoners, many experiencing isolation, fear, sickness, regret and hopelessness – made worse by Covid-19 restrictions. Protect them from harm and heal the hurt that comes from within. May many hearts and minds gladly receive Christ’s redeeming love. Amen.


Father, we intercede for the 11 million people worldwide held in detention, especially those in overcrowded and inadequate conditions. Please grant release to prisoners who are wrongfully detained and bring change to criminal justice systems that allow oppressive, corrupt and inhumane practices. Amen.


Merciful Lord, please strengthen all who work in prisons: governors, prison officers, those in catering, administration and maintenance, therapists, educationalists, medical staff, volunteers and other visitors. Help them in times of stress to deal justly whilst sincerely caring about each inmate. Amen.

‘Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, “Lord, when did we see You … sick or in prison and come to You?” And the King will answer them, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of My brethren, you did it to Me.”’ MATTHEW 25:37-40 (NKJV) THURS 4


Holy Spirit, we bring to You those who are in turmoil because of a criminal act committed against them. We pray too for family members of those awaiting trial or serving a sentence. Please help them to forgive where necessary. Grant them the strength and support needed to continue their lives. Amen.


We thank You, Lord, for organisations that reach out to prisoners, ex-offenders and families: through visiting, evangelism and discipleship, mentoring and counselling, practical support, resettlement programmes and friendship. May they receive all the resources they need. Amen.


Lord, we pray for the Minister of State for Prisons, Lucy Frazer QC MP; Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Humza Yousaf MSP; and Northern Ireland’s Minister of Justice, Naomi Long MLA. Grant them discernment and determination to find effective ways to maintain order and improve conditions in the UK’s 135 prisons. Amen.

Prison Service statistics show that in July 2020, the UK’s prison population was approximately 88,000, comprising: 79,500 in England and Wales, 7,000 in Scotland and 1,500 in N. Ireland. In 2018, the average annual cost per prison place was around £40,000 in England and Wales, £35,000 in Scotland and £55,000 in N. Ireland.




Lord, please comfort and encourage children and young people who have been subjected to any form of disrespect, discrimination or aggression because of their ethnic or social background, religion or skin colour. Give them grace to face such attitudes with courage and dignity. Amen.


Lord, please raise up many more people to connect with CARE’s ‘Pray for Schools’ initiative and to pray for staff and young people in their local schools – especially during ‘Love our Schools’ fortnight in the first two weeks of February. Amen. (prayforschools.org)


SAFER INTERNET DAY – ‘AN INTERNET WE TRUST: Exploring reliability online’ God our Defender, we intercede for children at risk of accessing pornographic and violent material online. May the Government act urgently to require age verification on such websites and find other internet safety measures. Amen.

WED 10

Loving Father, please strengthen and encourage parents, carers and others involved with children who have complex needs, especially those living with other major challenges. Guide them to find personal support and to access resources to provide the best for their child. Amen.

‘“Anyone who welcomes one child like this for my sake is welcoming Me. But if anyone leads astray one of these little children who believe in Me, he would be better off thrown into the depths of the sea with a mill-stone hung round his neck!”’ MATTHEW 18:5-6 (JB PHILLIPS) THURS 11

Lord, we grieve that so many children are neglected and abused, living in fear and emotional pain, and often suffering with a mental disorder. Thank you for everyone working to bring healing and peace by providing safety, understanding, professional expertise and love in these situations. Amen.

FRI 12

RED HAND DAY FOR CHILD SOLDIERS Lord Jesus, we lift to You boy and girl soldiers around the world, used as fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, human shields, messengers, spies, or for sexual purposes. We pray this might end and for children to receive proper care. Amen.

SAT 13

Father, thank You for local churches and Christian youth ministries that are devoted to the care of children. Please bless everyone who is employed or volunteering to provide pastoral care and other services to meet young people’s spiritual, social and practical needs. Amen.

• Poverty, displacement from family, limited education, living in combat zones make coerced recruitment more likely. • Others volunteer because of societal pressure and hope of an income, food, or security. Afterwards their communities often stigmatise and reject them. • Afghanistan, Colombia, India, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Pakistan, Thailand, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen are thought to have used child soldiers since 2011.


