East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Care and Support Services Directory 2021/22

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 Supported employment In addition to day opportunities, you could get support to find a job from the following services. Brighton & Hove The Supported Employment Team provides help for people with a disability to find work and stay in work. • Tel: 01273 295961 Email: SET@brighton-hove.gov.uk Web: brighton-hove.gov.uk/supportedemployment Falls Prevention If you have concerns about falling, or have fallen recently, you should talk to your GP. They will be able to provide you with information and advice and might refer you on to local services which can help to reduce your falls risk. East Sussex The Joint Community Rehabilitation Service can offer free assessments and support to reduce the risk of falling if you meet certain criteria. You can be referred to the service by any healthcare professional, including your GP, social worker or district nurse.

Brighton & Hove There is a wide range of physical activity practitioners and groups that can help with balance and strength. Examples include Zumba, health walks, Pilates, yoga and chair-based exercise. To find out more, look at the ‘activity finder’ on brighton-hove.gov.uk/ sportsdevelopment Ageing Well This organisation can signpost you to local services for improving your strength and balance. Tel: 01273 322947 Text: 07770 061072 Email: ageingwellbh@impact-initiatives.org.uk Osteoporosis and Falls Prevention Service For adults living locally who are at risk of falls. If you wish to discuss whether a referral is appropriate, please contact the service. If appropriate, your GP will be able to make a referral on your behalf as this service does not accept self-referrals. Tel: 01273 265574 Email: SC-TR.FallsServiceENQs@nhs.net

Equipment and adaptations Adult Social Care will work with you to look at ways to help you stay independent. As part of this it will consider whether there is any daily living equipment that might help you, or adaptations that could be made to your home. You can start your assessment online to look at how you manage everyday tasks and move around your home by visiting eastsussex.gov.uk/socialcare/assess-yourself

free information and advice about equipment and will also offer you an assessment if appropriate. However, if you want to buy your own equipment, or pay for an occupational therapist to assess you in your home, visit the Safe and Well website at safeandwell.co.uk/brighton-hove or phone 01273 894359.

If you live in East Sussex, and if you are eligible for support to help make your home safe, then you may be offered an occupational therapy clinic appointment. The clinics will enable you to speak to a member of the occupational therapy service, who will help you to identify equipment and small adaptations that could help. The clinics can also support you to access a carers’ assessment. Please contact Health and Social Care Connect to find out more.

Adapting your home If you, or someone living in your property, have a disability, you may benefit from an adaptation to your home, such as a stairlift or level-access shower. Depending on your needs, you may be able to receive a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) to help with the cost of your adaptations. A DFG is a means-tested grant administered by local Councils according to need. You can apply whether you are the owner of the property or a tenant. However, you may have to pay a contribution towards the cost.

In Brighton & Hove, Access Point can offer you

Adult Social Care will advise you, see contact details


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