8 minute read
Wednesday learning sessions
WEDNESDAY | 8:30–9:45 AM
701| TEACH ‘EM TO FISH: A DIFFERENT APPROACH TO EMPLOYEE GROWTH Do you ever feel like no matter what you tell people, they just don’t change? They may commit to you, they may even repeat what they are supposed to do, but they just can’t seem to get the right motivation for personal growth. This issue could be in how you approach employee development. This session flips the traditional model of learning upside down. Shift how employees grow by helping them take responsibility for their own growth through delegation, reverse questioning, and coaching.
Jason Hunt, CEO, Eye Squared Leadership Target Audience: All Audiences
702 | LEANING INTO YOUR VALUES TO HEAL BURNOUT Over the past two years, many of us have lost sight of our values, personally and professionally. This session will help you define your values by utilizing visualization exercises. Then assess how those values show up in your life now and where you have growth opportunities. Through discussion and guidance, you will put together a values plan to find ways to begin healing from burnout. This understanding will also improve your leadership as you can better support each employee effectively. Kristen Pearce, Vice President of Social Services & Behavioral Health, Monarch Healthcare Management Target Audience: All Audiences
703 | TERMINATIONS, DISCHARGES & RELOCATIONS Parting ways with a resident can be a fraught and difficult process for a licensed facility. This session will cover the situations in which a resident may be discharged from a nursing facility or assisted living facility, outline the facility’s procedural obligations and the resident’s appeal rights, as well as providing practical tips to manage the discharge process. Pari McGarraugh, JD, MPH, Partner, Fredrikson & Byron, PA Sam Orbovich, JD, Attorney & Shareholder, Fredrikson & Byron, PA Target Audience: Skilled Nursing/Nursing Facility & Assisted Living Facility
704 | DRUG DIVERSION More than ever, we need to be vigilant with our medication handling practices in our senior care settings. Process, practice, and investigation are the components taught in this critical session for RN leadership. Mary Nell Zellner, LNHA, LSW, President/CEO, Zellner Senior Health Consulting, LLC Dr. Tonjia Dye, RN, MSN, MBA, EdD, PHN, Nurse Consultant, Zellner Senior Health Consulting, LLC Target Audience: All Audiences
705 | OSHA UPDATE 2022 Don’t miss this overview of the inspection process, types, and priorities for Minnesota OSHA in the post-acute care and long-term services and support environment. Inspection data for the year will be reviewed including the most frequently cited standards. Any new and changing requirements from OSHA will also be discussed. Breca Tschida, MSPH, CPE, Industrial Hygienist/Ergonomics Program Coordinator, Minnesota OSHA Consultation, Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry Michelle Smith, Safety Consultant Principal, Minnesota OSHA Consultation, Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry Target Audience: All Audiences 706 | DOING MORE WITH LESS: SHIFTING MOMENTUM IN YOUR DINING PROGRAM In senior living, we are having to get creative to ensure that our residents receive three great dining experiences per day. Staffing is a universal challenge and we are having to rethink how we staff, manage, mentor, and train. We also need to consider our operation and if we are getting the full potential out of the equipment in the front and back of the house.
Steve Tiezzi, Corporate Chef, Martin Bros. Distributing Co., Inc. Christine Link, MBA, RD, LD, Marketing Dietitian, Martin Bros. Distributing Co., Inc. Target Audience: All Audiences
WEDNESDAY | 10:00–11:15 AM
801 | UNIQUE HEALTHCARE EMPLOYMENT ISSUES: TIPS, TRICKS & TRAPS This session will cover how to navigate employee issues unique to the healthcare setting such as background studies and disqualification; state or federal exclusion and debarment; drug testing in the workplace and reporting to professional boards; and maltreatment allegations and reporting. We will teach attendees how to issue, spot, and understand risks; and when to bring in outside help such as a lawyer or consultant. Brian Benkstein, JD, Shareholder, Fredrikson & Byron, PA Katherine Ilten, JD, Attorney & Shareholder, Fredrikson & Byron, PA Target Audience: All Audiences
802 | ENSURING WELCOMING LONG-TERM SERVICES & SUPPORTS FOR LGBTQ OLDER ADULTS In 2022 researchers completed the Minnesota LGBTQ aging needs assessment with nearly 400 responses. Half had experienced discrimination. A striking change was that 85% were confident that they would receive sensitive services while in 2012 only 18% and 2002 only 9% expressed the same confidence. In addition, overall respondents continue to desire LGBTQ welcoming senior services rather than LGBTQ segregated services. Implications for aging services practices will be outlined. Dr. Rajean Moone, PhD, LNHA, Faculty Director Long-Term Care Administration, University of Minnesota Target Audience: All Audiences
803 | IDDSI FOOD PREP, INSTRUCTIONAL TRAINING & IMPLEMENTATION During this session you will learn the background and framework of the new global initiative to standardize modified texture foods with the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI). An open discussion will allow audience participants to understand the process of transitioning to IDDSI, review concerns with the change, and hear implementation tips Cura has learned along the way. There will also be a live chef demo on how to prepare modified texture levels 4, 5, and 6 using various food items. Chris Greve, Corporate Executive Chef, Cura Hospitality Kate Munson, MS, RDN, LD, Corporate Director, Menu Management, Cura Hospitality Amy Johnston, MS, Senior District Manager, Cura Hospitality Target Audience: Skilled Nursing/Nursing Facility & Assisted Living Facility
