Prayer diary jan april 2015 web

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CARE Prayer Diary Making a Christian difference through prayer

Hope for the future National Health Service Family and society Generosity Fair trade Vulnerable women and children International relations Caring for creation Water Serving others Healing and hope Youth justice Press and media

“’Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, To receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength, And honour and glory and praise.’ Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing: ‘To him to sits on the throne and to the Lamb Be praise and honour and glory and power, For ever and ever!’ The four living creatures said Amen, and the elders fell down and worshipped.” (REVELATION 5:11-14)

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring.

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Celia Bowring

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HOPE FOR THE FUTURE ‘He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. Finally he will cause justice to be victorious. And his name will be the hope of all the world.’ MATTHEW 12: 20,21 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)




Father, please bless the work of the Leprosy Mission, bringing hope to the hundreds of thousands of people in over 30 countries suffering because of the disability, stigma, isolation and deprivation caused by this ‘disease of poverty’. Amen. (


Thank God for protection from terrorism, cyber attack, effects of international crises and other major emergencies. Pray for those working in the police, UK security services and armed forces, to remain vigilant and strong.



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Today is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and also 20 years on from the genocide in Srebrenica, Bosnia. Pray for survivors and all who mourn to know something of Christ’s comfort and hope in their confusion and pain. Amen. Lord, give us renewed grace and strength to serve, both through who we are and what we do. Please help us to reach out, sharing Your love, truth and certain hope through family and other relationships, caring for the needy and fulfilling our work and civic duties. Amen. Ask God to encourage all who intercede for the needs of our world, that they might know His guidance, be filled with expectant faith and be persistent in their prayers about many needs - both near to home and far away.


THANKSGIVING: for all those who share the gospel message to people in places who have never understood God’s goodness and mercy through Christ. Pray for Bible translators, medical missionaries, teachers, engineers, relief and aid workers and others who serve in this way.


Continue to pray for local churches throughout the country, as they work together to support people in need within their communities because of poverty, worklessness, anti-social behaviour, addiction, family breakdown, health problems, education failure and loneliness.



‘I’m enormously encouraged by all that I see churches doing to make a difference in their local communities and I’d love to see even more taking this step of faithful love and service.’ (Archbishop Justin Welby)



NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE ‘Let the favour of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!’ PSALMS 90: 17 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)


God of all healing and comfort, thank You for all those within the National Health Service, especially nurses, paramedics, therapists, cleaners, caterers, technicians and administrators. Amen.


Remember staff in A&E departments and minor injury units, as each day they have to deal with increasing patient numbers with fewer resources. Ask God to sustain them in stressful situations and grant them patience and wisdom.


Pray that strategies will be found to reverse the growing trend of people becoming unwell as a result of unhealthy lifestyle choices: poor diet, lack of exercise, drinking excess alcohol, tobacco smoking and harmful drug use.


WORLD CANCER DAY: ‘Not beyond us’

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Pray about the challenge to UK health services from our ageing population, with many people living longer and developing complex conditions like diabetes, heart and kidney disease that require ongoing treatment and specialist care.


THANKSGIVING: for so many advances in medicine and technology that can save lives, successfully treat disease and streamline administrative processes. Ask God to inspire, equip and guide all those tasked with implementing positive changes throughout the service.


Pray that gifted people will be raised up to find solutions to the massive financial challenges facing the NHS, with rising costs, higher patient numbers and the need to invest in buildings, new technology and more staff.




Lord, grant courage and strength to everybody who has cancer, especially those in pain, with inadequate access to the treatment and care they need. We ask for increasing progress in fighting this disease across the world. Amen.

The NHS in England serves a population of 53 million and employs more than 1.35 million staff. In Scotland over 150,000, in Wales almost 85,000, and in Northern Ireland 78,000 people are employed. Altogether the NHS deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours.


