The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) intends to be the leading catalyst for development resources into the Region, working in an efficient, responsive and collaborative manner with our Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) and other development partners, towards the systematic reduction of poverty in their countries through social and economic development.
WHAT WE DO CDB is committed to assisting BMCs to reduce inequality and halve the incidence of extreme poverty by the end of 2025. CDB’s work is anchored in the Bank’s 2015-2019 Strategic Plan, with its two complementary objectives to: i. Support inclusive and sustainable growth ii. Drive the development and promotion of good governance These two objectives will be supported by the mainstreaming of three cross-cutting areas - gender equality, regional cooperation and integration, and energy security. CDB’s support for achieving inclusive and sustainable growth and development in BMCs will be realised through investments in: • • • • • • • • • •
Economic and social infrastructure Education and training Agriculture and rural development Private sector development Water and sanitation Environmental management Climate resilience Energy efficiency Renewable energy Disaster risk management
MEMBER COUNTRIES Membership of CDB is open to states and territories of the Caribbean region or non-regional states which are members of the United Nations or any of its specialised agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Members
All member countries have voting rights, which entitle them to be part of the decisionmaking process of the Bank. The voting power of each country is linked to its subscription to the Bank’s capital stock. Member countries from the Caribbean and Latin America – regional countries – are required to hold a minimum of 60% of the shares, while non-regional members may not hold more than 40% of the shares. Only regional members can borrow from CDB.
WHO WE ARE CDB was established for the purpose of contributing to the harmonious economic growth and development of its BMCs, and to promote economic cooperation and integration among them, having special and urgent regard to the less developed members of the Region. To achieve this purpose, CDB:
Helps BMCs to optimise the use of their resources, develop their economies, and expand production and trade;
Provides technical assistance to its BMCs;
Promotes private and public investment, encourages the development of financial upturn in the Region, and facilitates business activity and expansion;
Supports regional and local financial institutions and a regional market for credit and savings; and
Mobilises financial resources from both within and outside the Region for development;
Supports and stimulates the development of capital markets in the Region.
FINANCING OPERATIONS CDB provides financing to BMCs and to public sector entities with a government guarantee, and to the private sector from its Ordinary Capital Resources (OCR) and its Special Funds Resources (SFR).
The Bank’s lending activities are divided into two major categories: Ordinary Operations (financed by the OCR) and Special Operations (financed by the SFR). However, a project may combine aspects financed as Ordinary Operations and other aspects financed as Special Operations. Over the years, the Bank has contributed to the development process in the Caribbean through interventions in sectors such as Agriculture and Rural Development; Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing and Industry; Tourism; Transportation and Communication; Environmental Sustainability and Disaster Risk Reduction; Financial, Business and Other Services; Power, Energy, Water and Sanitation; and Social Infrastructure and Services.
CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT BANK P.O. Box 408, Wildey, St. Michael Barbados, W.I. BB11000 Tel: (246) 431-1600 Fax: (246) 426-7269 Email: Website: