CARE Prayer Diary
Making a Christian difference through prayer
True wisdom It cannot be bought with gold. It cannot be purchased with silver. It’s worth more than all the gold of Ophir, greater than precious onyx or lapis lazuli. Wisdom is more valuable than gold and crystal Coral and jasper are worthless in trying to get it. The price of wisdom is far above rubies. God alone understands the way to wisdom; He knows where it can be found, for He sees everything under the heavens. He decided how hard the winds should blow. He made the laws for the rain and laid out a path for the lightning. Then he saw wisdom. He set it in place and examined it thoroughly. And this is what He says to all humanity: ‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.’ Taken from Job 28 (NLT)
The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring.
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Celia Bowring
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AUGUST 25-31
PRAYING FOR SCHOOLS ‘I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.’ Ephesians 3:16,17 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)
BACK TO SCHOOL WITH GOD SUNDAY (today or another convenient Sunday) Mighty God, source of all wisdom and knowledge, please strengthen and equip students, teachers, support staff and volunteers in our local churches, as they begin a new academic year. Bless every aspect of their school lives. Amen.
Please pray that more Christians will become trained educators for CARE’s relationship and sex education schools initiative, evaluate. Give thanks for its biblical principles, helping young people to feel valued and empowered to make wise life choices. (
Thank God for every provision for children with extra needs to access appropriate education, whether in mainstream or special schools. Pray for teachers and other helpers to have the determination, patience, compassion and wisdom they need each day.
Thank You, Lord, for the dedication of those involved with school maintenance, catering, cleaning, administration, medical and pastoral care and in other roles. We pray for our local school communities to work together harmoniously and effectively. Amen.
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Intercede for the members of staff in schools facing major challenges and needing constructive advice and support. Pray especially for the most socially deprived areas of Britain where many children come from broken and dysfunctional homes, and have little aspiration for their future.
Thanksgiving: for mentoring schemes for children and teenagers, especially boys, who have been excluded, are falling behind at school, at risk of becoming involved in unhealthy and anti-social lifestyles. Pray for more Christians, particularly men, to offer to mentor them, and for organisations like XL-Mentoring, YMCA and Youth for Christ.
Ask God to prosper the Pray for Schools vision: that all UK schools may be covered by prayer groups of parents, teachers, church members, governors and school board members and the young people themselves. Pray that many more local churches will prioritise this important ministry. (
Pupils with special educational needs have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most pupils of the same age. One in every five pupils has a special educational need; a total of about 1.6 million young learners.
RURAL LIVING ‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’ PSALMS 23:1-4 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)
Ask God to encourage church leaders who serve rural congregations across widespread areas. Pray that as they take many Sunday services each week they will have fresh inspiration and grace to minister the gospel.
Remember those living in isolated places, lacking transport and other vital services. Pray that local Christians will increasingly pray and work together so that church buildings and many other resources can meet practical, social and spiritual needs in the community.
Father, we intercede for the millions living in remote rural areas of developing countries who suffer from the effects of extreme natural conditions, conflict, sickness and poverty. May these communities be given better opportunities for education, practical resources and spiritual life. Please grant hope for future generations. Amen.
Pray about the serious cases of disease affecting livestock, trees and species of wildlife. Ask God to give wisdom to the Chief Veterinary Officer Nigel Gibbens, the Environment Secretary Owen Paterson MP and his team and others working locally to find solutions to these threats to the survival and health of many animals, birds, insects and plants.
Thanksgiving: for the hard work and skill of farmers who not only provide food and other vital resources, but also care for the rural environment. Remember too all those involved in conservation and development of our national parks, woodlands, rivers, lakes and coastlines.
Pray for those engaged in evangelism, especially HOPE’s vision for 2014: ‘the whole Church, reaching the whole nation, for the whole year.’ Pray for many Spirit-inspired initiatives to make a significant impact of grace and love on remote communities, villages, towns and cities. (
Creator God, we praise You for the beauty and diversity of the countryside and for every opportunity to enjoy the diversity of its landscape and the flora and fauna within it. Please give wisdom to those responsible for planning and development, that they can protect the environment whilst meeting human needs. Amen.
For all four countries in the UK, less than one third of the land area is classified as urban but at least 60 per cent of the population is concentrated in these areas. In England, 18 per cent of the urban population are over retirement age compared to 23 per cent in rural areas – a figure that is expected to rise.
CARE FOR THE HUNGRY ‘Open your mouth for the dumb, for the rights of all who are left desolate and defenceless ... judge righteously and administer justice for the poor and needy.’ PROVERBS 31:8,9 (AMPLIFIED BIBLE)
Lord, our Provider, thank You for the nutritious food that strengthens us daily. Please help us to see how best to respond generously to the needs of those who go hungry both here and in other countries. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Ask God to provide Christians living in communities where people are going hungry, with the resources needed to feed them now and to equip them to be self-sufficient in the future. Pray that, alongside this practical care, doors will be opened to share the gospel.
Pray for the 150 plus organisations, including Christian ones, that belong to ‘Enough Food For Everyone If….’ . This campaigns to increase aid, protest against tax dodging, ensure land is preserved for growing food, and calls for corporate and government transparency and justice. (
Lord Jesus, You are the Bread of Life, so we pray for people who are spiritually hungry and need to receive forgiveness and everlasting life. Please help us by Your Spirit to share gospel grace and truth so that others will come to know the Father. Amen.
Intercede that more people in poor communities throughout the world can generate an income developing their own small business. Thank God for these micro-enterprises, which can develop self-sufficiency and reduce poverty.
Thanksgiving: Thank God for the growth of church-led projects providing for people who cannot afford to eat healthily. Pray that resources will be available as the economic situation worsens and local authorities increasingly turn to Christian initiatives to meet this need.
Intercede for ways to be found to expose, prevent and punish the practice of corrupt governments and other agencies from skimming off much of the aid given to people who desperately need food and other basic resources.
There is enough food in the world to feed everyone, yet one in eight women, men and children go to bed hungry every night, and three million children die from malnutrition every year. We’ve made progress in other areas, but hunger is still the great scandal of our age. (
PEACEMAKERS ‘For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us.’ EPHESIANS 2:14 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)
Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, thank You for making peace between us and the Father. Please teach us to be peacemakers too, by sharing Your grace and truth with others. Amen.
Ask God to grant wisdom and clarity to diplomats working in volatile situations trying to resolve serious disputes between national governments and other authorities. Pray for the ambassadors and other embassy staff in over 200 locations around the world representing the UK.
Pray for protection for the 100,000 people involved in UN peacekeeping operations around the world, at 15 locations. Remember the families and friends of more than 3,100 military, police and civilian personnel who have died as a result of acts of violence, accidents and disease since 1948.
Father, we lift to You families where relationships are unravelling and painful conflict is taking place. Please comfort them, especially children and vulnerable adults and send people who can help to resolve problems and bring a measure of peace. Amen.
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Remember those who work in tribunals and other conciliation services helping to resolve disputes regarding employment, education, health and care, property, business and finance. Pray they will be fair, efficient and accurate in dealing with each case.
Pray that restorative justice - bringing those who have been harmed by crime or conflict together with those responsible, to find a positive way forward – will increasingly be used in schools and local communities as well as within the criminal justice system.
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE Pray that this opportunity to commemorate and strengthen the ideals of peace will have a profound and lasting effect on many who take part. Remember people reeling from the violence and suffering of wars and fighting. Pray for peace in Syria, Sudan, Iran, Egypt and North Korea and other places on your heart.
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‘When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul.’ (Horatio G. Spafford - who wrote this inspiring hymn having suffered near financial ruin and the death of all four of his daughters at sea.)
