Catalyst 6 Autumn 13

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Issue 6

Autumn ‘13


Autumn issue includes: How to change your future Clive Price attends dynamic evaluate session

A better way forward? Professor John Wyatt on attitudes to human life

An inclusive family Educational transformation in Birmingham

We will! Renew marriage vows with The BIG Promise The Social Updates: CARE’s lowdown on Twitter Parliamantary Passnotes: to Parliaments and Assemblies What is Man? New publication Love is the Reason

And more …


Welcome to Catalyst!

By Nola Leach

value of a man or woman, boy or girl made in the image of God. We will continue to work for the protection of that dignity, whether it is an unborn child in the womb, a person with disabilities, someone at the end of life or the trafficked woman or child.

from God’s standards for a healthy society. We will be monitoring the effects of this very muddled legislation in coming months.

Good news

But we thank God for those courageous Professor John Wyatt is a long-term men and women who at great personal friend of CARE and clinician with over 20 cost did all they could try to defeat it. years experience of working Maybe some among us now in the field of babies in the feel disillusioned with poliRunning womb. In a special Catalyst through all that tics, but let us remember that interview, he speaks inspirthere are faithful Christians we do in CARE working at the highest level ingly about the uniqueness of every human life and its is the issue of for the good of our nation. value to God. Christ died human dignity. Let us also heed God’s comfor each one and for Him mand to pray for those in there is no hierarchy of leadership. A politician’s job importance. can be lonely and stressful and the presOver recent months, CARE has had sures on family life are great.


Chief Executive and Head of Public Affairs, Nola Leach. Photo:


e are now well into October, but I hope you can still recall the lovely summer we had this year and feel refreshed and geared up for all the autumn holds. For me, the best event of this summer was the birth of a wonderful new granddaughter, so beloved by us as a family but even more precious to God, His creation. It has powerfully brought home to us the miracle of each new life.

Human life Running through all that we do in CARE is the issue of human dignity, the great

various opportunities to be active in My summer letter highlighted good upholding the value of life, for instance, news, of which there is a great deal. To with Fiona Bruce MP’s Inquiry into mention just three areas: the progress of abortion in cases of foetal abnormal- Lord Morrow’s groundbreaking Bill for ity. Evidence taken from parents, medi- better protection of the victims of trafcal practitioners, academics, disability ficking, Baroness Howe’s Bill which has rights and support groups and legal ex- led to government activity to protect perts show a stark contrast children and young people There are between the treatment of a online, and the moves in disabled baby in the womb faithful relation to recognising marand one who has been riage in the tax system. Christians born. We will be encouragSo let us be encouraged, working at the ing the Government to take highest level for while being realistic. I love the recommendations of Job 38. Our God is the God the Inquiry on board. the good of our who set the heavens in nation. place, created the snowMarriage flake and, as Psalm 8 says, Many of us were deeply saddened that ‘made human beings a little lower than in passing the Marriage (Same Sex Cou- God Himself’. Our God is in control and ples) Act our Government turned away we are of infinite worth to Him.


Join thousands of couples at 5.15pm on Saturday 8 February 2014 to reaffirm our marriage vows… with Marriage Week’s The BIG Promise!


o matter how long you have been married, reviving and reaffirming your wedding vows is a wonderful thing to do, especially if its in the presence of family and friends. Next February presents a unique opportunity to do just that! So why not plan to be part of The BIG Promise which will take place in churches and wedding venues all over the UK?

Promise aims to break this in grand style so we hope hundreds of venues will register. Churches can use this opportunity to publicise marriage courses, invite local couples to enjoy a candlelit dinner or organise some other activity to follow the simple ceremony. If you get involved, you’ll definitely need your camera!

Simultaneous vows CARE has been part of Marriage Week from the outset and staff member Cameron Dobbie is playing a major role in making The BIG Promise happen. You probably didn’t know there is a Guinness World Record for the number of couples reaffirming their vows simultaneously (it’s 1,087!). The BIG

All the relevant information, resources and downloads are on the website. We are certain you’ll be inspired and it’s really easy to register. Just go to

An inclusive family 4

Mike Royal discovered the young people being reached by church on Friday, weren’t attending class on Monday. So he started something radical: a network of mini-schools. It’s one big extended household of learning. Clive Price visits centres in North and South Birmingham.


t might be seen by some as the end of the line. But TLG The Education Charity (TLG) is a launchpad for most young people who pass through its doors. Take Julia, for example. This Romanian orphan was taking and dealing drugs, and had become involved in prostitution. Neither secondary school nor pupil referral unit could cope with this strongwilled, damaged teenager. ‘She was one of our earliest students,’ said Centres Support Manager Paul Holden. ‘Within one term she’d achieved GCSE equivalent in English and Maths. She finished at the end of that term because she became pregnant.’

centres, TLG works with young people excluded from school or struggling with their education.

Back to learning They come with painful stories – family breakdown, bereavement, bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, gang involvement and other serious issues. TLG guides most of them back to learning, sometimes even into the workplace.

‘You get more help with things you don’t understand, instead of being in a classroom full of loads of people.’

‘You get more help with things you don’t understand, instead of being in a classroom full of loads of people,’ said Tina, 16, one of TLG’s students. Carol, 17, had improved in English lessons and wanted to become a teacher herself.

But all was not lost. Julia stayed in touch with the church TLG was working with. Through the congregation’s support, she and her boyfriend ended up engaging in church activities. Julia eventually went to college.

‘TLG do an exceptionally good job on a one-to-one basis with the students,’ said Steve Shipton, who is Work Related Learning Manager at Great Barr School, Birmingham, one of the biggest schools in the country.

She’s one of many. Through its growing network of 11 alternative education

Steve recognises that TLG offers a different environment from mainstream

school. Rather than a relentless programme of classroom-based learning, the day is broken up with lessons, activities and discussion. ‘Here they are treated like adults, which is very important. Most of these children are quite old for their years in some ways, but quite vulnerable in others. They cater for both sides of that,’ he said. ‘It’s a fresh start.’

