Prayer Diary Oct-Jan 2021

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CARE Prayer Diary

In this issue: Keeping Safe Widows Fatherlessness Compassion for the Poor Social Justice Special Needs in Education Integrity in Government Welcoming Immigrants The Worldwide Church Architecture and Buildings Closing Years of Life Media and Communication Caring for Nature

‘May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.’ PSALM 20:1 (NIV)

Our cover shows Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments. Two thousand years later, Jesus said that He didn’t come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets, but to accomplish their purpose. ‘I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved’. Jesus wonderfully fulfilled the Law’s demands, many of which concerned the most needy in society, through His life, death and resurrection. Several topics in this Prayer Diary focus on particular groups, including those described by Nicholas Wolterstorff as ‘the quartet of the vulnerable’ – referring to the words of Zechariah 7:10 ‘Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor.’ CARE will shortly send a letter to our supporters from Lyndon Bowring on this subject. CARE’s work is rooted in our commitment to uphold all human life: the unborn and their mothers, the frail and elderly person, the trafficked victim, those enslaved by gambling addiction, and children at risk because of degrading material online.

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring. To read online please visit: careprayerdiary

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Celia Bowring

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OCTOBER 25 – 31


SUN 25

Father God, we praise You for the eternal security and hope that is ours through trusting in Christ who died and rose again to deliver us from sin and death and reconcile us to You. Please strengthen those who feel weak in their faith and protect them from all harm. Amen.

MON 26

Holy God, please enable us to protect children from degrading, damaging and demoralising pornography online, including on social media. We pray for the government to implement legal age-verification requirements on websites and find other ways to keep young people safe online. Amen.


NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR LIFE God of all compassion, we grieve that even more terminations have taken place across Great Britain than in previous years – now too in Northern Ireland and the Republic. We intercede for this tragic tide to turn; for greater support for women and protection of unborn lives. Amen.

WED 28

Lord our Healer, we long for Covid-19 to diminish so that people throughout the world may be delivered and can recover from its terrible scourge: causing death, sickness, economic and personal hardship. Grant wisdom to governments and health professionals who are seeking to keep everyone safe. Amen.

‘From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy. Let me dwell in Your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of Your wings!’ PSALM 61:2-4 (ESV) THURS 29

Lord, we lift to You children, women and men who are victims of domestic abuse of any kind; unable to break free from their suffering and fear. Please enable them to contact those who can keep them safe, provide care and bring perpetrators to justice. Amen.

FRI 30

Lord, we so appreciate those who serve around the clock to protect us from attacks of many kinds, maintain law and order, respond to emergencies and care for the vulnerable. Please help them in their work, and prompt them to look to You for strength in times of need. Amen.

SAT 31

God our Rock, please draw near to anyone who is in danger today – from accidents, exposure to natural disasters, illness, oppression or attack. We call to You to rescue and strengthen them in Your mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

‘What truth can calm the troubled soul? God is good, God is good. Where is His grace and goodness known? In our great Redeemer’s blood.

Who holds our faith when fears arise? Who stands above the stormy trial? Who sends the waves that bring us night Unto the shore, the rock of Christ?’ (Keith Getty and others)





INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH Lord, hear the prayers of Your people around the world in the midst of intense suffering. Please remind them; although ‘weeping may endure for a night, joy comes in the morning’, whether in this life or the next. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. (prayer from Barnabas Fund)


God, our Protector, we intercede for the many widowed women overseas who suffer hardship because they have no inheritance rights and must surrender their property, money and land to their husband’s family. Please help those fighting for justice and dignity on their behalf. Amen.


Heavenly Father, we pray for all who have been widowed as a result of Covid-19. Please grant that vulnerable women in communities where healthcare systems are already weak and longterm food supplies have been wiped out, will receive a fair share of international aid. Amen.


Lord, please shine Your truth and grace into communities and cultures where traditions around widowhood mean bereaved women suffer social stigmas that create exclusion and discriminatory or harmful practices. May radical changes take place, bringing freedom and compassion to all. Amen.