FEBRUARY 14 – 20


SUN 14

Oh God, we worship You, our Rock; ‘Your works are perfect, and all Your ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong.’ May Your people who know Your ways demonstrate Your passion for people to be dealt with fairly, and work to bring justice throughout the world. Amen.

MON 15

Father, we intercede for women and children worldwide who are sexually exploited and abused, through prostitution and other sexualized performance, pornography, and forced marriages. Please help every organisation that seeks to assist them to escape. Amen.


Oh God, we pray for the tens of thousands of migrants who desperately resort to paying smugglers extortionate sums to transport them to Britain in overcrowded, unseaworthy boats or hidden in motor vehicles. Please provide them with a place to stay safely and bring to justice the ruthless criminals who exploit them. Amen.

WED 17

Lord, we ask that the Scottish Government will proceed with criminalising paying for sex and provide support to those who are exploited. We thank You that such a law already exists in Northern Ireland and pray for this approach to be adopted in England and Wales as well. Amen.

‘Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours God.’ PROVERBS 14:21 (NIV) THURS 18


Father, please grant success to police and others working to prevent vulnerable people, especially children from disadvantaged backgrounds, from being exploited by ‘county lines’ gangs to store and deliver Class A drugs and engage in other criminal activities. Amen.

FRI 19

We give thanks for parliamentarians like Lord McColl who are working to change the law to protect survivors of slavery. Please help those who escape from their traffickers, sometimes at risk of being regarded as criminals, to come forward to report their experiences. May they be safe and supported to rebuild their lives. Amen.

SAT 20

WORLD DAY OF SOCIAL JUSTICE Lord, we pray for the millions of adults and children globally who are exploited through domestic servitude and within industries such as agriculture, fishing, shipping, construction, mining, quarrying, manufacturing, processing, packing, market trading and sex work. Amen.

Worldwide, an estimated 40 million people are in modern slavery, a quarter of them children and almost three quarters female. In 2019, over 10,000 potential victims, and there are certainly many more, were identified in the UK as being trapped in four types of modern slavery: forced labour, domestic servitude, sexual abuse and criminal exploitation.

FEBRUARY 21 – 28



CHURCH ACTION ON POVERTY SUNDAY (church-poverty.org.uk/resetthedebt/) God of mercy, please help the six million people in the UK who are saddled with unavoidable household debt made worse by Covid-19. Please inspire Chancellor Rishi Sunak to create ways to help individuals, families and businesses to overcome this disastrous situation and reset their lives. Amen.

MON 22

Father, we long for a world where everyone can receive a living wage: enough to live a simple but dignified life and to pay for essentials like food, clothing, medicine and education. Please help those engaged in the Fight for Living Incomes Campaign to raise awareness of this issue. Amen.


Lord, we pray about the impact of Covid-19 on garment factories whose owners and workers have been ruined because of cancelled orders and broken contracts – especially in developing countries where 60 per cent of the world’s clothing is produced. Please help those who are trying to resolve this crisis. Amen.

WED 24

God of truth, we pray that growing demands for transparency about the supply chains used by companies large and small will lead to greatly improved conditions, rights and income for workers, and more environmentally-friendly ways to produce and transport their goods. Amen.

‘The LORD detests the use of dishonest scales, but He delights in accurate weights … Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people … Evil people get rich for the moment, but the reward of the godly will last.’ PROVERBS 11:1,3,18 (NLT) THURS 25

Lord, we pray for integrity and justice to prevail as Covid-19 vaccines are produced, sold, and distributed to people all over the world. Please raise up leaders in rich nations who will campaign for poorer countries to have access to what they need to recover from the pandemic. Amen.

FRI 26

Lord, thank You for fair-trade initiatives that promote justice – to improve people’s lives and develop environmentally sound practices that will bring fruitfulness and prosperity. Please encourage Christians to continue to be active in setting up and supporting such projects. Amen. (traidcraftexchange.org)

SAT 27

Father, thank You for the progress made by initiatives that help cocoa, coffee, tea farmers and other food producers to earn enough to invest in better farming methods and essential facilities in their communities. We pray that fair-trade sales will continue to increase. Amen.

