Prayer Diary July - October 2020

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CARE Prayer Diary

In this issue: Carers Griefs of Abortion Teenage Pressures and Prospects Justice for the Poor Appreciation Children’s Wellbeing Mental Health Concerns Faith and Politics Globalisation and Peace Older People Wonders of Creation Vulnerable Girls and Boys Modern Day Slavery

‘No power in the sky above or in the earth below – indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ Romans 8:39 (NLT)

Scotland’s Forth Bridge opened in 1890. Over 1½ miles long and carrying 200 trains a day, this awe-inspiring structure is a World Heritage Site. • One of the most popular songs of all time, Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ was released in 1970. Few people know that its inspiration was a line in a gospel song imagining Jesus promising; “I’ll be your Bridge over deep water if you trust in Me.” • The following September, in 1971, tens of thousands of Christians gathered in Trafalgar Square for The Nationwide Festival of Light, declaring a new commitment to reach out across society to be ‘light and salt’. It marked the beginning of CARE’s history. • At that time many Christians used the ‘Bridge Tract’ to share the gospel with others. This illustrated how it is only the cross of Christ that can span the chasm between sinful human beings and a holy God. Many were converted through it.

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring. To read online please visit: careprayerdiary

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Celia Bowring

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SUN 26

Lord of all compassion, we lift to You the almost two-million-strong UK care workforce, faithfully undertaking tiring and disheartening tasks as they look after very vulnerable people in our society. Please meet their needs and shine the light of Your love into their lives. Amen.

MON 27

Father, we remember carers in the community who are often overworked, poorly paid and not given enough time for their important visits to people’s homes. Please make a way for them to receive resources so they can look after their clients efficiently and kindly. Amen.


God of love, please watch over residents and staff in care homes greatly affected by the coronavirus situation, especially with families unable to visit. Grant continuing compassion and fortitude as they face so many ongoing practical and emotional challenges. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

WED 29

Jesus our Good Shepherd, we remember those caring for children who have complex needs because of illness, disability, or a sensory impairment. Please grant them patience and fortitude as they faithfully continue daily routines, and extra strength to manage in times of added pressure. Amen.

‘May you be strengthened with all might according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy.’ COLOSSIANS 1:11 (NKJV) THURS 30

God our Healer, we pray that GP practices will be able to identify those among their patients who care for others and ensure they receive statutory benefits, frequent health checks and other support. May staff in surgeries be ready to respond appropriately to their needs. Amen.

FRI 31

Thank You, Lord, for the vital work of charities that support carers. Grant them wisdom as they provide information and advice, counselling and practical support, and respite care. Grant them success as they campaign to raise awareness and improve services for all carers. For Christ’s sake. Amen.


God our Provider, thank You for the army of unpaid carers who look after family and friends at home – many also juggling education and jobs, as well as their own health and other issues. Please help them to find vital support, respite and access to other resources they need. Amen.

Around 6.5 million people are unpaid carers, and 8 in 10 say they have felt lonely or socially isolated. In a 2018 survey, 72 per cent said their mental health suffered as a result of caring, whilst 61 per cent said their physical health suffered. Carer’s Allowance is the lowest benefit of its kind, at £67.25 per week. (CarersUK)


AUGUST 2 – 8



Strong Deliverer, we remember the millions of unborn children worldwide who are at risk in a prevailing culture that fails to recognise the value of human life. May many be rescued to lead fruitful lives. We pray for women to receive the compassionate care they need. Amen.


Father, we pray that more parents who discover that their unborn child may have a disability will continue with the pregnancy, despite the opposition and challenges they may face. Thank You for Your loving care and for the people living with disabilities who enrich our lives in remarkable ways. Amen.


God of justice, following the imposition on Northern Ireland – of some of the most liberal abortion laws in Europe – please give wisdom, opportunity and favour to politicians and others seeking to prevent similar legislation in Great Britain. May more MPs speak up for life. Amen.