804 | FALL PREVENTION THROUGH MEDICATION MANAGEMENT Falls in congregate care settings are a leading cause of hospital admissions and injury-related disability and deaths. A common and often overlooked cause of falls is medications. The presenters will share which medications are mostly likely to contribute to falls and will include case studies for discussion. Participants will discuss strategies on how to reduce medication-induced fall rates. Candy Hanson, BSN, PHN, LHIT-HP, Program Manager, Stratis Health Melanie Proctor, PharmD, BCGP, Clinical Pharmacy Consultant, Ecumen Target Audience: Skilled Nursing/Nursing Facility & Assisted Living Facility
805 | LIFE SAFETY EMERGENCIES: WHEN IS IT TIME TO EVACUATE? This session will cover when fire and life safety system failures place facilities in a critical dilemma. This session will help administrators and facility maintainers decide to shelter in place versus evacuate during times of crisis. Additionally, this session will provide information on planning resources for evacuation, staging resources on the scene, and how to request aid from state and municipal government agencies. Bill Abderhalden, State Fire Safety Supervisor/Health Care & Correctional Facilities, State Fire Marshal Division, Minnesota Department of Public Safety Target Audience: All Audiences
806 | THE GREAT EIGHT FY2022—LEADERSHIP & MOTIVATION Provide top eight areas leaders need to know to enhance quality of care and improve efficiencies. Session will empower learners to prioritize responsibilities and assess systems refinement while upholding the commitment to provide high quality person-centered care. Session will address the constantly changing regulatory landscape and reinforce the importance of best practices in the areas of compliance, analysis, audit, regulatory, rehabilitation, reimbursement, education, efficiency, and survey. Kris Mastrangelo, OTR/L, LNHA, MBA, President & CEO, Harmony Healthcare International, Inc. (HHI) Target Audience: All Audiences
WEDNESDAY | 11:30 AM–12:45 PM
901 | LEADING A SERVICE-BASED ORGANIZATION FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT At no point in history has leadership been more important than it is today. As residents and staff seek renewed faith in their communities, leaders are called upon to bring inspiration and hope to the recent darkness and fear. In this session, Petra Marquart will share her insights on the skills administrators, directors, managers, and other leaders will need to restore trust, encourage faith, and serve as examples of courage and strength as long-term care communities heal across the nation. Petra Marquart, CEO/Program Developer, See ME, Inc. Target Audience: All Audiences
902 | MIC DROP: MDS INTERVIEWING TIPS FOR THE IDT TEAM With several sections of MDS requiring resident interviews, it is important to be comfortable with the interview process. In this session, we will review some interviewing techniques and best practices for completing resident interviews for the MDS 3.0.
Veronica Birch, Owner, GEM Healthcare Consulting Target Audience: Skilled Nursing/Nursing Facility 903 | HAPPINESS AT WORK: FIVE SECRETS TO A HEALTHIER & HAPPIER YOU! A recent nationwide survey revealed that we are the unhappiest we have been in over 50 years! Our mental, emotional, and actual physical health is on the line, but there is something we can do about it! Discover the secrets to creating MORE happiness in your life—no matter what is going on in the world around you! The “Five Happy Habits” are practical research-based tools you can use to tap into and nurture your own happiness every day. Tom Guetzke, Chief Happiness Officer, Live Happy, Inc. Target Audience: All Audiences
904 | REDUCING HOSPITALIZATIONS: PREVENTION & RECOGNITION OF HAIS A report from OIG (2014) estimated that one in four adverse events among SNF residents are due to healthcare acquired infections (HAIs), and more than half of all HAIs are potentially preventable. CMS has proposed to adopt “Skilled Nursing Facility Healthcare Associated Infections Requiring Hospitalizations” as a nursing facility quality measure as part of the SNF VBP program. Learn systems that need to be in place to either prevent or recognize early HAIs that may result in a hospitalization. Kristi Fabel, RN, BSN, CPHQ, Quality Improvement Advisor, Stratis Health/ Superior Health Quality Alliance Kathie Nichols, RN, BSN, CRRN, Quality Improvement Advisor, Stratis Health/Superior Health Quality Alliance Target Audience: Skilled Nursing/Nursing Facility
905 | ASSISTED LIVING RESIDENT CONTRACTS & MDH: WHAT WE KNOW We will review the issues MDH has identified regarding assisted living resident agreements in the first 15 months of survey history under the new assisted living law. We will discuss how your contract can help—or hurt—your facility, with respect to issue such as: discharges, terminations, relocation, pets, visitors, meals, damages/ repairs, and resident payment issues. We will discuss whether MDH is correctly interpreting the law and practical ways for responding to contract survey tags. Katherine Ilten, JD, Attorney & Shareholder, Fredrikson & Byron, PA Target Audience: Assisted Living Facility
906 | WHEN HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS NEED HELP We will discuss the Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) and how to access services for licensed healthcare professionals that may be suffering from a substance use disorder, psychiatric disorder, or medical disorder. We will also discuss the obligation to report oneself or another healthcare professional to the program as an alternative to reporting to the licensing board.
Tracy Erfourth, BS, Case Manager, Minnesota Health Professionals Services Program Target Audience: All Audiences