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Pray for schools

WHAT others say ‘Pray for Schools is a fantastic initiative and YFC are thrilled to be part of it and cannot encourage you strongly enough to get involved.’ Gavin Calver General Director Youth for Christ

‘That every school across the UK should be a prayed-for school is a noble vision. It’s a prayer investment which will bear a long term God-generated return.’ Steve Clifford General Director, Evangelical Alliance


‘My wife led the prayer meeting for the school where I was Head for ten years. It was without doubt the most important gathering of the week. It’s vital that we pray for every school in the country.’ Tim Hastie-Smith National Director, Scripture Union

‘Staff in schools that ACT represents warmly welcome the prayers of Pray for Schools supporters – We are very pleased to be part of this initiative.’ Clive Ireson Co-Director Association Christian Teachers

‘Schools workers see first-hand pressures facing students. They welcome prayers for these young people.’

Amy Stock

Director, Schoolswork.Co.Uk

‘I wholeheartedly commend the work of Pray for Schools which I believe could have eternal consequences’ Rt Rev Wallace Benn Bishop of Lewes

CONNECT with us to register and find out more: email: phone: 0207 227 4737 web: is a joint initiative of the Association of Christian Teachers, CARE, Churches Together, New Generation, Scripture Union and Youth for Christ.

‘Pray for Schools is a frontline strategy... We’re 100% behind them’ 24-7 Prayer cover photo:

There are about

30,000 schools in the UK.

Pray for Schools’ vision is to see every one supported by regular Christian prayer. FAQs Who is behind PRAY FOR SCHOOLS? It’s a partnership between CARE, the Association of Christian Teachers, Churches Together in England, New Generation, Scripture Union and Youth for Christ sharing resources, networks and ideas.

Why connect with us? It will keep you in touch with what’s happening. As we link together the momentum of prayer for education and schools will grow.

Where is PRAY FOR SCHOOLS active? In England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Follow the website links.

How do I set up a prayer group? Appoint a leader, commit to meeting regularly, keep a record of what you pray for and how God answers. If you want to ‘go public’, get permission from the Head. Then register with Pray for Schools.

WHO can pray? parents and grandparents teachers and other staff school governors or school board members local churches, youth workers and prayer groups students

WHAT can we pray for? God’s blessing on the school wisdom, strength and peace for teachers and others, new staff and students decisions affecting curriculum, finances and community life academic success, exams social and behaviour concerns

Are young people praying too? Yes! More and more are meeting together, asking God to be at work in their schools.

individuals and families who particularly need prayer

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