Ross Letter Summer 22

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‘Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?’ Esther 4:14 (NLT)

Mordecai’s words to Queen Esther sum up CARE’s calling right now: to speak truth to power, with grace and love. This is what we’ve been doing in recent months - sometimes with great support and sometimes facing real opposition. If you subscribe to our weekly newsletter, Impact Direct, you’ll know that over the summer we’ve spoken up on behalf of victims of human trafficking caused by the war in Ukraine. To help people who are suffering from gambling related harms, we’ve championed major reforms to existing laws. And we’ve continued to advocate on behalf of children by pushing for the implementation of robust age checks to protect them from pornography, via the now delayed Online Safety Bill. All in their different ways have provided amazing opportunities to speak for the vulnerable in our Parliaments and Assemblies. However, when we stood up and welcomed the news from the US Supreme Court regarding the abortion laws in the US, we knew that there would be powers and forces seeking to silence our voice. Our message of compassion for vulnerable women and mothers and their children resonated with many. But it also placed a target on our backs. How I wish the following words were true for us: ‘make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: you should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.’ (1 Thessalonians 4:11,12 NIV).

We are certainly working hard to present the hope of the gospel across many areas of political decisionmaking, and we do win the respect of many outsiders. But persecution is the cost of doing gospel business in the public square. And so over July we had to defend ourselves against unjust attacks and untruths that sought to undermine our reputation and the respect many politicians have for our work. Sadly, the malicious press had a knock-on effect in terms of securing placements for next year’s Leadership Programme. I pay tribute to our tenacious Director, Philippa, who’s worked so hard to fill the gaps so that we still have a brand new cohort of graduates who’ve started with us this month. Of course, this points to the greater battle with ‘powers and principalities’, but with the armour of God we will not be deterred from the calling that has guided us over five decades of speaking truth to power. CARE is, in many ways, the mission agency to politics. We work in that mission field and train others and send them out to be tomorrow’s leaders of virtue and character. As missionaries to our nation’s political life how we do politics is as important as what we seek to achieve. And so, as a new Parliamentary year begins with a new Prime Minister at the helm, we will continue to speak truth in love and grace. We will not respond to hate with hate. We will not be overcome by fear or cynicism. We will seek to change hearts and minds with our arguments and how we present those arguments. It will be our goal to equip Christians in politics to be leaders of conviction (knowing and holding to the truth of God’s word) and civility (showing grace compassion and love to enemies as well as allies). And our prayer is that through our witness, others will also value virtue and strive for a better discourse in the public square. While new challenges emerge, our mission remains unchanged.

‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few.’ Matthew 9:37 (NIV) As our partners in this mission your support is vital. We are so thankful to you for whatever support you can give, and we are constantly humbled by the encouragement we receive. Thank you, and for this coming season would you: • •

Pray for us. For protection and a new year of opportunity, deepening relationships with politicians, their staff, and the new Leadership Programme graduates. Tell others about our work, and if you have not already, subscribe to our weekly newsletter Impact Direct, Prayer Diary, and YouTube channel where we hope to inform, educate, and bless you. Giving this year is down from where we hoped it would be and so please pray, and if appropriate, consider helping to provide for our mission and witness, including support for the new group starting their Leadership Programme year.

On behalf of all the team at CARE, the hundreds of Leadership Programme graduates and the many politicians we work with across the UK who seek to serve Jesus faithfully, thank you. Yours faithfully,



CARE (Christian Action Research & Education) | Chief Executive Ross Hendry | Chairman Rev Lyndon Bowring 53 Romney St, London, SW1P 3RF | 020 7233 0455 | | Charity No: 1066963 | Scottish Charity No: SC038911

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