Immediate impact The roots of TLG go back to 1987. New Life Church Bradford was trying to reach the youth of their community. They saw kids come to weekend events, and assumed they’d be in school on Monday. ‘In fact the church found that many of the children weren’t going to school,’ said Mike Royal, who was working closely with them. ‘We wanted to respond to that need.’ A grant from BBC’s Children In Need enabled him to set up an education charity in Bradford in 1998. ‘There was no blueprint - we made it up as we went along,’ Mike admitted. Impact was almost immediate. ‘The council got wind of what we were doing and

clubs.Yardley Wood Baptist Church in south-east Birmingham is one such partner. ‘We have engaged with our community,‘ said the minister, Rev. Trevor Neill. ‘We’re no longer the Baptist church behind the filling station – we’re known in the community as the church that runs the education centre.’ Four students turned up ‘almost too far gone’ for traditional learning – as Trevor put it. In fact, they were heading for prison. But Yardley Wood and TLG got most of them into college, the army and an apprenticeship.

A heart for the young: Mike Royal said, “We’ve got lots of kids we can send you!”’ TLG became one of the of the foremost education providers in Bradford. But they realised it wasn’t an issue just for their city. ‘Why don’t we replicate?’ Mike wondered. They opened a Birmingham Centre in 2007. Further centres followed in London, Manchester and more in Birmingham. Running like ‘mini-schools’, they are based in youth and community centres and church halls, and staffed by paid workers and volunteers.

Church involvement TLG Alternative Educational Centres receive education funding, while TLG Extended School Activities and Early Intervention Centres are purely supported by donations. They become partners with local churches to set up centres, encouraging those congregations to run other schemes like homework

Such achievements have been ‘an unlocking process’ for the church. ‘Footfall from the community is no longer the issue,’ said Trevor. ‘The challenge now is, how do we help people make journeys of transformation?’ Prayer Points: for new church partnerships, and the children and young people. For further information please visit

Early intervention As they worked alongside children with challenging backgrounds, TLG noticed some slipped through the net, particularly in transi‘There was no tion between primary and blueprint how to secondary school. So they do it - we made it set up early intervention it up as we went teams.

along.’ In this voluntary initiative, groups of coaches work with 5 to 11 year-olds struggling with behaviour. ‘Why wait until they’re 11,’ Mike pointed out. ‘Why not go in early?’ There are now 13 such teams across the UK. Photos: Staff and students (top left) at the North Birmingham Centre, and (bottom right) at the South Birmingham Centre. Article and Photos by Clive Price (



Catalyst talks to Care for Scotland’s much travelled Public Policy Officer Gordon Macdonald about his work, and his views on the Scottish scene. What major changes have you seen in Scotland over the course of your work with CARE? I would say the main factor is an increasing secularisation in the public life of our nation. Add to this a declining interest of the Church and our Christian heritage; this has accelerated since the Parliament was set up in 1990. And the ‘equality’ agenda has had a marked impact; often the views and rights of people with religious faith come second to those in other groups. How do you plan your week: between the Edinburgh Parliament, CARE’s Glasgow office, speaking and writing?


I am busiest when Parliament is sitting! The summer and other recess days are office catch-up times, and an opportunity to dash around giving talks in churches and other venues. Over the last year we’ve held events and spoken at many meetings right across Scotland. We really welcome any opportunity to visit churches or contribute to other events. My main job though is liaising with the Parliament on issues that are of interest to CARE. What is the longest journey you’ve made in the last six months? We were up to Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis in the spring. On the mainland we recently went to Peterhead in the north-east, and south to Hawick in the Borders. It’s wonderful to see so much of our beautiful country in the course of my work! What has particularly encouraged you recently? It’s encouraging that the Church is taking the need to engage with our politicians on the Marriage Bill so seriously, and the Scottish Parliament’s Equal Opportunities Committee is genuinely

Parliamentary liaising: Gordon Macdonald

looking at some of the civil liberty implications if the Bill becomes law. I am hopeful that some concessions might be made which we didn’t get in Westminster, though of course we continue to work tirelessly to prevent marriage being redefined. What other issues are coming up? A proposal in relation to human trafficking that was brought before the Parliament in early September looks like a very positive step. There is even a rumour that the Scottish Government might take action themselves, which is very encouraging. The Government is also planning to introduce new legislation into the licensing of saunas in Edinburgh that essentially operate as brothels, which is great news too. How can we pray for you and our Scottish supporters? Please pray for perseverance, and encouragement, and that the hearts and minds of the politicians will be changed. Pray for the church in Scotland to remain united, speaking with one clear voice and continuing to engage in public life. The role of the church is vital, particularly as there are those who want to ensure the Christian voice is not heard.

Please keep up to date with all Scottish issues on

STRONGER TOGETHER SPREADING In Preston one man’s life was transformed when church volunteers helped renovate his flooded house. In Cornwall, Christians are running a skate park for local teenagers. In the New Forest churches run the area’s largest family festival each year.


cross the UK churches are committed to make a difference in their communities – and momentum is building to 2014 as a year of mission together in words as well as action - as part of HOPE. HOPE began where Hope08 left off, bringing local churches together to transform communities. Roy Crowne, HOPE’s Executive Director, says: ‘Let’s embrace this moment. Imagine what can happen in 2014 as churches across the country pray and act together. Yes, we’ve got to demonstrate the love of God, but we are also committed to

telling the story of what Jesus Christ has done and our own faith story.’ HOPE is based on a few simple principles: • demonstrating God’s love as local churches work together, meeting needs in our communities • continuing to love and serve people whatever they choose to believe • inviting people to go further in their spiritual journey by sharing the gospel with words in culturally relevant ways

Praying in unity As one of HOPE’s partners, CARE is in total support of this exciting mission. That is why we have enclosed a copy of the Mission Prayer Focus with Catalyst. Celia Bowring, CARE’s Prayer Coordinator, commented, ‘Just think of the effect of thousands of Christians all over the country praying in unity about specific places, people and situations! I believe this prayer booklet will have a huge impact on our nation and look forward to using it myself.’

Sign up to receive the prayers as daily emails at Find out more about HOPE at

Season of prayer To launch this year of mission, HOPE is inviting more than a million Christians around the country to intercede for our nation using HOPE’s Mission Prayer Focus, published by UCB. Some of HOPE’s partners have contributed prayers, which run from 18 October 2013 to the end of January 2014. They can be used by individuals praying alone, in home groups, in churches, as groups of churches or in Christian organisations.



better way forward? 8

In a complicated medical world we hear from someone who sees his medical work as central to serving Christ.


ohn Wyatt is Emeritus Professor of Ethics and Perinatology at University College London. Physics was his first area of study, but then came a strong call to become a doctor. ‘I’ve had the privilege to see God at work in surprising places: intensive care, foetal medicine units and palliative care wards,’ He told Catalyst. ‘I passionately believe these things are crucially important and I am grateful for opportunities to share about them.’ We needed no further encouragement to ask some searching questions! What are the big ideas shaping attitudes regarding human life? Today’s pluralistic society presents us with confusing situations and contradictory attitudes. On the one hand, someone may totally agree with caring for disabled children, yet support the aborting of an unborn baby with Down’s syndrome. Just consider current scientific-atheistic views about human life. Many insist that we are like chimpanzees with extra brain, just one more species on the planet. Others believe we are basically machines, with you don’t have brains like computers made of to kill the patient flesh instead of silicon and wires.

in order to kill

Another common attitude is narthe pain. cissism or the elevation of the self, which is a form of idolatry. ‘Everything that improves my life is great. Anything that diminishes it is negative. I have the right to choose how to live my life and also when it should end.’ This mindset sees suffering as something to avoid, dismissing the idea that it could ever be of positive value. We see young people caught up in addictions that deaden the pain within and around them. In secular thinking, human beings can be ‘categorised’ according to their value with high achievers and celebrities at the top all the way down to those who are totally unproductive and burdensome. Just think where this leads. ‘Provided I am independent and able to choose, life is worth living but once I become frail, vulnerable, limited, I become less valuable – putting me out of my misery might be doing me a favour.’ So, how does this contrast with biblical thinking? Genesis 1 is clear that every human life is made in God’s image. Psalm 139 describes us as ‘knit together in our mother’s womb .... fearfully and wonderfully made.’ Ephesians 2:10 says, ‘we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for

us to do.’ Jesus became human like us, choosing to be vulnerable, experiencing human fragility. God chooses for us to Jesus became human live in a web of dependlike us, choosing ency on Him and othto be vulnerable, ers. We did not choose the circumstances of experiencing human our birth and arrived fragility. completely helpless. As we grow, others may rely on us, and later we might need looking after again. In love, God calls us into existence by name; His plan for us reaches beyond the grave. For someone There is a major concern that terminally What is the alternative to with dementia, this is crucial. They may ill people might feel social and emo- euthanasia? forget who they are, but God knows and tional pressure to regard ‘suicide’ as a Palliative care was an idea invented in remembers, holding their identity safe. duty, or a quick solution to their fears the 1960s by a Christian – Dame Cecily about death. This Bill also raises serious Christians should be particularly conSaunders, who saw the real threat of euworries about safeguards - medical and cerned about protecting the most vulthanasia and looked for a better way of clinical mistakes - all too prevalent alnerable! The brain-damaged, the disacaring for dying people. She famously ready in the NHS – could happen, with bled baby, someone severely harmed said, ‘you don’t have to kill the patient in irrevocable effects. by life’s circumstances, a frail older perorder to kill the pain.’ son – are they not made in God’s image What about the doctors? Palliative care is about living, helping to – all equal, special beings? The medical profession is, and has al- maximise someone’s final days positiveLord Falconer is bringing forward a ways been, committed to life and heal- ly. I know of many who have ‘died well’ Physician-Assisted Dying Bill. What ing, refusing to be involved in killing, - finding time to restore relationships, issues does it raise? in active combat, or judicial execution, say goodbye and let go as they focused torture and so on. This goes back to the on meeting God, many receiving Christ The Bill taps into that idea that ‘I should Hippocratic Oath - several centuries be- as saviour. Vulnerably ill people somebe able to control my life and my death’. fore Christ. But it’s now proposed that times express suicidal thoughts but Falconer argues that everybody with doctors become killers, planning lethal skilled and compassionate caring sup‘less than a year to live’ has the right to port transforms the situadoses to ensure their pachoose to die. In fact, very few people Physician-assisted tion. Dying can, by God’s tients die. genuinely wish to kill themselves – each suicide is an issue grace, be a great adventure year about half a million people in the We realise that legaliswhere the rubber and an opportunity, right UK die, but only a handful of these opt ing abortion has sadly up to the end, for a person to travel to the Dignitas clinic in Switzer- changed the nature of hits the road in to find purpose in their life. land for a lethal injection. obstetrics, where on the today’s world. Physician-assisted suione hand, medics try to Those championing autonomy and save one unborn baby’s life, but cause cide is an issue where the rubber hits choice see physician-assisted dying as a the deliberate destruction of another. the road in today’s world. It will create solution, but legalising it would have a Legalised abortion hasn’t affected pro- hurt and controversy, but in opposing a damaging impact on society as a whole. fessionals engaged in other areas of change in the law and supporting posiA vulnerable person who was extremely medicine, but if helping someone to tive alternatives to improve the care of anxious about the process of dying, or die became a part of medical treatment, dying people, we can hope to see the who felt they were a ‘burden’ on others, healthcare as a whole would radically power of Christian truth and love workcould agree or have it ‘agreed’ for them. ing through His people in society. change. In Holland, once it became law, ‘euthanasia’ deaths increased. It now accounts for about 3 per cent of all deaths, with a Professor John Wyatt has worked as a consultant neonatologist at University further 6-8 per cent dying through palCollege Hospital for more than 20 years. He is Chair of the Medical Study Group liative sedation. This adds up to about of the Christian Medical Fellowship and a board member of Biocentre. 10 per cent of all people who die in HolHis book Matters of Life and Death is published by IVP. land having their lives terminated before their natural end.


Parliamentary Passnotes

Catalyst’s occasional ‘quick guide’ to the parliaments and assemblies that make up the United Kingdom and Europe.

10 10


Northern Ireland

MP: Member of Parliament - any of the 650 members of the Westminster Parliament.

MLA: Member of the Legislative Assembly, of which there are 108 elected members.

The Palace of Westminster houses the UK Parliament. Informally referred to as ‘Westminster’, and even the ‘Mother of Parliaments’, it examines what the Government is doing, makes new laws, holds the power to set taxes and debates the issues of the day. It comprises the House of Commons (650 members) and House of Lords (755 members). Prayers are said in both Houses before every session.

The Northern Ireland Assembly is the devolved legislature of Northern Ireland. It sits at Parliament Buildings at Stormont in Belfast and has power to legislate in a wide range of areas and to appoint the Northern Ireland Executive. Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly are subject to judicial review, and any law can be struck down if it fails to comply with the conditions set by Westminster. A two minute period of silent prayer or reflection takes place before each session.

