Ap pplica ation for Drake D e Statte Virrtual Dissec D ction Lab Work kforce e Dev velop pmentt Fun nds Huntsv ville, Ala abama Decem mber 14,, 2012
Application for Workforce Development Funding Checklist Date: 12/12/2012_ Brief Description of Project: Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table Requesting Organization: J. F. Drake State Technical College PART A: The application package must be submitted in original and one photo copy and will include each completed form, the project narrative, and attachments (if applicable) in the order listed below: Form I: This Checklist Form II: Project Proposal Cover Page and Signatures Form IIA: Regional Council Certification Statement (Signed by the Chairperson for each Region) Form III: Project Summary (Not to exceed 3 pages) Form IV: Project Budget Form IVA: Project Budget Backup Form V: Project Narrative (Not to exceed 10 pages) PART B: The application should specifically address the following criteria: 1. Y / N / NA Does this application address priorities identified by regional WFD council strategic plan (Attach a signed certificate from each regional council affected; cite the strategy or strategies in the regional council strategic plan addressed by the proposed activities) 2. Y / N / NA Does the relationship of proposed actions and outcomes directly address the solicitation for grant proposals (Applicable only if RFP was issued in solicitation by the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development) 3. Y / N / NA Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the stated need is based on objective and current data 4. Y / N / NA Evidence is attached or otherwise stated that the applicant is capable and willing to carry out planned activities with maximum efficiency and effectiveness. (Use past performance on WFD projects/grants, if applicable.) 5. Y / N / NA Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that community resource leveraging is available to maximize impact of grant funds on application 6. Y / N / NA Evidence is attached or otherwise acknowledged that the project is part of an overall workforce development plan and that there is collaboration with regional and community service providers and stakeholders GOWD Form I (Version – February 29, 2012) Page 1 of 2
7. Y / N / NA Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the activities can be sustained by the grant recipient beyond the grant period. Not applicable for dual enrollment applications. 8. Y / N / NA Evidence is attached demonstrating support for the application from area employers, economic developers, and elected officials 9. Y / N / NA Evidence is attached or otherwise declared that the proposed activities are practical and will effectively address the stated needs 10. Y / N / NA Anticipated outcomes align with stated needs 11. Y / N / NA Do proposed performance measures and target levels of performance address meaningful and realistic goals (e.g., number obtaining employment, number retaining employment, average wage increases). Remarks: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ GOWD Form I (Version – February 29, 2012) Page 2 of 2
Part 2: Applicatio A on Forms and Narrative The project p appliccation must include each h of the folloowing formss and the proj oject narrativve. FORM III: COVER P PAGE T This Applica ation for Funding is forr the followiing (please ccheck only oone category per appliccation): ______ Dual Enrollmentt (For “Cred dit� Courses Only) ______ Shortt-Term / Non-Credit Trraining ______ Custo omized Traiining / Incum mbent Worrker Trainin ng _X X___ Other Workforcce Developm ment Initiatiives II.
Project and Conttact Inform mation
Prroject Title: Anatomage A Virtual V Disseection Table A Amount of Fun nds Requested d: $ 60,000.0 00 Seervice Provid der/Fiscal Ageent: J. F. Draake State Technical Collegge M Mailing Addreess: 3421 Meridian Street North, N Huntsville, Alabam ma 35811 N Name and Title of Project Contact C (Indiv vidual respon nsible for graant negotiatiion): Dr. Johnn Reutter
256 551-3151
Email: john.reutter@ @drakestate.eedu
Phonee: 256 551-33119
Phhysical Addreess(s) of Train ning / Equipm ment (include County): 34421 Meridian Street North,, Huntsville, M Madison C County, Alabaama 35811 N Name of Fiscaal Contact (if different d from m above): Mss. Roxanne Riichardson Title: Restricted Funds Acccountant FA AX:
256 55 51-3135 Em mail: Roxann ne.richardson@ @drakestate.eedu
Autho orization
Phonee: 256 551-72269
A As the person authorized a to act on behalff of the servicce provider/fisscal agent, I ccertify that thhe informationn suubmitted in th his application n is accurate. I also certify that the serviice provider w will carry outt the proposedd activities ass stated and will w follow acccountability and a reporting requirementss.
Helen T. MccAlpine, Ed.D. _H Printed or Typed Name A Authorized Official O
Signature A Authorized Official O
____ ___Presidennt Title
12/14/20012________________________________ Date 3
FORM IIA: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CERTIFICATION NOTE: If project covers multiple workforce development regions, certification must be provided by all regional councils. The exception is for a state-wide project application, which requires certification from one regional council - typically the council where the project is headquartered.
I certify that the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table (name of project) proposed by J. F. Drake State Technical College (service provider/fiscal agent) addresses workforce development priorities, strategies, and targeted occupations identified by the Region 2 Workforce Development Council or addresses immediate priority training needs not initially identified through the strategic planning process. I also certify that the Region 2 Workforce Development Council or its applicable committee has reviewed the project application and recommends funding the proposed activities. This project directly addresses workforce development in the following industry and targeted occupations identified as priorities in the regional council’s strategic plan: Industry or industries: Target occupation(s): medical doctors, medical assistants, registered and practical nurses, physical therapists, nurse practitioners, nursing assistants, home health aides This project directly addresses the following strategy or strategies identified in the regional workforce development strategic plan: The Region 2 Strategic Plan identifies the following Top 5 Targeted Industries: 1. Aerospace and Defense 2. Manufacturing 3. Information Technology 4. Health Science 5. Construction 6. Energy (Emerging) This proposal is directed at Industry Number 4: Health Science. The Region 2 Strategic Plan identifies the following Top 10 Occupations: 1. Healthcare Practitioners & Tech. 2. Architecture and Engineering 3. Computer and Mathematical 4. Production 5. Installation, Maintenance, & Repair 6. Healthcare Support 7. Management 8. Business & Financial Operations 9. Construction & Extraction 10. Transportation & Material Moving
This proposal is directed at Occupations 1 and 6. In addition, this proposal addresses the following strategic initiatives of the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce Economic Growth Initiative:
1. Grow and preserve the Huntsville region’s existing economic base, business climate, and business culture (this strategy is supported by the enhanced knowledge and skills to be acquired by the trainees due to the unique capabilities of the Virtual Dissection Lab). 2. Recruit targeted businesses and work to diversify our economic base (this strategy is supported by the growth in the number of highly skilled health science workers available to industries locating in the region). 3. Support efforts to ensure there is adequate quality and quantity of workforce to meet employer needs (this strategy is directly addressed by the high skill levels attainable by entrants into the health science sector through participation in the training provided by the Drake State Virtual Dissection Lab). 7. Grow the community’s defense, space and life sciences industries and assets (this strategy is supported through the growth in the number of highly qualified workers skilled in the life sciences). The Regional Council assigns this application a priority rating of (ranging from 0-5, using the ranking system below): 5 – Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as critical (limited to 2 applications per funding cycle) for this Fiscal Year (FY) and has excellent projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 4 - Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as very important for this FY and has very good projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 3 – Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified as important for this FY and has good projected outcomes to address our WFD needs. 2 – Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is less important for this FY. 1 – Meets strategies and targeted occupations identified but is not important for this FY. 0 – Does not meet strategies or targeted occupations identified for this FY.