END OF LIFE MATTERS ‘As a father... the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him.’ PSALMS 103: 13-17 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)
Almighty God, please help us to uphold the sanctity and dignity of every human life, lovingly made in Your image. Please grant Your compassionate grace to medical and nursing staff and others caring for very ill and frail adults and children. Amen.
Pray about Lord Falconer’s Physician-Assisted Dying Bill proceeding through the House of Lords, that clear compelling arguments will be made against euthanasia.
Ask God to give insight to Members of the Welsh Assembly, debating new regulations concerning organ donation, allowing removal of body parts unless the deceased did not consent to this. Pray that the rights of bereaved families will be respected.
Lord of all compassion and peace, thank You for staff and volunteers who are involved in hospice care, which provides palliative treatments and comfort to people with lifethreatening illnesses, especially in the final stages. Please encourage them and comfort the patients and families whom they serve. Amen.
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Remember men and women with dementia and other distressing and debilitating conditions living in hospitals, care homes or with their families. Pray for them to connect positively with others and be able to enjoy activities that revive good memories and help them to feel at peace.
Thanksgiving: for the Care not Killing Alliance that opposes euthanasia, made up of many organisations such as CARE and Christian Medical Fellowship. Pray that the British Medical Association and similar medical bodies will continue to resist physician-assisted suicide and other practices that actively end people’s lives.
Intercede for people in The Netherlands who fear entering hospital because they might be pressed to agree to their physician assisted death. Pray too for those in Belgium where euthanasia of babies with severe disabilities is now legal and parents are asked to make heartbreaking decisions.
Euthanasia is lawful in Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands and assisted suicide is legal in Germany, Mexico, Switzerland and the US State of Oregon. The rate of euthanasia in the Netherlands has increased by 73% since 2003. In 2010 there were 3,136 reported deaths.
SEPTEMBER 29 - october 5
CHURCH AND COMMUNITY ‘God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places ... Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence.’ EPHESIANS 3:10,12 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)
BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAY Loving Heavenly Father, we pray that many people will respond to the special invitation to visit local churches today. Please help Christians to demonstrate Your welcoming presence so that many will decide to come back to church for good. Amen.
Pray that local authorities concerned with education, health and social welfare will increasingly trust reliable local churches offering counselling and practical help to those affected by debt, an unintended pregnancy, and family and other personal difficulties.
INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR OLDER PERSONS One in ten people in the UK is aged sixty or over. Pray for those planning for the welfare of older people, and that all may grow old with dignity and be appreciated for the positive contributions they can make.
Lord, please bless The Cinnamon Network, equipping Christians and local churches to serve their communities together through tried and tested projects that benefit people in need. Grant that this initiative will result in the transformation of many lives and communities. Amen. (
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Remember chaplains and missioners employed in the health service, education, industry, in prisons, commerce, among seafarers and other transport workers. Pray they will continue to be strengthened and equipped to bring spiritual guidance and comfort to people from every walk of life.
Thanksgiving: for every local church project helping the homeless - through night shelters, day centres, medical and educational and legal support, food, clothing and washing facilities as well as spiritual and pastoral advice.
Pray for the thousands of young people who are befriended and supported by youth workers in local churches and Christian organisations. Pray that these mentors will bring hope and peace, and draw many into a transforming relationship with Christ.
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‘Back to Church Sunday is a fantastic opportunity. There are at least 3 million people in England who would come back to church if they had an invitation. And we know there are hundreds of thousands of Christians who want to invite their friends.’ (Paul Bayes, Bishop of Hertford, St Albans Diocese)
RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS ‘He has shown all you people what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ MICAH 6:8 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)
O Lord, please help us to recognise our responsibility to do whatever good we can in every area of our lives. Give us the courage to stand up on behalf of others who have been denied basic human rights and justice, and cannot defend themselves. Amen.
Pray that those responsible for the disposal of our rubbish will efficiently recycle all they can and process the rest in as ecologically friendly ways as possible. Let us pray that we can all take care not to pollute our environment.
