Prayer diary may july web

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MAY to JULY 2014

CARE Prayer Diary Making a Christian difference through prayer

This Prayer Diary is solely dedicated to the issue of human dignity, protecting vulnerable lives and the political matters involved.

As Christians we believe every human life is made in God’s image, and is therefore infinitely precious. Live and Let Live is CARE’s response, opposing the legalisation of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. These are the major issues and challenges for us all this year. This Prayer Diary therefore is solely dedicated to the issue of human dignity, protecting vulnerable lives and the political matters involved. Our prayers are with you as you engage with us in this important spiritual battle. ‘Through Christ all things were made … In Him was life, and that life was the light of all people.’ JOHN 1:3,4

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring.

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Celia Bowring

• Read Celia Bowring’s new weekly Prayer Blog at To join CARE’s mailing list to receive this Prayer Diary and other regular publications, please telephone 020 7233 0455 or join online at To contribute to CARE’s ongoing ministry please go to CARE (Christian Action, Research & Education) is a Registered Charity, and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at 53 Romney Street, London, SW1P 3RF Tel: 020 7233 0455 Company No: 3481417, Charity No: 1066963, Scottish Charity No: SC038911 Executive Chairman: Rev Lyndon Bowring Chief Executive: Nola Leach Design: Print: Fineprint Basingstoke. Generic images unless marked:,

MAY 18-24

FRAIL ELDERLY PEOPLE ‘Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly: defend the rights of the poor and needy.’ PROVERBS 31:8,9 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)

18-24 MAY DEMENTIA AWARENESS WEEK The word dementia describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. Dementia can be caused when the brain is damaged by diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, or a series of strokes. SUN


God of all comfort, we pray for all who are distressed and disorientated because of the confusion and memory loss caused by dementia. Grant courage, direction and hope for their families as they face the future. Amen


Pray that during Dementia Week – theme ‘Don’t bottle it up!’ – many will participate in awareness-raising and fundraising events across the country to further vital research and support for those affected. (


Remember frail elderly people in care homes and hospital wards who are ill-treated and neglected because they have no family or friends to speak up for them. Pray that in such cases staff and others with concerns will be able to inform the authorities.


Father, please bless family and friends who faithfully show their concern and love for those in need, through regular contact and practical involvement. Thank You too for volunteers who bring help, laughter and companionship to lonely people. Amen. ( – phone befriending service – and

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Intercede for frail elderly people at risk from natural disasters, conflicts, epidemics and famine affecting them and their families. Pray too for elderly infirm refugees from countries such as Syria and South Sudan, living in great fear and uncertainty.


THANKSGIVING: for older Christians you know who have followed and served the Lord Jesus over many years, demonstrating deep faith in God, unselfish love, true joy and peace that only comes from Him.


Ask God to help older people who need new accommodation, support and care; that this transition will go smoothly and not cause undue anxiety. Pray for staff in sheltered housing, care and nursing homes to demonstrate His compassion each day.



AgeUK reports that nearly one in five people in the UK will live to 100. About 40 per cent of older people (65 and over) have a limiting longstanding illness. This could rise to 6 million by 2030. For half of all older people, about 5 million, television is their main company and about 7 per cent say they always or often feel lonely. 500,000 of them spent Christmas Day 2010 alone.


MAY 25-31

CARE OR KILLING? THE EUTHANASIA QUESTION ‘God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female. God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!”’ GENESIS 1:27-28 (THE MESSAGE)




Pray that God would speak to campaigners determined to legalise assisted suicide – often motivated by compassion – to admit there are better ways to help those who suffer. Remember Lord Falconer and his supporters, and also the family and friends of Margot MacDonald MSP who sadly died last month.


Ask God to grant wisdom to Care not Killing – an alliance of individuals and organisations bringing together disability and human rights groups, healthcare providers and faith-based bodies including CARE – that promotes palliative care and opposes any form of euthanasia. (


Father, please give grace to doctors, nurses and others looking after very ill patients. Grant them the skill they need to give the best palliative care and treatment – even if this may also shorten life. Amen.






Pray that those in the media, where cases of people wishing to end their lives are often highlighted, will recognise the implications of assisted suicide. Ask God to show them how this would endanger the most vulnerable, and would put pressure on some who are sick, disabled and elderly to request early death.


