Application for Workforce Development Funding Checklist June 19.
Brief Description of Project: Career Coacnes ml
Calhoun Communitv Colleqe. J. F. Drake State Technical Colleee. Northeast Requesting Organization : Alabama Communitv College. Northwest Shoals Communitv College. Snead State Community College. and
Wallace-Hanceville Community Collese PART A: The application package must be submitted in original and one photo copy and will include each completed form, the project narrative, and attachments (if applicable) in the order listed below: Form I: This Checklist Form II: Project Proposal Cover Page and Sigratures Form IIA: Regional Council Certification Staternent (Signed by the Chairperson for each Region) Form III: Project Summary (Not to exceed 3 pages) Form IV: Project Budget Form IVA: Project Budget BackuP Form V: Project Nanative (Not to exceed 10 pages)
The application should specifically address the following criteria:
Does this application address priorities identified by regional WFD council strategic plan (Attach a signed certificate from each regional council affected; cite the strategy or sftategies in the regional council strategic plan addressed by the proposed activities) 1.
Y Does the relationship of proposed actions and outcomes directly address the solicitation for grant
le onlv
in solicitati
f Workfo
Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the stated need is based on obiective and current data
Evidence is attached or otherwise stated that the applicant is capable and willing to carry out planned activities with maximum efficiencv and effectiveness. (Use past performance on WFD projects/grants, if
5. Y
Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that communiW resource leverasing is available to maximize impact of grant funds on application Evidence is attached or otherwise acknowledged that the project is part ofan overall workforce development plan and that there is collaboration with regional and community servioe providers and stakeholders
6. Y
GOWD Form | (Version
March 5, 2013) Page 1 of 2
Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the activities can be sustained by the grant recipient beyond the grant period. Not apolicable for dual enrollment applications.
8. Y Evidence is attached demonstrating suooort for the application from
area emoloyers. economic
developers. and elected officials
Evidence is attached or otherwise deolared that the proposed activities are practical and effectively address the stated negds
Anticipated outcomes align with stated needs
l. Y
Do proposed pgrformg4Sg_nqe4qlgC and target levels ofperformance address meaningful and realistic goals (e.g., number obtaining employment, number retaining employment, average wage increases). I
GOWD Form | (Version
March 6,2OL3l Page 2 of 2
Part 2: Application Forms and Narrative The project application must include each of the following forms and the project narrative.
FORMII: COVERPAGE This Application for Funding is for the following (please check
category per application):
Dual Enrollment (For "Credit" Courses Only) Short-Term / Non-Credit Training Customized Training / Incumbent Worker Training Other Workforce Development Initiatives (Career coaches)
x I.
Project and Contact Information
Title: Career Coaches Initiative
Amount of Funds Requested: $651000 Service Provider/Fiscal Agent:
Calhoun Community College
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2216, Decatur,
Name and Title of Project Contact: Debi Hendershoto Dean
for Planning, Research and Grants Phone: 256.306.2581
Email: ddg@calhoun.edu
Physical Address(s) of Training / Eqwpment (.include counlv\: 6250 Highway 31, North, Tanner' AL 35671 (Calhoun's address). However, the Career Coaches will go into the area high schools to provide the services. Name and Title of Fiscal Contact (if different frorn above):
Bryan Helns
Email: jbh@calhoun.edu
Phone: 256.306.2545
Name of state Board of Education Member(s) of the location where training will take place:
Ms. Mary Scott Hunter and Dr. Charles Elliott
As the person authorized to act on behalfofthe service provider/fiscal agen! I submitted in this application is accurate. I also certifu that the service provider as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requirements,
Marilvn Beck Title
t7, fZ
ized Offi GOWD Form ll (Version 3
March 6, 2013)
that the information
will carry out the proposed activities
Part2z Application Forms and Narrative The project application must include each ofthe following forms and the project narrative.
FORMII: COVERPAGE This Application for Funding is for the following (please check onlv one category per application):
X I.
Dual Enrollment (For "Creditoo Courses Only) Short-Term / Non-Credit Training Customized Training / Incumbent Worker Training Other Workforce Development Initiatives Project and Contact Information
Project Title: Drake State Career Coaches
Amount of Funds Requested:
Service ProviderlFiscal Agent: J.F. Drake State Technical College
Mailing Address: 342lMeridian Street North, Huntsville' AL 35811 Name and Title of Project Contact (Knowledgeable individual and responsible
for grant negotiation):
Dr. John Reuffer, Director of Planning and Resource Development FAX: 256-551-3151
Phone: 256-551-31 19
Physical Address(s) of Training / Equipment (include Couny):
342lMeridian Street North, Madison County, Huntsville, AL 35811.. Service will be provided at various High Schools within the College's service area. Name and Title of Fiscal Contact
(if different from above): Gil Turley
Email: gil.turley@drakestate.edu
FAX: Chief Accountant
Phone: 256-551-3105
Name of State Board of Education Member(s) of the location where training will take place:
Marv Scott Hunter
As the person authorized to act on behalf ofthe service provider/fiscal agent, I certifr that the information submitted in this application is accurate. I also certifu that the service provider will carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requirements.
Helen T;McAlpine. Ed.D. Pfl@or Typed Name_
fizefuOffigtzH. /.,'
I ll
i 06106113
Authorized Official GOWD Form ll (Version 4
March 6, 2013)
Part 2: Application Forms and Narrative Theproject application must include each of the following forms andthe project narrative.
FORMII: COVERPAGE This Application for Funding is for the following (please check
crtegory pcr application):
Dual Enrollment (For "Credit" Courses Only) Short-Tenn / Non-Credit Training _ _ Customized Training / Incumbent Worker Training _L_Other Workforce Development Initiatives
Project and Contact Information
Project Title: Career Coaches
Amount of Funds Requested: $65,000.00 Service Provider/Fiscal Agent: Northeart Alabama Community College
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 159, Rainwillc, Alabama 35986 Name and Title of Project Contact: Sherry Whitten, Director of College and Cnreer Plnnning
256.228.6861 Email: whittens@nacc.edu Phone: 255.638.4418 Extension 2315
Physical Address(s) of Training / Equipment (ueLrdscgualy): DeKalb and Jackson Counties 138 Alabama Highway 35 Rainsville, Alabama 35986 Name and Title ofFiscal Contaot (ifdifferent from above):
FAX: 256,228.6861 Email:
Larry D. Guffey, Dern of Administrative Services
Phone: 256.638.4418 Extension 2313
Name of State Board of Education Member(s) of the location where training will take place:
Mary Scott Hunter
As the person authorized to act on behalf ofthe service provider/fiscal bgent, I certiry that fte information submitted in this application is ac.curatâ‚Ź. I also certifo that the service provider will carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requirements.