‘God shows no partiality and cannot be bribed. He ensures that widows and orphans receive justice.’ DEUTERONOMY 10:17,18 (NLT)



God of all comfort, please strengthen recently widowed women and men known to us, who may be carrying burdens of grief, loneliness, vulnerability and new responsibilities. Grant them Your peace and love especially through family and friends in this sad and difficult time. Amen.


Lord our Helper, we celebrate the growth in poor countries of local self-help groups, micro-enterprises and community projects where widows pool their resources, learn new skills and support one another. Please give insight to those providing for these initiatives so they become more widespread. Amen.


Lord, we pray for greater concern about the plight of the millions of impoverished widows in the developing world. May governments, international bodies, relief and development agencies, charities and churches increase their commitment to bring support and justice to them. Amen.

There were an estimated 258 million widows in 2015 but increased conflict, Covid and other health crises suggest there are now many more. In parts of eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, it is reported that around 50 per cent of women are widows. Globally, nearly one in ten of widows live in extreme poverty – many of them victims of injustice and abuse.




REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY ‘Commemorating the contribution of British and

Commonwealth servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later conflicts’.

Lord, we gratefully remember all who died to uphold freedom and justice. Please comfort their bereaved families and grant healing and peace to all who have been wounded in body, mind and spirit. Amen. MON 9

God of all compassion, we pray for children who are fatherless because of death or separation and other difficult circumstances. We ask You to strengthen them as they face life with such a great gap in their lives. Amen.


Lord, please bring help to the millions of children who have been orphaned as a result of conflict, famine, disease, abandonment and separation from their families; in refugee camps, poor rural areas, on the streets of cities and other places where they are vulnerable. Amen.

WED 11

Father God, we remember children at risk through the neglect, violence, addictions and criminality of family members – or from gangs they join in their search for identity, security and a sense of belonging. Please help social workers and others seeking to support and encourage them. Amen.

‘God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.’ 2 CORINTHIANS 1:3,4 (NLT) THURS 12

God of comfort, please bring healing and wholeness to children and young people suffering with mental health and other problems stemming from fatherlessness and family breakdown, which can disrupt their education and impede their development into well-balanced young adults. Amen.

FRI 13

WORLD KINDNESS DAY Father to the fatherless, we give thanks for Your compassion, and especially for setting so many children in families through adoption, fostering and other care, in situations where parents are unable to provide the stability, love and support that is so necessary for them to thrive. Amen.

SAT 14

Lord, we pray for a greater shift in society towards a belief that a couple’s commitment to marriage is the best basis for family life, whilst offering encouragement and support to those raising their children in the UK’s 2.9 million lone parent families – 90 per cent of them mothers. Amen.

‘93 per cent of parents who stay together until their child’s 15th birthday are married … Being married not only influences the chances of families staying together but also the well-being of their children. It is not being moralistic or judgmental to say marriage works best for families. It is a statement of fact.’ (Sir Paul Coleridge, Marriage Foundation)


NOVEMBER 15 – 21


SUN 15

God, You care for those who are trapped in poverty and call us to do all we can to alleviate their suffering and help to improve the circumstances of their lives. Please stir our hearts to give generously, to pray faithfully and speak out for justice and mercy wherever possible. Amen.

MON 16

Lord our Healer, we intercede for people in the 43 countries with the highest poverty rates, whose lives have been devastated by Covid-19 and its aftermath. Please grant wisdom and determination to governments and organisations to find ways to meet this great need. Amen.


PRAY DAY FOR SCHOOLS Lord, as we rightly pray for our local schools, we also remember that nearly 60 million children have no access to education. Please equip and provide for those seeking to provide even basic education for girls and boys, regardless of gender, disability, remoteness and poverty, in the world’s neediest areas. Amen.

WED 18

Father, thank You for the many UK charities that provide aid in times of crisis, especially the 14 members of the Disasters Emergency Committee that since 1963 has responded to scores of major humanitarian catastrophes. Please grant continued success in their public appeals. Amen.