THANKSGIVING: that the British Medical Association, the Royal Colleges of: Physicians, GPs, Anaesthetists, Surgeons of Edinburgh, Nursing, and the British Geriatric Society all remain strongly opposed to euthanasia. Pray that their position will not change and be heeded by politicians and other decision-makers.


Pray for more Christians to have an increasingly clear understanding of the Bible’s affirmation of human life, and be ready to stand up on behalf of those at risk of having their lives prematurely ended through assisted suicide or even involuntary euthanasia.




Almighty God, who gives us breath and sustains our lives, thank You for the gift of life. Please draw close to those whose lives are ending and grant them an awareness of Your presence, protection and peace. Amen.

‘We should not allow doctors or others positively to accelerate death – because I think the long-term consequences of permitting such action are too likely to be dangerous for society ... we should not place anyone in this position (of being a burden) and ... any such change in the law may have a profound effect on the relationship of terminally ill patients with their doctors.’ (Prime Minister David Cameron)

JUNE 1-7

PARLIAMENTARY LEGISLATION ‘There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.’ PROVERBS 16:25 (NIV)



Lord God, we pray earnestly that attempts to legalise assisted suicide in any of the UK Parliaments and Assemblies will fail. Please grant unity, wisdom and effective opportunities to those opposing this. Amen.


Pray about Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill, which will most probably have its Second Reading in the House of Lords, that the case against assisted suicide will be comprehensively explained and that many Peers will be won over to vote against it.


Pray that many politicians and their advisers in Westminster and in the Scottish Parliament will recognise that legalising any form of euthanasia would have damaging consequences. Pray for senior members of the Government to stand up and oppose any change in the law.


Father, please mightily use CARE’s Live And Let Live initiative to inform, educate and mobilise Christians and others to argue the case against assisted suicide, communicating truth with clarity, sensitivity and graciousness. Amen. (





Intercede for the many Christians and others who are opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia in Belgium, where the law now includes terminally ill children. Ask God to give them wisdom and courage in their resolve to see this law repealed.


THANKSGIVING: that Britain ranks first in the world for quality end of life care. Pray that our Government will do more to promote hospice and palliative care as the most compassionate approach to people who are suffering.


Remember the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill which, following the death of Margot Macdonald, is now being brought forward by Patrick Harvie MSP. Pray that MSPs will vote against it and instead promote positive solutions to help those who are dying.




‘The law that we have rests ... on the principle that we do not involve ourselves in deliberately bringing about the deaths of others. Once we start making exceptions based on arbitrary criteria like terminal illness, that frontier becomes just a line in the sand, easily crossed and hard to defend. The law is there to protect us all. We tinker with it at our peril.’ (Baroness Butler-Sloss)


JUNE 8-14

CARE AND COMPASSION ‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.’ GALATIANS 6:2 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)




Pray that CARERS WEEK will remind us of the incredible service of Britain’s six and a half million unpaid carers for ill, frail or disabled family members or friends. Ask God to strengthen them in these demanding and often lonely roles and help them to access support and information. (


Ask God to give wisdom, strength and courage to Norman Lamb MP, Minister of State for Health, and his team. He is responsible for end of life care, older people, adult social care, mental health services and those with dementia.


Father, we pray for situations where very sick people are asking for help to commit suicide. In the place of fear, despair and pain please pour out your love, hope and healing for body, mind, soul and spirit. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.


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Remember those in deep poverty, suffering physical, mental and emotional anguish, oppressed, exploited and abused, trapped by addiction and in other desperate situations. Thank God that even if no one else sees, He knows and loves each one.


CHILDRENS HOSPICE WEEK BEGINS THANKSGIVING: for the incredible round-the-clock care provided to seriously ill children by families, professionals, children’s hospices and other services across the UK. Pray for sufficient funding and other support to maintain this day by day. (


WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY: ‘Safe Blood for Saving Mothers’ highlights how timely access to safe blood prevents deaths in childbirth. Pray that many individuals will be prompted to give their blood for the sake of people they do not know. (




JUNE 9-15 CARERS WEEK ( Lord of love, thank You for granting energy and endurance to the many adults and children who have accepted the responsibility to care for others. Please draw near to anyone today feeling at the end of their strength,and please send them help. Amen.