Dr. David Campbell Printed or Typed Name Authorized Ofllcial
President Title
Authorized Official GOWD Form ll {Version
March 6, 2013)
Part 2: Application Forms and Narrative The project application
mus include each ofthe following forms
and the project narrative.
This Applicetion for Funding ir for the followirng (please check
X I. Project
crtegoty per rpplicrtion):
Dual Enrollment (For *Credito Courses Only) Short-Term / Non-Credit fpining Customrzed Training / Incumbent Worker Training Other Workforce Development Initiatives Project and Contact Information
Title: Career Coaches Initiative
Amount of Funds Requested:
$57 ,772
Service Providerffiscal Agent: Nofthwest-Shoals Community College
Mailing Address: P O Box 2545, Muscle Shoals' Name and Title of Project Contact
FAX: 256331.5225
AL 35662
: Rose Jones, Associete l)ean of Worldorce Development
Email: jonesr@nwscc.edu
Phone: 256331.5313
Physical Address(s) of Training / Equipment Sewice Provider's phycical eddners io 8fl1 George Wdlrce Blvd.' Muscle Sho.lc AL 35661. Senice will be provided et vadouc high 3rs[oob located in the College's gelvice
Name of Fiscal Contact (ifdifferent from above):
Jelet Joneo
Title: Comptroller FAX: 256.331.5222
Email: janetj@nwscc.edu
Phone: 256.331.5310
As the person authorized to act on behalfofthe service provider/fiscal agen! I certiS that the information submitted in this application is aocurate. I also certifi that the service provider will carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requircments.
Dr. Humpbey Lee Printed or Typed Name Authorized Official
June 10. 2013 Date
OWD Form ll (Version 6
Part 2: Application Forms and Narrative The project application must include each of the following forms and the project narrative.
tr'ORMII: COVERPAGE Thic Application for Funding is for the following (please check onlv one category per application): DuaI Bnrollment (F'or "Creditt' Courses Only) Short-Term / Non-Credit Training Customwed Training / Incumbent Worker Training Other Workforce Development Initiatives
Project and Contact Information Project
Title: Career
Amount of Funds Requested: $65,000.00 Service Provider/Fiscal
Snead State Community College
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 734, Boaz, AL 35957 Name and Title of Project Contact: Melissa Rice, Director of Grant Development
256.593.7f 80
Physical Address(s) of Training /
Email: mrice@snead.edu Phone: 256.E40.4205
Name and Title of Fiscal Contact (if different from above):
256.593.7f 80
Elder Street, Boaz' AL 3595? (Msrshs[)
Merk Ricbrtd
Email: MarkRichard@snead.edu
Phone: 256.840.4110
Name of State Board of Education Member(s) of the location where training will take place:
I)r. Charles Elliott
As the person authorized to act on behalf ofthe service provider/fiscal agent, I certiry thar the information submitted in this application is accurate. I also certi& that the service provider will carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requirements.
Dr. Robert Exlev Printed or Typed Name Authorized Official
President Title
4-te- /3
l{n Sigiraturc
Date GOWD Form ll (Version
March 6, 2013)
Part 2: Application Forms and Narrative The project application must include each of the fcllowing forms and the project narrative.
FORM II: COVER PAGE This Application for Funding is for the following (please check onlv one category per application):
Dual Enrollment (For "Credit" Courses Only) Short-Term / Non-Credit Training Customized Training / Incumbent Worker Training Other Workforce Development Initiatives
Project and Contact Information
Project Title: Wallace State Career Coach
Amount of Funds
Service Provider/Fiscal
Agent: Wallace
$65 ,7 45
- Hanceville
Mailing Address: PO Box 2000, Hanceville, AL 35077 -20A0 Name and Title of Project Contact (Knowledgeable individual and responsible for grant negotiation):
FAX: 256-352-8392
Physical Address(s) of Training / Equipment Name and Title of Fiscal Contact
FAX: 256-352-8027
256-352-81 44
(fugbde$9l4y): g0l Main Street NW, Hanceville, AL
(if different from above): Jason Morgan Email :
iason.morgan@rr alla;e.state.e,Ju
Phone: 256.352.8225
Name of State Board of Education Member(s) of the location where training will take place: Dr. Charles Elliott
As the person authorized to act on behalf of the service provider/liscal agent, I certiff thal the information submitted in this application is accurate. I also certify that the service provider will carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requirements.
Vicki P. Hawsey
Printed or Typed Name
Authorlzed Oflicial
/tl,/.r-t^- â‚Źt
Authorized Official GOWD Form ll (Version
- March 6, 2013)
FORM IIA: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CERTIFICATION NOTE: If project covers multiple workforce development regions, certification must be provided by all regional councils. The exception is for a state-wide project application, which requires certification from one regional council - typically the council where the project is headquartered.
I certiff that
eqaerlaaehâ‚Źs Initiative proposed bv Calhoun Communitv College.
J. F. Drake State Technical College. Northeast Alabama Communitv College. Northwest Shoals Communitv College. Snead State Communitv College. and Wallace-Hanceville Communitl, Colleee addresses workforce development priorities, strategies, and targeted occupations identified by the Region 2 Workforce Development Council or addresses immediate priority training needs not initially identified through the strategic planning process. I also certifi that the Region 2 Workforce Development Council or its applicable committee has reviewed the project application and recommends funding the proposed activities.
This project directly addresses workforce development in the following industry and targeted occupations identified as priorities in the regional council's strategic plan: Industry or industries: All industries are impacted by the Career Coaches Initiative. Target occupation(s): N/A This project directly addresses the following stategy or strategies identified in the regional workforce development strategic plan:
(ranging from 0-5, using the The Regional Council assigns this application a priority rating ranking system belo@; 5 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as critical (llnitea.jsj ippUgSliglCg fundins cvcle) for this Fiscal Year (FY) and has excellent projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 4 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as very important for this FY and has verv sood projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 3 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as important for this FY and has good projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 2 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is less imoortant for this FY. I - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is not imoortant for this FY. 0 - Does not meet strategies or targeted occupations identified for this FY.
