Calhoun Tool and Die Program

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FORMI Application for Workforce Development Funding Checklist Date:

DEecmbcr Prosram


Brief Description of Project: Tool & Die

Requesting Organization: _Calhoun Community Col lege

PART A: The application package must be submitted in original and one photo copy and will include each completed form, the project narative, and attachments (ifapplicable) in the order listed below: ! Form I: This Checklist { Form II: Project Proposal Cover Page and Signatures -V Form llA: Regional Council Certification Statement (Signed by the Chairperson for each Region) -V Form III: Project Summary (Not to exceed 3 pages) n Form IV: Project Budget ./ Form IVA: Project Budget Backup Form V: Project Narrative (Not to exceed l0 pages) PART


The application should specifically address the following criteria:

l. Y Does this application address priorities identified by regional WFD council strategic plan (Attach a signed certificate from each regional council affected; cite the strategy or strategies in the regional council strategic plan addressed by the proposed activities) 2. Y Does the relationship of proposed actions and outcomes directly address the solicitation for grant proposals (Applicable only if RFP was issued in solicitation by the Office of Workforce Develooment) 3. Y

Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the stated need is based on obiective and curIqrt


4. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise stated that the applicant is capable and willing to carry out planned activities with maximum efficiencv and effectiveness. (Use past performance on WFD proj ects/grants, if applicable.)

5. Y

Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that community resource leveraeing is available to maximize impact of grant funds on application

6. Y

Evidence is attached or otherwise acknowledged that the project is part ofan overall workforce development plan and that there is collaboration with regional and community service providers and stakeholders

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March 2,2071,1 Page 7 of 2

7. Y

Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the activities can be sustained by the grant recipient beyond the grant period. Not apolicable for Ready-To-Work (RTW) or dual enrollment applications.


Evidence is attached demonstrating supoort for the aoolication from area employers. economic 8. develooers. and elected officials

9. Y Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the proposed activities are practical and will effectivelv address the stated needs 10.


Anticipated outcomes align with stated needs

l. Y

Do proposed perfouoauec_locasulo and target levels of performance address meaningful and realistic goals (e.g., number obtaining employment, number retaining employment, average wage I



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March 2,20LLl Paee 2 of 2

Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program. Page 2

Part2z Application Forms and Narrative The project application must include each of the following forms and the project narrative.



This Application for Funding is for the following (please check




category per application):

Dual Enrollment (For "Credit" Courses Only) Short-Term / Non-Credit Training Customized Training / Incumbent Worker Training Other Workforce Development Initiatives

Project and Contact Information Project

Title: Calhoun Tool & Die Program

Amount of Funds Requested: $121,700 Service Provider/Fiscal Agent: Calhoun Community College

Mailing Address: 6250 U. S. Highway 31, Tanner Alabama, 35671 Name and Title of Project Contact (Individual responsible for grant negotiation): Bethany Clemo Dean of Business,

CIS, Technology and Workforce Development, Calhoun Community College Email:

FAX: 256 30G2869

Phone: 256 306-2669

Physical Address(s) of Training / Equipment: Industrial Technologies Building, Calhoun Comrnunity College, Decatur Campus (6250 U. S. Highway 31, Tanner, Alabama, 35671 Name of Fiscal Contact

(if different from above): Mr. Jack Burrow

Title: Dean ofBusiness and Finance





: jbuns!@lalh.aurcdu

Phone: 256.306.2545


As the person authorized to act on behalfofthe service provider/fiscal agent, I certify that the information submitted in this application is accurate. I also certify that the service provider will carry out the proposed activities as stated and will follow accountability and reporting requirements.

_Dr.MarilynBeck-President,CalhounCommunityCo|lege or Typed Name


ta r? l1

16' ' I Cl ' I Date OWD Form ll (Version


March 2,2011)


FORM IIA: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CERTIFICATION NOTE: Ifproject covers multiple workforce development regions, certification must be provided by all regional councils. The exception is for a state-wide project application, which requires certification from one regional council - typically the council where the project is headquartered. I certify that the Tool & Die Prosram (name of project) proposed by Calhoun Community College (service provider/fiscal agent) addresses workforce development priorities, strategies, and targeted occupations identified by the Region Workforce Development Council or addresses immediate priority training needs not initially identified through the strategic planning process. I also certify that the Region II_ Workforce Development Council or its applicable committee has reviewed the project application and recommends funding the proposed activities.


