Prayer diary nov jan web

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OCTOBER 2014 to JANUARY 2015

CARE Prayer Diary Making a Christian difference through prayer

All through this hour, Lord be my guide, and by Thy power, no foot shall slide.

This year we are commemorating the centenary of the outbreak of the first World War, 1914-1918. What is not commonly known is that as a result of the passing of the Defence of the Realm Act in November 1914, the ringing of church bells was made illegal for the duration of the war. This was in case people thought they were a warning of the Germans invading. But once peace was declared, peals of celebration poured from church bells everywhere! Probably the world’s most famous bell, weighing 16 tons, hangs in the iconic Elizabeth clock tower in Westminster. The deep hourly ‘bongs’ of the Great Bell, better known as ‘Big Ben’, are broadcast daily all over the world, and at each quarter hour the small bells surrounding it ring out a tune called Cambridge Chimes, the words of which are a prayer that is written on a wall plaque in the clock room.

‘All through this hour | Lord be my guide | And by Thy power | no foot shall slide’ IN THIS ISSUE: • • • • •

Compassion and care Adoption and fostering World leadership Light in dark places Human trafficking legislation

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Strengthening the weak Integrity in politics Business and commerce Celebrating the gospel Release for the captives

• Help with addictions • Education and training • Homeless people

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring.

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read online, download a PDF version, or sign up for the daily prayers by email.

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Celia Bowring

• Read Celia Bowring’s new Prayer Blog at


COMPASSION AND CARE ‘Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it. Love makes up for practically anything. Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully. Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around.’ 1 PETER 4:8-10 (THE MESSAGE)




Thank You, Father, for Your forgiveness, grace and healing, freely available to those who experience pain and regret following an abortion. Please strengthen all who counsel and care and help them to bring Your peace. Amen.


Thank God for every provision of hospice care and palliative treatment for those nearing the end of life. Pray for those who work within this service to receive the resources and skills they need as they tend to the needs of patients and their families.


Pray that victims of abuse, addictions and other deeply damaging circumstances will receive compassion and care from doctors, social workers, therapists, counsellors and others - especially Christians who are involved in recovery and rehabilitation.


Lord, we lift to You all who are employed by the NHS in many different roles, working in hospitals, clinics and community services. Please help them to give of their best, particularly in stressful situations, and direct those responsible for planning and strategy for the months and years ahead. Amen.

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Pray that people with chronic pain can find relief and solace through medication, care and the comfort of others. Ask God to be close to those suffering from depression and other serious mental health problems, and to lead them to people who can help.


THANKSGIVING: Remember our brothers and sisters in Christ through the ages who have died, and the legacy of their great examples of faith, love and light, that we might honour these departed ones on the eve of All Saints Day.





Pray that the Church will continue to reach out in Christ’s name to those in greatest need throughout the world, providing practical care with love, joy and peace. Especially remember those under immense pressure in the midst of conflict, persecution and displacement.

‘Jesus went without comfort so that you might have it. He postponed joy so that you might share in it. He willingly chose isolation so that you might never be alone in your hurt and sorrow. He had no real fellowship so that fellowship might be yours, this moment.’ Joni Eareckson Tada (a quadriplegic international advocate for people with disabilities)



ADOPTION AND FOSTERING ‘He will bless those who fear the Lord – small and great alike. May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.’ PSALMS 115:13-15 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)


ADOPTION SUNDAY Heavenly Father, thank You for adopting us into Your family, through the death and resurrection of Your Son. Help us increasingly to live together in unity, reaching out with the truth and hope of the gospel to those who don’t know You. Amen.


Pray that thousands more children and adoptive or foster families will be matched up. Ask God to use this Week and particularly people’s stories, to draw the attention of potential parents and carers, speak to their hearts and encourage them to offer help.


Ask God to grant wisdom to Under Secretary of State for Children and Families Edward Timpson MP, as he seeks to simplify the adoption system. Pray that wherever appropriate, children are placed swiftly with a family.


Lord, please strengthen and encourage individuals, couples and families who have adopted or who foster children with emotional and behavioural needs, learning difficulties, or ongoing illness. Bless these households with Your protection, presence and peace. Amen.