NOTE: Regardless of whether the application is not approved and/or receives a 0 rating, please send this statement to the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development for documentation purposes. Proposal recommended in the amount of $ 60,000.00 by Region 2 Council.
_____________________________________ Printed or Typed Name & Date
_____________________________________ Signature Regional workforce development council chair or designee (must be voting member of the regional council)
GOWD Form IIa (Version – February 29, 2012)
FORM III: PROJECT SUMMARY Provide a brief overview of the project, responding to each item listed below. Summary must be no more than three (3) pages and must provide a clear, concise, well-constructed, and to-the-point description of the project in areas indicated. I.
Project title: Drake State Virtual Dissection Lab
Service provider/fiscal agent: J. F. Drake State Technical College
Total funds requested: $ 60,000.00
Estimated start date of training (based on start of semester, receipt of equipment, etc.) and length of course(s): March 1, 2013
Identify the industry sector(s) and targeted occupation(s) and how this project will address each: (Must meet the strategies identified in the regional council’s strategic plan) All health occupations
Target population(s) to be addressed by proposed activities (e.g. High School, Dislocated Worker, Adult, Youth, Other): High school students, dislocated workers, unemployed/underemployed adults, veterans, current college students
Proposed activities: (Summarize how this project addresses specific and immediate training needs in the service provider’s area, documented demand data, hiring and expansion announcements, etc., if applicable): This project will enable students to learn anatomy through virtual interaction with lifelike human anatomy displayed in virtual space on a simulated dissection table. The curriculum that supports this capability will be utilized for both credit and non-credit training to enhance all health care students’ knowledge and familiarity with the human anatomy.
Anticipated outcomes and targeted levels of performance (based on start date & ending 30Sep): State the applicable outcomes (Respond with NA where appropriate): a. Total number of participants to be served 200# b. Of those in a. above, Completers 150# 75% of those participating c. Of those in b. above, Completers earning college credits 150# e. Of those in a. and b. above, Entered related employment 100# 67% of completers f. Of those in e. above, Retained related employment 75# 50% of completers g. Of those in b. thru f. above, Continuing education or training 100# 67% of completers h. Of those in b. above, Currently employed - Skills upgrade only N/A# ____% of completers i. Equipment installed or upgraded March 31, 2013 date(s) (Only if critical to this project.) j. Credential(s) to be earned by completers: CNA, LPN, CMA
Is there expressed legislative interest in this specific proposal? Yes / No (If answered Yes, please identify the legislator(s) and corresponding House and/or Senate district(s).)
Has there been or will there be other funding solicited from other sources for this project (i.e. Perkins funds, line item or earmark in ETF, etc)? Yes / No (If answered Yes, please provide background to include the source, amount, date requested, outcome if known, etc.)
(Projects are funded on FY basis, Oct1 – Sep30)
Identify all anticipated sources of revenue and estimated amounts (e.g. tuition/fees paid by Individual Training Accounts (ITA), Pell Grant, Scholarships, etc.) N/A GOWD Form III (Version – February 29, 2012)
Provide a detailed project budget in the categories listed. Include requested grant funds and leveraged funds, and total funds by line item. Leave blank if no funds are budgeted for a particular line item. See Form IIIA for a description of each line item. Budget Item Salaries Benefits Individual Training (scholarships/tuition/fees) Staff Development/Training Travel In State Computers/Technology Public Relations/Outreach Materials/Supplies Renovation/Construction Equipment Books Other *Projected Revenue TOTAL
Cost (Requested)
Leveraged/Donated (Non-requested)
$ 60,000.00 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX $ 60,000.00
*List all sources of projected revenues (tuition, fees, other grants, etc.) – does not include funds requested in this application. N/A Unused budget lines and/or line item titles may be changed to reflect items unique to projects. Additional budget line Items may be added as needed.
GOWD Form IV (Version – February 29, 2012)
FORM IVA: PROJECT BUDGET BACKUP Each budget line item on Form III must be supported by a detailed description. This form explains what budget details are required for each line item. Complete the budget backup providing as much detail as possible. All staff costs listed should include title/function, salary/wage, and percentage of time charged to project. Other costs should be detailed by type of activity, unit cost, and total units. I.
Program Staff Salaries (Position title/function of staff assigned to project-specific program services activities, salary/wage, percentage of time charged to project.) None
Program Staff Benefits (Type and cost of fringe benefits for each position included in project budget.) None
Cost of Individual Training (Scholarships, tuition, training fees; and other costs related to training of individuals. Indicate the projected cost of the course(s), regardless if requesting funding) None
Staff Development/Training (Detail of consultants; tuition/fees, other costs related to providing and/or attending; staff members attending training for new equipment, etc.) None
In-State Travel (Costs and justification of mileage, lodging, meals and other travel-related expenses.) None
Computers and Technology (Itemized listing of computer hardware & software and how it is used in relation to the proposed activities.) None
VII. Public Relations, Outreach (Details of media advertising and other public outreach costs, e.g., newspapers, radio/TV, direct mail, etc.) None VIII. Materials & Supplies (Office supplies, training supplies and materials, other supplies required to carry out project, detailed by type and costs, and the intent for retention/accountability of durable items.) None IX.