Lord, we pray that increasingly staff in places where abortions take place may feel disturbed about their work, and the lasting physical and emotional effect on many clients. Please help them to face up to this and have courage to respond accordingly. Amen.

‘Jesus said, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. I am the Good Shepherd.”’ JOHN 10:10,11 (NLT) THURS 6


Merciful Lord, we pray the new evidence that unborn children can feel pain as early as 13 weeks into pregnancy will be accepted. We ask for those involved in terminations to reconsider whether a foetus has a right to life, and at the very least ensure that aborted babies do not suffer. Amen.


Lord our Healer, thank You for the gift of forgiveness through Christ, available to everyone. Please help anyone who is wrestling with guilt and sadness following an abortion, whether recent or long ago, to be set free by Your Spirit to make a fresh start. Please bless CARE’s Open ministry. Amen. (


Mighty God, we ask You to strengthen members of the All Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group and all other MPs, Peers, Members of the Scottish and Welsh Parliaments, and Stormont who give support in opposing attempts to further liberalise abortion in the UK. Amen.

In the UK in 2018, nearly 220,000 abortions took place; accounting for one in every four conceptions. Over nine million lives have been lost since 1967 — one unborn baby aborted every three minutes.

AUGUST 9 – 15


Father, please stir up a renewed sense of destiny and purpose in young people as lockdown lifts and they can begin to make plans. May the truth dawn in many of their hearts that their lives are Your handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, prepared in advance for them to do. Amen.

MON 10

Lord, we lift to You teenagers who are unable to fully enjoy relaxation and fun with family, friends, in camps and other venues because of coronavirus restrictions. Please bless activities being organised by local churches and Christian ministries; that these would bear much fruit. Amen.


God our Rock, please send help to rescue and restore young people who feel confused and discouraged. Especially protect those who are vulnerable because of troubled family life, destructive influences in their community, unhappy relationships and health problems. Amen.

WED 12

INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY Jesus, Light of the World, we pray for millions of children and young people to hear the transforming message of the gospel through friends, events, books, the internet and other means. Please grant them spiritual understanding and a desire to seek the truth and find new life in You. Amen.

‘My God brightens the darkness around me … He is a shield to those who trust Him … Who is the Rock? Only our God. God is my protection. He makes my way free from fault. He makes me like a deer, which does not stumble. He helps me stand on the steep mountains.’ PSALM 18:28, 30-33 (ICB) THURS 13

Lord of all knowledge and wisdom, we pray for everybody who will receive A level results based on predicted grades today, and those finding out about their GCSEs on 20 August. Please help them in their decisions about the future and comfort anyone who feels disappointed and disheartened. Amen.

FRI 14

God our Shield, please protect young people who are being targeted by criminal gangs. We pray for police, social workers and others concerned about children’s involvement in the use and distribution of drugs to have increasing success in identifying and rescuing victims. Amen.

SAT 15

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for every teenage girl and boy who believes in You and wants to grow through studying the Bible, praying, spending time with other Christians and sharing the gospel with their friends. Please fill them with Your Spirit of truth, joy, peace and love. Amen.

‘Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can.’ (John Wesley) 5

AUGUST 16 – 22


SUN 16

Lord Jesus, You brought relief, healing and hope to those You met who lived in poverty of many kinds. Help us to draw upon Your love, power and provision to do the same; meeting the needs of those we know and also praying for and giving to those far away. Amen.

MON 17

God of justice, we intercede for a radical shift in attitudes to wealth across society. Please grant wisdom to Chancellor Rishi Sunak and the Treasury as they address growing problems of poverty – made worse by Covid-19. We pray too for people to stand against racial discrimination, and for growing respect and appreciation of all people, regardless of their background. Amen.


Giver of life, we ask You to aid the many projects large and small that provide clean water and proper sanitation to those in very poor communities. We pray for this aid to come soon to the 630 million people who drink water from unprotected sources, often far from home. Amen.