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THANKSGIVING: for every child who has found a home; in a ‘forever’ adoption family, with foster carers or other place of refuge. Pray for Home for Good – a Care for the Family, CCPAS and Evangelical Alliance initiative, encouraging Christians to adopt or foster children in need. (


Ask God to provide for orphaned children in desperate poverty with no hope for the future. Pray that those seeking to adopt can receive the best guidance, legal support and practical assistance, to find and bring home the child of God’s choosing.




Remember the 62,000 children in the UK who live with foster families, because a parent has a short-term illness, is suffering from depression or affected by drug or alcohol misuse, or following abuse or neglect. Pray they will experience the loving care they need.

Across the UK as many as 6,000 children are waiting to find an adoptive family, 40 per cent of them with an impairment or some other special need. For 1 in 4 of them it is likely to remain only a dream. And as every year passes, a child’s chances of being adopted reduce by 20 per cent.


WORLD LEADERSHIP ‘Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all.’ 1 CHRONICLES 29:11 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)


REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Eternal Father, as millions in this country and throughout the Commonwealth reflect today on the tragic loss of life during the two main World Wars and many conflicts since, please reveal Your message of redemption, and comfort all who mourn. Amen.


Pray for workable solutions to counteract the effects of global warming and other environmental problems. Ask God to help leaders across the world who are considering these issues, to be united in their commitment to protect our fragile planet.


Intercede for those trying to find solutions to the growing violence and insurgence of extreme jihadist groups in Syria, Iraq and other countries. Pray that our intelligence agencies and security forces will succeed in containing serious terrorist threats, especially from militants returning to the UK.


Lord, we lift to You everyone You have placed in positions of leadership in the Church throughout the world, all with varying gifts, responsibilities and challenges. Please endue them with Your Spirit that they may serve You and Your people with humble loving hearts. Through Jesus Christ, Amen.


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Ask God to protect and guide Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, as he leads this 193-member organisation, especially in strengthening the UN’s peacekeeping efforts, philanthropic ventures and worldwide hunger initiatives.


THANKSGIVING: for the Queen’s unparalleled service as Head of State of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth realms, and for her Christian witness and example. Pray for her to be strengthened each day by God’s constant help and gifts of wisdom, understanding, faith and love.


Remember the leaders of the 56 nations that make up Europe, including the 28 that belong to the European Union. Pray too for EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker who took office on 1 November.



Queen Elizabeth II is the world’s second longest reigning monarch. In the 62 years since she ascended to the British throne and became leader of the Commonwealth in February 1952, she has given regular audiences to 12 Prime Ministers and known seven Archbishops of Canterbury. 5


LIGHT IN DARK PLACES ‘He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom. Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them. For he broke down their prison gates of bronze; he cut apart their bars of iron.’ PSALMS 107 (14-16) (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH Father of compassion, we lift to You those in many parts of the world who suffer because of their faith. Please strengthen them in the midst of the trial and bring glory to Your name through their courageous testimony of trust and love. Amen.


Remember those who live and work in prisons and young offender institutions. Pray for many inmates to recognise their need for God and receive support from chaplains and other Christians involved in their pastoral care.


PRAY DAY FOR SCHOOLS Intercede for children, young people and staff in schools, that the light of God’s truth and love would energise and transform their lives. Pray especially that problems around disruptive and other negative behaviour will be resolved. (


Heavenly Father, grant healing and restoration to the 1,400 girls in Rotherham who suffered horrendous abuse, and were neglected by the authorities. May the light of truth continue to expose this evil of sexual exploitation wherever it exists. Amen.

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Ask God to enable the Anti-Bullying Week resources to help children and young people to understand what to do if they are bullied in person or online. Pray for those who live in dread of each day because of others’ cruelty; that they may be delivered. (


THANKSGIVING: for the light of the gospel that still shines in dark places, as a result of faithful missionaries in years gone by, and also modern communications that beam the message of salvation into areas where Christian conversion is forbidden.


Remember people today who are suicidal, depressed or with other mental health problems. Pray that the help they need to be kept safe and make steps towards recovery, will be readily available from the NHS and other sources.

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The persecution facing Christians is the largest human rights’ violation issue today. 200 million Christians in at least 60 countries are denied fundamental human rights solely because of their faith. However, China, where persecution has been so fierce, is projected to become the world’s most Christian nation by 2030.