FAMILY AND SOCIETY ‘Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favour with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.’ PROVERBS 3: 3,4 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)



Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of marriage, which reflects Christ’s relationship with us. We pray that traditional marriage, between one man and one woman, will continue to be honoured and respected more and more in our society. Amen.


Pray that the welfare of families will feature strongly on the agenda prior to the General Election. Remember those in great need – due to ill health, relationship breakdown, financial problems and the impact of living in a deeply deprived community.


SAFER INTERNET DAY: ‘Let’s create a better internet together’







Pray about the work of Baroness Howe and others, to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially the issue of how pornography and other harmful material affects children and also vulnerable internet users. Dear Lord, please comfort and strengthen families today that have been bereaved. Help neighbours, friends and relatives, clergy, funeral directors and other advisors to act sensitively as they offer practical help, spiritual and emotional support. Amen. Intercede for the 120,000 ‘troubled families’ in England and ask God to grant wisdom to Louise Casey, head of the Troubled Families Programme, which already supports half of these through individual key workers, rather than different local authority agencies.


THANKSGIVING: for the positive influence of Marriage Week, not only in the UK but across the world, reminding husbands and wives of the great value of their commitment to each other, nurturing families and strengthening the fabric of society. (


Pray for the thousands of people who have been encouraged and helped through Care for the Family seminars and resources that promote positive family life - especially those who have found support and solace in times of grief and difficulty. (



The UK has 26.4 million households. 29 per cent of these consist of one person. There are over 18 million families, 12.3 million of which consist of a married couple with or without children. Almost two million families are headed by lone parents. Around three million children live with cohabiting couples.


FEBRUARY 15 - 21

GENEROSITY ‘We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly. As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ 1 THESSALONIANS 2,3 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)




Intercede that members of the public will continue to respond generously to appeals from many different charities and good causes. Remember volunteers and paid fundraisers as they work hard to persuade people to give – often a challenging task.


Ask God to help the Secretary of State and others working with DFID, relief and development agencies and others who are fundraising and channelling aid to needy areas in the developing world, to ensure that the people who genuinely need this help can receive it.








Jesus our Saviour, we come with humble hearts, recognising our sinfulness and helplessness but rejoicing in Your perfect purity, mercy and grace. Inspire us during Lent especially to serve others, through our prayers, words, actions and giving. Amen. Pray that children and young people in churches, schools and communities will increasingly learn to share with others. Ask God to inspire many to develop lifelong habits of giving generously to individuals, organisations and to emergency appeals for help.


THANKSGIVING: for everyone who gives of their time, talents and money to support their church and organisations involved in many areas of Christian work. Pray for those responsible for the prudent use of financial gifts to be filled with wisdom, generosity and faith.


Give thanks for doctors, nurses and others caring for people in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone who are infected with Ebola. Intercede for the victims of this disease, and pray that more countries will send much needed medicine and other supplies.




POVERTY ACTION SUNDAY Generous God, please equip and encourage those working to close the gap between rich and very poor people in the UK. Help those on low incomes who are trapped in debt, and food and fuel poverty, to find the support they need. Amen.

‘Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.’ (Proverbs 19:17 ESV)

FEBRUARY 22 - 28

FAIR TRADE ‘The LORD detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights.... Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honours him.’ PROVERBS 11:1; 14:31 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



23 FEBRUARY - 8 MARCH: FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT Heavenly Father, please prosper people who conduct their business with integrity and treat their workers honourably. May those who are dishonest and exploit others be found out, brought to justice and made to recognise the wrong they have done. Amen.


Pray that Fairtrade Fortnight 2015 will encourage more shoppers to choose Fairtrade products and that major retailers will recognise the benefit of switching to Fairtrade, both for the sake of the producers and to improve their own ethical ethos.


Pray that governments, multinationals and others will make greater efforts to increase the amount of cocoa and tea traded on Fairtrade terms from the present level of about one per cent of cocoa and ten per cent of tea, so that growers and workers can benefit.