NOTE: All applications must be subrnitted to GOWI) for documentation purposes, even if application is not recommended or receives a 0 rating. Proposal recommended in the amount of $
Dale Greer Printed or Typed Name
by Region
Signature Regional workforce development council chair or designee (must be voting member of the regional council)
Project title:
Service provider/fiscal
Career Coaches Initiative
Calhoun Community College, Drake Technical
College, Snead State Community College, Wallace-Hanceville Community College,
Northeast Alabama Community College, and Northwest Shoals Community College NOTE: Separate budgets and proposal cover pages are attached for each college.
Total funds requested: 5383,137 Total LEVERAGED funds: 5252,727 (66% matching funds
Grant Funds Requested s65,ooo 564,620 s65,ooo s57,772 s65,ooo s65,745 s383,137
Calhoun Drake Northeast Northwest Shoals Snead Wallace-Hanceville Total
see below)
Leveraged Funds
7,740 27,L05 s252,727
Start Date:
Industry Sectors: The Career Coaches Initiative serves middle and high school students within Regions I and ll in North Alabama. Career coaches focus on the 16 career pathways identified at the secondary level through the Alabama Career/Technical Course of Study. All sixteen Career Clusters are represented in Regions I and ll, and the Career Coaches will provide awareness of identified highwage high-demand career opportunities in the Region.
Proposed activities:
October L,2OL3
September 30, 2OL4
- 12th Grade Students
The primary goal of the Career Coaches Initiative is to continue and expand the comprehensive career advisement program targeted to 7th - L2th grade students. The Region ll Career Coaches Initiative began in March 2009 through funding through the Governor's Office of Workforce Development. The Program has experienced tremendous results with over 44,OOO students served thus far. Career Coaches assist students with their career aspirations, identifying postsecondary programs to their career goals, and referring those students to programs that will
facilitate students' reaching their desired academic and career goals. Career Coaches build lasting relationships with students through repeated interactions at their high schools. Activities include providing assistance in completing scholarship applications, college admission applications, providing resources about internship programs, short-term certificate training and other career opportunities, providing one-on-one career coaching including development career portfolios, sharing information about career pathways and connecting students to early college programs such as TRIO, Tech Prep and Dual Enrollment. The Career Coaches Initiative has been very successful across all of North Alabama. Career Coaches work very closely with students and high school counselors to implement best practices to better prepare students for success in postsecondary
education and in the workforce. In an effort to continuously improve the program, career coaches seek feedback from students, parents and school leaders. The comments below are taken directly from a Constont Contact Report - 20L3, a survey administered to high school teachers and counselors at the end of the school year; "Coreer coaching played o key role in educoting my students this foll.' "Her topics ore very well prepared and student friendly." "There ore so mony topics to oddress in this oreo thot it is impossible to cover them
all with one counselor at a high school. This is o vitol service thot helps meet our coreer requirement, and I am groteful for the help." "She is wonderful. She is always trying to find ways to help us out." "The students seem to connect with her well. She hos done on owesome job." "She is olwoys enthusiostic qnd willing; helps educate our students obout their options." It is clear from these comments that the Career Coaches Initiative must continue to fill the growing need of preparing our high school students for the real world.
Outcomes: Number of participants per college: At least 200 students per year per coach resulting in at least L,2OO participants over six colleges. In addition, measurable outcomes (per career coach) include:
At least 200 students will be contacted by each career coach through classroom presentations, school assemblies, student organization meetings or other types of presentations each academic year
o o
At least 50 students will meet with a career coach through one-on-one or group coaching sessions each academic year At least 25 students will participate in a career assessment facilitated by the career coach
a 0
At least 25 students will develop a career plan or portfolio each academic year At least 100 students will complete a Career Coaching Student Survey each academic year
o o o a
At least 100 students will pursue postsecondary education, training or enter into the workforce as a result of the career coaching process each academic year. At least 25 students will participate in a career assessment facilitated by the career coach with the Career Center Systems. At least 25 students will be served through the summer experiences/camps each year. At least 20 students per year will be referred to the area Career/Vocational School for enrollment.
- Representative
Terri Collins has endorsed the Project
since the beginning. Representative Collins is from House District 8.
Other funding solicited: No
Sources of
Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested grant funds and leveraged funds, and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a
particular line item. See Form lllA for a description of each line item.
Budget ltem Salaries Benefits Individual Training (sch o la rs h ps/tu ition/fees) Staff DevelopmenUTra n n g Travel In State Computers/Technologv Public Relations/Outreach Materials/Supplies
Gost (Requested) $37,500 16,012
Leveraged/Donated (Non-requested) $147,772 70,110
Re n ovatio n/Co
2,188 3,000 4,800
stru ctio n
Equipment Books Other *Projected Revenue
*List all sources of projected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.)
- does
not include funds requested in this application. Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items unique to projects. Additional budget line ltems may be added as needed.
GOWD Form lV (Version
March 6,20L3)
lll must be supported by a detailed description. This form explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title/function, salary/wdgâ‚Ź, and percentage of time charged to project. Other costs should be detailed by type of activity, unit cost, and total units. Each budget line item on Form
Program Staff Salaries (Position title/function of staff assigned to project-specific program services activities , salaryfwage, percentage of time charged to project.) Career coach (lOO%1, State Salary schedule E3/5, step placement to be determined - estimated amount of 532,500. The Career Coach will visit area high schools to assist students in determining career paths.
Program Staff Benefits (Type and cost of fringe benefits for each position included in project budget.)
.65%) Unemployment (2.20o/ol Teacher's Retirement (LO%I Insurance (5714 * L2 months) Total Ff
CA/Medica re
52,869 825 3,750 8,558
Cost of Individual Training (Scholarships, tuition, training fees; and other costs related to training of individuals. Indicate the proiected cost of the course(s). resardless if requestins fundins)
Staff Development/Training (Detail of consultants; tuition/fees, other costs related to providin g and/or attending; staff members attending training for new equipment, etc.) Six (5) career coaches attending state-wide Career Coach Conference. Reimbursement at the approved state rates of 575/day and .565 mileage.
In-State Travel (Costs and justification of mileage, lodging, meals and other travel-related expenses.) In-state mileage required for career coaches to travel to local high schools. (6 career coaches @ SSOO each).