WED 19

WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY God of all compassion, we pray for the safety and mental welfare of aid workers who deliver vital humanitarian help to refugee camps and other places distressingly affected by conflict, disease, extreme poverty and other factors. Amen.

‘The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him – the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, of knowledge and fear of the Lord … He will judge the needy, with justice He will give decisions for the poor of the earth … Righteousness will be His belt and faithfulness the sash round His waist.’ ISAIAH 11:2,4,5 (NIV) THURS 20


Thank You, Gracious Saviour, for the many organisations that provide opportunities for Christians to give generously and speak up on behalf of those who are oppressed and destitute. Grant wisdom and favour as they work at every level to promote justice and freedom. Amen.

FRI 21

Creator God, the world’s poorest inhabitants will suffer serious effects brought about by climate change. Please raise up wise and gracious campaigners to persuade powerful, rich and influential individuals and organisations to pursue just, workable solutions to help them. Amen.

SAT 22

Jesus, Bread of Life, we pray for the Government to be increasingly willing and able to provide better income support, especially for the five million people in households with children who experienced food insecurity during lockdown and still need to use food banks. Amen.

Weekly income (after housing costs) of households using food banks is on average £50. 1,200 of the UK’s 2,000 food banks are run by Trussell Trust, which reported 81 per cent greater need this March for emergency food parcels, compared to 2019. In lockdown, over 200,000 children skipped meals because families didn’t have enough food.

AUGUST 23 – 29

APPRECIATION Residents in Watford, London taking part in Clap for Carers

SUN 23

Holy God, we thank You for seeking and saving saints who lived before us, believers alive today and those yet to be born who together form Christ’s Body, His radiant, perfect Bride. Please remind us to express appreciation for all these spiritual sisters and brothers. Amen.

MON 24

God of grace, please teach us how to abandon our very human habit of complaining about minor problems; when compared with so many, we have so much. May we grow in empathy and generosity towards all who truly suffer and share Your goodness however we can. Amen.


Our Servant King, may we increasingly appreciate all who are employed, or work voluntarily, in difficult, distressing and hazardous jobs. For instance, removing landmines, dealing with refuse, giving medical care in adverse conditions and rescuing people in many dangers. Amen.

WED 26

Holy Spirit, please bring encouragement to people who are experiencing deep sadness, fear, pain and need, through the kindness and support of others, Your loving presence and as they notice small blessings and beauties that they see around them. Amen.

‘I thank my God in every remembrance of you, always offering every prayer of mine with joy [and with specific requests] for all of you, [thanking God] for your participation and partnership [both your comforting fellowship and gracious contributions].’ PHILIPPIANS 1:3-5 (AMP) THURS 27

Father, we were all so encouraged by so many people’s weekly show of appreciation for the dedication, courage, skill and compassion of NHS staff and others who carried on working throughout Covid-19. May this spirit of gratitude remain embedded in our national life. Amen.

FRI 28

Sustainer of the universe, thank You for the magnificent power, order and pattern of all You have made in the heavens, on earth, underground and in the deep waters. As autumn comes, please bless all who work through the harvest season to protect, cultivate and care for our world. Amen.

SAT 29

Lord, please reveal the truth to people who disbelieve or distrust You; that every good and perfect gift comes from You, ‘the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.’ May many humbly acknowledge that You died to save them. Amen.

‘Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose.’ ‘Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.’ (C.S. Lewis)


AUG 30 – SEP 5


SUN 30

BACK TO SCHOOL WITH GOD Good Shepherd, please reassure and strengthen children returning to school after so much disruption. Give them confidence as they go into new classes, maybe apprehensive about changes that will affect their learning, friendships and other aspects of school life. Amen. (

MON 31

Father, we remember children who lost out on so much during the Covid-19 lockdown: their education, social development, mental health, sports and many other activities. Please encourage teachers, families and friends to find ways to help them catch up. Amen.