Little known fact: Westminster Hall is the oldest building in the Palace estate, and has been used for a wide variety of events over nine centuries, from jousting tournaments to prayer breakfasts!

Little known fact: Architect Sir Arnold Thornley of Liverpool designed Parliament Buildings to be 365ft wide, representing one foot for every day of the year.

Wales AM: Assembly Member. 60 of whom represent the interests of Wales and its people, make laws for Wales and hold the Welsh Government to account.

Scotland MSP: Member of the Scottish Parliament - any of the 129 individuals elected to serve in the Scottish Parliament. The Scottish Parliament is the devolved national legislature of Scotland, located in the capital, Edinburgh. The Parliament, informally referred to as ‘Holyrood’, is democratically elected and has just one legislative chamber. No prayers are said before sessions although Parliamentary Prayer Scotland, a non-denominational, non-party political Christian group, prays regularly for the needs of the MSPs. ( Little known fact: The first mention of a Scottish parliament was in 1235, an assembly at Kirkliston on the outskirts of Edinburgh, which advised the king on policy and justice issues.

The National Assembly for Wales is a devolved assembly with power to make legislation in Wales in a number of policy areas. The Government’s main offices are located in the Crown Buildings in Cardiff. There are 20 areas of responsibility devolved to the National Assembly and within which Welsh Ministers exercise executive functions. No provision for prayer is made. Little known fact: Four projects by four artists were commissioned to ensure that art was integrated into the fabric of the Senedd, the building where the Assembly meets.


Ten people, limitless passions O

nce again, CARE welcomes a new intake of Christian graduates who are starting what many of their predecessors have called ‘the year of our lives’: with the CARE Leadership Programme. University saw these young men and women study subjects ranging from art to politics, modern languages and economics. Some enjoy a game of rugby or Frisbee, others play the cello, piano and guitar. Love of coffee goes without saying! The 2013 cohort are not new to putting their faith into action. They have experience of leading youth groups and social action projects, preaching the gospel and serving at Christian camps and other events.

European Parliament, Brussels

Europe MEP: Member of the European Parliament. The 736 (soon to be 751) Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are directly elected by EU citizens every five years. The next elections take place in May 2014. The European Parliament buildings are in Brussels and Strasbourg. Laws made by the EU institutions are passed in a variety of forms. Generally speaking, they can be classified into two groups – those which come into force without needing to be implemented by member states and those which specifically require national implementation measures. Little known fact: It is a myth that a supercomputer in Belgium called ‘The Beast’ tracks every human being on earth. The idea came about in a screenplay for a film, but many accepted it as fact.

If you wish to know more about your own parliament or assembly, a special section of CARE’s website offers information on how to contact your MP or Assembly member, prayer and action points and much more.


Common strength They have arrived filled with a passion to stand up for the voiceless and the vulnerable, to fight injustice and to see positive change in our society. A knowledge and love of Jesus is a common strength that especially ‘It is a privilege to binds them together at the start of this significant year. stand alongside these

graduates, brimming Over the next months, their voluntary placements will provide insight with potential.’ into British political life and the role of third sector organisations in shaping public policy. Times of study, discussion and devotions will help them to explore how Christian faith can be outworked in the public square.

Hope for the future ‘It is a privilege to stand alongside these graduates, brimming with potential, at the start of their working lives - to invest in them, encourage, challenge, and pray for them,’ Nola Leach, Head of the Leadership Programme, said. ‘We trust that this year will be an important influence on their future paths by increasing their knowledge, skills, passion and most importantly faith. Working with the Leadership Programme gives me such hope for the future of our society.’ For more information about the Leadership Programme go to:

HOW TO CHANGE YOUR FUTURE Schoolchildren across Britain are being reminded how unique they are, thanks to evaluate. Catalyst sets the scene, and Clive Price reports on one of their dynamic school presentations. 12 12


ARE believes that sexual intercourse should be kept for marriage between a man and a women, as the Bible teaches. However, popular culture rejected this idea long ago. Statistics show that Britain has the highest rates of teenage pregnancies, abortions, sexually transmitted infections and alcohol use in Europe. The Office of National Statistics reports that • 38,000 under 18-year-olds became pregnant in England and Wales in 2009. • 7,500 of them were under 16, and of these 4,500 ended in abortion. Much school sex education assumes that most young people are sexually active and therefore need information and help to minimize the risks. However, some years ago, CARE decided to offer something different. Although it is not possible to promote all the biblical teaching we might like, as this would not be accepted in state schools, Project Manager Sue Lindars has devised a dynamic set of multimedia presentations that communicate the values of human worth and a give a true picture of the consequences of certain lifestyles.

Volunteer teams It’s called evaluate…informing choice. The programme is geared to children and young people from age 9 through to 18, presented by trained volunteer teams from local churches. Warmly welcomed by schools all over the country, they aim to build self-esteem, help young people to make healthy informed decisions, and support them in delaying sexual experience until they make a committed and exclusive relationship – preferably marriage. A recent presentation was delivered by the evaluate team in Poole to more

than 100 Year 9 students at Twynham School, Christchurch. ‘We’re here to give you information to make healthy, informed choices,’ said team leader Louise Parkin, who is also a GP, as she introduced Sex:\How Safe? This uses videos, quizzes and pop culture references to guide 12-14 year-olds through the labyrinth of sex and relationships. Over the next one-and-a-half hours, Louise and fellow team members took the group on a non-stop interactive tour of these vital issues. There was a genuine ‘buzz’ around the school hall. ‘James Bond gets a lot of action,’ said

‘You can shine…’

There has been unease about inappropriate content of lessons for primary school children. ‘Parents and teachers are concerned about what is being taught,’ said Project Manager Sue Lindars, ‘they often ask if there is a local evaluate team. So we certainly would like to see more volunteers and teams! Fortunately the new primary resource assures nine to 11 year-olds of their personal worth. ‘You can shine, whatever you’re made of,’ is its core message, quoted from the hit movie Robots. More primary resources are being developed, so keep in touch by going to where you can also find out about setting up a team and training as an educator.

What the students say

Here is a brief look at how students felt about evaluate presentations… ‘I found out you don’t need

to give in to peer pressure’ ‘‘evaluate made me think about my decisions and what are the risks in sex’ Wendy Naylor, presenting a section about media. ‘But he’s never become a father! He never has to visit a sexual health clinic. Is that a realistic picture?’ She also raised the rising problem of ‘grooming’ for sexual exploitation – where adults pretend to be younger online, in a bid to lure children and teenagers. Students took part in small group discussions with much enthusiasm. ‘Sex has consequences’, said another team member, ‘like the thousands of unplanned pregnancies that happen every year. Babies are a lifetime commitment,’ she warned.