Computers and Technology (ltemized listing of computer hardware & software and how it is used in relation to the proposed activities.) Six (6) l-Pads requested @ 5800 to enable career coaches to have mobile access to internet and career applications
Public Relations, Outreach (Details of media advertising and other public outreach costs, â‚Ź.g., newspapers, radio/TV, direct mail, etc.)
Materials & Supplies (Office supplies, training supplies and materials, other supplies required to carry out project, detailed by type and costs, and the intent for retention/accountability of durable items.) Funds are budgeted for office supplies and career awareness materials to be distributed to high school students. (6 career coaches 5250 each)
Renovation /construction costs (ltemized estimate of building expenses, if applicable.)
Equipment (lf applicable, attach a vendor price & specifications sheet for proposed equipment purchases for use during negotiation phase and indicate the intent for reusing durable items in subsequent classes.)
Books (attach itemized list if applicable).
Other (Other items and related costs not included in the above line items that are required to implement the project included as a grant funded item in the budget page.)
Projected revenue (list all sources of projected or potential revenues, â‚Ź.8., tuition, fees, other grants - does not include funds requested in this application)
GOWD Form lVa (Version
March 6,20t31
FORM IV: PROJECT BUDGET Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. lnclude requested grant funds and leveraged funds, and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form IIIA for a description of each line item. Budget ltem Salaries Benefits I nd ivid u al Trai
nq (scholarsh ps/tu ition/fees) i
Staff DevelopmenUTrai Travel In State
Computers/Technoloqv Pu blic Relations/Outreach Materials/Supplies Renovation/Construction Eouipment Books Other *Proiected Revenue
Gost (Reouested)
$40.712.00 $18,526.00 $0.00 $600.00 $4,000.00 $0.00 $782.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $
*List all sources ofprojected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.) - does not include funds requested in this application. Unused budget lines and/or line item tifles may be changed to reflect items unique to projects. Additional budget line Items may be added as needed.
GOWD Form lV (Version
I'ORM IVA: PROJECT BUDGET BACKUP Each budget line item on Form III must be supported by a detailed description. This form explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title/function, salary/wage, and percentage of time charged to project. Other costs should be detailed by type of activity, unit cost, and total units.
Program Staff Salaries (Position tifle/function of staff assigned to project-specific program services activities, salary/wage, percentage oftime charged to project.) Career Coach Specialist - (l tull-time position), 540,712.00
Program Staff Benefits (Type and cost of fringe benefits for each position included in project budget.) FICA/LED (7.657o), Retirement (9.44Vo),Health ($7l4lnonth) - $18,526.00
Cost of Individual Training (Scholarships, tuition, training fees; and other costs related to training of individuals. Indicate the orojected cost of the course(s). regardless if requesting funding)
Staff DevelopmenVTraining (Detail of consultants; tuition/fees, other costs related to providing and/or attending; staff members attending training for new equipment, etc.) $ 600.00 - Career coach worhshops are occasionally made available; these funds would be set aside to ensure that should such an opportuniQt arise to enhance the qualiQt of career coaching,
they would be available to take advantage of an appropriate protessional development opportunity.
In-State Travel (Costs and justification of mileage, lodging, meals and other travel-related expenses., $ 4,000.00
This position requires nearly daily travel between the base offrce location and the
middle schools and high schools to be semed Travel may vary from 10 miles each way to 30 miles each way. Travel would likely occur for a minimum of 1 days per weeh and olten all 5 days each weeh Occasionally, mcetings are convenedfor Career Coaches throughout the state to gain prolessional development as a group. These meetings may occur outside their local coanty. This monq is set aside lor mileage compensation for the Career Coach.
Computers and Technology (Itemized listing of computer hardware & software and how it is used in relation to the proposed activities.) These will be funished by the college.
Public Relations, Outreach @etails of media advertising and other public oufreach costs, e.g., newspapers, radio/TV, direct mail, etc.) $782 - Funds needed to produce special bulletins,tlyers or photographs for pablic distribation to ale attention to special Career Coaching evenfi. These funds are to be used Iot rcprcduction, advertising, or distribution of such materials.
Materials & Supplies (Office supplies, haining supplies and materials, other supplies required to carry out project, detailed by type and costs, and the intent for retention/accountability of durable items.) s0.00
Renovation / constuction costs (Itemized estimate of building expenses, if applicable.) $0.00
Equipment (If applicable, attach a vendor price & specifications sheet for oroposed equipment purchases for use during negotiation phase and indicate the intent for reusing durable items in subsequent classes.) $0.00
Books (attach itemized list if applicable). $0.00
Other (Other items and related costs not included in the above line items that are required to implement the project included as a grant funded item in the budget page.) $0.00
Projected revenue (list all sources ofprojected or potential revenues, e.g., tuition, fees, other grants - does not include funds requested in this application)
GOWD Form lVa (Version
March 6, 2013)
FORMIV: PROJECTBUDGET Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested gant funds and leveraged funds, and total firnds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form IIIA for a description of each line item. Budget ltem Salaries Benefits I ndiv id ual Train no ( scholarsh Staff DevelopmenUTrain ins Travel In State Comouters/Technoloov Public Relations/Outreach Materials/Supolies Renovation/Constructi o n Equipment Books i
Leveraged/Donated (Non-requested)
Gost (Requestedl $48.748.57 $16,251.43 i
s/tu ition/fees )
*Proiected Revenue
*List all sources ofprojected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.) does not include -
funds requested in this application.
Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items unique to projects. Additional budget line Items may be added as needed.
GOWD Form lV (Version
March 6, 2013)
FORM IVA: PROJE,CT BUDGET BACKUP Each budget line item on Form III must be supported by a detailed description. This form explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title,/function, salary/wage, and percentage oftime charged to project. Other costs should be detailed by type of activity, unit cost, and total units.
Program Staff Salaries (Position title/function of stalf assigned to project-speoific program services activities, salary/wage, percentage oftime chfiged to project.) Stgff Sslaries-Two Career Coaches Whitney $23,034.08 Debby $25,714.49 $4E,74E.57
Clark Wooten Total
Program Staff Benefits (Type and cost of fringe benefits for each position included in project budget.) X'ringe Benefits-include PEEHIP, TRS, FICA/MC Matching Whitney $12,610.68 Debby $ 3,640.75 $16251.43
Clark Wooten Total
The amount is 1007o of the fringe benefits for Whitney Clark and 287o of Debby Wooten's fringe benelits.