SEPTEMBER IS CHILDHOOD CANCER AWARENESS MONTH Lord our Healer, we long for many more children to survive cancer. Of the 1,600 nought-to-14-year-olds who are diagnosed in the UK each year, 250 die. Please help those engaged in research, developing treatments and caring for patients, and grant many happy endings to their stories. Amen.


Creator God, we bring to You children who are exceptionally gifted, and therefore vulnerable in certain ways, praying for them to receive necessary support as they develop their skills and learn to relate to others. May they thrive and reach the potential You planted in them. Amen.

‘Now they were bringing even infants to Him that He might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to Him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”’ LUKE 18:15,16 (ESV) THURS 3


Lord of compassion, please grant peace to children who are experiencing mental health problems, and provide the healing and counselling they need. May many hear and believe the message of Your love, and how You welcome everyone who comes to You. Amen.


Thank You, Lord, for the thousands of Christian organisations across the world that care about the welfare of children in need and provide opportunities for education, health, leisure activities and other benefits. Please grant special success to ministries that also share Your gospel of grace and truth. Amen.


Loving Father, we pray for greater protection and support to be made available to children living in households where they are at risk because of domestic violence, addictive behaviour, neglect and other harm. Please help everyone who is trying to rescue them. Amen.

In the UK, 20 per cent of children have lived with an adult perpetrating domestic violence, with 62 per cent having been directly harmed. An estimated 39,000 babies under one year of age live with domestic violence in the UK.



Father, please pour out Your healing upon workers, who over many months gave so much in stressful circumstances caring for very sick patients with Covid-19. Now, may they recover from those mental and emotional strains, to resume their lives with renewed faith and hope. Amen.


Lord our Healer, please strengthen and grant healing to children and young people who are manifesting mental health problems – as many as one in eight. Grant insight to parents, teachers and others who can reassure, comfort and facilitate them to find paths of recovery. Amen.


Loving God, please draw those with mental health concerns into Christian communities where they can find acceptance, healing and true meaning for their lives. Equip Your people to receive these wounded souls and introduce them to the blessings of knowing You. Amen.


Lord of compassion, we pray for those who care for a family member or friend who has dementia. Help them to find ways to manage the constant upheaval, anxiety, sadness and strain this brings and grant moments of lucidity and laughter to lift their spirits. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

‘I’ve called your name. You’re mine. When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end – Because I am God, your personal God.’ ISAIAH 43:1-3 (MESSAGE) THURS 10

WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY God our Peace, please help us all to better understand the pain of isolation, fear, depression and stigma around mental illness, which affects so many – even sometimes leading to suicide. We pray for greater investment and access to treatment and care, so more people can recover. Amen.

FRI 11

Thank You, Lord, for promising that Your ‘peace which surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus’. Please grant a revelation of Your love and this truth to people who desperately need the salvation and healing that can only come from You. Amen.

SAT 12

Lord, we pray about the often-hidden problem of older people with mental health conditions who ‘self-harm’ which significantly increases the likelihood of suicide. May more cases be made known so that GPs and other health and care professionals can offer help to them. Amen.

Every year, suicide is among the world’s top 20 leading causes of death. It claims over 800,000 deaths, which equates to one suicide every 40 seconds. In 2018, there were 6,154 suicides in Great Britain and very many more people attempted to end their lives.



FAITH AND POLITICS National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast in Westminster Hall. Photo courtesy of the Bible Society

SUN 13

EDUCATION SUNDAY God of all wisdom and knowledge, we pray for Education Secretary Gavin Williams MP, and John Weir MLA, John Swinney MSP and Kirsty Williams AM who hold these positions in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Grant them insight to resolve the many difficulties caused by Covid-19. Amen.

MON 14

Jesus, Light of the World, please inspire Christians everywhere. Through praying, voting, expressing their opinions, standing for office and exercising authority, may they be effective light and salt in public life and influence those in leadership across society. Amen.