The UK chocolate business is worth £4 billion a year – we each eat an average of three bars a week. Yet 60 per cent of cocoa farmers in West Africa live in poverty and only three per cent of them earn a living income.


FEB 28 – MAR 6


Almighty God, whose Spirit hovered over the waters bringing order out of chaos, and whose love for all living things is everlasting: help us to live in such a way that cares for creation, marvels at its beauty, and shares its resources – for the sake of Jesus Christ, through whom and for whom all things were created. Amen. (Sarah Butler – arocha.org)


Creator God, we pray for the governments of Brazil, Bolivia and Peru to abandon any policies that contribute to the destruction of the Amazon rainforest to accommodate cattle ranches, crops and industry. Amen.


God, we intercede for people living in areas that are seriously affected by global warming and are experiencing floods, drought, soil erosion and damage to crops, livestock and wildlife. May they receive resources to help make tangible improvements to their situation. Amen.


WORLD WILDLIFE DAY Lord of wonders, as we consider the extraordinary splendour, intricacy, variety and beauty of the world’s wildlife, we lift our hearts in praise and thanksgiving. Please help us to redouble our efforts to nurture and protect the countless species of fauna and flora that inhabit land, sea and sky. Amen.

‘Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout His praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing for joy before the LORD, for He is coming! He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with His truth.’ PSALM 96:11-13 (NLT) THURS 4


Father, we pray that governments of countries experiencing ‘desertification’ (when productive land becomes non-productive desert) will introduce effective solutions such as water retention schemes, planting trees and droughtresistant plants, and reducing livestock grazing. Amen.


Lord, we give thanks for the ingenuity, knowledge, determination and skill of those working in science, engineering, technology and maths who are searching ways to solve problems caused by global warming and other major threats to our planet. Please grant them success. Amen.


God, we pray for binding decisions to be made about greener alternatives for transporting goods across the seas, in order to halve harmful emissions by 2050. Please give wisdom, unity and resolve to governments, shipping companies and other agencies. Amen.

International shipping is a major producer of carbon emissions: nearly one billion tons of CO2 – that’s approximately two to three per cent of all global greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, vessels dump dirty water, solid waste and other pollutants that damage the atmosphere and marine environment.

MARCH 7 – 13



Sovereign God, please help Christians in positions of authority to be diligent in seeking the wisdom, humility and integrity that flows from You. We pray that they will demonstrate the servant leadership we see in Your Son as they work for the good of everyone. Amen.


COMMONWEALTH DAY The Commonwealth: home to 2.4 billion citizens, a voluntary association of 53 independent and equal sovereign states. Lord, may the Commonwealth continue to be a force for good across the world, promoting harmony and especially supporting those in greatest need. Amen.


Father, we pray for true unity in love and truth to grow among men and women in church leadership all over the world. Whether they are rich, poor, weak, strong, influential, disregarded, persecuted, all are one in Christ Jesus. Amen.

WED 10

Lord, we ask Your blessing of mercy and grace upon Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the First Ministers of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales: Nicola Sturgeon, Arlene Foster and Mark Drakeford. We pray too for all who support and serve with them in Government. Amen.

‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour.’ 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-3 (NIV) THURS 11

God, You remain the same, but our world is rapidly and radically changing. We pray that tomorrow’s leaders would develop strong leadership qualities: integrity, creativity, servant-heartedness, excellence in relationships, and persistence. Amen.

FRI 12

We give thanks for the outstanding leaders of countries and organisations throughout the world who served their generation in exceptional ways, leaving a rich legacy long after their death. Help us specially to remember and seek to emulate those who were heroes of the faith, serving You, Lord, in so many ways. Amen.

SAT 13

Almighty God, please teach and guide monarchs, presidents and Prime Ministers in the 241 countries and territories recognised by the United Nations and several others beside. May peace and cooperation flourish, especially as the world recovers in the aftermath of Covid-19. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

‘Lord, may our nation’s leaders not be motivated mainly by a desire for personal advancement. Let them be animated instead by a vision of peace – the end of violence and conflict, for prosperity – the lifting up of the poor, sick and hungry, and for freedom – the breaking of systems of injustice. Amen.’ (Timothy Keller)


MARCH 14 – 20


SUN 14

MOTHERING SUNDAY Thank You, Lord, for the dedication and love of mothers. Please draw close, strengthen and instil living faith into those who are going through tough times, especially in the wake of Covid-19 which has caused such heartache and difficulty. Amen.