‘God will generously provide all you need … and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”’ 2 CORINTHIANS 9:8,9 (NLT) THURS 19


WORLD TOILET DAY – ‘2 billion people have nowhere safe to go to the toilet.’ Dear God, please bless the work of initiatives like Tearfund’s Toilet Twinning and inspire many more people to sponsor life-saving projects that enable poor communities and families to build a toilet, have access to clean water and learn about hygiene – especially in the context of Covid-19. Amen.

FRI 20

UNIVERSAL CHILDREN’S DAY – marks UN Rights of the Child Convention. Father, thank You for the Convention’s excellent aims: for childhood to be a special, protected time, when children are allowed to grow, learn, play, develop and flourish with dignity. Please prosper every project that is seeking to fulfil this ideal. Amen.

SAT 21

Lord, we remember those in this country who feel desperate because they cannot provide for themselves and their families. Please show politicians, and others responsible for meeting these needs, how to rebuild communities that are broken through neglect and lack of investment. Amen.

CARE works closely with The Centre for Social Justice which has identified Five Pathways to Poverty: Family Breakdown; Educational Failure; Worklessness and Dependency; Addiction; and Serious Personal Debt. All these problems are interconnected, and many people trapped in poverty have experienced more than one of them.

NOVEMBER 22 – 28


SUN 22

Lord Jesus Christ, You and the Father are one. May Your anger at injustice be alive in us. May Your love and wisdom shown to humanity find solutions that work for poor people. May Your compassion inspire us to put solutions into practice. And may all our work be not in our own strength, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Church Action on Poverty – Hazel Palmer)

MON 23

God of all freedom, we remember those who are trapped in slavery of any kind. We pray that UK legislation will soon be amended to properly protect and provide for victims of trafficking and exploitation through the passing of Lord McColl’s Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill. Amen.


Lord, many serious inequalities exist in Britain and we pray for those who are unfairly disadvantaged and discriminated because of ethnicity, social class or beliefs. Please help local and central governments to address injustice and invest generously where the need is greatest. Amen.

WED 25

ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN DAY Lord, please draw near to women and girls who are being abused physically, sexually and psychologically. We especially cry to You for freedom and healing for the 71 per cent of all human trafficking victims across the world who are female – three out of four of whom are sexually exploited. Amen.

‘Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless.’ PROVERBS 31:8 (Good News Translation) THURS 26

CARERS’ RIGHTS DAY – 6.5 million people care for someone who is older, disabled or seriously ill.

Dear Lord, please help those who look after others as they navigate through the complications of our health and social services, to access information and receive support to cope with the pressures of caring. Amen. ( FRI 27

Heavenly Father, thank You for the many opportunities churches take to help people in need: providing foodbanks, homeless shelters, debt advice, job clubs, support for families and frail people and many other projects that demonstrate the love and truth that is at the heart of the gospel. Amen.

SAT 28

Almighty God, You are holy and righteous, yet Jesus laid down His life to deliver us from sin and grant us eternal life. Please help us always to reflect Your divine justice, forgiveness and compassion towards all that You have made, in how we live and relate to others. Amen.

‘As Christians, the building blocks of social justice lie in human dignity, human flourishing, and the sacredness of life. The source of social justice is God’s perfect righteousness, justice, and radical love.’ (Adam Taylor, World Vision)


NOV 29 – DEC 5


SUN 29

ADVENT BEGINS Lord our Emmanuel, we joyfully celebrate Your coming as a vulnerable baby at Christmas and in glory and majesty at the end of the age! Please grant particular awareness to those with special needs of Your great love for them, that they may know and praise You as Saviour and Friend. Amen.

MON 30

God of compassion, we know that lockdown and other aspects of Covid-19 have been difficult for many people with disabilities, including children. Please help them to readjust to a return to more normal life, especially in regards to catching up with schoolwork and with other educational activities. Amen.


