Prayer diary nov 13 feb 14

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CARE Prayer Diary

Making a Christian difference through prayer

‘No-one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, So that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.’ Matthew 5:15,16

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring.

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Celia Bowring

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UNITED KINGDOM ‘If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’ 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)


Merciful Father, we long to see our nation turning back to You. Grant us strength and vision to pray with faith for people who are on our hearts, that they would come to know You as Father through Christ, by Your Spirit. Amen.


INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Pray for increasing awareness about the dangers facing millions of women throughout the world. Remember all those at risk from trafficking and exploitation, sexual attack, domestic violence, forced marriages and genital mutilation.


Pray for people affected by the UK’s economic problems, with the knock-on effects on health, social services, education and support for the most vulnerable. Ask God to provide for them increasingly through the practical and compassionate care of His people.


Lord, thank You for the centuries-old Christian heritage on which England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have been built. We pray that those seeking to marginalise faith, and replace biblical precepts with secular ideas, will be thwarted. Amen.







Remember the 205,000 plus servicemen and women and 180,000 regular reserves serving in the Armed Forces: the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, the British Army and the Royal Air Force. Pray that they may be kept secure and in good heart as they train and carry out duties.


Thanksgiving: for the recent growth of the Church in the United Kingdom especially in London, particularly as a result of the influx of believers from overseas, church planting, social action and political engagement alongside evangelism.


ST ANDREW’S DAY Remember the Scottish independence referendum next September. Pray that those in politics, media, and campaigners on each side, will speak with truth and wisdom, and that the vote will result in a positive future for Scotland and the rest of the UK.



Over 5,000 new churches have been started in Britain since 1980. There are one million Christians in Britain from black, Asian and other minority ethnic communities, with 500,000 worshipping in black majority churches. Adult membership of the Anglican Diocese of London has risen by over 70 per cent since 1990.



HUMAN DIGNITY ‘You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.’ PSALMS 139:15,16 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



Lord Jesus, in these weeks before Christmas when we celebrate Your coming to earth in the womb of the Virgin Mary, please help us to understand more fully the glorious truth that You took on our human form and yet were fully divine. Amen.


Remember severely disabled or sick, and older frail people, at home or in institutional care, who suffer neglect and ill-treatment from someone who is in a position of trust. Pray that such cases will swiftly come to light and be dealt with justly and compassionately.


INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Remember more than one billion people - 15 per cent of the world population - who live with disabilities. Pray for more action to enable them to participate in society and fulfil their potential.


Father, we intercede for millions of women, children and men living in horrendous conditions of slavery today. Please rescue them and inspire law-makers and enforcers to bring to justice the human traffickers and other criminals who oppress and exploit them. Amen






Pray about Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill, which would license doctors to supply lethal drugs to terminally ill patients, enabling them to end their own lives. Pray that many Peers will oppose the Bill and speak out clearly and compassionately about the dignity and value of all human life.


Thanksgiving: for Christian charities such as Churches for All, Livability, Prospects and Through the Roof, all working to enrich the lives of people with disabilities and encourage them in their faith.


Pray that the Government and the Director of Public Prosecutions will prohibit abortions on the grounds of gender selection and provide better protection for unborn children with disabilities.

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Last year, around 2,700 babies were aborted in England and Wales because doctors thought there was a ‘substantial risk’ that the child would be seriously handicapped; many had Downs, cleft palate or club foot. 146 abortions took place after 20 weeks of pregnancy.


NATIONAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ‘Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God ... Pay to all what is due to them—taxes ... revenue ... respect ... honour.’ ROMANS 13:1, 7 (NEW REVISED STANDARD VERSION)



God of righteousness and truth, grant to our Queen and all in positions of responsibility, the guidance of Your Spirit. May they never lead the nation wrongly through love of power, desire to please, or unworthy ideals but laying aside all private interests and prejudices keep in mind their responsibility to seek to improve the condition of all mankind. Amen. (from a prayer read before each sitting of the House of Commons.)


INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION DAY Pray for protection and success for those who are challenging political and other worldwide leaders implicated in $1 trillion paid in bribes and $2.6 trillion stolen annually through corruption.


HUMAN RIGHTS DAY Pray about the effect of some human rights legislation on people’s freedom of speech and conscience. Pray that the Marriage Act will not result in denying the rights of Christians who do not endorse same-sex marriage – especially teachers, registrars and church ministers.


Lord, we lift to You the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the First Ministers in the Assemblies and Parliaments of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Grant them wisdom and courage to lead with integrity and effectiveness. Amen.