HUMAN TRAFFICKING LEGISLATION ‘When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.’ PROVERBS 21:15 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)


Almighty God, please speak to politicians and others with influence in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies and the EU, that they would support legislation to give effective protection and care to those who have been trafficked and abused, and ensure that traffickers are brought to justice. Amen.


Give thanks for the many good aspects of the Government’s Modern Slavery Bill as it goes to the House of Lords. Pray that it will make the best possible provision for young victims and allow for the appointment of child trafficking guardians who can support and represent them.


INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Give thanks for the work of Restored, an international alliance of 89 Christian organisations working to end domestic and other violence against women. Pray that these issues will be highlighted today in churches, local communities and governments. (


Heavenly Father, we lift to You the millions of individuals being heartlessly trafficked as mere commodities. Please reach out and rescue these helpless children, women and men through the work of those who passionately care for them. For Christ’s sake, Amen.






Please pray for CARE’s Public Policy team to have wisdom and courage as they continue to assist politicians in Belfast, Brussels, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Westminster with research, briefings and other support to help bring about effective legislation on this issue. (


THANKSGIVING: for the success of Lord Morrow’s Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill, which is now in its final stages in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Pray that its extensive provisions will also be taken on board by the Scottish and Westminster Parliaments and elsewhere in Europe.


Remember the work of Abolition Scotland – supported by Care for Scotland, Evangelical Alliance Scotland, Glasgow House of Prayer and International Justice Mission UK. This seeks the end of human trafficking and exploitation in Scotland through advocacy, prayer and raising awareness in communities and churches. (




The UK National Crime Agency identified 1,746 potential victims of human trafficking in the UK in 2013. 450 of these were children, of which 40 per cent were sexually exploited. 7


STRENGTHENING THE WEAK ‘Unless the LORD had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death. When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.’ PSALMS 94:17-19 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)




WORLD AIDS’ DAY Pray that today’s activities will help to focus attention on the 35 million people living with HIV throughout the world, including 100,000 in the UK. Pray for many to unite in the fight against this disease, and care for those affected.


Intercede for people who are being held in captivity throughout the world, especially those unjustly detained by oppressive authorities or illegally by hostage takers. Pray for Christian Solidarity Worldwide and similar organisations working for religious freedom. (


INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Lord, please help us increasingly to regard people with disabilities in a positive way, and encourage them to live life to the full. Pour Your strength into the hearts of anyone who feels overwhelmed by their difficulties, and send someone to help them. Amen.






Remember physiotherapists and other allied health professionals helping people to recover strength and mobility, so they can lead as independent lives as possible. Ask God to grant them insight, patience and confidence as they support each individual.


THANKSGIVING: for every friend, neighbour and church visitor who makes sure that vulnerable and frail people living nearby are safe and well, calling regularly and offering a helping hand and friendly company to strengthen them in body, heart, mind and spirit.


Pray for the provision of necessary resources for church-based community projects reaching out to people struggling with financial, social, accommodation, family and other issues. Give thanks for Cinnamon Network’s role in making it as easy as possible for churches to start special initiatives. (

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ADVENT BEGINS Lord Jesus, as we prepare to celebrate Your birth, we also await with eager anticipation the day when You will come again. May the light of Your love shine through our lives to bring hope and healing to those who lack strength and draw them to believe the good news of the gospel. Amen.

Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, In all the ways you can, in all the places you can, At all the times you can, to all the people you can, As long as ever you can. (John Wesley)


INTEGRITY IN POLITICS ‘For Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Ahasuerus, and he was great among the Jews and popular with the multitude of his brothers, for he sought the welfare of his people and spoke peace to all his people.’ ESTHER 10:3 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)



‘God of righteousness and truth, grant to all in positions of responsibility the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. May they never lead the nation wrongly through the love of power, desire to please, or unworthy motives, but laying aside all private interests and prejudices keep in mind their responsibility to seek to improve the condition of all. Amen.’ (From a parliamentary prayer)


As we near the General Election, pray for those standing as candidates to recognise their responsibility as potential MPs to ‘act justly, love mercy and walk humbly’ in service to Parliament, their constituents and their country. Ask God to strengthen them.


INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION DAY Pray that those in powerful international bodies and governments will redouble their efforts to detect and prevent corruption in our world, and that stolen money will be recovered and used honestly and productively.