Renovation / construction costs (Itemized estimate of building expenses, if applicable.) None
Equipment (If applicable, attach a vendor price & specifications sheet for proposed equipment purchases for use during negotiation phase and indicate the intent for reusing durable items in subsequent classes.) $ 60,000.00
Books (attach itemized list if applicable). None
XII. Other (Other items and related costs not included in the above line items that are required to implement the project included as a grant funded item in the budget page.) None XIII. Projected revenue (list all sources of projected or potential revenues, e.g., tuition, fees, other grants – does not include funds requested in this application) None GOWD Form IVa (Version – February 29, 2012)
FORM V: PROJECT NARRATIVE Respond to each item as directed. Respond with NA if an item is not applicable to the proposed project. Responses must be in the order of the items listed and labeled as each item is labeled. The narrative must be no more than ten (10) pages. Attachments, including letters of support and data documentation, should follow the project narrative and be separately labeled. An index listing attachments and page numbers is recommended if attachments are referenced in the project narrative. I.
Statement of Need a. Describe the needs to be addressed by the proposed project; include applicable data and research-based information. (Recommend: Expansion and hiring announcements, regional workforce development council strategic plan, the Alabama State of the Workforce Report available at www.owd.alabma.gov/downloads.htm , and Labor Market Information available at http://www2.dir.state.al.us/vlmi/.) b. Describe how the proposed project will address the needs. c. Provide a list of businesses/organizations for prospective job placement and attach letters of support from area employers (letters are not counted against the 10 page maximum).
Project Activities a. Provide a timeline and description of project activities, including purchases, recommended training provider(s), start date of training, etc. b. Provide the Classification Instructional Program (CIP) codes for training activities involving “for credit” courses. c. Describe the skills, knowledge, and abilities that will be gained by the targeted group.
Individuals and Industries Served a. Identify the population(s) to be served by the project. b. Identify the industry sectors and occupations to be served by the project. c. Describe how those businesses or industry sectors will benefit from the project.
Project Outcomes and Performance Targets a. State the anticipated outcomes of the project in measurable terms. Include a target level of performance for each outcome. b. Describe how it will be known if the proposed project was an overall success.
Non-duplication a. Describe how the service provider and the regional workforce development council have ensured that the proposed activities do not unnecessarily duplicate activities in area. Evidence must be given that funds will be used efficiently and that duplication is avoided. b. Explain if this is a capacity building expansion of an existing program (describe current capacity, how much will this project expand current capabilities, how will the current class schedule change (e.g. Currently the lab has 12 welding booths, adding these 12 additional booths will double our training capacity; Propose to add a night class) GOWD Form V (Version – February 29, 2012) Page 1 of 2
Collaboration a. Identify other stakeholders and workforce development partners and describe their roles in meeting the goals of this project. b. Describe how this project was planned with active involvement from stakeholders, particularly the regional workforce development council(s).
VII. Leveraged Resources a. Describe other programs, organizations, and resources that will be supporting this project State specifically what aspects of the project will be supported by these leveraged resources. Assign a monetary value to each resource. b. Describe other funding sources that will support this project (e.g. DOL grants, corporate donations, Perkins funds, etc.) VIII. Sustainability a. Describe how the benefits or activities of this project will be sustained beyond the funding period. NOTE: Funding is for current fiscal year only. IX.
Capacity of Service Provider a. If applicable, describe the outcomes that were realized with grant funds provided by the Department of Postsecondary Education or otherwise through the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development over the past three years. Describe the degree to which the goals of the funded projects were achieved.
Marketing Strategy a. Describe the public relations, promotion and outreach plan to meet enrollment goals, promote job placement for completers, ensure public awareness, etc.
Special Characteristics of Project a. Describe any unique characteristics of the proposed project that are not addressed above. This may include characteristics such as: 1. Measures of employer benefits or other exceptional levels of employer participation and commitment. 2. Unique inter-program coordination relationships. 3. Development of career pathways or more effective practices. 4. Addresses an immediate hiring or training demand.