MON 15

Father, we remember Christian believers whose family members do not share or approve of their faith, especially in countries where sharing the gospel is forbidden. Please inspire and enable them as they seek to live for Christ, witnessing to His grace and truth through word and deed. Amen.


Loving Lord, we bring to you the 200 million women and girls in over 28 countries affected by the harmful traditional practice of Female Genital Mutilation, which causes untold health problems. Please grant success to those who are working to see an end to this practice. Amen. (28toomany.org)

WED 17

God our Healer, please comfort and strengthen families that are concerned about a loved one who is sick, struggling with a disability, or facing other major challenges in their lives. We pray that such situations will draw many to seek a deepening faith and ask for Your help. In Jesus name. Amen.

‘I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of His glory He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in your inner being.’ EPHESIANS 3:14-16 (ESV) THURS 18


Lord Jesus, lover of ‘prodigals’, we remember families whose children, brought up ‘in the nurture and admonition of the Lord’, have yet to find a firm path of faith in You. We pray especially for those who have rejected Christian parents. Thank You for never leaving or forsaking them. Amen.

FRI 19

Father, we thank You for Christian families and individuals who have adopted or fostered children, bringing them under the canopy of Your protection and care. We pray they will demonstrate Christ’s love, especially where a child’s past experiences cause difficulties. Amen. (homeforgood.org.uk)

SAT 20

Lord, we pray for Christian couples and single parents with very young children who are embarking on the adventure of family life. Please provide the inner resources and support from others to enable them to nurture and encourage each child as they grow and develop. Amen.

‘1) Give love unconditionally. 2) Give your time freely. 3) Rediscover the power of praise. 4) Laugh more often with children of any age. 5) Defend boundaries – you’ll be tested. Choose your battles. 6) Recognize the uniqueness in each child. 7) Set yourself free from what other people think. 8) Don’t delegate or avoid the “big issues”. 9) Hang in there (don’t give up). 10) Let them go when the time is right.’ (Rob Parsons: advice to parents.)

MARCH 21 – 28


SUN 21

WORLD POETRY DAY Lord Jesus, Word of God, thank You for the gift of verbal communication, especially through poetry in its many forms, diversity of languages and portrayals of story, emotion, observation, wisdom and other messages. Please inspire adults and children everywhere in their writing and reading of poems. Amen.

MON 22

Creator God, we pray for writers of books, scripts, blogs, articles, websites, social media communications, journalism, training and study materials, and spiritual encouragement. Please grant the ability to write well and that this work may help others, bring satisfaction and provide necessary income. Amen.


Lord, please watch over those who feel compelled to write about situations at the risk of arrest, intimidation and being silenced in other ways. We remember brave journalists and others reporting on events in countries where free speech is suppressed. Amen.

WED 24

Dear God, knowing that in many ways ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ we pray for our personal writing, in all its forms, to accomplish what You desire; filled with wisdom, grace and truth that edifies us and others. May we communicate effectively as we work, study and relate to others. Amen.

‘Then the Lord said to Moses, “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.” Moses … wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant – the Ten Commandments.’ EXODUS 34:27,28 (NIV) THURS 25

God of all knowledge, we pray for people whose job is to document and itemise information accurately: in health, education, research, science and technology, finance, law, government and many other important areas of our shared lives. May they know that this work is important and valued. Amen.

FRI 26

Lord of truth and justice, thank You for the age-old practice of writing down laws and statutes: a firm foundation for well-ordered society. Please help us to protect legislation that reflects Your Commandments from determined atheist and secular influences in our land. Amen.

SAT 27

Father, we give thanks for so many opportunities to share Your Word. Please bless Bible Society, Biblica, Gideons, Lifewords, Walk through the Bible, Wycliffe, websites like biblegateway.com and crosswalk.com and other organisations engaged in this ministry. Amen.