Personal stories Everyone listened intently as Sue Lloyd – also in the team - shared her personal story. She’d had an unplanned pregnancy as a single young adult. It affected every area of her life. Although she’d always intended to marry before having sex, events took a completely different course. ‘It was obviously my own choice, but something I really regretted. I was with a guy and we had sex. But I didn’t love him and the condom didn’t work. So I found myself pregnant.’ The baby’s father wanted an abortion. But Sue felt that was wrong; she should keep the baby. That meant moving back to her parents’ home with her son Nathaniel, who is now 20. ‘It definitely wasn’t easy, Even as I tell you my story, it’s still painful, because there were lots of traumas.’ Sue said.

‘evaluate gave good advice and made me feel more confident’

‘I realise now it’s possible to have a child even if you use contraception’ ‘There’s huge pressure on young people’ said team member Richard Garton. However, he revealed that only 12 per cent of teenagers are sexually active, so it is not the norm! Sue assured the students ‘just because we’ve had sex with someone in the past, it doesn’t mean to say it has to stay that way. We can make different choices for our future.’


With that, the students went on their way into a bright summer’s day. The hope was that they took with them some life-affirming – perhaps even life-saving – lessons that might start to change their tomorrow today. Committed evaluate team with Year 9: top left Sue Lloyd, bottom right Richard Garton. Photos: Clive Price


16 15,000 teams currently operating


young people experienced evaluate in 2012-13

trained volunteer educators now visiting schools




people trained on courses since the initiative started


young people in schools experienced evaluate since




Around the Parliaments and Assemblies

CARE’s Public Affairs team has been more than busy since the last Catalyst. There is only room here for brief updates, but please keep up to date by vising our website and signing up to our weekly email Impact Direct.

Northern Ireland Lord Morrow’s Bill - First Stage and Committee 14 14

Future generations S

upport for the creation of genetically modified three-parent babies was approved by the Government in June. Draft regulations legalising the technique, which uses IVF to take genetic material from three adults and create an embryo, will be produced by the Government in the autumn. If these are passed by Parliament, the UK will become the first country in the world to allow such a technique. Such a move has major ethical implications. It will undermine the sense of identity of future generations, intrude on the reproductive exclusivity of a couple and pose serious biological risks.


s Catalyst readers will know, CARE in NI has been supporting Lord Morrow in bringing forward his Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill to the Northern Ireland Assembly. The Bill’s first reading took place before the summer recess, and in September Lord Morrow appeared before the Justice Committee to outline what his Bill seeks to achieve and to field questions on it. Representatives of CARE in Northern Ireland accompanied Lord Morrow and helped to answer questions on the substance of the Bill. The second reading took place on 23 September. We would urge supporters to show support for the Bill by contacting their MLAs in the near future. Please continue to pray for Lord Morrow as the Bill moves forward.

PUBLIC AFFAIRS at CARE sign up for the essential weekly email Email: Tel: 020 7233 0455

New Horizon


ARE in NI hosted a seminar at New Horizon with Lord Morrow on his Human Trafficking Bill. Over 130 people attended and learned more about the Bill and what it seeks to achieve.

Online Safety


he technological world does not stand still and nor have developments in online safety so far this year! David Cameron made a significant announcement in July that he had secured voluntary agreements with the big internet service providers (ISPs) relating to new and existing customers. By the end of the year, ‘default’ filters will be set up for new customers to provide pornography-free internet and existing customers will be contacted with the option of activating these filters by the end of 2014. While this is a hugely encouraging development, we remain convinced that the best approach to ensure these pledges are actually delivered on is by changing the law. This is why we continue to support Baroness Howe’s Online Safety Bill, which will compel ISPs to act to protect children and also emphasises the necessity of age verification to ensure under-eighteens cannot access explicit material online.



The Marriage Act


n 17 July the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill received Royal Assent, becoming an Act of Parliament. CARE is very disappointed at this outcome. We have of the Bill. We have all been shocked at the absence of any mandate for this profound change and the lack of consideration and debate. Since the Bill began its progress through Parliament, CARE has expressed concern that church groups could be open to legal challenge for not conducting same sex marriages. These concerns were realised just weeks after the Bill became law when a gay couple announced they will go to court to force the Church of England to host gay marriages. As the Bill was passed there were some positives to draw on. The Government made it clear that opposing same sex marriage is not, in itself, a hate crime. It has given numerous assurances that no individual, organisation or school teacher should be punished for not endorsing same sex marriage. We will hold them to that. The Coalition for Marriage will continue and will seek to ensure that traditional marriage is respected in places like schools. For the latest information please go to

Debating marriage in Scotland he Equal Opportunities Committee of the Scottish Parliament has been hearing evidence on the redefinition of marriage in Scotland. Although the law has already been changed in England and Wales, the Marriage and Civil Partnerships (Scotland) Bill only started being considered by the Scottish Parliament at the beginning of September.


Commenting upon the Committee hearings, Gordon said: ‘I am confident that most of the members of the Committee are genuine about seeking to explore our concerns. Hopefully, this will lead to significant changes to the Bill in order to ensure that the rights of churches, ministers and ordinary people will be protected.’

CARE for Scotland submitted evidence to the Committee and on 12 September Dr Gordon Macdonald, CARE’s Parliamentary Officer in Scotland, appeared before the Committee on behalf of the Scotland for Marriage campaign. Gordon told the Committee that there were serious concerns regarding the implications of redefining marriage, and in relation to religious freedom and civil liberties of many people working in the public sector.

The Bill is expected to be debated by the whole Parliament in late October, before returning to the Committee for more detailed scrutiny and amendments. A final debate on the Bill is likely to occur sometime in early 2014. CARE for Scotland is encouraging supporters to contact MSPs in the run up to these votes to ask their political representatives to oppose the redefinition of marriage and to protect religious and civil liberties.

Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh


European leaders hear ‘the call’ European leaders: plenary talk at the European Leadership Forum

Church leaders from across the Continent are being equipped by CARE to be activists in their own countries and communities

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e are only truly ourselves when we follow God’s call,’ says popular author and speaker Os Guinness. In his book The Call, he speaks of a giftedness where we become ‘ours for others’ – living a life not of selfishness but service – which is ‘perfect freedom’. That was shown in the work of the great reformer William Wilberforce, who toiled for nearly 50 years to abolish slavery. Os Guinness delivered a similar message to delegates at The European Leadership Forum, an annual conference supported by CARE.

Nola has been invited as the main plenary speaker for next year’s conference. ‘We’re building in more opportunities for discussion and interaction,’ she said.

‘The speakers were phenomenal,’ said Nola’s Executive Assistant Cameron Dobbie, ‘blessed men and women of God, giving vision and teaching and inspiring us all to be ‘There was a sense “salt and light” for Christ in our own countries.’

of being able to invest in key future leaders.’

Transform nations This year’s event, in May, attracted 750 evangelical leaders from across Europe to a new venue in Wisla, Poland. CARE ran the Politics and Society Network, a key section of the programme which equips Christians to transform their home nations.

The Christian Telegraph reported that for many of the representatives from Slavic countries, this was the first time they had participated in such an event. Jaroslaw Lukasik, director of East European Leadership Forum, was particularly inspired. ‘This is a great opportunity to learn from the best Christian leaders,’ he said, ‘to adopt their expertise for effective ministry, exchange contacts and acquire unique resources.’

Find Mentors

The European Leadership Forum seeks to serve and equip Contributors to CARE’s track included – former MEP Leonart national Christian leaders to ‘renew the biblical church and Sacredaeus, who spoke on Serving Jesus As An Elected Rep- re-evangelise Europe’. It is a coalition of evangelical Christian resentative; former Lord Chancellor Lord Mackay, who ad- groups seeking to provide a bridge between ‘God’s global redressed Equality And The Law; and Arrttu sources and local leaders’. ‘Useful conversations Makipaa who explored Rethinking The EconDelegates at their annual meeting find menomy As Stewardship. happened as we tors and build friendships that allow collabolearned from each ‘It was a young audience and there was a ration and new partnerships. Having met and sense of being able to invest in key future heard forum leaders teach, participants can other.’ leaders in Europe,’ said CARE’s Chief Execudecide which of them might be most helpful tive Nola Leach. ‘Some had been before and it was great to back in their own countries. These attendees have arranged anbuild on previous experiences.’ She spoke at the Media Net- nually more than 350 local, regional and national events and work on engaging with the press, and helped mentor East initiatives that boost Christian ministry in their home countries. European women in leadership. ‘We learned so much about each other during our time together’, said Nola. For more information go to:

How many prayers? T

his autumn marks 30 years of CARE! And alongside our work in the political arena and equipping Christians to engage in society, prayer has always been really important. Way back in the 1970s Jenny Hall produced a regular prayer list for supporters of the Nationwide Festival of Light – the organisation from which CARE grew. In 1983 she passed the baton to Celia Bowring who has written a prayer for every single day since! Each quarter Celia compiles a list of weekly themes and finds the scriptures, information, requests and thanksgivings that make up the CARE Prayer Diary. Meanwhile, Jenny still has a passion for prayer, and is involved with the Lydia network of praying women.

Thousands of prayers Catalyst did some number crunching, and worked out that over 30 years Celia has provided almost 11,000 daily prayers in over 1,500 weeks! These have been used by many to intercede for the needs of our world. Perhaps you have been around to pray them all? We’d love to know how you have used the Diary, so please get in touch.

its heart the weekly topics covering a variety of issues, often including prayers for other ministries, organisations and individuals. We receive more encouraging feedback on the Prayer Diary than any other CARE publication.

Prayers and thanksgivings Catalyst asked Celia how she goes about writing each issue. ‘My first task is to pray! Then I need to plan the weekly themes, looking for any special days to

be included, and make sure I cover a good range of subjects. Next I find Bible verses to fit each week, comparing translations. Then comes the writing of thanksgivings, actual prayers and specific requests for each week. The internet is invaluable; I spend many fascinating hours exploring and discovering how God is at work in our world.’ CARE appreciates the encouragement and prayers of our supporters. Added Celia, ‘Without them and the Holy Spirit’s help, the Diary would not happen!’

Our supporters say: ‘the most beautifully composed prayer booklet of any which we receive’ ‘Thank you for sending the excellent Prayer Diaries - so well set out and investigated. They give a real understanding of the issues to be prayed for in the light of God’s word.’ ‘the prayer diary is informative and inspirational – and those quotes at the bottom of the page are so thought-provoking.’

Its appearance may have changed over the years, but always has at

Just in case you don’t actually receive the CARE Prayer Diary (which is free) please go to or telephone Hannah on 020 233 0455. You can also email us at




Modern Slavery Bill T

he Government announced in August that it is proposing a Modern Slavery Bill. CARE will keep you informed, and work to ensure the legislation is as effective as possible.

European Directive a story of change I

n 2010 the EU announced plans for a Directive to improve the way human trafficking is addressed, and to offer victims better support and protection. At the time the British Government decided not to sign up to the Directive claiming it: ‘[did] not go any further than the law that we have already passed.’ CARE was one of several organisations that disagreed and so began a long campaign to see the measures in the Directive brought into British law. In 2010-11 we briefed MPs and Peers on why the UK should opt-in. We worked with Lord McColl of Dulwich on a Private Members Bill designed to incorporate all aspects of the EU Directive not already part of our law. Just days after Lord McColl’s Bill was read in the House of Lords for the first time in March 2011, the Government announced that it had now decided to opt in to the Directive. Many of you will be among the over 45,000 signatories to the public petition that CARE supported calling on the Government to change its mind and opt-in. Thank you for getting involved. It is great to be able to celebrate this success.

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Guardians for trafficked children R

esearch published in September by The Children’s Society and the Refugee Council calls for the introduction of a guardianship system to provide independent support for trafficked children. A guardian would help a child navigate complex care and immigration procedures and speak up for their best interests. The review was commissioned by the Home Office in response to a proposal for just such a system made by Lord McColl of Dulwich during consideration of the Protection of Freedoms Act in 2012. CARE will continue to support Lord McColl as he continues to raise this issue in Parliament over the coming months.