This project directly addresses workforce development in the following industry and targeted occupations identified as priorities in the regional council's strategic plan: Yes Industry or industries: This program addresses training in three of the top five target industries including Aerospace and Defense, Advanced Manufacturing and Tool & Die Shops. Target occupation(s): Tool & Die skills are critical to designated workers in two of the top 10 occupations including "Installation, Maintenance and Repair" and "Job Shops and Extraction." This project directly addresses the following strategy or strategies identified in the regional workforce development strategic plan: The Tool and Die Project directly supports the major goal of the Region II Workforce Development Council:. Provide a workforce that is conJident, capable, and competitive. Funding for Tool & Die equipment will meet demands for skilled Tool & Die makers by regional manufacturing employers. This equipment is portable and also provides expanded capabilities for training and assessment in a traditional Tool & Die classroom environment. The system will serve credit, and non-credit students. The portable units will be used for recruiting and demonstrations with high schooVmiddle school students at camps and workforce expos. The Regional Council assigns this application a priority rating of (ranging from 0-5, using the ranking system belowJ.' 5 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as criticai G!mite<!_to Z applcagslSg fundins cvcle) for this Fiscal Year (FY) and has excellent projected outcomes to address our WFD needs.

4 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as very imoortant for this FY and has verv good projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 3 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as important for this FY and has eood projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 2 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is less important for this FY. I - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is not important for this FY. 0 - Does not meet strategies or targeted occupations identified for this FY.

NOTE: Regardless ofwhether the application is not approved and/or receives a 0 rating, please send this statement to the Office of Workforce Development for documentation purposes. Proposal recommended in the amount of $ by Region _ Council. Printed or Typed Name & Date or designee (must be loting member ofthe regional council)

Signature Regional workforce development council chair

Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program, Page 4





Provide a briefoverview ofthe project, responding to each item listed below. Summary must be more than three (3) pases and must provide a clear, concise, well-constructed, and to-the-point description of the project in areas indicated.


Project title: Tool


Service provider/fiscal agent: Calhoun Community College, Decatur Alabama


Total funds requested:


Estimated start date of training and length of course(s): Use of the equipment will start immediately upon after delivery, setup and faculty training. Tool & Die training in both non-credit and credit programs are ongoing throughout the school year.


Identify the industry sector(s) and targeted occupation(s) and how this project will address each: (Must meet the strategies identified in the regional council's strategic plan): Trained Tool & Die Makers feed multiple industra sectors including construction, manufacturing, and maintenance. Many of these sectors are currently impacted by retirements and facility expansions resulting in the need for additional trained workers. Trained Tool & Die workers are employed in both production and maintenance segments in the rnanufacturing sector.


Target population(s) to be addressed by proposed activities (e.g. High School, Dislocated Worker, Adult, Youth, Other): The proposed addition of Tool & Die Makers will enhance and streamline the training that in provided in credit and non-credit Tool & Die programs which directly serves incumbent workers, dislocated workers, and adults. Additionally, the equipment purchased through the grant will more effectively meet recruiting needs of high school students and familiarize faculty/counselors with Tool & Die through simulated settings that are safer and more cost-effective. This equipment will provide realistic simulations using actual Tool & Die components such as building molds, dies, fixtures, and products that can be mass produced.


& Die Program


(Projects are funded on FY basis, Octl



Proposed activities: (Summarize how this project addresses soecific and immediate training needs in the service provider's area, documented demand data, hiring and expansion

if applicable): This project addresses immediate training needs in the Tool and Die industry by providing funding for equipment. The equipment will accelerate and improve the depth and breadth of knowledge in both the credit and noncredit Tool & Die programs. Students completing the Tool & Die Program will serve as recruiters for the program by telling their co-workers about the training opportunity at Calhoun. announcements, etc.,


Anticipated outcomes and targeted levels of performance: State the applicable outcomes (Respond with NA where aporopriate): a. Number of participants to be served # b. Completers 53yo of those participating c. Completers eaming college credits



e. Entered related employm


ent :l# 27oh of completers

Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program, Page 5

f. Retained related employment


27olo of completers

g. Continued education or training A # h. Skills upgrade in current employment

_0 % of completers


27 _% of completers i. Equioment installed or unsraded Sprine 2013 date(s) j. Credential(s) to be earned by completers: AAS Degree, of Certificate of completion, Tool and Die Certificate of Comoletion.