GOWD Form V (Version – February 29, 2012) Page 2 of 2
ATTACHMENTS Narrative Description Region 2 WDC Strategic Plan Anatomage Dissection Table Product Description Anatomage Hardware Dimensions and Specifications Anatomage Price Quote Letters of Support
Drake State Virtual Dissection Lab Project Narrative I. Statement of Need Health care is one of the nation’s fastest growing industries. With the aging of the baby boomers, the advances in medical science, and improvement in health care practices and facilities, the older population is rapidly expanding the need for trained health care providers, including doctors, nurses, aides, medical assistants, and medical researchers. Understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body is imperative for all of these workers. Improved practices for enhancing the learning and understanding of anatomy and physiology has become absolutely necessary for accelerating and also improving the quality of the knowledge and skills of health care practitioners. This proposal will improve the quality of learning and skills development in Region 2 through implementation of a unique and high impact health science lab. According to the Alabama State of the Workforce Report V for Region 2 published by the University of Alabama Center for Business and Economic Research in 2010, health care is the fourth largest industry in the region, superseded only by manufacturing, retail, and professional services. This same report lists the occupations with the highest expected employment demand between 2012 and 2018. The occupations affected by this proposal and their ranking among the top 40 occupations in the region are shown in the table below: Region 2 Rank 1 3 5 9 13 24 27 30 33 34 37 39 40
Occupations with highest expectd openings Registered Nurses Home Health Aides Licensed Practical Nurses Medical Assistants Pharmacy Technicians Pharmacists Physical Therapists Medical and Public Health Workers Anesthesiologists Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians Physical Therapist Assistants Chiropractors Occupational Therapists
Annual Demand 320 140 115 85 75 30 25 20 15 15 15 10 10
As shown in the above table, 13 out of the top 40 occupations in highest demand are the targets of this proposal. Even more vital is the fact that 4 out of the top 10 are specifically addressed by this proposal. According to this same report, the top 50 high‐earning occupations are in health, management, engineering, computer, science, and finance fields and have a minimum salary of $83,157. Interestingly, seven of the top 10 are health occupations. The report also notes that “improving education is important because (i) a highly educated and productive workforce is a critical economic development asset, (ii) productivity rises with education, (iii) educated people are more likely to work, and (iv) it yields high private and social rates of return on investment”(p. viii). The report also points out the great benefit of higher incomes that come with
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Drake State Virtual Dissection Lab Project Narrative improved educational attainment and work skills for workers of the region and the associated increase in local (county and city) tax revenues. The project proposed by Drake State has potential to serve as an important economic development factor for the region. II. Project Activities This project will be characterized by the introduction of a spectacular new medical science training capability into the credit and non‐credit health science education and training initiatives of Drake State. This capability utilizes a virtual dissection table that matches the learning benefits provided by cadaver dissection without the costs to operate a cadaver lab and removes the emotional stigma of dealing with dead human beings during early stages of medical science education. Proper understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body involves an understanding of the unique structures of the body as well as how they all work together to achieve the goal of a fully functional organism. The knowledge of the structures of the body has traditionally come from dissections of human cadaver. These dissections have been performed over long periods of time by students and health care professionals all over the world. Providing cadaver dissections at small institutions is resource draining because of the recurring cost and the nature of cadaver labs. Smaller institutions generally do not have the physical space or money to support the high cost required to maintain a cadaver lab. Acquisition of cadavers also proves to be a difficult task with the declining rate of donation occurring recently. Storage of the cadavers also poses a significant problem as a controlled, well ventilated environment must be maintained at all times. Proper facilities also must be stocked with appropriate tools and waste disposal procedure must be strictly adhered to. All these issues of cadaver acquisition, storage and disposal cause most institutions to forego the cadaver experience for their human anatomy and physiology students depriving them of the optimal opportunity to learn the essentials of human anatomy so critical to maintaining good health care. Schools often choose to supplement textbook and video portrayals of human anatomy and physiology with small animal dissection. Animal dissection does give students an idea of internal anatomy but cadavers provide a level of understanding and care that is often lost doing small animal dissections. Anatomage offers a unique experience of simulated cadaver dissection without the recurring cost and constant upkeep of a cadaver lab. Anatomage is a 3D software rendering product coupled with two linked 42‐inch touch screen panels that offer a one‐to‐one interactive dissection experience. This table circumvents some of the more dubious tasks associated with normal cadaver dissection such as chemical storage and controlled environment maintenance. It also gives students an unprecedented view into the anatomy of the human body. With a stroke of a finger a student can strip away muscle systems, leaving only the cardiovascular system and with another bring individual muscle groups back to see how these muscles are fed by these vessels. The size and positioning of the Anatomage table allows up to 12 students to interact with the table at once, while still allowing the instructor to provide instruction. The 3D bodies may also be annotated with notes and labeling of structures for review and quizzing purposes. Most physical models are
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Drake State Virtual Dissection Lab Project Narrative constrained by inability to visualize within organs but because Anatomage uses material derived from CT scans, internal views from any angle within the tissue are possible. The Anatomage table comes preloaded with 100 real‐life clinical scans so it provides effective training applications for associated programs like medical technology and nursing. The table also has the ability to utilize X‐rays and any DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications standard) data, such as CT or MRI data, to build virtual, interactive models for student training activities. This table will prove to be a teaching tool with immeasurable potential for the future and will open up doors for cross collaborations with local institutions with functioning cadaver labs. With the current emphasis on health science education at area high schools, this table will enable students to experience virtual human dissection that has never before been possible. This project will enable college and high school students to form relationships and gain knowledge from each other through the use of cadavers and simulated cadaver dissection. In an age where modern technology has entered our schools and in some cases replaces normal lecture presentation teaching, Anatomage will put Alabama community colleges at the forefront of advanced technical training throughout the world. The Anatomage table will be incorporated into the Biology 201 and 202 courses in human anatomy and physiology and will also be utilized in the practical nursing labs, the certified nursing assistant labs, and the medical assistant labs. The college already offers non‐credit classes in certified nursing assistant and home health aide training. The Anatomage table opens up additional opportunities for the college to expand its non‐credit offerings to those individuals in the community seeking advanced knowledge in health care. Local doctors would be able to use the facility to provide advanced training to their assistants and interns without incurring the costs associated with cadaver labs. The long‐range benefits of this facility are significant and ensure the sustainability of this investment by the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development. The CIP Codes impacted by this project are: 51.0801, 51.3901, and 26.0101. Timeline Upon approval of funding, the College will order the Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table. This table will be placed in the Biology department to provide a dissection lab environment. Upon installation and training of the faculty provided by the manufacturer, the lab will be incorporated into the existing BIO201 and BIO202 Human and Anatomy and Physiology classes. Students will be able to gain immediate benefit from the Virtual Dissection Lab. The human anatomy and physiology knowledge of students completing their coursework in the spring term will already be enriched beyond that of their predecessors in these courses. III. Individuals and Industries Served This project will serve the following students: All general education students taking BIO201 and BIO202 Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II. All practical nursing students. All Certified Nursing Assistant workforce non‐credit students. All Medical Assistant students.