Lord, please give wisdom and success to those working to improve agricultural practices, protect the environment, establish schools and develop community services in the poorest countries, especially through Fairtrade initiatives. Amen.






Ask God to help more entrepreneurs to work their way out of poverty through micro-enterprise projects providing grants, loans, business and farming advice. Remember Christian charities engaged in these initiatives such as Compassion, Tearfund and World Vision.


THANKSGIVING: that the Fairtrade mark is now recognised by around 80 per cent of people in the UK, that more and more Fairtrade products are available, and that tens of millions of pounds have been channelled to growers and other producers.


As only one third of bananas sold in the UK are Fairtrade, pray that more supermarket chains will switch so that producers can get a fair price. Pray too for more Fairtrade coffee, sugar, flowers, tea, chocolate and other products to be available.

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Fairtrade is about • better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers. • supporting the development of thriving farming and worker communities to have more control over their futures and protect their environment. • opportunities to connect with those who grow the produce that we all depend on.



VULNERABLE WOMEN AND CHILDREN ‘Answer my prayers, O Lord, for your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, for your mercy is so plentiful. Don’t hide from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in deep trouble! Come and redeem me; free me from my enemies.’ PSALMS 69:16-18 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)




Intercede for women and children living in the UK who have been trafficked to work in forced labour, domestic servitude and the sex trade, that they would be rescued and helped to rebuild their lives and find healing and peace.



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Pray that today’s events, to celebrate the achievements of women and focus attention on areas of concern, will result in greater freedom and justice for many more women and girls who are discriminated against and badly treated.


Lord, our Healer, thank You for the courage and determination of women and children who, through coming to know You have survived abusive experiences to lead fulfilling lives and strengthen others. Help Christians who care for them to demonstrate Your great love. Amen.


Ask God to provide for women and children who have fled violent homes and need protection and care. Pray for staff and volunteers who help in shelters and safe houses, especially Christians as they sensitively share God’s love and peace.




THANKSGIVING: for the overwhelming 181:1 vote supporting Fiona Bruce MP’s Abortion (Sex-Selection) Bill last November, confirming that termination on grounds of gender alone is illegal. Pray about women in communities that favour boys who are pressurised to abort baby girls.


Remember children who lack a loving family life – perhaps in local authority care – especially those who are vulnerable to the dangers of gang culture, sexual exploitation, alcohol and drug misuse. Pray for teachers, social workers and others seeking to protect, encourage and help them.




Loving Saviour, thank You for Your respect, honour and loving compassion for women and children. May Your Church increasingly champion and care for them, especially those who are neglected, abused and exploited. Amen

‘The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you.’ (Deuteronomy 33:27 NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)

MARCH 8-14

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ‘Praise the name of God forever and ever, for he has all wisdom and power. He controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up other Kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars. He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness, though He is surrounded by light.’ DANIEL 2:20-22 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)





Almighty God, thank You that the light of the gospel is shining in every corner of the world through Your Church. May millions of people who have not yet heard of Your truth and grace come to know You and pass on that light to others. Amen. COMMONWEALTH DAY

Give thanks for the Head of the Commonwealth, our Queen, whose long experience and knowledge of each of the 53 member states and their leaders is such an outstanding asset to this important international organisation.


Intercede for the people in countries where militant fighters from Islamic State are forcing many minority groups from their homes, and holding innocent individuals hostage. Ask God to grant wisdom to governments across the world as they consider how to respond.


Prince of Peace, we pray for areas of the world where there is conflict between ethnic groups, nation states and religious factions. Please raise up and empower Your chosen men and women to negotiate and bring reconciliation between those warring against each other. Amen.





Remember the United Nations Security Council - consisting of five permanent and ten two year-term members - charged with the responsibility of maintaining international peace and security. Ask God to grant them wisdom and courage in their decisions in the face of serious disputes and acts of aggression.


