Application for Workforce l)evelopment X'unding Checklist
Brief Description of Project: June The purpose ofthis grant is to purchase equipment to support the Aerospace Technology Degree Program at Calhoun Community College.
Requesting Organization: Calhoun Community College each inc PART A: The application package must be submiued in original and one photo copy and will include listed below: (if order applicable) in the completed form, the project narrative, and attachments I: This Checklist Form i Form II: Project Proposal Cover Page and Signatures I Form IIA: Regional Council Certification Statement (Signed by the Chairperson for each Region) { Form III: Project Summary (Not to exceed 3 pages) 1 Form IV: Project Budget { Form IVA: Project Budget Backup i Form V: Project Narrative (Not to exceed 10 pages) {
The application should specifically address the following criteria:
Does this application address priorities identified by regional WFD council strategic plan (Attach a signed certificate from each regional council affected; cite the sfategy or strategies in the regional council strategic plan addressed by the proposed activities)
l. Y
2. Y
Does the relationship ofproposed actions and outcomes directly address the solicitation for grant f Workfo the Gov was issued i proposals (&pljg
3. Y Evidence
is attached or otherwise declared that the stated need is based on objective and current data
Evidence is attached or otherwise stated that the applicant is capable and willing to carry out planned activities with maximum efticiencv and effectiveness. (Use past performance on WFD projects/grants,
5. Y
Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that communitv resource leveraging is available to maximize impact of grant funds on application
Evidence is attached or otherwise acknowledged that the project is part of an overall workforce development plan and that there is collaboration with regional and community service providers and stakeholders
GOWD Form | (Version
March 5, 2013) Page 1 of 2
Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the activities can be sustained by the grant recipient 7. beyond the grant period. Not aoolicable for dual enrollment applications.
Evidence is attached demonstrating suooort for the application from area employers. economic 8. develooers. and elected offrcials
9. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the proposed activities are practioal and will effectivelv address the stated needs 10.
Anticipated outcomes align with stated needs
l. Y Do proposed perfogsanse_uqeasulgs
and target levels of performance address meaningful and realistic goals (e.g., number obtaining employment, number retaining employment, average wage increases). I
GOWD Form I (Version
March 5, 2013) Page 2 of 2
Part2: Application Forms and Narrative The project application must include each
ofthe following forms and the project narrative.
FORMII: COVERPAGE This Application for X'unding is for the following (please check
category per application):
Dual Enrollment (For "Credit" Courses Only) Short-Term / Non-Credit Training Customued Training / Incumbent Worker Training Other Workforce Development Initiatives Project and Contact Information
Project Title:
Strensthenins the Aerospace Technolow Prosram
Amount of Funds Requested: $146'500 Service Provider/Fiscal Agent:
Calhoun Community College
Mailing Address: 6250 U. S. Highway 31, Tanner Alabama' 35671 Narne and Title of Project Contact:
Keith Davis, Aerospace instructor, Calhoun Community College Email:
FAX: 256-306-2869
Phone: 256-694-5946
physical Address(s) of Training / Equiryent (@tucle:eeawbl: Center of Advanced Technologies Building' calhoun comnunity college, Decatur campus (6250 U. S. Highway 31, Tanner, Alabama, 35671
Bryan Helns Email: Phone: 256.306-2545
Name and Title of Fiscal Contact (if different from above):
Name of State Board of Education Member(s) of the location where training will take place:
Ms. Mary Scott Hunter and Dr. Charles Elliott
As the person authorized to act on behalf ofthe service provider/fiscal agen! I certifu that the information submitted in this application is accurate. I also certifu that the service provider will carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requirements.
Marilvn Beck
Printed or Typed Name
Si Ar
\ GOWD Form ll (Version
March 6, 2013)
NOTE: If project covers multiple workforce development regions, certification must be provided by all regional councils. The exception is for a state-wide project application, which requires certification from one regional council - typically the council where the project is headquartered.
Strensthenins Aerospace Technolorv Prosram proposed by Calhoun Community College addresses workforce development priorities, strategies, and targeted occupations identified by the Region II Workforce Development Council or addresses immediate priority training needs not initially identified through the strategic planning process. I also certiff that the Region II Workforce Development Council or its applicable committee has reviewed the project application and recommends funding the proposed activities.
I certiff that
This project directly addresses workforce development in the following industry and targekd occupations identified as priorities in the regional council's shategic plan: Industry or industries: This progrlm addresses training in Manufacturing and repair in the Aerospace and Defense indushy, Target occupation(s): Aerospace Technicians and relrrted occupations This project directly addresses the following strategy or strategies identified in the regional workforce development strategic plan: This project will provide hands-on training in composites and orbital welding to enhance the rapidly growing demand for skilled worker"s by aerospace manufacfuring firms and defense contractors. By purchasing new equipment, students will strengthen their knowledge of up-to-date techniques used in today's nanufacturing and repair environments. The growing use of composites will continue because of its strength to weight ratio.