Cost of Individual Training (Scholarships, tuition, training fees; and other costs related to training ofindividuals. Indicate the projeoted oost of the course(s). regardless if reouesting fundinq)
StaIf DevelopmenUTraining (Detail of consultants; tuition/fees, other costs related to Foviding and/or attending; staff members attending training for new equipment, etc.)
In-State Travel (Costs and justification of mileage, lodging, meals and other travel-related expenses.)
Computers and Technology (Itemized listing of computer hardware & software and how it is used in relation to the proposed activities.)
Public Relations, Outreach (Details of media advertising and other public outeach costs, e.g., newspapers, radio/Tv, direct mail, etc.)
Materials & Supplies (Offrce supplies, training supplies and materials, other supplies required to carry out project, detailed by type and costs, and the intent for retention/accountability of durable items.)
IX. X.
Renovation / construction costs (Itemized estimate of building expenses, if applicable.)
Books (attach itemized list if applicable).
Equipment (Ifapplicable, attach a vendor price & specifications sheet for orooosed eouinment purchases for use during negotiation phase and indicate the intent for reusing durable items in subsequent classes.)
Other (Other items and related costs not included in the above line items that are required to implement the project included as a grant funded item in the budget page.)
Projected revenue (list all sources of projected or potential revenues, e.g., tuition, fees, other grants - does not include funds requested in this application)
GOWD Form lVa (Version
March 6, 2013)
FORM rV: PROJECT BT DGET Provide a deailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested gnnt funds and leveraged fundg and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no firnds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form trlA for a description of each linc item, (Reauested)
Salaries Benefits I nd ividual Trai n ing (scholarsh ips/tu ition/fees) Staff DevelopmenUTrai n ns Travel In State Computers/Technology
$29,326 $14.246
Public Relations/Outreach
$5,000 $3,000
MaterialslSupplies Renovation/Construction Eouioment tsooks (Career and college choices, etc.) Other ( Facilities/Communication)
*Proiected Revenue TOTAL
LeveragedlDonated (Non-requested)
Budget ltem
$500 $2,000 $2,500
$2,000 (Computer, printer, and Website desion/ maintenance) $500 ( materialslservices)
$1.200 $5,240 (space/utilities and
communication services/ networkino caoabilities)
$ 57,772
*List all sourccs ofprojected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.) does not include firnds requesrcd in tbis application. Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect iterns rmique to projects. Additional budget line Iterns may be added as needed,
(OWD Form lV (Version
FORM IVA: PROJECT BTJDGET BACKTJP Each budget line itern on Form III must be supported by a detailed description. This form explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title/function, salary/wage, and percentage oftime charged to project, Other costs should be detailed by type of activif, unit cost and total units.
Progran Staff Salaries - Salaries
are budgeted in the amount of$29,326. This expenditwe is for one
position. Position Title: Career Coach (l) Fulction: The Career Coach will be assigned to specific high schools located within the College service area. They will assist students with career plans, enrollment into Career/Technology progtams at the College as well as introduoe them to the workforce options through programs with Business and Industry paftlers. Total Salaries Requested: $29,326 Tine Charged to Project: 100%
- Benefits are budgeted as follows: Teacher's Retirement ll .7 lYo = $3 ,434 FICA:7.65/o= $2,244 Insurance: $714 per month for 12 months $8,568
Progran Stafr Benefits
ilL fV.
Cost of Individual Training
- NA
Staff DevelopmcnUTraining training.
In-State Travel
Computers and Technologr - $2,500 for laptop, printer, and presentation software. for group/classroom
$500 for Professional Development and necessary Career Coach
$2,000 for service area mileage to schools, businesses and industries, etc.
presentations and demonstrations.
Public Relrtions, Outreach - $3000 for media and other public outreach costs (newspapers, radio/TV, direct mail, newsletters); program brochures; and $2000 for student transportation costs for tours to businesses and industries and/or on-campus career/technical area tours'
Materials & Supplies - $3,000 for office supplies, career choice supplies and materials, and printing needs for group/classroom presentations, posters, bulletin board supplies, handouts, etc.
D(. X.
Renovation / congtruction costs
Books - $1,200 for Career Pathways books and/or books for decision making tools, career/college choices, etc.
Projocted revenue
- N/A
- N/A
(OWD Form lva (Version
March 2, 2011)
FORM IV: PROJECT BI]DGET Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested grant funds and leveraged funds' and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form IIIA for a description of each line item. Budget ltem
Gost (Requested)
Salaries Benefits I nd ivid ual Train i nq (schola rships/tu ition/fees) Staff Deve lopmenVTraininq Travel In State Computers/Technoloqv Public Relations/Outreach Materials/Supplies Renovation/Con structio n Equipment Books
Other 'Proiected Revenue TOTAL
43.839 16,353
xxxxxxn(xxxxxxx)fix $ 65,000
*List all
sources ofprojected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.) funds requested in this application.
does not include
Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items unique to projects. Additional budget line ltems may be added as needed.
GOWD Form lV (Version
FORM IVA: PROJECT BUDGET BACKUP Each budget line item on Form III must be supported by a detailed description. This form explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title/function, salary/wage, and percentagâ‚Ź of time charged to proj ect. Other costs should be detailed by type of activity, unit cost, and total units.
Program Staff Salaries (Position title/fimction of staff assigned to project-specific program services activities, salary/wagg percentage oftime charged to project.) Patricia Morgan has been employed as Career Coach full time since November 2010. This position is on salary schedule E3, grade 4 and she will have seven years of experience and it computes to an annual salary of $37,854. Estimate hourly wages of$5,985 to assist Career Coach.
Program Staff Benefits (Type and cost of fringe benefits for each position included in project budget.)
FICA matching of$2,896 Retirement matching of $4,433 Health Insurance of $9,024 Total estimated fringe - $16,353
Cost of Individual Training (Scholarstrips, tuition, training fees; and other costs related to training of individuals. Indicate the projected cost ofthe course(s). reeardless if reauestinc fundine)
Staff Development/Training (Detail of consultants; tuition/fees, other costs related to providing and/or attending; staffmembers attending training for new equipment, etc.)
In-State Travel (Costs and justification of mileage, lodging, meals and other travel-related expenses.) Estimated cost of$3,308 for Career Coach to travel to high schools and middle schools in Snead State's services area (Marshall County, Blount County, and Dekalb County).
