CARE Office Services Flyer

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Campus Advocates Respond and Educate t o St op Violen ce Advocacy & Th er apy CARE Advocacy is a free, walk-in, confidential resource for people who have been or know someone who has been impacted by sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment, or another unwanted experience. A typical advocacy session may last 30-45 minutes and you are not limited to just one visit. In addition to providing em ot ion al su ppor t and cr isis in t er ven t ion , advocates can: - Assist you with exploring on & off campus reporting options - Assist you in securing a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) at UM Capital Region Medical Center or a Sexual Assault Focused Exam at the University Health Center (available for all genders) - Assist you in obtaining a Peace or Protective Order through the courts - Assist with housing resources - Secure transportation to the hospital or court house - Refer you to legal assistance - Provide limited academic support - Provide limited financial assistance - Support you through the process of attending meetings with law enforcement or the Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct - Support family and friends - Assist you in scheduling sh or t t er m t h er apy w it h a CARE t h er apist and/or provide community mental health referrals - CARE Therapy is is centered around honoring people

University Health Center Ground Floor Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM Appoin t m en t Needed Email us to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment:

24/ 7 Cr isis Lin e 301.741.3442 Fall & Spring Semesters

affected by power-based violence. CARE embraces the perspective that you are the expert on your life, and we strive to help you access your own inner wisdom. CARE therapy utilizes creative coping skills & empowering processing techniques, in a culturally sensitive, appropriately paced, and safe manner.


We understand that seeking help of any kind after a traumatic event can be difficult. The decision of if and when to obtain help is very personal. Please know that CARE is here to support you and that it?s never too late to seek help. We are open and operating in person for Fall 2021, though some of our services have been adjusted due to the effects of COVID-19.

Campus Advocates Respond and Educate t o St op Violen ce Pr even t ion Edu cat ion The CARE Pr even t ion Edu cat ion team works to provide students, faculty, and staff with the skills needed to prevent violence. Staff and student educators are highly skilled facilitators, thoroughly trained in presenting free, trauma-informed, unbiased workshops to students, faculty, and staff.Educators are thoroughly trained in providing en gagin g in -per son an d vir t u al pr esen t at ion s to classrooms, student organizations, residence halls, and departments!

WORKSHOPS AVAILABLE BY REQUEST - St ep UP! | Bystander Intervention * - Th e -C- Wor d is Con sen t | Sexual Violence & Consent - Don't Tu r n Red Flags Pin k | Relationship Violence * - Cu st om Wor k sh ops

* A/V Required

To view audience size guidelines, workshop descriptions, and to request a workshop, visit our website (listed below).

Step UP! equips students with the information and tools needed to intervene in situations in which someone's health, safety, or well-being are at risk or in danger, including during instances of power-based violence.

Ou t r each The CARE Ou t r each team specializes in collaborating with groups and departments to plan and execute

events, programs, and other outreach activities. The CARE Outreach Team is available in -per son an d vir t u ally to:

- Make an announcement about CARE

- Host a self-CARE creative space

- Debrief a movie, program, or speaker

- Help you plan your event

- Serve on a panel

- Coordinate advocates for your event

- Provide informational materials

- Monthly CARE in Conversation dialogues

Request a CARE101 presentation to learn more about CARE resources and services. Available for students and faculty/staff! To get started planning your event, view CARE's Event Planning Guide at:

Requ est a Wor k sh op, Pr esen t at ion , or Even t Assist an ce Visit " Get Edu cat ed & In volved" at h ealt h .u m / car e You w ill also lear n m or e abou t ou r Peer Pr ogr am s, volu n t eer oppor t un it ies, an d even t s! Tw o w eek s n ot ice is r equ ir ed. Fou r w eek s n ot ice is r equ ir ed f or cu st om w or k sh op r equ est s. St ay u p t o dat e! Sign u p f or CARE's e-n ew slet t er at go.u m / CAREUM DNew slet t er . Follow CARE

on Tw it t er , In st agr am , an d Facebook at @CAREUM D.

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