HUMAN RIGHTS’ DAY Lord, we pray that more of the world’s governments will honour the spirit of the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights, to respect the right of everyone to live peacefully in freedom. Please give courage to politicians, campaigners and journalists who are in potential danger, because of their stand for justice in places where this is threatened. Amen.

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Please hold the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, First Ministers and all political leaders before God in prayer. Ask Him to equip them daily to carry the responsibilities of government and give them grace to do this well.


THANKSGIVING: for the many parliamentarians and assembly members in the EU, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Westminster who identify themselves as Christians. Ask God to watch over them and lead them in His paths of wisdom and righteousness.


Please remember those who serve as councillors in the 500 or more local authorities in the UK, especially in your own area. Pray that they will act with integrity and wisdom, using resources prudently for the greatest good of all who live and work in their area.



‘Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain … It causes damage to individuals, societies and economic development, both in the UK and overseas. It undermines public service delivery, accountability and the rule of law with devastating consequences for the most vulnerable citizens in many states.’ (Transparency International)



BUSINESS AND COMMERCE ‘For God provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous.’ 2 CORINTHIANS 9:10,11 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)




Pray for anyone setting up a small business, that they will have access to good advice and funding, and manage the many practical tasks involved. Ask God to help them to aim for the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.


Remember people working in legal, banking and finance and other highly pressured employment sectors, demanding long hours, that they would maintain a healthy work/life balance.


Lord, we thank You for the increasing numbers who buy Fairtrade goods from businesses that ensure their goods are ethically produced, and benefit farmers and other food suppliers in the poorest parts of the world. Amen.

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Ask God to give insight to governments and others who are seeking to avert risks to world trade and commerce, such as fluctuating prices, conflicts, natural disasters, corruption, cyber attacks and financial instability.


THANKSGIVING: for every Christian who is wealthy and prepared to give generously to others. Pray for their businesses to prosper, so more money will be available to spread the gospel, invest in Christian ministry, support worthwhile initiatives and relieve the plight of the poorest people in our world.


Please pray for chaplains in the workplace, who uniquely offer personal pastoral support and lend a listening ear. Pray for Transform Work, a ministry that sets up Christian workplace groups for encouragement and prayer. (




Lord God, please help business leaders and proprietors to ensure that uprightness and excellence lie at the heart of every venture and transaction they undertake. Please prosper companies who do this, who treat their workforce well and are willing to share their proceeds with others who need their support. Amen.

‘We have never traded on Sundays and never will. As a Christian, I have to challenge myself on how changing retail laws affect what I do. One of the Commandments is that Sunday should be a day of rest, and that’s something I believe our staff value. I’m very motivated by running a profitable business, but not to the extent of parking my wider responsibilities.’ (Gary Grant, founder of The Entertainer toyshops)


CELEBRATING THE GOSPEL ‘For a child has been born—for us! The gift of a son—for us! He’ll take over the running of the world. His names will be: Amazing Counsellor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness. His ruling authority will grow, and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness he brings.’ ISAIAH 9: 6,7 (THE MESSAGE)


Heavenly Father, during this Christmas week please speak into our hearts and minds once again about the amazing truth and grace of the gospel. May Your Holy Spirit convince many people of their need for reconciliation with You through Christ. Amen.


Pray for everyone who is involved in Christmas services and events this week to know God’s anointing. Pray for speakers, musicians and other contributors - especially behind the scenes - as they welcome those who come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus.


Intercede for those engaged in evangelism and other missionary work in places where it is very difficult to share the gospel. Pray too for those who have turned to Christ from other religious and political beliefs, sometimes even risking their lives as they worship Him this Christmastide.


Please remember people who are far from home, separated from loved ones, coping with illness or some other difficulty, grieving over loss or anxious about the future. As others around them are celebrating, ask God to comfort and demonstrate His great love to them in this time of need.

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CHRISTMAS DAY Lord Jesus Christ, we join with the angels and all the company of heaven today to celebrate the wonderful truth of Your coming to earth as a human baby to rescue us from our sin! We worship You, giving thanks for Your mercy and grace. Amen.


THANKSGIVING: for the generosity of others expressed through giving gifts and offering hospitality at this time of year, to family, friends and also outsiders who are alone. Pray that as families come together they will be increasingly accepting of one another and demonstrate the love that comes from giving.