Computers and Technology (Itemized listing of computer hardware & software and how it is used in relation to the proposed activities.)
Public Relations, Outreach @etails of media advertising and other public outreach costs, e.g., newspapeni, radio/TV, direct mail, etc.)
Materials & Supplies (Ofiice supplies, taining supplies and materials, other supplies required to carry out project, detailed by type and costs, and the intent for retentior/accormtability of durable items.) Estimated cost of$I,500 to purchase materials and supplies that support career exploration for the students, 25
D(. X.
Rcnovation / conshrction costs (Itenrized cstimare of building e:ryens€s, if applicable.) Equipment Qfapplicable, attach a vendor orice & soecifications sheet for proposed eouioment purchases for use during negotiation pbase and indicatc the int€nt for rcusing &rable it€ms in subsequ€nt classes.)
Books (attach itemized list if applicable).
Oth€r (Oth€r itcms and r€latod costs not included in thc above line it€ms rhrt arc required imple,ment the project includcd as a grant fimdcd item in thc budget page,)
Projected revenue (list all sources ofprojected or potential revenues, e.g,, tuition, fees, othcr grants - docs not include fimds requested in this application)
GOWD Form lVa (Verslon
March 5, 2013)
WALLACE HANCEVILLE FORM IV: PROJECT BUDGET Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested grant funds and leveraged funds, and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form IIIA for a description of each line item. (Requeated) 20,248_
0 1.000 1.000 0 0
Travel ln State Computers/Technoloqy Public Relations/Outreach Materials/Supplies Renovation/C o n struction Eouioment Books Other *Proiected Revenue
18,427 8.678 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Salaries Benefits ndividual Tra n in g (sch olarships/tu itioL![eeg) Staff DevelopmenUTraining I
Leveraged/Donated {Non-requested}
Budget ltem
500 0 0 0 0
*List all sources of projected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.)
- does not include
funds requested in this application. to Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items unique needed. as projects. Additional budget line ltems may be added
GOWD Form lV (Version
March 6, 2013)
Worlcforce Development Fy 2013
Wallace State - Hanceville - Career Coach Iniliative
FORM IVA: PROJECT BUDGET BACKUP Wallace State Career Coaching Initiative Wallace State will match funding received frorn Workforce Development funds dollar for dollarto ensure the continuation of this valuable program in our area. Cost (Requestedl
Budget ltem l. Salades 2 - Career Coaches to provide outreach, career, drop-out prevention, and postsecondary enrollment assistance to area middle and high school students. (2 at an average salary of $30,712)
leveraged (NonRequestedl
Subtotal for Salaries s
Sociaf Secu rity (7.65%l
Unemployment (.06%I Insurance (avg. of $752 mnth x 12 months) Retirement (10.ff/6)
ll, Program Stdt Benefits
\4La 11
Subtotalfor Benefits s
lll. tndividual Trainirg (S'dtolanhlpc/Trdtlon/Feesl N/A
lV. Staff Developmentfirainlng Staff development for Career Coaches to NCPN or similar conference V. Tnvel In-State
Travel to business, industries, Career Centers and middle/high schools
vt. Computersfiechnology s
Vll. Outuadr, Public Rslatlons N/A
Vlll. Materials & Supplles Pens, Folders, copier paper, etc.
lX. Renovadon/Constructlon costs N/A
)(. Equipment Xl. Books Xll. Odrer
Toal Prolect
*List all sources of projected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.) - does not include funds requested in this application. Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items unique to projects. Additional budget line Items may be added as needed.
(OWD Form lVa (Version
- March 6,2013)
Mr. Roger Fortner Coordinator of Workforce Development Governor's Office of Workforce Development Post Office Box 302130 Montgomery, Alab ama 36130-2130
Calhoun Community College Career Coach Grant ProPosal
Dear Roger: Calhoun Community College currently has six Career Coaches serving2S areahigh schools and numerous middle schools. Since the inception of Calhoun's Career Coach Program in 2009, 79,000 students have been served. The career coaches are a vital part of our educational system and I pledge my support to Calhoun's Career Coach proposal. Calhoun believes in this program so strongly that the College pays for five career coaches out of institutional funds totaling more than $200,000 per year in ialaries and benefits. Calhoun will continue to provide offibe space, phones, computer equipment and other necessary items for the success of the Career Coach program.
Calhoun's Career Coaches are well received by administrators and students at the atea schools they serve. Without the support of Calhoun's Career Coaches, many students would not have a clear direction for accomplishing their educational and career goals.
I strongly support this most
successful program and would like to ask you to consider funding
the regional proposal that is being submitted by Calhoun Community College. If you should have any questions or need additional information, please call me.
Thank you for your consideration of our proposal.
Post Office Box
Decq,tun Alabama
35609-2216 29
Phone 256-306-2500
I. F. Dnnxn Srarn TEcHNICAI- CoTLEGE l42l MIRrDIAN $rRunr, NonrH
tri 256.55l.3lttfJ . F:
HuNtsvII"I-8, AL lsttll
June 18, 2013 Dr. Amy Brabham
Vice Chancellor for Career & Technical Education and Workforce Development Alabama State Department of Postsecondary Education P.O. Box 302130
Montgomery, AL 35130-2130
Dear Dr. Brabham:
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of support and commitment for the J. F. Drake State Technical College Career Coaches Initiative. For the past several years, as a member of the North Alabama Career Coach Consortium, Drake State has been serving seven area high schools and their feeder middle schools to assist the school guidance counselors in working with their students to explore career options and undertake career interest assessments using the Kuder Career Planning System. Over the past three years alone, Drake State career coaches have served over 15,000 high school and middle school students. We look forward to continuing this valuable service to our area secondary school students. We thank the Department of Postsecondary Education, the Governo/s Office of Workforce
Development, the State Board of Education, and the Alabama Legislature for providing the valuable funds and guidance needed to sustain this important initiative. The Career Coach program is a vital investment in the future of our state and deserves the continued support of our public officials. We appreciate the role you play in moving this initiative forward. Thank you for your serious consideration of our request to maintain and enhance the Drake State Career Coach lnitiative. Sincerely,
Patricia Sims, Ed. D. Dean
of Instructional and Student Services
Oun GnapuATES ll/onx 30
Alabarna Career Center System
Robert Bentley Governor
Jure 6, 2013
Mr. Dale Greer Chair, Region 2 Workforce Development Council C/O: Teresa Walker Snead State Community College P.O. Box 734
Boaz AL35957 Dear Mr. Greer:
I wish to lend my support and the resources of the Hrurtsville Career Center for the proposals by J. F. Drake State Technical College to continue the College's Career Coaching, Dual Errrollment, and Readyto-Work initiatives and to enhance the capacity of the College to offer uaining in advanced manufacturing. Drake's plan includes support for unemployed and urrderemployd workers and veterans seekingjobs in manufacturing and related industries. These indrstries of norttr Alabama are anticipating a high growth rate over the next five to eight years. Drake State's programs will provide a great opportudty for local uneurployod and underemployed workers to gain well-payingjobs and contribute to the economic vitality of our area, The Huntsville Career Center is plcdged to assist local industries in finding qualified workers to fill their workforce needs. We have besn pleased to have otrr partnership with Dralce State to assist us in prcparing workers to gain the skills requircd for gainful employment with local firms. Norttr Alabama, because of expansion stimulatcd by BRAC and other locd economic development initiatives, is facing several years of high derrand for skilled workers. The current labor pool is not sufficient to meet this anticipated demand,
We are particularly excited about the aspect of the proposal that deals with building an ongoing pipelinc of young workers ttuough the Drake State affrliation with various high school prograrns in the city and county.
