Action Words List

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Action Words


Planning Example: Prepared written reports, proposals, and other business correspondence. Develop Devise Evaluate Forecast

Formulate Identify Observe Plan

Administer Anticipate Commission Determine

Prepare Prioritize Research Reserve

Revise Strategize Study Tailor

Organizing Example: Coordinated and recruited volunteers in the youth and family mentoring program. Acquire Activate Adjust Allocate Alter Appoint Arrange Assemble Assess Assign Authorize

Catalogue Centralize Chart Classify Collect Commit Confirm Contract Coordinate Customize Delegate

Designate Design Dispatch Establish Facilitate House Implement Incorporate Institute Issue Link

Log Map out Neat Obtain Order Organize Procure Program Recruit Rectify Retrieve

Route Schedule Select Secure Simplify Sought Straighten Suggest Track Transfer

Executing Example: Handled 20-35+ customer calls per shift regarding coverage changes, renewal rates and billing procedures. Act Administer Carry out Collect Complete Conduct

Display Distribute Enter Exercise Forward Handle

Input Install Labor Merchandise Operate Perform

Process Produce Proof Prospect Ship Sell

Stock Transact

Index Judge License Maintain Measure Modify Monitor Officiate

Overhaul Oversee Police Prohibit Refine Regulate Review Revise

Screen Set Scrutinize Supervise Supply Tighten Trace Update

Guide Hire Influence Initiate Inspire Involve Lead Manage

Mentor Motivate Originate Pioneer Promote Raise Recognized for Set goals

Spearhead Stimulate Strengthen Supervise Train Transform Visualize

Engineer Foresaw Formulate Find Gather Investigate Recommend

Remedy Remodel Repair Resolve Revamp Revitalize Revive

Satisfy Solve Streamline Synthesize Theorize

Supervising Example: Analyzed product sales in 8 markets across the country. Adjust Analyze Apportion Assess Certify Compare Control Correct

Correlate Develop Discover Establish Examine Explore Grade Inspect

Leading Example: Conducted intake interviews with new clients. Accelerate Assume Cause Chair Change Conduct Direct Disprove

Elect Employ Empower Encourage Enlist Envision Foster Found

Problem Solving Example: Created databases to perform market analysis. Alleviate Analyze Apply Brainstorm Collaborate Conceive Craft

Create Debug Decide Decipher Detect Determine Diagnose

Action Words


Getting Results Example: Increased student participation by 30% over a 6-month period. Accomplish Achieve Add Advance Attain Augment Boost Built Combine Complete Consolidate Construct Contribute

Deliver Demonstrate Diminish Earn Eclipse Eliminate Enlarge Enjoy Enlist Ensure Excel Expand Expedite

Extend Finalize Fulfill Gain Generate Grow Guarantee Hasten Heighten Improve Increase Innovate Integrate

Introduce Invent Join Launch Light Minimize Modernize Obtain Open Orchestrate Overcome Prevail Produce

Qualify Realize Receive Reduce (losses) Rejuvenate Renovate Restore Target Uncover

Quantitative Example: Converted files from COBAL to JAVA in order to increase compatibility with current systems. Account for Appraise Approximate Audit Balance Budget Calculate Check

Compile Compound Compute Conserve Convert Count Dispense Disburse

Earn Enumerate Estimate Figure Finance Gross Increase Inventory

Maximize Multiply Net Profit Project Purchase Quantify Rate

Reconcile Record Reduce Tabulate

Communicating Example: Taught emotional regulation and social skills to preschoolers in a classroom setting. Act Adapt Admit Address Allow Amend Arbitrate Argue Ascertain Attest Brief Clarify Clear up Close Communicate Compose Consent Conclude

Convince Consult Correspond Critique Dedicate Define Deliberate Demonstrate Draft Dramatize Edit Educate Elicit Explain Extract Fabricate Fashion Greet

Highlight Illustrate Improvise Indicate Infer Inform Instruct Interpret Interview Justify Lecture Market Mediate Moderate Negotiate Perceive Persuade Present

Publicize Query Question Refer Reinforce Relate Render Report Represent Reveal Sanction Settle Shape Smooth Specify Spook Sell Solicit

Submit Substantiate Suggest Summarize Supplement Support Survey Synthesize Systematize Test Teach Translate Transmit Verify Welcome Write

Helping Example: Counseled children and parents with emotional and mental difficulties to help create a safe home environment. Aid Accommodate Advice Alleviate Assist Assure Bolster Coach

Continue Cooperate Counsel Deal Ease Elevate Enable Endorse

Enhance Enrich Familiarize Help Intercede Mobilize Model Polish

Prescribe Provide Protect Rehabilitate Relieve Rescue Return Save

Serve Sustain Tutor

Source: Ausburg College Career Center

University Career Center | Union West Building Rm. 103 | (915) 747-5640 | | RV: 04/15

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