/ No


(If answered Yes, Is there expressed legislative interest in this proposal? Yes please identify the legislator(s) and corresponding House and/or Senate district(s).)


Has there been or will there be other funding solicited from other sources for this project? Yes (lf answered Yes, please provide background to include the source, amount, date requested. outcome if known. etc..;


/ No

Identify all anticipated sources of revenue and estimated amounts (e.g. tuition/fees paid by Individual Training Accounts (ITA), Pell Grant, Scholarships, etc.) Pell Grants and Scholarships for credit courses and WIA or ITA funds for non-credit courses are applicable for the programs that are served by the equipment in this grant request. The amount varies directly with student enrollment and individual qualification for the funds. OWD Form lll {Version


March 2, 2011)

Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program, Page 6


Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested grant funds and leveraged funds, and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form IIIA for a descriotion of each line item. Budget ltem

Cost {Reouestedl



Salaries Benefits Individual Traininq (scholarships/tuition/fees) Staff DevelopmenVTrainino

Travel In Stiate Computers/TechnoloqV Public Relations/Outreach Materials/Supplies Renovation/Construction Equipment - each set at a unique frequencv Books Other - one optional annual uporade *Proiected Revenue

$12,500 $109,200



$ 121,700



*List all sources ofprojected revenues (uition, fees, other grants, etc.) does not include funds requested in this application.

Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items r.rnique to projects. Additional budget line Items may be added as needed.

OWD Form lV (Version


March 2, 2011)

Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die hogram, Page 7

FORM IVA: PROJECT BUDGET BACKUP Each budget line item on Form III must be supported by a detailed description. This form explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title/function, salary/wage, and percentage of time charged to project. Other costs should be detailed by type of activity, unit cost, and total units.


Program Staff Salaries (Position title/function of staff assigned to project-specific progrnm services activities, salary/wage, percentage of time charged to project.)


Program Staff Benefits (Type and cost offringe benefits for each position included in project budget.)


Cost of Individual Training (Scholarships, tuition, training fees; and other costs related to training ofindividuals. Indicate the orojected cost ofthe course(s). regardless ifrequesting funding)


StaffDevelopment/Training (Detail of consultants; tuition/fees, other costs related to providing and/or attending; staff members attending training for new equipment, etc.)


In-State Travel (Costs and justification ofmileage, lodging, meals and other travel-related expenses.)


Computers and Technology (Itemized listing of computer hardware & software and how it is used in relation to the proposed activities.)


Public Relations, Outreach (Details ofmedia advertising and other public outreach costs, e.g., newspapers, radio/TV, direct mail, etc.)


Materials & Supplies (Office supplies, training supplies and materials, other supplies required to carry out project, detailed by type and costs, and the intent for retention/accountability of durable items.) $12,500 requested: Punches, buttons, springs, ball locks, metal tables, steel, storage, straps, buckles, hocks, etc. will be purchased to support the Tool and Die Program.

IX. X.

Renovation / construction costs (ltemized estimate of building expenses, if applicable.) Equipment (Ifapplicable, attach a vendor price & specifications sheet for proposed equipment purchases for use during negotiation phase and indicate the intent for reusing durable items in subsequent classes.) $109,200 requested: Itemized listing with cost and source of information is attached.


Books (attach itemized list if applicable).