If you have any questions about my support of this proposal, you may contact
me on 256 851-0537.
lYUP-Wtv Mike Fowler Career Center Manager
Hunsvru.e CilRegR CeNreR 2535
SrenrurN DRrvsNw - HrrNrsvrue, AL35El0
Temrnone: (256) E5l-0537 Fe* (255) 851-E27E
A proud partner of
31 ameri6tiloU.enter
Mark Rains. President
Bill Aanrn. Vice Presiderrt Vince Ednronds. Member "fcrrv Kennanrer. Melnber Trrn1, S inrmorrs. IVlernber
12380 U.S. Highway
lvlr. Tinr Nabors
Dr. Robert Exley Snead State Community College P.O. Box 734
AL 35957
Dear Dr. Exley,
is with great enthusiasm that I offer the support of Marshatl County Schools fbr the Career Coaches progriun. As the Superintendent. I reco gnize the importance of having the Career Coaches assist our students. These students aie considered by industry ro b;
the mainstay of Alabama's emerging workforce. It is critical that they graduate tiom high school with either a plan for postsecondary education or a OenneO pathway into the workforce. The Career Coaches program will enhance the services our schools provide but will provide more one-on-one contact than what we are able to offer. Today's high school guidance counselors must address a broad range of students' needs including t iglt academic achievers and at-risk students. With all of their responsibilities, ttre guiOance counselors have little time to do career counseling. The Career Coaches program you are proposing w'ill fill that void.
You have my full support in this critical endeavor. Each high school will support the program by offering access to students, providing space in which to meet with students. and other such appropriate services. If I can offer additional supporl, please contact me directly. I look forward to being a pafi o1, and seeing the succeii of this program. our students deserve the best that we can offer and this piogram is supporti*,e of that mission. Sincerely, ,.
(256) 582-l t78 - FAX
June 7,2A13
Cuntersville. Alabanra 35976 (156) 582-3t71
t, /
,-/ tiTt"L,/r'. { Tim Nabors Superintendent
Yo 0.afi, v{gp tvel?fiG0 126 Newt Parker Drive . Boaz, Alabama 35957 Phone: 256-593-8180 . Fax: 250-sgg-8191 . misley@boazkl z.org
ngt ,uvr rt
Board Memberu: Dr. Roger Adams,
President Mr. Rick Thompson, Vice President Mr. Tony G. King Mrs. Fran K. Milwee
Mr.llm Whitt
Jrrnc 7 ,2013
l)r. ftobert
lrxle,v Sncad State Communit,v.' College P.0. Ilor 734 lJoaz, A[, i5957
l)ear l)r. lrxlcy.
It is rvith great enthusiasm that I oll-er thc suppclrt of lJoaz Clity School System tbr the Career Coaches program, As the Superintendent, I recognizc thc irnportance of having the Career Coaches assist clur students. T'hese students are considered by industry to be the mainstay o1'Alabarna"s emerging worklorce. It is critical that they graduate f}onr high school with either a plan lbr postsccondar,r, education or a detined pathway into the rvorktbrcc. 'l'hc ('areer Coaches progranr will enhance thc services our schools provide but, will provide ntorc one-on onc contact than what we are able to ofl'br. '['oday's high school guidancc counsclors must address a broad rangc ol'studcnts' necds including high academic achievers and at-risk students. With all of therir responsibilities, the guidance counselors have little time to do career counseling. 'l'he Career Coaches program you are proposing will fill that void.
You have rny lull support in this critical endeavor. Iiach high school will support the program by ollbring access to students, providing space in which to meet with students, and other such appropriate services. [f I can offer additional support, please contact me dircctly'. I look lirnvard to hcing a part ot. and secing the success of this program. Our students deservc the best that rvc can oft'er and this program is supporlive ol'that rnission.
r&^ l)r. Mark lsler,, Supcrintcndcnt Iloaz City School System
Boaz High School
Boaz Hlddlâ‚Ź School
. Corby Elementary School . Bo.z Elsnnnt!ry School ' Bo.r tn!.nnodl.te School 33
Albertville, Alabama 35950
(256) 891-1183
www.albertkl2.org Frederic E. Ayer, Ed.D., Superintendent
June 10,2013
Dr. Robert Exley Snead State Community College P.O. Box734 Boaz, AL
Dear Dr. Exley,
It is with great enthusiasm that I offerthe support of the Albertville City School System for the Career Coaches program. As the Superintendent, I recognize the importance of having the Career Coaches assist our students. These students are considered by industry to be the mainstay of Alabama's emerging workforce. It is critical that they graduate from high school with either a plan for postsecondary education or a defined pathway into the worldorce. The Career Coaches program will enhance the services our schools provide but, will provide more one-on one contact than what we are able to offer, Today's high school guidance counselors must address a broad range of students' needs including high academic achievers and at-risk students. With all of their responsibilities, the guidance counselors have little time to do career counseling. The Career Coaches program you are proposing will fill that void.