(ranging from 0-5' using the The Regional Council assigns this application a priority rating ranking system below,): 5 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as critical 0iutted to2 3ppliegdglg-pgI fundinq cvcle) for this Fiscal Year (FY) and has excellent projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 4 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as very important for this FY and has very good projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 3 - Meets shategies and targeted occupations identified as important for this FY and has ggad projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 2 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is less important for this FY. I - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is not imoortant for this FY. 0 - Does not meet strategies or targeted occupations identified for this FY.
NOTE: All applications must be submitted to GOWD for documentation purposes, even if application is not recommended or receives a 0 rating. Proposal recommended in the amount of $
Printed or Typed Name & Date
Signature Regional workforce development council chair or designee (must be voting member of the regional council) GOWD Form lla (Version - March 6,2}t3l 4
Provide a brief overview of the project, responding to each item listed below. Summary must be than three (3) paqes and must provide a clear, concise, well-constructed, and to-the-point description ofthe project in areas indicated.
Project title: Strenqtheninq the Aerosoace Technolow Proeran
Service provider/fiscal
agent: Calhoun Community College, 6250 Highway 31, Tanner, AL
35671 Total funds requested:
(Projects are funded on FY basis, Octl
Estimated start date of training (based on start of semester, receipt of equipment, etc.) and length of course(s) (i.e. standard / firll semester schedule; 3 weeks short term non-credit training, etc.):
Estimated Installation date: December 1, 2013 (after bidding process is complete) Use of equipment staft date: January 31 2014 (beginning of Spring Semesterr 2014) V.
Identify the industry sector(s) and targeted occupation(s) and how this project will address each: (Must meet the strategies identified in the regional council's strategic plan) Industry Secto rs : Aeros pace Manufacturin g/D efens e The funds will allow hands-on repair training for students majoring in Aerospace Technology.
Target population(s) to be addressed by proposed activities (e.g. High School, Dislocated Worker, Adult, Youth, Other): Dislocated Workers, Adults, and Youth, are all part of the aerospace program. All students are seeking new skills in a high-wage, high-demand field with a bright future to enhance their quality of life.
Proposed activities: (Summarize how this project addresses soecific and immediate training needs in the service provider's area, documented demand data hiring and expansion announcements, etc., if applicable):
This project addresses immediate training needs in North Alabama by focusing on the students' ability to perform tube welds and to repair composites used in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Delta rocket, helicopters and numerous other military and civilian hardware. Due to the high number of aerospace manufacturers and defense contractors in the region, additional work is anticipated around Redstone Arsenal in the next 1-5 years.
Anticipated outcomes and targeted levels of performance (based on start date & ending 30Sep): State the applicable outcomes (Respond with NA where aooropriate): a. Total number of participants to be served 36 b. Ofthose in a. above, Completers 18 or 507o of those participating c. Of those in b. above, Completers eaming college credits or 600/" of completers e. Of those in a. and b. above, Entered related employment of completers 10 or 907o f. Of those in h. below, Retained related employment g. of those in b. thru f. above, continuing in training past end the of grant period _9 or 507o
!! ll
of completers h. Of those inb. above, Currently employed - Skills upgrade only 2 i. Equipment installed or upgraded by December 1, 2013. (Only if critical to this project.) j. Credential(s) to be earned by completers: Associate of Apptied Science Degree in Aerospace Technology
(If answered Is there expressed legislative interest in this specific proposal? Yes No Yes, please identiff the legislator(s) and corresponding House and/or Senate district(s).)
there be other funding solicited from other sources for this project (i.e. (If answered Yes, please Perkins funds, line item or earmark in ETF, etc)? Yes No provide background to include the source, amount, date requested, outcome if known, etc.)
Identify all anticipated sources of revenue and estimated amounts (e.g. tuition/fees paid by Individual Training Accounts (ITA), Pell Grant, Scholarships, etc.) Pell Grants and Scholarships for credit courses and WIA or ITA funds for non-credit courses are applicable for the programs that are served by the equipment in this grant request. The amount varies directly with student enrollment and individual qualifications for the funds.