Trafficking offences However, opting in was only the first step. To be meaningful it had to be followed by full implementation of the measures contained in the Directive. Over the next two years prior to the deadline for incorporating the Directive we continued to press the government to make the changes in law needed to bring the UK into line. Two changes to the law were made in early 2012, making it possible to prosecute a British national in the UK for trafficking offences committed abroad and including trafficking within the UK (without crossing international borders) in the existing offences. Another change was made in 2012 amending new Legal Aid rules to ensure victims of human trafficking still have some access to Legal Aid. These changes are significant, but there is more to be done. In February 2013, together with 11 other charities, we wrote to the Immigration Minister calling on the Government to take action in six areas. Once more, despite publicly rejecting our claims that further action was needed shortly afterwards, the Government issued new Regulations making one of the most important changes we called for: giving all victims special treatment during police investigations and court hearings. Even though the deadline for incorporating the Directive passed this April, the story is not over. Just recently the Government has announced the creation of a Modern Slavery Commissioner – a key provision of the Directive. We continue to press for fuller implementation across the whole country. Thank you for being part of this story. Find out more by visiting



Organ donation – concerns over new Act C

ARE supports efforts to increase organ donation rates, and in July the National Assembly for Wales approved a new Human Transplantation Bill seeking to do just this. However, CARE and many others – including the Archbishop of Wales and Archbishop of Cardiff – have grave concerns about the new Act. Under the new law, unless someone expressly notes a desire not to donate their organs, if they die they are presumed to have given consent for their organs to be donated. ‘So what?’ you might ask. In fact, presuming consent is not an honest concept – if consent is presumed then, by definition, you do not have it. This also undermines the fact that organ donation is a gift and fails to treat those made in God’s image with dignity.

Family taxation under the microscope T

he income tax ssystem takes no account of marriage or family responsibilities. This is the stark warning from CARE’s latest fiscal policy paper Independent Taxation – 25 years on, published on 9 September. For several years CARE has worked tirelessly to highlight the current lack of fairness in our tax system, particularly for families where one parent stays at home – often to look after children. The report recommends several solutions, but highlights the introduction of transferable allowances for married couples as a key first step which should be taken swiftly. This approach is also backed by former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Lawson, whose foreword makes for interesting reading. We very much hope that CARE’s report – which garnered significant press interest from the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail amongst others – will inform the thinking of the current Chancellor, George Osborne, who will be making an announcement about introducing transferable allowances for married couples in his Autumn Statement.

There is also evidence to suggest that presuming consent doesn't work in practice and has even been counter-productive to organ donation rates in some countries.

Rights for families CARE advocated these messages clearly to Assembly Members (AMs). We also worked closely with Shadow Health Minister, Darren Millar AM, to support rights for families of deceased loved ones to have the final say so on any organ donation decision. Several AMs used CARE-commissioned polling to back this approach. Sadly the Bill received Royal Assent in September without such provisions for families, and comes into effect in 2015. We will, however, monitor the impact of this Act very carefully.

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You can read the full report by visiting:

Email: Tel: 020 7233 0455


Chen Guangcheng with translator


blind Chinese ‘barefoot lawyer’ who earned world headlines for challenging his country’s forced abortion programme has been in London to receive with the first-ever Westminster Award for his human rights work. CARE’s Chief Executive Nola Leach spoke at the event. The award was presented by MP Fiona Bruce, Vice Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Pro Life Group, and Chris Whitehouse from the Right to Life Trust.

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Chen Guangchen’s story has been reported extensively – by such websites as The ProLife Alliance, London’s online newspaper The Positive and Independent Catholic News. Popular men’s magazine GQ declared him ‘Rebel Of The Year’.

Chen with [left to right] Chris Whitehouse, Lord Alton and Fiona Bruce MP.

Outspoken critic A self-taught lawyer, blind since infancy, Chen has been hailed as one of his government’s most outspoken critics. Through a translator, he told his spellbound Westminster audience of claims of shocking violence and forced abortions on women – sometimes eight months into pregnancy. The Chinese government claim 13 million abortions are carried out each year to curb a booming population. Chen believes the number is much greater, and stressed the need for international action. In 2005 he organised a landmark lawsuit against authorities in Shandong province for enforcement of the ‘one-child’ policy, which has existed in China since the late 1970s.

Prison and release His stance on human rights led to his arrest, trial, and a four-year prison sentence. Following his release, he remained under house arrest.

Chen with Nola Leach

Brave stand ‘Chen must rank as one of the great men of this generation,’ said Lord Alton of Liverpool, who invited the activist to London. ‘He loves his country and its people – but not its coercive “one child” policy.

‘Chen must rank as one of the great men of this generation.’

In 2012 he escaped from his house and reached the US embassy in Beijing. It was the stuff of action movies, with a car chase and a diplomatic drama involving Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Talks between Chinese officials and the US State Department led to freedom for Chen and his family. He fears that other family members back in China are still facing persecution.

‘One day he will be celebrated in China as a national hero who bravely stood against the system – and paid a heavy price for doing so.’

Fiona Bruce emphasised how ‘Chen Guangcheng’s fight for the respect of life from its earliest moments – at great personal cost to himself – stands out as a beacon of bravery.’ Said Chen, ‘I am truly honoured and delighted to receive this first ever Westminster Award on this my first ever visit to the British Parliament. ‘I have always been encouraged in my work by the knowledge that I had friends here in Westminster and throughout the United Kingdom. I thank them all for their support.’

WHAT IS MAN? WHY SHOULD WE CARE? These are the two key questions David Potter addresses in Love is the Reason, which CARE has just published in conjunction with Prospects. The book, in David’s words, ‘provides the raw material to help you think biblically and to find your own answers.’


avid and Madeleine Potter founded Prospects in 1976. They first called it A Cause for Concern, after the birth of their daughter, who had Down’s Syndrome. They discovered how little there was ‘out there’ to care – with a Christian emphasis. The story of Prospects is a powerful and moving one, addressed in an earlier edition of Catalyst. It is a dynamic Christian organisation working together with people with learning disabilities so they live to the full – aiming to touch every aspect of life to enable real choices and fulfilled potentials.

Spiritual Journey Love is the Reason takes us on a spiritual journey, exploring the crisis of caring, the challenge of secularism, and the value of freedom, justice and hope as a Christian response. Nola Leach, who has written the foreword, and Lyndon Bowring, are both Ambassadors for Prospects. They deeply appreciate their relationship with the charity and take every opportunity to promote its unique work. Jonathan Edwards is Executive Ambassador of Prospects. He challenges us in his Preface:

‘Are we really willing to turn our compassionate Christian convictions into action? Are we committed to ensuring that our churches are not merely places to celebrate the grace and mercy of God, but living communities of love, sacrifice and compassion? And most sharply of all – are we, individually, willing to make the sacrifice ourselves?’ David completes the book with a helpful aide-memoire, which will be useful for study groups. Notes on human rights, disability and theology, a booklist, and the story of both Prospects and of CARE are also included.

