Emerging technologies - Artificial Intelligence

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Introducing Emerging Technologies - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Within the context of the history of technology, ‘emerging technologies’ is a broad term which helps to encompass some of the most significant and cutting edge technological advances taking place during the twenty first century. Examples of such technologies currently include nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, robotics and artificial intelligence 1 . Are there any problems with this? Should Christians be concerned? It is a commonly accepted fact that the very essence of technology is to make things that allow us to do more than we could without them. In many respects Christians should not fear technological progress, as technology is not inherently wrong. Under the covenantal obligations we are still to adhere to today, stewardship of our created world requires some form of technology if we are to exercise dominion and ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it’ 2 . Christians believe that every human being is made in the image of God. We reflect God’s image in what we do (capabilities and attributes) and what we are (our humanity). Therefore each human life has a unique dignity and unique value because of the divine image. In the light of this we cannot ‘improve’ upon human nature as this would involve altering the image which we bear. Technology is generally helpful to the degree that it enables us to have dominion in the world and addresses human problems like sickness. As such, emerging technologies offer the prospect of being able to enjoy a fuller and richer human experience than would otherwise be the case. In the words of Professor John Wyatt, we are ‘flawed masterpieces’ upon which we can carry out ethical art restoration, preserving and restoring the masterpiece whilst keeping to the original artist’s (God) intentions. Technology can become a problem, however, when the boundaries of ‘being human’ are exceeded and we enter into new ‘post-human’ territory. As Christians we must be informed, and engage with the issues presented by new technologies in order to help influence the decisions surrounding their development and application, thereby continuing to uphold and celebrate what it is to bear God’s image and be human.


In brief, nanotechnology is the science of the very small; tiny matter. Biotechnology refers to a field of biology involving the use of living things in engineering, technology and medicine, for example genetic engineering. Information technology covers developments in computing and advances in capturing or simulating human abilities using computers (artificial intelligence). Cognitive science or cognitive neuroscience involves the understanding of mental processes and behaviour. 2 Genesis 1:28 (New International Version)

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