Has there been or
GOWD Form lll (Version
March 5, 2013)
Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested grant funds and leveraged finds, and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form IIIA for a description of each line item. Budget ltem
Salaries Benefits ual Trai n nq (scholarsh ps/tu ition/fees) Statf DevelopmenUTrai n no I
nd ivid
Travel In State Computers/Technoloqy Public Relations/Outreach Materials/Supplies Renovatio n/Construction Equipment Books Other *Proiected Revenue
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx $146,500
*List all sources of projected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.) - does not include funds requested in this application. Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items unique to projects. Additional budget line Items may be added as needed.
GOWD Form lV (Version
March 5,20t31
FORM IVA: PROJECT BUDGET BACKUP Each budget line item on Form III must be supported by a detailed description. This fomr explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title/function, salary/wage, and percentage of time charged to project. Otler costs should be detailed by type of activity, unit cost, and total units.
I. II. [I. IV. V. VI.
Program Staff Salaries
- N/A
Program StaffBenefits
- N/A
Cost of Individual Training (Scholarships, tuition, training fees; and other costs related to training of individuals. Indicate the oroiected cost of the course(s). regardless if requestine funding) Each course in the Aerospace Technology Program earns 3 credit hours at a cost of $4|4lcourse. Staff DevelopmenUTraining In-State Travel
- N/A
- N/A
Computers and Technology
- N/A
Public Relations, Outreach (Details of media advertising and other public outreach costs, e.g., newspapers, radio/TV, direct mail, etc.) In an effort to mlke nore people in the region aware of this great training opportunity, a total of $10,000 has been budgeted for targeted outreach to students, parents and employers through electronic billboards' updated progran brochures and promotional materials)
Materials & Supplies (Office supplies, training supplies and materials, other supplies required to carry out project, detailed by type and costs, and the intent for retention/accountability of durable items.)
D(. X.
Renovation / construction costs.
Equipment (If applicable, attach a vendor nrice & soecifications sheet for prooosed eouipment purchases for use during negotiation phase and indicate the intent for reusing durable items in subsequent classes.) $136,500 6 complete training units with carts @ $7'667 per unit = $46,000 2 orbital welden @ $ 45250 per unit = $90'500 This equipment is expected to last at least 5 years before updating.
Books (attach itemized list if applicable).
Other (Other items and related costs not included in the above line items that are required to
- N/A
implement the project included as a grant funded item in the budget page.)
Projected revenue (list all sources of projected or potential revenues, e.g., tuition, fees, other grants - does not include funds requested in this application)
No new classes are being added as a result of this equipment purchase. Therefore, new revenue is not expected. We hope to gain additional students through a targeted marketing campaign. GOWD Form lva (Version 8
March 6, 2013)
Statement of Need
This project will add equipment to enhance composite manufacturing, aerospace welding and repair work within the Aerospace community. Allowing students to receive the basics in composite repair and tube welding will strengthen the quality of the aerospace technisians g6mplsfi1g Calhoun's program. Cunently, there is no equipment available to teach composite repairs. In addition, the Orbital Welder is outdated and was obtained by the College in 1999 when Boeing located in Decatur, Alabama. This current Orbital Welder still uses floppy disks to operate, and needs frequent repairs. Attachment A provides a picture of the cunent Orbital Welder used in the Aerospace Technology Program. The new orbital tube welders enable repairs without the use of fittings adding additional weight to the
product; a hands-on skill required by regional employers. The Composite Hot Bonders purchased through the grant focuses on repairs in all types of military and commercial hardware including rockets, airplanes, and helicopters. The growth in using composites in manufacturing will continue to grow because of its strength to weight ratio being lighter than aluminum. By having these additional skills in composites and orbital tube welding, students will be able to sit for the national certification with SpaceTec or Cert Tech, both nationally recognized credentials. Letters of support are attached from Boeing, United Launch Alliance and ATK Space Launch Division.
Tineline for Project Activities
Notice equipment Equipment Equipment instruction
October 20 I 3 October-November, 2013 November, 2013 December,2Ol3 Spring Semester, 2014
Receive Grant Award Conduct State Bid for Order Receive/Install Implement in Clnssroom
Individuals and Industries Served
This project focuses on composite repair and orbital tube welding within the Aerospace tecbnician program. Aerospace manufacturers and defense contractors will have increased availability of skilled composite technicians to meet their workforce needs. This new equipment also enhances the College's ability to serve incumbent workers Industry sectors served by this project include the following:
. r
Aerospace and Defense AdvancedManufacturing
The populations targeted by this project include incumbent workers, GED graduates, Alabama Parenthood Initiative participants, Veterans, and traditional students. Students in credit programs, and customized business and industry training will be trained by this project.
Project Outcomes and Performance Targets
Total enrollment in aerospace-related courses (credit and non-credit) will increase by at least 10% each year for the next two years based on the 20 I 2- I 3 enrollment.