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Drake State Virtual Dissection Lab Project Narrative This project serves all health care occupations and industries. Knowledge of human anatomy and physiology is core to the health care field for all practitioners and technicians serving in that field. A list of the primary occupations served by this project is included above in the Statement of Needs section of this proposal. IV. Project Outcomes and Performance Targets This project will serve 500 students annually. Eighty percent of the students who begin any course in which this project is embedded will complete the course with a grade of “C” or better. When surveyed to determine the impact of the use of the Anatomage Dissection Lab on their understanding of the principles and concepts of human anatomy and physiology, over 80% of the students will agree that the Lab had a positive impact on their learning. Meeting these performance objectives will signify that the project has been successful. V. Non‐Duplication This project does not introduce duplication into Region 2’s workforce development activities as it is designed to augment existing health science courses and training already provided by the College. This project will not introduce any new programs to the College’s offerings as a result of purchasing the Anatomage Dissection Lab equipment. While this project will not expand the capacity of the programs that it serves, it does offer significant improvement in the teaching and learning environment of those programs, thus enhancing the quality of learning of the students selecting these programs. VI. Collaboration The faculty member who will be responsible for the Virtual Dissection Lab, Mr. Khalid Holmes, has formed partnerships with medical science professors at local universities. These individuals will serve as Dissection Lab advisors for the Drake State program. The College will also offer the use of the lab to local medical professionals who need to introduce their staff members to aspects of anatomy that would otherwise be provided only through observation of cadaver dissection. Also, the Drake Lab will be made available for K12 partner schools’ health science programs to provide their students with virtual experiences in human anatomy dissection. These schools include programs in the Huntsville City School System, the Madison County School System, and the Madison City School System. VII. Leveraged Resources The College is not committing identified resources for leveraging, but the impact of the lab will be broadened through the use of the lab for evening and weekend classes led by part‐time instructors as well as lab classes conducted by Mr. Holmes, the full‐time biology instructor. Mr. Holmes will supervise the lab in addition to teaching the classes in the lab environment. VIII. Sustainability The life expectancy of the Virtual Dissection Lab is more than ten years. Its very presence in the Drake State health sciences program ensures sustainability of the programs utilizing the lab. Incidental costs may occur from time to time to take advantage of software upgrades and the incorporation of local image files into the virtual lab environment.
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Drake State Virtual Dissection Lab Project Narrative IX. Capacity of Service Provider Drake State currently manages a number of federal and state grant programs, including a $7.2M Title III‐B grant, an annual Perkins Career Technical Education grant, a $900K NSF Advanced Technology Education grant, an $865K NSF Math Science Partnership grant, a $1.75M NSF nanotechnology curriculum and outreach grant, a $30K Ready‐to‐Work grant, an $85K dual enrollment grant, a $35K career coaches grant, a $225K Homeland Security grant, an $85K CARCAM grant, a $385K State Energy Sector Partnership grant for renewable energy training, and a $66K NSF advanced electronics faculty development grant. X. Marketing Strategy The College is incorporating the use of the Virtual Dissection Lab into all of its human anatomy and physiology courses, its LPN program, its Medical Assisting program, and its Workforce Development Certified Nursing Assistant training program. Materials for public distribution of information concerning these programs will be updated appropriately to make the public aware of the unique availability of a virtual dissection lab to assist in the learning of human anatomy and physiology. Also, promotional materials will be developed to make the medical industry aware of the facility and how others may access the lab for customized training through the Workforce Development Division of the College. XI. Special Characteristics of the Project The Virtual Dissection Lab offers a very unique opportunity for north Alabama. Cadaver labs are expensive to implement and maintain and thus are not available to large numbers of students seeking training in human anatomy and physiology. The Virtual Dissection Lab offers the benefits of hands‐on, interactive dissection experience without the by‐products that require special disposal arrangements. Large numbers of students can engage in repeated dissection practice without needing replacement cadavers to provide the tissue required for regular cadaver dissection labs. The economic payoff for this investment is a long‐term gain in the quality of health science education and training that could not otherwise be provided using local resources.
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Ronnie Mary Ila
The Economic and Community Development Department of Alabama Power Company.
Lucia Cape
Workforce Development
Every good strategic plan requires dedicated individuals who are willing to complete the process and implement plan. Thanks to the following individuals who participated in the development of this strategic plan for Region 2 Workforce Development Council. Without your vision, enthusiasm, and commitment, this plan would not have been possible. NAMES
Region 2 Workforce Development Council 1 - Year Strategic Plan
Region 2 Workforce Development Council 1 – Year Strategic Plan
1. Healthcare Practitioners & Tech. 2. Architecture and Engineering 3. Computer and Mathematical 4. Production 5. Installation, Maintenance, & Repair 6. Healthcare Support 7. Management 8. Business & Financial Operations 9. Construction & Extraction 10. Transportation & Material Moving
Top 10 Occupations
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Information Technology Health Science Construction 6. Energy (Emerging)
Top 5 Target Industries
Advise the State of Alabama as to how to provide the education and training needed to meet the workforce and economic development needs of Region 2.
Mission Statement
A well educated and trained workforce to meet the current and future needs of business and industry.
Vision Statement
Provide funding for Career Coaches.
Same as workforce development
Maximize resources by creating mutual and productive relationships among Region 2 and stakeholders in order to fulfill our vision.
External Maximize external communication so that the general public knows about career pathways and how and where to get trained for current and future jobs.
Internal Enhance internal communication between council (i.e. community colleges and State.
Provide a workforce that is confident, capable, and competitive.
Workforce Development
Region 2 Workforce Development Council 1 - Year Strategic Plan
•Acquire state appropriation by March 31, 2010 •Acquire a public/private partnership with industry funding by end of FY 2011
How do we measure our success?
field by ___% by March 31, 2011 •Decrease the dropout rate (currently 38%) by 5% by March 31, 2011
•Increase enrollment leading to technical
How do we measure our success?
•Increase number of productive partnership in Region 2 by ____% by March 31, 2011 •Have a formal alliance in each county to facilitate the Region 2 communication and partnership goals by _________
How do we measure our success?
•Complete schedule for rotating meetings among members’ counties •Achieve vetting meetings set up so council members can be informed about proposal to make appropriate recommendations; feedback of voting results to all voting members and communication of what the state funds are throughout the region by _______ •All voting members will attend a training session on ________by March 31, 2011
How do we measure our success?
•Increase the number of skilled workers in the targeted area by ___% by September 30, 2011 •Complete funding applications for target training according to schedule
How do we measure our success?
Success Indicators
•Resistance at state level
What could hinder success?
•Must receive full year for funding in order to measure impact
Critical Success Factor
What must go right?
•Lack of quality communication in Region 2
What could hinder success?
•Good communication must exist between parties
Critical Success Factor
What must go right?
•Lack of participation from Region 2 Council, etc •Lack of great communication •Must have organizational support and buy-in from all in Region 2
What could hinder success?
•Must have participating from Region 2 Council and counties •Must have great internal and external communication •Must have support from Region 2 Council
Critical Success Factors
What must go right?
•Lack of buy in for sharing information from all 3 parties (council, proposers, state)
What could hinder success?
•Everyone must know what is funded and why •Citizens of Region 2 must know where the jobs are and how to get trained to qualify for them
Critical Success Factors
What must go right?
•Funding limitation will diminish training opportunities •Alignment of process
What could hinder success?
•Must have adequate funding for training in target areas •Must have a good education system •Must know the target industries
What must go right? Critical Success Factors
•Generate letters to be distribute to________ •Talk with delegation at state and federal levels to discuss funding •Draft an appropriation for Region 2 for $800K
How will we achieve the goal?
•Create priority list of needed instructional programs and services relative to the targeted industries
How will we achieve the goal?
•Create partnership committee within Region 2 Council •Develop relationships regionally and county specific between business and industry, education, K-12, secondary, adult education, continuing education, non profits, economic development groups, government, and community leaders •Communicate the importance and benefits of partnerships to Region 2 Council, individual counties, key stakeholders, and the community
How will we achieve the goal?
•Consistently use the virtual career fairs •Organize teleconferences and in person vetting meetings (go to meeting – video conferencing) •Establish a focus group to set meeting agendas (industry, ED/chamber, education and career center all involved) •Create a Region 2 newsletters •Communicate votes of each proposal to the state and to all council members
How will we achieve the goal?
• Create an online survey to send to business and industry to identify training needs •Develop more partnerships to acquire more funding •Align people with funds with the council
How will we achieve the goal?
Anatomage Product-Anatomage Table
Anatomage Table Virtual Dissection Table
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Anatomage o ffers a unique, li fe-size v irtual dissection table fo r th e medical co mmunity. The Tab le offers a n u nprecedented realistic visualization o f 3 D a natomy a nd i nteractivity. Delive ring accu rate anatomic d etails, it is co mplementary for cad aver based d issection courses. For anatomy courses without cadavers, The Table offers the most real istic virtual cada ver. This cutti ng ed ge te chnology will help raise the standards of medical education to the next level.
Full Body Life Size The Table offers stunning visualization of full body anatomy in Life Size. The perception is the next best thing to real patients or full body cadavers.
Operating Table Experience The form factor of the T able a llows stud ents to repl icate a tru e o perating table experience. Th e virtual p atient is recumbent a s s tudents stand be side the T able and interact with the volume, rotating it easily to aid in anatomical spacial understanding. In addition, by incorporating physical instruments into a cu rriculum, the Table provides a
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medium for simulating operation procedures in a natural and intuitive manner.
Intuitive Touch Operations Interactivity is i ntuitively at yo ur fi nger tip s. Tu rn patie nts, remov e portio ns o r completely change the view with the swipe of a finger. The Table offers both a very natural and very interactive experience.
Group Interaction and Teaching The Ta ble fosters d ynamic, in teractive learning environments. T he full bo dy, l ife-size form factor a llows fo r e asy in tegration in to small grou p le arning p rograms. S tudents and instructors ca n e asily stand around the Ta ble, vie w images tog ether a nd collectively determine d iagnoses. Wi th the Table si mulating a patient tabl e, the si milarity to tradi tional medical and ana tomical te aching me thods ma kes for an e asy a doption i nto an exi sting course without significant changes to the curriculum or design of the classroom.
Gross Anatomy Education The Tab le a llows stu dents to v isualize ske letal tissu es, mu scles, organs and soft tiss ue. These vari ous tiss ues a nd vi ews can b e customi zed by virtual ly sl icing, l ayering, and segmenting th e a natomy. Th is a dds a n ew dimension o f depth to th e ed ucation that the students w ill rece ive. Cu stom ann otations can be easi ly a dded to the visualizations o f anatomical structures. With flex ible an notation to ols, i nstitutions can crea te innovative programs, quizzes, and new methods of study that have only now become possible.
Unlimited Material The Table comes with a ful l bod y gross an atomy mo del re ndered from C T scan d ata. Th e da ta i s fused w ith ana tomically accurate, textured surface models for ed ucational purposes. The Table can also open any data from CT, MRI, and ultra-sound scanners. Ad ditionally 2D ph otographic imag es, or e ven full prese ntations, can also be di splayed on th e T able. The Ta ble is immediately ready to incorporate into any curriculum and can be easily and inexpensively augmented with additional materials.
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Virtual Dissection When the lu xury of actua l di ssections is not available, the virtual dissection with imag ing data o n the T able o ffers the next be st sol ution. B ased o n tru e hu man a natomy, Th e Ta ble delivers faithful details and realism. Students can cut the body, peel off soft tissue or remove an organ w ith the ir fin gers. A nd unlike ca davers, the stud ents ca n re do and un do the dissection again and again.
Procedure Based Teaching In ad dition to gen eral gross anatomy ap plications, users can ap ply the Ta ble to spe cialty teaching a pplications as well. In the rea lm of pa thology, spec ific case s can be used fo r teaching and examinations. In the realm of surgical procedures, the image data can be used as a three-di mensional framework on w hich to base the discussion. The images are 1:1 li fe size an d actual d evices and i nstruments can be presented w ith The Ta ble to effe ctively illustrate patient and doctor positions and access. Whatever the specialty or application, The Table offers the potential to take the educational process to the next level. Case Review The life size 3D rendering displayed on The Table allows for case reviews with a complete medical team. Whether a ra diologist is sho wing a case to a su rgeon or a fu ll team o f specialists is reviewing a case together, it’s an easy and highly effective communication tool. This wi ll op en up new metho ds of col laboration be tween do ctors that w ere n ever be fore possible.
