CARE for the Future Ministry for the Third Age
Third Age usually refers to the post-retirement years. However, many people are still working, and living longer! Perhaps it’s time to rethink your role at this stage of your life. An initiative of CARE
The Church CARE for the Future aims to release the potential, experience and gifts of Third Age Christians. This new initiative could help to discover what God has for you at this stage of your life. CARE for the Future has two core purposes: ď ”
to promote deeper understanding of what a life following Jesus looks like in Third Age.
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to provide resources for churches to mobilise and equip individuals to serve the purposes of God.
Resources CARE for the Future is putting together a great range of online resources to download. These can be found at These will include
encouragements from the Bible – devotionals and study notes
discussion group material
the gift of mentoring
inspiring testimonies
ideas from other churches
getting stuck in - political and social involvement
thinking deeper articles on important issues: Marriage, the golden years
Ready for retirement
Godly grandparenting
Gifts of friendship
Forum We need to work together to build on each others’ experiences and look forward to hearing from you. CARE for the Future will bring like minded older Christians together to pool ideas and resources for the sake of the Kingdom.
Conferences In the coming months look out for CARE for the Future’s conference ideal for everyone who is interested in developing this crucial Ministry.
Discipleship Living in the Third Age This six-week course is specially tailored for church groups and individuals who are keen to grow in discipleship and engage with society.
‘We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.’ PSALM 78 About Us CARE for the Future is led by Dave Fenton, a former minister and trustee of the Keswick Convention. He runs a ‘Third Way’ group in his Winchester church – encouraging and equipping older Christians to serve God.
What Others Say ‘CARE is thrilled to be working with Dave Fenton on this timely and much needed resource.’ REV LYNDON BOWRING
‘I now have confidence to use my lifelong skills in the church.’ PETER BOWLING
I had no idea how God would use me to encourage and mentor others! Its so exciting to serve Him ...’ MARY SANDING
Contact Us Find out more by emailing or write to Dave at: CARE for the Future, 53 Romney Street, London SW1P 3RF Please visit
020 7233 0455
Executive Chairman: Rev Lyndon Bowring | Chief Executive: Nola Leach Care is a registered charity: Charity No:1066963 | Scottish Charity No: SC038911 | Company limited by Guarantee No. 3481417