In Britain about 960,000 people aged 65+ provide unpaid care, but less than 10 per cent receive any carer-specific support services. A fifth of all carers aged 75+ provide fifty or more hours of informal care each week. estimates that in 2011 carers saved the UK economy £119 billion.

JUNE 15-21

VULNERABLE BABIES AND CHILDREN ‘...When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God. How vast is the sum of them.’ PSALM 139:15-17 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)




FATHERS DAY God our Father, please draw near to men whose children are seriously ill and disabled. Please console and strengthen them to be the greatest comfort to their wives, and provide security and love to their sons and daughters. Amen.


Remember families of babies who have died just before, during or soon after birth – which happens in the UK seventeen times every day. Pray for the work of SANDS, helping them to come to terms with their bereavement and undertaking research into the causes of such deaths. (


Pray that midwives, health visitors, GPs, social workers and others will be able to detect signs of genuine neglect and abuse, so that these babies and children may be protected and their parents given the help they need.


Dear Lord, we lift to You the tens of millions of street children and child soldiers throughout the world who are vulnerable to attack and abuse. Please stir up an increased concern for their terrible plight and guide those seeking to rescue them. Amen. ( and


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WORLD SICKLE CELL DAY Remember families whose children have a sickle cell disorder – an inherited disease affecting red blood cells and causing serious problems. Give thanks for effective treatments that ease pain and prolong lives.


THANKSGIVING: for charities and churches reaching out across the world to improve impoverished children’s lives; providing healthcare, education, justice and shelter. Pray for love and perseverance for those who care for these boys and girls.


Remember the hundreds of thousands of babies and children being cared for in the UK’s 43 children’s hospices, in 23 children’s hospitals and in general hospital wards. Ask God to bless the staff, volunteers, families and all who are looking after them.



‘Children’s hospices provide lifelines to families at a time of unimaginable pain ... With our support, those providing children’s palliative care can continue to offer these extraordinary services. It does not bear thinking about, what these families would do without this.’ (Duchess of Cambridge)


JUNE 22-28

LIFE-LIMITING CONDITIONS ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.’ NUMBERS 6:24-26 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)


Father of all compassion, please lift the spirits of those who are suffering today, from physical weakness, pain, depression and tiredness. May they have the desire and humility to search for Your truth, love and light in the midst of the darkness. Amen.


Pray for the one million people in the UK who live with a neurological condition which significantly affects them, such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone, Huntingdon’s and dementia that are progressive and seriously life-limiting.


Remember those who have Cystic Fibrosis – a life-shortening inherited disease affecting over 10,000 people in the UK. Please pray for parents of newly diagnosed babies, children and teenagers coping with debilitating symptoms and those approaching the end of their life. (


Lord please help anyone who is in such physical and mental pain that they feel driven to attempt suicide. In Your mercy please bring them back from the brink, by Your power, with medical intervention and through the caring companionship and love of others. Amen








THANKSGIVING: for the thousands of national and local charities dedicated to alleviating the effects of life-limiting illnesses and providing research, information, advice and practical support to those affected.


Remember people recovering from major injuries, heart attacks or other serious illnesses. Pray that they receive the best advice, treatment and care and can face the future with courage, determination, and increased strength and insight.

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Intercede for people who are experiencing ‘locked in syndrome’ – seeming to be in a coma but actually conscious. Pray that others will realise the true situation and help them to communicate and recover.

‘He has chosen not to heal me, but to hold me. The more intense the pain, the closer His embrace.’ (Joni Eareckson Tada. Since a diving accident she has been a quadriplegic. She is a mouth artist, singer, radio host, author, Bible teacher, and advocate for disabled persons worldwide.)

JUNE 29 - JULY 5

HOSPICE AND PALLIATIVE CARE ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. ‘ REVELATION 21:4 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)



God of all healing and hope, one day Your kingdom will come in all its fullness, banishing all sickness and suffering. May the care of medical staff, nurses, chaplains and others draw many sick patients closer to Your heart and communicate something of that heavenly comfort today. Amen


Thank God that the serious shortcomings of the Liverpool Care Pathway have been recognised. Pray that replacement guidelines helping individuals to plan for the final stages of their lives will recommend the best palliative care and exclude any possibility of assisted suicide.


Pray for palliative care specialists, that assessing each individual case they will have wisdom to know how to provide the best clinical treatment, emotional and psychological support, practical assistance and spiritual help to people who are dying.