Patient Consultations Visual communication with patients is very effective on The Table. It can be used for case a cceptance of a particu lar procedure or simply education and consultation. Showing the patient’s own scan in life-size and illustrating it in 3D is a much more effective and technologically impressive presentation than any other method. Medical Device Presentations For medical device companies, the best way to illustrate the usage, efficacy and application of the product is by using The Table along with real patient data. This will convey a ve ry strong message to any potential customer. When placed in a trade-show, this will be the most dramatic attention grabbing tool to pul l customers in and increase the time they stay at the bo oth and ask questions. D ue to i ts a dvanced educational foundation, thi s prov ides the h ighest qua lity e xperience and delivers a trustworthy and effective presentation to doctors and clients.
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Academic Institutes The Table offers a unique digital anatomy teaching platform and digital anatomy offers various benefits:
No chemicals No costly cadaver labs No recurring purchasing costs No facility and ventilation problems
Still, the Table offers a completely unique and effective educational tool that can be incorporated into any curriculum. The faculty and students can engage the subject with a great degree of immersion. The Table can be a foundation or a supplement to any gross anatomy curriculum and teaching method. The faculty and students will be equally impressed with the visual realism and details of this life-sized virtual dissection table. The Table allows students to visualize ske letal tissue s, muscles, organs and soft tissue. These various tissues and vie ws can be customiz ed by virtual ly slicing, la yering, an d s egmenting th e a natomy. T his ad ds a new dime nsion of dep th to the education tha t th e students will receive. Whether the students have access to cadaver based dissections or model based dissections, The Table offers primary and supplemental information. Unlike a cadaver, the imaging data can be altered extensively and instantly restored and reused many times. The students will gain additional understanding of the spacial relationships of anatomy, locations of hard to identify structures, and will be able to better comprehend the relationships of multiple biological systems in the human body. With flexible annotation tools, institutions can create innovative programs, quizzes, and study methods. Clinics and Hospitals The Tab le can b e us ed i n man y di fferent w ays i n a h ospital setti ng. It co uld be instal led i n the h ospital l obby or co nsultation rooms to create an impressive center piece for patients and guests. It will set a great perception of the institution’s technological edge and levels of quality. The Tab le ad ds a ne w d imension to p atient education an d co nsultation. It can be use d for cas e ac ceptance o f a pa rticular procedure or si mply routine education and consultation. Showing the patient’s own scan in life-size and illustrating it in 3D is a much more effective and technologically impressive presentation than any other method. The life size 3D rendering displayed on The Table allows for case reviews with a complete medical team. Whether a radiologist is sho wing a case to a surge on or a fu ll team of spe cialists i s reviewing a case together. The Ta ble is an ea sy and highly effective communication tool, opening up new methods of collaboration between doctors. Research Institutes The Table offers a whole host of new research potential. This could be research directly related to the use of this new technology for academic teaching methods, patient education, case reviews, hospital team work and other similar studies where this new method of interaction could be assessed. It could also be used as a center piece for different researchers to come together and interact with data, images, presentations, and other media all at the same time. Corporations The Tab le ad ds a treme ndous a mount o f prestige to a ny co nference roo m. C ompanies can use it to i mpress the ir gu ests, business pa rtners, o r to wi n corporate relationships w ithin thei r in dustry. When pl aced in a trad e-show, thi s wi ll b e the most dramatic attention grabbing tool, pulling customers in and increasing the time they stay at the booth and ask questions. Due to its advanced ed ucational fou ndation, th is provides th e hig hest qua lity expe rience and delivers a trustworthy and effective presentation to doctors and clients. Hardware The scree n i s 3 960 x 1080 res olution. The LC D technology ma kes it very brig ht with high contract even under the day light and does not require to be operated in a dark room. The optical touch interactive sensors do not require a human finger like capacitive sensors. Any stylus could be used to operate The Table, which could help to keep the surface clean if being used in anatomy lab environments. The system is mob ile. Users ca n move the system from roo m to room on rollers and they could be locked into a position. The Table is approximately 50 0 lbs in weight and is built to be very stabl e. A round a d ozen pe ople can ea sily s tand around a nd comfortably interact each other and The Table at the same time. Software
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The u nique anatomy study software i s developed b y A natomage based o n the ren owned a nd successful Invi vo5 i maging software technology. The software has unique rendering technology that allows for vol ume rendering, 3D mesh rendering and photographic rend ering to si multaneously bl end with each othe r in and ac curate and consistent 3D spa ce. When bl ended together it would be hard to distinguish which portion is volume rendering and which portion is surface rendering, thus creating a very advanced visualization that is unmatched.
3D Digital Anatomy Library Also available for expanded utilization of the Table is a complete library collection of 100 real-life clinical scans involving hospital emergency cas es, patho logy cas es, and sca ns fe aturing routin e med ical exa minations wh ere C T im aging m odality is t he standard. Custom Use The Table is no t limited to the prov ided data set. Users ca n open any radiology scan d ata for 3D visualization. The system is based on FDA approved medical imaging software, and it is c ompatible with any DICOM data, such as CT o r MRI data. Users can zoom, rotate and slice with the fingers just like the anatomy data. For m ore inform ation and sales, contact info@ anatom age.com
C opyright 2005Š Anatom age, U SA. AllR ights Reserved. W ebsite Term s of U se
Anatomage, Inc.
Page(s) 1 of 2 Anatomage Inc 111. N. Market St. #800 San Jose, CA 95113
American System
www.anatomage.com info@anatomage.com (408) 885-1474 Phone (408) 295-9786 Fax
Metric System
Length: 87.25”
Length: 2.2 m
Width: 28”
Width: 0.7 m
Height: 35”
Height: 0.9 m
300 lbs.