Other (Other items and related costs not included in the above line items that are required to implement the project included as a grant funded item in the budget page.) Projected revenue (list all sources ofprojected or potential revenues, e.g., tuition, fees, other - does not include funds requested in this application)


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March 2,201,L1

Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program, Page


Tool & Die Program Equipment Budget Furnace Die Chart (2) Press Jib Crane Magnet Tool Steel Job Box Wrenches Pry Bar Set Forklift Total

Unit Cost $41,124.00 $775.60 $17,000.00 $13,183.52 $712.50 $10,500.00 (A2, D2, 4150 & 6061 Alu.) $1,327.95 (For Die Tools) $583.13 $68.91 $23,924.39 $109,200.00

***Sources*** Cress Mfg. Co; Nationwide Industrial Supply; Gorbel; Anhui Laifu NC Machine Tool Co., Ltd.; Dayton Progress Corporation; Professional Equipment; MSC Industrial Supplies; Lee Springs Company

F.ORM V: PROJECT NARRATIVE Respond to each item as directed. Respond with

NA ifan item is not applicable to the proposed

project. Responses must be in the order of the items listed and labeled as each item is labeled. The narrative must be no more than ten (10) pages. Attachments, including letters of support and data documentation, should follow the project narrative and be separately labeled. An index listing attachments and page numbers is recommended if attachments are referenced in the project narrative. Statement of Need a. Describe the needs to be addressed by the proposed project; include applicable data and research-based information. (Recommend: Expansion and hiring announcements, regional workfbrce development council strategic plan, the Alabama State of the Workforce Report available at , and Labor Market Information available


U.S. Department of Labor employment projections for Tool and Die Makers show an

annual projected increase of l.lYo. Workers can expect to earn an entryJevel hourly wage of $16.00+ with experienced workers earning $24.00+ per hour. A total of 960 positions are projected over the 2008-2018 period. In addition, the Region 2 ll/orkforce Development Council 2010-II Strategic Plan lists manufacturing as the number 2 target industry. The occupation distribution for Tool and Die makers is heavily salurated in North Alabama as evidenced in Appendix A. The needs addressed through this project are training needs with "real-world" components that would not be cost-effective to train on in a working environment. Training individuals using these "real-world" components so that training does not interfere with day-to-day operations produces better students and future employees. Regional industries will benefit by sending their current or new employees that already have experience on these devices without the company losing production time.


Describe how the proposed project will address the needs.

By using "real-world" components, Calhoun will be able to help industry by training their employees on the equipment they are already using. Also, instructors receiving the necessary certifications will increase confidence in both the Alabama Community College System and Calhoun Community College. This growth in confidence will result in industry support for the program through equipment donations, hiring students, and developing cooperative opportunities.


Provide a list of businesses/organizations for prospective job placement and attach letters support from area employers (letters are not counted against the l0 page maximum).

The following organizations support the project and have provided letters of commitment.


AIDT Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program. Page 9


. '. II.

Federal mogul Sandvik T&C Stamping

Project Activities


Provide a timeline and description of project activities, including purchases, recommended training provider(s), start date oftraining, etc.

Project Activity

Responsible Parties

Estimated Dates of

Activitv Designate area for equipment Research product guidelines to ensure successful

integration Follow Alabama State Bid Laws Receive/lnstall equipment Conduct Professional Development for faculty members on new equipment Begin equipment utilization Enroll Students

Steven Smith/Joe Williams Steven Smith,/Joe Williams

December 2012 January 2013

Steven Smith/Joe Wiliiams

February 20l

Steven Smith/Joe Williams Steven Smith,/Joe Williams

Februarv - March 201 3 March - July, 2013

Steven Smith/Joe Williams Steven Smith/Joe Williams

Ausust 2013 Ausust 2013



Provide the Classification Instructional Program (CIP) codes for training activities involving "for credit" courses. CIP Code: 48.0507


Describe the skills, knowledge, and abilities that will be gained by the targeted group.

Tool & Die programs in both credit and non-credit classes are offered year round. Upon funding approval, bids and procurement processes will begin to purchase the equipment. upon delivery and system operational training with faculty, the system will be integrated into all appropriate technical programs at the College.

. r o o



Demonstrate safety practices associated with Tool and Die Equipment Read and interpret blueprints, schematics, and technical drawings Produce, set-up, and conligure stamping and forming dies Demonstrate knowledge of tools used in machining by developing lab projects

Individuals and Industries Served Identify the population(s) to be served by the project.