Father, we pray for our own local hospice: the leadership team, medical, nursing and support staff, volunteers, patients, and families. May they receive financial provision, have excellent people to help them and know Your healing presence. Amen.


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Remember those who are not terminally ill but benefit greatly from hospice care and pain relief to help them with their disability or sickness. Ask God to grant them healing and fresh hope for the future.


THANKSGIVING: that every year 250,000 people are helped in hospices and at home. Please pray for vision and wisdom for the Help the Hospices Board of Trustees as they develop their strategic priorities for the next few years. (


Give thanks for the World Health Organisation’s historic resolution in January that all countries should plan to provide palliative care for people with terminal illnesses. Pray for resources to train doctors and nurses and to build hospices – and that money will be spent honestly and wisely.



‘How people die remains in the memory of those who live on.’ (Dame Cicely Saunders,1918- 2005, founder of the modern hospice movement.) 9

JULY 6-12

MEDICAL RESEARCH AND TREATMENTS ‘For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright; he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless... Then you will understand what is right and just and fair... every good path.’ PROVERBS 2:6-9 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)



Oh God, Creator of all things, thank You for the intellectual gifts and the desire of so many scientists and researchers to enhance the lives of others. May they find wisdom and integrity for their lives and in their work. Amen.


Pray that National Transplant Week will result in many people considering carefully whether to join the NHS Donor Register, and ensure their family understands their wishes to help someone after their own death. (


Pray for the continuing scientific and ethical debates about the effectiveness of using stem cells in research and treatment for many diseases. Give thanks for the many successes using adult and cord blood stem cells rather than those procedures that destroy unborn human life.


Lord, Source of all health and healing, we think of people who are currently undergoing debilitating and painful treatment to combat their disease or condition. Please grant them strength and give great skill and judgement to the doctors and therapists involved. Amen.


Remember those training to become doctors, also students of medical science who will work in pharmaceuticals, medical research, forensics and other avenues. Pray they will absorb all the information and develop skills they need now and in the future.






THANKSGIVING: for the many charities dedicated to finding cures for life-threatening conditions, for example cancer – which accounts for a quarter of all deaths in the UK. Thank God for the many breakthroughs and that the survival rate for cancer has doubled in the last forty years.


Pray about the Government’s dangerous plans to permit the creation of ‘three parent babies’ in order to prevent the passing on of mitochondrial disease. This procedure is prohibited in almost every western country and by major international health bodies, for public safety and ethical reasons.




‘The Bible teaches that there are limitations in what we can hope for in this life. Biological perfection and the absence of suffering are a part of the new heaven and new earth, but not possible in this fallen world.’ (Philippa Taylor, CARE’s Medical Ethics Consultant.)

Live and Let Live is CARE’s campaign

to inform and equip you to take action on the issues of assisted suicide and euthanasia. We have produced a booklet by Dr Peter Saunders, exploring what the Bible has to say about the issues involved. It is free and available for you, your church members and Christian friends. It can be obtained from our office, in packs of 10 and 50. Please go to to order, or telephone 020 7233 0455 CARE’s Live and Let Live campaign resources can be read and downloaded from

JULY 13-19

PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES ‘...that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.’ EPHESIANS 3:16-17 (NEW KING JAMES VERSION)


Father, we thank You for children and adults with a physical, mental or learning disability. We pray that they will be given opportunities to grow and receive essential medical, educational and social care. Grant them strength in their weakness and joy in the midst of the difficulties. Amen.


DISABILITY AWARENESS DAY Pray that many people with disabilities will have opportunities to lead independent and fulfilled lives. Remember those who feel discouraged and frustrated at their limitations and help them to discover all that God has for them.


Remember children and adults on the autism spectrum and with similar developmental disabilities that affect how they communicate and relate to others. Pray for steady progress and increasing fulfilment in their lives.


Lord, please show us how we can help people with disabilities more to feel cherished and part of our church families. May we see You in each individual, whatever our ability and stage in life, and be quick to give and receive from one another. Amen.



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Pray for children with disabilities and for their families, especially those who have been recently diagnosed. Ask God to help them through the challenges, fears and disappointments and find healing, happiness and peace in unexpected places.