Pray about the implications for church ministers, and those working in the public sector such as registrars and teachers, of the Government’s (Same Sex Marriage) Act. Remember the many complex changes that will be needed in other laws and regulations.
God of justice, we remember those who suffer discrimination or persecution because of their faith. Help them to trust in You and be filled with patience and grace as they experience these trials. Amen.
Remember all who are involved with detention and deportation of illegal immigrants and foreign nationals found guilty of criminal offences. Pray that justice would be done without unnecessary delays or confusion, and that individuals would be dealt with fairly and respectfully.
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Thanksgiving: Give thanks for today’s INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD, highlighting the many injustices and inequalities faced by girls worldwide. Pray for better access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection from discrimination, oppression and exploitation.
Pray for judges sitting at the European Court of Human Rights, that cases may be dealt with fairly. Ask God to guide their deliberations about difficult issues regarding freedom of speech, religious liberty and human dignity of the most vulnerable.
Under President Dean Spielmann, 47 judges - one from each state in the Council of Europe – are appointed to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Normally seven judges sit; for major cases there can be 21. Someone who thinks that a European country has abused their human rights may take the matter to the Court and the judges’ decisions must be followed by that government. 9
TRAFFICKING AND EXPLOITATION ‘Hear this, you who trample on the needy and do away with the poor of the land... buying the poor with silver and the needy for a pair of sandals ... I will never forget anything they have done.’ AMOS 8;4,6,7 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)
Pray for Lord Morrow’s Bill in the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly, that it will be successful in providing support for adults and children who have been trafficked and exploited.
Intercede for the hundreds of children brought to the UK and made to work in cannabis farms or as domestic slaves. Pray for those who are rescued, placed in local authority care - only to disappear when they are threatened and forced by their traffickers to return to their servitude.
Lord, we bring to You the appalling illegal trade of human body parts; some people being killed to harvest their hearts, lungs and other organs. Please bring this to light so that governments and others can prevent this and also protect vulnerable persons who are persuaded to sell their own kidneys and other organs. Amen.
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Pray that the All Party Parliamentary Group on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade in Westminster would succeed in highlighting the need to tackle demand for paid-for sex, rather than punish those forced into prostitution.
ANTI-SLAVERY DAY Remember the groups and individual campaigners who are passionate about ending slavery and human trafficking. Pray for increasing cooperation between them, and that events today will publicise the extent of this global problem.
Thanksgiving: Give thanks for recent prosecutions of gangs who have trafficked and sexually exploited vulnerable girls within the UK. Pray for those most at risk of being groomed, and for wisdom and insight to parents, social workers, police officers and the Government as they seek to keep young people safe.
Heavenly Father, we cry to You on behalf of those who are being trafficked throughout the world. Please strengthen and equip organisations that oppose this evil practice through legislative reform, legal work and by rescuing and helping victims. Amen.
Of all trafficked people: 57 per cent are trafficked for sexual exploitation, 75 per cent are women and girls and 27 per cent are children.
TRANSPARENCY AND INTEGRITY ‘Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.’ EPHESIANS 5:8a-12 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)
God of all truth, please forgive us for the times we fall short of Your standards of truth and sincerity. Help us to be aware and seek forgiveness when our words and actions are dishonest and hypocritical. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. Amen.
Remember David Green, Director of the Serious Fraud Office, and those working with him to investigate and prosecute those who commit serious or complex fraud, bribery and corruption, and also to recover the proceeds of these crimes.
Pray that Christians young and old will gain a growing reputation for being people of their word, responsible and honest in their actions and gracious and fair towards those who have wronged them. Ask God to use their example as a powerful Christian witness.
Lord, we pray for politicians, business people and others who claim excessive expenses and other benefits – unwittingly or on purpose. Please help all concerned to operate a clear workable system that discourages dishonesty and builds on trust. Amen.
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Remember National Health Service employees who are undergoing investigations about alleged malpractices and cover-ups. Pray that the truth will be made plain and acted upon, so that the trust of the patients, and the general public, can be restored.