‘ The Spirit breathes upon the Word and brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afford, a sanctifying light. A glory gilds the sacred page, majestic like the sun It gives a light to every age; it gives but borrows none.’ (William Cowper)


MAR 28 – APR 3


SUN 28

Creator God, You have made every human being unique and precious in Your sight and in Your image. Thank You for Your countless mercies to us: acts of deliverance, restoration, provision and, above all, salvation through Your Son. Help us to love others as You love us. Amen.

MON 29

Loving Father, please comfort the millions of people who have lost family members and friends to Covid-19. We long for this pandemic to end and pray that amidst suffering and loss there will be good results too: every life being valued, greater care for the most vulnerable, and spiritual revival across the world. Amen.


Lord, as we face growing demands to legalise assisted suicide, please guide politicians, disability groups, medical experts, and faith leaders who oppose any change. Thank You for all who deliver palliative and other care to people with terminal conditions. Amen.

WED 31

God our Helper, thank You for people who dedicate themselves to rescuing others: doctors and nurses, emergency services, police and armed forces, campaigners for justice, counsellors, mental health professionals and those in the Church who reach out in the power of the gospel. Amen.

‘You formed me in my mother’s womb … You know every bone in my body … how I was sculpted from nothing into something … You watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before You … before I’d even lived one day.’ PSALM 139:13-16 (MESSAGE) THURS 1


Father God, we intercede for attitudes towards abortion to change. Please grant wisdom and courage to those who believe that unborn human life is precious to speak with grace and truth, always showing compassion towards women whose pregnancies have been terminated. Amen.


GOOD FRIDAY Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for laying down Your perfect life to rescue our sinful lives from the power of death. We cannot fathom the depths of what this loving sacrifice cost You, but by faith we gratefully trust You as our Redeemer and humbly worship You, our God and King. Amen.


Jesus our Saviour, we look on the outward, but You know what lies in a person’s immortal soul and the blessings that were prepared for them before they were born. We pray for anyone today at life’s crossroads: that they would repent of their sin and trust in You. Amen.

‘There are no ordinary people. You have never met a mere mortal … it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit.’ (CS Lewis – The Weight of Glory)

APRIL 4 – 10


Statue of Nelson Mandela over looking the Houses of Parliament, London

EASTER SUNDAY Father of all compassion and truth, we offer You our praise and worship on this resurrection day, in the company of Your people throughout the world who celebrate Christ’s complete victory over death as the power of the Holy Spirit raised Him to new life. Alleluia! Amen.


Lord Jesus, we pray for Christians who courageously worship You and declare the truth of the gospel, even though their words and deeds put them at risk of being punished by oppressive regimes. Thank You for the mighty resurrection power at work in Your people. Amen.


Almighty God, please watch over people who are at the mercy of corrupt political leaders who will do anything to satisfy their desire for riches and power. As they cry out to You for deliverance please save them in the midst of the violence and oppression. Amen.


Eternal God, as we recognise ‘the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,’ help us to withstand secular movements that seek to undermine the role of Your Church and people’s personal faith. May Your kingdom grow as thousands respond to the gospel. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

‘Wear the whole armour of God that you may be able to resist evil in its day of power, and that even when you have fought to a standstill you may still stand your ground. Take your stand then with truth as your belt…’ EPHESIANS 6:13,14 (J B PHILLIPS) THURS 8

God, source of all truth, knowledge and wisdom, help us to counter the rising threat to basic human rights of free speech, the liberty to express religious belief, and reasonable accommodation for believers in the workplace. Please deliver us from the imposition of any oppressive ‘hate speech’ legislation here in the UK. Amen.


Thank You, Father, for those who confront corruption, exploitation and abuse of others at whatever level – even challenging very powerful institutions and governments. May they maintain their integrity and come to see You as the source of all justice and truth. We ask in Christ’s name. Amen.

SAT 10

Lord, please continue to raise up people in the political world to speak with steadfast faith, authority and clarity to promote life-giving legislation, and oppose efforts to promote abortion and euthanasia. Please expose any such plans that will harm the most vulnerable. Amen.

