Delivering Compassionate, Competent and Committed Care Every Day
Table of Contents Introduction
A Letter from Our CEO
Our Leadership
Our Statements
Last Year at a Glance
2017 Highlights
A Positive Economic Impact on South Florida
Connecting Children and Families to Essential Items
The Health Connection
Measuring the Pulse of Patient Satisfaction
Helping Communities Recover
Joining Forces to End Opioid Abuse
Back to-School Vaccinations
A New Home for Care Resource
Agency of the Year
Leaders in Preventative and Coordinated Care
Utilizing the Arts to Spread Outreach
Exceptional Performance in HIV Testing
World AIDS Day 2017
Sharing Best Practices
Helping Patients Choose the Best Insurance for Their Needs
Reducing Stress and Empowering Others
A Focus on Women's Health
AIDS Walk Miami 2017
A letter from our CEO Dear Friends, Another twelve months are behind us as we present our 2017 Annual Report. This marked our 34th year of delivering healthcare and social support services to improve the lives of the diverse communities we serve. I am thankful to our patients, Board of Directors, staff, and partners for the trust you have placed in us over the years.
In this evolving healthcare landscape, this past
year has been one of growth for our health center. The medical practice of Efrain Garcia, MD and the medical practice of Albert Canas MD and Associates became part of Care Resource. Dr. Canas’s former Medical Providers came on board as well. He was joined by both Marlene Jarin MD and Shari Klinger MD. Yoan Cortiza, DMD also became one of the health center’s newest Dentists. We could not be more excited to add such experienced and quality Medical Providers and Dentists to our team.
At our Midtown Miami location, we have begun
building our new state-of-the-art, and significantly larger facility that will serve as our headquarters. It will allow us to expand all of our services, add parking space and house our growing Care Resource team. This expansion from 22,000 square foot to a 55,000 square foot "medical home" will fully integrate medical, dental, and behavioral Rick Siclari, MBA
Introduction 3 Introduction
health all supported by a range of social services. This
I am amazed to see how quickly our team adapted
cutting-edge service model has proven effective at
to this growth and continues serving patients with
generating better outcomes for patients. In the meantime,
compassion, commitment, and competence. Our Health
the health center’s Behavioral Health Services, Health
Center has been a vital part of this community since
Promotion and Linkage Services, Outpatient Medical
1984 and we look forward to serving more people in our
Care and Medical Case Management departments have
neighboring communities during 2018 and beyond.
temporarily relocated from our 3510 Biscayne Boulevard
building to the second-floor of the Medical Plaza located
more about the inspirational work of the incredible people
at 3801 Biscayne Boulevard. The Food for Life Network
who make Care Resource a truly remarkable place.
I hope you will enjoy reading this report to learn
temporarily moved to 3400 NE 2nd Avenue.
Care Resource's office in Little Havana has
expanded too. The office now offers dental services including dental exams and radiographs, preventive services, fillings, night guards and bleaching, crown and bridges, removable prosthetics, minor oral surgery and selected root canal therapy.
In 2017, through outreach, treatment, education,
and engagement, over 80,000 visits came through the doors all of our health centers, many who belong in the city’s most vulnerable and diverse populations. Through our all-inclusive approach, we are attending to our patients’ whole health needs — physical and psychosocial — because we know that much of what goes into the
Chief Executive Officer
healing process happens outside of our center’s walls.
Care Resource Annual Report 2017
Our Leadership Board of Directors
President / Chair Russell Corbett Secretary Daniel Falcon
Board Member Jaime Franco, Ph.D., MBA, MPH
Board Member Dorothy Holmes, Ph.D.
Board Member Anthony Hernandez
Chief Executive Officer Rick Siclari, MBA
Chief Financial Officer Keenan Karwan, MBA
Chief Medical Officer Steven Santiago, MD
Dental Director Curtis Barnes, DMD
Director of Information and Quality Services Carolyn McKay
Medical Director Sheryl Zayas, DO
Director of Medical and Dental Services Ausline Perry, MS
5 Introduction
Treasurer Jay Beskin
Board Member Sonja Smith
Board Member Ana Garcia, Ph.D.
Executive Team
Vice President / Vice Chair George Castrataro
Director of Case Management Services Rafael Jimenez, MS
Director of Marketing, Health Promotion and Linkage Ron Ledain, MBA
Director of Grants, Contracts and Pharmacy Services Hudes Desrameaux, MPH
Director of Behavioral Health Services Thomas Smith, Ph.D.
Director of Human Resources & Executive Support Services Andres Christie, MBA
Medical Director Robert Goubeaux, DO Director of Special Initiatives Stewart Stein
Our Statements Our Mission
Through Education, Prevention, Research, Care & Treatment, and Support Services, Care Resource Improves Upon the Health and Overall Quality of Life of Our Diverse South Florida Communities in Need.
Our Vision
Care Resource strives to expand and improve the provision of a broad continuum of services in response to growing needs for certain services among specific populations in the South Florida community, making special efforts to engage hard-to-reach populations through effective, culturally appropriate messages.