Lord of Life, we pray that plans by pro-choice politicians to liberalise abortion law across the United Kingdom will not succeed. Please grant success to individuals and organisations that are campaigning to reverse the current permission that allows babies with disabilities to be aborted up to birth. Amen.

WED 16

INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE OZONE LAYER Creator of all things, thank You that efforts to heal damage to the ozone layer – ‘a fragile shield of gas, protecting our planet from the harmful portion of the rays of the sun, thus helping preserve life’ – are succeeding. Please continue to motivate politicians and others to persevere with this. Amen.

‘God was with Joseph and rescued him from all his troubles. And God gave him favour before Pharaoh, king of Egypt … unusual wisdom, so that Pharaoh appointed him governor over all of Egypt and put him in charge of the palace.’ ACTS 7:9,10 (ESV) THURS 17


Father, we pray for politicians in high office who grew up in a Christian family or who heard the gospel message in the past, to reflect on the claims of Christ and be moved to pray about issues that concern them – particularly in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Amen.

FRI 18

Thank You, Lord, for the many Christian organisations, including CARE, that are actively engaged in politics. Please bless the work of Christians in Parliament, Christians in Politics, Gweini in Wales, Parliamentary Prayers Scotland, and Contemporary Christianity in Northern Ireland. Amen.

SAT 19

Christ our Cornerstone, we intercede that this country’s Judeo-Christian heritage on which our democracy, culture and values were established would remain firm despite rising secular beliefs and attitudes. Raise up many leaders who will speak and act in truth and wisdom. Amen.

‘Even for those who didn’t believe in God, there was a sense that our country is rooted in Christianity, that our liberties derive from the Christian idea of absolute human dignity … and what it means to be human. There may be reasons to … seek wisdom in the old ideas which are in my view entirely timeless.’ (Danny Kruger MP, maiden speech in Parliament.)



SUN 20

Sovereign God, thank You for the global benefits arising from growing cooperation between governments, churches and charities, businesses, science, technology and medical researchers, education and arts bodies. Please help all involved to act with integrity, wisdom and generosity. Amen.

MON 21

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE – ‘SHAPING PEACE TOGETHER’ Prince of Peace, we ask that conversations and shared activities today will help to spread compassion, kindness and hope as the world tries to recover from the pandemic. Please restrain any who would malevolently seek to use situations brought about by the virus to stir up discrimination or hatred. Amen.


God of all power, we pray for countries where poverty, racial inequality, unrest and inept, corrupt governments prevent them from prospering. Please raise up wise, honest leaders to negotiate trade and other agreements that will bring benefits to all their people. Amen.

WED 23

Father, please protect disadvantaged countries within the global economy from being exploited by unscrupulous governments and corporations. Halt their exerting of control to make unfair profits because labour costs are low and natural resources are readily available. Amen.

‘He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.’ ISAIAH 2:4 (KJV) THURS 24

Lord our Redeemer, we praise You for unprecedented opportunities to spread Your gospel of peace across the internet and other means of communication. Please help us to guard Your truth and share the message of salvation to millions of people worldwide. Amen.

FRI 25

Thank You, God of love, for the rapid response of Christian and other organisations that can identify need and send timely aid to crisis situations. We pray for cooperation and transparency between all parties involved, so that vital supplies arrive promptly and safely. Amen.

SAT 26

EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES Lord, please help people who feel isolated because the languages they speak are not commonly used elsewhere. We also remember those who are trying to revitalise languages that are falling out of use but have important cultural and social significance. Amen.

Globalisation happens as growing trade and cultural exchange between countries result in different parts of the world becoming increasingly interconnected. Advances in communications, improved transportation of goods and cheaper labour costs in some countries have accelerated this process.