Pray for Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and his team as they work towards moving decision-making from central government to local councils, and encourage neighbourhoods to grow and thrive.


Thanksgiving: that so many Members of Parliament, particularly following the 2010 General Election, have a Christian faith that motivates and guides their work. Pray for them as they meet to pray, study the Bible and share fellowship.


Pray that more Christians will consider becoming involved in public life, to serve as local councillors, Members of UK Parliaments and Assemblies or work as advisers, researchers and in other paid and volunteer roles.



In Britain a total of 947 elected Members sit in the Northern Ireland Legislative Assembly, the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly and at Westminster. A further 20,590 local councillors serve in a variety of local councils.



CHRISTIAN HOUSEHOLDS ‘Love each other with genuine affection ... work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practise hospitality.’ ROMANS 12:10-13 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)


Heavenly Father, we are so grateful that we are part of Your Household – ‘the Church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.’ Please show us increasingly how this should affect the way we live. Amen.


Pray for Christian families you know who are struggling because of financial, accommodation and employment needs, difficult relationships, poor health and other problems. Ask God to give them hope, strengthen their faith.


Ask God to bless those in Christian hotels, B&Bs, conference centres, retreat houses and private homes who extend hospitality to all kinds of people. Pray that these places will radiate a sense of God’s peace to guests, bringing physical and spiritual refreshment.


Lord, we intercede for Christian families who have fled their homes because of conflict, famine and persecution and now live in refugee camps and other temporary accommodation. Please provide enough to meet their own needs and to share with their neighbours.


Remember Christian individuals and families who have adopted or welcomed foster children into their homes. Pray that children who have serious problems will increasingly be able to accept parental affection and guidance and enjoy their new homes.

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Thanksgiving: for those who open their homes to young people from their church as a place to relax, eat and drink and learn more about growing in faith. Pray that teenagers whose own backgrounds are troubled will benefit from being in this loving environment.


Pray about families where abuse of some kind is taking place under the cloak of religious respectability. Ask God to give victims hope and the opportunity to tell someone who can help, and also, in time, bring about repentance and forgiveness to all involved.




An Evangelical Alliance survey in 2011 of 1,219 Christian people reported that 12 per cent were adults living on their own, 4 per cent were single parents and just over a third lived in a nuclear family household.


LIGHT OF THE WORLD ‘Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”’ JOHN 8:12 (NEW KING JAMES VERSION)


Lord, we pray for the many people in our troubled world who live in the darkness of fear because of oppression, physical danger, spiritual blindness and emotional suffering. Please shine Your pure and loving light into their lives. In Christ’s name, Amen.


Pray about those opposed to any kind of Christian influence in schools. Give thanks for chaplains, youth workers and others organising Christian groups and delivering RE and sex and relationships lessons, and volunteers who serve practically, bringing the light of Christ with them.


Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to those who do not usually attend church, but like to go to a Christmas service. Pray that the truth of the gospel will penetrate their hearts through the Bible readings and carols.


CHRISTMAS DAY Lord Jesus our Saviour, may the whole earth resound today with the glorious light of Your gospel! We worship You with great joy and gladness, longing that all would come to know You as Lord. Amen.







Pray for those known to you who are serving as missionaries in places where Christians are not permitted to live out their faith openly. Ask God to provide for their needs and enable them to be effective light bearers in dark places.


Thanksgiving: for God’s word: ‘a lamp to our feet.’ Remember those who faithfully preach and teach the Scriptures through print, broadcast and internet. Pray for organisations such as Bible Society, Biblica, Gideons and websites like and - making the Bible available to all.


Remember the churches in your neighbourhood. Pray that the Holy Spirit would fill them with love and grace to cause them to shine like beacons of God’s love and truth through their message of hope and practical action in the community.



I heard the voice of Jesus say, ‘I am this dark world’s light; Look unto me, thy morn shall rise and all thy days be bright.’ I looked to Jesus and I found in him my star, my sun; And in that light of life I’ll walk till travelling days are done. (Horatius Bonar 1808-89)



CONTEMPORARY CULTURE ‘Happy is the one who listens to me (Wisdom), watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favour from the Lord; but those who miss me injure themselves; all who hate me love death.’ PROVERBS 8:34-36 (NEW REVISED STANDARD VERSION)




Pray for Maria Miller MP, Secretary for Culture, Media & Sport, Ed Vaisey MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries and their teams with responsibility to protect, develop and promote our cultural and artistic heritage.


Remember people who arrive in the United Kingdom from very different cultures, speaking little English as they learn about life here. Pray that many will be contacted by Christians who will help them to settle in, adapt and feel welcomed into their local church family.