Adults, High School graduates, Displaced Workers, Incumbent Workers


Identify the industry sectors and occupations to be served by the project.

Aerospace and Automotive Manufacturers, National Defense Contractors, and Machine Shops will be served by the project. calhoun community College - Tool and Die Progam, Page l0


Describe how those businesses or industry sectors will benefit from the project.

Technicians will benefit by learning the "ins and outs" of all the components that are used in the day-to-day environment without having to stop a machine and lose production. Current and future employees will be able to learn better and more efficient ways to use the components that are already in use, Tool and Die workers will be exposed to technologies that are not normally taught at four-year institutions.


Project Outcomes and Performance Targets


State the anticipated outcomes ofthe project in measurable terms. Include a target level of performance for each outcome.

r o . o b.

Train at least


credit and non-credit students by the end ofthe project

period. Enrollment in the Machine Tool Program will increase by l0oh by the end of the project period. l00Yo of all graduates will be placed in related employment in the Tool and Die industry 80oh of graduates will successfully complete a probationary period after employment.

Describe how it will be known ifthe proposed project was an overall success.

Anticipated Outcome: Enrollment and completion rates for all credit and non-credit classes will be tracked from FY 2012 - 2013. In addition, the College witl test our project's success through surreys from companies that hire our graduates. Another method of checking the success ofour project can be accomplished by looking at placement rates and employer feedback from companies that enroll their current employees into the program. Receiving feedback from current employers should provide immediate results on our project.


Non-duplication Describe how the service provider and the regional workforce development council have ensured that the proposed activities do not unnecessarily duplicate activities in area. Evidence must be given that funds will be used efficiently and that duplication is avoided.


The equipment to be purchased is state ofthe art and different from any ofthe equipment that we currently have in the Machine Tool Technology Program. The new equipment will enable the instructor to emulate an exacf manufacturing process not accessible to the students through the use of videos or YouTube.


Explain ifthis is a capacity building expansion of an existing program (describe current capacity, how much will this project expand current capabilities, how will the current class schedule change (e.g. Cunently the lab has l2 welding booths, adding these 12 additional booths will double our training capacity; Propose to add a night class). Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program, Page I I

Adding this equipment to the existing Machine Tool curriculum will strengthen the program by enabling the College to provide training in direct response to area industry needs, Calhoun does not currently have the equipment needed to offer Tool and Die training. The projected increase in student numbers by the Tool and Die program should expand enrollment in the Machine Tool program by 10"/".


Collaboration a. Identify other stakeholders and workforce development partners and describe their roles in meeting the goals of this project.

. . . .

AIDT Federal Mogul Sandvik T&C Stamping

All the stakeholders listed above will be a large part in the development, operation and advising for this program. The stakeholders will work with Calhoun instructors to ensure that we are teachinq curriculum that coincides and facilitates the smooth transition from Calhoun to work


Describe how this project was planned with active involvement from stakeholders, particularly the regional workforce development council(s).

This project was recommended by the Advisory Committee in the Machine Tool Technology program to ensure the curriculum is current and up-to-date with modern technology. This expansion will further our partnership with stakeholders by allowing us to provide training to individuals with equipment not found at most institutions.


Leveraged Resources a. Describe other programs, organizations, and resources that will be supporting this project. State specifically what aspects ofthe project will be supported by these leveraged resources. Assign a monetary value to each resource.


Describe other funding sources that will support this project (e.9. DOL gmnts, corporate donations, Perkins funds, etc.)

Not applicable to this project.


Sustainability a. Describe how the benefits or activities ofthis project will be sustained beyond the firnding period. NOTE: Funding is for cunent fiscal year only. The major impact of this project is sustained by continued use ofthe training equipment. Any necessary equipment upgrades and maintenance will be absorbed by the College. Since tuition and fees are the main source of funding for the College, enrollment in this high-demand area is growing and expected to continue growing with the emphasis on efficient training ofthe workforce with new emerging technologies and skills to secure job that will meet tomorrow future in the areas of manufacturing. Again, since these Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program, Page


components are used extensively in industry, the sustainability is immeasurable. The components will not change often because as long as they are running, the company will not go to the expense and trouble to replace them.