The Aerospace program is the only two-year degree program in the state of Alabama. The program is growing and needs new equipment and technology added to allow for grow in the area. The Student Composite Hot Bonder Training Kit and Orbital Tube Welders will add new capabilities to the class and expand knowledge within the student aâ‚Źrospace community. This is technology used in the industry today it vrill expand it into this program. In recent years, aerospace classes have been taught only at night. With the addition of new equipment and program growth, day classes are being added to accommodate the number of students.
The stakeholders in this project are the students served and the regional business and industry employers that will be served through the skills of program completers that become employees or through the expanded skills oftheir incumbent workforce. Regional employers in the Aerospace and Defense manufacturing sector are increasing their composite uses. This project is desigrred to address these needs by increasing knowledge and skill level.
This program expands and enhances the capabilities of the College in all Aerospace prcgrams and builds on previous investments in Aerospace labs and equipment.
VIII. Sustainability This project provides the primary investment of six training Student Composite Hot Bonder Training Kits. And two orbital welding units. All equipment purchased tlrough the grant will be maintained by the college. Since tuition and fees are the main source of funding for the College, enrollment in this highdemand area is growing and expected to continue growing with the emphasis on eflicient training ofthe workforce with new emerging technologies and skills to secure job that will meet tomonow future in the areas of manufacturing and defense.
Capacity of Service Provider
Calhoun Community College has benefited from the receip of firnding for the startup and/or expansion many projects from the OfEce of Workforce Development such as:
Hl-B Multi-skilled
Trades Training grant (2008), Plumbing Pre-apprenticeship program (2008), program (2008-09), Welding equipment expansion program (2008), Pre-apprenticeship Lineworker Alabama Pre-apprenticeship Construction Trades Training (2010), Tech Skills Plus program (2010-11). Each of these programs met or exceeded their goals. The Virtual Welding Simulation Program (2011-12), the VMWare Academy (2012-13), Mechatronix (2012-13) prqecrs have not been completed. Several of these programs were in parfirership with other colleges, and each program essentially met the intended program outcomes. The programs that were started with firnding from the Office of Workforce 10
Development are continuing in a self sustaining mode of operation demonstrating the value of program startup and expansion support.
Marketing Stratery
The College respectfully requests $10,000 to perform outreach and targeted marketing for the Aerospace Technology Program. Our instructors are often told by employers, "CaJhoun is the best kept secret in the Tennessee Valley." The College's award-winning Public Relations Departrnent will work with the Aerospace faculty to develop targeted materials for electronic billboards, brochures, and appropriate outreach materials to promote the program. to high school, college, and industry partners through the region. The Program will also be promoted through current community outreach initiatives such as the annual Workforce Expo, Summer Camps for Educators, Summer Camps for girls in welding and electrical technology (SweETy), Tech Night, and Manufacturing Showcase events to promote technology prograrns and advertise the College's capabilities iir training and support for industry.
Special Characteristics of Project
The unique characteristics ofthis project have been discussed throughout the proposal. In summary, this program will expand and enhance Aerospace Composite training capabilities for Aerospace and Defense industry. The new equipment will provide hands-on experience and skills to students to prepare them for
national certifications in the field.
GOWD Form V (Version
Application for Workforce Development Funding Checklist
June l9-2O13
Brief Description of Project: The purpose ofthis grant is to purchase equipment to support the Aerospace Technology Degree Program at Calhoun Community College. Requesting Organization: Calhoun Comrnunity College
PART A: The application package must be submitted in original and one photo copy and will include each completed form, the project nanative, and attachments (ifapplicable) in the order listed below: Form I: This Checklist ! Form II: Project Proposal Cover Page and Signatures { Form IIA: Regional Council Certification Statement (Signed by the Chairperson for each Region) 1 Form III: Project Summary (Not to exceed 3 pages) ! Form IV: Project Budget 1 Form IVA: Proiect Budget Backup ! Form V: Project Narrative (Not to exceed 10 pages) { PART
The application should specifically address the following criteria:
l. Y Does this application address priorities identified by regional WFD council strategic plan (Attach a signed certificate from each regional council affected; cite the stratâ‚Źgy or strategies in the regional council strategic plan addressed by the proposed activities) 2. Y
Does the relationship ofproposed actions and outcomes directly address the solicitation for grant
proposals (aoolicable only
if RFP
3. Y
Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the stated need is based on objective and current data
4. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise stated that the applicant is capable and willing to carry out planned activities with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. (Use past performance on WFD projectVgrants, if applicable.)
5. Y
Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that communitv resource leveraging is available to maximize impact of grant funds on application
Evidence is attached or otherwise acknowledged that the project is part of an overall workforce 6. development plan and that there is collaboration with regional and community service providers and stakeholders
GOWD Form | (Version
March 6, 2013) Page 1 of 2
n Qrbitg!
The Boeing Company 499 Boeing Blvd. P.O. Box 240002 Huntsville, AL 35824-6402
June 19.2013
To whom it may concern:
The Boeing Company in Huntsville, AL is part of Boeing Defense Systems. Programs supported at the Huntsville site include PAC3, ABMD, AVENGER, GMD, SLS and the International Space Station. Boeing enjoys a close working relationship with Calhoun Community College in which Calhoun has provided paid interns to supplement Boeing's work force from a mechanical and an electrical assembly standpoint. In addition to providing capable aerospace employees for Boeing and other aerospace companies in the region, Calhoun has been instrumental in the SpaceTEC certification process, in which employees of these companies are tested and receive certifications based on their knowledge of material and processes required to excel in the aerospace industry. Boeing Huntsville currently has 21 employees that have earned this certification, with 8 additional employees working toward their
certification. It is important to Boeing to have a local college training technicians in cutting edge technology such as machining, robotics, and electronics. As Boeing's work force grows, Calhoun provides a well prepared labor pool that can step in and quickly be a contributing aerospace employee.
Floyd E. Cook Manufacturing operations manager Boeing
ULI'{, United Launch Alliance
June 18, 2013 Mr. Brian
Aerospace Instructor Calhoun Community College
Re: Grant for Orbital Tube Weld and Composites equipment Dear Mr. Davis United Launch Alliance (ULA) Decatur facility strongly supports the grant application for Orbital Tube Welders and Composite Hot Bonders.
The ULA Decatur Facility (formerly Boeing) has been a partner with Calhoun Community since the beginning of the facility in 1998. The Decatur facility employs 860 employees with more than 400 being Aerospace Technicians who build rockets to launch payloads in support of government and commercial customer. The Aerospace Technology Associate Degree program developed and offered at Calhoun has been a major provider of training support for the more than 400 Aerospace Technicians employed at the Decatur facility. Calhoun Community College is in need of additional and updated equipment to have the ability to meet the skill requirements of the Aerospace industry. ULA utilizes the resources of Calhoun Community College to support new hire and upgrade training for our Aerospace Technician team. In addition, the graduates of the program are given preference in meeting staffing needs of the facility. Aerospace Technicians require special skills and Calhoun is a major supplier of skill development for Nofth Alabama. ULA is extremely pleased with the support that has been provided by Calhoun and will depend on them for continued suppoft in the future.
Again, I strongly urge approval of this grant request. Sincerely,
h-/rr ffi*np
Fred M. Lamm - / Corporate Leadei, Training and Learning Management United Launch Alliance
United Launch Alliance . 100 Atlas Avenue . TrinitV, AL 35673
Date: June 18, 2013 Subject: Calhoun Community College's Aerospace Program
To: Whom it May Concern:
Space Launch Division of Allient Tech Systems (ATK) provides Solid Rocket Motors to the US Government as well as other technical services to the Government and Cornmercial Companies. ATK's Huntsville Space Operations (HSO) Group is located in Huntsville, Alabama and has an outstanding professional relationship with Calhoun Community Coltege. HSO-ATK has a Material Test Lab were we perform
structural and quality verification test on composite test coupons for several commercial aeronautical companies. (Air Bus, Spirit, Cytec to name a few).
for highly skilled/trained technicians that can be part of a highly technically team made up of other technicians, engineers, and material scientists. The technicians need to be technically competent to follow and understand technical instructions that need to be accomplished on manufacturing machinery and implemented in Critical Processes performed on the floor.
ATK has a need
to help Calhoun Community College succeed in educating and training outstanding aerospace technicians for the Northern Alabama aerospace work force. ATK is hoping to expand its operation at the Material Test Lab as well as acquiring several contracts frorn NASA at the Marshall Space Flight Center. The graduates of Calhoun's Aerospace Program as ATK's new employees will be a key part of our future growth.
ATK provides composite material as well as technical advisors
ATK HsO group will continue to support calhoun cornmunity college's Aerospace Program with
composite material and technical advisors because we know we will have the opportunity to hire the best educated and job ready technicians in Nsrthern Alabama.
Bob Herman Vice President Huntsville Operations ATK Space Launch Division
620 Discovery Drive Building 2, Suite 200 Huntsville, AL 35806 phone: 256.428.5856 I cell: 321'480.9820 Ro
hert. H.eIF
@at m