NEW YEAR’S DAY Heavenly Father, at the outset of this year, please reveal Your perfect will and prepare us for everything You will give us to do, at home, in church, in our places of study or work and in our leisure activities. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Intercede for those who make major decisions at the BBC and in other broadcasting companies. Pray that they will recognise the importance of decency, integrity, compassion for the most vulnerable and Christian truth in our society.






Thanksgiving: for Christians who are gifted and skilled in creative arts. Remember the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, and a similar organisation in Wales seeking to envision and equip the Church to be able to relate biblical truth to every aspect of our culture. ( and


Pray about the growing trend in many parts of the media to portray women and girls in sexualised and sometimes degrading and pornographic ways. Pray that public attitudes will radically change to value each individual for who they are, not how they look.




Thank You, Lord, that this nation’s cultural heritage, seen in art, literature, music and buildings, has been significantly shaped by the Christian faith. Please help us to encourage others to appreciate aspects of this inheritance that honours You and draws people to Christ. Amen.

British literature, music, cinema, art, theatre, media, television, philosophy and architecture are influential and respected across the world. The UK is also prominent in science and technology. Sport is an important part of our culture; numerous sports originated in this country, including football - the national game.


FRAGILE EARTH ‘The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy. You care for the land and water it; you enrich it abundantly.’ PSALMS 65:8,9 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)



Creator God, we praise You for the beauty and fruitfulness of all You have made. We acknowledge our responsibility to nurture our world and everything within it. Help us to manage its resources wisely to provide a safe living environment for all. Amen.


In the light of the increasingly toxic pollution of the air, oceans, lakes and rivers, pray that the relevant people within national governments, industry and agriculture, would agree to work together for a cleaner environment.


Ask God to prosper the work of A Rocha and Christian Ecology Link, which both address important environmental concerns, encouraging Christian prayer and action to care for our world, at local community and global level. ( and


Lord, we pray for scientists involved in research about global warming and other problems affecting the earth. Please grant them wisdom and the ability to assess the situation accurately and suggest workable solutions. Amen.






Pray for oceanographers and other experts concerned about the lethal results of pollution in the world’s seas. Pray they will find ways to deal with the seven billion tonnes of litter – 90 per cent of which is plastic – deposited in the ocean each year.


Thanksgiving: for every individual and community trying to make a positive difference by recycling, caring for their local environment, conserving energy and water, sharing resources with others and appreciating God’s created world.


Intercede for those living in poverty in countries that are badly affected by extremes of climate. Pray for agencies working to bring them better access to clean water and safe sanitation that can prevent life-threatening diseases.



Plastic waste kills up to 1 million sea birds, 100,000 sea mammals and countless fish each year. Plastic remains in our ecosystem for years harming thousands of sea creatures every day. Over the past decade, an average of 600,000 barrels of oil a year have been accidentally spilled from ships into the sea.



IN THE WORKPLACE ‘Servants, respectfully obey your earthly masters but always with an eye to obeying the real master, Christ ... Masters, it’s the same with you. No abuse, please, and no threats. You and your servants are both under the same Master in heaven. He makes no distinction.’ EPHESIANS 6:5,6,9 (THE MESSAGE)




Pray for Christians to be aware of the importance of demonstrating the grace, faithfulness and integrity of Jesus as they approach each day’s work, relate to others and fulfil responsibilities.


Remember those who courageously work in potentially unsafe situations: serving with the Armed Forces, protecting the public from criminal activity and terrorist threats, engaging in search and rescue operations and emergency services.


Lord, we lift to You anyone who is unfairly discriminated against, bullied, harassed or pressurised to act unethically against their conscience. Pray especially for Christians affected to have wisdom and courage to defend their own and others’ reasonable rights. Amen.

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Pray for those who feel uncertain about their future employment and any who are suffering from stress because of work pressures. Ask God to grant them wisdom, strength and direction and provide trusted friends and colleagues who will encourage them.


Thanksgiving: that UK law recognises the rights and responsibilities for all workers and requires employers to treat them with respect, providing safe, flexible and familyfriendly working practices, equal rights, and access to work for those with disabilities.


Please remember the hundreds of chaplains who minister with police, emergency services, in factories, offices, agriculture, places of education and healthcare, transport hubs, leisure centres, high streets and retail outlets – wherever people work.

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Heavenly Father, we intercede for millions throughout the world, including children, who work long hours under intolerable conditions that damage their health and keep them in a state of poverty: in industry, agriculture, mining, construction, factories and other places. Amen.