You have my full support in this critical endeavor. Each high school will support the program by offering access to students, providing space in which to meet with students, and other such appropriate services. If I can offer additional support, please contact me directly. I look forward to being apartof, and seeing the success of this program, Our students deserve the best that we can offer and this program is supportive of that mission.
4*-L>-U,A Ayer / Frederic E. Superintendent
rn"ingthotworksforA|obamoz23L2U.5.Higttway43l'South cuntersvi"el#:,r;i*i'iare3sl
Cindy Wigley Career Technlcal Director/ Princlpal
7' 2013
Dr. Robert Exley Snead State Community College
P.O. Box 734 Boaz, AL 35957
Dear Dr. Exley,
It is with great enthusiasm that I otTer the support of Marshall County Schools for the Career Coaches Program- As tJre Career Technical Director, I recognize the importance of having the Career Coaches assist our students. These students are considered by industry to be the mainstay of Alabama's ernerging workforce. It is critical that they graduate from high school with either a plan for postsecondary education or a defined pathway into the workforce. The Career Coaches prograrn will enhance the services our schools provide and will provide more one-on one contact than what we arâ‚Ź able to offer. Today's high school guidance counselors must address a broad range of students' needs including high acadernic achievers and at-risk students. With all of their responsibilities, the guidance counselors have little time to do career counseling. The Career Coaches program you are proposing will fill that void.
you have my f'ull support in this critical endeavor. Each high school will support the Program by offering access to students, providing space in which to meet witJr students, and other such appropriate services. If I can offer additional support, please contact me directly. I look forward to being a part of, and seeing the success of this program. Our students deserve the best that we can offer and this program is supportive of that mission.
Lr^r,RJa\ Cindy L. Wigley Career Technical Director, Marshall County Schools
Principal, Marshall Technical School
l,l{l\illju\1, qtLo,r l'.r
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firfir'rnnt {*
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rrt^Albertvillt lfigb i$chotl fu rhe I rscos.nire rhe rmfroCffn{:e tlf lrauing r},e
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I rr]rLrL:l'('rktuttfr In:ri:.[ ,!til .ltu$rntt. I ircsr; *t*dcnls fftu.cl}l$t(}crrr{ hy indu.ltn' tf.hr; thq mair*stty nt .{l;rban:i* !i emsrfiing lrnrhfnrir lt ir+ cntical thal lhev gradurte frrnm hrg;h :ieito'Jl '*'itlr Eiilltit { plirn fii: pr,;'515rr{Lr:rdar!' txiucnliu{} rr{ u defined pathurlly intg tlut iUr:idrr
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pln,.'*lbrc0l';rlhmtk $ 3 t:rg
1990 Asbury Road Albertville, Alabilma 3595 I
Phone (256) 878-4068 Fax (256) 878-s233
Office of Principal Amy Price Assistant Principal Brian Pool
June 7,2013
Dr. Robert Exley Snead State Community College P.O. Box 734 Roaz,
AL 35957
Dear Dr. Exley,
It is with great enthusiasm that I offer the support of Asbury High School in the Marshall County Schools for the Career Coaches program. As the Superintendent, I recognizethe importance of having the Career Coaches assist our students. These students are considered by indusbry to be the mainstay of Alabama's emerging workforce. It is critical that they graduate from high school with either a plan for postsecondary education or a defined pathway into the workforce. The Career Coaches program will enhance the services our schools provide but, will provide more one-on one contact than what we are able to offer. Today's high school guidance counselors must address a broad range of students' needs including high academic achievers and at-risk students. With all of their responsibilities, the guidance counselors have lifile time to do career counseling. The Career Coaches program you are proposing will fill that void.
You have my full support in this critical endeavor. Each high school will support the program by offering access to students, providing space in which to meet with students, and other such appropriate services. If I can offer additional support, please contact me directly. I look forward to being apart of, and seeing the success of this program. Our students deserve the best that we can offer and this program is supportive of that mission.
Amv Pri.9 Principal
6s77 ;ffiuin
Fnotrn $mitlg pe$ Fis\ F'husl "p,tme of
Granl $labama 35747
tlye ffiafufut"
Phone (256)728-4238 Fax (256) 728,8900
June 7,2413
Dr. Roben Exley Snead State Community College P.O. Box734 Boaz,
Dear Dr. Exley,
It is with great enthusiasm that I offer the support of DAR High School for the Career Coaches program. As the Principal, I recognizethe importance of having the Career Coaches assist our students. These students are considered by industry to be the mainstay of Alabama's emerging workforce. It is critical that they graduate from high school with either a plan for postsecondary education or a defined pathway into the workforce. The Career Coaches program will enhance the services our schools provide but will provide more one-on one contact than what we are able to offer. Today's high school guidance counselors must address a broad range of students' needs including high academic achievers and at-risk students. With all of their responsibilities, the guidance counselors have little time to do career courseling. The Career Coaches progrzlm you are proposing will fill that void.
You have my full support in this critical endeavor. We will support the program by offering access to students, providing space in which to meet with students, ffid other such appropriate services. If I can offer additional support, please contact me directly. I look forward to being a part of, and seeing the success of this program. Our students deserve the best that we can offer and this program is supportive of that mission.
Principal DAR High School
ESTABLISHED IN 1924 BY THE Alabama Daughters of the American Revolution
Chris Pullen
"!(tmoalfio fuilldogo"
June 7,2013
Dr. Robert Exley Snead State Community College P.O. Box 734 Boaz, AL 35957 Dear Dr. Exley,
It is with great enthusiasm that I offer the support of Blount County for the Career Coaches program. As the Principal of Susan Moore High School, I recognize the importance of having the Career Coaches assiit our students. These students are considered by industry to be the mainstay
Alabama's emerging workforce. It is critical that they graduate from high school with either a plan for postsecondary education or a defined pathway into the workforce. The Career Coaches program will enhance the services our schools provide but, will provide more one-on one contact than what we are able to offer. Today's high school guidance counselors must address a broad range of students' needs including high academic achievers and at-risk students. With all of their reslonsibilities, the guidance counselors have little time to do czlreer counseling. The Career Coaches program you are proposing will fill that void.
you have my full support in this critical endeavor. Each high school will support the program by offering access to students, providing space in which to meet with students, and other such to uppropiiate services. If I can offer udditional support, please contact me directly. I look forward Uling'u part of, and seeing the success of this program. Our students deserve the best that we can offer and this program is supportive of that mission.
Sincerely, Chris Pullen - PrinciPal