THANKSGIVING: for the Christian Embassy in Britain, that comes alongside diplomatic staff and their families from all over the world, hosting receptions and other events and offering personal support and spiritual guidance. (


Pray that sporting activities and events will continue to unite people across the world. Ask God to increase the influence of Christians in Sport, which aims to reach the world of sport for Christ. (

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There are over 7 billion people in the world, living in almost 200 different countries. 50 million are refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced. Over 2 billion identify themselves as Christian.


MARCH 15-21

CARING FOR CREATION ‘Christ existed before creation began … through him everything was made, whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen. Through him, and for him, also, were created power and dominion, ownership and authority.’ COLOSSIANS 1:15-17 (JB PHILLIPS)


MOTHERING SUNDAY Heavenly Father, thank You for making each individual in Your image, to be born, and in an ideal world, nurtured by their mother. Please help women needing extra strength to cope with difficult challenges facing them and their children. Amen.


Pray for those employed in environmental sciences - researching and caring for the physical, chemical and biological processes that take place on the earth, as well as the social, political and cultural effects that these have on the planet.


Remember people whose lives have been devastated by natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, droughts, fires and violent storms. Ask God to give them strength, healing and hope, and that practical help comes to those in need.


Lord, please bless the work of those working in botanical gardens and conservation initiatives caring for plants, animals, birds and other creatures - especially those species that are under threat of extinction or exploitation. Amen.


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Remember those working to reverse the worrying disappearance of billions of bees, with serious consequences for crop pollination. Pray they will implement effective ways to preserve and provide many more bee-friendly habitats throughout the world.


THANKSGIVING: for the growing awareness of national agencies, local authorities, businesses and individuals about the importance of recycling and caring for the environment. Pray that we would all make the effort to be good stewards of the world around us.


WORLD FORESTRY DAY Remember the crisis of global deforestation - 50,000 square miles is destroyed annually. Pray that governments, local communities and campaigners will find ways to halt this and restore ravaged areas.



Forests cover a third of the Earth’s land mass, and are home to more than 80 per cent of terrestrial species of animals, plants and insects. Around 1.6 billion people of more than 2,000 indigenous cultures depend on forests for their livelihood, medicine, fuel and food. 10

MARCH 22-28

WATER ‘Jesus said, “Whoever takes a drink of the water that I will give shall not be thirsty any more. But the water that I will give him shall become a spring of water welling up, flowing, bubbling continually within for eternal life.”’ JOHN 4:13,14 (THE MESSAGE)


WORLD WATER DAY Lord, the Giver of life, we are so grateful for the easy access to clean water and sanitation we have in this country. Please help those working in the developing world to provide basic facilities and healthcare that will save many lives. Amen.


Pray for those gathering shortly in Korea from 170 nations for the 7th World Water Forum to discuss the challenges of providing enough clean water to everyone. Ask God for a spirit of cooperation among delegates and governments so that real progress is made.


Remember those working in the UK water industry, supplying clean water and sewerage services under the management of the Environment Agency. Pray for progress to be made in maintaining and upgrading the complex infrastructure of pipes, treatment works and water storage facilities.


Father, we pray for more efficient methods of collecting water to be put in place in the developing world, so that women and children in remote rural areas do not have to spend so many hours each day fetching water rather than working, caring for family members or going to school. Amen.


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Remember people in the UK whose homes and businesses have been damaged by flooding over the winter. Pray for those responsible for prevention and protection to have wisdom about the best use of limited available resources.


THANKSGIVING: for the innovative work of The Ocean Cleanup, aiming to remove millions of tons of plastic rubbish polluting massive areas of the oceans. Pray that pilot schemes will be successful and funding will then be found to tackle this problem globally.


Pray for specialist teams who are sent into areas to provide emergency clean water and sanitation for people following natural disasters or human conflicts. Ask God to give them the knowledge and skills to undertake this life-saving work successfully.