Thanksgiving: for the many courageous journalists and others working to expose wrongdoing and who refuse to resort to unacceptable practices such as phone tapping. Pray for a culture of transparency and integrity to grow throughout the media.
Pray for governments and companies to become more accountable and transparent about their trading, spending and payment of tax. Pray too that where revenue from gas, oil and mining and other precious assets is stolen, the money will be recovered and distributed fairly.
‘Corruption is wrong. It starves the poor. It poisons the system. It saps the faith of people in progress. It wrecks the case for aid. But by ending the era of tax secrecy and driving real openness over what governments and businesses do, it can change.’ (David Cameron)
DEFENDING THE VOICELESS ‘Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us...’ 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3,4 (THE MESSAGE)
DAY OF PRAYER ABOUT ABORTION O God, please have mercy on us for the tragic loss of millions of unborn children through abortion since 1967. Please speak to those who are considering a termination and grant them courage to choose life, whatever problems this might bring. Amen.
Pray for increasing success in identifying and rescuing children who are neglected and abused by those who should care for them. Pray for their pain to be healed and that safe, loving homes may be found for them.
Remember the 1.3 million people in Britain who are registered as having disabilities, especially those who are very dependent on others. Pray that as benefits and social services are cut, their needs will be met by government and other agencies.
Lord, please draw near to children who are feeling anxious, depressed, lonely, worthless and scared because of bullying, at school and elsewhere. Thank you for friends, parents, teachers and others who care about finding a solution to this problem. Amen.
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Pray for victims of domestic violence who cannot escape from the abuse they suffer because of fear, responsibilities, or financial and emotional dependency. Particularly remember young girls whose families force them into marriages, and punish them severely if they resist.
Thanksgiving: for those who heroically speak out and act to defend people who cannot seek justice for themselves. Pray that the Church will increasingly engage in advocacy and care for those who need support; both in the UK and abroad.
Intercede for the millions of people who live in atrocious conditions and for refugees fleeing from their own homes. Pray for governments and international bodies to support them, and ask God to help those caring for them to maintain a compassionate heart.
During 2012, conflict and persecution forced 23,000 persons daily to leave their homes and seek protection elsewhere. There are now 15.4 million refugees worldwide. A further 6.5 million people are ‘Internally Displaced Persons’ within their own countries. 893,000 individuals are seeking asylum all over the world. 12
CHRISTIANS IN SPORT ‘But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.’ ISAIAH 40:30-31 (KING JAMES VERSION)
Thank You, God, for our bodies’ amazing abilities and the pleasure and strength that many find through exercise, dance, athletics and team sports. We pray for those who are unable to move freely because they are older, unwell or have a disability. Amen.
Give thanks for the outstanding example of athletes at the 2012 Paralympic Games, overcoming huge obstacles and aiming for excellence. Pray for the many Christians in this community to stay close to God, ready to encourage others.
Remember the work of Sports Chaplaincy UK which supports and equips 300 chaplains who are providing spiritual and pastoral care to professional and amateur sportsmen and women involved in football, horseracing, rugby, cricket, athletics and many more sports. (
Lord, please grant wisdom to Christian sportsmen and women who are role-models for many young people and their lifestyles observed by millions. Help them to be excellent ambassadors for Christ and to be pure in heart and mind. Amen.
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Pray that football, the world’s number one sport will become an increasingly effective opportunity for preaching the gospel among 250 million players in over 200 countries and the billions of spectators. Ask God to encourage Christian players and other key people to be bold and genuine in their witness for Christ.
Thanksgiving: that in over 150 countries in the world, including virtually all of the ‘closed’ countries, where it is illegal to share the Christian message, Christians in Sport is working with sports teams and individuals in evangelism and discipleship. (
Pray for local church and other Christian sports events for children and teenagers. Pray that through them the young will learn more about God’s plan for their lives.