Pray for people who live in care homes and other institutions, or are staying in hospital, whether this is permanent or for a shorter time, due to illness, disability or some other difficulty. Remember the staff and visitors who look after them.



‘Euagelio (what we call gospel) is a Greek word and signifies good, merry, glad and joyful tidings, and makes a man’s heart glad and makes a man to sing, dance and leap for joy.’ (William Tyndale, 1494–1536, who first translated the Bible into English) 11


RELEASE FOR THE CAPTIVES ‘The LORD frees the prisoners, opens the eyes of the blind, lifts up those who are weighed down. The LORD loves the godly. The LORD protects the foreigners among us. He cares for the orphans and widows, but he frustrates the plans of the wicked.’ PSALMS 146: 7-9 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)


Father, please draw close to the estimated one million children worldwide who are trafficked each year for cheap labour or sexual exploitation. Comfort them in their suffering and grant success to organisations rescuing and helping victims. Amen.


Pray for members of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Prostitution and the Global Sex Trade in Westminster chaired by Gavin Shuker MP, as they highlight the need to bring forward legislation to tackle demand for paid-for sex, rather than punish those forced into prostitution.


Remember men and women who have completed their prison sentences and need help to readjust to life ‘outside’, and find a place to stay, a job and new purpose for their lives. Pray for Christian organisations such as Alpha in Prisons, Caring for Ex-offenders, Langley House Trust, Prison Fellowship, Reflex and The Salvation Army.


Dear Lord, we intercede for people kidnapped by criminal groups and terrorist organisations that are threatening to harm or even kill them unless a ransom is paid or political demands are met. Please be near to their families and grant wisdom to those working for their release. Amen.

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NEW YEARS DAY Pray that over the coming year many will respond to the gospel and receive the promise of total forgiveness and complete freedom through Christ alone. May people’s New Year resolutions lead them to ask God’s help.


THANKSGIVING: INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY Give thanks that in recent years the reality of this appalling trade has become far more widely known and much effort is now being made to eradicate it throughout the world.


Remember the 30,000 or so immigrants with no legal right to remain in the UK, who are temporarily detained in removal centres each year. Pray for discernment for those responsible for deciding their future.


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Trafficking affects countries and families on every continent. Because of its hidden nature, it is difficult to get accurate statistics, but the International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that at any one time there are some 2.5 million people who have been trafficked and are being subjected to sexual or labour exploitation.


HELP WITH ADDICTIONS ‘I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me … Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.’ ROMANS 7:22-25 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



God our Saviour, please strengthen us when we are tempted to settle for less than Your will and purposes in our lives. Thank You for Your grace and mercy, especially when we succumb to habits of thought and action that are wrong and unhelpful to ourselves and to others. Amen.


Give thanks that illegal unlicensed gambling sites will no longer be able to operate in the UK. Pray too that many online problem gamblers will be helped by new government measures enabling them to exclude themselves from all online gambling sites.


Intercede for those who self-harm or who suffer from an eating disorder. Pray that God will powerfully intervene in their lives so they will be able to decide to change, seek help and begin to resolve the underlying issues that may have caused their behaviour.


Lord, please help those in authority to recognise and counteract the potential harm from the increase of gambling, with so much advertising and opportunities to engage in betting, gaming, buying lottery tickets and other activities on our streets, on TV and via the internet and mobile phones. Amen.






Remember people who have overcome a harmful habit or been set free from the power of addiction to alcohol, drugs, sexual activities or gambling. Pray that they will sustain their resolve and find the ongoing support they need.


THANKSGIVING: that the Government is taking seriously the problem of inappropriate content that children and young people might be tempted to access online. Pray for effective filters to be developed to protect the vulnerable, some of whom may become addicted to pornography.


Pray for Christian and other organisations dedicated to helping people to break free from addiction, such as Teen Challenge, Victory Outreach, ISAAC International and branches of Alcoholics, Gamblers and Sexaholics Anonymous.



Since 2007, following deregulation, the number of gambling commercials on British television rose from 234,000 a year to 1.39 million in 2012 - an increase of nearly 600 per cent. The number of adults using illicit drugs in England and Wales rose by an estimated 230,000 to 2.7 million in 2013/14.