Dear Lord, we pray that more children and young people with disabilities who feel excluded from activities will find opportunities to join teams, clubs and church groups where they can engage in pursuits that are adapted to their needs and provide great satisfaction and joy. Amen.


God of all wisdom, please help local authorities to make well-informed and fair assessments of children’s special educational needs to enable them to access the education and other resources they need to flourish and develop. Amen.

‘He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.’ ISAIAH 40:11 (NIV) THURS 3


INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Father, we pray for the tens of millions of children across the world with special needs and disabilities who are unable to go to school. Please bless these children and encourage parents and other carers who are trying to help them to gain some measure of education and independence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Lord, we remember the UK’s 2,000-plus special needs schools, and the coordinators, teachers, therapists, learning support assistants, and others working with young people with special needs. Please grant them energy, patience and love as they care for their students. Amen.


INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEERS DAY Gracious Lord, we celebrate and thank you for the generosity of those who volunteer their time and skills to make a difference in our world. Please especially bless projects that care for those who are in greatest need of material, emotional and spiritual help and draw many close to Your loving heart. Amen.

‘I, with shrivelled, bent fingers, atrophied muscles, gnarled knees, and no feeling from the shoulders down, will one day have a new body, light, bright, and clothed in righteousness— powerful and dazzling. Can you imagine the hope this gives? No other religion, no other philosophy promises new bodies, hearts, and minds. Only in the Gospel of Christ do hurting people find such incredible hope.’ (Joni Eareckson Tada)




Almighty God, from whom alone cometh all counsel, wisdom, and understanding; we most humbly beseech thee to send down thy Heavenly Wisdom, to direct and guide us in all our consultations; and grant that, laying aside all private interests, prejudices, and partial affections, the result of all our counsels may be to the glory of thy blessed Name. Amen. (from a Parliamentary prayer)


Lord, as the transition stage following Brexit comes to an end, we pray for those engaged in negotiations between the EU and the UK, and other arrangements further afield. Please help everyone to maintain standards of justice and integrity as they seek to finalise agreements and new rules. Amen.


Prince of Peace, we intercede for a return to respect, tolerance and trust between people who hold opposing political opinions in our communities. Please help us all to demonstrate integrity and grace as we discuss important controversial issues. Amen.


INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION DAY Holy God, please raise up many in this generation who will fight for truth, justice, transparency and integrity at every level. Please expose those who cheat and deceive, especially criminals who exploit vulnerable people. Amen.

‘Judge the people with just judgment. You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. You shall follow what is altogether just.’ DEUTERONOMY 16:18-20 (NKJV) THURS 10

HUMAN RIGHTS DAY Lord, we intercede for people around the world whose basic human rights have been taken away. May these situations stir hearts to champion the cause of those who have no liberty to speak and live honourably according to their beliefs. Please help us to vigilantly guard these precious freedoms. Amen.

FRI 11

Lord, we thank you for those who never compromise in their work and business lives by engaging in activities they believe to be wrong, taking dubious short cuts or dealing with dishonest people. Please reward their integrity and uphold their reputations. In Christ’s name. Amen.

SAT 12

Lord our Provider, please grant wisdom to those responsible for major projects that are proving to be counterproductive. Help them to admit mistakes and be wise in the difficult decisions they may need to make. Amen.

Corruption poses a significant threat; it weakens democratic institutions, contributes to governmental instability and erodes trust. Corruption threatens the economy by undermining fair competition and discouraging investment and trade. It disproportionately affects disadvantaged groups by preventing social inclusion, promoting inequality and inhibiting prosperity.


DECEMBER 13 – 19


Migrants are people who move across an international border or within a state, away from their habitual place of residence. Migrants who have fled war, violence, conflict or persecution and crossed an international border to find safety in another country are called refugees. SUN 13

Father, may we always be open-hearted towards people from other countries and unfamiliar cultural and religious groups. Thank You that the gospel transcends all differences and is for every tribe and nation. Amen.