2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation. Each year 3.4 million people - including half a million children - die from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related causes. More than 400 million school days are lost each year due to water-related illness. 11


SERVING OTHERS ‘Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.’ GALATIANS 6:9,10 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)




Remember the 6.8 million unpaid carers in UK households, some of whom feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities. Pray too for paid carers - usually poorly paid and overworked - as they do their best to support elderly people and those living with disabilities.


Pray for chaplains and others who provide spiritual and pastoral support to those in the Armed Forces, hospitals and hospices, places of education, industry and retail, prisons, police and emergency services and in many other situations.


Ask God to help police officers as they try to build positive relationships and bring stability and peace, especially in communities where there is suspicion and distrust towards them. Pray too for those who work in many roles behind the scenes.


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Sovereign Lord, You came among us ‘not to be served but to serve’. We give thanks for how our lives are blessed each day by Your love, and we pray for more opportunities to do good to others in Your name. Amen.

Pray for the 100,000 or so social workers in the UK supporting individuals and families to help improve their lives. May they serve their clients with God’s compassion, wisdom and strength, especially when they feel stressed and disheartened. GOOD FRIDAY

Lord Jesus, our Redeemer, we praise and worship You for dying for us on the cross, taking the punishment we deserve and paying the debt we owe because of our sin. Help us to understand more of the grace and truth of this wonderful gospel. Amen Pray for parents growing older who are concerned that they may no longer be able to look after their adult children with learning disabilities. Give thanks for the work of the Christian charity Prospects, supporting individuals to live as independently as possible. (

There are almost 300,000 children and about a million adults with a learning disability in the UK. About half of these adults live in the family home – 29,000 of them with parents aged 70 or over. Local authorities can only provide alternative housing for 1 in 4 of these cases.

APRIL 5-11

HEALING AND HOPE ‘Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.’ ISAIAH 53:4,5 (NEW KING JAMES VERSION)




We rejoice that when You rose from the grave, death was conquered and we could be reconciled to God and receive eternal life. May the resurrection strengthen us to serve You for the rest of our days. Amen.


Pray that the Holy Spirit will cause increasing numbers of children and adults all over the world to open their hearts and minds to receive the good news of Christ’s death and resurrection. Ask Him to fill them with assurance and joy in their newfound faith.





Pray that farmers, manufacturers, retailers, caterers, health practitioners and others involved will be increasingly vigilant to protect food from contamination right along the food chain in order to guard people’s health and save lives.


Lord, our Healer, thank You for ministries and organisations supporting people trying to overcome addictions, find relief from mental illness and rebuild their lives following a traumatic event or abuse. Pour out Your Spirit of power and peace as they help these individuals. Amen.


Intercede for anyone known to you who is struggling with illness, relationship breakdown, financial troubles or other pressures. Ask God to draw near and reveal His healing grace and tender compassion through the support of others and a breakthrough in their circumstances.


THANKSGIVING: for those whose lives are dedicated to bringing sustenance, healing and other relief to the most vulnerable people in our world: in refugee camps, war zones, slums and other areas where poverty and injustice rob tens of thousands of their dignity and hope for the future.


WORLD PARKINSON’S DAY Remember the 1.2 million people living in EU countries who are affected by Parkinson’s whereby they steadily lose more of the nerve cells the body needs to function properly. Pray for increased understanding of this distressing, debilitating condition.





‘Our hope is not hung upon such an untwisted thread as, “I imagine so,” or “it is likely,” but the cable of our fastened anchor is the oath and promise of Him who is the eternal verity. Our salvation is fastened with God’s own hand, and with Christ’s own strength, to the strong stake of God’s unchangeable nature.’ (Samuel Rutherford: 17th century Scottish Presbyterian pastor, theologian and author) 13

APRIL 12-18

YOUTH JUSTICE ‘This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.”’ ZECHARIAH 7:9 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)




Intercede for the light of truth to expose the growing numbers of child sexual abuse cases, especially those involving people in positions of trust and authority. Pray that justice will be done, both for those accused and for victims of this appalling crime.