EDUCATION AND TRAINING ‘Praying that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.’ COLOSSIANS 1:10,11 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)




Remember children and young adults with learning disabilities, visual and hearing impairments and other special needs, in both mainstream and specialist schools. Pray too for those who teach them to find innovative ways to encourage and inspire their students to achieve their dreams and ambitions.


Pray for the one million young people in the UK who are not in education, employment or training, especially those living in disadvantaged households and communities beset with serious social problems and lacking positive role models. Ask God to bring hope into their lives.


Father, please reinvigorate those who are working across the world to achieve the Millennium Goal of providing primary education for all by 2015. Help them to overcome any financial and social obstacles that deprive so many children of the opportunity to go to school. Amen.






Please pray that the work of Pray for Schools will be expanded across the UK so that every school can be prayed for by individuals, groups and local churches. Ask God to watch over and provide for schools near where you live, especially those facing particular challenges. (


THANKSGIVING: for the dedication of those who are studying medicine, and training for other professional roles. Pray for high standards to be maintained in both academic and practical areas of their education and preparation.


Pray for Education Secretary Nicky Morgan MP, that her Christian faith would continue to inspire and equip her with the wise insight, wisdom and courage needed in this demanding role. Pray too for those responsible for education in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.




Lord, our Teacher, please help all who are studying and training; in school, college, through the internet, as apprentices and in other situations. Grant them understanding and the ability to apply what they learn in practical and effective ways. Amen.

The UK has nearly 9.8 million pupils and about 500,000 full-time teachers in around 32,400 schools. 1,269 of these are special schools. There are over 2.5 million higher education students in the UK. 510,000 young people begin apprenticeships each year.


HOMELESS PEOPLE ‘Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?’ JAMES 2:15-17 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)


HOMELESSNESS SUNDAY Dear Lord, You knew what it was like to have no place to lay Your head, to go hungry and to feel alienated. Please fill us with Your wisdom and compassion towards homeless people, and show us how we can best help to meet their needs. Amen.


Intercede that God would provide for people who tonight will sleep in the open, many of them suffering with mental health problems, cold and malnourished, having no money and cut off from family and others who might care for them.


Pray for those who are not technically homeless, so not eligible for statutory assistance, but exist out of sight in B&Bs, squats, on friends’ and families’ floors or sofas, or sleeping rough. Ask God to intervene in their broken lives.


Loving Lord, please be with the many groups of churches all over the country that are running night shelters, offering Christian hospitality to homeless people throughout the winter months. Pour Your compassion into the hearts of volunteers and others helping them. Amen. (


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Remember desperate people in many parts of the world who have been forced to flee their homes because of fighting, persecution and violent attack. Pray for them to be sustained as they shelter in refugee camps and other temporary accommodation.


THANKSGIVING: for local authorities and charities who work among homeless people; giving them food and shelter, helping them to access health care and other support. Pray for staff and volunteers to have the capacity to deal with each case with wisdom and compassion.


Pray for the many young people who run away from care, their families, schools or jobs and become homeless and vulnerable. Pray they will be led to trustworthy people who will help them to recover and rebuild their lives.



Each year, 100,000 young people in Britain under the age of 16 run away overnight. A quarter of these are under 11 years old. Repeated running away is especially destructive, and for the young people involved it can lead to an increased risk of abuse and exploitation, and involvement in criminal activity, prostitution or substance misuse.


Leadership Programme

Politics, social action and cultural change The Leadership Programme exists to equip young Christians with integrity and excellence at the beginning of their working lives, fostering people of influence whose work will benefit our society. ‘The opportunity to meet other people from a wide range of political views and to discuss, debate and work out how our faith plays out in the public square has been incredibly valuable.’ 2011/12 GRADUATE

Deadline for Applications for the 2015-16 Programme is 17 November! For more information and how to apply online please visit To join CARE’s mailing list to receive this Prayer Diary and other regular publications, please telephone 020 7233 0455 or join online at To contribute to CARE’s ongoing ministry please go to CARE (Christian Action, Research & Education) is a Registered Charity, and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at 53 Romney Street, London, SW1P 3RF Tel: 020 7233 0455 Company No: 3481417, Charity No: 1066963, Scottish Charity No: SC038911 Executive Chairman: Rev Lyndon Bowring Chief Executive: Nola Leach Design: Print: Fineprint Basingstoke. Generic images unless marked:,

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