MON 14

Lord, we pray that the EU Settlement Scheme for people to stay here when Brexit is completed will result in individuals and families being treated fairly and efficiently. We also remember the thousands who are seeking asylum because they are at serious risk in their own countries. Amen.


God of mercy, we intercede for the millions of stateless people, many deemed outsiders despite their deep ties to a particular country, who are denied a nationality and lack access to basic rights such as education, health care, employment and freedom of movement. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

WED 16

Lord, please grant wisdom, compassion and strength to those involved – in patrol and rescue missions, at reception centres, police and immigration officers, and others – with the perilous and illegal Channel crossings attempted by thousands of desperate migrants. Amen.

‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’ LEVITICUS 19:33,34 (NIV) THURS 17


Father God, please bless those countries that host the most refugees: Turkey, Columbia, Pakistan, Uganda, Germany, Sudan, Iran, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Ethiopia. Help all who send aid and work to support destitute people. Amen.

FRI 18

INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS DAY Dear God, thank You for the immense contribution made by millions of migrants to the economies of both their host and home countries. May governments respect the basic human rights of all those living and working in their countries. Amen.

SAT 19

Lord, we thank You for the rich benefits brought to Britain across the centuries by people, many of them Christians, from other countries; through their hard work, creativity and culture. Help us to make today’s immigrants feel welcome as they adapt to their new life. Amen.

There are 272 million migrants across the world, about 3.5 per cent of the global population – 51 million more than in 2010. Of these, about 80 million have been forcibly displaced with nearly 26 million of them registered as refugees, half of whom are under 18 years old.

DECEMBER 20 – 26


Father, after this very turbulent year may Christmas services and other events this week; in buildings, the open air, broadcast and online, attract many who are seeking the mercy and grace that only comes from You. Please draw them by Your Spirit to receive the promise of eternal life. Amen.

MON 21

Lord of light and truth, please raise up increasing numbers of Christians with gifts of evangelism, preaching and teaching Your Word throughout the world. We especially pray for people in countries where this is forbidden; that they will hear and understand the gospel and that many will choose to follow You. Amen.


Holy Spirit, please help us to understand and respond appropriately to the prayer of Jesus, ‘keep them in Your name, that they may be one, even as we are one.’ This Christmas as we worship, grant a fresh flourishing of this divine unity that speaks of Your truth and grace, so that the gospel message of love and peace can reach further across our hurting world. Amen.

WED 23

Thank You Lord for the surge of people who accessed Christian online services and other events during lockdown. Please continue to bless these and other initiatives of churches and ministries that offer spiritual and practical advice, information and support as we move to a ‘new normal’. Amen.

‘From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.’ EPHESIANS 4:16 (NIV) THURS 24

Faithful God, we lift to You our sisters and brothers in countries where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Please comfort those in prison, provide for those in need and grant hope and courage to all who suffer. Strengthen us to pray and give whatever support we can to help them. Amen.

FRI 25

CHRISTMAS DAY Lord Jesus Christ, today we join in the joyful heavenly anthem of the saints of all ages! We praise and thank You for coming as a helpless babe, to dwell among us in grace and truth and give Your life to deliver us from the power of sin, the devil and death. We worship You, our Lord Emmanuel! Amen.

SAT 26

Lord, we thank You for every Christian ministry both in the UK and in faraway places that are bringing relief to those who are poor, sick, imprisoned, deprived of education, meaningful work, safety and a future. Please strengthen them with a spirit of generosity, mercy and hope and provide for their needs. Amen.

‘The Church is the Body of Christ, and the Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. He fills the Body, directs its movements, controls its members, inspires its wisdom, supplies its strength. He guides into all truth, sanctifies its agents, and empowers for witnessing.’ (Samuel Chadwick 1860—1932)


DEC 27 – JAN 3


SUN 27

Almighty God, we worship You for the magnificent design and substance of the universe and the beautiful complexity of each atom that is part of it. Thank You for inspiring and equipping human beings to be creative stewards in Your world to act for the benefit all who live in it. Amen.