The job of OT Prophets was to speak truth to power. God told Jeremiah, ‘Speak this word: “Hear the word of the Lord, O king of Judah … Do justice and righteousness, and deliver from the hand of the oppressor him who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the resident alien, the fatherless, and the widow, nor shed innocent blood…’ (JEREMIAH 22:1-3 – ESV)


APRIL 11 – 17


Lord of the Church, thank You that each member of the Body of Christ has a unique role in Your kingdom, and no one needs to feel redundant. Please guide us daily to follow Your paths and serve You through the tasks prepared for us in accordance with Your perfect will. Amen.

MON 12

Father, we remember those in the hospitality and entertainment industries who, because of Covid-19, could not work for many months and have lost money, employment and opportunities to continue in business and further their careers. Please provide for their needs. Amen.


Lord, we pray for young people, almost 800,000 in the UK, who are not in education, employment or training (‘NEET’) especially those from disadvantaged households and communities. Please connect them with organisations and schemes that can help them to move forward. Amen.

WED 14

Dear Lord, we pray for everyone affected by the devastating effect of Covid-19 on the aviation industry: for airlines, airports and suppliers. May this situation be a catalyst for developing cleaner fuels and more environmentally-friendly practices, leading to new opportunities for innovation and employment. Amen.

‘Jesus the Son of God … understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do, yet He did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.’ HEBREWS 4:14-16 (NLT) THURS 15


Almighty God, in Your mercy please provide for our country in this time of recession when so many people face unemployment, redundancy and bankruptcy. Please grant courage and vision for them to find new ways to work and maybe provide employment for others. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

FRI 16

O God, we are grateful for the statutory provision for people who have no work, even if it does not cover everything. Please grant wisdom and compassion to those in local and national Government who make decisions about these and other benefits. Amen.

SAT 17

Father, we remember people globally who have lost livelihoods because of Covid-19 and as a result of pre-existing root causes such as a lack of food and water, education, health, social justice, community infrastructure, as well as environmental issues. Amen.

Around the world, 1.6 billion workers exist on the margins – the migrant workers, gig workers, and service industry staff who make up half the world’s workforce. The International Labour Organisation says they are in immediate danger of losing their livelihoods and finding it precariously hard to make ends meet with no unemployment benefit to rely on.

APRIL 18 – 24


SUN 18

Lord, Your strength is seen in human weakness, and we celebrate the determination of people living with a disability and their achievements in so many areas of life. Please encourage those striving for excellence in their relationships, career, studies, sport, music-making and other work and activities. Amen.

MON 19

Father God, please grant courage and determination to the 1.2 million people in the UK who use a wheelchair (of which, two thirds use them all the time), especially to those who face delays and other difficulties in getting the correct equipment that meets their individual needs. Amen.


Lord, we pray for those who suffer from mental health issues that prevent them from leading a normal life. Please help adults and children whose symptoms have worsened because of Covid-19, because they have been unable to access treatment. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

WED 21

Jesus, our Healer, we pray for people in poor communities overseas who are disabled and have little access to physical and mental healthcare, medical support and essential practical aids. Please bless the work of Christian medical and disability charities seeking to help them. Amen.

‘We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment.’ ROMANS 5:3-5 (NLT) THURS 22

Father, we pray for a better understanding in our society about the opportunities and challenges facing the UK’s nine million people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Please encourage children and adults and their families who are learning to communicate using British Sign Language. Amen.

FRI 23

Thank You, Lord, for the confidence, companionship and freedom that highly trained assistance dogs give to people with visual, hearing and other disabilities. We pray that everyone who would benefit can be successfully matched and trained to become an owner. Amen.

SAT 24

Father, please inspire us all to go out of our way to befriend people we know who have a disability. We especially pray that more churches will provide practical aids for those with impaired mobility, sight and hearing, and extend a warm welcome to adults and children. Amen. (throughtheroof.org)

There are 14.1 million disabled people in the UK. 4.1 million are at work, 44 per cent are of State Pension age and eight per cent are children. Disabled children are more likely to have learning or communication difficulties than a physical impairment. A SCOPE survey found that 67 per cent of people feel ‘uncomfortable’ talking to disabled people!


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