Child labour deprives children of their childhood, potential and dignity. It can expose them to physical, psychological or sexual abuse and harm their physical and mental development. Thankfully, since 2000, strong campaigning and changing attitudes have helped to reduce numbers to a third, but there are still 168 million child labourers worldwide.


THE CHURCH’S MISSION ‘We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, while we look forward with hope ... Christ gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.’ TITUS 2:12-14 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 18-25 JANUARY Lord, You prayed that we ‘would be brought to complete unity’ so the world would know You came from the Father and that Your love reaches to everyone. Please draw Your Church together to be a prophetic voice into society and help us to serve in grace and truth. Amen.


Ask God to anoint with power and compassion all who feel called to be evangelists. Pray that they will hold onto a biblical understanding of the gospel and not compromise the message believing this would make it more relevant and acceptable.


Remember Christians involved in education: in leadership roles, developing policies, training staff, devising curriculums, teaching, providing support and as volunteers supporting their local school.


Thank You, Father, that Your Church is on the move: feeding the hungry and homeless, helping those in debt, and caring for other vulnerable people. Please guide and energise us in every good endeavour, motivated by Your love and done in Your name. Amen.


Intercede for people who need physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual healing. Pray for Christians seeking to help them by giving professional medical and nursing care, practical help, comfort and prayer.


Thanksgiving: for the amazing ministry of both paid and voluntary Christian youth and children’s workers connecting with young people from all kinds of backgrounds in schools, the community and with church activities. Pray that they will see much fruit.


Remember men and women in church leadership and their spouses, and those working in Christian missions and ministries. Pray for times of rest and restoration, for God’s blessings of peace, wisdom and patience, and that their needs would be met.


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‘Worship is half of the purpose of the church: the other half is mission, in its broadest sense.’ (Canon Michael Green)



SHELTERING THE NEEDY ‘If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled”, without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.’ JAMES 2:15-17 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)



POVERTY AND HOMELESSNESS ACTION WEEK 25 JANUARY – 2 FEBRUARY Dear Lord Jesus, You experienced homelessness and rejection, with ‘nowhere to lay your head.’ Please draw near to those today who feel exposed, cold and hungry and lead them to compassionate people who will help them. Amen.


INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY On the 69th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, pray that the memory of the millions murdered in the Holocaust and later genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur will prompt us to mourn their suffering and to resist any signs of similar hateful persecution in our time.


Ask God to strengthen those who support people who are, or are at risk of becoming, homeless. Pray too for people behind the scenes engaged in administration, advocacy and specialist care for the needy.


Father, we remember people in countries like Syria, who have fled their homes because of fighting and persecution to shelter in overcrowded and often dangerous refugee camps and other places. Please comfort and provide for them. Amen.


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Pray that more people reduced to living and sleeping ‘on the streets’ will receive longterm support to make a new start. Ask God to make clear how He wants us to respond to individuals we meet who are hungry and also have many other complex needs.


Thanksgiving: for all who volunteer with local Churches Night Shelters all over the country offering Christian hospitality to the homeless, aiming to see lives changed. Pray that those who come can move ‘away from the streets and towards “home”’. (


Intercede for those who are not technically homeless, so not eligible for statutory assistance, but exist out of sight in bed and breakfasts, squats, on friends’ and families’ floors or sofas, or sleeping rough. Ask God to intervene and to restore their broken lives.



Last year 113,000 people in England asked their local authority for homelessness assistance. In Scotland the figure was almost 40,000, in Northern Ireland over 20,000 and in Wales over 15,000. Many did not meet the criteria for priority housing need and there are tens of thousands of other homeless individuals who are ‘hidden’. ( 12


HEALING AND HEALTH ‘Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases.’ PSALMS 103:2,3 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)



Lord our Creator, thank You for graciously sustaining our lives moment by moment. Please touch those who are in need of healing and make them whole in body, mind and spirit. Amen. (Please name individuals for whom this prayer is applicable.)


Pray for wisdom and insight for the Government and specialist advisers working on NHS reform, that the needs of the most vulnerable patients will not be overlooked and doctors and other health professionals will be equipped and enabled to accomplish their work well.


WORLD CANCER DAY Pray that people diagnosed with cancer will receive the right medical treatment, and emotional and spiritual support. Give thanks for Macmillan nurses, individual counsellors and especially the growing number of special support centres throughout the UK. (www. and


Father, please strengthen chaplains and other Christians ministering to people with terminal and life-limiting illnesses. Grant them words of compassion and truth that will lead these patients, and their loved ones, into the eternal hope that is only found in Your Son. Amen.