MON 28

Lord, please help people whose properties have been damaged by floods, storms or fire to find alternative places to live and work. We pray too for survivors of disasters, such as Grenfell Tower, and also the estimated 56,000 people housed in buildings with the same cladding that was responsible for the fire. Amen.


Father, we pray for the one million UK households on waiting lists for social housing, many living in temporary, overcrowded or insanitary accommodation. Please open up ways to provide the estimated four million homes needed by 2035 and to provide now for those in need. Amen.

WED 30

Lord, we remember those in the construction industry, such as architects, planners, surveyors, labourers, engineers, technicians, landscapers and decorators. We pray for safety and adequate resources to complete the many building projects, especially residential, needed across the country. Amen.

‘Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it? If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you’re going to look pretty foolish.’ LUKE 14:28,29 (MESSAGE) THURS 31


Thank You, Lord, for the creative genius of architects, builders, craftsmen and artists down the ages who have left a rich legacy – from cathedrals to bridges, palaces to parliaments, houses to civic buildings. Please grant wisdom and resources to those responsible for preserving them. Amen.


NEW YEAR’S DAY Lord Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever; we commit this New Year to You. In Your mercy please strengthen us for the days ahead, direct our ways and provide for our needs; that we might in turn be a blessing to others. We entrust our bodies, souls and spirits to You. Amen.


Lord, please grant success to every initiative to empower people in poor communities around the world to construct safe homes, schools, hospitals, churches and other buildings that will help to provide employment, security, education, health, spiritual growth and social cohesion. Amen.

‘Good housing for families is the catalyst to break the cycle of poverty and it attracts economic investment. A safe, decent home improves the health of the whole family and its community by limiting the spread of diseases. It is a place to live and store goods safely, and start new businesses with lockable doors and windows.’ (





Father, thank You for the affirmation, wisdom, listening ear and practical help that many older people give to their families and friends – especially when sharing their experiences of Christian faith. Please help these relationships to flourish and be reciprocal as needs change and years go by. Amen. WORLD BRAILLE DAY – to create awareness of visually impaired individuals and encourage businesses and governments to create opportunities for them.

Lord, please encourage individuals who are affected by their lack of sight and help them to live as independently and successfully as possible. Thank You for Braille and the many other aids that enable visually impaired and blind people to access help and information, communicate, travel and work. Amen. TUES 5

Dear Lord, we pray for those grieving for older people who died last year as a result of Covid-19 especially the tens of thousands in care homes where life has been so sad and stressful for staff, residents and their families. Amen.


God of justice and compassion, we intercede that any attempts to legalise physician assisted suicide would fail. Grant that the value of all human life, whether someone has a disability, is terminally ill or is very old and frail, will be upheld by the UK Parliaments and N. Ireland Assembly. Amen.

‘You have been with me from birth; from my mother’s womb you have cared for me. No wonder I am always praising you! My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection … And now, in my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t abandon me when my strength is failing.’ PSALM 71:6-9 (NLT) THURS 7

Father, we remember people who are on life support, in a deep coma or with ‘locked in’ syndrome – seemingly unconscious but not brain-dead. Please guide doctors and other professionals, family and friends who may be uncertain about what is right to do in these tragic situations. Amen.


God of love, please help the nine per cent of people aged 70 and over who say they are often lonely, the 24 per cent of that age-group who have difficulty with daily life activity, and the 2.65 million older people who feel they have no one to turn to for help. Amen. (Age UK)


Lord, thank You for all who work and volunteer in the hospice care sector that supports over 225,000 people with terminal and life-limiting conditions each year. Please grant comfort and peace to patients and their loved ones. Amen.

‘Hospice care aims to affirm life and death, working with and within local communities to tailor palliative care around the needs of those with a terminal or life-shortening condition, and support their carers, friends and family before and after bereavement. Staff and volunteers offer expert support that places equal emphasis on clinical, physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, understanding that everyone will be different.’ (


JANUARY 10 – 16


SUN 10

God of all grace, thank You for so many media opportunities to share the gospel throughout the world. We especially pray for those in countries where people are persecuted for following You, that they will hear and receive the truth that sets them free. Amen.