Care Resource Annual Report 2017
Last year at a glance Gender Assigned at Birth
Race & Ethnicity Asian 1%
Multiple/Other 1% Unreported 8%
Hispanic/Latino 30%
Female 6,404 37% Male 11,056 63%
African American 28%
Caucasian 30%
Age Breakdown
Service Encounters
8000 45%
7000 6000
Behavioral Health Case Management
STI/Wellness Screenings
10% 11%
11% 1000 5%
0 01—17
7 Highlights
Food For Life Network
20% 0
10000 15000
20000 25000
Net Patient Service Revenue and Pharmacy 73% Other
Revenue Total: $49,935,193.00
2% Fundraising 0.44%
Government 24%
Property 3% Management & General 2%
Expenses & Reserves Total: $49, 935, 193.00
Fundraising 1% Addition to Reserves 7.8%
Program Services 86.2%
Care Resource Annual Report 2017
Highlights from 2017
A Positive Economic Impact on South Florida The Florida Association of Community Health Centers
Connecting Children and Families to Essential Items
(FACHC) determined that the overall estimated
The Health Connection A social media live-
economic impact of Care Resource in 2017 was $83.5
At the health center’s
feed show titled, "The
million. There is an additional return on investment of
Little Havana facility,
Health Connection"
$0.73 for each $1.00 invested in Care Resource. Care
free diapers and basic
began that featured the
Resource acts as a valuable employer, accounting
hygiene essentials were
health center's providers
for 587 jobs in 2017. In addition to the 329 positions
distributed to parents of
presenting on the latest
at the health center (direct jobs), the seven locations
pediatric patients.
health information.
also contribute to 257 additional indirect/induced jobs as a result of respending of monies throughout the community, at large.
Measuring the Pulse of Patient Satisfaction
Helping Communities Recover
Joining Forces to End Opioid Abuse
Back-to-School Vaccinations
Care Resource, working
Care Resource joined
New pediatric patients
To enhance the patient
alongside community
community partners
without health insurance
experience, target
partners, donated
in calling for an end to
received a free
service improvements
supplies of mosquito
addiction and overdose
comprehensive check-up
and deliver improved
repellent, water and food
deaths with a march, a
and required vaccinations
patient-centered care, the
to both Hurricane Irma
town hall discussion, and
for school.
health center introduced
and Maria relief efforts.
a candlelight vigil.
real-time exit surveys at
Helping communities in
medical checkout areas
need is fundamental to
on electronic tablets.
who we are as a Federally Qualified Health Center.
Care Resource Annual Report 2017
A New Home for Care Resource Care Resource has initiated one of the largest projects the Health Center has ever undertaken with the building of a new state-of-the-art healthcare facility at the 3510 Biscayne Boulevard location. This new structure will increase the health center’s capacity from over 20,000 square feet to over 50,000 square feet with a parking garage affording the health center the opportunity to allocate work-space in a more efficient manner as well as create a warm, inviting environment to enhance our patients’ comfort and well-being.
Agency of the Year
Leaders in Preventative and Coordinated Care
Utilizing the Arts to Spread Outreach
behavioral health care remains a key component of
The health center’s
collaborated in the
Care Resource's integrated healthcare delivery model.
Chief Medical Officer
production of the ballet
addressed HIV and HCV
titled “Lacrymosa” to
disease prevention
bring particular attention
and coordinated
to the HIV epidemic
preventative care at
in South Florida and
the “SYNChronicity”
to present about Pre-
conference in
exposure prophylaxis
Washington, DC.
Sharing Best Practices
Helping Patients Choose the Best Insurance for Their Needs
The health center was named "Agency of the Year" by the National Association of Social Workers. Managed
Care Resource
Exceptional Performance in HIV Testing
World AIDS Day 2017 Day, the health center
The health center
Care Resource received
collaborated in the
hosted a delegation
the "Outstanding PrEP
production of an
composed of physicians
Patients received
Agency Award" and the
interactive World AIDS
from the Centers for
assistance in enrolling
"Exceptional Performance
Day event in Wynwood.
Disease Control and
in or changing their
in HIV Testing as a
Continued participation in
Prevention (CDC) and the
2018 Marketplace health
Large Site Award" from
World AIDS Day highlights
Department of Health in
insurance, to understand
TESTMiami's Symposium
the historic opportunity
Ukraine to learn about
the options for coverage
and Award Ceremony
the health center has in
Care Resource's model of
under the Affordable Care
hosted by the Miami-
accelerating the progress
care and best practices.
Act (ACA), or for help in
Dade County Health
toward ending the HIV/
During World AIDS
Department. These awards AIDS epidemic as a public reflect Care Resource's excellence in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention. 13 Highlights
health threat.
signing up for a plan.
Reducing Stress and Empowering Others
A Focus on Women's Health
AIDS Walk Miami 2017
A stress reduction
To enhance screenings
Miami in Miami Beach. The event continued to be
and empowerment
for cervical cancer, new
Miami’s largest HIV/AIDS awareness fundraiser. It
growth group began
female patients received
attracted hundreds of participants to help prevent
by the Health Center’s
a free basic exam, lab
new infections and maximize the health outcomes of
Behavioral Health team
work and a Pap smear.
those affected.
Care Resource hosted the 29th Annual AIDS Walk
to help patients respond effectively to stress, pain and illness.
Care Resource Annual Report 2017