What Can I Do With a Major in…
Political Science? The major in Political Science is designed to prepare students for successful careers in law, education, public administration, and public affairs. Substantively, the program immerses students in the key political, economic, legal, and global issues facing contemporary American society — while also helping them to develop flexible analytical and communications skills.
Skills Associated with Political Science Majors: Willingness to deal with society’s real problems Good communication skills Desire to make a social contribution Sensitivity to social differences and needs Aptitude for leadership Ability to work under stress Diplomacy and integrity Ability to relate and communicate with people of different backgrounds
Sample Career Titles**: Account Executive Advocate Archivist Anthropologist Association Manager Attorney Broadcast Journalist Business Development Officer Buyer Campaign Manager Chamber of Commerce Manager City Manager Community Relations Director Congressional Aide Congressional Research Service Consultant Consumer Advocate Diplomat Editor Environmental Policy Analyst FBI/CIA Agent Foreign Correspondent Foreign Service Officer
Government Intelligence Analyst Historic Preservationist International Business Specialist International Organization Official International Trade Specialist Interpreter Judge Labor Organizer Labor Relations Specialist Law Enforcement Officer Legal Assistant Legislative Analyst Lobbyist Management Analyst Mayor Market Research Analyst Media Analyst Military Officer Paralegal Parole/Probation Officer Peace Corps/Vista Worker Political Pollster Penologist
**Some careers may require further training and/or educational degree.
Politician Political Consultant Political Scientist Public Administrator/ Manager Public Health Official Public Opinion Interviewer Public Recreation Director Public Relations Specialist Radio/TV Announcer/ Producer Real Estate Agent/Broker Researcher Sales Manager School Administrator Social Services Administrator Special Interest Group Director Survey Worker Teacher: Humanities/Social Sciences Underwriter Technical Writer Urban/Regional Planner Writer/Author
Some Employers of Political Science Majors: State/Federal Government Consulting Firms Colleges/Universities Public/International Affairs Offices Political Parties
Private/Public Interest Groups Campaign Management Firms Business & Industry Non-Profit Organizations Newspapers
Professional Organizations for Political Science Majors: American Political Science Association www.apsanet.org The American Academy of Political & Social Science www.aapss.org
Websites for Political Science Majors: The College Central Network www.collegecentral.com/cedarcrest Calling Students to Public Service Careers www.naspaa.org O*NET OnLine www.onetonline.org Political Science- Scholarly Societies www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/society/polisci_soc.html Occupational Outlook Handbook www.bls.gov/ooh National Nonprofit Job Opportunities www.opportunitynocs.org News Link www.newslink.org PoliSciJobSearch loki.stockton.edu The Public Leadership Network plen.org
For More Information on Majoring in Political Science Visit: Maynard Cressman, Chair Curtis 234 610-606-4666 ext. 3502 mlcressm@cedarcrest.edu bit.ly/CCC-politicalsci
For More Information on Political Science Careers Visit: Career Planning Center Allen House 610-606-4648 career@cedarcrest.edu www.cedarcrest.edu/career