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Your LOCAL Media since 1918! Volume 106 Issue 49
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Show and Shine features dragsters to celebrate 20th anniversary
Lions Club president Darryl Romaniuk said the surprise arrival of dragsters that race at RAD Torque Raceway was a great 20th anniversary attraction. Kari Janzen Staff Reporter The Tofield Lions Club’s 20th anniversary of the Heritage Classic Car Show and Shine, held annually on Monday of the August long weekend, saw overcast and rainy skies and a surprise arrival of dragsters. “It was coincidental that they showed up, and it was a good 20th anniversary event attraction. They race at RAD Torque Raceway; they’re from the Ardrossan area,” said Tofield Lions Club president Darryl Romaniuk. Sixty-seven vehicles were registered for the Show and Shine, and there was a good turnout from public viewers despite the intermittent showers. A pancake breakfast was put on by the Tofield Golden Club, for those who arrived earlier before the public viewing began at noon. The Lions Club also had burgers and
hot dogs available during the afternoon. “Participation was weather related, of course, so there wasn’t the high magnitude we normally see. It was dismal to begin with, and then it quit raining, and people showed up. It started raining again right before the trophy presentations in the hall. There was a lot of personal satisfaction involved in the entries there,” Romaniuk said. Most of the entries were from Tofield and the surrounding areas, including Camrose County, Sherwood Park, Edmonton, Stony Plain, St. Albert, Fort Saskatchewan, and Chipman. “We don't have a long distance award anymore. The entries are usually within the Edmonton, Ardrossan, Sherwood Park area, for the most part,” Romaniuk said. The Show and Shine is a major fundraiser for the Tofield Lions Club, bringing in funds to support the community.
1940 Packard 110, Chris Goulet of Tofield
“This is really our only project with the Lions Club at this point in time. Our turnout wasn't as good as last year, because last year we had over 200 cars. We’re a nonprofit organization, and whatever money we earn in our events goes back to the community. We donate to the school for a scholarship, there's the food bank; there's multiple different places where the money goes out within the community. That is the reason we do the car show, to support the community,” Romaniuk said. Romaniuk says preparation for the Show and Shine begins in May, so that posters can be distributed at the Chipman car show at the beginning of June. The winner of this year’s 50/50 received $461, and 12 car entry forms were drawn to receive door prizes. One of the Tofield entries was a 1966 Ford F100, owned by Shayne Copeland. Copeland, 29, said he got the truck
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when he was 16 years old, and has worked on it ever since. “It’s all original paint. I’ve been interested in working on older vehicles ever since I was a kid. I lived on the farm so you pretty much had to work on vehicles, or you weren’t getting to town,” he said. Copeland is now a mechanic, but said he wasn’t when he first began working on his truck. “I am a mechanic now, but I wasn't when I started. I've worked on other stuff; I had a 1957 Chevrolet at one point,” he said. Copeland has lived in Tofield for three years, and said this was the first time he’d entered into the Tofield Show and Shine. “This is the first time I came here, but I usually try to go to other things, like the curling Summerspiel in Irma, which is the same weekend,” he said.
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