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What Can I Do With a Major in…

English? As a student in the English major at Cedar Crest College, you will explore classic and contemporary works of American, British and world literature. You’ll develop your own creativity and writing skills–all in a supportive, challenging setting. You will also engage in passionate discussions about literature and your own work, enabling you to grow as a writer, critical thinker and person. This program will prepare you for a career in one or more of the following areas:  Writing  Business  Editing  Publishing  Media  Marketing  Public relations  Education

Skills Associated with English Majors: General knowledge across many disciplines Strong abilities in writing, speaking, and reading Good grammar, spelling, and vocabulary Ability to research and explain findings Good reading comprehension and analysis Strong listening skills Work well under pressure Ability to meet deadlines

Advertising Copywriter Advertising Executive Announcer (Radio/TV) Archivist Author Author – Fiction/Non-Fiction Bibliographer Biographer Book Critic Bookstore Manager Columnist/Commentator Comedy Writer Communications Manager Congressional Aide Copywriter Corrective Therapist Critic, Art/Book Crossword Puzzle Developer Customer Service Representative Desktop Publisher Documentation Specialist Editor, Film/Video Editor, Magazine Editor, News Editorial Assistant

Sample Career Titles:

Educational Program Specialist Entertainment Agent ESL Teacher Freelance Writer/Consultant Information Abstractor Information Indexer Labor Relations Specialist Lawyer Librarian Linguist Literary Agent Lobbyist Magazine Writer Manuscript Reader Market Research Analyst Marketing Specialist Mass Media Script Reader Media Planner Media Specialist Medical Records Worker Narrator Paralegal Playwright Poet Product Manager

**Some careers may require further training and/or educational degree.

Program Manager Proofreader Public Administrator Public Relations Specialist Public Speaker Publicity Assistant Publisher Reading Consultant Reading Specialist Reporter Research Assistant Analyst Researcher (polls, fact checking) Researcher/Pollster Reviewer Sales Representative Teacher (all levels) Technical Writer/Consultant Training Specialist Translator Underwriter Video Scriptwriter/Producer Website Writer/Designer Writer

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