THANKSGIVING: for Prospects’ practical and spiritual help for adults with learning disabilities, Through the Roof’s ministry to people with physical disabilities and the many other organisations that offer information and support. ( and


Pray that the Commonwealth Games (23 July - 3 August in Glasgow) will be a celebration of the skill, courage and fortitude of athletes and sportsmen and women with disabilities. For the first time, these contestants will be included in national teams, their events taking place over the same period.



Around 10 per cent of the global population – 650 million people – live with a disability. They are the world’s largest minority, and most of them live in developing countries, where 90 per cent of children with disabilities do not attend school. 12

JULY 20-26

MEDICAL, NURSING AND OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS ‘Let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint. So then, as occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good to all people.’ GALATIANS 6:9,10 (AMPLIFIED BIBLE)



Heavenly Father, from whom all life flows, please inspire and equip Christians who work for the NHS and other healthcare providers to be channels of Your healing and wholeness to patients, colleagues and other people they meet.


Please remember those who work in your local GP practice. Pray that there would be good team spirit, efficient systems and God’s wisdom to help them in all they do.


Pray for those working in particularly stressful situations as paramedics, in Accident and Emergency, Intensive Care and other critical services. Ask God to protect and strengthen them so they keep calm and bring comfort and effective treatment.


Lord, we intercede for doctors, nurses and others who are required to participate in or witness procedures and treatments that they believe are unethical. Please give them wisdom to know the best course to follow. Amen.

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Pray for doctors, nurses, anaesthetists, dieticians and other therapists involved in decisions regarding the tube feeding of patients. This has serious implications where there are questions about whether prolonging someone’s life is the right thing to do.


THANKSGIVING: for the skill and dedication of those working in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and in the community with very sick people who need specialised care. Pray they will not feel overwhelmed with sadness about their patients’ difficulties but find comfort and hope from God.


Ask God to bless nurses, midwives and care assistants working in hospitals and out in the community. Pray about the implications of staffing shortages and issues that affect the safety and dignity of patients.



‘Lord, help me to bring comfort where there is pain, courage where there is fear, hope where there is despair, acceptance when the end is near, and a touch gentle with tenderness, patience and love. Amen.’ (Nurse’s prayer, author unknown.) 13


INTERNATIONAL CONCERNS ‘From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling-place he watches all who live on earth. No king is saved by the size of his army ... But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him ... whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.’ PSALM 33: 3-19 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)


Lord of the nations, you know each of the seven billion individuals alive in the world and You love them all. May those in authority who are corrupt and oppressive towards the most vulnerable be brought to justice. Amen.


Pray about the chilling reality of female foeticide and infanticide which takes the lives of millions of babies, especially in China, India and other Asian countries. Remember the growing incidence of abortions on the grounds of gender taking place in Britain, and those working to expose and outlaw this practice.


Pray for Christians and others opposed to euthanasia, in Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg, Switzerland where it is legal, and the states of Washington, Oregon, Montana, and Vermont, where assisted suicide is permitted. Ask God to give them wisdom and courage to oppose this dangerous situation.


Merciful Father, please help individuals, churches, charities and other agencies working to bring better healthcare to the poorest parts of the world, providing safe water and sanitation, educating people, improving nutrition and treating illnesses.








THANKSGIVING: for everyone who hears and receives the grace and truth of the gospel all over the world each day. Pray especially for believers in countries where Christians are persecuted and even killed for their faith. ( – –


Intercede for women who have had a miscarriage or undergone an abortion, that those suffering physical and emotional pain would experience God’s comfort and love – especially through the loving support of compassionate Christians.




Pray for the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance which is dedicated to improving services to the 20 million people each year who need end of life care. Over 80 per cent of them live in the poorest parts of the world. (

Voluntary euthanasia was legalised in the Netherlands in 2000. The following year 1,625 people requested it. In 2012 acts of euthanasia accounted for 3% (4188) of all deaths. The recent introduction of mobile units means this number will rise.

IMPACT DIRECT is a weekly

email with information, prayer points and speciďŹ c ways in which you can effect change in the world. IMPACT DIRECT is designed to keep you up to date with political developments in social affairs and to equip you to engage and make a difference. The number of supporters receiving the weekly email is growing we hope you will want to join them.

Parliament is often a very fast moving environment. CARE s weekly email is a great way to stay informed, empowering you with the information you need to make a difference. Lord Alton of Liverpool

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