SEP 27 – OCT 3


SUN 27

Father, thank You for the army of experienced retirement age Christians who have time, skills, giftings and inspiration to share with family, church, community, and beyond. Please open up excellent opportunities for them to flourish and serve in this rich season of life. Amen. (

MON 28

Thank You, Holy Spirit, that so many older people were able to access online church services and other Christian content during lockdown. Please continue to connect them with faith-filled people who will help them to deepen their spiritual lives and know Your peace. Amen.


Lord, we remember older people who are affected by loneliness that is brought about when they lack life-affirming communication and companionship with others. Please help churches and other groups to come alongside to offer friendship and support. Amen.

WED 30

Father, may Your mercy, compassion and peace strengthen and encourage residents in the UK’s 20,000 care homes, many of which were affected by Covid-19. Please help them and their carers to recover from the suffering, isolation and practical problems this caused. Amen.

‘The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green.’ PSALM 92:12-14 (ESV) THURS 1


INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR OLDER PERSONS Heavenly Father, as we look thirty years ahead, when 21 per cent of the world’s population will be 65 and over, please grant wisdom, compassion and insight to those who are responsible now for making plans to respond to the opportunities and challenges this will mean for us all. Amen.


Father, please bless Christian projects and other initiatives that support older people in developing countries, living in poverty and often also caring for orphaned grandchildren. May help come soon to meet their material, social, emotional and spiritual needs. Amen.


Thank You, Lord, for people in later life who inspire us by their faith in You, love for others and a determination to maximise the blessings of what they have. We pray for those coping with ill health, loneliness and poverty who find it hard to be positive. Amen.

Loving Father; my Rock in times of trouble, my Peace in times of distress and my Shelter from the storms of life. Be now my good and gracious Shepherd. Carry me on Your shoulder, my Saviour, and let me rest quietly in the crook of Your loving arms. Give me strength to face each day, for new every morning is Your love for me. Amen. (Anon)

OCTOBER 4 – 10



WORLD ANIMAL DAY Creator God, we praise You for the rich variety and beauty of the animal world. We cannot count the millions of species, and those yet to be discovered! Please prosper every initiative that preserves, protects and cares for these precious creatures. Amen.


Father, please grant success to law enforcers across the world as they track down criminal poachers and traffickers of precious wildlife, and stop the horror of wanton destruction of animals in order to steal ivory, rhino horn, tiger body parts and other sought-after items. Amen.


Lord, please grant wisdom as COP-26, the UN Climate Change Conference due to be held in Glasgow in November, is rescheduled; that after the upheaval of the pandemic, countries will have a fresh vision and greater determination to tackle serious environment challenges together. Amen.


‘Creator of the rolling spheres’, we remember all who work to extend our exploration of space and create technologies such as satellites that can enhance our lives in so many ways. As more is discovered about the universe may more people profess their awe of You. Amen.

‘Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? … Who laid its cornerstone – while the morning stars sang together, and all the angels shouted for joy? … Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place? … Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons … Who provides food for the raven?’ JOB 38:4,6,12,32,41 (NIV) THURS 8

Almighty God, please help those working to harness, in sustainable ways, the unmeasurable power of wind and water: in the atmosphere and oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and streams. May greater effort be made to eliminate toxic waste in these precious resources. Amen.


Thank You for answered prayer about the decline of the bee population, vital for pollinating many food crops; that in lockdown less pollution and grassy areas being left unmown improved survival rates. Help us to continue to protect them and other insects. Amen.

SAT 10

Lord, may we increasingly work in harmony with Earth’s natural restorative processes to counter effects of exploitation and climate change on many ecosystems and species. Grant success to projects that value resources, reduce pollution and waste, and protect wildlife. Amen.

£5 million is to be invested to create a National Forest in Wales: to preserve nature, improve biodiversity, and manage carbon from the atmosphere. The plan is to plant on at least 5,000 acres of land each year, increasing to 10,000; aiming to reduce carbon emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.