136 kg
Screen Dimensions
85” (22” x 81”)
216cm (56cm x 206cm)
Screen Resolution
3840 x 1080
3840 x 1080
Screen Brightness (Typical/Max)
500 cd/m² / 700 cd/ m²
500 cd/m² / 700 cd/ m²
Wheel Dimensions
Power Requirement
100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 10A
100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 10A
Computer: 650W
Computer: 650W
Monitors (each): 250W
Monitors (each): 250W
Product Dimensions
Power Consumption (max)
Anatomage, Inc.
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Anatomage Table Operating Specifications
John Reutter From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments:
khalid holmes <waighee@gmail.com> Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:49 PM John Reutter Fwd: Anatomage Table Inquiry Hardware Dimensions And Operating Specifications.pdf; TableBrochureEmail.pdf
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Tommy <Tommy@anatomage.com> Date: Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 5:14 PM Subject: Anatomage Table Inquiry To: Khalid Holmes <waighee@gmail.com> Cc: Kris Thomson <kris@anatomage.com> Dear Khalid Holmes, Thank you for your interest in the Anatomage Table. This system is innovative and versatile- it will help to accomplish more efficient teaching and could be an iconic technology piece at your lab. The Anatomage Table consists of - Touch interactive Life-Size display system - 3D Imaging Software with anatomy modeling tools - 3D gross body male and female contents The system is $60,000. If this is something that fits to your budget, and you would like to learn more about it, our team can help you with the details on the functions and applications. Attached is a brochure as well as the hardware dimensional specifications of the table. Thank you, Tommy Le Product Coordinator Anatomage, Inc. 111 N. Market Street, Suite 800 San Jose, CA 95113 www.anatomage.com 408-885-1474 ext. 116
December 14 4, 2012
Dr. Amy Braabham Vice Chanceellor Career & Tecchnical Educaation and Wo orkforce Deveelopment Alabama Com mmunity Colllege System P.O. Box 302 2130 Montgomery y, AL 36130--2130 Dear Dr. Braabham: I am writing this letter in support s of thee College’s prroposal to imp mplement a Virrtual Dissectiion Lab in ouur Biology depaartment. Thiss lab enables our biology and a nursing faaculty to trainn the students in the muscuular, skeletal, nerv ve, circulatory y and lymph systems s of thee human bodyy in way that is as effectivve as that whicch can be obtained in i a cadaver lab as used by y university medical m schoolls. With the V Virtual Disseection Table produced by Anatomage, students can interactively engage in disssection and aanalysis of thee human bodyy systems and tissues without the stigma of cutting intto a cadaver, without the ccosts of transpporting cadavvers and disposal of used cadav vers. Currently in Alabama therre is only onee source of cadavers for edducation and ttraining and thhat is the cadaaver o South Alab bama. The scaarcity of cadaavers and the cost of transpporting and facility at thee University of disposing of them are bey yond the capaccity of our co ollege to afforrd and adminiister. Mr. Khhalid Holmes, our biology instrructor, has rev viewed the An natomage Virrtual Dissectioon Table and has found it tto be a state-oof-theart technolog gy for teachin ng students thee full range of topics in ouur human anattomy and phyysiology coursses. Mr. Holmes also believes that availabillity of this cap pability in Huuntsville wouuld enable us tto provide a ng opportunitty for doctors, clinics, and hospitals beccause it is cappable of imporrting valuable worrkforce trainin x-ray and MR RI scan imagees enabling doctors d and instructors to cuustomize the dissection exxperience for specific cases. This uniqu ue system enaables doctors and instructo rs to repeat thhe same disseection over annd over n as is needed d to provide the t in-depth trraining that hhealth care woorkers need too develop the highagain as often level skills needed in the health h care in ndustry. deration of thiis proposal for the great edducational bennefit it offers our students and I urge your serious consid n Huntsville/M Madison Coun nty. our health caare partners in
Decemberr 14, 2012
B Dr. Amy Brabham Vice Chan ncellor Career & Technical Ed ducation and Workforce W Development Alabama Community College C Systeem P.O. Box 302130 Montgom mery, AL 36130-2130 B Dear Dr. Brabham: Ensuring that our healtth science students have a thorough t undderstanding off human anatoomy and physiolog gy is difficult because studeents have to take t the inform mation from ttextual/visuall information and lecture an nd convert thaat to a deep un nderstanding. Medical schoools typicallyy incorporate cadaver labs into their anato omy and physsiology coursses. Howeverr, cadaver lab s are costly too develop andd maintain. W While dissection n of small anim mals is often used in lieu of o human cadaavers, the infformation obtaained is not thhe same as what w the studeents will encounter on the job. j I am wriiting this letteer in support oof the Collegee’s proposal to t implement a Virtual Disssection Lab in i our Biologyy departmentt. This lab ennables our bioology and nursin ng faculty to train t the studeents in the mu uscular, skeleetal, nerve, cirrculatory andd lymph system ms of the human n body in way y that is as efffective as thatt which can bbe obtained inn a cadaver labb as used by university y medical scho ools. With the Virtual V Dissection Table produced p by Anatomage, A sttudents can innteractively enngage in dissection n and analysiss of the human n body system ms and tissuess without the stigma of cuttting into a cadaver, without w the co osts of transpo orting cadaveers and dispossal of used caadavers. The scarcity of cadavers and a the cost of o transporting g and disposing of them arre beyond thee capacity of oour college too afford and d administer. Mr. Khalid Holmes, H our biology b instruuctor, has reviiewed the Annatomage Virttual Dissection n Table and has h found it to o be a state-off-the-art technnology for teaaching studennts the full rannge of topics in our o human an natomy and ph hysiology cou urses. Mr. Holm mes also believ ves that availaability of this capability inn Huntsville w would enable uus to provide a valuable workforce w training opportu unity for docto ors, clinics, aand hospitals bbecause it is ccapable of importing g x-ray and MRI M scan imag ges enabling doctors d and innstructors to ccustomize thee dissection experiencce for specificc cases. I urgee your seriouss consideratioon of this propposal for the great educatioonal benefit it offers our stu udents and ourr health care partners p in Huuntsville/Maddison Countyy.