Pray for vision and determination for local Youth Offending Teams throughout the UK, separate from the police and courts, working to support young offenders, protect the public, and proactively deal with problems that can lead to youth crime.


Lord, please draw close to teenagers who are struggling with serious problems: in unhappy homes, underachieving at school, struggling with addictions, intimidation, exploitation and drawn into criminal activities. Protect and rescue them we pray! Amen.

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Remember the thousand-plus young people aged 18 and under who are detained in secure children’s homes, training centres and youth offending institutions in Britain. Pray that they will receive effective, compassionate help to leave their past behind and find the strength and opportunity to make a new start.


THANKSGIVING: for Christian organisations like The Message, XLP, Teen Challenge, Frontier Youth Trust and others that support young people who are at risk of being in trouble. Pray that many lives will be turned around – spiritually as well as in practical ways.


Pray about countries that do not provide fair and competent youth justice and protection for children and young people. Ask God to rescue and redeem those who have been trafficked and are now child soldiers, sex workers and slave labourers.

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Father God, we lift to You all who work in the Youth Justice system: within the police and probation services, courts, and custody establishments. Please help them to treat young people with compassion and fairness to bring about the best possible outcomes. Amen.

Worldwide over one million children are deprived of their liberty by law enforcement officials. This can happen because they were accompanying a parent to detention or seeking asylum in another country; for vagrancy, begging, missing school, removed from an abusive home situation; or for reasons such as race, religion, nationality, ethnicity or political views.

APRIL 19-25

PRESS AND MEDIA ‘An honest witness tells the truth; a false witness tells lies. Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing. Truthful words stand the test of time, but lies are soon exposed.’ PROVERBS 12:18,19 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



Lord of all truth and beauty, we thank You for the gift of communication, in all its forms. Help those who work in the press and other media to write, speak and act with integrity, understanding and courage for the common good and in ways that honour You. Amen.


Remember Christopher Graham, who heads the UK’s Information Commission, an independent public authority that upholds information rights. Pray that his office will be successful in promoting good practice, ruling fairly on complaints and taking legal action where necessary.


Intercede for those whose attitudes are being moulded by the increasing sexualisation of popular culture. Pray that it will become less acceptable to produce, publish and broadcast inappropriately explicit and violent film, music and other material.


Father, we remember those who work in journalism as writers, commentators, photographers, editors, technicians and in other roles. Please enable them to be discerning and fair, especially when time is short and they are under pressure to take a certain viewpoint. Amen.


Pray that more people will engage positively with the media, commenting on content and tone of programmes and publications by letter, telephone calls, email and social media. Pray especially that Christians will use CARE’s ‘Commend or Complain’ resource to help them do this. (


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THANKSGIVING: for books, magazines, TV, computer games and other software, films, music and educational resources that are uplifting, inspiring, informative and true. Pray for success for those producing such material.


Ask God to grant courage, clarity and grace to Christians who are working throughout the media, seeking to be effective light and salt in environments that are sometimes hostile to them and their beliefs and values.



BBC’s MediaCityUK is the most technologically advanced media centre in Europe, built on the site of Salford Docks. This was once England’s third busiest port until it closed in 1982 with the loss of 3,000 jobs, leaving the land derelict and the surrounding waters polluted and useless. Local churches had interceded for several years for the area’s reclamation.


Equipping Christians for the General Election

On 7 May the country goes to the polls... Who will get your vote? How will your church make the most of this opportunity?

On CARE’s election website you will find:  Biblical resources  Briefings on key issues  Prayer points  Blogs with the very latest developments  The essential hustings guide


CARE (Christian Action, Research & Education) is a Registered Charity, and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at 53 Romney Street, London, SW1P 3RF Tel: 020 7233 0455 Company No: 3481417, Charity No: 1066963, Scottish Charity No: SC038911 Executive Chairman: Rev Lyndon Bowring Chief Executive: Nola Leach Design: Print: Fineprint Basingstoke. Generic images unless marked:,

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