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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide

Alabama Governor’s Office of Workforce Development/Region II Council Mission: The Governor’s Office of Workforce Development is charged with being the coordinating body for all State of Alabama Workforce Development Resources. Please see more information as to the purpose of the office and the regional councils from Dr. Matthew Hughes, Director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Development: “At no time in Alabama’s history has workforce development been more important. Education and skills are the keys to individual prosperity and to a great quality of life for our State. The Office of Workforce Development and the State Workforce Planning Council are proud to lead the way in ensuring that our citizens and businesses have workforce services second‐to‐none. Governor Bob Riley recognized that Alabama’s workforce development efforts were fragmented and that the state was not getting maximum benefit from its workforce development resources. He also realized that there was little coordination among the many agencies providing workforce development services. To address these issues, Governor Riley created the State Workforce Planning Council, whose members are state agency heads and representatives of industry and education. The State Planning Council is charged with creating a workforce development system characterized by coordinated planning, budgeting, and resource allocations. Governor Riley also created the Office of Workforce Development, which, under direction from the State Planning Council, manages the system so that resources and strategies are aligned to meet priority needs. Workforce development in Alabama is market driven and industry led. Ten regional workforce development councils comprised of employers, economic developers, and elected officials, develop action plans and drive resources to meet local needs. Because regional councils identify needs in their communities and develop strategies to meet those needs, we are assured that resources are used to address local priorities.” Website: Contact Information: Dr. Matthew Hughes, Director Phone: 334.353.5201 Amy Brahbam, Associate Director, Business and Education Services Division Phone: 334.353.2999 Physical Address: Mailing Address: 401 Adams Avenue P.O. Box 30213 Montgomery, AL Montgomery, AL 36130‐2130 Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide

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Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide Region II Chairperson: Ronnie Boles, President, General Automotive and Machine Shop Phone: 256.539.0719 Morgan County Region II Voting Members: Mike Selby, President, Automatic Screw Machine Products Phone: 256.1931 ext 212 Mary Ila Ward, Vice Chairperson of Region II Council Morgan County Economic Development Association Phone: 256.353.1213 Program/Services: • Strategic Planning: The Region II Council is charged with coming up with a strategic plan and priorities for the Region. This strategic plan is then used to judge Requests For Proposals (RFP) for funding which are submitted to the council for review before being sent to the GOWD and voted on by the Planning Council . To view the Strategic Plan for Region II, please visit: o

Funding: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) service provides are eligible to submit Requests for Proposals (RFP) for funding to aid in workforce training. The RFP document can be found at and clicking on the link “Requests for Proposals and Project Guidelines FY09*” RFPs are due to the Regional Councils one month prior to the State Planning Council Meetings for review. Planning Council meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month. Once reviewed and ranked by the Region II Council, proposals are sent to Montgomery for review and funding allocation by the Planning Council. o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Not applicable

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: To be eligible to submit an RFP, entities must be an eligible WIA Training Provider. Currently, Calhoun Community College and EDS Truck Driving School are the only WIA Service Providers in Morgan County. However, other entities can partner with these training providers to submit RFPs. Also, entities can apply to become a training provider through the State of Alabama.

Other RFP Processes: In certain cases, for example when stimulus funding through the federal government became available for dislocated workers and funds were disseminated through the states, the GOWD will issue a stand‐alone RFP based on the criteria spelled out from the funding source. o

Who Qualifies for these Services or Funds?: Depends upon funding source specifications.

Morgan County Workforce Development Resource Guide

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