Wh at is a Sexu al Assau lt For en sic Exam (SAFE)? Sexu al Assau lt For en sic Exam s (SAFEs) ar e m edical exam s t h at ar e u sed t o collect eviden ce t o assist w it h pr osecu t in g a cr im e.
Tim e
An on ym it y
You have 120 h ou r s (5 days) from the time of a sexual assault to request a SAFE Exam.
You can remain anonymous from law enforcement while getting this comprehensive medical exam to collect evidence and obtain medical care. Then, you can decide if you want to make a formal report to police. This is called the "Jane/John Doe" option.
Eviden ce Pr eser vat ion To preserve as much evidence as possible, it is advised that people seeking a SAFE exam do not eat, brush teeth, shower, urinate, or smoke before the exam. Take any clothing worn at the time of the assault to the hospital in a paper bag. Call the hospital or a CARE advocate for more information.
Fr ee You do not have to pay for the SAFE exam, including medical tests, medications, and treatment of injuries at the time of the exam.
Obt ain in g a SAFE Visit the hospital in the jurisdiction in which the assault occurred. Call your local hospital or CARE for assistance. CARE may be able to arrange free transportation for you to your local hospital. CARE t o St op Violence is the free, confident ial advocacy, therapy, and prevention education service on campus.
University Health Center Ground Floor M-F | 9 AM - 5 PM Email us to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment:
healt h.umd.edu/care @CAREUMD
24/ 7 Crisis Line: 301.741.3442 Fall & Spring Semesters
Hospit al In f or m at ion Pr in ce Geor ge's Cou n t y UM Prince George's Hospital Center 24/7 Hotline: 301.618.3154 3001 Hospital Dr., Cheverly, MD 20785 umms.org/capital/health-services/domestic-violence-sexual-assault
M ar ylan d mcasa.org/survivors/getting-medical-attention Wash in gt on , D.C. nvrdc.org/hospitaladvocacy Vir gin ia vsdvalliance.org
You ar e n ot alon e. You h ave r igh t s. You h ave opt ion s.
You can visit the University Health Center if you'd like to obtain STI testing, birth control options, or a medical exam (available for all genders). Evidence is not collected at these exams.