WHAT RECRUITERS WANT Ready to enter the world of employment? Recruiters and bosses look for many qualities in candidates, as specific skills are needed to do particular jobs. Recruiters and bosses search for candidates that are able to work in harmony with their colleagues and have an impressive set of abilities. Here are some of the assets recruiters look for...
INNER STRENGTH Having inner strength means you have the quality of persistence when the going gets tough. One way you can demonstrate your inner strength is during an interview: just remain cool, calm and relaxed. This will give the recruiter a good indication of how you would appear if under pressure in the day to day responsibilities.
COURAGE Recruiters and bosses need candidates who have the courage to accept challenges and take risks. Having courage also means willing to speak up and say exactly what you think.
RELIABILITY This is an important asset to have as it shows recruiters and bosses what they can expect of you going forward.
INTEGRITY Recruiters and bosses prefer candidates who are honest and true to themselves. You should be willing to admit your strengths and weaknesses. Candidates should demonstrate loyalty: never say anything negative about a previous employer or a colleague. Even if you were fired from a previous job, don’t say anything critical or negative.
AMBITION Employers look for candidates who are interested in the position and prepared. Being ambitious means you are determined to succeed.
LEADERSHIP Even if you’re not applying for a management position, you’ll still need to demonstrate to employers that you have the potential to motivate and lead others in order to achieve common objectives.
INTERPERSONAL SKILLS This is about how clearly you put across your ideas and your ability to listen to others. Employers will be keen to see how you build rapport, persuade and negotiate with people.