‘The Christian doctrine of humanness is far from being the strait-jacket of the parody of religion popularised by the media. It is unparalleled in its power to restore a sense of dignity and freedom to people of all sorts, at all levels of society, whatever their abilities, race or culture. Every one is to be valued.’ Extract from Love is the Reason

To order a copy of the book please go to the Prospects website

‘Heaven is not about harptwanging or cloud-floating. It is about realising to the full the relationship we have with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, which began the moment we first trusted in Christ.’ Extract from Love is the Reason


Protection and Care by Lyndon Bowring, Executive Chairman, CARE


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uring a recent meeting I had an alarming spread of sexual laxity and with Archbishop Justin Welby, he of the gambling fever ...’ which sounds showed me a worn paperback entitled familiar! It called for Christians to engage Towards the Conversion of England – in evangelism but also ‘to display to the 1945 report on the Archbishops’ non-worshippers a supernatural quality of moral power and Commission on Evangelism, written during the London Let’s thank God for of brotherly kindness.’ This clearly echoed Blitz. It considered the urgent the many benefits both John Newton and need to share the gospel and of modern life, William Wilberforce’s opened with Archbishop convictions in the William Temple’s words: ‘If remembering 1790s, that only we have to choose between the work of past through personal making men Christian and generations. conversion and making the social order more gospel-transformed Christian, we must choose the former. But there is no such antithesis.’ lives could families and communities The report referred to ‘the decline in truly change. truthfulness and personal honesty, and

Evangelical reformers

Justin Welby observed that if Wilberforce and the great Victorian evangelical reformers of the nineteenth century were to see Britain today, they could be forgiven for thinking that this was paradise! The living environment and extensive state provision we sometimes take for granted would astonish them. So, although much concerns us in today’s society, let’s thank God for the many benefits of modern life, remembering the work of past generations. In the 1850s, the area around Westminster Abbey near CARE’s offices was famously one of the worst areas of London. Charles Dickens called it ‘The Devil’s Acre’. But the Salvation Army visited these streets to bring the gospel alongside the outstanding workers of the London City Mission, preaching and

reaching out in Christ’s name. In due time, slum clearances made way for new housing, sanitation and street lighting were introduced and the district’s character was transformed.

Speaking out CARE’s ministry is founded on our concern for human dignity. Material poverty may not be as extreme today, yet many are burdened with debt, deprived of strong, loving family relationships, victims of addictions and vulnerable to criminal activities. This is why we support those advocating an end to human trafficking, and protection and care for exploited victims. We speak out for the unborn child and those who are particularly frail and vulnerable. We fight to protect our children and young people from harmful material, especially on the internet. These days, pornography is incredibly easy to access. Young children are viewing explicit material, and teenagers are taking inappropriate photographs to post on social media sites for all to see. This is an area of particular concern. Through our advocacy work, and the excellent evaluate relationships and sex education programme, we continue to bring another message: of respect, safety and purity to those at risk. We know that these battles are the Lord’s, but they can only be fought and won through the gospel proclamation and practical engagement of His people. Thank you for standing with CARE as we work alongside others in His name .

CARE 53 Romney Street London SW1P 3RF | 020 7233 0455 | For enquires, comments and to join our regular mailing list: To further CARE’s ministry: | Charity number: 1066963 Scottish Charity SC038911



Confused about all the fuss over Twitter? Not quite sure if it’s for you? CARE’s new Digital Strategy Manager Christine Andres explains all.



witter is a social network where users can record their thoughts or current status in mini-posts of up to 140 characters, creating a ‘mini-blog’ that others users can subscribe to by ‘following’ you. This keeps things short and sweet, with users often linking to news stories of interest elsewhere online, posting images or passing comments on anything from Prime Minister’s Questions to the X-Factor! If this is a completely new social platform to you, we recommend that you check out our Beginner’s Guide to Twitter on the CARE website: For those of you already familiar with the world of Twitter, here are just some of our top tips: 1 When copying links into your tweets, you don’t need to worry about how long they are, as Twitter will automatically shorten them to a length of 20 characters for you.

Find someone you’d like to follow? 2 Why don’t you see who they follow themselves? You’re much more likely to find other interesting people to follow doing this than by just searching at random. Beware! Twitter can be quite 3 addictive, so just take it slowly to start with, find a group of 20-30 people to follow and maybe a few news outlets as well. It’s important to remember one 4 thing: just because you’re on Twitter, it doesn’t mean you have to constantly be tweeting! Many people use Twitter as a simple way of keeping up-to-date, either with current affairs, sport, or the world of entertainment. We are thrilled that so many of you not only follow us on Twitter but also look at our Facebook page. It’s a great way to keep up to with CARE’s current issues and thinking. As well as news about what we are doing, it often highlights the work of other organisations.

GIFT AID GOES ONLINE! W e are so grateful to all of you who Gift Aid your donations to CARE. HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs) have recently made some amendments to how we make our Gift Aid tax claims, moving to an online rather than paperbased system.

Just in case you haven’t yet taken the plunge, take a moment to visit CARE’s Facebook page and ‘like’ us! The four CARE Twitter accounts: [or @careorguk] CARE’s updates on current political issues [@careprayerdiary] Shares the daily prayers and often flags up other ministries in the Prayer Diary [@loosethechains] Updates on trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation issues [@careleader] Highlights resources for church leaders and shares news from Gareth Davies, Head of Churches at CARE CARE’s Facebook page can be found at

Changes to the system are afoot so we thought an update would be timely.

One result of these changes is that HMRC now require us to insert each donor’s postal address (first line and post code). This makes it all the more important that you inform us when you move house, even if you do not receive postal mailings from CARE.

Russell or Hannah can check that we have your correct details very quickly if you e-mail or phone them on 0207 233 0455.

Catalyst To further design: CARE’ ministry: | Generic images, except where indicated: & Printed Catalystindesign: the UK by The Magazine Printing|Company Generic photos: using only iStockphoto paper from FSC/PEFC suppliers.



n: a person or thing that causes an important change to take place

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