Capacity of Service Provider a. If applicable, describe the outcomes that were realized with grant funds provided by the Department of Postsecondary Education or otherwise through the Govemor's Office of Workforce Development over the past three years. Describe the degree to which the goals of the funded projects were achieved.

Calhoun Community College has benefited from the receipt of funding for the startup and/or expansion of many projects from the Office of Workforce Development such as:

Hl-B Multiskilled Trades Training grant (2008), Plumbing Pre-apprenticeship program (2008), Lineworker Pre-apprenticeship program (2008-09), Welding equipment expansion program (2008), Alabama Pre-apprenticeship Construction Trades Training (2010), Tech Skills Plus program (2010-11), VMware IT Academy (2012) and Automation/lVlechatronix

(2012). Each of these programs met or exceeded their goals upon completion. The Virtual Welding Simulation Program (2011-12) has not been completed; the VMware IT Academy and Mechatronix are current projects. Several ofthese programs were in partnership with other colleges, and each program essentially met the intended program outcomes. The programs that were started with funding from the Office of Workforce Development are continuing in a self sustaining mode of operation demonstrating the value of program startup and expansion support.


Marketing Strategy Describe the public relations, promotion and outreach plan to meet enrollment goals, promote job placement for completers, ensure public awareness, etc.


The Tool and Die equipment will be used to enhance the skills and abilities of participants and will be promoted by the College's Public Relations Department and Workforce Solutions Group. The attributes of the program will be shared with career coaches, high school students, college students, and industry partners through the College's community outreach initiatives such as the annual Workforce Expo, Tech Night, and Manufacturing Showcase events to promote technology programs and advertise the College's capabilities in training and support for industry.


Special Characteristics of Project a. Describe any unique characteristics ofthe proposed project that are not addressed above. This may include characteristics such as:

1. Measures ofemployer benefits or other exceptional levels ofemployer participation and commitment. 2. Unique inter-program coordination relationships. 3. Development ofcareer pathways or more effective practices. 4. Addresses an immediate hiring or training demand. Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program, Page 13

The unique characteristics ofthis project have been discussed throughout the proposal. In summary, this program will expand and enhance the College's training capabilities for credit and non-credit courses in Machine Tool Technology and Tool and Die. The purchase ofthis equipment and the subsequent instructor training will address immediate training needs in our region.

The Tool and Die equinment combines comnonents which emulate an exact manufacturing process. This will result in the Collese's abilitv to demonstrate a live manufacturing process instead of showing them throush videos or teachins it bv theorv as is currentlv done.

Calhoun Community College - Tool and Die Program, Page 14


Occupation Distribution




20i2 Jobs

Colbert, AL (1033) Madison, AL (1089) Lauderdale, AL (1077)


Morgan, AL (1 103) Marshall, AL (1095) Cullman, AL (1043) Limestone, AL (1083) DeKalb, AL (1049) Franklin, AL (1059)



28 24 r10

<10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10

Jackson, AL (1071) Marion, AL (1093) Winston, AL (1 133) Lawrence, AL (1079)

Source: EMSI Covered Employment - 2012.4


Economic Modeling Specialists, lnt. I


AIDT Federal Mogul Sandvik Coromant Company T & C Stamping



Alabamq Department of Commerce

December 73,2072

Mr. Dale Greer Assistant Director Cullman Economic Development Authority 200 1st Avenue NE P.O. Box 1009 Cullman, AL 35055

Dear Mr. Greer: On behalf of AIDT, I give my full suppon for the Calhoun Community College Tool and Die program. This program is on target with meeting the needs ofbusinesses throughout the State of Alabama. What makes AIDT's programs successful is our ability to reach out to business and industry throughout the state to flnd out about their needs and concerns. One of the major concerns at the forefront ofevery survey, interview and discussion we have with industry leaders is the lack of skilled workers.

In order for Alabama to remain competitive in a global market, it is critical that we have a competitive workforce. The Tool and Die trade is absolutely critical to the further development of manufacturing in Alabama and especially in north Alabama. This skilled craft is diminishing and we must get students into the program and complete the program with these specific skills. They will make a very good living at a very high wage. This is why the Tool and Die program proposed by Calhoun Community College is of extreme importance. The program will produce students/trainees with the competencies and training necessary to fill the skills gap ofthose workers retiring soon, as well as, workers who will be needed for future expansions and start-ups.