MON 11

Lord, we remember those who work in press, broadcast and online media as journalists, columnists, editors, bloggers, photographers and in other roles. Please help them to be discerning, thorough and fair – especially when working to tight deadlines and expected to adopt certain viewpoints. Amen.


God of truth, we pray about the increase in ‘fake news’ where information on issues such as politics, climate change, famous individuals’ words and actions is false, misleading, and often shared by millions of people. Please help us all to be more discerning and responsible in this matter. Amen.

WED 13

Father God, grant that our laws will continue to uphold freedom of expression and opinion with which others may disagree, whilst wisely protecting people from violence, discrimination and marginalisation. Please help us to defend this precious liberty. Amen.

‘When you tell the truth, justice is done, but lies lead to injustice. Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.’ PROVERBS 12:17,18 (GOOD NEWS TRANSLATION) THURS 14

Merciful Lord, we pray for people in the public eye who are bombarded with hateful messages via social media. Please guide those with the power and ability to stop this happening and to find effective solutions whilst safeguarding people’s freedom of speech. Amen.

FRI 15

God, we give You thanks for the amazing variety and the high quality of so much of our media. Please continue to inspire people who work in the industry who demonstrate integrity, creativity, positive values, professional standards and great ability to entertain and educate. Amen.

SAT 16

Lord, we pray about the decline in press freedom in many areas of the world, especially North Korea, Turkmenistan, Eritrea, China, Djibouti, and Vietnam and the UK ranking 35 of 180 countries. In Your mercy give courage and help to journalists and others who are determined to report the truth. Amen.

‘75 per cent of UK adults depend on television to know the news. 58 per cent of all adults access the BBC, followed by ITV - 40 per cent and Facebook - 35 per cent. On measures such as quality, accuracy, trustworthiness and impartiality users rated magazines first followed by TV.’ (Ofcom) 14

JANUARY 17 – 23


SUN 17

Mighty God, You have created everything there is and nothing is beyond Your sovereign control. Grant wisdom and resolve to world leaders to tackle serious environmental problems by reducing pollution, protecting vulnerable habitats and investing in efficient green technology. Amen.

MON 18

Lord, we pray that initiatives around the world to plant trees and protect forests and woodland will be well managed in order to maximise their effect of reducing carbon in the atmosphere, providing protection from floods and storms and preserving wildlife. Amen.


Father, please help us all to avoid plastic packaging and other materials that cannot be recycled, and to carefully sort our own refuse. We pray that all local authorities will prioritise effective and transparent environment-friendly ways of recycling items and treating waste. Amen.

WED 20

Lord, we intercede for people whose homes and livelihoods are under threat as a result of climate events such as drought, storms, flooding, forest fires, soil erosion and other problems. Please help every agency that is supporting them. Amen.

‘And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”’ GENESIS 1:28 (ESV) THURS 21

Dear God, we pray that George Eustice MP, the Secretary of State responsible for the Environment Bill, and others working on it, will succeed in regulating and implementing effective measures to improve air and water quality, tackle plastic pollution, restore wildlife, and address other environmental problems. Amen.

FRI 22

Lord, we thank You that more people are opting to buy groceries, clothing and other goods that are ethically produced because of their concerns about the environment, animal welfare, social justice and human rights. Amen.

SAT 23

Creator God, we pray for more Marine Conservation Zones to be established, to protect important, rare and threatened habitats and species in oceans, seas, lakes and estuaries. Please help more governments to support these initiatives and ensure that these zones are properly managed. Amen.

At least eight million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year, making up 80 per cent of all marine debris. Plastic has been detected on shorelines of all the continents, especially near popular tourist destinations and densely populated areas. Ingesting plastic debris or becoming entangled by it causes severe injuries and death to marine species.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.