OCTOBER 11 – 17



INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL Father God, may this Day further the aim of galvanising ‘worldwide enthusiasm to better girls’ lives, providing an opportunity for them to show leadership and reach their full potential.’ We pray for the 15 million girls worldwide not in primary school who are unlikely to learn to read or write. Amen.

MON 12

Lord of all compassion, we bring before you the world’s 13 million child refugees and the relief workers and others protecting them. We pray for the many unaccompanied children who arrive in the UK to be securely settled and able to build a new life. Amen.


Jesus our Good Shepherd, we pray for further effective controls to be put in place to protect children online from predators seeking to harm them, and violent and pornographic material that affects their emotional wellbeing and understanding of normal healthy relationships. Amen.

WED 14

Father, we pray for vulnerable children who have experienced additional difficulties during lockdown due to relationship tensions, poverty, the interruption to their education, mental health problems and other factors. Please help them to recover as restrictions are lifted. Amen.

‘But you, Sovereign Lord, help me for your name’s sake; out of the goodness of your love, deliver me. For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.’ PSALM 109:21,22 (NIV) THURS 15

Lord, today, as Baby Loss Awareness Week ends with ‘a global wave of light’ with people across the world lighting candles to remember the little ones they lost, before or after birth, please help women who grieve to find caring support – like CARE’s Open ministry. Amen. (

FRI 16

God of mercy, thank You for every effort that seeks to improve conditions, education, health and pastoral care, and mentoring for young people in Young Offenders Institutions, Secure Training Centres and Children’s Homes, and after their release. Amen.

SAT 17

Lord our Deliverer, we intercede for the ten million children who are in modern slavery, forced into back-breaking work in mines, brick kilns, sweatshops, private homes, through sexual exploitation, begging and selling drugs. Please send them help. Amen.

Each year, 12 million girls are married before they are 18 – nearly one every three seconds. For millions, violence, and the fear of it, is a lurking, limiting threat, and a present danger for girls both at home and in public spaces. 14

OCTOBER 18 – 24


SUN 18

ANTI-SLAVERY DAY Father, we intercede for the millions of people worldwide who have been forced into slavery, suffering physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Nothing is hidden from You and we entreat You to bring justice to both the victims and perpetrators of this evil trade. Amen.

MON 19

Lord, we lift to You the predicament of vulnerable trafficked children, many being rescued only to disappear once more into the clutches of traffickers. We ask that more independent advocates and guardians will be appointed across the UK to protect and support them in their trauma and fear. Amen.


Lord, please increase the skills, opportunities and discernment of Border Force officers to help them to identify potential victims of slavery entering the country. We pray too for staff working for airlines, ferries, railways and travel companies to be alert to this problem. Amen.

WED 21

God of freedom, we pray that businesses and other organisations will make ever greater efforts to eradicate slavery throughout their supply chains, both within the UK and abroad. May growing public pressure urge them to deal with this injustice and misery. Amen.

‘The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Saviour; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my Shield, the Power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my Refuge … the one who saves me from violence.’ 2 SAMUEL 22:2,3 (NLT) THURS 22

Father of the fatherless, we intercede for the thousands of modern slavery victims in the UK who are hidden and powerless to escape from their servitude. Please may many more situations come to light, bringing lasting freedom and restoration for those who are rescued. Amen.

FRI 23

Thank You, Lord, for the patient determination of abolitionists and support agencies who are fighting the scourge of human trafficking. May their passion for freedom be united and increasingly effective, resulting in the freedom of many and the successful prosecution of perpetrators. Amen.

SAT 24

God of justice, we pray that the Modern Slavery Victim Support Bill will successfully pass through Parliament, providing victims effective support for longer. Please strengthen and encourage Lord McColl and Iain Duncan Smith MP, the sponsors of this vital legislation. Amen.

The Government only guarantees 45 days of support to confirmed victims of slavery in England and Wales, so they are unlikely still to have a roof over their heads or money to pay for their basic needs. They are unable to work legally, and if no-one helps them to re-build their lives are at risk of being re-trafficked. (


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