During the 1924 Paris Olympics, committed Christian Eric Liddell refused to run on a Sunday, so entered a different race. As he went to the starting blocks for the race, someone gave him a piece of paper with 1 Samuel 2:30 on it: ‘Those who honour me I will honour.’ Liddell ran with that paper in his hand, and not only won the race but broke the existing world record. 13
SERVING OTHERS ‘Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus…’ PHILIPPIANS 2:3-5 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)
REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Almighty God, we stand in silent respect, and think of the millions of men and women who have died or been wounded in the World Wars and many conflicts since. Thank You for Your mercy and compassion towards those who suffer and those who grieve. Amen.
Remember Christians and others who work as carers in the community, hospitals, schools and homes. Especially pray for the 6.5 million people who voluntarily care at home for loved ones, maybe with little recognition and support.
Pray for people employed in the Civil Service to carry out Government policies, and also those who work for your Local Authority. Ask God to inspire a spirit of excellence, and help those with leadership roles to be wise and focused.
Lord, we thank You for everybody who serves through their local church, both paid and voluntarily. Please especially bless our ministers, their spouses and families as they fulfil Your calling to preach, lead and care for their congregations and communities. In Christ’s name. Amen.
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Pray for the three million people who work in shops and other retail outlets – making up the largest number of private sector employees in Britain. Remember those who serve you regularly and pray for opportunities to encourage them.
Thanksgiving: for the wonderful ministry of intercessory prayer. Please lift to God Christians who see this as their primary ministry and ask the Holy Spirit to encourage and direct them to pray with persistence and faith, according to His will and purposes.
Ask God to grant wisdom and grace to the trustees, employees, volunteers and beneficiaries of the many Christian charities in Britain. Pray they will trust Him to receive the resources they need, and wisdom to operate effectively.
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There are over 160,000 charities in England and Wales, with a joint income of almost £60 billion. About 29,000 of these are set up for the ‘advancement of religion for the public benefit’. There are 23,000 charities in Scotland and 7,500 in Northern Ireland. 14
FREEDOM ‘In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not ... That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world ... as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.’ JOHN 1:4,5,9,12 (KING JAMES VERSION)
PRISONS WEEK: ‘Standing in the Light’ Heavenly Father, we lift to You every individual who is in prison or on remand and finding life very difficult. Please shine Your light and send people to them who will share the hope of the gospel and offer practical support. Amen.
Intercede for the ten million men, women and children who are detained in prisons around the world. Pray for greater justice and mercy to be shown, especially for the vast majority who are not a threat to public safety but are from marginalised groups, are mentally ill or addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Remember the 200,000 children who have a parent in prison. Ask God to strengthen them, especially those who are living in poverty, being bullied, and any that have been drawn into gangs and other relationships that may be negative and harmful.
Dear Lord, we pray for adults and young people leaving prison and making a fresh start. Please help them in their search for employment, a place to live and friends who will support them, especially in the early days after release. Amen.
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Pray for Christian groups working in prisons among women who face unplanned pregnancies or are suffering mentally, spiritually and physically as a result of their abortion. Ask God to continue to open doors for this important ministry and to speak peace and forgiveness into their broken lives.
Thanksgiving: for Christian ministries reaching out to people in prison and to those who have completed their sentence: such as Alpha in Prisons, Caring for Ex-offenders, Christian Prison Resources, Daylight, Kainos, Kairos Prison Ministries, Langley House Trust, Love Life UK, Prison Fellowship and Reflex.
Pray for the 55,000 prison officers in the UK, often working in overcrowded prisons where the atmosphere is tense. Ask God to grant wisdom to them and to the many others who provide education, training, healthcare, psychological, chaplaincy and other vital support to inmates.
A third of people in prison are considered to have physical or learning disabilities or a serious mental health problem. Of the 77,500 individuals in UK prisons, each costing £38,000, almost half will reoffend within one year of being released. This costs the country over £10 billion each year. 15
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