I appreciate the efforts ofCalhoun Community College for developing such an important and necessary program.

Ed Castile

Director ECinj

one Technology Court * Montgomery, AL 36116 * WWW,AIDT.EDU * 334.242.4158TEL* 334.242.0299 FAX

Federal-Mo gul Corporation Sealing Systems 1500 Freeman Avenue Athens, Alabama 35613


2561233-0140 Fax.2561233-0578

@ Fr=.,o-=fft To Whom

lt Mav Concern:

Federal Mogul's Athens Alabama Plant is a Tier One and Service Parts Supplier of Automotive pans.

We presently have 35Tool a nd Die Makers working in our plant. The demand for trained and certified Tool and Die Makers in our plant as well as our Seographic area is greater than can presently be filled by available local


Because of the great demand and lack of available trained / certified people in our area we have recently implemented a Tool and Die Apprentice Program. The Tool and Die Apprentice Program presently has three trainees

in it and we anticipate adding additional apprentices next year. We are using this program to grow develop our own internal talent. / We presently are partnering with Calhoun Community college to help prepare our apprentice program

trainees with the classroom and lab knowledge while they also receive oJT at Federal Mogul. we presently could use three trained Tool and Die Makers so we would love to supplement our hiring needs with graduates of calhoun community college,s Tool and Die Training Program. Calhoun community college presently needs to grow their program to meet the needs

of our


Josh Rudd - PHR

Federal-Mogul Corporation Human Resource Manager

Powertrain (Athens, AL Plant) iosh.rudd r-256-230-247


(Off icel

1-2s6-280-7s18 (cell)


December 'lO, 2012 Mr. Joe Williams lnstructor, CNC Program Calhoun Community Gollege Re: Tool and Die Progtam Grant Dear Mr. Williams: I am writing this letter in support of your proposal for a modern Tool and Die program at calhoun community college.

Manufacturing is a key economic engine in the United States. The ability to effectively use the latest manufacturing technology is critical to a successful enterprise. Students who have been educatâ‚Źd on the proper use of this modem technology bring more value to thsir organizations. There. is an acute..shortage ot peopte with the rcquisite

opportunities available in metal cutting.

ski s to satisfy all the job

Thâ‚Ź implementation of this program would add value to the students and to the proglam by matching the educational program more ctosely with the skills needed to use tools employed in actual manufacturing environments. As a ma^nufacturing organization, an advocate for modern technology education and an American manufacturer_with jobs to fill, I strongly suppon your proposat and look forward to the news of your success in estaOtiinini itrls valuaOta education program. Sincerely,

'+-- r J+nie Price President, Sandvik Coromant

Sandvik Corornant Cornpany '1702 Novins Road RO. Box 4?8 Fair Lawn, Now Jorsey O741O-O4ZA

Tel.l 201.794-5000 201-794-5165


seFA,hiI]E-Fi[{G- IF.Eâ‚Ź

December 5, 2012

Dear Mr. Williams,

writing in response to your request for information concerning the needs of T&C Stamping, Inc. for tool and die makers. We are a small business located in Athens, AL employing approximately 75 people, 15 of which are journeymen tool and die makers. In recent years we have had difficulty in finding skilled workers who are trained both in the classroom and hands-on experience to replace retiring and terminated employees. I am

I have been extremely pleased to see the local technical school gaining in popularity as a choice for high school students to have an opportunity to learn a trade, including the curriculum of tool and die. we would love to see these students, who live locally, be able to continue their education at calhoun with a possible future apprenticeship at our company.

Currently students must travel to wallace State which some are just not willing to do thus dropping out ofthe program or not beginning the pursuit at all. We have

talented group of tool and die makers at T&C from whom these students could learn a great deal, however many are reaching retirement age and will be leaving the workforce in the not too distant future. We would fullv support and benefit from Calhoun's offering of a tool and die program. a


Leah C. Stephens

Human Resources Manager T&C Stamping, Inc.


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