Pray about the increasing problems that are linked with serious obesity, irresponsible use of alcohol and taking harmful substances. Pray that those affected will be helped to change their habits and that more people will embrace a healthy lifestyle.






Thanksgiving: for health professionals, support staff and carers who work for the physical and mental health of others. Pray especially for Christians in hospitals, hospices, clinics, GP surgeries and in other community settings, demonstrating God’s love in all they do.


Thank God that the plight of many elderly patients in certain hospitals, who are not properly respected and cared for, has now come to light. Pray that further investigations throughout the NHS will bring an end to this shameful neglect.



An obese person is someone very overweight with a high degree of body fat. Rates of obesity in the UK have more than trebled in the last 25 years and could cost the NHS £6.4 billion per year by 2015. The number of hospital admissions due to alcohol misuse was 1.1 million in 2010, a 100% increase since 2003. There were 8,790 alcoholrelated deaths in the UK in 2010.



TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE ‘Let marriage be held in honour – esteemed worthy, precious, of great price and especially dear – in all things.’ HEBREWS 13: 4 (AMPLIFIED BIBLE)



MARRIAGE WEEK 7-14 FEBRUARY The BIG Promise Saturday 8 February at 5.15pm Thank You, Lord, for the thousands of couples who reaffirmed their vows at The BIG Promise events yesterday, making very personal commitments in a public way. Amen. (


Ask God to bless and inspire engaged couples to build firm foundations of understanding, trust, kindness and loyalty in their relationships. Pray that many will attend marriage courses and pre-marriage counselling offered by local churches.


Pray for wisdom to be given to those who have opposed the legal redefinition of marriage that, from this summer, allows same sex couples to marry. Pray that they will uphold their belief in traditional marriage and express their concerns in grace-filled ways.


Father, we pray for husbands and wives who have lost their partners and also for married couples who are growing older together. Please help them to be a shining example of the strength and beauty of such lifelong commitment and companionship. Amen.






Remember thousands of girls in the UK who come under physical, emotional and psychological pressure to enter a forced marriage, or who have already been made to do so, at home or abroad. Please pray for all who are trying to prevent this practice and help the victims.


Thanksgiving: that the Chancellor of the Exchequer has agreed to couples benefiting from a transferable tax allowance where one of them is not in paid employment. Pray that this undertaking will still be forthcoming after the 2015 General Election.


Intercede for those experiencing relationship problems to find a ‘safe place’ to talk and look for solutions. Ask God to help husbands and wives to repent genuinely of wrongdoing, forgive and make a fresh start with His help and the support of family and friends.



‘Marriage was ordained for a remedy and to increase the world and for the man to help the woman and the woman to help the man, with all love and kindness.’ (William Tyndale, 1494-1536) 14


GENEROUS JUSTICE ‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me (Jesus), because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’ LUKE 4:18,19 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)



EDUCATION SUNDAY Lord of all justice and mercy, please help children in our schools to appreciate the crucial importance of the peace, forgiveness and love that comes from You – between nations, in local communities and person to person. Amen.


Ask God to grant discernment and integrity to Christians serving within the judicial system: prosecutors, defence lawyers, solicitors, judges, magistrates, jury members, court officials and others in support roles.


Pray for Joel Edwards, International Director of Micah Challenge. Micah seeks to empower Christians to speak out for justice and turn compassion into action, and to hold governments accountable for their promise to halve extreme poverty by 2015 through the eight Millennium Development Goals. (


Lord of compassionate mercy and justice, we need Your Spirit’s help to show compassion and generosity to those in need. Thank You for all we have; please guide us in our giving and practical help for others. Amen.






WORLD SOCIAL JUSTICE DAY Pray that as this day is observed worldwide, more national governments and other powerful organisations will redouble their efforts to fight corruption and lift the most vulnerable people of our world out of poverty.


Thanksgiving: for the many volunteering opportunities to come alongside those in trouble: in the courts, prisons, with young offenders and those at risk because of social deprivation and criminal influences. Pray that many Christians will respond to these needs.


Please pray for us at CARE in our mission to affirm the dignity of every human being created in God’s image, and work for just laws that protect the most vulnerable, strengthen family life and support local church initiatives that make a Christian difference.



‘If a person has grasped the meaning of God’s grace in his heart, he will do justice. If he doesn’t live justly, then he may say with his lips that he is grateful for God’s grace, but in his heart he is far from him. If he doesn’t care about the poor, it reveals that at best he doesn’t understand the grace he has experienced, and at worst he has not really encountered the saving mercy of God. Grace should make you just.’ (Timothy Keller, Generous Justice)


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